Penis lengthening Guide


Deleted member 66574

Mar 16, 2024
Penis extender

In our experience, most men (I really mean ALL) who use these 4 to 6 hours a day for 3 to 6 months will increase at least 0.75". And 30% of the most disciplined men will gain more than 1" in 6-12 months. There are members on the forum who have won 1" in a year. Here is our scientific research on the effects of the penis extender.

Penis extender is the only safe way to enlarge your penis naturally, the pills do not work, the pumps don't work as fast. Take it from us, if you use it, you will lengthen your penis (although circumference gains are rare).


Manual extension:

My recommendation for manual extension is quite simple and intuitive, however, you have to take into account the following:

1. You need to perform a proper pre-hab. You can start masturbating your limb gently, without exceeding the threshold of arousal or orgasm, reaches at least 60% erection and once you achieve vascularization, perform a round of 15 Jelqs or orders.

2. Get a cream, lubricant or moisturizer to prevent skin lesions on the penis. I recommend titan gel or any pharmacy lubricant such as YES, DUREX, ETC.

3. Once the heating and lubrication is done you can start with the stretches of the penis.

3.1 Grab the penis from the glans with your index fingers and thumb, proceed to pull with increasing tension forward.

3.2 Once the penis has a noticeable elasticity, you can do the stretching in

360º degrees, that is, with the same grip previously described, you draw circles with the glans while maintaining constant stretching.

3.3 Already performing this ease you can start pulling with firm tension towards any cardinal direction, it is important that you direct it towards all directions with a constant time, since this way you can prevent asymmetry. It should be noted that pulling in the direction of the floor or/and the sky will have the greatest effect on the length since you are forcing the tendon outwards, so that a greater part of the phallic body comes out of your pubis.

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Mechanically assisted extension:

My recommendation is the Phallosan Extender and I recommend it over other brands for the following reasons:

1. This exact device was subjected to studies and clinical trials.

2. It is made of the highest quality and is the only device whose straps did not break during the stress test.

3. It is discreet when used. It is one of the few extenders that will remain hidden in your pants.

4. The documentation and support are excellent. Any newbie can make it work.

The extender is the most important elrated device and the first tip for any newbie. In fact, in my opinion all men should use the extender for 3-6 months (at least once), just to maximize what they have naturally.

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Special extension type "Hanging":

Important: Perform this exercise at least 6 months of enlargement, as it can be very demanding for a member who is in a state of adaptation, therefore, it represents an unnecessary danger if you still start.

1. You need a hanging device such as the LG Hanger or BiB hanger, which have a price that is around300$ USD.

2. Install or configure the device on the glans.

3. Charge an amount from 0.5 to 2 pounds.

4. Get up so that the penis is subjected to the tensile force, in this case, the gravity and weight of the discs against the resistance of the pubic tendon.

5. I recommend you do routines of 60 minutes, two to three days a week, adding weight once every two weeks, try not to increase the intensity so fast, otherwise, only the tendon will strengthen, wasting the potential for elongation.

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BIB Hanger.

Exercises for thickness:


1. Once you've applied lubrication to your penis, it's time to get blood flowing. You don't want a totalerection, but your penis should be between 50 and 75 percent erect. In other words, you want your penis to be pumped, but not hard.

2.Whatever you do, do not do a Jelq with a full erection, as it is dangerous, increasing the potential for venous leakage.

3. Penis grip: With either hand, use your thumb and index finger to create an OK grip (if done correctly, it looks like you are giving someone the "OK" symbol). Place the jelqing grip at the base of the penis. The grip should be as close as possible to the pubic bone to cover as much area as possible.

4. "Milk": Once the grip is placed, it puts pressure on it and gently move it upwards. The optimal pressure is light, but effective for exercising the tissues of the penis. Be sure to stop the jelq just before you reach the head of the penis (don't do jelq on your head). The full jelq should last two to three seconds.

5. Follow and follow: When you have made a jelq, take the other hand and repeat the process. You will need to switch hands on each jelq and replay until you reach the desired number of reps. During the first few weeks, do not do more than 150 jelqs per workout.

6. Safety first: Once you master the jelq, you will have to exercise regularly to cause the enlargement. That said, you shouldn't do jelq every day, especially at first. If you don't give your penis enough rest, then jelqing stops being healthy and starts to get dangerous. Other ways to make sure your workouts are healthy are:

6.1 Always warm up.

6.2 Be gentle with grip and intensity.

6.3 Do not do jelq with a complete erection.

6.4 Do not make jelq on the head of the penis.

ULI Concentrate:

This exercise is recommended once you have at least two months of training, since it is a version or modification of the Jelq to generate a maximum intensity, so a maximum of 2 days per week should be performed.

1. As in jelq, you must achieve a semi-erection.

2. Perform the exercise of the pubic floor "Kegel" to achieve a more fluid blood pumping.

2.1 Tighten the muscle that allows you to cut off the flow of urine and close the anus.

2.2 You will feel a high of blood towards the penis, it will become more erect or full of blood. You are likely to get up all (raise the erection) at once with this exercise.

3. Immediately after the Kegel and the blood flow increase, perform the OK grip in the strongest way you can, as this will prevent the outflow of blood from the penis, so it will swell due to a surplus of blood in the area, due to the extra blood supply.

4. (Optional) You can perform a Jelq with your free hand, this will carry an amount of blood greater than the limit towards your penis, therefore, temporarily you will be at 110% of your regular erection.

5. After maintaining this grip between 5 and 15 seconds, perform repetitions, making a Kegel before each ok grip.

Clamping concentrate variation:

This exercise is performed to achieve a more even composition of the limb, that is, level the thickness of the different areas of the penis. For this, it is necessary that you recognize the three subdivisions of your penis: Glans or Head, Trunk or middle section and finally the Base or Root of the penis. Once identified, it is necessary that you evaluate which of these is thicker and which is thinner, in order to decide the area where clamping will take place.

1. Perform a Kegel.

2. Isolate the thinnest section by performing a double OK grip.

2.1 The OK grip #1 should be at the low limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip #1 should be at the upper limit of the base or root.

2.2 The OK grip No. 2 must be at the upper limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip No. 2 must be at the lower limit of the glans or head.

