(observation) Life is simple. Hate your high IQ; aim to be a dumb fuck.



Aug 29, 2019
(I suffer from this problem alot, to much. Only for my work, does it help that I analyse the shit out of situations and hypothetical scenario's and concern all the risks, because my pussy customers are willing to pay money for that horseshit.)

Any dude thinking BEYOND: getting sex and prospering. Is fucked, unhappy and/or fails.

The people doing best and being most high/happy on life; are the dumbfucks that hardly think and just take actions and risks (without alot of concern/over-thinking) on: getting sex/laid; and to prosper/survive.

But smart people, they start to think about stuff like:
* BUT, what if I get rejected? What if she says.... (what shoudl I say back)? What it she thinks ......?
* BUT, what if interest rates go up on my business loan?
* BUT, what if we go to war with Russia, Iran, etc....?

DON'T think about this BUT shit. Why, do I even think or worry about this shit?
They only lead to excuses, to do SHIT. Paralysis by analysis disease.

That's why the dumb fucks, often do much better.

The higher IQ story, of the above is as follows (hopefully my last time of being high IQ)

How much/little IQ and thinking plays a role.
"Only 25% of your job successes are predicted based upon intelligence and technical skills"
For other things in life, beyond work. I think the influence percentage of intelligence is even plenty lower then 25%.
"The “silent 75%” of long-term job success is based upon your ability to positively adapt to the world: optimism, social support creation, and viewing stress as a challenge instead of as a threat, etc.."
For other things in life, it's also about just adapting while doing mainly. Not thinking.

How thinking about risks/downsides (often called, being high IQ) FUCKS me/us up.
"In truth, "negative" emotions and thoughts [such as doubts, thinking about small risks, etc..] stem from the most primitive part of the brain that responds to fear and threat.
When we are "negative"
[aka, thinking about risks or possible downsides] in emotions or thoughts, our brains resort to “fight or flight” thinking about the world. [most high iq people, chose flight and thus lead a life of procrastination/inaction]
"When we are more "positive" [aka, thinking about what to do and just doing it to hopefully get .....] in emotions or thoughts, our brains creates new patterns and "solutions" widen the amount of possibilities our brains can process."
"Try to raise your level of happiness before tackling a challenge.". Because it will make you more low IQ [aka. NOT thinking about doubts, obstacles, and small risks. But thinking about what to do and just doing it to so to get XYZ].

Suggestion video on how to make more happy baseline:


A ranting old man about being low IQ is best
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I am stupid i am scared take risks . And stupid people think their logic is just flawd.

Its that cognitive abity is the biggest predictor of job performqnce and iq meuser cognitive abilty and other things
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Its that cognitive abity is the biggest predictor of job performqnce and iq meuser cognitive abilty and other things
I like to add, but just personal observation I don't have facts data.

"job emplyee performance success"; this already sounds like being a fucking loser wage slave cuck.
Don't mistake being high tier average in income because of having a good job, as being succesfull. It's imo loser talk. But most news items/outlets do talk about it in those terms. See those succesfull accountants earning 80000 eruos per year. While in reality, they only nett about 2000 euro extra money monthly, compared to a laizy single mom whom wellfare maxxed. It's fucking pathetic.

For my job, for example planning taxation and scenarios and stuff. My performance is also dependant on cognitive abilities and "over" analising details.
And I know colleague's in this field of work. Which is University level, type of work.

Are I and my collegagues they hyper-successfull in work/erning/etc..?
No, most not. They earn okay or well, above the average. But nothing like the entrepreneurs that hire them. While often being more high IQ then the entrepreneurs that hire them. My biggest customers, never even finished high school and likely is not very high iq. He earns/profits 10x my income; and owns wealth/company/possesions worth millions more then I have.

Are these collegaues doing well with realtionships and sex??
No, most not. Not opportunistic enough. To much aware of risks and rejection rate chance.To much thinking, not acting. Whileplenty of these dumber fucks, just chat up women against the odds, and luck out on semi-regular basis. Most of them have a fat ugly bitch, as their partner.

