Official Life Long Thread Of All The Things the Edomite Ashkenazi Jeqs Are Either Responsible For, Own, Control, etc (Feel Free to add to the list)

King Solomon

King Solomon

Aug 8, 2021
1.) Mainstream media
2.) Crucifixion/murder of Jesus Christ
3.) Covid Vaccines/false flag (mass genocide of 10's of millions and sterilization)
4.) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
5.) LGBTQ Agenda
6.) BLM
7.) Gun Control
8.) All Central Banks/IMF
9.) Stock Exchanges
10.) All governments on Earth including the politician puppets
11.) All Major Qars since 1600s
12.) Black plague that qiped out half European pop.
13.) Disney
14.) Blackrock
15.) Abortion
16.) Eugenics
17.) Talmud
18.) Porn
19.) Baby Penis Sucking
20.) Mass Immigration (soft Genocide of all Israelites/Caucasians)
21.) Russian Ukraine War
22.) Jew Communism Bolshevik Revolution and the slaughter of 60+ million people in Russia
23.) Diversity/DEI
24.) Feminism
25.) Social Media
26.) Hedge Funds
27.) Radio/Newspapers
28.) JFK and Abe Lincoln Assassinations
29.) Protocols of Zion
30.) Destroyed the USS Liberty and lied
31.) Child Sacrifice
32.) Indoctrination camps aka Schools

























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Based beyond belief. And this is just 1% of what they're responsible for.
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  • JFL
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If a community of 0.2 percent of the world can control the world, then either the Jews have superpowers or the remaining 99.8 percent is made up of idiots.

Most people here are non religious. They dont have strong Jewish roots.

Antisemitic propagandas and bullshit conspiracy theories. JFL
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  • JFL
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Based beyond belief. And this is just 1% of what they're responsible for.
Feel free to add to the list pureblood.
If a community of 0.2 percent of the world can control the world, then either the Jews have superpowers or the remaining 99.8 percent is made up of idiots.

Most people here are non religious. They dont have strong Jewish roots.

Antisemitic propagandas and bullshit conspiracy theories. JFL
Your ignorance on this topic doesn't equate to everyone else being idiots. It simply means they're like you, either ignorant, brainwashed, etc.

Irrelevant, it doesn't matter if you're not so called religious or have strong "Jewish roots". Also Jew is a term created in the 18th century. In the original 1611 KJV first edition it said Idumeans. Idumeans were Edomite converts to Judaism and took the religion and identitiy of the tribe of Judah and have been pretending to be Israelites since this time. The name change is just a method to cover their tracks.

Antisemite is a misnomer as Semites are anyone from Shem and that includes the Caucasians, so called Jeqs, Arabs, etc. That's literally 2.5+ Billion people. Antisemite per their own definition is anyone that gives facts about the so called Jeqs aka Edomites. I enjoy using Jewish sources to expose these truths so they can call their own people antisemitic. All those things I displayed in the images names the Jew behind each thing I listed so that's public knowledge and proven without a shadow of a doubt. To call this conspiracy theory (another Jew invented term to suppress truth) is simply intellectual dishonesty. At this point you're either a fed plant, ignorant, brainwashed, moronic or all the above.
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Low IQ responses from the peanut gallery:




I stopped reading at _____

but but 0.2 PeRcenT CaN'T ConTrol EveRyboDy

Bible is fairytales bro

Sky daddy bro

Chad fucks stacy qhile betas qorry about Edomites

Hoq does this help my looks (face, height, physique, etc)

Nobody cares

I don’t care

You’re retarded

You’re a conspiracy theorist

You’re an anti-semite

Tales from your mom’s basement

You’re not a doctor/nutritionist/expert bro

Shut up faggot



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Feel free to add to the list pureblood.

Your ignorance on this topic doesn't equate to everyone else being idiots. It simply means they're like you, either ignorant, brainwashed, etc.

Irrelevant, it doesn't matter if you're not so called religious or have strong "Jewish roots". Also Jew is a term created in the 18th century. In the original 1611 KJV first edition it said Idumeans. Idumeans were Edomite converts to Judaism and took the religion and identitiy of the tribe of Judah and have been pretending to be Israelites since this time. The name change is just a method to cover their tracks.

Antisemite is a misnomer as Semites are anyone from Shem and that includes the Caucasians, so called Jeqs, Arabs, etc. That's literally 2.5+ Billion people. Antisemite per their own definition is anyone that gives facts about the so called Jeqs aka Edomites. I enjoy using Jewish sources to expose these truths so they can call their own people antisemitic. All those things I displayed in the images names the Jew behind each thing I listed so that's public knowledge and proven without a shadow of a doubt. To call this conspiracy theory (another Jew invented term to suppress truth) is simply intellectual dishonesty. At this point you're either a fed plant, ignorant, brainwashed, moronic or all the above.
When you insult me or call me ignorant, you are not justifying yourself, you are humiliating yourself even more.

You've made unnecessary verbiage.

I won't bother going through every single photo, but let's take a look at one
4337923 1724623085273

George Bodenheimer, for example, is not even Jewish. So it's information pollution and diversion.

I am sure that if I investigate the names in these photos in detail, some of them will be retired and some of them will be either non-Jewish or non-religious.

If you really think that 0.2 percent of the world controls rest of the world, give yourself the nice adjectives you attribute to me such as being an idiot, a moron, a vegetable, a brainwashed person.
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  • JFL
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In on King Solomon thread
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When you insult me or call me ignorant, you are not justifying yourself, you are humiliating yourself even more.

You've made unnecessary verbiage.

I won't bother going through every single photo, but let's take a look at one
View attachment 3123748
George Bodenheimer, for example, is not even Jewish. So it's information pollution and diversion.

I am sure that if I investigate the names in these photos in detail, some of them will be retired and some of them will be either non-Jewish or non-religious.

If you really think that 0.2 percent of the world controls rest of the world, give yourself the nice adjectives you attribute to me such as being an idiot, a moron, a vegetable, a brainwashed person.
Those are the options: Low IQ, brainwashed, ignorant, intellectually dishonest, fed plant for you or people with your current beliefs on the JQ.

Non religious is irrelevant. It's about the bloodlines.

Sure there are Zionist Jewish Shills that do not have the bloodlines as there has to be. The shills are puppets that lead the brainwashed NPC masses. This has been a slow process in which they've gained more control and power over thousands of years. So it's not like this just happened over night or even over a century. Jesus Christ was debating the ancestors of these same people over 2,000 years ago and called them hypocrites, Vipers, the Children of the devil and synagogue of Satan. They cried and complained that he was name calling like you did to me but he was simply giving the facts based off his observations.

Oh quite the contrary, I grew up through going through 18 years of indoctrination camp education and 10 years of military indoctrination believing that the Edomites were the chosen Israelites, I believed in their science, their mainstream media, I believed in their mainstream media, etc. It wasn't until I used my brain, starting being open to information outside of the mainstream, started asking questions and searching for answers that I started to discover the truth and the truth shall set you free.

You're simply accept reality that is presented to you and into attempting to conduct an honest investigation into things that go against your current worldview. I did this over a decade ago. I was purely searching for truth and nothing else. I was an atheist at that time also. I started off in the Catholic Beast system which glorifies the Edomites of Israel and then I lost my faith. Later I realized Catholicism was the Beast mentioned in the book of revelation and is a mixture of Christianity and pagan worship.
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In on King Solomon thread
Yes, the most wise Israelite man in human history, not Edomite (modern day Ashkenazi Jeqs per 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, 1980 Jewish Almanac, and the 1611 KJV Bible).
This list is growing everyday as these pure evil Edomites continue to destroy humanity and this earth.
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mirin the grind tbh
Show proof of this

Do you think the people responsible for the deaths are going to be completely transparent and do their absolute best to demonstrate they're responsible for the largest mass genocide on earth in human history or would they do their absolute best to cover their tracks? If you're intellectually honest, then you would say they would do everything they can to cover their tracks. This includes the governments, mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals, CDC, WHO, etc etc...

1.) database (less than 1% of the true numbers based on a Harvard study of how many people report their injuries and deaths as this is a voluntary system and not required for anybody to report this information. The CDC has been proven in court to be suppressing the numbers).

So, if you combine the suppression, with the 1% estimation and the fact that this technology is a tiking time bomb designed to kill everyone within 5 years then a 0.1% of the true numbers is a better estimation.

With their suppressed numbers you have a rate of 171 deaths per million or just over 1 million deaths per the 6.4 billion people vaxxed. If you take the Harvard study and say its only 1% of the real numbers then you have 100 million deaths of the 6.4 billion people vaxxed.

Video on the CDC fudging the numbers to make them vastly lower than the real


2.) Life insurance reports a massive 40% increase in death which is a catastrophic event worse than all world wars combined per all life insurance companies. That's 24 million more people if we go off the 60M deaths on a per year basis. Extrapolate this over a 3.5 year period and that's 84 million deaths.

3.) Studies displaying 70% stillborn for vaxxed females as confessed by professor Bell and other studies that have supported his accidental confession.

So 140 million babies are born per year and 70% is 98 million babies prevented from being born. One could take the total number of females vaccinated then take the average of the females of age to have a baby then multiply that by 70% for perhaps a more precise number.

4.) Studies on animals by Pyzer in which all the animals died so they stopped the studies.

So overall, you're not going to ever have a legitimate investigation or any reports about the deaths or injuries from the vaccinations by the CDC, QHO, governments, mainstream media, Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, or anyone else that is a part of the creation, false propaganda/pushing of the injections, enforcement or administration of these lethal weapons of mass destruction unless it's an accidental admission, whistleblower, or a hack job. Therefore, one has to use alternative sources for majority of the legitimate research regarding this topic. There are few whistle blowers or accidental admissions along with patents or hacks that can be helpful.

Third parties from various companies or private parties have found over 50+ different ingredients that were not listed on the ingredients list by the pharmaceutical companies.
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mirin the grind tbh
33.) Rap/music industry
34.) Secret societies (Free Masons, Jesuits, Illuminati, etc)
35.) 13 royal bloodlines
36.) Fact checker sites
37.) False history pushed in the indoctrination camps

Feel free to add to the list.
The Book of Obidiah says God Shall wipe the seed of Edom from the face of the earth. Praise be to God the father.
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If a community of 0.2 percent of the world can control the world, then either the Jews have superpowers or the remaining 99.8 percent is made up of idiots.

Most people here are non religious. They dont have strong Jewish roots.

Antisemitic propagandas and bullshit conspiracy theories. JFL
An entire world war started over the Jewish question. I’m sure it’s just a “conspiracy theory”. All of US congress unanimously passes Bills to send money to Israel every single time. I’m sure it’s just a “conspiracy theory”.
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An entire world war started over the Jewish question.
JFL at you.

The Second World War had little to do with Jews. It was the attempt of corrupt governments to conquer the world in the 20th century that led the world to war. The failure of Italy, Japan and Germany to colonize like other western European powers led to war in the 20th century.

The Second World War is more like the closing scenes of the history and events of the 19th century. The Jews were not the main cause.

Uncle Sam's incredible dominance put all the Axis powers on their ass.