3. When isolating the thinner section, you will notice a swelling or pumping, in conjunction with this, the veins will be marked more than common.

4. Perform a Jelq in opposite directions, that is, the OK grip nº1 must go towards the OK grip nº2 and vice versa.

5. Keep this double grip between 10 and 15 seconds maximum, as it can be very strong for corpora cavernosa and spongy tissues.

6. Perform 10 repetitions at most, you can take breaks of 5 minutes between repetition, in which it is recommended to make Jelq softly and Kegel, to keep blood flow constant.

Weekly routine:

Take into account that enlargement can be a complicated task both mentally and physically, therefore, it is necessary to plan properly when it comes to enlarging for thee.

In your first two months I recommend that you prioritize lengthning over thick exercises, since these are less wearful on the tissues of the penis. My recommendation is that you dedicate yourself between 3 and 5 days a week with a routine of basic stretching, including always warming up.

Regarding thickness, I recommend that you first perform the Jelqing for 2 to 3 days per week, doing a previous heating/pre-hab each time and taking preventive measures such as lubrication.

Having advanced three months of enlargement, it begins to progressively replace Jelqing with ULI and Concentrate Clamping, since these have a greater potential for enlargement.

Take into consideration that rest is COMPLETELY NECESSARY for enlargement, therefore, you must separate at least two days of zero activity, thus ensuring a correct recovery of tissues. You can use the extender during these days off.

A smart routine would be to stretch Monday, Wednesday and Friday and thicken on Thursday and Sunday.

To plan your routine, it is also important that you can identify the physiological indicators of your penis, which are:

1. Erection quality: A good quality of erection after the enlarging exercise is a positive indicator, a sign that you can continue. A bad or no erection is a sign of fatigue and tissue damage, if you have this indicator, rest at least two and a half days.

2. Pain: The absence of pain in the presence of gains is a positive sign. The presence of pain in the absence of gains is a sign of fatigue, rest two and a half days at least.

3. Sensitivity: The loss of sensitivity can mean the mistreatment or fatigue of the penis, although you can continue exercising, it is congruent that you lower the intensidad. If you have too much sensitivity you can perform the Edging exercise, which consists of masturbation devoid of orgasm or ejaculation.

Necessary habits:

1. Do not ejaculate at will, produces a loss of essential nutrients, worsens erection and causes effect "Turtling" or temporary shrinkage.

2. Edging, this exercise raises testosterone and nitric oxide production, giving way to an ideal chemistry for enlargement.

3. Consume optimal amounts of Vitamin D, improves circulation.

4. Avoid smoking, worsen circulation.

Natural medications for erectile dysfunction:

The use of these can provide the necessary chemistry for enlargement, since they increase the production of nitric oxide, an agent that dilates our blood vessels, which is advantageous since the penis is a mostly vascular body.

The most effective and scientifically proven natural ingredients are Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Asian Red Ginseng (Korean), Ginkgo Biloba, Maca, Saw Palmetto, Tribulus Terrestris, Garlic, Onion, Chili. Eat foods that have most of these.

Also u could take dht cream and rub it in ur penis.That can grow it a lot because penis has lot of androgen receptors and dht is a strong androgen.Taking hgh or mk677 could add a few centimeter too but dht is the main hormone for penis growth.Also taking 50.000 unit of vitamin D3 and 10mcg of vitamin K2 could work idk for sure.Dont forget to wear losen boxes too.

(gimme reps please)
Last edited:
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, Panzram, insufferableincel and 13 others
  • +1
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not putting this shit on my dick bro
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: lestoa, futuregigamogger, damon3400 and 3 others
  • JFL
Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, yellowrice, Alt Number 3 and 1 other person
Nice guide
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 66574
Take it from us, if you use it, you will lengthen your penis (although circumference gains are rare).
This reads like an ad why don't you extend your neck :feelswhy:
Yes this gonna change my life 100% Chad soon
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksThinker, 8trunks, hopecel and 1 other person
drop method on getting dht gel
Penis extender

In our experience, most men (I really mean ALL) who use these 4 to 6 hours a day for 3 to 6 months will increase at least 0.75". And 30% of the most disciplined men will gain more than 1" in 6-12 months. There are members on the forum who have won 1" in a year. Here is our scientific research on the effects of the penis extender.

Penis extender is the only safe way to enlarge your penis naturally, the pills do not work, the pumps don't work as fast. Take it from us, if you use it, you will lengthen your penis (although circumference gains are rare).


Manual extension:

My recommendation for manual extension is quite simple and intuitive, however, you have to take into account the following:

1. You need to perform a proper pre-hab. You can start masturbating your limb gently, without exceeding the threshold of arousal or orgasm, reaches at least 60% erection and once you achieve vascularization, perform a round of 15 Jelqs or orders.

2. Get a cream, lubricant or moisturizer to prevent skin lesions on the penis. I recommend titan gel or any pharmacy lubricant such as YES, DUREX, ETC.

3. Once the heating and lubrication is done you can start with the stretches of the penis.

3.1 Grab the penis from the glans with your index fingers and thumb, proceed to pull with increasing tension forward.

3.2 Once the penis has a noticeable elasticity, you can do the stretching in

360º degrees, that is, with the same grip previously described, you draw circles with the glans while maintaining constant stretching.

3.3 Already performing this ease you can start pulling with firm tension towards any cardinal direction, it is important that you direct it towards all directions with a constant time, since this way you can prevent asymmetry. It should be noted that pulling in the direction of the floor or/and the sky will have the greatest effect on the length since you are forcing the tendon outwards, so that a greater part of the phallic body comes out of your pubis.

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Mechanically assisted extension:

My recommendation is the Phallosan Extender and I recommend it over other brands for the following reasons:

1. This exact device was subjected to studies and clinical trials.

2. It is made of the highest quality and is the only device whose straps did not break during the stress test.

3. It is discreet when used. It is one of the few extenders that will remain hidden in your pants.

4. The documentation and support are excellent. Any newbie can make it work.

The extender is the most important elrated device and the first tip for any newbie. In fact, in my opinion all men should use the extender for 3-6 months (at least once), just to maximize what they have naturally.

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Special extension type "Hanging":

Important: Perform this exercise at least 6 months of enlargement, as it can be very demanding for a member who is in a state of adaptation, therefore, it represents an unnecessary danger if you still start.