This opbservations. Make me someimes fucking hate being high IQ or seeing other high IQ dudes not doing so well in these 2 basic aspects of life.

The aim is obviously. To just be or act smart enough, to see quickly the mayor/big opportunities and risks. And then just action on that gut feeling. For surewhen it comes to sex and relationships, and to a large extend also of you want to be a business man.
Being a work cuck slave, obviously it's different. Then just be a passive over analitical weenie, for your boss his benifits.

This videos says basically what I tried to say:

I forgot to share the proofs, stuff about IQ and Sex, relationship, dating. (because i accidentlally only forcused on work)

Proofs. That high IQ (due to overthinking leading to incation likely) fucks up our-your dating. sex, relationship life.

here some graphs and data for studies and stuff.



info, how smart peoples sex, dating and relationship results, SUCK big time. While they have in theory more to offer:
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80000 eruos per year. While in reality, they only nett 2000 euro extra money compared to a laizy single mom

Sorry i dont know how quote . In that way do you mean with this . Is this money after tax or is this every thing include like rent and food. I will assume you are from germany

I dont know if This article fits what you are writing about because they work .

80000 eruos per year. While in reality, they only nett 2000 euro extra money compared to a laizy single mom

Sorry i dont know how quote . In that way do you mean with this . Is this money after tax or is this every thing include like rent and food. I will assume you are from germany

I dont know if This article fits what you are writing about because they work .

Obviously I'm talking about money after taxes, and alls the other governemental shit and wellfare and God what not we have in The Nethelands.

All that matters is aftre TAX money, net income. PLUS all that hidden wellfare shit we have in the netherlands.

WE can't spend GROSS income. ALL that matters is NET, SPendable income.

And it's also fucking pathetic is a "successfull"accountant earns just a little bit more than a fucking minimum wage idiot single parent.

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Reminds me of this quote from John Stuart Mill

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High IQ
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Obviously I'm talking about money after taxes, and alls the other governemental shit and wellfare and God what not we have in The Nethelands.

All that matters is aftre TAX money, net income. PLUS all that hidden wellfare shit we have in the netherlands.

WE can't spend GROSS income. ALL that matters is NET, SPendable income.

And it's also fucking pathetic is a "successfull"accountant earns just a little bit more than a fucking minimum wage idiot single parent.

Do you have any english source for that because it sounds incorrect

And the video you posted is just retarded you explain it better yourself
Good thread. Being neurotic is terrible.
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High T Chads also have the highest IQs.
The thing is, they don't need money to get pussy and got lazy in this world.
But if SHTF, they will be the Masters once again.

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Reminds me of this quote from John Stuart Mill

What a dumb statement from John Stuart.

"it is better", is the fatal error in his statement. There doesn't exist a universal better or worse. It only exists in context of pre-judgement, with pre concieved notions. Better/worse is a DUMB concept overall. At least I in my OP does use stupid shit like "it's unversially better" Or "it's unversially worse/bad" to be.
At least I'm specific in my statements. Like for example: "unhappy/happy; passive/active; succesfull/fail; etc...

Let's repharse what he says. And remove the adjectives (which show his pre-judgements):

"It is better to be .. dissatisfied than ....... satisfied. And if the or the .... are of different opinion, it's because they only know their own side of the question"
His statemnet makes not sense to me.
The only sense his origanl statement makes, is that a misserable smart person can feel better about himself for being unhappy or dissatisfied. That smart person is likely to a large extend unhappy or dissatisfied; because he's a passive pussy that doesn't dare to take risks the "pig/fool" did dare to take. But through that quote of John Stuart that smart person can still feel superior and good about himself. While in reality, it's totally legit that person feels unhappy or dissatisfied because of being a pussy.

