Natural lifestyle thread

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Living like there's no tomorrow
May 16, 2019
Follow my instructions and you can live rent free - healthy life on your own, it will take years maybe even decades.. but this is definitely worth it, in my oppinion.

- So i live in house 5x5 that has basement, and another floor. On basement i store all additional items and gym things, on second floor, i sleep (Under roof). You could have gym outdoors, but it's hard to train in cold winter.

Why 5x5? because during winters, you are making sure to heat up all room evenly with small furnace, you don't need much wood for this. I paid for my furnace $50, and i'm sweating myself out in this house (It's actually 5x7 square meters).

Another house plan:
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- Excessive estrogens over several generations have a degenerative effect on the IGF and mRNA expressions and on the FGR3's of human males

african tribesmen have way less estrogen receptors than a average western cuck, their puberty starts early and continues up until their mid to late 20s

in the meanwhile, most of the cucks Living in the us are already done at growing at the age of 18

take a look on all of These men, they all have insane Long limbs, Broad square shoulders and a large penis
 200426 203138 826

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So what diet you should be having?
The alkaline vegan diet, with your own food production. - Why?
In 1931 Otto warburg got nobel prize by discovering what causes cancer, and acidic foods makes up the environment for cancer to grow. Because cancer can't survive in an alkaline environment, we must alkalize our bodies, so our blood doesn't go under ph of what it is naturally

Meats and every animal product is acidic, even some herbs are acidic because they have been genetically modified (Like seedles fruits, or soybeans...), get ready to hear this one - tap water is acidic, 4-6 in ph scale, so you have to pay attention on pretty much everything you are going to consume.

Google alkaline vegan diet, and it's benefits. There are people who cured ANY disease by implementing it into their routine. As from religious standpoint, it's a sin if you are eating flesh, god said you can only eat meat if you don't have anything ELSE, and you are in survival situation @john2. It's like harming others and yourself according to Christ, satan enjoys in suffering.

Another thing that have been obliterating here was that plants were nutritiously "poorer" than meat and animal products, which is false. Old heritage organic plants are atleast 5 - 10X nutritional dense, and they are safe to eat.
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"New" age food crops ARE nutritional poor, that's why you see vegans are stereotypically always weak, tired, pale... But in actuality, it's because their food was genetically modified to be like that, you may ask me - "Well who did that thing, why new plants are nutritionally weaker than their ancestor plants", monsanto did it, YES genetic engineering corporation is doing this, to get more money $$$ because you must buy their seed, and later buy their pesticides because they made like that, or otherwise plants wouldn't grow (That's not the case with old heritage plants). I remember nickgurr chart where he compared fruits to meat, and how they can't even compare. But the site he used to compare organic fruit vs meat is inacurate (chronometer), and foods that they claim to be organic are just conventional. My chart disproves his argument, but anyways. Monsanto is controling 99% of the land appearantly, please watch this documentary to get better understanding of what i'm talking about

As far from it's health contest, you can reproduce organic plants unlike traditional where you have to buy seed every year, and you get less nutrients and you just have spend more money.

Using these plants you won't need pesticides, it's easy, convenient. You just need a land to feed off yourself whole year round
220px Hectare Diagram

About 20ha (From this chart) would be more than satisfying to grow plants on.

⚠ Your land must consist 90% of nuts. Grow nuts and seeds cause they are caloric dense, about 300g of - oats, barley, and rye consists of 3174 kcal (Unboiled). Don't boil it, just put it in water and wait for it to sit till the next morning. ⚠

Use solar panels (Used are cheap to buy), they can last you for quite a bit of time, and produce respectable amounts of energy - This is how much i spend, and this is how much solar panels i need

Screenshot 20200309 150443 Electricity Calculator

I covered up calculation for solar panel which produces 80kw/h, and this is the prize for the new one so in total it's $10K, i would spend my money on this rather than some surgeries which won't ascend me, plus i am not stupid to spend thousands of dollars just to impress some bitches.
PicsArt 03 09 032403

*Space is enough for house that i previously mentioned.

So why i bought 10 of them if i spend twice as less than the actual production?

- During wintertime, there is quite less sun exposure plus you have to clean up your solar panels from snow every hour to get the sun exposure going. Just buy 5 of them, don't buy 10 because i was calculating this to my friend who is heating room on electric heather.
Screenshot 20200426 212145 YouTube

You can sell that excess electricity during summer anyways.

- Dig 3.5ft³ well, or just pay person to do it for you, it's pretty cheap tho. That's 100l of water, enough to drink, shower, but you gotta make one deeper if you want to water your plants (20 liters +). During wintertime, all the snow you've been colecting, throw it away in your well, so you get the more water.

You can clean up that water through reverse osmosis system, which cost about $300 (For home usage), and it's pretty effective if you ask me. Plus you can bought of molecular hydrogen purifier from this guy which has the mechanism of cleaning your body by antioxidants, MANY health benefits have been occured. You can make water alkalizer and ionizer by yourself.