1. You need a hanging device such as the LG Hanger or BiB hanger, which have a price that is around300$ USD.

2. Install or configure the device on the glans.

3. Charge an amount from 0.5 to 2 pounds.

4. Get up so that the penis is subjected to the tensile force, in this case, the gravity and weight of the discs against the resistance of the pubic tendon.

5. I recommend you do routines of 60 minutes, two to three days a week, adding weight once every two weeks, try not to increase the intensity so fast, otherwise, only the tendon will strengthen, wasting the potential for elongation.

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BIB Hanger.

Exercises for thickness:


1. Once you've applied lubrication to your penis, it's time to get blood flowing. You don't want a totalerection, but your penis should be between 50 and 75 percent erect. In other words, you want your penis to be pumped, but not hard.

2.Whatever you do, do not do a Jelq with a full erection, as it is dangerous, increasing the potential for venous leakage.

3. Penis grip: With either hand, use your thumb and index finger to create an OK grip (if done correctly, it looks like you are giving someone the "OK" symbol). Place the jelqing grip at the base of the penis. The grip should be as close as possible to the pubic bone to cover as much area as possible.

4. "Milk": Once the grip is placed, it puts pressure on it and gently move it upwards. The optimal pressure is light, but effective for exercising the tissues of the penis. Be sure to stop the jelq just before you reach the head of the penis (don't do jelq on your head). The full jelq should last two to three seconds.

5. Follow and follow: When you have made a jelq, take the other hand and repeat the process. You will need to switch hands on each jelq and replay until you reach the desired number of reps. During the first few weeks, do not do more than 150 jelqs per workout.

6. Safety first: Once you master the jelq, you will have to exercise regularly to cause the enlargement. That said, you shouldn't do jelq every day, especially at first. If you don't give your penis enough rest, then jelqing stops being healthy and starts to get dangerous. Other ways to make sure your workouts are healthy are:

6.1 Always warm up.

6.2 Be gentle with grip and intensity.

6.3 Do not do jelq with a complete erection.

6.4 Do not make jelq on the head of the penis.

ULI Concentrate:

This exercise is recommended once you have at least two months of training, since it is a version or modification of the Jelq to generate a maximum intensity, so a maximum of 2 days per week should be performed.

1. As in jelq, you must achieve a semi-erection.

2. Perform the exercise of the pubic floor "Kegel" to achieve a more fluid blood pumping.

2.1 Tighten the muscle that allows you to cut off the flow of urine and close the anus.

2.2 You will feel a high of blood towards the penis, it will become more erect or full of blood. You are likely to get up all (raise the erection) at once with this exercise.

3. Immediately after the Kegel and the blood flow increase, perform the OK grip in the strongest way you can, as this will prevent the outflow of blood from the penis, so it will swell due to a surplus of blood in the area, due to the extra blood supply.

4. (Optional) You can perform a Jelq with your free hand, this will carry an amount of blood greater than the limit towards your penis, therefore, temporarily you will be at 110% of your regular erection.

5. After maintaining this grip between 5 and 15 seconds, perform repetitions, making a Kegel before each ok grip.

Clamping concentrate variation:

This exercise is performed to achieve a more even composition of the limb, that is, level the thickness of the different areas of the penis. For this, it is necessary that you recognize the three subdivisions of your penis: Glans or Head, Trunk or middle section and finally the Base or Root of the penis. Once identified, it is necessary that you evaluate which of these is thicker and which is thinner, in order to decide the area where clamping will take place.

1. Perform a Kegel.

2. Isolate the thinnest section by performing a double OK grip.

2.1 The OK grip #1 should be at the low limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip #1 should be at the upper limit of the base or root.

2.2 The OK grip No. 2 must be at the upper limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip No. 2 must be at the lower limit of the glans or head.

3. When isolating the thinner section, you will notice a swelling or pumping, in conjunction with this, the veins will be marked more than common.

4. Perform a Jelq in opposite directions, that is, the OK grip nº1 must go towards the OK grip nº2 and vice versa.

5. Keep this double grip between 10 and 15 seconds maximum, as it can be very strong for corpora cavernosa and spongy tissues.

6. Perform 10 repetitions at most, you can take breaks of 5 minutes between repetition, in which it is recommended to make Jelq softly and Kegel, to keep blood flow constant.

Weekly routine:

Take into account that enlargement can be a complicated task both mentally and physically, therefore, it is necessary to plan properly when it comes to enlarging for thee.

In your first two months I recommend that you prioritize lengthning over thick exercises, since these are less wearful on the tissues of the penis. My recommendation is that you dedicate yourself between 3 and 5 days a week with a routine of basic stretching, including always warming up.

Regarding thickness, I recommend that you first perform the Jelqing for 2 to 3 days per week, doing a previous heating/pre-hab each time and taking preventive measures such as lubrication.

Having advanced three months of enlargement, it begins to progressively replace Jelqing with ULI and Concentrate Clamping, since these have a greater potential for enlargement.

Take into consideration that rest is COMPLETELY NECESSARY for enlargement, therefore, you must separate at least two days of zero activity, thus ensuring a correct recovery of tissues. You can use the extender during these days off.

A smart routine would be to stretch Monday, Wednesday and Friday and thicken on Thursday and Sunday.

To plan your routine, it is also important that you can identify the physiological indicators of your penis, which are:

1. Erection quality: A good quality of erection after the enlarging exercise is a positive indicator, a sign that you can continue. A bad or no erection is a sign of fatigue and tissue damage, if you have this indicator, rest at least two and a half days.

2. Pain: The absence of pain in the presence of gains is a positive sign. The presence of pain in the absence of gains is a sign of fatigue, rest two and a half days at least.

3. Sensitivity: The loss of sensitivity can mean the mistreatment or fatigue of the penis, although you can continue exercising, it is congruent that you lower the intensidad. If you have too much sensitivity you can perform the Edging exercise, which consists of masturbation devoid of orgasm or ejaculation.

Necessary habits:

1. Do not ejaculate at will, produces a loss of essential nutrients, worsens erection and causes effect "Turtling" or temporary shrinkage.

2. Edging, this exercise raises testosterone and nitric oxide production, giving way to an ideal chemistry for enlargement.