Do you have any english source for that because it sounds incorrect

And the video you posted is just retarded you explain it better yourself
My numbers might not be exactly right. But my general statement is true. being a low income person in the netherlands, or being higher (above average) icome, makes little difference.
obviously this statement, is largely location based. Although at least in plenty European ciountries and Western world, it's often true.

For example. 2 Person with a kid in rental home.
- Person A. "Loser" person having only €21000 per year or €1750/month per tax income. Net spendable monthly money: € 2276
- Person B: "succesfull employee" person having above average €50.000 per year or €4167/month per tax income. Net spendable monthly money: € 2881

There is only 600 euro per month, spendable income difference. Even though person B earns €29.000 more pre-tax income. Fucking pathetic.

I work in this field that I know and can seeif these calculations are right or wrong. And I can tell you, they are right.


For the rest. Do your own fucking research, if you wanna know more about this shit. I don't know english resources.
Only being Hyper-successfull; can make a person rich in The Netherlands. Having a "good" pre-tax salary of €500000 or €80.000; won't make one rich on itself. It will only make, that you can spend a little bit more then people that on paper earn shit income.
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Didnt read that fucking long ass bitch post What do you expact from me? You are retarded or What? Pay me 20 bucks and i i Will read.
Someone with more than 10 kills is always a hero
JFL if you think overthinking = high IQ
it's just the result of negative reinforcement during developmental years (being bullied, being a social outcast)
all these "what if ?" thought patterns are just hardwired in your brain if you went through these things
if you've always been chad, then your confidence and impulsivity is through the roof, you've always done whatever the hell you wanted and people always clapped at you
chad brain and incel brain are on a whole other level
high IQ has barely anything to do with this, it's a correlation and not a causation, and most times it's not even a correlation JFL
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I have cousin who got 95 iq on online iq test. I assure you, being on lower side of iq is not good at all imo.
sidenote : the most bitter pill i've ever had to swallow is that you can't change your thought patterns once you're 14+, if you've always been a social outcast you're basically doomed with inhibition and anxiety
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sidenote : the most bitter pill i've ever had to swallow is that you can't change your thought patterns once you're 14+, if you've always been a social outcast you're basically doomed with inhibition and anxiety
High IQ cop-out?

Instead of being a dumb fuck, that just pushes through the inhibitions and anxieties (if necesairy with the help of a drink). (Maybe, probably at least hopefully, building new connections, patterns, habits, and actions/hebaviours)

One goes all high IQ and thinking first, on the why one can't do jack shit because of: thought patterns, inhibitions, anxiety.

This is imo.
An Example of: overthinking or high IQ behaviour. And the opposite of being a Dumb fuck and just pushing through inhibitions and anxieties.

Doing 3 times per week things one fears, is legit dumb fuck behavior to copy. That's how it's build, and builds up
Afraid of getting rejected? Just go bumm deliberately on a stage like a mofo.
Afraid of heights? go bungee jumping
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This is exactly what i keep saying here, an above average IQ (125-130+) is a curse.
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High IQ thread
This is exactly what i keep saying here, an above average IQ (125-130+) is a curse.
A retarded dumb fuck dude with the iq of 65.
Has a much higher chance of getting laid this year, then an intelligent dude with an iq of 120

Image 17551
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Just become dumb theory
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Just become dumb theory
When dumb means; taking actions and risks.
And where smart means usually; paralysis by analysis (inaction due to thinking)
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Custom lobotomy by Eppley
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Obviously I'm talking about money after taxes, and alls the other governemental shit and wellfare and God what not we have in The Nethelands.

All that matters is aftre TAX money, net income. PLUS all that hidden wellfare shit we have in the netherlands.

WE can't spend GROSS income. ALL that matters is NET, SPendable income.

And it's also fucking pathetic is a "successfull"accountant earns just a little bit more than a fucking minimum wage idiot single parent.

