phenotypes ranked [whites only]

Fair enough, but I still think you are over rating dinarids, height is not as important as you think if the face is ugly, and most dinarid men have an ugly face.



Yeah they are masculine, but so are borrebys and atlanto meds, who have a better looking face and are still tall
true but having good height and frame is a good thing

honestly i think anglos or dalio faelids are the best looking maybe some north atnalids and baltids aswell

to me i find the alpanid repulsive for some reason, just all there traits are bad, colouring is boring for a white person, short and fat, no cheekbones, low nose bridges

only good thing i can think of for them is good midface and fwhr and also decent frames besides that they are repulsive and look like todlers
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose and Julius
@Julius but yeah i did overate dinarids to much
  • +1
Reactions: Julius
A tier- meaning the best of the best in the european phenotypes
B tier- great but no as good as a tier
c tier- average
death tier- the worst phenos of europe

strap in boyos

A tier- dalofaelid
View attachment 1290229

Cromagniform Nordid variety of Central and Northern Europe. Named after the Swedish province of Dalarna and the German region of Westphalia. Typical areas include Central Germany, Netherlands, and Southern Sweden / Norway, partially even Southern Finland. Germanic migrations in Antiquity dispersed it across Europe. A Dalic, Faelid, and Västmanland subvariety can be distinguished.

Physical Traits:​

Pale to fair skin. Straight to curly, blonde, sometimes red or brown hair. Grey-blue or mixed eyes. Tall, mesoskelic, mesomorph with robust bones, in old age sometimes endomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with a curved occiput, very large-headed. Leptorrhine, straight or mildly convex nose. Wide face, broad angular jaw and zygomatic arches. Brow ridges strong, deep-set, small eyes. Forehead broad, mildly sloping. Broad mouth with thin lips.

A tier- Anglo-saxon
View attachment 1290230

North-West European type, similar to Trønder, but with a stronger Hallstatt component. Was typified by the ancient Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes who conquered Britain from the 5th century on. Most common today in East England, but also Frisia (Netherlands), North-West Germany, West Denmark, and parts of Northern France and Ireland.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight to curly, often blonde, sometimes red or brown hair with light(-mixed) eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, ectomorph to mesomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with narrower faces and more roundish features than Trønder, and more robust features than Hallstatt as well as more prominent cheek-bones. Nose is hyperleptorrhine, the forehead high.

A tier- Dinarid
View attachment 1290236

Tall, short-headed type with bony features, a flat occiput and long nose, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Chin strong, but round, lips rather thin, hair abundant. Forehead broad, sloping and high. Common in mountain regions of Central and Eastern Europe, especially the Balkans. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, probably in the Middle East, and may be linked to European Bell Beaker types of the Bronze Age. Often a cohabitant of Alpinid. Besides the standard Dinarid proper, there exists a depigmented, anthropometrically similar Norid variety. Some unite Dinarids with Armenoids and similar types in a Taurid group. European colonists spread Dinarid over many places of the world, especially North America.

b tier- North atlantid
View attachment 1290245

Western European type that combines features of Nordid and Mediterranid in a unique way. Resembles British Iron Age Celts. The principal element in Ireland and parts of Britain, especially Western Scotland and Wales. Common in Northwestern France, sometimes Belgium, Switzerland, Liguria, Western Germany, and Norway. Sporadically from Portugal and Galicia to Austria and Sweden. Not to be confused with British Eurafricanids altered by Nordid admixture.

Physical Traits:​

Pale, sometimes ruddy or freckled skin. Brown, sometimes black or reddish hair with light, often blue eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, sometimes brachyskelic, ectomorph, slightly mesomorph with relatively long arms. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic. Prominent, hyperleptorrhine, long-tipped nose that may be convex or concave. Forehead is narrow and sloping, mandible small, malars compressed.

B tier- Tavastid
View attachment 1290249

East Baltid variety, typical for the eastern shores of the Baltic sea, similar to Neo Danubian and Borreby. Named after the Tavastia province of Finland. Core population in Baltic countries, from Sweden to Finland and from Estonia to Germany and Romania. Occasionally all over Scandinavia, in Russia, and even Britain.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight, usually blonde hair, light eyes. Rather tall, mildly macroskelic, endomorph to mesomorph. Brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic, rather large-headed, but less than Borreby. (Mildly) leptorrhine, concave snub-nose. Moderately thin lips, weak, rounded chin, face relatively flat and squarish, forehead low. Head and body larger, jaw wider, malars more prominent than in other East Europids

b tier- Borrebey
View attachment 1290252
Ancient Northern European variety. Named after some of the Neolithic Borreby skulls of Denmark (not all!). Some emphasised resemblance with Cro-Magnons. Similar to Faelid, but shorter-skulled with East Baltid and Alpinid tendencies. Most common in Denmark, South Norway (Jæren), and North Germany (esp. Fehmarn). Extends to the Baltic region, Britain, Italy, and Montenegro.

