Northern Europeans are very overrated.

NT Master

NT Master

Prophet of the Racepill
Sep 27, 2022
Many people believe not only that there is a master race but that northern Europeans are it. They have even come up with 0 IQ theories like Nordicism and claim that every civilization on Earth was initially started by blonde-haired blue-eyed White people. Nordicism is literally We Wuz Kangz in whiteface. In actuality, there is no master race. And if there was a master race, Northern Europeans certainly wouldn't be it because they are inferior to others both historically and aesthetically.

Historically speaking, Nordics have none before the Medieval Era. Almost every other group of people established a civilization before the Scandinavians did. Western Europeans had Rome, Southern Europeans had Greece, North Africans had Egypt, West Asians had Persia, South Asians had India, East Asians had China, Native Americans had Mayans and Incas, etc. If you count Ethiopians as Blacks, even negroes had a civilization before the Nordics did! The only other race more primitive civilization wise than Northern Europeans were the abos and arguably Central Asians. And what was the infamous civilization that Scandinavians established in the Middle Ages? That right is the Vikings. AKA, pirates and slavers that went around looting and killing monasteries and got blown the fuck out once they went against actual armies. The worship and adoration of Vikings in modern times is fucking ridiculous! When any other race acted like Vikings, they are seen as vile savages but when Northern Europeans do it, suddenly that is cool. Vikings were essentially the Taliban/ISIS without the Quran. Except at least ISIS kept women in check while Vikings were cucks to their local women by giving them child support and acting like they were valuable soldiers.


Starting in the Renaissance Era, Scandinavia starts to become a little bit more important because Sweden becomes a great power during the Thirty Years War. Denmark is still unremarkable however and by the Industrial Era, the whole region becomes unremarkable again. Finland got passed around between Sweden and Russia before finally establishing its own independence in WW1 and losing territory plus autonomy in WW2. Since then, Scandinavia is known for being the epicenter of everything wrong with western left-wingers.

Aesthetically speaking, there are far more attractive peoples than what you would find in Northern Europe. Northern European men have a failo in that light hair and light eyes aren't seen as ideal masculine features. Many blond men and even more red-haired men have improved their SMV by dying their hair black. Tall, dark (hair), and handsome is the ideal. The physical issue with Northern European women is that they have broad shoulders and mannish skulls; this makes them look slightly androgynous but it is great if the nordcucks want to trannymaxx. Many people don't realize that because they almost go crazy if they see a woman with natural light hair and eyes. Some people would even fuck an animal as long as said animal had blonde hair and blue eyes. Many white countries are moving away from pale Scandinavian chicks being the ideal. The media is mainly promoting dark-haired beauties like Megan Fox and Alexandra Daddario now. It has been a while since a woman who looked like Marilyn Monroe or even Pamela Anderson has been a sex symbol.




So to conclude, Northern Europeans aren't all that great. There are many other types of Europeans and even non-Europeans who are superior to them in multiple categories. The one great thing Scandinavians have done is to make high-income countries with a generous welfare state. Even that is starting to change now that a lot of refugees are moving there and the Scandinavians are becoming more centrist. It is no surprise that there are only three main groups who adore the Nordic peoples anymore:
  1. Stormcels and neo-nazicucks who talk about the beauty of Scandinavia and promote Nordicism because Northern Europeans are the pinnacle of "whiteness". The alt-righters conveniently ignore the fact that Northern Europe is also the pinnacle of progressive liberalism along with everything else wrong with the West.
  2. Far leftists who praise Scandinavias because it is the most liberal region on Earth. They conveniently ignore the fact that until recently, Northern Europe was very ethnically homogeneous and everyone felt like one big family. Now that Scandinavia is diversifying, the welfare state and high outcomes are declining. Ironically, the ideal progressive society could only function in a White ethnostate.
  3. Self-hating shitskins who want to reproduce with the whitest and palest people on Earth because they hope that their offspring will be white-passing. All they're really going to do (assuming they succeed) is create mental basket cases with identity issues because one of their parents hates their own body. Case in point: r/hapas. Being White also isn't as valuable nowadays as it was 50 years ago due to China's rise and anti-white globohomo so they are really just hopping on a sinking ship.
Anybody that ever talks about the greatness of Northern Europeans gets slid right into my ignore list.
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havent been to scandinavia so idk
what colour is northern europes global empire
You obviously don’t understand phenotypes

