Natty lifters DESTROYED, Roiders proven to be richer, be more educated, and be more competitive than natty copers (GTFIH)

New breaking news:

Most Ferrari owners are highly educated and rich. Anyway 2 words. Fa and Ce
not really but i still luv all my blk pillers
Just use ashwaganda bro
It helped me A LOT.
The most effective plant I've tried.

Men should start from age 30 and see what happens.
Hormonal imbalance can fuck you up so bad.
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
1000 mgs of zinc/ week :love:
For advanced gymcels like us, 1000mgs won't cut it anymore.
I do 3000mg/week zinc cyles now, insane gains :what:
  • Woah
Reactions: Skywalker
For advanced gymcels like us, 1000mgs won't cut it anymore.
I do 3000mg/week zinc cyles now, insane gains :what:
jesus christ ; you'll exceed this tier of gymcelling soon then brah :feelskek:
3391905 3389580 Picsart 23 04 28 06 04 37 282
Taking roids/sarms is a sign of retardation.
muh natty achieved state, after 1 year of natty gym. my strating point, was quit ba, skinny fat with zero muscle mass.


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