North Indians Look the SAME as Europeans - CURRIES are WHITE [GTFIH!!!]

Curries are White now?

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May 3, 2020
cuz we getting owt de ganges wit dis one Habhaibis

Which One of You [Curries] Did This?

Sem Sem Aryan Brahtar Bhabi




I have no words...

but I swear one of you niggers has to be behind this

I started watching this curry's videos because he posted Aryan related content

and he also called out his fellow curries on the "out of india theory" related revisionist nonsense.


I then quickly noticed just how often he attempts to cherrypick the huwitest people he can find in the region;

thereby simply just pushing another equally ridiculous narrative of curries being "huwite passing" instead

I always knew curries desperately latched onto Dardics in a truly pathetic attempt to hype themselves up as whiter than they really are, but I never expected anyone to be as brazen nor outright crude in their attempts to do so.
JFL this nigger literally says the girl @1:47 is punjabi

I challenge you to find another more textbook example of cope, that practically screams self-hating/huwite worshiping "we wuzzer" ethnic, than this:

JFL he knows his insecure abo jungle-nigger tier IQ curry audience will just eat this [cow]shit up like the litearl cowshit cakes they love frolicking about so much in,

cause curries unironically want to be white more than they want to use toilets.

Jfl he did this all the while trying to paint Pashtuns as either darker or even just as dark as curries like him;

apparently having a grudge against Pashtuns of all people for some reason while trying to paint curries as whiter

Jfl he's unironically trying to estimate "Steppe ancestry" based on just pheno

bruh he'd even give nordicists and the afro-kangzers a run for their money with this cope
Pepe Boobs GIF - Pepe Boobs GIFs
Peepo Booba Sticker - Peepo Booba Stickers

The Kalash themselves don't even have much Steppe derived DNA,
[and that's coming from someone who's a quarter Dardic himself, but I'm not ashamed to admit the truth when I see it because...]

and overall Steppe ancestry is severely overestimated throughout all of South Asia simply due to Curries trying to gaslight people into believing the "exotic Aryan" narrative they've used to make them look "less ethnic" in everyone's eyes.
[...There's no point in trying to convince other people to accept you as one of them when you won't even accept yourself as you truly are, cause everyone recognizes an insecure dog when they see one. I'm a half-White mutt but not once have I ever had the desire to be "accepted" by anyone else, as anything else, other than myself; I just have too much self-respect, and an abused subhuman dog never will.]

Check out the Son of Manu, Iran Talk, Survive the Jive, and Masaman etc channels on youtube if you want to learn about legit genetic research. They all use recent studies to back up their claims and break them down in a way even most normies can understand.
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  • JFL
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Dravidian chads vs cuck north indicks
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Features are similar. After all they are related if we go 10,000 years back. This is why I say inside every curry is a chad.
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Features are similar. After all they are related if we go 10,000 years back. This is why I say inside every curry is a chad.
This is a bit excessive though don't you think?

“OMG!!! Im Indian but w Haplogroup R1a-Z93!! I descend paternally from Aryan pastoralist warriors!! So what if that haplogroups are just 1/23 of your entire genetics and I’m literally brown?? It doesn’t matter!! Ahaha’
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  • JFL
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“OMG!!! Im Indian but w Haplogroup R1a-Z93!! I descend paternally from Aryan pastoralist warriors!! So what if that haplogroups are just 1/23 of your entire genetics and I’m literally brown?? It doesn’t matter!! Ahaha’
More or less what most of these copers do

Except they also occasionally try cherrypicking the whitest people they can find to gaslight others into lumping them all together as being...
sem sem India arya bhrahtar bhai!
More or less what most of these copers do

Except they also occasionally try cherrypicking the whitest people they can find to gaslight others into lumping them all together as being sem sem India arya bhrahtar bhai
Cameroonians are also R1b, Ngannou is Germanic then!!!
  • JFL
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Cameroonians are also R1b, Ngannou is Germanic then!!!
I've never heard of that tbh.

Were they colonized and their women taken as sex slaves or something?

There's no other possible explanation if that's true ngl.
I've never heard of that tbh.

Were they colonized and their women taken as sex slaves or something?