Because if you did you’d understand that Megan fox and Daddario have a nordic phenotype
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You obviously don’t understand phenotypes

Because if you did you’d understand that Megan fox and Daddario have a nordic phenotype
shes atlantid
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North atlandid, which originated from northern germanics and Scandinavia during the copper age
atlantid is just mix of nordic and med.
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atlantid is just mix of nordic and med.
Not really it’s more complicated then that, it’s a nordic phenotype though
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You obviously don’t understand phenotypes

Because if you did you’d understand that Megan fox and Daddario have a nordic phenotype
They are med
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atlantid is just mix of nordic and med.
It’s pretty complicated but north atlandid is pretty far off from med, also north atlandid isn’t even it’s true name Agrippa the person who translated the original texts just made up Atlantid things it doesn’t say this stuff in the original books

north atlandid is a nordic phenotype
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@Erik-Jón classify Chico
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It’s pretty complicated but north atlandid is pretty far off from med, also north atlandid isn’t even it’s true name Agrippa the person who translated the original texts just made up Atlantid things it doesn’t say this stuff in the original books

north atlandid is a nordic phenotype
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I'm turkish and i agree cause all of my comrades i see are masc whereas with nerdics i feel so dom
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@Erik-Jón what about Lima?
We know that she is mixed as fuck ofc but phenotypes can be kinda random
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@Erik-Jón what about Lima?
We know that she is mixed as fuck ofc but phenotypes can be kinda random
She’s very complicated to break down she’s so mutt
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, enchanted_elixir, PrinceLuenLeoncur and 1 other person
@Erik-Jón what about Lima?
We know that she is mixed as fuck ofc but phenotypes can be kinda random
When you look at someone like lima

Her dna is so diverse, and her features are so far from average it’s very hard to truly know her real phenotype

Because phenotypes relie on averages and what people you look like, and simply nobody looks like lima
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir, Danish_Retard, PrinceLuenLeoncur and 2 others
When you look at someone like lima

Her dna is so diverse, and her features are so far from average it’s very hard to truly know her real phenotype

Because phenotypes relie on averages and what people you look like, and simply nobody looks like lima
maher is 1/4 black but his pheno is obvious
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@Erik-Jón bring back the savolaxid mika hakkinid
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maher is 1/4 black but his pheno is obvious
But asides from Nigga he’s clearly like 75% germanic and all his black is MOSTLY washed out

Brazil is much more diverse
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is he also paleo atlantid influenced? pheno aspies call that cromagnon influence right?
Not how that works and no
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Sudan in 50 B.C.


The Britons in 50 B.C.

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Sudan in 50 B.C.


The Britons in 50 B.C.

Which led to faster switch to cheap easily mass produced soft foods which made them all subhuman compared to the hard food eating germanics
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Northern Europeans have convinced niggas that a bunch of rocks thrown on the ground is as significant as the pyramids of Egypt and the Romans architectures

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Many people believe not only that there is a master race but that northern Europeans are it. They have even come up with 0 IQ theories like Nordicism and claim that every civilization on Earth was initially started by blonde-haired blue-eyed White people. Nordicism is literally We Wuz Kangz in whiteface. In actuality, there is no master race. And if there was a master race, Northern Europeans certainly wouldn't be it because they are inferior to others both historically and aesthetically.