3. Consume optimal amounts of Vitamin D, improves circulation.

4. Avoid smoking, worsen circulation.

Natural medications for erectile dysfunction:

The use of these can provide the necessary chemistry for enlargement, since they increase the production of nitric oxide, an agent that dilates our blood vessels, which is advantageous since the penis is a mostly vascular body.

The most effective and scientifically proven natural ingredients are Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Asian Red Ginseng (Korean), Ginkgo Biloba, Maca, Saw Palmetto, Tribulus Terrestris, Garlic, Onion, Chili. Eat foods that have most of these.

Also u could take dht cream and rub it in ur penis.That can grow it a lot because penis has lot of androgen receptors and dht is a strong androgen.Taking hgh or mk677 could add a few centimeter too but dht is the main hormone for penis growth.Also taking 50.000 unit of vitamin D3 and 10mcg of vitamin K2 could work idk for sure.Dont forget to wear losen boxes too.

(gimme reps please)
penis ballooning mogs all of these methods
Penis extender

In our experience, most men (I really mean ALL) who use these 4 to 6 hours a day for 3 to 6 months will increase at least 0.75". And 30% of the most disciplined men will gain more than 1" in 6-12 months. There are members on the forum who have won 1" in a year. Here is our scientific research on the effects of the penis extender.

Penis extender is the only safe way to enlarge your penis naturally, the pills do not work, the pumps don't work as fast. Take it from us, if you use it, you will lengthen your penis (although circumference gains are rare).


Manual extension:

My recommendation for manual extension is quite simple and intuitive, however, you have to take into account the following:

1. You need to perform a proper pre-hab. You can start masturbating your limb gently, without exceeding the threshold of arousal or orgasm, reaches at least 60% erection and once you achieve vascularization, perform a round of 15 Jelqs or orders.

2. Get a cream, lubricant or moisturizer to prevent skin lesions on the penis. I recommend titan gel or any pharmacy lubricant such as YES, DUREX, ETC.

3. Once the heating and lubrication is done you can start with the stretches of the penis.

3.1 Grab the penis from the glans with your index fingers and thumb, proceed to pull with increasing tension forward.

3.2 Once the penis has a noticeable elasticity, you can do the stretching in

360º degrees, that is, with the same grip previously described, you draw circles with the glans while maintaining constant stretching.

3.3 Already performing this ease you can start pulling with firm tension towards any cardinal direction, it is important that you direct it towards all directions with a constant time, since this way you can prevent asymmetry. It should be noted that pulling in the direction of the floor or/and the sky will have the greatest effect on the length since you are forcing the tendon outwards, so that a greater part of the phallic body comes out of your pubis.

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Mechanically assisted extension:

My recommendation is the Phallosan Extender and I recommend it over other brands for the following reasons:

1. This exact device was subjected to studies and clinical trials.

2. It is made of the highest quality and is the only device whose straps did not break during the stress test.

3. It is discreet when used. It is one of the few extenders that will remain hidden in your pants.

4. The documentation and support are excellent. Any newbie can make it work.

The extender is the most important elrated device and the first tip for any newbie. In fact, in my opinion all men should use the extender for 3-6 months (at least once), just to maximize what they have naturally.

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Special extension type "Hanging":

Important: Perform this exercise at least 6 months of enlargement, as it can be very demanding for a member who is in a state of adaptation, therefore, it represents an unnecessary danger if you still start.

1. You need a hanging device such as the LG Hanger or BiB hanger, which have a price that is around300$ USD.

2. Install or configure the device on the glans.

3. Charge an amount from 0.5 to 2 pounds.

4. Get up so that the penis is subjected to the tensile force, in this case, the gravity and weight of the discs against the resistance of the pubic tendon.

5. I recommend you do routines of 60 minutes, two to three days a week, adding weight once every two weeks, try not to increase the intensity so fast, otherwise, only the tendon will strengthen, wasting the potential for elongation.

A picture containing floor, indoorDescription automatically generated

BIB Hanger.

Exercises for thickness:


1. Once you've applied lubrication to your penis, it's time to get blood flowing. You don't want a totalerection, but your penis should be between 50 and 75 percent erect. In other words, you want your penis to be pumped, but not hard.

2.Whatever you do, do not do a Jelq with a full erection, as it is dangerous, increasing the potential for venous leakage.

3. Penis grip: With either hand, use your thumb and index finger to create an OK grip (if done correctly, it looks like you are giving someone the "OK" symbol). Place the jelqing grip at the base of the penis. The grip should be as close as possible to the pubic bone to cover as much area as possible.

4. "Milk": Once the grip is placed, it puts pressure on it and gently move it upwards. The optimal pressure is light, but effective for exercising the tissues of the penis. Be sure to stop the jelq just before you reach the head of the penis (don't do jelq on your head). The full jelq should last two to three seconds.

5. Follow and follow: When you have made a jelq, take the other hand and repeat the process. You will need to switch hands on each jelq and replay until you reach the desired number of reps. During the first few weeks, do not do more than 150 jelqs per workout.

6. Safety first: Once you master the jelq, you will have to exercise regularly to cause the enlargement. That said, you shouldn't do jelq every day, especially at first. If you don't give your penis enough rest, then jelqing stops being healthy and starts to get dangerous. Other ways to make sure your workouts are healthy are:

6.1 Always warm up.

6.2 Be gentle with grip and intensity.

6.3 Do not do jelq with a complete erection.

6.4 Do not make jelq on the head of the penis.

ULI Concentrate:

This exercise is recommended once you have at least two months of training, since it is a version or modification of the Jelq to generate a maximum intensity, so a maximum of 2 days per week should be performed.

1. As in jelq, you must achieve a semi-erection.

2. Perform the exercise of the pubic floor "Kegel" to achieve a more fluid blood pumping.

2.1 Tighten the muscle that allows you to cut off the flow of urine and close the anus.

2.2 You will feel a high of blood towards the penis, it will become more erect or full of blood. You are likely to get up all (raise the erection) at once with this exercise.

3. Immediately after the Kegel and the blood flow increase, perform the OK grip in the strongest way you can, as this will prevent the outflow of blood from the penis, so it will swell due to a surplus of blood in the area, due to the extra blood supply.

