people here without a social circle, think social circle is a remedy for their problems

Guys 10x uglier than you are getting laid (and you already know this) jfl at ur autistic ass may god help you
Honestly they're Just eating the ice cream together lol you Jump into way too many conclusions
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It doesn't.
yeah people here just wanna hear about muh slaying muh success stories just like redditors. this forum is liteally incel tears
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social hexagons are even better for increasing your dating/slaying options
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people with no social circles can't just "get" them, the same way manlets can't "just get taller"

of course social circles are important, not for getting laid, but for life in general, but if you haven't developed into a social person, you're not gonna suddenly have tons of social connetions

shit takes energy and a certain personality, if you don't genuinely enjoy it, then you will fail
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no one is going to "get" you laid, especially other men because it's a conflict of interest. that's why the whole concept of winging is stupid
Male friends will definitely get you laid. Winging isn't a conflict of interest when your wingman has other options
Male friends will definitely get you laid. Winging isn't a conflict of interest when your wingman has other options
my male friends told me to fuck hookers cuz no girl would like me
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Your male friends are incels/losers then. You need NT GL friends to hook u up
they had girlfriends and admitted that meeting girls is hard even for them. idk where this notion that people gonna help you laid came from. even female friedns i had couldnt do shit
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Only social circle u need is an assault rifle
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they had girlfriends and admitted that meeting girls is hard even for them. idk where this notion that people gonna help you laid came from. even female friedns i had couldnt do shit
I have personal experience with this. I used to be weak ltn facially, framelet, short. Overall subhuman. However i slayed with this exact method. High status friends, friends with hot girls, eventually one takes an interest, thinks i'm 'weirdly cute', then boom i'm putting my fat cock in my stacylite friend
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I have personal experience with this. I used to be weak ltn facially, framelet, short. Overall subhuman. However i slayed with this exact method
good for you. i never met these magic people you did. in fact people dont want me around women
good for you. i never met these magic people you did. in fact people dont want me around women
You're probably letting your ego get in the way. Accept your low status and match your personality accordingly
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You should have a couple guy friends at least, it’s a strong signal you are NT. They should be HTN+ and NT themselves.

The reality is if you’re attractive and don’t have a social circle something is wrong with you. Girls know this. Obviously they still might fuck because looks >>
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OP is a sheltered hermit with 0 life experience thinking he knows remotely how the fucking world works. You’re a retard. How do you think normies get laid! They get laid by meeting girls from their social circle. Fucking incompetent imbecile
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How do you think normies get laid! They get laid by meeting girls from their social circle. Fucking incompetent imbecile
i have no idea tbh but a friend of mine got laid from instagram with a complete stranger
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people with no social circles can't just "get" them, the same way manlets can't "just get taller"

of course social circles are important, not for getting laid, but for life in general, but if you haven't developed into a social person, you're not gonna suddenly have tons of social connetions

shit takes energy and a certain personality, if you don't genuinely enjoy it, then you will fail

and a lot of luck, I'd add. legit post.

getting a social circle or "improving your personality and mindset" seem easy to accomplish since they are theoretically intangible, but it could be argued that these are harder to change than your looks level.
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OP is a sheltered hermit with 0 life experience thinking he knows remotely how the fucking world works. You’re a retard. How do you think normies get laid! They get laid by meeting girls from their social circle. Fucking incompetent imbecile

those "friendships with men are overrated, i only care about pussy" guys are just male equivalents of illiterate high school dropouts who are chasing high paying high management positions in multinational companies, lmao.

with the addition that their "chasing" breaks down to looking for hacks on internet forums and youtube channels of self-help "gurus".

but yeah, normal, hardworking people are totally wrong when they call that entitlement.
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etting a social circle or "improving your personality and mindset" seem easy to accomplish since they are theoretically intangible, but it could be argued that these are harder to change than your looks level.
too random. looks can be improved with surgeies
i have no idea tbh but a friend of mine got laid from instagram with a complete stranger
Every single friend I have from highschool gets laid plenty and all of them come from girls that they’ve met through their social circle. They’re not the best looking guys. This is literally what 97% of normies who get laid regularly do. They meet girls through friends, especially female friends. Or they make female friends and fuck them too. Stop viewing life as one goal to get pussy like @rl⠀ said. I mean either way you won’t succeed with your habits and lifestyle unless you change them, but that attitude is bottom of the barrel loser shit. Incel shit. Everything you do is an attempt to stick your little dick in a fleshy hole, it’s the meaning of pathetic. Go get a hobby retard
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Every single friend I have from highschool gets laid plenty and all of them come from girls that they’ve met through their social circle. They’re not the best looking guys. This is literally what 97% of normies who get laid regularly do. They meet girls through friends, especially female friends. Or they make female friends and fuck them too. Stop viewing life as one goal to get pussy like @rl⠀ said. I mean either way you won’t succeed with your habits and lifestyle unless you change them, but that attitude is bottom of the barrel loser shit. Incel shit. Everything you do is an attempt to stick your little dick in a fleshy hole, it’s the meaning of pathetic. Go get a hobby retard
maybe things are different in your country. here men are a lot more competitive, bitter and pussy obsessed. i have seen friednships get destroyed over foids.
Every single friend I have from highschool gets laid plenty and all of them come from girls that they’ve met through their social circle. They’re not the best looking guys. This is literally what 97% of normies who get laid regularly do. They meet girls through friends, especially female friends. Or they make female friends and fuck them too. Stop viewing life as one goal to get pussy like @rl⠀ said. I mean either way you won’t succeed with your habits and lifestyle unless you change them, but that attitude is bottom of the barrel loser shit. Incel shit. Everything you do is an attempt to stick your little dick in a fleshy hole, it’s the meaning of pathetic. Go get a hobby retard

yea. every shit looking normie i know that manages to get a girlfriend here and there does that by constant grinding (they are out with their friends 3+ times per week and force themselves to talk to girls).