Physical Traits:

Pale to fair skin, straight or wavy blonde, sometimes red or brown hair, blue or mixed eyes. Tall, meso- macroskelic, mesomorph to endomorph with a heavy bone structure. Mildly brachycephalic, with an extraordinary large head. Leptorrhine, straight, sometimes concave nose. Face roundish and robust, forehead high.

C tier- east europid
View attachment 1290253

View attachment 1290254Often depigmented, relatively short-limbed, medium to short-skulled group, found in its highest frequencies in Eastern Europe. Faces tend to be flatter than in other Europeans with stronger cheek bones, they are angular and wide, snub noses common, chin weak, forehead not very high and receding, eyelid narrow. Developed in Northeast Russia during the Neolithic and became more populous since then, especially during the Middle Ages. The East Baltic subgroup in the northern part of its range is often seen as its most typical representative. East Baltids have a western Tavastid variety and an eastern Savolaxid. Among Slavs the Neo Danubian subtype is common. Apart from that, several older varieties have been identified, in particular the Pre Slavic or Sudetic type. European colonists brought East Europids to other regions like North America and Siberia.

c tier- View attachment 1290258Widespread group, common all over the Mediterranean and adjacent regions. Long-headed, dark-eyed, with light brown skin, and straight to curly, often dark and abundant hair. Occiput protruding, chin small and well-modeled, mouth small, slightly softer and fuller than in Nordid, skulls often smaller. The tall Atlanto Mediterranid subgroup is typified by the narrow-faced Eurafricanids, but many include broader-faced, more ancient, cromagniform Berberids and the eastern Pontids, who seem connected to ancient Indo-Europeans of the Eurasian steppes (e.g. Kurgans around 5000 BCE). The small Gracile Mediterranid subgroup is usually regarded as the most typical Mediterranid. The short-nosed, wide-faced, and short Paleo Sardinians represent an older variety. Trans Mediterranids show intermediate features between Gracile and Atlanto Mediterranid. Mediterranoids in a broader sense include Orientalids and Indids. European colonists spread them all over America.

View attachment 1290261Short-headed group with roundish features, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Body tends to be thickset, height modest. Cheekbones weak, nose short and small, sometimes concave, chin small and round. Common in mountain regions of Central Europe and West Asia. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, could be connected to Ofnet types. Some of the Alpinid varieties probably developed independently through a process of convergent evolution. The low-skulled West Alpinids are regarded as the most typical representatives. In West Asia, high-skulled East Alpinids are common, in the Maghreb, African Alpinoids exist as a minority type. In Poland, the special East Alpinid variety "Gorid" can be found with a position closer to East Europid. A Strandid variety exists in Scandinavia. European colonists spread Alpinids all over the world (e.g. America).

DEATH TIER- Gracile Mediterranid-
View attachment 1290265

Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

enjoy boys
Dinarids and alpines are death tier baltids volgids turanids dalofealids are god tier
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: CursedOne and Deleted member 10615
Atlanto mediterranid mog all of them (for men)

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose, Oberyn, CursedOne and 2 others
Borreby skull mogging master race FTW.

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10615 and Haven
Paleo atlantid is s tier imo. Basically faelid but with dark lookz
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose, PubertyMaxxer and Deleted member 10615
Dinarids and alpines are death tier baltids volgids turanids dalofealids are god tier
i agree that alpines are death tier
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Haven and Deleted member 10615
you kidding me? they have the best colouring all have dark hair and blue eyes

english men are known to be good looking and high class

the ugliest european race are the alpanids if you count everything
Where do these alpinids live mostly? I feel like Central Europe is full of them.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
Where do these alpinids live mostly? I feel like Central Europe is full of them.
yeah central europe

france, switzerland and some other countrys usally in the alps

my uncle had a kid with a french girl and im pretty sure she was alpanid coz the son look super alpanid and is really short like 5ft5-5ft6 but he has extremley blue eyes instead of brown
north atlantid is A tier and anglo is b/c tier tbh, brits arent known for being good looking and the average pheno there is anglo

this is the proper north atlantid photo btw
  • +1
Reactions: Oberyn, CursedOne, PubertyMaxxer and 3 others
yeah central europe