How tf does the average middle class citizen tolerate being taxed to fuck by the government where you live? People whine about small 1% changes in taxation in the US.
How tf does the average middle class citizen tolerate being taxed to fuck by the government where you live?
1. Ignorance largely. Most people don't even know or realize it, because the sytem is set up so complicated (with like 40 welfare type of systems) that regular people don't even understand jack shit about it.
2. And because those "poor" people, are very good at presenting themselfes as pitty-worthy people. And poor people are very good at being bad with money (spending on stupid shit) so they are always in financial stress.
3. People are easily statisfied. So these higher income poeple that get taxed into oblivion, are still content somehow that they have a few hunderds or 1000 per month to spend on livings and/or fun.
4. Pussies, complacency. Not willing to do anything about it.
People whine about small 1% changes in taxation in the US.
Yeah. USA, is taxation wise more friendly the Europe. And people are more aggressive on tax raise.
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better: be low iq in relationships and friendships be high iq in business and career
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1. Ignorance largely. Most people don't even know or realize it, because the sytem is set up so complicated (with like 40 welfare type of systems) that regular people don't even understand jack shit about it.
2. And because those "poor" people, are very good at presenting themselfes as pitty-worthy people. And poor people are very good at being bad with money (spending on stupid shit) so they are always in financial stress.
3. People are easily statisfied. So these higher income poeple that get taxed into oblivion, are still content somehow that they have a few hunderds or 1000 per month to spend on livings and/or fun.
4. Pussies, complacency. Not willing to do anything about it.
Yeah. USA, is taxation wise more friendly the Europe. And people are more aggressive on tax raise.

I'm more surprised there isn't an exodus of professionals and educated people from western european countries with high taxes to the US in order to earn more. An average accountant and engineer would earn much more due to less taxation.
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(I suffer from this problem alot, to much. Only for my work, does it help that I analyse the shit out of situations and hypothetical scenario's and concern all the risks, because my pussy customers are willing to pay money for that horseshit.)

Any dude thinking BEYOND: getting sex and prospering. Is fucked, unhappy and/or fails.

The people doing best and being most high/happy on life; are the dumbfucks that hardly think and just take actions and risks (without alot of concern/over-thinking) on: getting sex/laid; and to prosper/survive.

But smart people, they start to think about stuff like:
* BUT, what if I get rejected? What if she says.... (what shoudl I say back)? What it she thinks ......?
* BUT, what if interest rates go up on my business loan?
* BUT, what if we go to war with Russia, Iran, etc....?

DON'T think about this BUT shit. Why, do I even think or worry about this shit?
They only lead to excuses, to do SHIT. Paralysis by analysis disease.

That's why the dumb fucks, often do much better.

The higher IQ story, of the above is as follows (hopefully my last time of being high IQ)

How much/little IQ and thinking plays a role.
"Only 25% of your job successes are predicted based upon intelligence and technical skills"
For other things in life, beyond work. I think the influence percentage of intelligence is even plenty lower then 25%.
"The “silent 75%” of long-term job success is based upon your ability to positively adapt to the world: optimism, social support creation, and viewing stress as a challenge instead of as a threat, etc.."
For other things in life, it's also about just adapting while doing mainly. Not thinking.

How thinking about risks/downsides (often called, being high IQ) FUCKS me/us up.
"In truth, "negative" emotions and thoughts [such as doubts, thinking about small risks, etc..] stem from the most primitive part of the brain that responds to fear and threat.
When we are "negative"
[aka, thinking about risks or possible downsides] in emotions or thoughts, our brains resort to “fight or flight” thinking about the world. [most high iq people, chose flight and thus lead a life of procrastination/inaction]
"When we are more "positive" [aka, thinking about what to do and just doing it to hopefully get .....] in emotions or thoughts, our brains creates new patterns and "solutions" widen the amount of possibilities our brains can process."
"Try to raise your level of happiness before tackling a challenge.". Because it will make you more low IQ [aka. NOT thinking about doubts, obstacles, and small risks. But thinking about what to do and just doing it to so to get XYZ].