- Believe in Christ, pray to god, reject any kind of social norm, and spend your free time spiritually improving yourself. Switching 8 hours of playing video games to 8 hours of doing something productive made big impact in my life, just saying.

- Merino wool is natural organic activewear which you can wear for long period of time cause it collects sweat and dispose it out in the atmosphere, just wash these clothings in water with strong washer you can make (Just comment if you are interested, i can explain)

- I like going to the gym, i think it can help you by fraction, to burn additional calories while being bigger and stronger. I made thread in the past, and it has all needed execrices, cheapest equipment to reach homeostasys, and every element in general;
if you are not active gymeceiling, just make few weight plate, get a dumbells and you are set, few excercises wouldn't hurt, and you are still recreatively lifting.

- Family, wife, and kids are like imaginable things to me in this world, i mean i couldn't even find a girl who is normal and values institution of family, it's just hard if you aren't degenerate idiot, extra-harder if you're living this lifestyle.

- If your friends support your purpose, and are good people, then ok. It would be even better if they can also come to live in village like you did, to live what i call the best life possible. Ask them to do so

The purpose of this thread is to display how is it like living in nature, healthy, away from government, relying 100% on yourself, with no control whatsoever. Following this guide you can do it too, if this gets bigger attention, i can make megathread, move to rural place.

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  • JFL
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High effort + high IQ
Lots of good points tbh
Bookmarked for future reference.
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Look detailed bro. I will for sure read it all later. Why no tag bro? jk its all good bro
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Bookmarked for the coming future
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this is tooo high iq for this forum
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Giro, ChadpreetMaxxer, diggbicc and 5 others
damn dude great post
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Reactions: Chintuck22
Wonderful thread bro... I was expecting this from you.

Even tho I've read it, it deserves a place in my bookmarks for the future.
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Reactions: Chintuck22
great fucking post bro
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Reactions: Chintuck22
- Believe in Christ, pray to god, reject any kind of social norm, and spend your free time spiritually improving yourself. Switching 8 hours of playing video games to 8 hours of doing something productive made big impact in my life, just saying.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Zeta ascended, Chadelite, EasternRightWinger15 and 7 others
jfl the house is retarded there are much better and simpler designs and a lot of other things to take into consideration such as grounding, materials, what type of glass will be the windows etc..
also the nutrition part is complete bs jfc

also: jfl@u cuck using microwave and led lamps. the thread is retarded
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  • JFL
Reactions: infini, Chadelite, Fear and 5 others
  • +1
Reactions: Fear and Entschuldigung
jfl the house is retarded there are much better and simpler designs and a lot of other things to take into consideration such as grounding, materials, what type of glass will be the windows etc..
also the nutrition part is complete bs jfc

also: jfl@u cuck using microwave and led lamps. the thread is retarded
Thx doc.
  • +1
Reactions: Tony
jfl the house is retarded there are much better and simpler designs and a lot of other things to take into consideration such as grounding, materials, what type of glass will be the windows etc..
also the nutrition part is complete bs jfc

also: jfl@u cuck using microwave and led lamps. the thread is retarded
I guess you can figure out yourself how to make this house, unless you are dumb, it just couldn't be easier. Also the nutrition part is quite accurate, you are projecting your laziness cause you don't want to commit to this lifestyle
  • +1
I guess you can figure out yourself how to make this house, unless you are dumb, it just couldn't be easier. Also the nutrition part is quite accurate, you are projecting your laziness cause you don't want to commit to this lifestyle
bro wut. i spend 15k on drinking adrenalized baby animal blood month and im not dedicated anough. smh
  • JFL
Reactions: StolenDays, Deleted member 2205 and stuckneworleans
bro wut. i spend 15k on drinking adrenalized baby animal blood month and im not dedicated anough. smh
Move to rural place
  • +1

amazing thread tho ngl. impressive level of weaponized tism
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Peak autism
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Reactions: infini and Fear
none of u idiots r ted kazynski maxxing because humans arent solitary by nature

this website just lol
best post on this entire fucking site
uncle ted was right
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Guess how much people are gonna commit to this lifestyle? And it's not even a megathread, SADLY
I hope to, eventually. every time I go out into nature I feel sad that I'm not there 24/7 ngl. but I can't do it alone
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Did you see my polygamy thread?

My ideal is to get a sizable homestead and for each wife, set up a new yurt. You can get a 700 sq ft yurt for like 20k and that’s plenty of space for a bedroom and bunk room and a bathroom. Then have a main house for everyone to hang out, cook, eat. People believe that a modern life is better because we’ve evolved to it. Truth is a natural life is the life that was truly created for us to live. Also I’ll check out the diet but you can’t raise a kid vegan or have a pregnant wife eat vegan
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Fucking lol at being a Vegan.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: infini, Deleted member 14848, Fear and 1 other person
Veganism is a Low IQ Diet you cute little retarded Autist faggot.

