

Nov 5, 2019
Day 4, touching your dick = you are a homosexual faggot tbh.

Today I woke up with a clearish head and I didn't feel too tired either; not bursting with energy but not noticeably tired either. I did take a nap throught the day, probably due to rotting a little and eating a bag of shitty crisps 😕 Also was pretty irritable at times with my gf for distracting me from working, not cleaning up the mess I made and not wanted to play ping pong--pretty low t behavior tbh. I feel the masculine energy slowly building up in my body, and its to the point that I don't feel like too much of a low T faggot anymore though, probably around baseline now.

Forgot to supplement with anything today. Tomorrow I will supplement with fish oil and vitamin D3, maybe ashwagandha, with water beside my bed to drink in the morning.

Every time I come across a girl that's cute-ish I contemplate fucking them, not with the savage rapey vibe I feel on higher streaks, more like, I would like this bitch to give me head or some kind of quick release. Obviously these are just compulsive and habitual sexual cravings that are akin to a drug addict trying to get high on anything they can scavenge. Even if I had the option to fuck, it wouldn't be too hard to restrain myself knowing how fucked the feeling of relapse is.

Wasn't close to relapsing at all today.

Had more low inhib moments today, like shouting at a lady that her son looked cool, being very direct with the cashier at a store telling him what I wanted... meh, nothing much to write about, just that the physical anxiety felt on the first 2 days, that ball of stress, is gone. I still can get self-conscious and mentally anxious though.

Took a cold shower just as planned for at least 3 and a half minutes. Didn't really save water like I planned because I like taking a shit with the water running :( tomorrow no more wasting water. Anyway, it felt really good after a while (the trick is to stay in untill you're relaxed and the water feels warmer than the ice cold temperature felt when getting in) and I was pretty pumped leaving. It ain't a good shower if you aren't jittering your teeth, sneezing and shaking ;) Talking to my gf and I just kept laughing manically :lul: FEELS LIKE A FUCKING DRUG AND YOU KNOW YOUR BOY LIKES GETTING HIGH ASF... naturally and without side effects ☺

Meditated 20mins in the morning easily, and 10 mins at 9 ish--I fucked up there, should have been the afternoon, but I will make it happen tomorrow. I still get very distracted during but that's the point I guess, to refocus your mind after being distracted. Meditation no longer feels like torture :) I felt noticeably calmer afterward but nothing really significant. From past experiences, If I stuck to 1 hour a day for sure it would be significant, but I want to make this into a habit so I'll stick to 30 mins a day at a scheduled time for 10 days before upping it to 45mins and then 1 hour. Or maybe 30mins a day for 30 days, then 45mins for the next 30 and 1 hour for the last 30.

Again, meditation is key to nofap. My mind is now littered with sexual thoughts, ideas, fantasy, whatever. I'll; imagine porn, previous times I've had sex, and now I am way more regularly thinking about trying to fuck girls I see in public, but not as committed to the idea as I am from when I've been on higher streaks in the past--usually around 2 weeks will I try to take action into fucking other girls, usually ends up being hookers tbh.

  • Woke up with clearish mind and not noticeably tired. Still get irritable. Physical anxiety felt on the first 2 days is gone, can still feel self-conscious. Thinking about fucking other girls, but is simply my mind craving release, it doesn't feel like real strong sexual desire.
  • Cold shower produced noticeable effects in me being pumped and laughing a lot after only after showering for an extra minute (3 and a half in total). Won't waste water anymore by turning the shower on only when I get in.
  • Fucked up by meditating late again. 20mins in the morning and 10 at 14:00 from now on. Easier in the morning. It doesn't feel like torture anymore. Mind litter with more sexual thoughts. Get distracted very easily. The results aren't super significant afterward as it is for 1 hour per day but will only increase time per day when I comfortably solidify this habit.
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Meditation will ruin your life if you do it for prolonged periods of time.
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This thread was really motivational for me bro, thank you. I'm on day 3 of NoFap right now but FUCK I already ate 2 pieces of pizza and 2 little donuts. KILL MYSELF. Also I live in Florida and the water isn't even cold, I told a "cold" shower this morning but it's just lukewarm??
Meditation will ruin your life if you do it for prolonged periods of time.
Is this BS
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This thread was really motivational for me bro, thank you. I'm on day 3 of NoFap right now but FUCK I already ate 2 pieces of pizza and 2 little donuts. KILL MYSELF. Also I live in Florida and the water isn't even cold, I told a "cold" shower this morning but it's just lukewarm??

Is this BS
I'm REALLY glad to hear it, bro! Thanks.

Don't know what to do about the water situation tbh, maybe ice baths or going somewhere else with cold water? It seems like a lot of work I know but that's the same reason I write these long-ass essays every day, the more active you are the less likely you will relapse.

