No, white skin is not feminine. It's actually the most preferred skin complexion by females.


Shitskins have subhuman builds most of the time plus they are way more unpleasant to look at.
Jewish propaganda, I've never seen shitskin lose to ytboys in high school fights, therefore this is fake.

You even get beat by 6yo shitskins :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
  • JFL
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Jewish propaganda, I've never seen shitskin lose to ytboys in high school fights, therefore this is fake.

You even get beat by 6yo shitskins :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Niggu nigguh

Dnw. I'm not entering the game of posting twitter fights as random anecdotes as it's a waste of time.

When gene editing becomes a thing darker pigmentation will get rarer and rarer, maybe not to the point of extinction but still.
  • Woah
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Niggu nigguh

Dnw. I'm not entering the game of posting twitter fights as random anecdotes as it's a waste of time.

When gene editing becomes a thing darker pigmentation will get rarer and rarer, maybe not to the point of extinction but still.
I genuinely don't think so, seen too many foids say they like dark skin. I don't believe in the muh white skin is feminine and it's unideal, but darker pigmentation has its fans
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okay but that's an actual argument that logically follows from A to B.

Look at OP, he's too fucking retarded to make an argument that makes sense.

he copes with skin colour but I'm sure it's just that all the melanin in his skin migrated to his brain, clogging up synaptic firing, he actually has as much melanin as vantablack nigga, it's just all in his badly formed brain.
It's more about sunlight exposure, nothing to do with skin color. Like i said, sunlight exposure kinda helps to increase testosterone and it tans your skin. Neither being born dark skin or light skin makes you high t, it's about how you spend time outside and see sun.
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I genuinely don't think so, seen too many foids say they like dark skin. I don't believe in the muh white skin is feminine and it's unideal, but darker pigmentation has its fans
Most darker people around the world are self-hating. I'm talking about south America, Asia, Middle East, some parts of Africa.

Most of these people have dull pigmented skin, everyone would agree it does not look beautiful.

Dark shiny skin, I don't have any examples at the moment, can look beautiful. But I think they can't have "pretty" genitals just like all darker people. Do you agree? The genital skin is always hyperpigmented and darker than the skin of other body parts, it does not look nice in any way imo.
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they liked them the same back then it just wasnt socially acceptable to date each other. Cant you just figure this out by yourself jfc
So culture and media didnt do anything? Cumskins are always talking about jews and bbc lmfao. U been on here since 2018 and still retarded jfl
"black loser"

how does attractiveness of a trait prove it's not feminine? Well it doesn't, sexual dimorphism is a state of frequency of a trait being found more likely in one sex than the other.

Your argument leads to a different conclusion, you failed to answer the premise you were making.
well, you are dead wrong in everything you said so let's get that out of the way

1. Sexual dimorphism is evolved and shaped through the pressure of sexual selection, where traits associated with attractiveness are favored because they enhance an individual's ability to attract mates.

2. It was the guy this thread is a response to that claimed white skin is feminine because women prefer it according to the study (well turns out he didn't read the study, women prefer dark and intermediate shades of white).

3. Skin color is not a dimorphic trait because it varies based on ancestry. You could make a point that among people with the exact same background skin color is potentially a dimorphic trait, but this wasn't the claim I was addressing.

Now this user has pointed that light skin is objectively a female dimorphic trait, invalidating your whole thread. They actually used correct logic unlike you where they just provided a source for morphological differences between the sexes.

Neither you or that guy opened these articles (which are just abstracts and not the entire paper) where its mentioned nowhere that light skin is a feminine trait. The guy literally posted the first thing that came up when he googled "skin color and gender study"

You can't be this fucking retarded, right? How much of a bird-brained loser u gotta be to get convinced by the lazy arguments I just btfo'd?

I guess it helps that you enter the thread with a bias, being a shitskin. Why am I even taking time responding to you retards again, you can't process arguments, you just look up stuff online that confirms your bias, jfl.
So culture and media didnt do anything? Cumskins are always talking about jews and bbc lmfao. U been on here since 2018 and still retarded jfl
So if culture and media start saying how sexy incels are then girls will flock to 3/10s? Is that your argument? That "jews" can bypass biological sexual preference?

>U been on here since 2018 and still retarded jfl

Suggesting that this place is full of enlightened scholars and not drooling retards that can't engage in simple logic (which this thread showcases perfectly) ?? I feel bad for you.
well, you are dead wrong in everything you said so let's get that out of the way

1. Sexual dimorphism is evolved and shaped through the pressure of sexual selection, where traits associated with attractiveness are favored because they enhance an individual's ability to attract mates.

2. It was the guy this thread is a response to that claimed white skin is feminine because women prefer it according to the study (well turns out he didn't read the study, women prefer dark and intermediate shades of white).

3. Skin color is not a dimorphic trait because it varies based on ancestry. You could make a point that among people with the exact same background skin color is potentially a dimorphic trait, but this wasn't the claim I was addressing.

Neither you or that guy opened these articles (which are just abstracts and not the entire paper) where its mentioned nowhere that light skin is a feminine trait. The guy literally posted the first thing that came up when he googled "skin color and gender study"

You can't be this fucking retarded, right? How much of a bird-brained loser u gotta be to get convinced by the lazy arguments I just btfo'd?

I guess it helps that you enter the thread with a bias, being a shitskin. Why am I even taking time responding to you retards again, you can't process arguments, you just look up stuff online that confirms your bias, jfl.
Read my post again, I have already addressed why your reasoning is wrong. Take a course in reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
wish rl was here, this is so funny
Sheet white skin is a falio, but still mogs shitskin any day of the week
the best coloring is tanned white with red undertone
White foids prefer to def date whites with tan.

But I think from other races like Asians tend to go for pale white
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