There's no other possible explanation if that's true ngl.
I dont know. But I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with colonialism, it was way before. Could be wrong tho
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“OMG!!! Im Indian but w Haplogroup R1a-Z93!! I descend paternally from Aryan pastoralist warriors!! So what if that haplogroups are just 1/23 of your entire genetics and I’m literally brown?? It doesn’t matter!! Ahaha’
r1a z93 actually makes up an extremely paltry contribution to the moder indian genome. R1a has nothing to do w aryan, there are tribals in south india who have a higher frequency of r1a than "upper castes". The other r1a derived haplos are either from iran or india,

Swat valley samples show again r1a haplogroup is low (2/47) but autosomal dna is higher, in fact kurganists have a lot of loose threads which they fail to address satisfactorily or relegate it as unimportant (to justify their theories ofc). The Anatolian expansion and expansion to mehrgarh starting from Gujarat makes more sense, and Lazardis' new paper also verifies it on a linguistic level
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  • JFL
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It legit doesnt matter. Haplogroups dont make phenos. Autosomal dna does
  • +1
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It legit doesnt matter. Haplogroups dont make phenos. Autosomal dna does
Yea i agree, but haplogroup wise r1a z93 is very paltry, only makes up around 16 percent of upper castes r1a dervied haplos (Rest of the derived haplos are indian/ anatolian in origin) . Theres a blog that analysed this can try to find it , imo early indo aryans would look like moose ali khan with a bit less bulbous nose and maybe a bit lighter skin, if they came in through mehrgarh selection would have turned their hair , eyes and skin dark in just a few generations. Maybe in the first few hundred years theyd have looked like levant chads , and Kuru kingdom was in UP, so i think theyd have had this pheno. All the mogger curries bloodline got ruined due to being sent off in war against mughals, and mainly brits who would have fucked them up w superior artilllery, and the rest coped with muh religion muh war is bad muh brahmins only peace so were left with short skulled manlets

Screenshot 2024 05 04 192554

Steppe entered around 800 bc with yaz and then again we had contact w scythians till 300 bc so definitely a lot of pheno change during those periods , i think around the time of ashoka a lot more hrithik roshan phenos would maybe have emerged. Salludon as well has around 10 percent turkic, evident from his eye shape, but definitely majority ivc w a bit of steppe and AASI.
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Yea i agree, but haplogroup wise r1a z93 is very paltry, only makes up around 16 percent of upper castes r1a dervied haplos (Rest of the derived haplos are indian/ anatolian in origin) . Theres a blog that analysed this can try to find it , imo early indo aryans would look like moose ali khan with a bit less bulbous nose and maybe a bit lighter skin, if they came in through mehrgarh selection would have turned their hair , eyes and skin dark in just a few generations. Maybe in the first few hundred years theyd have looked like levant chads like Kuru kingdom was in UP, so i think theyd have had this pheno. All the mogger curries bloodline got ruined due to being sent off in war against mughals, and mainly brits who would have fucked them up w superior artilllery, and the rest coped with muh religion muh war is bad muh brahmins only peace so were left with short skulled manlets

View attachment 2907785View attachment 2907786

Steppe entered around 800 bc with yaz and then again we had contact w scythians till 300 bc so definitely a lot of pheno change during those periods , i think around the time of ashoka a lot more hrithik roshan phenos would maybe have emerged. Salludon as well has around 10 percent turkic, evident from his eye shape, but definitely majority ivc w a bit of steppe and AASI.
Mashallah you have extensive knowledge on this!! Most North Indians are a mix of steppe people+IVC (Who themselves were a mix of Neolothic iranians and Native AASI)
Those people are like 0.001% of Indian billion population.
  • +1
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Mashallah you have extensive knowledge on this!! Most North Indians are a mix of steppe people+IVC (Who themselves were a mix of Neolothic iranians and Native AASI)
Nah i only gleamed the more relevant info and was mainly interested in the origins of vedic culture which was definitely not steppe as explained in this thread here

but also by recent lazardis paper, still the puzzle goes very deep and people more competent than me are tying up all the loose ends like tocharian origins etc can all be rectified cos it seems afansievo would never go that deep, still many disputes but i think we can say the steppe pipe dream is over. Steppe people would have most probably amalgamated in the same way as parsis, magis, and we know this cos their haplogroup is present even in dravidian tribals more than upper castes, so any language change effected by them would be irrational as the effect is too low . the basques have around 60 percent steppe and they still arent indo european speaking
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Exclusive: Amy Lee on the New Evanescence Album - SPIN
garbage | The Trend Reader

Evanescence singer looked straight up curry when the camera flashed at her the wrong way
  • JFL
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Only a couple could pass like Nikki Haley and a few others.