4. (Optional) You can perform a Jelq with your free hand, this will carry an amount of blood greater than the limit towards your penis, therefore, temporarily you will be at 110% of your regular erection.

5. After maintaining this grip between 5 and 15 seconds, perform repetitions, making a Kegel before each ok grip.

Clamping concentrate variation:

This exercise is performed to achieve a more even composition of the limb, that is, level the thickness of the different areas of the penis. For this, it is necessary that you recognize the three subdivisions of your penis: Glans or Head, Trunk or middle section and finally the Base or Root of the penis. Once identified, it is necessary that you evaluate which of these is thicker and which is thinner, in order to decide the area where clamping will take place.

1. Perform a Kegel.

2. Isolate the thinnest section by performing a double OK grip.

2.1 The OK grip #1 should be at the low limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip #1 should be at the upper limit of the base or root.

2.2 The OK grip No. 2 must be at the upper limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip No. 2 must be at the lower limit of the glans or head.

3. When isolating the thinner section, you will notice a swelling or pumping, in conjunction with this, the veins will be marked more than common.

4. Perform a Jelq in opposite directions, that is, the OK grip nº1 must go towards the OK grip nº2 and vice versa.

5. Keep this double grip between 10 and 15 seconds maximum, as it can be very strong for corpora cavernosa and spongy tissues.

6. Perform 10 repetitions at most, you can take breaks of 5 minutes between repetition, in which it is recommended to make Jelq softly and Kegel, to keep blood flow constant.

Weekly routine:

Take into account that enlargement can be a complicated task both mentally and physically, therefore, it is necessary to plan properly when it comes to enlarging for thee.

In your first two months I recommend that you prioritize lengthning over thick exercises, since these are less wearful on the tissues of the penis. My recommendation is that you dedicate yourself between 3 and 5 days a week with a routine of basic stretching, including always warming up.

Regarding thickness, I recommend that you first perform the Jelqing for 2 to 3 days per week, doing a previous heating/pre-hab each time and taking preventive measures such as lubrication.

Having advanced three months of enlargement, it begins to progressively replace Jelqing with ULI and Concentrate Clamping, since these have a greater potential for enlargement.

Take into consideration that rest is COMPLETELY NECESSARY for enlargement, therefore, you must separate at least two days of zero activity, thus ensuring a correct recovery of tissues. You can use the extender during these days off.

A smart routine would be to stretch Monday, Wednesday and Friday and thicken on Thursday and Sunday.

To plan your routine, it is also important that you can identify the physiological indicators of your penis, which are:

1. Erection quality: A good quality of erection after the enlarging exercise is a positive indicator, a sign that you can continue. A bad or no erection is a sign of fatigue and tissue damage, if you have this indicator, rest at least two and a half days.

2. Pain: The absence of pain in the presence of gains is a positive sign. The presence of pain in the absence of gains is a sign of fatigue, rest two and a half days at least.

3. Sensitivity: The loss of sensitivity can mean the mistreatment or fatigue of the penis, although you can continue exercising, it is congruent that you lower the intensidad. If you have too much sensitivity you can perform the Edging exercise, which consists of masturbation devoid of orgasm or ejaculation.

Necessary habits:

1. Do not ejaculate at will, produces a loss of essential nutrients, worsens erection and causes effect "Turtling" or temporary shrinkage.

2. Edging, this exercise raises testosterone and nitric oxide production, giving way to an ideal chemistry for enlargement.

3. Consume optimal amounts of Vitamin D, improves circulation.

4. Avoid smoking, worsen circulation.

Natural medications for erectile dysfunction:

The use of these can provide the necessary chemistry for enlargement, since they increase the production of nitric oxide, an agent that dilates our blood vessels, which is advantageous since the penis is a mostly vascular body.

The most effective and scientifically proven natural ingredients are Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Asian Red Ginseng (Korean), Ginkgo Biloba, Maca, Saw Palmetto, Tribulus Terrestris, Garlic, Onion, Chili. Eat foods that have most of these.

Also u could take dht cream and rub it in ur penis.That can grow it a lot because penis has lot of androgen receptors and dht is a strong androgen.Taking hgh or mk677 could add a few centimeter too but dht is the main hormone for penis growth.Also taking 50.000 unit of vitamin D3 and 10mcg of vitamin K2 could work idk for sure.Dont forget to wear losen boxes too.

(gimme reps please)
All of this just to get what chad get naturally:feelswhy:
  • +1
Reactions: 8trunks
4. Avoid smoking, worsen circulation.

Actually good thread

if u want a big dick u shouldnt smoke but i already have it even if a few centimeters are taken off idc
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel
what's ur opinion on the potential loss in cell density so in long term erection quality ? do u think it still worth it ?
its cope it def worth it
Penis extender

In our experience, most men (I really mean ALL) who use these 4 to 6 hours a day for 3 to 6 months will increase at least 0.75". And 30% of the most disciplined men will gain more than 1" in 6-12 months. There are members on the forum who have won 1" in a year. Here is our scientific research on the effects of the penis extender.

Penis extender is the only safe way to enlarge your penis naturally, the pills do not work, the pumps don't work as fast. Take it from us, if you use it, you will lengthen your penis (although circumference gains are rare).


Manual extension:

My recommendation for manual extension is quite simple and intuitive, however, you have to take into account the following:

1. You need to perform a proper pre-hab. You can start masturbating your limb gently, without exceeding the threshold of arousal or orgasm, reaches at least 60% erection and once you achieve vascularization, perform a round of 15 Jelqs or orders.

2. Get a cream, lubricant or moisturizer to prevent skin lesions on the penis. I recommend titan gel or any pharmacy lubricant such as YES, DUREX, ETC.

3. Once the heating and lubrication is done you can start with the stretches of the penis.

3.1 Grab the penis from the glans with your index fingers and thumb, proceed to pull with increasing tension forward.

3.2 Once the penis has a noticeable elasticity, you can do the stretching in

360º degrees, that is, with the same grip previously described, you draw circles with the glans while maintaining constant stretching.

