future chadlite

future chadlite

tale anal
Oct 9, 2018
repost of @x69
inb4 shitpost and a ban because of truth

First reason.. think and don't be a cuck. Search up DHT and 95% of the sources say it's bad and should be lowered but nobody knows the benefits of it.
Classic technique to make you do something.. first they make you fear it then they offer a solution. "DHT IS BAD. DHT CAUSES THIS AND THAT AND AND AA ANDD PROSTATES EXPLODDEEEE..but luckily you found me.. without me you would be nothing. Here take this kid. It's called fin. It will save the things you want in this moment. ;)"

Take the DHT-pill and you'd lose the thing you fear the most but you'll get much more in return.
Take the Fin-pill and you'll have a chance to get back what you love the most. But you will lose many other things in return.

How DHT makes the ultimate Alpha:

- Increases GABA activity in the brain study study study
Lowers serotonin indirectly through lowering estrogen (since estrogen helps maintain the expression of serotonin in the brain lowering estrogen decreases serotonin expression indirectly)
- Increases Adrenaline (common knowledge. The increase in GABA lowers the anxiety levels of adrenaline so again.. DHT.. God-hormone)
- Lower cortisol (common knowledge)
- Lower estrogen (common knowledge)
- Increases dopamine (common knowledge)

Wait.. so now you have... High DHT which translates into Low serotonin / High Adrenaline / High Gaba.....which make you Calm, Sharp, Driven, Aggressive, Socially dominant.. sorry. Got carried away with proving that DHT indirectly proves life quality. It's literally what causes the shit archetype created by the blue-pilled Jews named Alpha Male. Continue trying to copy chads personality without having the hormones to back it up. Especially if you took some drug called fin which destroyed your identity. Masuclinity was a cope anyways right?

I am not even going to talk about pheromones or other shit like physical benefits. Just what happens to other hormones is enough.
First of all it's not high DHT.. it's sensitivity to DHT. A 142ng/dl male can still get pattern baldness.
Even if your DHT levels are destroyed having zinc deficiency still causes balding.. even if you got good zinc if blood is not flowing properly to your head you're still going to bald.
proof why DHT can't be the cause of Male pattern baldness.
Don't cope away @Batterymodel

What are the benefits of nuking DHT for hair? You get your hair back which can cause max 1 point. In return you get anxiety/depression or worse fat distribution.. less physical strength and just a bad sense of life and that's all worth your genetic waste of hair? jfl

Benefits of DHT far outweigh any benefit that Finasteride gets you.
Finasteride = Perfect for gender-bending
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Excellent post. There's no way that DHT "has no uses after puberty bro" then why the fuck does it remain elevated throughout a man's life? It affects other hormones and screwing with it might really hurt you.

Lowers serotonin indirectly through lowering estrogen (since estrogen helps maintain the expression of serotonin in the brain lowering estrogen decreases serotonin expression indirectly)
I don't get this though. Why would lower serotonin be good? I thought high serotonin made a person "happy" and content with life and shit.
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Excellent post. There's no way that DHT "has no uses after puberty bro" then why the fuck does it remain elevated throughout a man's life? It affects other hormones and screwing with it might really hurt you.

I don't get this though. Why would lower serotonin be good? I thought high serotonin made a person "happy" and content with life and shit.
when ur serotonin is low, you work hard to make it higher, its a report from @x69 he knows better
being content is never good, a high DHT man isnt content with his life, he always wants to improve it.
not always good*
when ur serotonin is low, you work hard to make it higher, its a report from @x69 he knows better
being content is never good, a high DHT man isnt content with his life, he always wants to improve it.
not always good*
Never heard it put like that. Explains a lot though...
Never heard it put like that. Explains a lot though...
makes sense to me, could be broscience, high DHT men are never happy and always seek status and try to imp rove their life, soyboys are high serotonin/dopamine cucks who get rushes every two minutes so they never seek any of the shit high dht men.
Yeah I was never planning on using finasteride, I'm looking for topical dht blockers to fix norwooding..
I prefer keeping my hair and be a low T cuck than have no roof on top of my head and still be a cuck.

I’m saying that as I’m balding and still haven’t jumped on Fin lol
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I prefer saving my hair because hair prosthesis and hair transplant are very expensive, and hair prosthesis requires a lot of mantainance
Fuck off dumbass I’m keeping my hair
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I would be trucel tier without my hair though
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Ok my temples are receding and im 16 wtf do i do
Ok my temples are receding and im 16 wtf do i do
have you gone to a hair specialist to determine if that is really balding or just hairline maturing with age, like most people on this planet
have you gone to a hair specialist to determine if that is really balding or just hairline maturing with age, like most people on this planet
No but heres pic
20190121 125134
If I could keep my cock at 100% while taking it and get max erections then I would, but not having ideal erection means you lose like 0.5 inches which Is a lot unless you’re 7+ inches
If I could keep my cock at 100% while taking it and get max erections then I would, but not having ideal erection means you lose like 0.5 inches which Is a lot unless you’re 7+ inches

Slight temple recession is actually normal for most guys and shouldn't be panicked over. Hairloss is mediated by the androgen receptor, so even if you were to block DHT you would still lose some hair because testosterone and androstenedione would replace the role of DHT. Hell, androstenedione has a low amount of androgenic activity and barely suppresses the HPG axis, but it still causes hairloss in women who abuse it or have an adrenal condition that makes them produce it. If a weak androgen causes hairloss, then we should be completely fucked since we have testicles.

I have a theory as to why hairloss happens, and I believe it comes from a hormonal balance issue. I think hair shedding happens when you have both high estrogen, prolactin, and androgen levels. As you get older, your hormone balance worsens.

I think that if you have a lot of androgens, a little hairloss is normal, especially if you're prone to it. But male pattern pattern baldness could be nothing more than thyroid problems, and having high estrogen as a male throws your thyroid off. DHT production is merely the body's way of fighting the higher estrogen levels.

Usually those who start getting male pattern hairloss are either 1. Fat, 2. Old, 3. Low T, or a combination of the three. All three of these conditions are correlated with higher estrogen levels.

I used topical DHT and it did not affect my hairline. I already had a naturally high hairline so the DHT usage could not be factored in for the cause.
i would cut my balls and blast myself with estrogen if that meant having hair. Sex is like 1 out a million reasons to not look like shit and i have had my share of fun to forego it for the rest of my life
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