Suggestion video on how to make more happy baseline:


A ranting old man about being low IQ is best

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(I suffer from this problem alot, to much. Only for my work, does it help that I analyse the shit out of situations and hypothetical scenario's and concern all the risks, because my pussy customers are willing to pay money for that horseshit.)

Any dude thinking BEYOND: getting sex and prospering. Is fucked, unhappy and/or fails.

The people doing best and being most high/happy on life; are the dumbfucks that hardly think and just take actions and risks (without alot of concern/over-thinking) on: getting sex/laid; and to prosper/survive.

But smart people, they start to think about stuff like:
* BUT, what if I get rejected? What if she says.... (what shoudl I say back)? What it she thinks ......?
* BUT, what if interest rates go up on my business loan?
* BUT, what if we go to war with Russia, Iran, etc....?

DON'T think about this BUT shit. Why, do I even think or worry about this shit?
They only lead to excuses, to do SHIT. Paralysis by analysis disease.

That's why the dumb fucks, often do much better.

The higher IQ story, of the above is as follows (hopefully my last time of being high IQ)

How much/little IQ and thinking plays a role.
"Only 25% of your job successes are predicted based upon intelligence and technical skills"
For other things in life, beyond work. I think the influence percentage of intelligence is even plenty lower then 25%.
"The “silent 75%” of long-term job success is based upon your ability to positively adapt to the world: optimism, social support creation, and viewing stress as a challenge instead of as a threat, etc.."
For other things in life, it's also about just adapting while doing mainly. Not thinking.

How thinking about risks/downsides (often called, being high IQ) FUCKS me/us up.
"In truth, "negative" emotions and thoughts [such as doubts, thinking about small risks, etc..] stem from the most primitive part of the brain that responds to fear and threat.
When we are "negative"
[aka, thinking about risks or possible downsides] in emotions or thoughts, our brains resort to “fight or flight” thinking about the world. [most high iq people, chose flight and thus lead a life of procrastination/inaction]
"When we are more "positive" [aka, thinking about what to do and just doing it to hopefully get .....] in emotions or thoughts, our brains creates new patterns and "solutions" widen the amount of possibilities our brains can process."
"Try to raise your level of happiness before tackling a challenge.". Because it will make you more low IQ [aka. NOT thinking about doubts, obstacles, and small risks. But thinking about what to do and just doing it to so to get XYZ].

Suggestion video on how to make more happy baseline:


A ranting old man about being low IQ is best

If your listening to this old fuck who's supposedly a billionaire you'll never be rich high iq is key to wealth wealth comes from problem solving
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Being smart and overthinking are 2 different things. But I agree that smart people are less happy in general.
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This is so true. I've been chugging 2 shots of vodka everytime I go out for a while and it's low inhib maxxing me. The successful man is a man of the world, a man that doesn't think any more than necessary, a man that takes action.
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Yes, dan pena mentions that iq isn't positively correlated with wealth. Usually, the smart people aren't the ones that take action quickly enough and just overanalyze everything. If you're in that scenario, you need to shut that off and only turn it on when necessary.
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This is so true. I've been chugging 2 shots of vodka everytime I go out for a while and it's low inhib maxxing me. The successful man is a man of the world, a man that doesn't think any more than necessary, a man that takes action.
Great share of experience. I aim to achieve it without alcohol, and I have to. because alcohol does not have that type of effect on me.
Great share of experience. I aim to achieve it without alcohol, and I have to. because alcohol does not have that type of effect on me.
I hope you make it man. It's definitely a mental state that can be achieved. I don't plan on doing this long term, it's more of a mental kick in the butt to get me out there socializing. I don't get hangovers luckily.
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Yes, dan pena mentions that iq isn't positively correlated with wealth. Usually, the smart people aren't the ones that take action quickly enough and just overanalyze everything. If you're in that scenario, you need to shut that off and only turn it on when necessary.
He's incorrect. When he says there isn't a correlation with iq and wealth. Because there is, as in higher IQ then average among very rich.(see sources below). If it's causation, that's another thing; and I doubt that to a large extend. Although there could be some causation, I expect it to be pretty low, and not so much as we would expect. Another study says, that it's not necairy to be smart (see link*1) And At the same time, most smart people never become rich. Because I guess also due to smart peples tendency tendency to suffer from: Analysis paralysis ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analysis_paralysis ). And since the world is becoming more complicated, it seems smart younger people seem to start suffering from it more and more and becoming more inactive. And inaction, is a recipe for non success.