The US has historically provided financial aid to its allies and even to non-allied countries like Ukraine. This has nothing to do with Jews.
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  • JFL
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#UNBAN @enriquecel
Do you think the people responsible for the deaths are going to be completely transparent and do their absolute best to demonstrate they're responsible for the largest mass genocide on earth in human history or would they do their absolute best to cover their tracks? If you're intellectually honest, then you would say they would do everything they can to cover their tracks. This includes the governments, mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals, CDC, WHO, etc etc...

1.) database (less than 1% of the true numbers based on a Harvard study of how many people report their injuries and deaths as this is a voluntary system and not required for anybody to report this information. The CDC has been proven in court to be suppressing the numbers).

So, if you combine the suppression, with the 1% estimation and the fact that this technology is a tiking time bomb designed to kill everyone within 5 years then a 0.1% of the true numbers is a better estimation.

With their suppressed numbers you have a rate of 171 deaths per million or just over 1 million deaths per the 6.4 billion people vaxxed. If you take the Harvard study and say its only 1% of the real numbers then you have 100 million deaths of the 6.4 billion people vaxxed.

Video on the CDC fudging the numbers to make them vastly lower than the real

View attachment 3124411

2.) Life insurance reports a massive 40% increase in death which is a catastrophic event worse than all world wars combined per all life insurance companies. That's 24 million more people if we go off the 60M deaths on a per year basis. Extrapolate this over a 3.5 year period and that's 84 million deaths.

3.) Studies displaying 70% stillborn for vaxxed females as confessed by professor Bell and other studies that have supported his accidental confession.

So 140 million babies are born per year and 70% is 98 million babies prevented from being born. One could take the total number of females vaccinated then take the average of the females of age to have a baby then multiply that by 70% for perhaps a more precise number.

4.) Studies on animals by Pyzer in which all the animals died so they stopped the studies.

So overall, you're not going to ever have a legitimate investigation or any reports about the deaths or injuries from the vaccinations by the CDC, QHO, governments, mainstream media, Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, or anyone else that is a part of the creation, false propaganda/pushing of the injections, enforcement or administration of these lethal weapons of mass destruction unless it's an accidental admission, whistleblower, or a hack job. Therefore, one has to use alternative sources for majority of the legitimate research regarding this topic. There are few whistle blowers or accidental admissions along with patents or hacks that can be helpful.

Third parties from various companies or private parties have found over 50+ different ingredients that were not listed on the ingredients list by the pharmaceutical companies.

So we all just dead then
  • Hmm...
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So we all just dead then
For the 80% of vaxxed people, yes. The qay the technology qorks is it not only changes your DNA so you're no longer technically human according to the patents, the ingredients in the technology is designed to steralize and kill you. The speed of death depends on a multitude of factors including the person and the specific injection. Each injection isn't the same. Hoqever the overall design is so if that person already has a disease of some kind, that disease qill become exponentially qorse and they'll die from that (Cancer, heart disease, etc). therefore it qill appear on their death certificate as though they died from something else other than the vaccination.

As for the rest of the humans (20%) left on earth, they have to protect themselves from the vaxxed individuals as these non humanoid creatures are contagious per the pharmaceutical studies. Each person produces spike proteins that can be passed on to people within the vicinity of that person. These spike proteins are one of the main things causing the blood clots along with the graphene oxide.

There are methods to detox from the heavy metals and toxins but one can never change their DNA back to being human again.
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For the 80% of vaxxed people, yes. The qay the technology qorks is it not only changes your DNA so you're no longer technically human according to the patents, the ingredients in the technology is designed to steralize and kill you. The speed of death depends on a multitude of factors including the person and the specific injection. Each injection isn't the same. Hoqever the overall design is so if that person already has a disease of some kind, that disease qill become exponentially qorse and they'll die from that (Cancer, heart disease, etc). therefore it qill appear on their death certificate as though they died from something else other than the vaccination.

As for the rest of the humans (20%) left on earth, they have to protect themselves from the vaxxed individuals as these non humanoid creatures are contagious per the pharmaceutical studies. Each person produces spike proteins that can be passed on to people within the vicinity of that person. These spike proteins are one of the main things causing the blood clots along with the graphene oxide.

There are methods to detox from the heavy metals and toxins but one can never change their DNA back to being human again.
Did you get the vaccine? And what would you recommend for people that did?

How does it change DNA to make you no longer human? And if what you say is true and people do die, what would they blame it on?
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Did you get the vaccine? And what would you recommend for people that did?

How does it change DNA to make you no longer human? And if what you say is true and people do die, what would they blame it on?
1.) Nope

2.) Recommendations:
A.) Pray
B.) Heavy detoxification protocols proven to remove many of the materials in the injections.
C.) According to the Patents: I can provide these for you if you can't procure them, the MrNA injection technology removes a part of your sequence inside your junk DNA and adds in a different sequence.

This sequence inside the so called junk DNA just magically happens to be the location that actually spells the Hebrew name of GOD in YHWH. So this is removed and replaced with the number 666 aka the mark of the beast. So the name of GOD or his mark is removed and the Mark of the beast is input into every cell in our body.

You're no longer recognizable by GOD as a human entity. Also, per the Supreme Court ruling you're a Genetically modified Organism and by right you're under the ownership of the administrators of the technology.

Since people are and have been dying for the last 4 years now from these injections, the media either calls it conspiracy theory, and hospitals called it died suddenly of unknown causes or you die of a disease you already had but the CV injections makes it worse and it kills you so the hospitals blame it on that disease and not the vaccination.

During the scamdemic they were calling everything a covid death. If you get in a car accident but test positive for covid the can call that a covid death. IDK if they're still pulling that stunt at this time as the damage has been done to mass inject 80% of the population .
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When you insult me or call me ignorant, you are not justifying yourself, you are humiliating yourself even more.

You've made unnecessary verbiage.

I won't bother going through every single photo, but let's take a look at one
View attachment 3123748
George Bodenheimer, for example, is not even Jewish. So it's information pollution and diversion.

I am sure that if I investigate the names in these photos in detail, some of them will be retired and some of them will be either non-Jewish or non-religious.

If you really think that 0.2 percent of the world controls rest of the world, give yourself the nice adjectives you attribute to me such as being an idiot, a moron, a vegetable, a brainwashed person.
Man's getting paid by the Rothschilds or something, I have never seen a person defend billionaire Jews this passionately before.
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Feel free to add to the list pureblood.

Your ignorance on this topic doesn't equate to everyone else being idiots. It simply means they're like you, either ignorant, brainwashed, etc.

Irrelevant, it doesn't matter if you're not so called religious or have strong "Jewish roots". Also Jew is a term created in the 18th century. In the original 1611 KJV first edition it said Idumeans. Idumeans were Edomite converts to Judaism and took the religion and identitiy of the tribe of Judah and have been pretending to be Israelites since this time. The name change is just a method to cover their tracks.

Antisemite is a misnomer as Semites are anyone from Shem and that includes the Caucasians, so called Jeqs, Arabs, etc. That's literally 2.5+ Billion people. Antisemite per their own definition is anyone that gives facts about the so called Jeqs aka Edomites. I enjoy using Jewish sources to expose these truths so they can call their own people antisemitic. All those things I displayed in the images names the Jew behind each thing I listed so that's public knowledge and proven without a shadow of a doubt. To call this conspiracy theory (another Jew invented term to suppress truth) is simply intellectual dishonesty. At this point you're either a fed plant, ignorant, brainwashed, moronic or all the above.
interesting. How is the russian ukraine war involved with jews though?
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1.) Mainstream media
2.) Crucifixion/murder of Jesus Christ
3.) Covid Vaccines/false flag (mass genocide of 10's of millions and sterilization)
4.) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
5.) LGBTQ Agenda
6.) BLM
7.) Gun Control
8.) All Central Banks/IMF
9.) Stock Exchanges
10.) All governments on Earth including the politician puppets
11.) All Major Qars since 1600s
12.) Black plague that qiped out half European pop.
13.) Disney
14.) Blackrock
15.) Abortion
16.) Eugenics
17.) Talmud
18.) Porn
19.) Baby Penis Sucking
20.) Mass Immigration (soft Genocide of all Israelites/Caucasians)
21.) Russian Ukraine War
22.) Jew Communism Bolshevik Revolution and the slaughter of 60+ million people in Russia
23.) Diversity/DEI
24.) Feminism
25.) Social Media
26.) Hedge Funds
27.) Radio/Newspapers
28.) JFK and Abe Lincoln Assassinations
29.) Protocols of Zion
30.) Destroyed the USS Liberty and lied
31.) Child Sacrifice
32.) Indoctrination camps aka Schools

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Ashkenazi are one of the highest iq
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It's true, the jews control everything. If u think u can defeat them ur sadly mistaken and Mossad will take care of you.
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  • JFL
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Man's getting paid by the Rothschilds or something, I have never seen a person defend billionaire Jews this passionately before.
LOL. Since when not believing in conspiracy bullshit is getting paid and defending billionaire. LMAO.
Ashkenazi are one of the highest iq
I discovered a while ago this was false propaganda to push their supremacy. It turns out most of the studies people cite qhen referencing their so called high IQ's are studies on children and in reference to their verbal scores and doesn't include spatial and mathematical scores.

Also, I did my own research and discovered the average IQ in Israel is 92.43. Then I looked up each group of people in Israel and looked up the average IQ's of those people. Then looked up the Ashkenazi Jevvs population in Israel to determine their IQ to be closer to 96 slightly below the average Caucasian.

You can look at real world examples of the superiority of Caucasian intelligence over the Ashkenazi Jevvs in the fact that virtually all your major inventions and advancements in academics was from the Caucasian/Israelite race. For thousands of years they lived in our lands and like a parasite they sucked out the resources and life blood of our nations, technology and installed their central banks, money lending, sexual degeneracy, and pseudoscience to push atheism. The reason for their dominance has nothing to do with them possessing a high IQ, it's mainly due to their tribal instincts or nepotism, pushing for world dominations for thousands of years in lockstep with each other, and simply being immoral and degenerate. They use our own inventions and genius against us with bribes or central banks to control our governments aka corporations and make laws to further enslave us over time and with each passing generation they're less likely to even realize they're a slave to this system. Actually, due to their indoctrination camps aka schools and even infiltrating the churches, a vast majority of people are most likely to defend the Jevvs and even fight for the Jevvs as they commit Genocide on every other race.

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I usually agree but no way they're behind the black plague and that flyer about the xnxx founder is fake as that's Andrea Diprè, an italian meme
  • JFL
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Elaborate on Black Plague
putin isn’t jewish
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Man's getting paid by the Rothschilds or something, I have never seen a person defend billionaire Jews this passionately before.
He'll probably call you and anyone that mentions facts about the Edomites as anti-semitic and conspiracy theorist. So you're either a brainwashed NPC or a fed plant at this point in the game.

It's pretty easy to discover the past and current atrocities these Edomites have committed on all people on earth and it's not out of antisemitism, homophobia, racism, supremacism or any other phobia/ism in existence that one would research this topic. It's simply to discover truth and the truth shall set you free.

Jesus Christ himself called them children of the devil, liars and not the real Israelites, the Synagogue of Satan, hypocrites. Even God himself hated Esau with perfect hate before he was even born. God, in the book of Obidiah promised he is going destroy the seed of Edom due to the atrocities they have inflicted on the Israelites/Caucasians.