Historically speaking, Nordics have none before the Medieval Era. Almost every other group of people established a civilization before the Scandinavians did. Western Europeans had Rome, Southern Europeans had Greece, North Africans had Egypt, West Asians had Persia, South Asians had India, East Asians had China, Native Americans had Mayans and Incas, etc. If you count Ethiopians as Blacks, even negroes had a civilization before the Nordics did! The only other race more primitive civilization wise than Northern Europeans were the abos and arguably Central Asians. And what was the infamous civilization that Scandinavians established in the Middle Ages? That right is the Vikings. AKA, pirates and slavers that went around looting and killing monasteries and got blown the fuck out once they went against actual armies. The worship and adoration of Vikings in modern times is fucking ridiculous! When any other race acted like Vikings, they are seen as vile savages but when Northern Europeans do it, suddenly that is cool. Vikings were essentially the Taliban/ISIS without the Quran. Except at least ISIS kept women in check while Vikings were cucks to their local women by giving them child support and acting like they were valuable soldiers.


Starting in the Renaissance Era, Scandinavia starts to become a little bit more important because Sweden becomes a great power during the Thirty Years War. Denmark is still unremarkable however and by the Industrial Era, the whole region becomes unremarkable again. Finland got passed around between Sweden and Russia before finally establishing its own independence in WW1 and losing territory plus autonomy in WW2. Since then, Scandinavia is known for being the epicenter of everything wrong with western left-wingers.

Aesthetically speaking, there are far more attractive peoples than what you would find in Northern Europe. Northern European men have a failo in that light hair and light eyes aren't seen as ideal masculine features. Many blond men and even more red-haired men have improved their SMV by dying their hair black. Tall, dark (hair), and handsome is the ideal. The physical issue with Northern European women is that they have broad shoulders and mannish skulls; this makes them look slightly androgynous but it is great if the nordcucks want to trannymaxx. Many people don't realize that because they almost go crazy if they see a woman with natural light hair and eyes. Some people would even fuck an animal as long as said animal had blonde hair and blue eyes. Many white countries are moving away from pale Scandinavian chicks being the ideal. The media is mainly promoting dark-haired beauties like Megan Fox and Alexandra Daddario now. It has been a while since a woman who looked like Marilyn Monroe or even Pamela Anderson has been a sex symbol.




So to conclude, Northern Europeans aren't all that great. There are many other types of Europeans and even non-Europeans who are superior to them in multiple categories. The one great thing Scandinavians have done is to make high-income countries with a generous welfare state. Even that is starting to change now that a lot of refugees are moving there and the Scandinavians are becoming more centrist. It is no surprise that there are only three main groups who adore the Nordic peoples anymore:
  1. Stormcels and neo-nazicucks who talk about the beauty of Scandinavia and promote Nordicism because Northern Europeans are the pinnacle of "whiteness". The alt-righters conveniently ignore the fact that Northern Europe is also the pinnacle of progressive liberalism along with everything else wrong with the West.
  2. Far leftists who praise Scandinavias because it is the most liberal region on Earth. They conveniently ignore the fact that until recently, Northern Europe was very ethnically homogeneous and everyone felt like one big family. Now that Scandinavia is diversifying, the welfare state and high outcomes are declining. Ironically, the ideal progressive society could only function in a White ethnostate.
  3. Self-hating shitskins who want to reproduce with the whitest and palest people on Earth because they hope that their offspring will be white-passing. All they're really going to do (assuming they succeed) is create mental basket cases with identity issues because one of their parents hates their own body. Case in point: r/hapas. Being White also isn't as valuable nowadays as it was 50 years ago due to China's rise and anti-white globohomo so they are really just hopping on a sinking ship.
Anybody that ever talks about the greatness of Northern Europeans gets slid right into my ignore list.
It makes no sense to take the people, who are universally acclaimed as "most beautiful", for comparison, because there is invariably too much subjectivity in what one considers "most beautiful". In fact, Personally, I would NEVER consider Daddario beautiful: i just don't like her looks. She looks like an average chubby ALIEN to me. I can guarantee that i can meet more attractive women than her at a local joint in Scandinavia EVERY day of the week.

You NEED to compare AVERAGES. And NOW, the things become different. REMEMBER, BOTH in SCANDINAVIA and OTHER WORLD incl. rest of europe, AVERAGE MALE/FEMALE are INFINITELY UGLY. Both in Italy, in Spain, and in SCANDINAVIA, the average male is a freak.

