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For a long time,I couldn't get over the illogicality of modern christianity,it's cultural irrelevance and it's love for the Jews.
Orthodox Christianity is very different:
1.it is neoplatonic.God,although 3 in 1 essence,is utterly transcendant and changeless to his grace or energies,which are also God,but not the transcendant Triune God,despite being uncreated and him dwelling in them.it is thus almost Pagan and henotheistic and conforms with Sadrian metaphysics.
it is not the crude,crass 'God'of jews and Protestants,nor the stolen metaphysics of Plato,Aristotle and politinus crammed into a illogical and Very Latin (Divine simplicity)understanding of God(Muslim Tawheed essentially).
it just makes sense.it is both mystical and intellectual and logical.
2.The Liturgy.The liturgy is like being in heaven itself,as the Liturgy is a mystical ascent into heaven and ascent to Christ,the God-man.The liturgy comes directly from the apostles in Jerusalem and is based on second temple mysticism before Kabbalah.
3.Icons.Icons and their Veneration are found in the Bible,as is bowing down to the Saints and their service rendered unto them.It's in the book of Daniel,Revelation and Psalms.Protestantism forbids this,against God's word,which commands us to bow down to licit images and prototypes of Deified Humans that reign now with christ,and the angels bow down to in revelation.I used to think icon veneration was based only on tradition,but it's Biblical,as is serving and bowing down the Saints.Like the prophecy from God to Joseph that his brothers would bow down to him,the licit image,as a prophet of God,and as Esau was prophecied to do unto Jacob,another licit image.
4.Talismans.I have tried many Satanic(Read
agan) non-christian Talismans,and they worked.if the power of the devil is so powerful,how much more lawful iconic talismans which are blessed in Jesus Name by a servant of christ,the Hesychasts or monks.Talismans of scripture go back to the days of early christianity pre-nicene,and even further to Ancient Israel.
5.Traditionalism.While I don't mind marrying a Catholic or protestant woman,if I ever do find a girl i9n a orthodeox church,she will be for the most part,if she is sincere,as good as they come among modern women today.
6.Hesychasm.I love Hesychasm and I have felt God's tangible presence when hearing Hesychastic prayers,that actually imparted Grace unto me and have changed my heart to be a from a resenting fearful slave to christ,to a lover of christ and a Fanatic in the Holy Spirit for boundless Love for all humans.I used to be a nasty person,I was blind to it,but when I started praqcticing the Hesychastic tradition,I actually saw God's Grace change a sinner unto a sincere person.
7.Politics.Orthodoxy is the only active and influential tradition that will save the West.Russia after all ,is the Third rome.
While Putin is a Jew,and not orthodox,most russians are orthodox and they are the only force of Good in this antichrist world run by the masonic beast America(A kabbalistic name)ran by by the Satanist jews Henry makow expose Judaism to be.
8.St.John of Krtosntadt.Prayers to St.John of Kronstadt have freed me from demonic dreams,rape and suffocation before,and I slept without a single disturbance.Meanwhile,asking lalitha,shiva,enki,allah and vajrayogini for protection did nothing.that shows me alot.I recited ayat al kursi many times and the demonic dreams got worse as a mocking from the demons.
I used supposed always answerable prayers like ayat al kareem and ya hayy al qayyum and the demonic dreams got worse.when I called on Jesus or st.john of korstad I was saved.
9.Jews.Jews are damnable in orthodoxy,they're satanic christ killers like Galatians and Revelations say to the real orthodox churches and are responsible for the massacre of tens of millions of us under the bolsheviks.protestantism worships israel,even as their commiting a blatant child murderous genocide,while orthodoxy has always stood for palestine and christian-muslim brotherhood.
10.Contradictions in the Bible:
in orthodoxy,the bible is only inerrant insofar it teaches salvation.and the prophets were told in riddles and dreams,while Christ spoke every word from the father clearly,as did moses when imparting words directly from God.this explains the biblical nonsense and shows that there are higher degrees of authority in the bible,as it is not error so much as teaching things that are riddled as God said he speaks to the prophets to aaron and miriam when they thought they could question prophet moses the direct contactee with the divine energies.
11.It is pro-white.Pro-nationalism for every nation.it's view is that God established natural borders between nations to keep us seperate yet united.
12.it is not the weak cucked religion of turn the other cheek to your satanic opressors while fighting mighty like david for the sake of the jews.it is jesus whipped the jews outside the temple and damned them and taught us to raise the sword in holy Crusades to defend what is right.I have always admired the muslims for this and now I have a christianity which offers this.the only orthodox kingdom ran by priests was a EMPIRE that fought the Jihadists until the bitter end.They would carry authentic items from christ and miracle working icons into the battlefield.
13.the romans and protestants always defended the jews.rome defended jewry for a long time and helped establish crypto-judaism,the basis for it's kabbalistic jesuit order that runs that church today and for a few centuries since Loyola the crypto-jew kabbalist.
when jews would murder and drink the blood of christian children in the east,they were porgromed by the priests and not defended.I don't agree with pogroms,but it is kinda based.
well,that's some of the reasons I'm a catechumen in the orthodox church.