3.3 Already performing this ease you can start pulling with firm tension towards any cardinal direction, it is important that you direct it towards all directions with a constant time, since this way you can prevent asymmetry. It should be noted that pulling in the direction of the floor or/and the sky will have the greatest effect on the length since you are forcing the tendon outwards, so that a greater part of the phallic body comes out of your pubis.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Mechanically assisted extension:

My recommendation is the Phallosan Extender and I recommend it over other brands for the following reasons:

1. This exact device was subjected to studies and clinical trials.

2. It is made of the highest quality and is the only device whose straps did not break during the stress test.

3. It is discreet when used. It is one of the few extenders that will remain hidden in your pants.

4. The documentation and support are excellent. Any newbie can make it work.

The extender is the most important elrated device and the first tip for any newbie. In fact, in my opinion all men should use the extender for 3-6 months (at least once), just to maximize what they have naturally.

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A picture containing appliance, dryerDescription automatically generated
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Special extension type "Hanging":

Important: Perform this exercise at least 6 months of enlargement, as it can be very demanding for a member who is in a state of adaptation, therefore, it represents an unnecessary danger if you still start.

1. You need a hanging device such as the LG Hanger or BiB hanger, which have a price that is around300$ USD.

2. Install or configure the device on the glans.

3. Charge an amount from 0.5 to 2 pounds.

4. Get up so that the penis is subjected to the tensile force, in this case, the gravity and weight of the discs against the resistance of the pubic tendon.

5. I recommend you do routines of 60 minutes, two to three days a week, adding weight once every two weeks, try not to increase the intensity so fast, otherwise, only the tendon will strengthen, wasting the potential for elongation.

A picture containing floor, indoorDescription automatically generated

BIB Hanger.

Exercises for thickness:


1. Once you've applied lubrication to your penis, it's time to get blood flowing. You don't want a totalerection, but your penis should be between 50 and 75 percent erect. In other words, you want your penis to be pumped, but not hard.

2.Whatever you do, do not do a Jelq with a full erection, as it is dangerous, increasing the potential for venous leakage.

3. Penis grip: With either hand, use your thumb and index finger to create an OK grip (if done correctly, it looks like you are giving someone the "OK" symbol). Place the jelqing grip at the base of the penis. The grip should be as close as possible to the pubic bone to cover as much area as possible.

4. "Milk": Once the grip is placed, it puts pressure on it and gently move it upwards. The optimal pressure is light, but effective for exercising the tissues of the penis. Be sure to stop the jelq just before you reach the head of the penis (don't do jelq on your head). The full jelq should last two to three seconds.

5. Follow and follow: When you have made a jelq, take the other hand and repeat the process. You will need to switch hands on each jelq and replay until you reach the desired number of reps. During the first few weeks, do not do more than 150 jelqs per workout.

6. Safety first: Once you master the jelq, you will have to exercise regularly to cause the enlargement. That said, you shouldn't do jelq every day, especially at first. If you don't give your penis enough rest, then jelqing stops being healthy and starts to get dangerous. Other ways to make sure your workouts are healthy are:

6.1 Always warm up.

6.2 Be gentle with grip and intensity.

6.3 Do not do jelq with a complete erection.

6.4 Do not make jelq on the head of the penis.

ULI Concentrate:

This exercise is recommended once you have at least two months of training, since it is a version or modification of the Jelq to generate a maximum intensity, so a maximum of 2 days per week should be performed.

1. As in jelq, you must achieve a semi-erection.

2. Perform the exercise of the pubic floor "Kegel" to achieve a more fluid blood pumping.

2.1 Tighten the muscle that allows you to cut off the flow of urine and close the anus.

2.2 You will feel a high of blood towards the penis, it will become more erect or full of blood. You are likely to get up all (raise the erection) at once with this exercise.

3. Immediately after the Kegel and the blood flow increase, perform the OK grip in the strongest way you can, as this will prevent the outflow of blood from the penis, so it will swell due to a surplus of blood in the area, due to the extra blood supply.

4. (Optional) You can perform a Jelq with your free hand, this will carry an amount of blood greater than the limit towards your penis, therefore, temporarily you will be at 110% of your regular erection.

5. After maintaining this grip between 5 and 15 seconds, perform repetitions, making a Kegel before each ok grip.

Clamping concentrate variation:

This exercise is performed to achieve a more even composition of the limb, that is, level the thickness of the different areas of the penis. For this, it is necessary that you recognize the three subdivisions of your penis: Glans or Head, Trunk or middle section and finally the Base or Root of the penis. Once identified, it is necessary that you evaluate which of these is thicker and which is thinner, in order to decide the area where clamping will take place.

1. Perform a Kegel.

2. Isolate the thinnest section by performing a double OK grip.

2.1 The OK grip #1 should be at the low limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip #1 should be at the upper limit of the base or root.

2.2 The OK grip No. 2 must be at the upper limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip No. 2 must be at the lower limit of the glans or head.

3. When isolating the thinner section, you will notice a swelling or pumping, in conjunction with this, the veins will be marked more than common.

4. Perform a Jelq in opposite directions, that is, the OK grip nº1 must go towards the OK grip nº2 and vice versa.

5. Keep this double grip between 10 and 15 seconds maximum, as it can be very strong for corpora cavernosa and spongy tissues.

6. Perform 10 repetitions at most, you can take breaks of 5 minutes between repetition, in which it is recommended to make Jelq softly and Kegel, to keep blood flow constant.

Weekly routine:

Take into account that enlargement can be a complicated task both mentally and physically, therefore, it is necessary to plan properly when it comes to enlarging for thee.

In your first two months I recommend that you prioritize lengthning over thick exercises, since these are less wearful on the tissues of the penis. My recommendation is that you dedicate yourself between 3 and 5 days a week with a routine of basic stretching, including always warming up.

Regarding thickness, I recommend that you first perform the Jelqing for 2 to 3 days per week, doing a previous heating/pre-hab each time and taking preventive measures such as lubrication.

Having advanced three months of enlargement, it begins to progressively replace Jelqing with ULI and Concentrate Clamping, since these have a greater potential for enlargement.

Take into consideration that rest is COMPLETELY NECESSARY for enlargement, therefore, you must separate at least two days of zero activity, thus ensuring a correct recovery of tissues. You can use the extender during these days off.

A smart routine would be to stretch Monday, Wednesday and Friday and thicken on Thursday and Sunday.

To plan your routine, it is also important that you can identify the physiological indicators of your penis, which are:

1. Erection quality: A good quality of erection after the enlarging exercise is a positive indicator, a sign that you can continue. A bad or no erection is a sign of fatigue and tissue damage, if you have this indicator, rest at least two and a half days.