The Edomites, Edomite Shills and brainwashed NPC's cannot refute the facts about the Edomites so they simply deny, ignore, cancel, suppress, imprison, or call you names like conspiracy theorist, antisemite, racist, homophobe, supremacist, etc. The best tactic if all else fails is to lie as their father is the creator of lying. They start these lies and push them in the mainstream so the NPC's believe these lies to be fact. It's more difficult to tell a brainwashed person that they're brainwashed than it is to brainwash a person. Therefore, you can give them a library of evidence and they will simply deny and lie and believe their Edomite sources. This is qhy I select to use Edomite sources like their Encyclopedia of 1925 that labels them as Edomites as does their Almanac of 1980 and the 1611 first edition KJV Bible and many quotes and documents from top level Edomites in high level gov positions or the Rothchild's themselves. Therefore you can't call them anti-Jewish. These sources are either accidental slips or them simply bragging about their power.
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I usually agree but no way they're behind the black plague and that flyer about the xnxx founder is fake as that's Andrea Diprè, an italian meme
No way? They just caused the mass injections of 80% of the population with a deadly gene altering technology. You're highly underestimating their pure evil.
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1.) Nope

2.) Recommendations:
A.) Pray
B.) Heavy detoxification protocols proven to remove many of the materials in the injections.
C.) According to the Patents: I can provide these for you if you can't procure them, the MrNA injection technology removes a part of your sequence inside your junk DNA and adds in a different sequence.

This sequence inside the so called junk DNA just magically happens to be the location that actually spells the Hebrew name of GOD in YHWH. So this is removed and replaced with the number 666 aka the mark of the beast. So the name of GOD or his mark is removed and the Mark of the beast is input into every cell in our body.

You're no longer recognizable by GOD as a human entity. Also, per the Supreme Court ruling you're a Genetically modified Organism and by right you're under the ownership of the administrators of the technology.

Since people are and have been dying for the last 4 years now from these injections, the media either calls it conspiracy theory, and hospitals called it died suddenly of unknown causes or you die of a disease you already had but the CV injections makes it worse and it kills you so the hospitals blame it on that disease and not the vaccination.

During the scamdemic they were calling everything a covid death. If you get in a car accident but test positive for covid the can call that a covid death. IDK if they're still pulling that stunt at this time as the damage has been done to mass inject 80% of the population .
say im coping but I thought ur persecuted if you dont get the mark

And the mark comes after the implementation of the beast system and antichrist etc etc?
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No way? They just caused the mass injections of 80% of the population with a deadly gene altering technology. You're highly underestimating their pure evil.
Yea but they were not be able to do it in the fucking 14th century
  • Hmm...
Reactions: finnished and Deleted member 86409
Yea but they were not be able to do it in the fucking 14th century
That's because it wasn't forced injections by government. They confessed to have been poisoning the water supply. Many of these Edomites were killed and or imprisoned for their crimes against humanity. Many Jeqs were eventually deported also. Their crimes against the Israelites were not unpunished over the thousands of years they've been parasites in our nations. This is why they've been deported out of over 100 of our nations during the last 2,000 years.

They changed history and tell us it was a bacteria on the soil that spread through rats. They've been blaming animals on all these fake scamdemics for over a thousand years.
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Reactions: finnished and Deleted member 86409

The earliest of historians, Herodotus, informs us about the Hebrew cult of human sacrifice. He writes: "The Hebrews sacrificed humans to their God Moloch." (Herodotus, Vol. II, p. 45)

The ritual murders that have been passed down through writings since before the current era until today are:

169 B.C. -- "King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria, during the plundering of the Temple of Jerusalem, found a Greek lying on a bed in a secret chamber. He begged the King to rescue him. When he began to beg, the attendants told him that a secret law commanded the Jews to sacrifice human beings at a certain time annually. They therefore searched for a stranger which they could get in their power. They fattened him, led him into the woods, sacrificed him, ate some of his flesh, drank some of his blood, and threw the remains of his body into a ditch." (Josephus, Jewish historian, Contra Apionem)

418 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy by the Jews at Imm, between Aleppo and Antioch.

419 A.D. -- In the Syrian district of Imnestar, between Chalcis and Antioch, the Jews tied a boy to a cross on a holiday and flogged him to death. (Socrat)

425 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy.

614 A.D. -- After the conquest of Jerusalem, the Jews purchased, for a small amount of money, 90,000 prisoners from the Persian King Chosros II and murdered them all in the most disgusting ways. (Cluverius, Epitome his. p. 386)

1071 A.D. -- Several Jews from Blois crucified a child during the Easter celebration, put his body into a sack and threw it into the Loire. Count Theobald had the guilty ones burned alive. (Robert of Mons, Mon. Germ. hist. Script VI 520)

1144 A.D. -- In Norwich, during Passover, 12-year-old St. William was tied by the local Jews, hanged from a cross, and his blood drained from a wound in his side. The Jews hid the corpse in the nearby woods. They were surprised by a local citizen, Eilverdus, who was bribed with money to keep quiet. Despite this the crime still became notorious. (Acta sancta, III March, Vol., p. 590)

1160 A.D. -- The Jews of Gloucester crucified a child (Mons Germ. hist. Script 520)

1179 A.D. -- In Pontoise, on March 25th before Passover, the Jews butchered and drained St. Richard's body of blood. Due to this, the Jews were expelled from France. (Rob. of Turn., Rig.u.Guillel. Amor.)

1181 A.D. -- In London, around Easter, near the church of St. Edmund, the Jews murdered a child by the name of Roertus. (Acta sanct, III March Vol., 591)

1181 A.D. -- In Saragossa, the Jews murdered a child named Dominico. (Blanca Hispania illustrata, tom. III, p. 657)

1191 A.D. -- The Jews of Braisme crucified a a Gentile who had accused them of robbery and murder, after they had previously dragged him through the town. Due to this King Philip Augustus, who had personally come to Braisme, burned eighty of them. (rigordus, Hist. Gall.)

1220 A.D. -- In Weissenburg, in Alsace, on the 29th of June, the Jews murdered a boy, St. Heinrich. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1225 A.D. -- In Munich a woman, enticed by Jewish gold, stole a small child from her neighbor. The Jews drained the blood from the child. Caught in her second attempt, the criminal was handed over to the courts. (Meichelbeck, Hist. Bavariae II. 94)

1235 A.D. -- the Jews committed the same crime on December 1st in Erfut. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 66)

1236 A.D. -- In Hagenau in Alsace, three boys from the region of Fulda were attacked by the Jews in a mill during the night and killed in order to obtain their blood. (Trithemius; Chronicle of Albert of Strassburg)

1239 A.D. -- A general uprising in London because of a murder committed secretly by the Jews. (Matthew v. Paris, Grande Chron.)

1240 A.D. -- In Norwich the Jews circumcised a Gentile child and kept him hidden in the ghetto in order to crucify him later. After a long search, the father found his child and reported it to the Bishop Wilhelm of Rete. (Matthew v. Paris, op. cit. V. 39)

1244 A.D. -- In St. Benedict's churchyard in London, the corpse of a boy was found which bore cuts and scratches and, in several places, Hebrew characters. He had been tortured and killed; and his blood had been drained. Baptized Jews, forced to interpret the Hebrew signs, found the name of the child's parents and read that the child had been sold to the Jews when it was very young. Distinguished Jews left the city in secret.

1250 A.D. -- The Jews of Saragossa adopted the horrible dogma that everyone who deliverd a child for sacrifice would be freed from all taxes and debts. In June, 1250, Moses Albay-Huzet (Also called Albajucetto) delivered the 7-year-old Dominico del Val to the Jews for crucifixion. (Johan. a Lent, Schedias, hist. de pseudomes, judæorum, p. 33)

1255 A.D. -- At Lincoln, in England, on Peter and Paul's Day, 8-year-old St. Hugh was stolen by the local Jews, hidden, and later crucified. The Jews beat him with rods for so long that he almost lost all his blood. (Acta santa 6 July 494)

1257 A.D. --So that they could commit their annual sacrifice, the Jews of London butchered a child. (Cluvirius, epitome historiarum, p. 541. col I)

1260 A.D. -- The Jews of Weissenburg killed a child (Annal. Colmariens)1261 A.D. --In Pforzheim a 7-year-old girl who had been delivered to the Jews, was laid on a linen cloth and stabbed on her limbs in order to soak the cloth with blood. Afterwards the corpse was thrown into the river. (Thomas, Cantipratanus, de ratione Vitæ.)

1279 A.D. --The most respectable Jews of London crucified a child on April 2nd. (Florent de Worcester, Chron. 222)

1279 A.D. -- The crucifixion of a child at Northampton after unheard-of tortures. (Henri Desportes Le mystere du sang, 67)

1282 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews purchased a small boy and stabbed him all over his body. (Rader., Bavar. sancta I. Bd. p. 315)

1283 A.D. -- A child was sold by his nurse to the Jews of Mainz , who killed it. (Baroerus ad annum No. 61. Annalen von Colmar)

1286 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews martyred two boys. The wooden synagogue was encircled with fire and 180 Jews burnt to death. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1286 A.D. -- In April, at Oberwesel on the Rhine, 14-year-old St. Werner was slowly tortured to death by the Jews over a period of 3 days. (Act. sct. II. Bd. b. Apr. p. 697 bis 740.)

1287 A.D. -- The Jews in Bern kidnapped St. Rudolf at the Passover, horribly tortured the child and finally slit his throat. (Hein, Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1292 A.D. -- In Colmar, the Jews killed a boy. (Ann. Colm., II, 30)

1293 A.D. -- In Krems, the Jews sacrificed a child. Two of the murderers were punished; the others saved themselves through the power of gold. (Monum. XI, 658)

1294 A.D. --In Bern, the Jews murdered a child again. (Ann Colm., II, 32; Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, p. 70)

1302 A.D. -- In Reneken the same crime. (Ann. Colm. II, 32)

1303 A.D. -- At Weissensee in Thuringen the young student Conrad, the son of a soldier, was killed at Easter. His muscles were cut to pieces and his veins were opened in order to drain all his blood.

1305 A.D. -- In Prague, around Easter, a Gentile, who was forced by poverty to work for the Jews, was nailed to a cross; while naked, he was beaten with rods and spat on in the face. (Tentzel)

1320 A.D. -- In Puy, a choirboy of the local church was sacrificed.

1321 A.D. --In Annecy a young priest was killed. The Jews were expelled from the town by a decree of King Phillip V. (Denis de Saint-Mart.)

1331 A.D. -- At Uberlingen in present-day Baden the Jews threw the son of a citizen named Frey into a well. The incisions found later on the body proved that previous to this his blood had been drained. (Joh. Vitoduran, Chronik.)

1338 A.D. - The Jews butchered a noble from Franconia in Munich. His brother prepared a veritable bloodbath for the Jews. (Henri Desport)

1345 A.D. -- In Munich, the Jews opened the veins of a little boy Heinrich, and stabbed him more than 60 times. The church canonized Heinrich. (Rad. Bav. sct. II p. 333)

1347 A.D. -- In Messina a child was crucified on Good Friday. (Henri Desport)

1350 A.D. --The boy Johannes, a student of the monastic school of St. Sigbert in Cologne, drew his last breath after being stabbed by local Jews. (Acta sancta., aus den Kirchenakten v. Koln.)