Yes, it is BS.
This thread was really motivational for me bro, thank you. I'm on day 3 of NoFap right now but FUCK I already ate 2 pieces of pizza and 2 little donuts. KILL MYSELF. Also I live in Florida and the water isn't even cold, I told a "cold" shower this morning but it's just lukewarm??

Is this BS
Also, if you're serious about a long streak, me, @Htobrother and @DutchPrettyBoy have a private chat going on to help motivate each other get to 90 days of nofap, cold showering and meditation. You're welcome to join.
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Is this BS

No. Work your way up to 2 hours a day and enjoy your incredible self awareness, clarity and god tier focus, but don't push it more. Everything you believe in will be destroyed and you'll experience hell in all your senses.
No. Work your way up to 2 hours a day and enjoy your incredible self awareness, clarity and god tier focus, but don't push it more. Everything you believe in will be destroyed and you'll experience hell in all your senses.
meditating consistently is more important than for long periods of time. Just keep meditating and comfortably increase the time as you progress.

And yes, its super fucking powerful.
meditating consistently is more important than for long periods of time. Just keep meditating and comfortably increase the time as you progress.

And yes, its super fucking powerful.
I have a few questions. So what, I just lay down and breath and try not to think? And also, do I set a timer for how long if I'm just starting out? And how the fuck do you not get so bored sitting there?
I have a few questions. So what, I just lay down and breath and try not to think? And also, do I set a timer for how long if I'm just starting out? And how the fuck do you not get so bored sitting there?
I use "headspace" the app, its explained on there.

It might seem complicated but it's really not. As explained on the app, I do some warm-up exercises ie focus on points of contact, focus on sounds smells, read state of body, scan down body, focus on breathing in body. Then I count my breaths, and do a warm down. So really you can just download this app, the free shit is enough to learn.

Getting bored is part of that. If you sit with that feeling and bring awareness to it, eventually it will go away. @Dios is right in the sense that you shouldn't push yourself to do it for too long, not cause its dangerous, but because you might not be consistent with it.
I use "headspace" the app, its explained on there.

It might seem complicated but it's really not. As explained on the app, I do some warm-up exercises ie focus on points of contact, focus on sounds smells, read state of body, scan down body, focus on breathing in body. Then I count my breaths, and do a warm down. So really you can just download this app, the free shit is enough to learn.

Getting bored is part of that. If you sit with that feeling and bring awareness to it, eventually it will go away. @Dios is right in the sense that you shouldn't push yourself to do it for too long, not cause its dangerous, but because you might not be consistent with it.
Ok good shit. So start doing it as long as I feel comfortable with, just to get into the habit of it?

Also how much does it benefit you? NoFap GREATLY helps me, I'm a completely different person on nofap.

Meditation is going against the own matrix of your own mind, it's about experiencing pure consciousness and just turning awareness into itself, becoming nothing but it. I've been meditating for some years now because supposedly I had ADHD, but only since this January I began to meditate for 1 hour a day every single day. Focus and clarity are excellent, it's like you don't change a bit, change just naturally comes to you, but in exchange, you die.

I can't explain it because every time I try to word it, it doesn't make sense, there are too many paradoxes and logical dissonances to it, that I'm sorry. Everything is the same as always but it's completely different, I remember crying some weeks ago because I even tho I was in my room and nothing had changed, everything looked fucking different, like everything in life no matter what it is it's just perfect and clear. The universe was arranged perfectly and even if I was God, I couldn't do it any better. I'm just the witness who guess to enjoy everything, even if I was in hell and about to get tortured eternally, there would be nothing but internal peace.
Ok good shit. So start doing it as long as I feel comfortable with, just to get into the habit of it?

Also how much does it benefit you? NoFap GREATLY helps me, I'm a completely different person on nofap.
Yeah, making it a habit is most important.

Meditation is super fucking powerful. I used to be obsessed with it when I was coming off a drug and used it as a replacement. I was doing it up to 2 hours a day, maybe more, every day whenever I could. On the bus, during school breaks, when I was just walking around--Meditation for me is just a mindfulness exercise, so I could do it whenever while using the app. Anyway, it did it for that long every day for a month, and it was like a drug itself. I would at times be dead fucking calm like I was on benzos. It made me focused, more content/happy, patient... its the real deal. But because I was pushing myself for so long, I lost consistency and it didn't become a habit so I didn't pick it up again for a while after.
Meditation is going against the own matrix of your own mind, it's about experiencing pure consciousness and just turning awareness into itself, becoming nothing but it. I've been meditating for some years now because supposedly I had ADHD, but only since this January I began to meditate for 1 hour a day every single day. Focus and clarity are excellent, it's like you don't change a bit, change just naturally comes to you, but in exchange, you die.