Orthodox Christianity is very different:
1.it is neoplatonic.God,although 3 in 1 essence,is utterly transcendant and changeless to his grace or energies,which are also God,but not the transcendant Triune God,despite being uncreated and him dwelling in them.it is thus almost Pagan and henotheistic and conforms with Sadrian metaphysics.
it is not the crude,crass 'God'of jews and Protestants,nor the stolen metaphysics of Plato,Aristotle and politinus crammed into a illogical and Very Latin (Divine simplicity)understanding of God(Muslim Tawheed essentially).
it just makes sense.it is both mystical and intellectual and logical.
2.The Liturgy.The liturgy is like being in heaven itself,as the Liturgy is a mystical ascent into heaven and ascent to Christ,the God-man.The liturgy comes directly from the apostles in Jerusalem and is based on second temple mysticism before Kabbalah.
3.Icons.Icons and their Veneration are found in the Bible,as is bowing down to the Saints and their service rendered unto them.It's in the book of Daniel,Revelation and Psalms.Protestantism forbids this,against God's word,which commands us to bow down to licit images and prototypes of Deified Humans that reign now with christ,and the angels bow down to in revelation.I used to think icon veneration was based only on tradition,but it's Biblical,as is serving and bowing down the Saints.Like the prophecy from God to Joseph that his brothers would bow down to him,the licit image,as a prophet of God,and as Esau was prophecied to do unto Jacob,another licit image.
4.Talismans.I have tried many Satanic(Read
5.Traditionalism.While I don't mind marrying a Catholic or protestant woman,if I ever do find a girl i9n a orthodeox church,she will be for the most part,if she is sincere,as good as they come among modern women today.
6.Hesychasm.I love Hesychasm and I have felt God's tangible presence when hearing Hesychastic prayers,that actually imparted Grace unto me and have changed my heart to be a from a resenting fearful slave to christ,to a lover of christ and a Fanatic in the Holy Spirit for boundless Love for all humans.I used to be a nasty person,I was blind to it,but when I started praqcticing the Hesychastic tradition,I actually saw God's Grace change a sinner unto a sincere person.
7.Politics.Orthodoxy is the only active and influential tradition that will save the West.Russia after all ,is the Third rome.
While Putin is a Jew,and not orthodox,most russians are orthodox and they are the only force of Good in this antichrist world run by the masonic beast America(A kabbalistic name)ran by by the Satanist jews Henry makow expose Judaism to be.
8.St.John of Krtosntadt.Prayers to St.John of Kronstadt have freed me from demonic dreams,rape and suffocation before,and I slept without a single disturbance.Meanwhile,asking lalitha,shiva,enki,allah and vajrayogini for protection did nothing.that shows me alot.I recited ayat al kursi many times and the demonic dreams got worse as a mocking from the demons.
I used supposed always answerable prayers like ayat al kareem and ya hayy al qayyum and the demonic dreams got worse.when I called on Jesus or st.john of korstad I was saved.
9.Jews.Jews are damnable in orthodoxy,they're satanic christ killers like Galatians and Revelations say to the real orthodox churches and are responsible for the massacre of tens of millions of us under the bolsheviks.protestantism worships israel,even as their commiting a blatant child murderous genocide,while orthodoxy has always stood for palestine and christian-muslim brotherhood.
10.Contradictions in the Bible:
in orthodoxy,the bible is only inerrant insofar it teaches salvation.and the prophets were told in riddles and dreams,while Christ spoke every word from the father clearly,as did moses when imparting words directly from God.this explains the biblical nonsense and shows that there are higher degrees of authority in the bible,as it is not error so much as teaching things that are riddled as God said he speaks to the prophets to aaron and miriam when they thought they could question prophet moses the direct contactee with the divine energies.
11.It is pro-white.Pro-nationalism for every nation.it's view is that God established natural borders between nations to keep us seperate yet united.
12.it is not the weak cucked religion of turn the other cheek to your satanic opressors while fighting mighty like david for the sake of the jews.it is jesus whipped the jews outside the temple and damned them and taught us to raise the sword in holy Crusades to defend what is right.I have always admired the muslims for this and now I have a christianity which offers this.the only orthodox kingdom ran by priests was a EMPIRE that fought the Jihadists until the bitter end.They would carry authentic items from christ and miracle working icons into the battlefield.
13.the romans and protestants always defended the jews.rome defended jewry for a long time and helped establish crypto-judaism,the basis for it's kabbalistic jesuit order that runs that church today and for a few centuries since Loyola the crypto-jew kabbalist.
when jews would murder and drink the blood of christian children in the east,they were porgromed by the priests and not defended.I don't agree with pogroms,but it is kinda based.
well,that's some of the reasons I'm a catechumen in the orthodox church.
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