With business and carreer and money. We have to accept IQ helps. BUT only if you are not suffering from Analysis paralysis; and do take action.
With most other things in life, high IQ isn't so nice at all.

*1 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070424204519.htm
"A nationwide study found that people of below average intelligence were, overall, just about as wealthy as those in similar circumstances but with higher scores on an IQ test. "
"“Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth."

* correlation graph:


I'm more surprised there isn't an exodus of professionals and educated people from western european countries with high taxes to the US in order to earn more. An average accountant and engineer would earn much more due to less taxation.
They would have a net loss bc of our lack of social sevices. They lose all their public benefits when coming here, like free healthcare, college, and others.
I'm more surprised there isn't an exodus of professionals and educated people from western european countries with high taxes to the US in order to earn more. An average accountant and engineer would earn much more due to less taxation.
They would have a net loss bc of our lack of social sevices. They lose all their public benefits when coming here, like free healthcare, college, and others.
Ignorance is bliss

Easy as that
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They would have a net loss bc of our lack of social sevices. They lose all their public benefits when coming here, like free healthcare, college, and others.

They would have a net loss bc of our lack of social sevices. They lose all their public benefits when coming here, like free healthcare, college, and others.

Not really. Your average professional, key word professional, like an engineer would have a much higher income because the US on average has higher wages even before taxes. Plus private health insurance isn't that bad, its only bad for people with no money, not educated middle class people. Healthcare isn't free, the middle class still pays for it via taxation, most of which falls on their income. Healthcare is free for poor people, paid for by the middle class being taxed. Even then, places like NYC have free college tuition for families that make under $100,000.
It's actually not about iq, it's all about neuroticism.
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It’s all about ur hormones and social iq
Meanwhile I have 147 IQ :feelsrope:
being smart is more important than looks

why would you want to be dumb?
Very high IQ, I'm pretty sure this kind of autistic way of overanalyzing every little thing while rotting in my room instead of actually doing things ruined (what could have been) my life.
sidenote : the most bitter pill i've ever had to swallow is that you can't change your thought patterns once you're 14+, if you've always been a social outcast you're basically doomed with inhibition and anxiety

Pretty much unless you're a latepubertycel and grow bones & facial aesthetics in your later teens (seen it happen).
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Very high IQ, this kind of autistic way of overanalyzing every little thing instead of actually doing things ruined (what could have been) my liife.
Next level analyzing.
Seeing through analyzing, how (over) analyzing fucked up your life.
The irony.
Try to find a way to be able to dumb yourself down, being action an not thought

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You just explained why people take drugs (downers)
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being smart is more important than looks

why would you want to be dumb?
For relationships. Check this graph, and see the correlation (causation?) between iq or smarts and sex. A Forrest Gump iq70 dude; has a bigger chance of getting laid then a dude with 120 iq.

For becomin mega-succesfull; as in multi millionaire.There is not strong proof of causation between IQ and Extreme wealth. Although there seems to be correlation (I suspect that IQ are higher among richer people, because they are forced to learn and read more to keep up, but that the starting point of iq was not a factor.)
* https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070424204519.htm
"A nationwide study found that people of below average intelligence were, overall, just about as wealthy as those in similar circumstances but with higher scores on an IQ test. "
"“Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth."

For having a above average income, a nicer salary; as in making 1000 extra per month then your dumber neighbour. I don't have alot of proof to share. But dfor that, high IQ serves the biggest function. Having a bit better job and income.
Like instead of having a factory job with net salary of 2250 per month; one can have an accountant salary of like net 3250 per month.
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