2. Pain: The absence of pain in the presence of gains is a positive sign. The presence of pain in the absence of gains is a sign of fatigue, rest two and a half days at least.

3. Sensitivity: The loss of sensitivity can mean the mistreatment or fatigue of the penis, although you can continue exercising, it is congruent that you lower the intensidad. If you have too much sensitivity you can perform the Edging exercise, which consists of masturbation devoid of orgasm or ejaculation.

Necessary habits:

1. Do not ejaculate at will, produces a loss of essential nutrients, worsens erection and causes effect "Turtling" or temporary shrinkage.

2. Edging, this exercise raises testosterone and nitric oxide production, giving way to an ideal chemistry for enlargement.

3. Consume optimal amounts of Vitamin D, improves circulation.

4. Avoid smoking, worsen circulation.

Natural medications for erectile dysfunction:

The use of these can provide the necessary chemistry for enlargement, since they increase the production of nitric oxide, an agent that dilates our blood vessels, which is advantageous since the penis is a mostly vascular body.

The most effective and scientifically proven natural ingredients are Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Asian Red Ginseng (Korean), Ginkgo Biloba, Maca, Saw Palmetto, Tribulus Terrestris, Garlic, Onion, Chili. Eat foods that have most of these.

Also u could take dht cream and rub it in ur penis.That can grow it a lot because penis has lot of androgen receptors and dht is a strong androgen.Taking hgh or mk677 could add a few centimeter too but dht is the main hormone for penis growth.Also taking 50.000 unit of vitamin D3 and 10mcg of vitamin K2 could work idk for sure.Dont forget to wear losen boxes too.

(gimme reps please)
i’m actually considering quitting vaping for the circulation benefits, but i will miss it a lot what do you think op?
thanks now i have a bbc
Nice guide vlla
Jfl at using medieval torture devices for a chance to grow your dick by a mm
scary but good thread
i’m actually considering quitting vaping for the circulation benefits, but i will miss it a lot what do you think op?
quit vaping and start doing meth
i’m actually considering quitting vaping for the circulation benefits, but i will miss it a lot what do you think op?
nah im joking stop vaping and do nicotine patches the only reason i do smoking is cuz ciggarete are cheaper and there no nicotine patches here
Ok now how do you increase girth, I have a pencil 7 incher
Vast majority of this has damn near 0 scientific backing and can even be dangerous. The only one that might possibly be legit for lengthening are traction extenders.
If only it was easier to increase girth than length, 7 inch pencil dick here
Penis extender

In our experience, most men (I really mean ALL) who use these 4 to 6 hours a day for 3 to 6 months will increase at least 0.75". And 30% of the most disciplined men will gain more than 1" in 6-12 months. There are members on the forum who have won 1" in a year. Here is our scientific research on the effects of the penis extender.

Penis extender is the only safe way to enlarge your penis naturally, the pills do not work, the pumps don't work as fast. Take it from us, if you use it, you will lengthen your penis (although circumference gains are rare).


Manual extension:

My recommendation for manual extension is quite simple and intuitive, however, you have to take into account the following:

1. You need to perform a proper pre-hab. You can start masturbating your limb gently, without exceeding the threshold of arousal or orgasm, reaches at least 60% erection and once you achieve vascularization, perform a round of 15 Jelqs or orders.

2. Get a cream, lubricant or moisturizer to prevent skin lesions on the penis. I recommend titan gel or any pharmacy lubricant such as YES, DUREX, ETC.

3. Once the heating and lubrication is done you can start with the stretches of the penis.

3.1 Grab the penis from the glans with your index fingers and thumb, proceed to pull with increasing tension forward.

3.2 Once the penis has a noticeable elasticity, you can do the stretching in

360º degrees, that is, with the same grip previously described, you draw circles with the glans while maintaining constant stretching.

3.3 Already performing this ease you can start pulling with firm tension towards any cardinal direction, it is important that you direct it towards all directions with a constant time, since this way you can prevent asymmetry. It should be noted that pulling in the direction of the floor or/and the sky will have the greatest effect on the length since you are forcing the tendon outwards, so that a greater part of the phallic body comes out of your pubis.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Mechanically assisted extension:

My recommendation is the Phallosan Extender and I recommend it over other brands for the following reasons:

1. This exact device was subjected to studies and clinical trials.

2. It is made of the highest quality and is the only device whose straps did not break during the stress test.

3. It is discreet when used. It is one of the few extenders that will remain hidden in your pants.

4. The documentation and support are excellent. Any newbie can make it work.

The extender is the most important elrated device and the first tip for any newbie. In fact, in my opinion all men should use the extender for 3-6 months (at least once), just to maximize what they have naturally.

A picture containing indoorDescription automatically generated
A picture containing appliance, dryerDescription automatically generated
A picture containing textDescription automatically generated

Special extension type "Hanging":

Important: Perform this exercise at least 6 months of enlargement, as it can be very demanding for a member who is in a state of adaptation, therefore, it represents an unnecessary danger if you still start.

1. You need a hanging device such as the LG Hanger or BiB hanger, which have a price that is around300$ USD.

2. Install or configure the device on the glans.

3. Charge an amount from 0.5 to 2 pounds.

4. Get up so that the penis is subjected to the tensile force, in this case, the gravity and weight of the discs against the resistance of the pubic tendon.

5. I recommend you do routines of 60 minutes, two to three days a week, adding weight once every two weeks, try not to increase the intensity so fast, otherwise, only the tendon will strengthen, wasting the potential for elongation.

A picture containing floor, indoorDescription automatically generated

BIB Hanger.

Exercises for thickness:


1. Once you've applied lubrication to your penis, it's time to get blood flowing. You don't want a totalerection, but your penis should be between 50 and 75 percent erect. In other words, you want your penis to be pumped, but not hard.

2.Whatever you do, do not do a Jelq with a full erection, as it is dangerous, increasing the potential for venous leakage.

3. Penis grip: With either hand, use your thumb and index finger to create an OK grip (if done correctly, it looks like you are giving someone the "OK" symbol). Place the jelqing grip at the base of the penis. The grip should be as close as possible to the pubic bone to cover as much area as possible.