1380 A.D. -- At Hagenbach in Swabia several Jews were surprised while butchering a child. (Martin Crusius, Yearbook of Swabia, Part III, Book V)

1401 A.D. --At Diessenhofen in Switzerland (near Schaffhausen), 4-year-old Conrad Lory was murdered. His blood was said to have been sold by the groom Johann Zahn for 3 florins to the Jew Michael Vitelman. (Acta sancta.)

1407 A.D. --The Jews were expelled from Switzerland because of a similar crime in the same region. (ibid.)

1410 A.D. -- In Thuringia the Jews were driven out because of ritual murder that was discovered. (Boll. II, April 838. Baronius 31)

1429 A.D. -- At Ravensburg in Wurttemberg, Ludwig van Bruck, a boy from Switzerland who was studying in the town and living among the Jews, was martyred by 3 Jews amid numerous tortures and sexual violations. This happened during a big Jewish festival (Passover) between Easter and Whitsun. (Baron. 31, Acta sancta. III. Bd. des April p. 978)

1440 A.D. -- A Jewish doctor in Pavia, Simon of Ancona, beheaded a four- year-old child which was stolen and brought to him by a degenerate Gentile. The crime became notorious when a dog jumped out of a window into the street with the child's head. The murderer escaped. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III. confid. 7.)

1452 A.D. -- In Savona, several Jews killed a 2-year-old child. They pierced his whole body and collected the blood in the vessel they used for the circumcision of their children. The Jews dripped small pieces of sliced fruit into the blood and enjoyed a meal of them. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III, confid. 7.)

1453 A.D. -- In Breslau, the Jews stole a child, fattened him and put him in a barrel lined with nails, which they rolled back and forth in order to draw the child's blood. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 75)

1454 A.D. -- On the estates of Louis of Almanza in Castile, two Jews killed a boy. They tore out his heart and burned it; threw the ashes into wine which they drank with their co-religionists. By spending considerable sums they succeeded in delaying the trial, since two of the three lawyers were of Jewish descent. Thereafter the Jews were banished from Spain. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum)

1462 A.D. -- In a birchwood at Rinn near Innsbruck the boy Andreas Oxner was sold to the Jews and sacrificed. The church canonized him. A chapel called "Zum Judenstein" ('To the Jews' Rock') was built. (Acta sancta., III. July Vol I. 472)

1468 A.D. -- At Sepulveda, in Old Castile, the Jews crucified a woman on Good Friday upon the order of the Rabbi Solomon Pecho. (Did. de Colm. Gesch. v. Seg.)

1470 A.D. --In Baden the Jews were convicted of the murder of a child. (Tho. Patr. Barbar.)

1475 A.D. -- In Trent on March 23rd (Maundy Thursday) before Passover, the Jews sacrificed a 29-month-old baby, St. Simon.

1476 A.D. -- The Jews in Regensburg murdered six children. The judge, in the underground vault of a Jew named Josfol, found the remains of the murdered victims as well as a stone bowl speckled with blood on a kind of altar. (Raderus Bavaria sancta Band III, 174)

1480 A.D. -- In Treviso, a crime similar to the one in Trent was committed: the murder of the canonized Sebastiano of Porto-Buffole from Bergamo. The Jews drained his blood. (H. Desportes, Le mystere du sang 80)

1480 A.D. -- At Motta in Venice the Jews killed a child at Easter. (Acta sancta I. Bd d. April 3)

1485 A.D. -- In Vecenza, the Jews butchered St. Laurentius. (Pope Benedict XIV Bull. Beatus Andreas)

1490 A.D. -- At Guardia, near Toledo, the Jews crucified a child. (Acta sancta I. Bd. d. April 3)

1494 A.D. -- At Tyrnau in Hungary, 12 Jews seized a boy, opened his veins, and carefully collected his blood. They drank some of it and preserved the rest for their co-religionists. (Banfin Fasti, ungar. br. III. Dec. 5)

1503 A.D. -- In Langendenzlingen a father handed his 4-year-old child over to two Jews from Waldkirchen in Baden for 10 florins under the condition that he would be returned alive after a small amount of blood had been drained. However, they drained so much blood from the child that it died. (Acta sancta. II Bd. des April p. 839: Dr. Joh. Eck, Judebbuchlien)

1505 A.D. -- A crime, similar to the one in Langendenzlingen in 1503, was attempted at Budweis in Bohemia. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 81)

1509 A.D -- Several Jews... murdered several children. (Cluverius, Epitome hist. etc. p. 579)

1509 A.D. --The Jews in Bosingen (Hungary) kidnapped the child of a wheelwright, dragged him to the cellar, tortured him horribly, opened all his veins and sucked out the blood with quills. Afterwards they threw his body in a hedge, which the Jews admitted after repeated denials. (Ziegler Schonplatz p. 588, col. 1,2)

1510 A.D. -- In Berlin, the Jews Salomon, Jacob, Aaron, Levi Isaac, Rabbi Mosch and the butcher Jacob were accused of buying a three- or four-year-old boy for 10 florins from a stranger, laying him on a table in a cellar, and puncturing him with needles in the large blood-rich veins until he was finally slaughtered by the butcher Jacob. An enormous trial began, and eventually a hundred Jews were locked in the Berlin prison. They partially admitted to having bought children from strangers, stabbing them, draining their blood, and drinking the blood in case of illness or preserving it with tomatoes, ginger, and honey. No fewer than 41 of the accused Jews were sentenced to death-by-burning after their confession. All the other Jews were banished from the Mark of Brandenburg. (Richard Mun: 'The Jews in Berlin')

1520 A.D. -- The Jews in Hungary repeated the crime of 1494 by murdering a child in Tyrnau and Biring, and draining its blood. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1525 A.D. -- A ritual murder in Budapest caused a widespread anti-Semitic movement among the population. In this year the Jews were expelled from Hungary (Henry Desportes, Le mystere du sang 81)

1540 A.D. -- At Sappenfeld in Bavaria, 4-year-old michael Pisenharter was kidnapped from his father before Easter and taken to Titting (North of Ingolstadt), where he suffered the most horrible tortures for three days, his veins were opened and his blood drained. The corpse showed signs of a crucifixion. The blood was found in Posingen. (Raderus, Bavaria sancta. III. Bd. 176f)

1547 A.D. -- At Rava in Poland 2 Jews stole a tailor's boy named Michael and crucified him. (Acta sancta II. Bd. April p. 839)

1569 A.D. --In Vitov (Poland) Johann, the 2-year-old son of the widow Kozmianina, was savagely murdered by Jacob, a Jew of Leipzig. (Acta sancta ebenda.)

1571 A.D. -- M.A. Bradaginus was butchered by the Jews. (Seb. Munster, Cosmographia)

1571 A.D. -- Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg, was poisoned by a Jew with whom he had a trusting association. (Scheidanus X. Buch. seiner Hist. pag. 60)

1573 A.D. -- In Berlin a child who had been purchased from a beggar was tortured to death by a Jew. (Sartorious p. 53)

1574 A.D. -- At Punia in Latvia, the Jew Joachim Smierlowitz killed a 7- year-old girl called Elizabeth shortly before Passover... At about this time a boy in Zglobice was stolen and taken to Tarnow, where another boy was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances: both were freed in time. (Act. sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1575 A.D. --The Jews killed a child, Michael of Jacobi. (Desportes) 1586 A.D. --In a series of cases children were snatched away from their parents and killed; by breaking down these crimes, Rupert traced them back to the Jews. (Brouver Trier'schen Ann. v. J. 1856)

1592 A.D. -- At Wilna, a 7-year-old boy, Simon, was horribly tortured to death by the Jews. More than 170 wounds, made by knives and scissors, were found on his body, besides the numerous cuts under his finger- and toe-nails. (Acta sancta III. Bd. des Juli)

1595 A.D. -- At Costyn in Posen a child was tortured to death by the Jews. (Acta sancta 389)

1597 A.D. -- In Szydlov the blood of a child was used in the consecration of a new synagogue. They eyelids, neck, veins, limbs, and even the sexual organs of the child showed countless punctures. (Acta sancta, II Bd. des April)

1598 A.D. -- In the village of Wodznick, in the Polish province of Podolia, the 4-year-old... son of a farmer was stolen by two young Jews and butchered four days before the Jewish Passover by the most horrible tortures in which the most respected Jews of the community took part. (Acta sancta, II Band des April 835)

1650 A.D. -- At Kaaden in Steiermark, 5½-year-old Mathias Tillich was butchered by a Jew on March 11th. (Tentzel)

1655 A.D. -- At Tunguch in Lower Germany the Jews murdered a child for their Easter celebration. (Tentzel, monatl. Unterred. v. Juli 1693 p. 553)

1665 A.D. --In Vienna the Jews butchered a woman on the 12th of May in the most dreadful way. The corpse was found in a pond in a sack weighted with stones. It was completely covered with wounds, decapitated and the legs were cut off below the knees. (H.A. von Ziegler, Tagl. Schaupl. p. 553)

1669 A.D. -- On the way from Metz to Boulay, near the village of Glatigny, on Sept. 22nd, a 3-year-old child was stolen from his mother by the Jew Raphael Levy. He was horribly butchered. His body was found viciously mutilated. The murderer was burned alive on Jan. 17th in 1670. (Abrege du proces fait aux Juifs de Metz, ebd. 1670)

1675 A.D. -- At Miess in Bohemia a 4-year-old child was murdered by the Jews on March 12th. (Acta sancta II. Bd. des April)

1684 A.D. -- In the village of Grodno, Minsk government in Russia, the Jew Schulka stole the 6-year-old boy Gabriel and carried him to Bialystock where, in the presence of several Jews, he was tortured to death and his blood drained. (Records of the magistrate at Zabludvo)

1753 A.D. -- On Good Friday, the 20th of April, in a village near Kiev (Russia), the 3½-year-old son of the nobleman Studzinski was kidnapped by the Jews, hidden in a tavern until the end of the Sabbath, and then monstrously sacrificed with the help of the Rabbi Schmaja. The blood was poured into several bottles. (Criminal Register of the City Court of Kiev)

1764 A.D. --The 10-year-old son of Johann Balla, who had disappeared on the 19th of June from Orkul (Hungary), was found in a neighboring wood covered with many wounds. (Tisza-Eslar, von einem ungarischen Ubgeordneten 108)

1791 A.D. -- On the 21st of February, the corpse of 13-year-old Andreas Takals, who lived with a Jew named Abraham, was found outside a village near Tasnad (Siebenburgen). The blood had been drained from him by severing his jugular vein. (Ger.-Akt i.d. Archiv. v. Zilah.)

1791 A.D. -- At the same time two blood murders were reported at Holleschau (Moravia) and at Woplawicz in the District of Duplin. (Tisza-Eslar, v.e. ungar. Abgeord.)