I can't explain it because every time I try to word it, it doesn't make sense, there are too many paradoxes and logical dissonances to it, that I'm sorry. Everything is the same as always but it's completely different, I remember crying some weeks ago because I even tho I was in my room and nothing had changed, everything looked fucking different, like everything in life no matter what it is it's just perfect and clear. The universe was arranged perfectly and even if I was God, I couldn't do it any better. I'm just the witness who guess to enjoy everything, even if I was in hell and about to get tortured eternally, there would be nothing but internal peace.
This guy took dmt for sure LOL
Meditation is going against the own matrix of your own mind, it's about experiencing pure consciousness and just turning awareness into itself, becoming nothing but it. I've been meditating for some years now because supposedly I had ADHD, but only since this January I began to meditate for 1 hour a day every single day. Focus and clarity are excellent, it's like you don't change a bit, change just naturally comes to you, but in exchange, you die.

I can't explain it because every time I try to word it, it doesn't make sense, there are too many paradoxes and logical dissonances to it, that I'm sorry. Everything is the same as always but it's completely different, I remember crying some weeks ago because I even tho I was in my room and nothing had changed, everything looked fucking different, like everything in life no matter what it is it's just perfect and clear. The universe was arranged perfectly and even if I was God, I couldn't do it any better. I'm just the witness who guess to enjoy everything, even if I was in hell and about to get tortured eternally, there would be nothing but internal peace.
Bro what the fuck does that even mean, whatever you did I need it, I want it, give it to me.
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Sure, but you have taken some type of psychedelic, maybe not now, but in the past to trigger this.

I have done so yeah!

But I realize now how I was just ignoring this state. It was always like this.
Actually good points by encouraging
nofap+cs+m but your writing style is autistic
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I have done so yeah!

But I realize now how I was just ignoring this state. It was always like this.
I know, my friend is like you. You basically just induced a near-death experience with that drug trip of yours and now you're fascinated with interpreting the world the way you saw it in your trip. Doesn't mean meditation is dangerous.
Make a diary then
I dont understand
Meditation wont fuck you up bro
I know, my friend is like you. You basically just induced a near-death experience with that drug trip of yours and now you're fascinated with interpreting the world the way you saw it in your trip. Doesn't mean meditation is dangerous.

Haha, I had my trip months ago however. What I'm talking about I realized some weeks ago while in a deep meditative state. I didn't claim it was dangerous, I just stated the only fact it does if you do it for long periods of time, it will ruin your life, kill your actual mental state. But that doesn't mean it's bad.
Haha, I had my trip months ago however. What I'm talking about I realized some weeks ago while in a deep meditative state. I didn't claim it was dangerous, I just stated the only fact it does if you do it for long periods of time, it will ruin your life, kill your actual mental state. But that doesn't mean it's bad.
All this was triggered from your trip bro, I know exactly how you feel though. Life is a paradox, ying yang, all that good shit.

No it won't ruin your life and it won't be bad for you. However, anything done in an extreme way has the potential to be bad.
I know, my friend is like you. You basically just induced a near-death experience with that drug trip of yours and now you're fascinated with interpreting the world the way you saw it in your trip
Its obviously possible to reach these states through meditation alone otherwise they wouldnt use meditation in spiritual traditions and write about it
But the effects are supposed to be positive idk why he saying its bad
Its obviously possible to reach these states through meditatuon alone otherwise they woulent use meditation in spiritual traditions and write about it
Perhaps, but I doubt that's what's going on here. Point is, mediation won't fuck you up or ruin your life.
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Perhaps, but I doubt that's what's going on here. Point is, mediation won't fuck you up or ruin your life.
Yeah he refuses do explain how
Nvm i just realized he said it isnt bad necessarily. Omg im retarded
Yeah he refuses do explain how
Nvm i just realized he said it isnt bad necessarily. Omg im retarded
I know this kind of talk. It won't make sense logically, the way he communicates is more to mind fuck you and put you in a deep state of realization and knowing, it's actually kind of cool talking to people like him. But yeah, it isn't exactly logical talk.
All this was triggered from your trip bro, I know exactly how you feel though. Life is a paradox, ying yang, all that good shit.

No it won't ruin your life and it won't be bad for you. However, anything done in an extreme way has the potential to be bad.

