No matter what i do, a small skull ruins me (racemixxing smoker mother that didn't feed me)



Coping til i'm roping
Jul 18, 2020
- No respect at work
- Bullied all through school and called 'peanut' (literally)
- Laughed at when i cut my hair short
- Look ridiculous with big hair making my small head more noticeable

22" It never began
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  • JFL
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Can someone explain where small skull comes from? Prenatal malnutrition and nicotine exposure is my guess

Trawling through the search threads now, will update as i go

Helmet surgery (no)
HGH (maybe)
Medium hair (okay)
Cope (most definitely)
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How to measure skull size ?
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Comes from ur asian mother gook genetics
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JFL peanut

it’s over
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  • JFL
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- No respect at work
- Bullied all through school and called 'peanut' (literally)
- Laughed at when i cut my hair short
- Look ridiculous with big hair making my small head more noticeable

22" It never began

Seems you have short face syndrome like I do.

If that's the case, unfortunately it's a bimax + genioplasty. Possible eye area work if you have bulgy eyes.

Possibly a modified lefort 3 if your face is really small overall.

It's genetic bro.
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I have a big head (like 63cm big) and I was called TV head and get bad comments

55cm isn't that small?
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  • JFL
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Maybe look into roids, they can do things for your face, also, dht gel.
I have a tall and narrow skull too, my mother stressed out a bunch during pregnancy with me, so this faggot totally nuked my prenatal T and HGH by sending max amount of cortisol to my poor foetus self

Nothing I can do about my huge neurocranium. Nothing I can do about my small hands, frame, wrists. Narrow ribcage.

Life is a fucking scam.
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Most of the harassment came before my growth shoot when i was 15 and 5'0 exactly with probably subhuman skull, i didn't measure back then
I have a big head (like 63cm big) and I was called TV head and get bad comments

55cm isn't that small?
My brother had a big skull like yours, square-ish
you could tell even from age 6 he had a big skull
his dad was very high T and aggressive
Seems you have short face syndrome like I do.

If that's the case, unfortunately it's a bimax + genioplasty. Possible eye area work if you have bulgy eyes.

Possibly a modified lefort 3 if your face is really small overall.

It's genetic bro.
Thanks for the tips, but i don't think i'm going to helmetmax or whatever you call it, it's not that serious for me. Well it is, but before i victor frankenstein my skull i've got a lot of inner copes still to try.
Measure bizygomatic to find out if your face is narrow and small
Seems you have short face syndrome like I do.

If that's the case, unfortunately it's a bimax + genioplasty. Possible eye area work if you have bulgy eyes.

Possibly a modified lefort 3 if your face is really small overall.

It's genetic bro.
Are you sure it's genetic though? I lean closer to the prenatal nutrition and testosterone exposure theory. But i'm going through the past threads so could be wrong.
Measure bizygomatic to find out if your face is narrow and small
Is that face and mandible width?
Idk if it's taken as a ratio, but i'll go do it
My brother had a big skull like yours, square-ish
you could tell even from age 6 he had a big skull
his dad was very high T and aggressive
My skull didn't really get big until age 9-10
tbh I feel like many things are perceived differently, before joining looskmax
I thought that big skull are fucking trash, now I understand that my skull is considered bad because of other factors (like hunter eyes can look terrible on the wrong face)
Maybe look into roids, they can do things for your face, also, dht gel.
roids, hgh, trt all referring to the same process correct? I'm doing my research as i type so excuse the low iq for now
Just search how to measure bizygomatic breadth
I am, i can see the box area they give, i was asking if you wanted a ratio or two separate measurements
I am, i can see the box area they give, i was asking if you wanted a ratio or two separate measurements
Just one measurement. Average is 140mm, skullcel Bieber narrow tier is 130mm, Barrett giga wide face is 150mm

Skull size doesn't matter anyway
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Comes from ur asian mother gook genetics
says you with that mongolian avi
Are you sure it's genetic though? I lean closer to the prenatal nutrition and testosterone exposure theory. But i'm going through the past threads so could be wrong.

There isn't anything you could rationally do to avoid short face syndrome. in the end its your parents genetics/actions that caused it.

Yeah if you need to undertake a spiritual journey then do so I respect that, staying on this site will just destroy your neurotransmitters. At the end of it if you accept your life then good, if you feel its your looks holding you back then continue here undergoing surgeries.

some perspective if you were bullied in school for your looks it probably wont get any better as you get older. and I just read you get "no respect" at your workplace. maybe you can now see where this is heading as you get older.

I think you should read the below thread, its essentially the mantra for this site. think every new user should have to read it as a mandatory requirement tbh.