Most North Indians still very much look like typical Indians and stand out like a sore thumb among Whites.

At best, they can pass as light skinned Persians and Afghans. But the average one is still brown skinned and has Australoid admixture, just with longer faces and more narrow facial features.
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Nah i only gleamed the more relevant info and was mainly interested in the origins of vedic culture which was definitely not steppe as explained in this thread here

but also by recent lazardis paper, still the puzzle goes very deep and people more competent than me are tying up all the loose ends like tocharian origins etc can all be rectified cos it seems afansievo would never go that deep, still many disputes but i think we can say the steppe pipe dream is over. Steppe people would have most probably amalgamated in the same way as parsis, magis, and we know this cos their haplogroup is present even in dravidian tribals more than upper castes, so any language change effected by them would be irrational as the effect is too low . the basques have around 60 percent steppe and they still arent indo european speaking
Dravidians who have such a haplo of steppe descent could descend from a Steppe pastoralist rapist.

And Basques being 60% ie? Thats crazy if true. Means there native genes just erroded away
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I don't get why ethnics care so much about who's closer to a witey. White cultural dominance has really loosened a few screws in people's heads. There's nothing superior about us. Nothing to strive or see in us. Get used to your dravidian skin and make the most of it. Life's too short for this crap.
Dravidians who have such a haplo of steppe descent could descend from a Steppe pastoralist rapist.

And Basques being 60% ie? Thats crazy if true. Means there native genes just erroded away
Yea im not competent to speak of this with perfect clarity i can refer you to this blog. Idk exact percent of steppe they have but it was a lot more than swat valley samples which had around 30 percent autosomal dna max of steppe and only 2 steppe derived haplos out of 47, not enough for a language change let alone a cultural/ civilisational.

Yea im not competent to speak of this with perfect clarity i can refer you to this blog. Idk exact percent of steppe they have but it was a lot more than swat valley samples which had around 30 percent autosomal dna max of steppe and only 2 steppe derived haplos out of 47, not enough for a language change let alone a cultural/ civilisational.

Bro have u heard of Iran talk? The yt channel? The curry living in canada acting like he’s iranian
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He’s a hilarious coper and openly racist. The first curry blackpiller I know lmaooo. Whats ur discord btw
discord is darktriadalit
  • JFL
Reactions: Navnith and chaddyboi66
Bro have u heard of Iran talk? The yt channel? The curry living in canada acting like he’s iranian
I've heard of him, yes.

He doesn't act like he's Iranian nor has he ever claimed to be.

His work is legit and I thoroughly enjoy it as it's a breath of fresh air in the genetics/anthro space on YT.
He’s a hilarious coper and openly racist. The first curry blackpiller I know lmaooo. Whats ur discord btw
He's only maybe racist against Hazaras, but he never takes it too far in advocating for violence against them.

He openly refutes Nordicism and doesn't White worship, but is still respectful of genuine [ethnic] Nationalists which itself [Nationalism] isn't racist so long as they don't we wuzz.
He hates bandaris and hazaras bc of there mixture of asian and blackness. They’re ruining the iranian genome according to him
I've heard of him, yes.

He doesn't act like he's Iranian nor has he ever claimed to be.

His work is legit and I thoroughly enjoy it as it's a breath of fresh air in the genetics/anthro space on YT.

He's only maybe racist against Hazaras, but he never takes it too far in advocating for violence against them.

He openly refutes Nordicism and doesn't White worship, but is still respectful of genuine [ethnic] Nationalists which itself [Nationalism] isn't racist so long as they don't we wuzz.
I've heard of him, yes.

He doesn't act like he's Iranian nor has he ever claimed to be.