france, switzerland and some other countrys usally in the alps

my uncle had a kid with a french girl and im pretty sure she was alpanid coz the son look super alpanid and is really short like 5ft5-5ft6 but he has extremley blue eyes instead of brown
I meant like countries Czech Republic and Slovakia. These countries don't have significant amount of Alpinid people?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
I meant like countries Czech Republic and Slovakia. These countries don't have significant amount of Alpinid people?
no clue bro

i don't live in europe, i thought those countries were mostly slavic/eastern european looking people

alpanids are mostly western european
no clue bro

i don't live in europe, i thought those countries were mostly slavic/eastern european looking people

alpanids are mostly western european
I believe the Eastern European phenotype what is shown in your original post is most common in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and maybe Poland. Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians look a bit different, closer to Alpinid
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
I believe the Eastern European phenotype what is shown in your original post is most common in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and maybe Poland. Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians look a bit different, closer to Alpinid
R 1
where would you say this pheno is most common in?

this is a baltid one btw
A phenos turanid volgid dalofealid Bphenos uralid north atlantid baltid ladogan andid c phenos brobery,,hallastat, and similar phenos to this phenos shit tier phenos alpine dinarid arabid huangoid and similar phenos
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10615
Dinaric MOGS


  • pc Vrlika.jpg
    pc Vrlika.jpg
    172.8 KB · Views: 55
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10615 and gamma
Fair enough, but I still think you are over rating dinarids, height is not as important as you think if the face is ugly, and most dinarid men have an ugly face.



Yeah they are masculine, but so are borrebys and atlanto meds, who have a better looking face and are still tall
bottom three aren't Dinaric
A tier- meaning the best of the best in the european phenotypes
B tier- great but no as good as a tier
c tier- average
death tier- the worst phenos of europe

strap in boyos

A tier- dalofaelid
View attachment 1290229

Cromagniform Nordid variety of Central and Northern Europe. Named after the Swedish province of Dalarna and the German region of Westphalia. Typical areas include Central Germany, Netherlands, and Southern Sweden / Norway, partially even Southern Finland. Germanic migrations in Antiquity dispersed it across Europe. A Dalic, Faelid, and Västmanland subvariety can be distinguished.

Physical Traits:​

Pale to fair skin. Straight to curly, blonde, sometimes red or brown hair. Grey-blue or mixed eyes. Tall, mesoskelic, mesomorph with robust bones, in old age sometimes endomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with a curved occiput, very large-headed. Leptorrhine, straight or mildly convex nose. Wide face, broad angular jaw and zygomatic arches. Brow ridges strong, deep-set, small eyes. Forehead broad, mildly sloping. Broad mouth with thin lips.

A tier- Anglo-saxon
View attachment 1290230

North-West European type, similar to Trønder, but with a stronger Hallstatt component. Was typified by the ancient Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes who conquered Britain from the 5th century on. Most common today in East England, but also Frisia (Netherlands), North-West Germany, West Denmark, and parts of Northern France and Ireland.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight to curly, often blonde, sometimes red or brown hair with light(-mixed) eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, ectomorph to mesomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with narrower faces and more roundish features than Trønder, and more robust features than Hallstatt as well as more prominent cheek-bones. Nose is hyperleptorrhine, the forehead high.

A tier- Dinarid
View attachment 1290236

Tall, short-headed type with bony features, a flat occiput and long nose, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Chin strong, but round, lips rather thin, hair abundant. Forehead broad, sloping and high. Common in mountain regions of Central and Eastern Europe, especially the Balkans. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, probably in the Middle East, and may be linked to European Bell Beaker types of the Bronze Age. Often a cohabitant of Alpinid. Besides the standard Dinarid proper, there exists a depigmented, anthropometrically similar Norid variety. Some unite Dinarids with Armenoids and similar types in a Taurid group. European colonists spread Dinarid over many places of the world, especially North America.

b tier- North atlantid
View attachment 1290245

Western European type that combines features of Nordid and Mediterranid in a unique way. Resembles British Iron Age Celts. The principal element in Ireland and parts of Britain, especially Western Scotland and Wales. Common in Northwestern France, sometimes Belgium, Switzerland, Liguria, Western Germany, and Norway. Sporadically from Portugal and Galicia to Austria and Sweden. Not to be confused with British Eurafricanids altered by Nordid admixture.

Physical Traits:​

Pale, sometimes ruddy or freckled skin. Brown, sometimes black or reddish hair with light, often blue eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, sometimes brachyskelic, ectomorph, slightly mesomorph with relatively long arms. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic. Prominent, hyperleptorrhine, long-tipped nose that may be convex or concave. Forehead is narrow and sloping, mandible small, malars compressed.