No and it isn't anything of what you've written. But I get your point tho, good luck in your self-improvement journey.
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No and it isn't anything of what you've written. But I get your point tho, good luck in your self-improvement journey.
Yesss it is bro, don't get salty :( thanks, you too :heart:
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Nofap is good for your body because it conserves Zinc.
Most people are deficient in Zinc

Zinc is important to stay young looking, prevent acne, regulating hormones other cool shit.
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I'm back guys. I just got done meditating for the last 25 minutes. I was listening to this audio guitar tune I'm not sure if that ruined it but it was on the meditation app it's like a Zen guitar sound that plays with timers and shit. I feel good I'm glad I meditated also I like breathing now for some reason I'm gonna keep meditating I did it for way too long though I meant to do 10 min but didn't hear the timer so I went to 25 min and thought that it just hadn't come yet then I realized this is taking way too long and woke up lol.
Nofap is good for your body because it conserves Zinc.
Most people are deficient in Zinc

Zinc is important to stay young looking, prevent acne, regulating hormones other cool shit.
Where the fuck do you even get zinc supplements they don't even sell at walmart

Also maybe meditation is legit? I am just enjoying being alive right now I don't know if it's placebo or not tbh but I do feel happier, I'm not even trying to, I just am. Maybe it is placebo or just NoFap I'm not sure honestly. I'll keep meditating and then make a decision.
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Nofap is good for your body because it conserves Zinc.
Most people are deficient in Zinc

Zinc is important to stay young looking, prevent acne, regulating hormones other cool shit.
COOL, nice to know. What if I supplement on zinc also?
I'm back guys. I just got done meditating for the last 25 minutes. I was listening to this audio guitar tune I'm not sure if that ruined it but it was on the meditation app it's like a Zen guitar sound that plays with timers and shit. I feel good I'm glad I meditated also I like breathing now for some reason I'm gonna keep meditating I did it for way too long though I meant to do 10 min but didn't hear the timer so I went to 25 min and thought that it just hadn't come yet then I realized this is taking way too long and woke up lol.

Where the fuck do you even get zinc supplements they don't even sell at walmart
Thats fucking amazing! Great that you enjoyed too :)
I'm back guys. I just got done meditating for the last 25 minutes. I was listening to this audio guitar tune I'm not sure if that ruined it but it was on the meditation app it's like a Zen guitar sound that plays with timers and shit. I feel good I'm glad I meditated also I like breathing now for some reason I'm gonna keep meditating I did it for way too long though I meant to do 10 min but didn't hear the timer so I went to 25 min and thought that it just hadn't come yet then I realized this is taking way too long and woke up lol.

Where the fuck do you even get zinc supplements they don't even sell at walmart

I use Optizinc. I used to use it a lot when on my sex holidays to Asia.. It makes you super horny and able to cum loads of times.

Don't buy cheap supplements they mostly use Zinc Oxide which is basically the same as rust, and your body cannot absorb it.
I use Optizinc. I used to use it a lot when on my sex holidays to Asia.. It makes you super horny and able to cum loads of times.

Don't buy cheap supplements they mostly use Zinc Oxide which is basically the same as rust, and your body cannot absorb it.
Is 30 mg L-Optizinc off eBay just fine? I'll buy some right now if it's legit
Don't buy cheap supplements they mostly use Zinc Oxide which is basically the same as rust, and your body cannot absorb it.
Shit, thats the kind i have
Is 30 mg L-Optizinc off eBay just fine? I'll buy some right now if it's legit

Yes its very good stuff but it will make you super horny over a few days and you should take it with food.

The absolute best stuff is Zinc picolinate but can be expensive
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Yes its very good stuff but it will make you super horny over a few days and you should take it with food.

The absolute best stuff is Zinc picolinate but can be expensive
Yeah I took the shit zinc supplements I got from my mom and they make me almost throw up if I take them with other vitamins or by themselves. I'll just get the shit you recommended. Does it make you more manly or just more horny? I'm on nofap so this is going to be hilarious
Yeah I took the shit zinc supplements I got from my mom and they make me almost throw up if I take them with other vitamins or by themselves. I'll just get the shit you recommended. Does it make you more manly or just more horny? I'm on nofap so this is going to be hilarious

All zinc supplements will make you sick if you take them on an empty stomach.
I take a small amount of zinc daily to keep my skin clear from acne... When i travel abroad and i will slay i up the dose to get more horny.
I use Optizinc. I used to use it a lot when on my sex holidays to Asia.. It makes you super horny and able to cum loads of times.

Don't buy cheap supplements they mostly use Zinc Oxide which is basically the same as rust, and your body cannot absorb it.
fuck, what is the form you should take? what do you take?
I like taking a shit with the water running
nice OP xx :love:
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fuck, what is the form you should take? what do you take?

nice OP xx :love:

Read this

The results of this study suggest that zinc absorption in humans can be improved by complexing zinc with picolinic acid

If you want the best go for Zinc picolinate.

If you want second best and cheaper go for Zinc Monomethionine (Optizinc)

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