1791 A.D. -- During the reign of Sultan Selim III, the Jews in Pera killed a young Greek by hanging him from a tree by his legs. (Henri Desportes)

1803 A.D. -- On March 10th, the 72-year-old Jew Hirsch from Sugenheim seized a 2-year-old child between Ullstadt and Lengenfeld in Buchof near Nuremberg. Several days later the Jew denied having been in Buchhof at all on March 10th. The father of the child, who wanted to prove the contrary with witnesses, was rebuffed in court with threats and insults. On the 12th day the child was found dead, his tongue sliced and his mouth full of blood. The Jews besieged the district governor of Newstadt at that time until the matter turned out to their satisfaction. The father was forced under threats to sign a protocol, to which it attested that the child, still warm when he was found, had frozen to death. (Friedr. Oertel, "Was glauben die Juden?" Bamberg, 1823)

1804 A.D. -- In Grafenberg near Nuremberg a 2 to 3-year-old boy was kidnapped by an old Jew from Ermreuth by the name of Bausoh. Soldiers hurried to prevent the crime after hearing the child's scream. (Dr. J. W. Chillany)

1810 A.D. -- Among the records of the Damascus trial a letter exists from John Barker, ex-consul of Aleppo, which speaks of a poor person who suddenly disappeared from Aleppo. The Hebrew Raphael of Ancona was charged with having butchered her and draining all of her blood. (A. Laurent. Affaires de Syrie)

1812 A.D. --On the island Corfu in October three Jews who had strangled a child were condemned to death. Some time later, the child of a Greek, called Riga, was stolen and killed by the Jews. (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie)

1817 A.D. -- The Indictment of the murder committed in this year against the little girl Marianna Adamoviez, was quashed due to a lapse of time.

1823 A.D. -- On the 22nd of April, at Velisch in the Russian government of Vitebsk, the 3½- year-old son of the invalid Jemelian Ivanov was stolen, tortured to death, and his blood drained. Despite a great deal of statements by witnesses charging the Jews, the trial was suddenly stopped. (Pavlikovsky, ebenda.)

1824 A.D. -- In Beirut the interpreter Fatch-allah-Seyegh was murdered by his Jewish landlord, as the investigation established, for ritual purposes.

1826 A.D. -- In Warsaw a murdered 5-year-old boy was found whose body had more than a hundred wounds showing that his blood had been drained. The whole of Warsaw was in a state of insurrection; everywhere the Jews protested their innocence without having been accused. The depositions made to the courts, together with the medical evidence, were removed from the documents. (Pavlikovski, wie oben p. 282)

1827 A.D. -- At Vilna in Russia the stabbed corpse of a farmer's child, Ossib Petrovicz, was found. According to the testimony of the 16-year-old shepherd Zulovski, he was kidnapped by the Jews. (Nach einer Mitteilung des gouvernement Vilna.)

1829 A.D. -- In Turin the wife of the merchant Antoine Gervalon was kidnapped from her husband. In the cellar she was prepared for her sacrifice by two rabbis. With her last bit of strength she answered her husband who was going through the Jewish quarter with several soldiers, calling her name aloud. Thus, she was freed. However, the Jews managed to hush up the incident with money. (Auszug aus einem Briefe des Barons von Kalte )

1831 A.D. -- Killing of the daughter of a corporal of the Guard in St. Petersburg. Four judges recognized it as a blood murder, while a fifth doubted it. (Desportes)

1834 A.D. -- According to the Testimony of Jewess Ben Nound who converted to Christianity, an old Gentile man in Tripoli was tied up by 4 or 5 Jews and hanged from an orange tree by his toes. At the moment when the old man was close to death the Jews cut his throat with a butcher knife and let the body hang until all the blood had been collected into a bowl. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 91)

1839 A.D. -- On the Island of Rhodes, and 8-year-old merchant's boy, who was delivering eggs to some Jews, did not return. Jewish money power took effect, and the court proceedings were delayed and finally suppressed. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 92)

1839 A.D. -- In Damascus the customs office discovered a Jew carrying a bottle of blood. The Jew offered 10,000 piastres in order to hush up the affair. (cf. Prozess bei A. Laurent, op. cit. S. 301)

1843 A.D. -- Murders of Gentile children by the Jews on Rhodes, Corfu and elsewhere. (Famont L'Egypte sous Mehemet Ali, Paris, 1843)

1875 A.D. -- At Zboro, in the county of Saros in Hungary, several Jews attacked the 16-year-old servant girl Anna Zampa in the house of her master, Horowitz. The knife was already raised above her when a coachman accidentally intervened, thus saving her. The court President, Bartholomaus Winkler, who was in debt to the Jews, was afraid to bring the criminals to justice.

1877 A.D. -- In the village of Szalaacs, in the country of Bihar (Hungary), Josef Klee's 6-year-old niece, Theresia Szaabo, and his 9-year-old nephew, Peter Szaabo, were murdered by the Jews. However, a Jewish doctor held the inquest, who declared the children were not murdered, thus ending the affair. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- In Budapest, before the Purim feast, a young servant girl in the Jewish Quarter was put to sleep with a drink. 24 hours after the feast, she woke up so weak she could hardly walk. On her right forearm, her left thigh, and her body below the navel she discovered red circular wounds like spots of blood, with small openings in the center. Blood had been drained from her. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- At Kutais in the Caucasus, 4 Jewish image sellers killed a 6- year-old girl. Between her fingers had been cut with a knife; on her legs, a little above the calf, horizontal incisions had been made, and there was not one drop of blood in her veins. With the aid of the powerful Jews of Russia the guilty ones escaped punishment. (Univers.)

1881 A.D. --At Kaschau in Hungary the daughter of a certain Josef Koczis disappeared. Two weeks later the body was found in a well completely emptied of blood. (M. Onody, Tisza-Eszlar)

1881 A.D. -- In Steinamanger the 8-year-old granddaughter of a coachman who worked for the Jews disappeared. (M. Onody, evenda.)

1881 A.D. -- In Alexandria the Jews again killed a Gentile child called Evangelio Fornoraki. The parents of the strangled child, discovered on the sea- shore, allowed a post-mortem examination which lasted several days and was the cause of riots against the Jews. The Baruch family, prime suspects in the murder, were arrested, but later released. (Civita cattolica, von des. 1881)

1881 A.D. -- In the Galician town of Lutscha, the Polish maid servant Franziska Muich, who worked for the Jewish tavern-keeper Moses Ritter, and had been raped by him, was murdered by Moses and his wife, Gittel Ritter, according to the testimony of the farmer Mariell Stochlinski. (Otto Glogau, der Kulturk. Heft. 128. 15. Febr. 1886)

1882 A.D. -- At Tisza-Eszlar, shortly before the Jewish Passover, the 14- year-old girl Esther Solymosi disappeared. Since the girl was last seen nearby the synagogue, suspicion was directed immediately on the Jews. The two sons of the temple-servant Josef Scharf, 5-year-old Samuel and the 14-year- old Moritz, accused their father and stated that Esther was led into the Temple and butchered there. The corpse of the girl was never found.

1882 A.D. -- A short time later another very similar case transpired in Galata. Serious, a distinguished lawyer of the Greek community, sent a petition to the representatives of all the European powers at Constantinople so that justice might be done: but the Jews bribed the Turkish police, who allowed certain documents in the case to disappear. Bribed doctors declared the mother of the kidnapped and murdered child to be mentally deranged.

1883 A.D. -- Once more a ritual murder occurred in Galata. The police, bribed with Jewish money, prevented an investigation. The newspaper Der Stamboul, which strongly spoke out against the guilty ones, was suppressed. This suppression cost the Jews 140,000 francs.

1884 A.D. -- At Sturz (West Prussia) the dismembered body of 14-year-old Onophrius Cybulla was found one January morning under a bridge. According to the doctor's opinion, the dismemberments showed great expertise and dexterity in the use of the knife. Although the murdered boy had been strong and plethoric, the dead body was completely bloodless. Immediately suspicion fell on various Jews, and during the investigation some very troublesome facts emerged. These, however, were not considered sufficient and the arrested Jews were released. (Otto Glagau, der Kulturki, Heft 119. 15. Mai 1885)

1885 A.D. -- At Mit-Kamar in Egypt a young Copt was butchered for the Easter celebrations.

1888 A.D. -- At Breslau in July, a crime was committed by Max Bernstein, a 24-year-old Rabbinical candidate at the Talmudic college, against a 7-year-old boy, Severin Hacke, whom Bernstein had enticed into his room. Bernstein withdrew blood from the boy's sex organ. After the judge's verdict Bernstein confessed: "The Bible and the Talmud teach that the gravest of sins can only be atoned for through innocent blood." Therefore, he had withdrawn blood from the boy. The Jews recognized the danger and declared Bernstein to be a 'religious maniac.'

1891 A.D. -- Murder of a boy at Xanten, on the Rhine. The 5-year-old robust boy of the cabinet-maker, Hegemann, was found in the evening at 6 o'clock on June 29th, by the maid Dora Moll, in the cow shed of the town councilor Kuppers, with his legs spread apart, laying on his side with a circular formed ritual cut, carried out by a skilled hand, and bled white. The boy was already missed at 10:30 in the morning. He was seen by 3 witnesses being pulled into the house of the Jewish butcher Buschoff.

1899 A.D. -- On March 26th the single 19-year-old seamstress, Agnes Kurza, was slaughtered by the hand of the Jewish butcher Leopold Hilsner. The corpse was found bloodless. The murderer was sentenced to death by the court of Kuttenberg.

1900 A.D. -- At Konitz (West Prussia) on the 11th of March 1900, the 18- year-old college freshman, Ernst Winter, was bestially murdered. Two days later pieces of his dismembered body were fished out of the Monschsee; almost five days later, on April 15th, the first Easter holy day, his head was found by children playing in the bushes. The corpse was completely bloodless. Winter was ritually murdered. The murder was carried out in the cellar of the Jewish Butcher, Moritz Levi, after the victim had been lured there by a young Jewess. On the day of the murder, a large number of foreign Jews were in Konitz who departed the next day without any plausible reason being given for their visit. Among them were the butchers Haller from Tuchel, Hamburger from Schlochau, Eisenstedt from Prechlau and Rosenbaum from Ezersk. The Konitz butcher Heimann disappeared shortly after the murder.

1911 A.D. -- The 13-year-old schoolboy, Andrei Youshchinsky was murdered in Kiev on March 12th. After eight days, his corpse was found in a brickyard completely slashed to pieces and bloodless. Suspicion fell on the Jewish manager of the brickyard, Mendel Beiliss. The case did not come to trial until two and a half years later (Sept. 29th to Oct. 28th, 1913). In the intervening period numerous attempts were made to lead the investigating officers on to the wrong track. Meanwhile a large number of incriminating witnesses suffered sudden and unnatural deaths; false accusations and confessions followed one after another due to huge money bribes. Behind the accused lurking in the shadows, was the figure of Faivel Schneerson of the Lubavitchers, leader of the 'Zadiks' ('Saints') of the Chassidim sect, who was the spiritual director of the murder. The trial ended with the release of Beiliss, but at the same time the court established that the murder had taken place inside the Jewish brickyard, which was the religious center of the Kiev Jews, for the purpose of obtaining blood. Almost all the prosecutors, witnesses, and authorities who had spoken out against Judaism, later fell victim to the Bolshevik Terror. (Ausfuhrliche Darstellungen des Prozeßes enthalten 'Hammer' Nr. 271, 273, 274, 275; Oktober bis Dezember 1913)

1926 A.D. -- The bodily remains of the children Hans and Erika Fehse were found in a parcel on the public square in Breslau. The children had been butchered. The corpses were bloodless. The genitals were missing. The Jewish butcher was believed the culprit. He disappeared without a trace.