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Skull size doesn't matter anyway
Doubt bro, have you experienced such abuse before?
To a level that you realised no matter what you do, you will never mog another male in your life, no matter the gym, jaw, and even worse, neck
It's truly disturbing
Just look at any pictures of tall guys with small skulls
the skullpill is one of the easiest to accept, you just need to glance at a picture very quickly to see how it is a sign of weakness.
Like the neckpill on steriods
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I have a tall and narrow skull too, my mother stressed out a bunch during pregnancy with me, so this faggot totally nuked my prenatal T and HGH by sending max amount of cortisol to my poor foetus self

Nothing I can do about my huge neurocranium. Nothing I can do about my small hands, frame, wrists. Narrow ribcage.

Life is a fucking scam.
How about introducing a drinking and smoking degenerate party girl into the mix?
It's a wonder i turned out passably human
My skull didn't really get big until age 9-10
tbh I feel like many things are perceived differently, before joining looskmax
I thought that big skull are fucking trash, now I understand that my skull is considered bad because of other factors (like hunter eyes can look terrible on the wrong face)
I think my brother had a similar size skull to me age 14 and 10 no bullshit (i was 4'11)
I cry just to type this
Why am i explaining this shit
Cheaper than therapy i guess
hunter eyes can look terrible on the wrong face
I didn't know this, is this for real? I thought hunter eyes were a basic trait across all high-tier males
Just one measurement.
I have no way of measuring this property without the fork thing since my nose is in the way. With nose, i get 18" but that doesn't really help because of the nose factor
There isn't anything you could rationally do to avoid short face syndrome. in the end its your parents genetics/actions that caused it.

Yeah if you need to undertake a spiritual journey then do so I respect that, staying on this site will just destroy your neurotransmitters. At the end of it if you accept your life then good, if you feel its your looks holding you back then continue here undergoing surgeries.

some perspective if you were bullied in school for your looks it probably wont get any better as you get older. and I just read you get "no respect" at your workplace. maybe you can now see where this is heading as you get older.

I think you should read the below thread, its essentially the mantra for this site. think every new user should have to read it as a mandatory requirement tbh.

Yeah, it's more that i have some inner copes that i am still holding on to, and are buttressing me against the truth hitting me square in the forehead, for now.

I came here a few days ago to learn more about the racemixpill, but now i'm getting pilled on all sorts of things, skull, neck, jaw, and it's bringing memories back from middle school and high school (and college, and work now i think about it)

My neurotransmitters have been already destroyed from lack of socialisation, isolation and hyper-rumination. I used to think that i had a small skull due to lack of parents talking to me or letting me play with other kids, but that was a bad theory.

If anything, at least i am learning what the truth is about why my life has been a travesty.
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start boxing and look for redemption...
start boxing and look for redemption...
Already tried that (serious), the amount of tall muscular men in there trying to mog each other with screams and flexing, i wasn't even in the same universe as them, it was like the scene out of space jam, made me feel even more pathetic if that was possible
The only friend i made was a female that was helping show me how to have correct form
  • JFL
Reactions: Mouthbreath
Already tried that (serious), the amount of tall muscular men in there trying to mog each other with screams and flexing, i wasn't even in the same universe as them, it was like the scene out of space jam, made me feel even more pathetic if that was possible
The only friend i made was a female that was helping show me how to have correct form

that's weird bro
I'm an ammy boxer usually its a good environment and everyone is friendly

Maybe u went to bad gym. Anyway takes a while to get good but when u get decent ur confidence sky rockets!
good luck

btw screams might just be when they are punching and breathing it is normal
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jfl, obviously you're larping or you actually have a completely malformed skull

0.3 - 0.6 cm below average wouldn't be nearly enough to warrant this insult, especially considering you're around average height too.

you probably have a massive bulbous underdeveloped doliocephalic subhuman skull. that's the issue - not the circumference.
Damn you must really have struggled at school too, but more on the reading comprehension side. I was 5'0 at 15 years of age and my skull reflected that on the lower end of the scale. Clear enough for you?
that's weird bro
I'm an ammy boxer usually its a good environment and everyone is friendly

Maybe u went to bad gym. Anyway takes a while to get good but when u get decent ur confidence sky rockets!
good luck

btw screams might just be when they are punching and breathing it is normal
Actually yeah you reminded me when i went to an MMA gym to sign up, those guys were super cool and didn't do all of that show. They were big, but they weren't acting a type of way.

These other ones at the boxing gym were going over the top, won't say where they are from, but it's known for it's masculine drinking culture, not that that has anything to do with them (i'm the last person who should be stereotyping) but i thought to mention it anyways.

It's shit because that turned me off all contact ring sports, or however you call that, i tried some martial arts, those were okay, but i found them a little cliquish and weird, if that makes sense.

I may try again, and at least i know how to act in a ring and general gym setting, which is good
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this guy measures with an incline, and says "Dont put it too tight" He copes that way. I'd say you have to measure parallel to ear-eye line and pull very tight to get your true skull crcumference
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Actually yeah you reminded me when i went to an MMA gym to sign up, those guys were super cool and didn't do all of that show. They were big, but they weren't acting a type of way.