His work is legit and I thoroughly enjoy it as it's a breath of fresh air in the genetics/anthro space on YT.

He's only maybe racist against Hazaras, but he never takes it too far in advocating for violence against them.

He openly refutes Nordicism and doesn't White worship, but is still respectful of genuine [ethnic] Nationalists which itself [Nationalism] isn't racist so long as they don't we wuzz.
He hates bandaris and hazaras bc of there mixture of asian and blackness. They’re ruining the iranian genome according to him
Perhaps, but he's never advocated for any violence against them.

He also isn't completely wrong when he says that they don't belong in Iran and threaten its genetic continuity; Persians [and a few other neighbouring Iranics] are unique due to maintaining a high amount of genetic purity especially compared to their non-Iranic neighbours [excluding maybe some isolated Pasthun/Dardic tribes idk]
Perhaps, but he's never advocated for any violence against them.

He also isn't completely wrong when he says that they don't belong in Iran and threaten its genetic continuity; Persians [and a few other neighbouring Iranics] are unique due to maintaining a high amount of genetic purity especially compared to their non-Iranic neighbours [excluding maybe some isolated Pasthun/Dardic tribes idk]
U made a guide on pedophilia and fucking yo sister. Anything u say doesnt matter
  • Hmm...
Reactions: chaddyboi66
@Jason Voorhees Born to be dalit, forced to be brahmin.
  • So Sad
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>Shows 10 green eyed shitskins
>Curries are white


(OP btw)
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer and chaddyboi66
Kalash don't have that much steppe. Their aryan dna is around that of certain punjabi castes. What THEY DO HAVE, is a high level of neolithic Iranian farmer, and an extremely low level of abo dna.

Abo dna is why curries look the way they do. Without abo dna, your average curry would look like the kalash, and maybe even better (read as "whiter").
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66
U made a guide on pedophilia and fucking yo sister. Anything u say doesnt matter
Nigger wtf?

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

I made a sister fucking thread as a joke for @ @Spiͯriͯtualcel [who may or may have not been Srs idk and don't want to know], but I never made anything of the sort for the former.

Regardless, what does any of that have to do with what I just said?

You're just going to resort to ad hominems because I said something you didn't like, or because of preconceived bias based on an unrelated joke thread you misinterpreted as genuine?
Nigger wtf?

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

I made a sister fucking thread as a joke for @ @Spiͯriͯtualcel , but I never made anything of the sort for the former.

Regardless, what does any of that have to do with what I just said?

You're just going to resort to ad hominems because I said something you didn't like, or because of preconceived bias based on an unrelated joke thread you misinterpreted as genuine?
Wasnt there a pedo thread? Maybe I’m confusing it with somebody else.
  • JFL
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Wasnt there a pedo thread? Maybe I’m confusing it with somebody else.
Fuck no.

That's disgusting. It's bad enough listening to niggers obsess over muh jb this muh jb that even if they are joking cause it's bad optics tbh.
Fuck no.

That's disgusting. It's bad enough listening to niggers obsess over muh jb this muh jb that even if they are joking cause it's bad optics tbh.
Im sorry then for saying that. Just confused u w smbd else who made that
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Iranians are white and Nordic
  • JFL
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What anime is this from?
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane and Deleted member 33711
@squishy squishy
Squishypill/currypill strikes again

gooks mogg curries.

JFL she unironically looks better here because she looks less curry

These were the best pics I could find of her

and they're probably even from when she was young or around the same age as she was in that movie
Sridevi: From being Bollywood's first female superstar to her mysterious  death | Bollywood - Hindustan Times
Sridevi: When Grace Danced
Why Sridevi Was an Icon to the Indian Queer Community
I miss you: Sajal Aly remembers Sri Devi on her 60th birthday
Sridevi Kapoor, Bollywood's First Female Superstar, Dies at 54 - The New  York Times
Remembering Bollywood's Chandni aka Sridevi with her evergreen performances  on her birthday – India TV
>Shows argument op didn't even make
>says it's op's because dnrd thread made of mostly pics
>ends up repeating op's main point anyway

(u btw)
Yeah ain't reading that essay
But cool ig
  • JFL
Reactions: chaddyboi66

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