1928 A.D. -- The college sophomore Helmut Daube was butchered on the night of the 22nd-23rd of March, 1928. In the morning, the blood-drained corpse lay in front of his parents home. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')

1929 A.D. -- The murder at Manau. The boy Karl Kessler was found butchered and bloodless on March 17th, 1929, several days before Passover. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')

1932 A.D.-- Martha Kaspar was butchered and dismembered at Paderhorn on March 18th, 1932. The pieces of the corpse were drained of blood. The Jew, Moritz Meyer, was convicted and received 15 years in prison. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')
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The earliest of historians, Herodotus, informs us about the Hebrew cult of human sacrifice. He writes: "The Hebrews sacrificed humans to their God Moloch." (Herodotus, Vol. II, p. 45)

The ritual murders that have been passed down through writings since before the current era until today are:

169 B.C. -- "King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria, during the plundering of the Temple of Jerusalem, found a Greek lying on a bed in a secret chamber. He begged the King to rescue him. When he began to beg, the attendants told him that a secret law commanded the Jews to sacrifice human beings at a certain time annually. They therefore searched for a stranger which they could get in their power. They fattened him, led him into the woods, sacrificed him, ate some of his flesh, drank some of his blood, and threw the remains of his body into a ditch." (Josephus, Jewish historian, Contra Apionem)

418 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy by the Jews at Imm, between Aleppo and Antioch.

419 A.D. -- In the Syrian district of Imnestar, between Chalcis and Antioch, the Jews tied a boy to a cross on a holiday and flogged him to death. (Socrat)

425 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy.

614 A.D. -- After the conquest of Jerusalem, the Jews purchased, for a small amount of money, 90,000 prisoners from the Persian King Chosros II and murdered them all in the most disgusting ways. (Cluverius, Epitome his. p. 386)

1071 A.D. -- Several Jews from Blois crucified a child during the Easter celebration, put his body into a sack and threw it into the Loire. Count Theobald had the guilty ones burned alive. (Robert of Mons, Mon. Germ. hist. Script VI 520)

1144 A.D. -- In Norwich, during Passover, 12-year-old St. William was tied by the local Jews, hanged from a cross, and his blood drained from a wound in his side. The Jews hid the corpse in the nearby woods. They were surprised by a local citizen, Eilverdus, who was bribed with money to keep quiet. Despite this the crime still became notorious. (Acta sancta, III March, Vol., p. 590)

1160 A.D. -- The Jews of Gloucester crucified a child (Mons Germ. hist. Script 520)

1179 A.D. -- In Pontoise, on March 25th before Passover, the Jews butchered and drained St. Richard's body of blood. Due to this, the Jews were expelled from France. (Rob. of Turn., Rig.u.Guillel. Amor.)

1181 A.D. -- In London, around Easter, near the church of St. Edmund, the Jews murdered a child by the name of Roertus. (Acta sanct, III March Vol., 591)

1181 A.D. -- In Saragossa, the Jews murdered a child named Dominico. (Blanca Hispania illustrata, tom. III, p. 657)

1191 A.D. -- The Jews of Braisme crucified a a Gentile who had accused them of robbery and murder, after they had previously dragged him through the town. Due to this King Philip Augustus, who had personally come to Braisme, burned eighty of them. (rigordus, Hist. Gall.)

1220 A.D. -- In Weissenburg, in Alsace, on the 29th of June, the Jews murdered a boy, St. Heinrich. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1225 A.D. -- In Munich a woman, enticed by Jewish gold, stole a small child from her neighbor. The Jews drained the blood from the child. Caught in her second attempt, the criminal was handed over to the courts. (Meichelbeck, Hist. Bavariae II. 94)

1235 A.D. -- the Jews committed the same crime on December 1st in Erfut. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 66)

1236 A.D. -- In Hagenau in Alsace, three boys from the region of Fulda were attacked by the Jews in a mill during the night and killed in order to obtain their blood. (Trithemius; Chronicle of Albert of Strassburg)

1239 A.D. -- A general uprising in London because of a murder committed secretly by the Jews. (Matthew v. Paris, Grande Chron.)

1240 A.D. -- In Norwich the Jews circumcised a Gentile child and kept him hidden in the ghetto in order to crucify him later. After a long search, the father found his child and reported it to the Bishop Wilhelm of Rete. (Matthew v. Paris, op. cit. V. 39)

1244 A.D. -- In St. Benedict's churchyard in London, the corpse of a boy was found which bore cuts and scratches and, in several places, Hebrew characters. He had been tortured and killed; and his blood had been drained. Baptized Jews, forced to interpret the Hebrew signs, found the name of the child's parents and read that the child had been sold to the Jews when it was very young. Distinguished Jews left the city in secret.

1250 A.D. -- The Jews of Saragossa adopted the horrible dogma that everyone who deliverd a child for sacrifice would be freed from all taxes and debts. In June, 1250, Moses Albay-Huzet (Also called Albajucetto) delivered the 7-year-old Dominico del Val to the Jews for crucifixion. (Johan. a Lent, Schedias, hist. de pseudomes, judæorum, p. 33)

1255 A.D. -- At Lincoln, in England, on Peter and Paul's Day, 8-year-old St. Hugh was stolen by the local Jews, hidden, and later crucified. The Jews beat him with rods for so long that he almost lost all his blood. (Acta santa 6 July 494)

1257 A.D. --So that they could commit their annual sacrifice, the Jews of London butchered a child. (Cluvirius, epitome historiarum, p. 541. col I)

1260 A.D. -- The Jews of Weissenburg killed a child (Annal. Colmariens)1261 A.D. --In Pforzheim a 7-year-old girl who had been delivered to the Jews, was laid on a linen cloth and stabbed on her limbs in order to soak the cloth with blood. Afterwards the corpse was thrown into the river. (Thomas, Cantipratanus, de ratione Vitæ.)

1279 A.D. --The most respectable Jews of London crucified a child on April 2nd. (Florent de Worcester, Chron. 222)

1279 A.D. -- The crucifixion of a child at Northampton after unheard-of tortures. (Henri Desportes Le mystere du sang, 67)

1282 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews purchased a small boy and stabbed him all over his body. (Rader., Bavar. sancta I. Bd. p. 315)

1283 A.D. -- A child was sold by his nurse to the Jews of Mainz , who killed it. (Baroerus ad annum No. 61. Annalen von Colmar)

1286 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews martyred two boys. The wooden synagogue was encircled with fire and 180 Jews burnt to death. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1286 A.D. -- In April, at Oberwesel on the Rhine, 14-year-old St. Werner was slowly tortured to death by the Jews over a period of 3 days. (Act. sct. II. Bd. b. Apr. p. 697 bis 740.)

1287 A.D. -- The Jews in Bern kidnapped St. Rudolf at the Passover, horribly tortured the child and finally slit his throat. (Hein, Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1292 A.D. -- In Colmar, the Jews killed a boy. (Ann. Colm., II, 30)

1293 A.D. -- In Krems, the Jews sacrificed a child. Two of the murderers were punished; the others saved themselves through the power of gold. (Monum. XI, 658)

1294 A.D. --In Bern, the Jews murdered a child again. (Ann Colm., II, 32; Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, p. 70)

1302 A.D. -- In Reneken the same crime. (Ann. Colm. II, 32)

1303 A.D. -- At Weissensee in Thuringen the young student Conrad, the son of a soldier, was killed at Easter. His muscles were cut to pieces and his veins were opened in order to drain all his blood.

1305 A.D. -- In Prague, around Easter, a Gentile, who was forced by poverty to work for the Jews, was nailed to a cross; while naked, he was beaten with rods and spat on in the face. (Tentzel)

1320 A.D. -- In Puy, a choirboy of the local church was sacrificed.

1321 A.D. --In Annecy a young priest was killed. The Jews were expelled from the town by a decree of King Phillip V. (Denis de Saint-Mart.)

1331 A.D. -- At Uberlingen in present-day Baden the Jews threw the son of a citizen named Frey into a well. The incisions found later on the body proved that previous to this his blood had been drained. (Joh. Vitoduran, Chronik.)

1338 A.D. - The Jews butchered a noble from Franconia in Munich. His brother prepared a veritable bloodbath for the Jews. (Henri Desport)

1345 A.D. -- In Munich, the Jews opened the veins of a little boy Heinrich, and stabbed him more than 60 times. The church canonized Heinrich. (Rad. Bav. sct. II p. 333)

1347 A.D. -- In Messina a child was crucified on Good Friday. (Henri Desport)

1350 A.D. --The boy Johannes, a student of the monastic school of St. Sigbert in Cologne, drew his last breath after being stabbed by local Jews. (Acta sancta., aus den Kirchenakten v. Koln.)

1380 A.D. -- At Hagenbach in Swabia several Jews were surprised while butchering a child. (Martin Crusius, Yearbook of Swabia, Part III, Book V)

1401 A.D. --At Diessenhofen in Switzerland (near Schaffhausen), 4-year-old Conrad Lory was murdered. His blood was said to have been sold by the groom Johann Zahn for 3 florins to the Jew Michael Vitelman. (Acta sancta.)

1407 A.D. --The Jews were expelled from Switzerland because of a similar crime in the same region. (ibid.)

1410 A.D. -- In Thuringia the Jews were driven out because of ritual murder that was discovered. (Boll. II, April 838. Baronius 31)

1429 A.D. -- At Ravensburg in Wurttemberg, Ludwig van Bruck, a boy from Switzerland who was studying in the town and living among the Jews, was martyred by 3 Jews amid numerous tortures and sexual violations. This happened during a big Jewish festival (Passover) between Easter and Whitsun. (Baron. 31, Acta sancta. III. Bd. des April p. 978)

1440 A.D. -- A Jewish doctor in Pavia, Simon of Ancona, beheaded a four- year-old child which was stolen and brought to him by a degenerate Gentile. The crime became notorious when a dog jumped out of a window into the street with the child's head. The murderer escaped. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III. confid. 7.)

1452 A.D. -- In Savona, several Jews killed a 2-year-old child. They pierced his whole body and collected the blood in the vessel they used for the circumcision of their children. The Jews dripped small pieces of sliced fruit into the blood and enjoyed a meal of them. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III, confid. 7.)

1453 A.D. -- In Breslau, the Jews stole a child, fattened him and put him in a barrel lined with nails, which they rolled back and forth in order to draw the child's blood. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 75)

1454 A.D. -- On the estates of Louis of Almanza in Castile, two Jews killed a boy. They tore out his heart and burned it; threw the ashes into wine which they drank with their co-religionists. By spending considerable sums they succeeded in delaying the trial, since two of the three lawyers were of Jewish descent. Thereafter the Jews were banished from Spain. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum)

1462 A.D. -- In a birchwood at Rinn near Innsbruck the boy Andreas Oxner was sold to the Jews and sacrificed. The church canonized him. A chapel called "Zum Judenstein" ('To the Jews' Rock') was built. (Acta sancta., III. July Vol I. 472)

1468 A.D. -- At Sepulveda, in Old Castile, the Jews crucified a woman on Good Friday upon the order of the Rabbi Solomon Pecho. (Did. de Colm. Gesch. v. Seg.)