These other ones at the boxing gym were going over the top, won't say where they are from, but it's known for it's masculine drinking culture, not that that has anything to do with them (i'm the last person who should be stereotyping) but i thought to mention it anyways.

It's shit because that turned me off all contact ring sports, or however you call that, i tried some martial arts, those were okay, but i found them a little cliquish and weird, if that makes sense.

I may try again, and at least i know how to act in a ring and general gym setting, which is good

ya bro just remember to leave any meathead kinda gym. Like coaches that say take a hit to give a hit, or idk just leave if people are dickheads you get those gyms but they are rare
JFL, if you felt that this was important information then perhaps you should have put it in the original post rather than 10 posts down, you retarded subhuman.

If you were 5'0 and you think your skull was the issue, just lol. Also, why in the flying fuck should I care what your skull size was back then when you're clearly still fucking crying about it?

No, not at all. You completely ignored every single fucking thing I said and instead criticised me on something completely and utterly irrelevant. Lmao, imagine having a peanut skull as empty as yours.
Woah you need to calm down buddy, with all the physical issues i have, at least i don't act like a fucking psycho to strangers on the internet, so for that i can be pleased
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this guy measures with an incline, and says "Dont put it too tight" He copes that way. I'd say you have to measure parallel to ear-eye line and pull very tight to get your true skull crcumference
You have to pull tight, but dont let the skin bunch
I got scared and thought i was 21.5" but i was in fact pulling way too tight
ya bro just remember to leave any meathead kinda gym. Like coaches that say take a hit to give a hit, or idk just leave if people are dickheads you get those gyms but they are rare
Yeah agreed, i guess i just didn't know any better, it was my first time going into a boxing and martial arts gym since i was a teen and this was a proper place. I would do better not to take the first impression and judge the whole scene based on that, i tend to do that a lot and end up worse for it.
I have a tall and narrow skull too, my mother stressed out a bunch during pregnancy with me, so this faggot totally nuked my prenatal T and HGH by sending max amount of cortisol to my poor foetus self

Nothing I can do about my huge neurocranium. Nothing I can do about my small hands, frame, wrists. Narrow ribcage.

Life is a fucking scam.
same here. My mother is always incredibly high cortisol, I mean many women are like that, but she's crazy stressed out about the smallest things, and can't sleep at night. Probably was similar or even worse when she was younger. She is also very emasculated, I mean she has some saggy tits, and she isn't fat. But she is absolutely NOT feminine, not womanly at all... And I have inherited her sexless genetics. I'm coping by looking at idols like Farid Bang, who also have small skulls and similarly I'm trying to build a lot of muscle to cope. But it is cope, sometimes I'm getting flashes through my body, I think it's testosterone, my voice cracks and I can't think of anything but rape. But those moments are rare and most of the time I'm a weird androgenous creature, all thanks to my mom.
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55cm isn't that small?
Yeah, it's right on the lower end of normal, but i think i have what the other guy said, 'small face' with an bulbous back of head

My top-down measure is 18"
You have to pull tight, but dont let the skin bunch
I got scared and thought i was 21.5" but i was in fact pulling way too tight
really? I also got 21.7" by pulling tight, but that was also over the browridge. So I guess going higher than the browridge and pulling less tight still gives a bout 21.7" or 55cm.
same here. My mother is always incredibly high cortisol, I mean many women are like that, but she's crazy stressed out about the smallest things, and can't sleep at night. Probably was similar or even worse when she was younger. She is also very emasculated, I mean she has some saggy tits, and she isn't fat. But she is absolutely NOT feminine, not womanly at all... And I have inherited her sexless genetics. I'm coping by looking at idols like Farid Bang, who also have small skulls and similarly I'm trying to build a lot of muscle to cope. But it is cope, sometimes I'm getting flashes through my body, I think it's testosterone, my voice cracks and I can't think of anything but rape. But those moments are rare and most of the time I'm a weird androgenous creature, all thanks to my mom.
Welcome my androgynous brother, we are safe in the cope that gender is a social construct
joke obv come on now
I have no way of measuring this property without the fork thing since my nose is in the way. With nose, i get 18" but that doesn't really help because of the nose factor
you can measure by taking a meter (those two meter long foldable measurement devices) and if the joints are stiff enough you can abuse it to measure all distances. Then you take a second ruler and measure the obtained distances. Not sure if I explained it well enough lol
really? I also got 21.7" by pulling tight, but that was also over the browridge. So I guess going higher than the browridge and pulling less tight still gives a bout 21.7" or 55cm.
You need to go over the browridge to be level with the back of the head
I think it varied tbh, so i could be anywhere from 21.5 to 22.3
A terrifying thought
I must remember not to come here before bed i would never sleep easy again

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