fucking lol at divas here who look just as bad as the guys i'm describing, but are fantasizing about leaving their shelters for an hour once per week and coming back home with a full blown stacy obsessed with their broke, friendless, hobbyless, anxious, boring sorry asses.

just lol.
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the odds of meet a gl girl, from a social circle, who is single, and is into you are smaller than being born tall, gl with high IQ. surgeries are the only legit, objective way to ascend, forget about everything else and focus on materialism.

What is this stupid ass thread? You view social circles as a means to Stacy’s vagina. A lack of a social circle is a massive problem in its own right.
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then its useless

Even if you get laid, not having a social circle is a huge issue in your life. You need love and social circle. Getting a social circle is a remedy for the big problem of not having a social circle.
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Even if you get laid, not having a social circle is a huge issue in your life. You need love and social circle. Getting a social circle is a remedy for the big problem of not having a social circle.
most low t thing i have read in a while
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Why do you keep acting like you're some sort of social guru with expertise in dating and social dynamics when you're just an insufferably autistic retard with no actual social experience to speak of who does nothing but indulge in his own internalized self-sabotaging platitudes?? Your whole defeatist narrative is based on not having a couple of girls groveling at your feet after the first date while you did jack shit to even try to escalate. Jesus just shut the fuck up already.
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most low t thing i have read in a while

JFL if you think a muh high T man just walks around being a loner with no friends because of how masculine and stoic he is.

Sigma cope.
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JFL if you think a muh high T man just walks around being a loner with no friends because of how masculine and stoic he is.

Sigma cope.
male friendships fall apart but you need to have gone through military to see that
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Why do you keep acting like you're some sort of social guru with expertise in dating and social dynamics when you're just an insufferably autistic retard with no actual social experience to speak of who does nothing but indulge in his own internalized self-sabotaging platitudes??
i have done military service which automatically gives me more experience than anyone here

Your whole defeatist narrative is based on not having a couple of girls groveling at your feet after the first date while you did jack shit to even try to escalate
1.i put my arm on the first girl, she got pissed
2.second girl hugged me and then ghosted anyway

btw ecalating out of the blue with no signs that a girl wants it isnt gonna go well. you got this redpill mentality that you cant just "take" a girl. if a girl likes you she gonna let you know. the opposite is also true like it happened with my oneitis.
What is this stupid ass thread? You view social circles as a means to Stacy’s vagina. A lack of a social circle is a massive problem in its own right.

if these guys have ever had a social circle, they'd know it makes it 150% easier to meet new girls spontaneously, without having to degrade yourself by "cold approaching" or making shitty profiles on dating apps

from just going out with a group of friends regularly (indicates you aren't a non-nt outcast), getting invited to parties and social events just because someone from your friend group got invited, meeting their cousins, female friends, female friends of their girlfriends and so on and on.

sure, if you are gl and attractive enough, you can get girls without that, but just lol at unremarkable normies trying to accomplish that because they were dleusional enough to think they were destined to become main characters later in life
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, they'd know it makes it 150% easier to meet new girls spontaneously,
i had a social circle and didnt meet any girl of them. other guys ik also confirmed this
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male friendships fall apart but you need to have gone through military to see that

They fall apart, but you need them anyway.

Relationships fall apart, but if you don’t get them, your mental health deteriorates.

I don’t get why so many copers cope and say something isn’t worth it at all just because it isn’t guaranteed to last forever. Life doesn’t last forever. Stuff in life is even more temporary. You need the temporary stuff to want to live.
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They fall apart, but you need them anyway.

Relationships fall apart, but if you don’t get them, your mental health deteriorates.

I don’t get why so many copers cope and say something isn’t worth it at all just because it isn’t guaranteed to last forever. Life doesn’t last forever. Stuff in life is even more temporary. You need the temporary stuff to want to live.
male friendships are fake sadly
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i have done military service which automatically gives me more experience than anyone here
Ahhh shut the fuck up you annoying testosterone depleted moron
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Just be GL and have a social circle with women.
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You are the most retarded user on ths forum
Not even close

But, as a wise man once said while observing a foolish man raving at a donkey, "Idiot! The donkey will never learn your language. It is better that you should observe silence and instead master the tongue of the donkey."
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Social circle is law. I get so many IOIs when I’m seen in motion interacting with someone else

When I’m alone it’s as if I’m a ghost or deemed creepy/weird/loner. Stand in a club or bar all by yourself and watch how surrounding people disperse and distance themselves from you. Shit is like parting the Red Sea.
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Not even close

But, as a wise man once said while observing a foolish man raving at a donkey, "Idiot! The donkey will never learn your language. It is better that you should observe silence and instead master the tongue of the donkey."
That's wise I guess. But you can also, you know... just use the donkey as a mule.
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