But ONLY on the average level you notice TWO things about Scandinavians: they are VERY TALL, and THEY ALL HAVE HIGH CHEEKBONES.

Literally, THESE 2 THINGS BEAT every other nationality IN AVERAGES. The average Swedish/Norwegian/Danish/Finnish male is 181cm tall! This is A LOT. It automatically makes local males MORE attractive than any male abroad in EU, where the average height is <181cm outside of the Netherlands, and 3-4 other small countries.

Now CHEEKBONES. EVERYONE in SCANDI has them EVERYONE. And having HIGH PROMINENT CHEEKBONE, even on a subhuman is an INSANE HALO. Because while it does not erase the subhumanity of the average male/female, it produces INFINITELY more attractive faces ON THE AVERAGE. Thus, average Scandi male/females >> average world male/female.

So, it is NOT a myth. Scandinavians are indeed the most beautiful people on earth due to TWO things: HEIGHT + HIGH PROMINENT CHEEKBONES.

Otherwise blonde coloring is shit. But don't forget, many people still worship it, because it is unique. :feelsgood:

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Reactions: Danish_Retard, Deleted member 19766 and Erik-Jón
It makes no sense to take the people, who are universally acclaimed as "most beautiful", for comparison, because there is invariably too much subjectivity in what one considers "most beautiful". In fact, Personally, I would NEVER consider Daddario beautiful: i just don't like her looks. She looks like an average chubby ALIEN to me. I can guarantee that i can meet more attractive women than her at a local joint in Scandinavia EVERY day of the week.

You NEED to compare AVERAGES. And NOW, the things become different. REMEMBER, BOTH in SCANDINAVIA and OTHER WORLD incl. rest of europe, AVERAGE MALE/FEMALE are INFINITELY UGLY. Both in Italy, in Spain, and in SCANDINAVIA, the average male is a freak.

But ONLY on the average level you notice TWO things about Scandinavians: they are VERY TALL, and THEY ALL HAVE HIGH CHEEKBONES.

Literally, THESE 2 THINGS BEAT every other nationality IN AVERAGES. The average Swedish/Norwegian/Danish/Finnish male is 181cm tall! This is A LOT. It automatically makes local males MORE attractive than any male abroad in EU, where the average height is <181cm outside of the Netherlands, and 3-4 other small countries.

Now CHEEKBONES. EVERYONE in SCANDI has them EVERYONE. And having HIGH PROMINENT CHEEKBONE, even on a subhuman is an INSANE HALO. Because while it does not erase the subhumanity of the average male/female, it produces INFINITELY more attractive faces ON THE AVERAGE. Thus, average Scandi male/females >> average world male/female.

So, it is NOT a myth. Scandinavians are indeed the most beautiful people on earth due to TWO things: HEIGHT + HIGH PROMINENT CHEEKBONES.

Otherwise blonde coloring is shit. But don't forget, many people still worship it, because it is unique. :feelsgood:

I have height and cheekbones and am 100% germanic very true

Even if I don’t agree with everything you said
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It makes no sense to take the people, who are universally acclaimed as "most beautiful", for comparison, because there is invariably too much subjectivity in what one considers "most beautiful". In fact, Personally, I would NEVER consider Daddario beautiful: i just don't like her looks. She looks like an average chubby ALIEN to me. I can guarantee that i can meet more attractive women than her at a local joint in Scandinavia EVERY day of the week.

You NEED to compare AVERAGES. And NOW, the things become different. REMEMBER, BOTH in SCANDINAVIA and OTHER WORLD incl. rest of europe, AVERAGE MALE/FEMALE are INFINITELY UGLY. Both in Italy, in Spain, and in SCANDINAVIA, the average male is a freak.

But ONLY on the average level you notice TWO things about Scandinavians: they are VERY TALL, and THEY ALL HAVE HIGH CHEEKBONES.