I'm just trying to keep this authentic

You must be vegan for the sake of growing your own food, if you don't grow your own food in nature, you're going to die. It's as simple as that
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Reactions: and optimisticzoomer
Good post but no one here is actually going to use this info irl unless the world goes into an apocalypse

If someone applies this knowledge made in this post and actually does all this tag me.
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cope thread

genes are everything
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I've been thinking about that "tiny house" shit before
I'm just trying to keep this authentic

You must be vegan for the sake of growing your own food, if you don't grow your own food in nature, you're going to die. It's as simple as that
Agriculture is a more recent thing you retarded fuck, and almost all vegetables and fruit today is nowhere near it’s natural state from thousands to even a few hundred years ago because of selective breeding, it was barley edible.

Humans have always been primarily carnivore hunters and a gatherers. Your whole plan or whatever and retarded cute little house, although cute, is retarded.
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Reactions: Deleted member 14848, stuckneworleans and Deleted member 2621
Good post but no one here is actually going to use this info irl unless the world goes into an apocalypse

If someone applies this knowledge made in this post and actually does all this tag me.
This is not even a megathread, there is lot to be writen about this, but i'm too lazy, this is gonna be enough
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I live almost the same life as you as I live in village, I have my own personal well. My own cows for milk (grass fed) my own gym place. I live near mountains so I track about 15km daily. Still Iam an incel
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almost all vegetables and fruit today is nowhere near it’s natural state from thousands to even a few hundred years ago
Exactly what i've been saying in thread, buy old organic cultures, grow them and eat them, i even pointed out graph that shows in nutritional comparison, you wasn't even reading my thread, so me calling you biased was actually pretty accurate
Humans have always been primarily carnivore hunters and a gatherers.
This is only possible when there was few people in the area, back in the day. What a village with 3000 people are gonna do, hunt animals?? i highly doubt it, there won't be enough to feed off whole population. Your theory can only make sense in winter where you can't grow food
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Exactly what i've been saying in thread, buy old organic cultures, grow them and eat them, i even pointed out graph that shows in nutritional comparison, you wasn't even reading my thread, so me calling you biased was actually pretty accurate

This was only possible when there was few people in the area, back in the day. What a village with 3000 people are gonna do, hunt animals?? i highly doubt it, there won't be enough to feed off whole population. Your theory can only make sense in winter where you can't grow food
That isn’t even as nutritious as the shit today lol. Agriculture made humans shrink in size, get malocclusion and start mouth breathing. You need Meat.

Fucking retard.
  • JFL
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Also eating and owning animals through history was only possible by upper class people, peasants used to cope with veganism, eating just barley, rye, and oats.

If you are willing to buy additional space to feed animals, then do it, who am i to stop you lol. I just wanted property to be as cheap as possible
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High IQ post, probably wont do this but always wondered what it would be like. Still have like 4 more years till I'll have finished uni anyway. Thinking of growing a few veg atm cos dont have much space
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That isn’t even as nutritious as the shit today lol. Agriculture made humans shrink in size, get malocclusion and start mouth breathing. You need Meat.

Fucking retard.
Actually, you dont need meat. Our ancestors only ate that when they had to. The protein u get from meat literally comes from what they feed the animals, and is less efficient due to the food chain. So eat the grains and shit
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Actually, you dont need meat. Our ancestors only ate that when they had to. The protein u get from meat literally comes from what they feed the animals, and is less efficient due to the food chain. So eat the grains and shit
Yeah no, we have different digestive systems from the animals we eat which can actually digest and extract the nutrients from the plants.

But go ahead. Please be Vegan, if you are a teen and still developing. Even better.
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Caged @ "Believe in Christ and pray to God".
Great thread otherwise, keep it up(y)
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
That isn’t even as nutritious as the shit today lol. Agriculture made humans shrink in size, get malocclusion and start mouth breathing. You need Meat.

Fucking retard.
You can shrink in size only if youre not eating enough calories

eating in deficit = losing bodyweight
eating in surplus = gaining bodyweight (Not shrinking)

It's simple law of thermodynamics, the reason why many civilizations was pretty skinny is because they were physically too much active, and peasants (the poor ones), used to have more than 5 kids, but they couldn't feed them off.

Now on deformity part, they WERENT deformed, and modern cuck you see on the street just cannot compare, because we have water poisoned (Atrazine, fluoride), food poisoned (BPA, estrogen), air (Aluminium.....) etc...

So we haven't evolved really as an modern civilization, one in 275 gets autism, whereas hundred years ago, just only 1 in 10000 got autism, it's not 'genetically' caused
  • +1
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Yeah no, we have different digestive systems from the animals we eat which can actually digest and extract the nutrients from the plants.

But go ahead. Please be Vegan, if you are a teen and still developing. Even better.
I'm vegetarian, I eat eggs and cheese
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