4. "Milk": Once the grip is placed, it puts pressure on it and gently move it upwards. The optimal pressure is light, but effective for exercising the tissues of the penis. Be sure to stop the jelq just before you reach the head of the penis (don't do jelq on your head). The full jelq should last two to three seconds.

5. Follow and follow: When you have made a jelq, take the other hand and repeat the process. You will need to switch hands on each jelq and replay until you reach the desired number of reps. During the first few weeks, do not do more than 150 jelqs per workout.

6. Safety first: Once you master the jelq, you will have to exercise regularly to cause the enlargement. That said, you shouldn't do jelq every day, especially at first. If you don't give your penis enough rest, then jelqing stops being healthy and starts to get dangerous. Other ways to make sure your workouts are healthy are:

6.1 Always warm up.

6.2 Be gentle with grip and intensity.

6.3 Do not do jelq with a complete erection.

6.4 Do not make jelq on the head of the penis.

ULI Concentrate:

This exercise is recommended once you have at least two months of training, since it is a version or modification of the Jelq to generate a maximum intensity, so a maximum of 2 days per week should be performed.

1. As in jelq, you must achieve a semi-erection.

2. Perform the exercise of the pubic floor "Kegel" to achieve a more fluid blood pumping.

2.1 Tighten the muscle that allows you to cut off the flow of urine and close the anus.

2.2 You will feel a high of blood towards the penis, it will become more erect or full of blood. You are likely to get up all (raise the erection) at once with this exercise.

3. Immediately after the Kegel and the blood flow increase, perform the OK grip in the strongest way you can, as this will prevent the outflow of blood from the penis, so it will swell due to a surplus of blood in the area, due to the extra blood supply.

4. (Optional) You can perform a Jelq with your free hand, this will carry an amount of blood greater than the limit towards your penis, therefore, temporarily you will be at 110% of your regular erection.

5. After maintaining this grip between 5 and 15 seconds, perform repetitions, making a Kegel before each ok grip.

Clamping concentrate variation:

This exercise is performed to achieve a more even composition of the limb, that is, level the thickness of the different areas of the penis. For this, it is necessary that you recognize the three subdivisions of your penis: Glans or Head, Trunk or middle section and finally the Base or Root of the penis. Once identified, it is necessary that you evaluate which of these is thicker and which is thinner, in order to decide the area where clamping will take place.

1. Perform a Kegel.

2. Isolate the thinnest section by performing a double OK grip.

2.1 The OK grip #1 should be at the low limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip #1 should be at the upper limit of the base or root.

2.2 The OK grip No. 2 must be at the upper limit of the thinnest section, for example, if your weak section is the trunk, the OK grip No. 2 must be at the lower limit of the glans or head.

3. When isolating the thinner section, you will notice a swelling or pumping, in conjunction with this, the veins will be marked more than common.

4. Perform a Jelq in opposite directions, that is, the OK grip nº1 must go towards the OK grip nº2 and vice versa.

5. Keep this double grip between 10 and 15 seconds maximum, as it can be very strong for corpora cavernosa and spongy tissues.

6. Perform 10 repetitions at most, you can take breaks of 5 minutes between repetition, in which it is recommended to make Jelq softly and Kegel, to keep blood flow constant.

Weekly routine:

Take into account that enlargement can be a complicated task both mentally and physically, therefore, it is necessary to plan properly when it comes to enlarging for thee.

In your first two months I recommend that you prioritize lengthning over thick exercises, since these are less wearful on the tissues of the penis. My recommendation is that you dedicate yourself between 3 and 5 days a week with a routine of basic stretching, including always warming up.

Regarding thickness, I recommend that you first perform the Jelqing for 2 to 3 days per week, doing a previous heating/pre-hab each time and taking preventive measures such as lubrication.

Having advanced three months of enlargement, it begins to progressively replace Jelqing with ULI and Concentrate Clamping, since these have a greater potential for enlargement.

Take into consideration that rest is COMPLETELY NECESSARY for enlargement, therefore, you must separate at least two days of zero activity, thus ensuring a correct recovery of tissues. You can use the extender during these days off.

A smart routine would be to stretch Monday, Wednesday and Friday and thicken on Thursday and Sunday.

To plan your routine, it is also important that you can identify the physiological indicators of your penis, which are:

1. Erection quality: A good quality of erection after the enlarging exercise is a positive indicator, a sign that you can continue. A bad or no erection is a sign of fatigue and tissue damage, if you have this indicator, rest at least two and a half days.

2. Pain: The absence of pain in the presence of gains is a positive sign. The presence of pain in the absence of gains is a sign of fatigue, rest two and a half days at least.

3. Sensitivity: The loss of sensitivity can mean the mistreatment or fatigue of the penis, although you can continue exercising, it is congruent that you lower the intensidad. If you have too much sensitivity you can perform the Edging exercise, which consists of masturbation devoid of orgasm or ejaculation.

Necessary habits:

1. Do not ejaculate at will, produces a loss of essential nutrients, worsens erection and causes effect "Turtling" or temporary shrinkage.

2. Edging, this exercise raises testosterone and nitric oxide production, giving way to an ideal chemistry for enlargement.

3. Consume optimal amounts of Vitamin D, improves circulation.

4. Avoid smoking, worsen circulation.

Natural medications for erectile dysfunction:

The use of these can provide the necessary chemistry for enlargement, since they increase the production of nitric oxide, an agent that dilates our blood vessels, which is advantageous since the penis is a mostly vascular body.

The most effective and scientifically proven natural ingredients are Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Asian Red Ginseng (Korean), Ginkgo Biloba, Maca, Saw Palmetto, Tribulus Terrestris, Garlic, Onion, Chili. Eat foods that have most of these.

Also u could take dht cream and rub it in ur penis.That can grow it a lot because penis has lot of androgen receptors and dht is a strong androgen.Taking hgh or mk677 could add a few centimeter too but dht is the main hormone for penis growth.Also taking 50.000 unit of vitamin D3 and 10mcg of vitamin K2 could work idk for sure.Dont forget to wear losen boxes too.

(gimme reps please)
if only it was this easy to grow a maxilla dick is my only good body part lol everything else I hate, no use for it though
How long can increase?
don't need this 8 inches at 14 because of jelqng

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