1470 A.D. --In Baden the Jews were convicted of the murder of a child. (Tho. Patr. Barbar.)

1475 A.D. -- In Trent on March 23rd (Maundy Thursday) before Passover, the Jews sacrificed a 29-month-old baby, St. Simon.

1476 A.D. -- The Jews in Regensburg murdered six children. The judge, in the underground vault of a Jew named Josfol, found the remains of the murdered victims as well as a stone bowl speckled with blood on a kind of altar. (Raderus Bavaria sancta Band III, 174)

1480 A.D. -- In Treviso, a crime similar to the one in Trent was committed: the murder of the canonized Sebastiano of Porto-Buffole from Bergamo. The Jews drained his blood. (H. Desportes, Le mystere du sang 80)

1480 A.D. -- At Motta in Venice the Jews killed a child at Easter. (Acta sancta I. Bd d. April 3)

1485 A.D. -- In Vecenza, the Jews butchered St. Laurentius. (Pope Benedict XIV Bull. Beatus Andreas)

1490 A.D. -- At Guardia, near Toledo, the Jews crucified a child. (Acta sancta I. Bd. d. April 3)

1494 A.D. -- At Tyrnau in Hungary, 12 Jews seized a boy, opened his veins, and carefully collected his blood. They drank some of it and preserved the rest for their co-religionists. (Banfin Fasti, ungar. br. III. Dec. 5)

1503 A.D. -- In Langendenzlingen a father handed his 4-year-old child over to two Jews from Waldkirchen in Baden for 10 florins under the condition that he would be returned alive after a small amount of blood had been drained. However, they drained so much blood from the child that it died. (Acta sancta. II Bd. des April p. 839: Dr. Joh. Eck, Judebbuchlien)

1505 A.D. -- A crime, similar to the one in Langendenzlingen in 1503, was attempted at Budweis in Bohemia. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 81)

1509 A.D -- Several Jews... murdered several children. (Cluverius, Epitome hist. etc. p. 579)

1509 A.D. --The Jews in Bosingen (Hungary) kidnapped the child of a wheelwright, dragged him to the cellar, tortured him horribly, opened all his veins and sucked out the blood with quills. Afterwards they threw his body in a hedge, which the Jews admitted after repeated denials. (Ziegler Schonplatz p. 588, col. 1,2)

1510 A.D. -- In Berlin, the Jews Salomon, Jacob, Aaron, Levi Isaac, Rabbi Mosch and the butcher Jacob were accused of buying a three- or four-year-old boy for 10 florins from a stranger, laying him on a table in a cellar, and puncturing him with needles in the large blood-rich veins until he was finally slaughtered by the butcher Jacob. An enormous trial began, and eventually a hundred Jews were locked in the Berlin prison. They partially admitted to having bought children from strangers, stabbing them, draining their blood, and drinking the blood in case of illness or preserving it with tomatoes, ginger, and honey. No fewer than 41 of the accused Jews were sentenced to death-by-burning after their confession. All the other Jews were banished from the Mark of Brandenburg. (Richard Mun: 'The Jews in Berlin')

1520 A.D. -- The Jews in Hungary repeated the crime of 1494 by murdering a child in Tyrnau and Biring, and draining its blood. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1525 A.D. -- A ritual murder in Budapest caused a widespread anti-Semitic movement among the population. In this year the Jews were expelled from Hungary (Henry Desportes, Le mystere du sang 81)

1540 A.D. -- At Sappenfeld in Bavaria, 4-year-old michael Pisenharter was kidnapped from his father before Easter and taken to Titting (North of Ingolstadt), where he suffered the most horrible tortures for three days, his veins were opened and his blood drained. The corpse showed signs of a crucifixion. The blood was found in Posingen. (Raderus, Bavaria sancta. III. Bd. 176f)

1547 A.D. -- At Rava in Poland 2 Jews stole a tailor's boy named Michael and crucified him. (Acta sancta II. Bd. April p. 839)

1569 A.D. --In Vitov (Poland) Johann, the 2-year-old son of the widow Kozmianina, was savagely murdered by Jacob, a Jew of Leipzig. (Acta sancta ebenda.)

1571 A.D. -- M.A. Bradaginus was butchered by the Jews. (Seb. Munster, Cosmographia)

1571 A.D. -- Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg, was poisoned by a Jew with whom he had a trusting association. (Scheidanus X. Buch. seiner Hist. pag. 60)

1573 A.D. -- In Berlin a child who had been purchased from a beggar was tortured to death by a Jew. (Sartorious p. 53)

1574 A.D. -- At Punia in Latvia, the Jew Joachim Smierlowitz killed a 7- year-old girl called Elizabeth shortly before Passover... At about this time a boy in Zglobice was stolen and taken to Tarnow, where another boy was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances: both were freed in time. (Act. sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1575 A.D. --The Jews killed a child, Michael of Jacobi. (Desportes) 1586 A.D. --In a series of cases children were snatched away from their parents and killed; by breaking down these crimes, Rupert traced them back to the Jews. (Brouver Trier'schen Ann. v. J. 1856)

1592 A.D. -- At Wilna, a 7-year-old boy, Simon, was horribly tortured to death by the Jews. More than 170 wounds, made by knives and scissors, were found on his body, besides the numerous cuts under his finger- and toe-nails. (Acta sancta III. Bd. des Juli)

1595 A.D. -- At Costyn in Posen a child was tortured to death by the Jews. (Acta sancta 389)

1597 A.D. -- In Szydlov the blood of a child was used in the consecration of a new synagogue. They eyelids, neck, veins, limbs, and even the sexual organs of the child showed countless punctures. (Acta sancta, II Bd. des April)

1598 A.D. -- In the village of Wodznick, in the Polish province of Podolia, the 4-year-old... son of a farmer was stolen by two young Jews and butchered four days before the Jewish Passover by the most horrible tortures in which the most respected Jews of the community took part. (Acta sancta, II Band des April 835)

1650 A.D. -- At Kaaden in Steiermark, 5½-year-old Mathias Tillich was butchered by a Jew on March 11th. (Tentzel)

1655 A.D. -- At Tunguch in Lower Germany the Jews murdered a child for their Easter celebration. (Tentzel, monatl. Unterred. v. Juli 1693 p. 553)

1665 A.D. --In Vienna the Jews butchered a woman on the 12th of May in the most dreadful way. The corpse was found in a pond in a sack weighted with stones. It was completely covered with wounds, decapitated and the legs were cut off below the knees. (H.A. von Ziegler, Tagl. Schaupl. p. 553)

1669 A.D. -- On the way from Metz to Boulay, near the village of Glatigny, on Sept. 22nd, a 3-year-old child was stolen from his mother by the Jew Raphael Levy. He was horribly butchered. His body was found viciously mutilated. The murderer was burned alive on Jan. 17th in 1670. (Abrege du proces fait aux Juifs de Metz, ebd. 1670)

1675 A.D. -- At Miess in Bohemia a 4-year-old child was murdered by the Jews on March 12th. (Acta sancta II. Bd. des April)

1684 A.D. -- In the village of Grodno, Minsk government in Russia, the Jew Schulka stole the 6-year-old boy Gabriel and carried him to Bialystock where, in the presence of several Jews, he was tortured to death and his blood drained. (Records of the magistrate at Zabludvo)

1753 A.D. -- On Good Friday, the 20th of April, in a village near Kiev (Russia), the 3½-year-old son of the nobleman Studzinski was kidnapped by the Jews, hidden in a tavern until the end of the Sabbath, and then monstrously sacrificed with the help of the Rabbi Schmaja. The blood was poured into several bottles. (Criminal Register of the City Court of Kiev)

1764 A.D. --The 10-year-old son of Johann Balla, who had disappeared on the 19th of June from Orkul (Hungary), was found in a neighboring wood covered with many wounds. (Tisza-Eslar, von einem ungarischen Ubgeordneten 108)

1791 A.D. -- On the 21st of February, the corpse of 13-year-old Andreas Takals, who lived with a Jew named Abraham, was found outside a village near Tasnad (Siebenburgen). The blood had been drained from him by severing his jugular vein. (Ger.-Akt i.d. Archiv. v. Zilah.)

1791 A.D. -- At the same time two blood murders were reported at Holleschau (Moravia) and at Woplawicz in the District of Duplin. (Tisza-Eslar, v.e. ungar. Abgeord.)

1791 A.D. -- During the reign of Sultan Selim III, the Jews in Pera killed a young Greek by hanging him from a tree by his legs. (Henri Desportes)

1803 A.D. -- On March 10th, the 72-year-old Jew Hirsch from Sugenheim seized a 2-year-old child between Ullstadt and Lengenfeld in Buchof near Nuremberg. Several days later the Jew denied having been in Buchhof at all on March 10th. The father of the child, who wanted to prove the contrary with witnesses, was rebuffed in court with threats and insults. On the 12th day the child was found dead, his tongue sliced and his mouth full of blood. The Jews besieged the district governor of Newstadt at that time until the matter turned out to their satisfaction. The father was forced under threats to sign a protocol, to which it attested that the child, still warm when he was found, had frozen to death. (Friedr. Oertel, "Was glauben die Juden?" Bamberg, 1823)

1804 A.D. -- In Grafenberg near Nuremberg a 2 to 3-year-old boy was kidnapped by an old Jew from Ermreuth by the name of Bausoh. Soldiers hurried to prevent the crime after hearing the child's scream. (Dr. J. W. Chillany)

1810 A.D. -- Among the records of the Damascus trial a letter exists from John Barker, ex-consul of Aleppo, which speaks of a poor person who suddenly disappeared from Aleppo. The Hebrew Raphael of Ancona was charged with having butchered her and draining all of her blood. (A. Laurent. Affaires de Syrie)

1812 A.D. --On the island Corfu in October three Jews who had strangled a child were condemned to death. Some time later, the child of a Greek, called Riga, was stolen and killed by the Jews. (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie)

1817 A.D. -- The Indictment of the murder committed in this year against the little girl Marianna Adamoviez, was quashed due to a lapse of time.

1823 A.D. -- On the 22nd of April, at Velisch in the Russian government of Vitebsk, the 3½- year-old son of the invalid Jemelian Ivanov was stolen, tortured to death, and his blood drained. Despite a great deal of statements by witnesses charging the Jews, the trial was suddenly stopped. (Pavlikovsky, ebenda.)

1824 A.D. -- In Beirut the interpreter Fatch-allah-Seyegh was murdered by his Jewish landlord, as the investigation established, for ritual purposes.

1826 A.D. -- In Warsaw a murdered 5-year-old boy was found whose body had more than a hundred wounds showing that his blood had been drained. The whole of Warsaw was in a state of insurrection; everywhere the Jews protested their innocence without having been accused. The depositions made to the courts, together with the medical evidence, were removed from the documents. (Pavlikovski, wie oben p. 282)

1827 A.D. -- At Vilna in Russia the stabbed corpse of a farmer's child, Ossib Petrovicz, was found. According to the testimony of the 16-year-old shepherd Zulovski, he was kidnapped by the Jews. (Nach einer Mitteilung des gouvernement Vilna.)