Literally, THESE 2 THINGS BEAT every other nationality IN AVERAGES. The average Swedish/Norwegian/Danish/Finnish male is 181cm tall! This is A LOT. It automatically makes local males MORE attractive than any male abroad in EU, where the average height is <181cm outside of the Netherlands, and 3-4 other small countries.

Now CHEEKBONES. EVERYONE in SCANDI has them EVERYONE. And having HIGH PROMINENT CHEEKBONE, even on a subhuman is an INSANE HALO. Because while it does not erase the subhumanity of the average male/female, it produces INFINITELY more attractive faces ON THE AVERAGE. Thus, average Scandi male/females >> average world male/female.

So, it is NOT a myth. Scandinavians are indeed the most beautiful people on earth due to TWO things: HEIGHT + HIGH PROMINENT CHEEKBONES.

Otherwise blonde coloring is shit. But don't forget, many people still worship it, because it is unique. :feelsgood:

Also a lot of it has to do with gene pools

Scandinavian/germanic people just tend to have better bones and eye area in average do yo evolutionary reasons

That’s not to say even an ethnic could not not a scandi but it all comes down to the averages

Obviously individual is all that matters
Literally the best race of people. With white people you can just be friends and hang out, but ethnics always need some other qualities to compensate.
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Literally the only people who worship north Europeans are east Asians and Indians. That's it. No one gives a fuck about this blonde hair, blue eyed shit in the west and most parts of the world.
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Jews mog cumskin pigs :ogre:


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Literally the only people who worship north Europeans are east Asians and Indians. That's it. No one gives a fuck about this blonde hair, blue eyed shit in the west and most parts of the world.
Almost nobody has blonde hair in the germanics

How many ethnically blacks have wide noses:forcedsmile:
Almost nobody has blonde hair in the germanics

How many ethnically blacks have wide noses:forcedsmile:
I'm talking purely about Scandinavia/Nordic countries when I say north Europe.
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I'm talking purely about Scandinavia/Nordic countries when I say north Europe.
That doesn’t change anything the majority of people don’t have blonde hair

All you removed was England, Germany and the other lower countries
Literally the only people who worship north Europeans are east Asians and Indians. That's it. No one gives a fuck about this blonde hair, blue eyed shit in the west and most parts of the world.
"Literally the only people who worship north europeans are the groups with the two biggest countries in the world population wise, together amounting to almost 3 billion people"

Rephrased it for you
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everything was built by black people, all languages, cultures and great civilizations and constructions around the world, everything was built by black people, white people were created in a laboratory by doctor yakub, white demons stole black culture and civilizations and now they can speak freely on the internet that they created all these things that were actually created by black people, sad shit ngl
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"Literally the only people who worship north europeans are the groups with the two biggest countries in the world population wise, together amounting to almost 3 billion people"

Rephrased it for you
Not really since most people in these areas do not worship them. Just a vocal minority.
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@Erik-Jón what about Lima?
We know that she is mixed as fuck ofc but phenotypes can be kinda random
the odds of someone ending up like her is almost zero. she literally has the best from each of her ethnic backgrounds, fucking perfection, 1 in 1000000000.
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Not really it’s more complicated then that, it’s a nordic phenotype though
Atlantid is intermediate between Nordid and Med
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@Erik-Jón what about Lima?
We know that she is mixed as fuck ofc but phenotypes can be kinda random
Godess phenotype. She is not human she is beyond comprehension to the mortal mind. She is Lima/10 a living walking reincarnation of Aphrodite
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When you look at someone like lima

Her dna is so diverse, and her features are so far from average it’s very hard to truly know her real phenotype

Because phenotypes relie on averages and what people you look like, and simply nobody looks like lima
When you look at someone like lima

Her dna is so diverse, and her features are so far from average it’s very hard to truly know her real phenotype

Because phenotypes relie on averages and what people you look like, and simply nobody looks like lima
The smartest thing you have ever said in your entire life. Yes Lima is a walking demigod in human form i love her and she loves you and all of us equally LIMA has the power bestowed unto her by Jesus and god to bless us with he presence and Beauty. The truth is Lima isn’t Of any race she is simply LIMA
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