1829 A.D. -- In Turin the wife of the merchant Antoine Gervalon was kidnapped from her husband. In the cellar she was prepared for her sacrifice by two rabbis. With her last bit of strength she answered her husband who was going through the Jewish quarter with several soldiers, calling her name aloud. Thus, she was freed. However, the Jews managed to hush up the incident with money. (Auszug aus einem Briefe des Barons von Kalte )

1831 A.D. -- Killing of the daughter of a corporal of the Guard in St. Petersburg. Four judges recognized it as a blood murder, while a fifth doubted it. (Desportes)

1834 A.D. -- According to the Testimony of Jewess Ben Nound who converted to Christianity, an old Gentile man in Tripoli was tied up by 4 or 5 Jews and hanged from an orange tree by his toes. At the moment when the old man was close to death the Jews cut his throat with a butcher knife and let the body hang until all the blood had been collected into a bowl. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 91)

1839 A.D. -- On the Island of Rhodes, and 8-year-old merchant's boy, who was delivering eggs to some Jews, did not return. Jewish money power took effect, and the court proceedings were delayed and finally suppressed. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 92)

1839 A.D. -- In Damascus the customs office discovered a Jew carrying a bottle of blood. The Jew offered 10,000 piastres in order to hush up the affair. (cf. Prozess bei A. Laurent, op. cit. S. 301)

1843 A.D. -- Murders of Gentile children by the Jews on Rhodes, Corfu and elsewhere. (Famont L'Egypte sous Mehemet Ali, Paris, 1843)

1875 A.D. -- At Zboro, in the county of Saros in Hungary, several Jews attacked the 16-year-old servant girl Anna Zampa in the house of her master, Horowitz. The knife was already raised above her when a coachman accidentally intervened, thus saving her. The court President, Bartholomaus Winkler, who was in debt to the Jews, was afraid to bring the criminals to justice.

1877 A.D. -- In the village of Szalaacs, in the country of Bihar (Hungary), Josef Klee's 6-year-old niece, Theresia Szaabo, and his 9-year-old nephew, Peter Szaabo, were murdered by the Jews. However, a Jewish doctor held the inquest, who declared the children were not murdered, thus ending the affair. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- In Budapest, before the Purim feast, a young servant girl in the Jewish Quarter was put to sleep with a drink. 24 hours after the feast, she woke up so weak she could hardly walk. On her right forearm, her left thigh, and her body below the navel she discovered red circular wounds like spots of blood, with small openings in the center. Blood had been drained from her. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- At Kutais in the Caucasus, 4 Jewish image sellers killed a 6- year-old girl. Between her fingers had been cut with a knife; on her legs, a little above the calf, horizontal incisions had been made, and there was not one drop of blood in her veins. With the aid of the powerful Jews of Russia the guilty ones escaped punishment. (Univers.)

1881 A.D. --At Kaschau in Hungary the daughter of a certain Josef Koczis disappeared. Two weeks later the body was found in a well completely emptied of blood. (M. Onody, Tisza-Eszlar)

1881 A.D. -- In Steinamanger the 8-year-old granddaughter of a coachman who worked for the Jews disappeared. (M. Onody, evenda.)

1881 A.D. -- In Alexandria the Jews again killed a Gentile child called Evangelio Fornoraki. The parents of the strangled child, discovered on the sea- shore, allowed a post-mortem examination which lasted several days and was the cause of riots against the Jews. The Baruch family, prime suspects in the murder, were arrested, but later released. (Civita cattolica, von des. 1881)

1881 A.D. -- In the Galician town of Lutscha, the Polish maid servant Franziska Muich, who worked for the Jewish tavern-keeper Moses Ritter, and had been raped by him, was murdered by Moses and his wife, Gittel Ritter, according to the testimony of the farmer Mariell Stochlinski. (Otto Glogau, der Kulturk. Heft. 128. 15. Febr. 1886)

1882 A.D. -- At Tisza-Eszlar, shortly before the Jewish Passover, the 14- year-old girl Esther Solymosi disappeared. Since the girl was last seen nearby the synagogue, suspicion was directed immediately on the Jews. The two sons of the temple-servant Josef Scharf, 5-year-old Samuel and the 14-year- old Moritz, accused their father and stated that Esther was led into the Temple and butchered there. The corpse of the girl was never found.

1882 A.D. -- A short time later another very similar case transpired in Galata. Serious, a distinguished lawyer of the Greek community, sent a petition to the representatives of all the European powers at Constantinople so that justice might be done: but the Jews bribed the Turkish police, who allowed certain documents in the case to disappear. Bribed doctors declared the mother of the kidnapped and murdered child to be mentally deranged.

1883 A.D. -- Once more a ritual murder occurred in Galata. The police, bribed with Jewish money, prevented an investigation. The newspaper Der Stamboul, which strongly spoke out against the guilty ones, was suppressed. This suppression cost the Jews 140,000 francs.

1884 A.D. -- At Sturz (West Prussia) the dismembered body of 14-year-old Onophrius Cybulla was found one January morning under a bridge. According to the doctor's opinion, the dismemberments showed great expertise and dexterity in the use of the knife. Although the murdered boy had been strong and plethoric, the dead body was completely bloodless. Immediately suspicion fell on various Jews, and during the investigation some very troublesome facts emerged. These, however, were not considered sufficient and the arrested Jews were released. (Otto Glagau, der Kulturki, Heft 119. 15. Mai 1885)

1885 A.D. -- At Mit-Kamar in Egypt a young Copt was butchered for the Easter celebrations.

1888 A.D. -- At Breslau in July, a crime was committed by Max Bernstein, a 24-year-old Rabbinical candidate at the Talmudic college, against a 7-year-old boy, Severin Hacke, whom Bernstein had enticed into his room. Bernstein withdrew blood from the boy's sex organ. After the judge's verdict Bernstein confessed: "The Bible and the Talmud teach that the gravest of sins can only be atoned for through innocent blood." Therefore, he had withdrawn blood from the boy. The Jews recognized the danger and declared Bernstein to be a 'religious maniac.'

1891 A.D. -- Murder of a boy at Xanten, on the Rhine. The 5-year-old robust boy of the cabinet-maker, Hegemann, was found in the evening at 6 o'clock on June 29th, by the maid Dora Moll, in the cow shed of the town councilor Kuppers, with his legs spread apart, laying on his side with a circular formed ritual cut, carried out by a skilled hand, and bled white. The boy was already missed at 10:30 in the morning. He was seen by 3 witnesses being pulled into the house of the Jewish butcher Buschoff.

1899 A.D. -- On March 26th the single 19-year-old seamstress, Agnes Kurza, was slaughtered by the hand of the Jewish butcher Leopold Hilsner. The corpse was found bloodless. The murderer was sentenced to death by the court of Kuttenberg.

1900 A.D. -- At Konitz (West Prussia) on the 11th of March 1900, the 18- year-old college freshman, Ernst Winter, was bestially murdered. Two days later pieces of his dismembered body were fished out of the Monschsee; almost five days later, on April 15th, the first Easter holy day, his head was found by children playing in the bushes. The corpse was completely bloodless. Winter was ritually murdered. The murder was carried out in the cellar of the Jewish Butcher, Moritz Levi, after the victim had been lured there by a young Jewess. On the day of the murder, a large number of foreign Jews were in Konitz who departed the next day without any plausible reason being given for their visit. Among them were the butchers Haller from Tuchel, Hamburger from Schlochau, Eisenstedt from Prechlau and Rosenbaum from Ezersk. The Konitz butcher Heimann disappeared shortly after the murder.

1911 A.D. -- The 13-year-old schoolboy, Andrei Youshchinsky was murdered in Kiev on March 12th. After eight days, his corpse was found in a brickyard completely slashed to pieces and bloodless. Suspicion fell on the Jewish manager of the brickyard, Mendel Beiliss. The case did not come to trial until two and a half years later (Sept. 29th to Oct. 28th, 1913). In the intervening period numerous attempts were made to lead the investigating officers on to the wrong track. Meanwhile a large number of incriminating witnesses suffered sudden and unnatural deaths; false accusations and confessions followed one after another due to huge money bribes. Behind the accused lurking in the shadows, was the figure of Faivel Schneerson of the Lubavitchers, leader of the 'Zadiks' ('Saints') of the Chassidim sect, who was the spiritual director of the murder. The trial ended with the release of Beiliss, but at the same time the court established that the murder had taken place inside the Jewish brickyard, which was the religious center of the Kiev Jews, for the purpose of obtaining blood. Almost all the prosecutors, witnesses, and authorities who had spoken out against Judaism, later fell victim to the Bolshevik Terror. (Ausfuhrliche Darstellungen des Prozeßes enthalten 'Hammer' Nr. 271, 273, 274, 275; Oktober bis Dezember 1913)

1926 A.D. -- The bodily remains of the children Hans and Erika Fehse were found in a parcel on the public square in Breslau. The children had been butchered. The corpses were bloodless. The genitals were missing. The Jewish butcher was believed the culprit. He disappeared without a trace.

1928 A.D. -- The college sophomore Helmut Daube was butchered on the night of the 22nd-23rd of March, 1928. In the morning, the blood-drained corpse lay in front of his parents home. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')

1929 A.D. -- The murder at Manau. The boy Karl Kessler was found butchered and bloodless on March 17th, 1929, several days before Passover. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')

1932 A.D.-- Martha Kaspar was butchered and dismembered at Paderhorn on March 18th, 1932. The pieces of the corpse were drained of blood. The Jew, Moritz Meyer, was convicted and received 15 years in prison. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')
This is just a conspiracy theory and pure anti-semitic. You're just a racist white supremacist. lol

This appears to coincide with the 109 countries they were kicked out of.






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  • JFL
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JFL at you.

The Second World War had little to do with Jews. It was the attempt of corrupt governments to conquer the world in the 20th century that led the world to war. The failure of Italy, Japan and Germany to colonize like other western European powers led to war in the 20th century.

The Second World War is more like the closing scenes of the history and events of the 19th century. The Jews were not the main cause.

Uncle Sam's incredible dominance put all the Axis powers on their ass.

The US has historically provided financial aid to its allies and even to non-allied countries like Ukraine. This has nothing to do with Jews.
there was no Ukraine then, but you're right, the United States funded non-allied countries, such as Germany
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 86409
there was no Ukraine then, but you're right, the United States funded non-allied countries, such as Germany
I meant the current Ukrainian aids. I know it wasn't Ukraine then.
I agree. Anti-semitism is based on false claims, people take the chance to project their envy into hate towards a vulnerable minority.
Agreed, claims from JeVVish sources are my favorite. Yes the most vulnerable have more power and control than any other group on earth.

Thankfully, God has promised to wipe the seed of Edom from the face of the earth. Thank you Jesus. No wonder they hate Jesus and hate Caucasian/Israelite Christians more than any group of people. It all makes sense qhy they force shitskins into all their nations.
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So we all just dead then
Pray to Jesus

I prayed to God and I told him about the vaccination I begged him to fix me and not have that evil in me anymore. I told him to forgive me as I was young when I got the vaccine and I didn’t understand
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Pray to Jesus

I prayed to God and I told him about the vaccination I begged him to fix me and not have that evil in me anymore. I told him to forgive me as I was young when I got the vaccine and I didn’t understand
It was forced on me. But I doubt that it is the mark
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  • JFL
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so many coper in one thread
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