B tier- Tavastid
View attachment 1290249

East Baltid variety, typical for the eastern shores of the Baltic sea, similar to Neo Danubian and Borreby. Named after the Tavastia province of Finland. Core population in Baltic countries, from Sweden to Finland and from Estonia to Germany and Romania. Occasionally all over Scandinavia, in Russia, and even Britain.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight, usually blonde hair, light eyes. Rather tall, mildly macroskelic, endomorph to mesomorph. Brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic, rather large-headed, but less than Borreby. (Mildly) leptorrhine, concave snub-nose. Moderately thin lips, weak, rounded chin, face relatively flat and squarish, forehead low. Head and body larger, jaw wider, malars more prominent than in other East Europids

b tier- Borrebey
View attachment 1290252
Ancient Northern European variety. Named after some of the Neolithic Borreby skulls of Denmark (not all!). Some emphasised resemblance with Cro-Magnons. Similar to Faelid, but shorter-skulled with East Baltid and Alpinid tendencies. Most common in Denmark, South Norway (Jæren), and North Germany (esp. Fehmarn). Extends to the Baltic region, Britain, Italy, and Montenegro.

Physical Traits:

Pale to fair skin, straight or wavy blonde, sometimes red or brown hair, blue or mixed eyes. Tall, meso- macroskelic, mesomorph to endomorph with a heavy bone structure. Mildly brachycephalic, with an extraordinary large head. Leptorrhine, straight, sometimes concave nose. Face roundish and robust, forehead high.

C tier- east europid
View attachment 1290253

View attachment 1290254Often depigmented, relatively short-limbed, medium to short-skulled group, found in its highest frequencies in Eastern Europe. Faces tend to be flatter than in other Europeans with stronger cheek bones, they are angular and wide, snub noses common, chin weak, forehead not very high and receding, eyelid narrow. Developed in Northeast Russia during the Neolithic and became more populous since then, especially during the Middle Ages. The East Baltic subgroup in the northern part of its range is often seen as its most typical representative. East Baltids have a western Tavastid variety and an eastern Savolaxid. Among Slavs the Neo Danubian subtype is common. Apart from that, several older varieties have been identified, in particular the Pre Slavic or Sudetic type. European colonists brought East Europids to other regions like North America and Siberia.

c tier- View attachment 1290258Widespread group, common all over the Mediterranean and adjacent regions. Long-headed, dark-eyed, with light brown skin, and straight to curly, often dark and abundant hair. Occiput protruding, chin small and well-modeled, mouth small, slightly softer and fuller than in Nordid, skulls often smaller. The tall Atlanto Mediterranid subgroup is typified by the narrow-faced Eurafricanids, but many include broader-faced, more ancient, cromagniform Berberids and the eastern Pontids, who seem connected to ancient Indo-Europeans of the Eurasian steppes (e.g. Kurgans around 5000 BCE). The small Gracile Mediterranid subgroup is usually regarded as the most typical Mediterranid. The short-nosed, wide-faced, and short Paleo Sardinians represent an older variety. Trans Mediterranids show intermediate features between Gracile and Atlanto Mediterranid. Mediterranoids in a broader sense include Orientalids and Indids. European colonists spread them all over America.

View attachment 1290261Short-headed group with roundish features, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Body tends to be thickset, height modest. Cheekbones weak, nose short and small, sometimes concave, chin small and round. Common in mountain regions of Central Europe and West Asia. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, could be connected to Ofnet types. Some of the Alpinid varieties probably developed independently through a process of convergent evolution. The low-skulled West Alpinids are regarded as the most typical representatives. In West Asia, high-skulled East Alpinids are common, in the Maghreb, African Alpinoids exist as a minority type. In Poland, the special East Alpinid variety "Gorid" can be found with a position closer to East Europid. A Strandid variety exists in Scandinavia. European colonists spread Alpinids all over the world (e.g. America).

DEATH TIER- Gracile Mediterranid-
View attachment 1290265

Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

enjoy boys
you have a lot of free time holt shit
Thoughts on Trønder pheno? I have this and am from its core native region (Trøndelag)
96516E35 8D46 4EA8 9E6D A53995371733
What is the curly hair phenotype
A tier- meaning the best of the best in the european phenotypes
B tier- great but no as good as a tier
c tier- average
death tier- the worst phenos of europe

strap in boyos

A tier- dalofaelid
View attachment 1290229

Cromagniform Nordid variety of Central and Northern Europe. Named after the Swedish province of Dalarna and the German region of Westphalia. Typical areas include Central Germany, Netherlands, and Southern Sweden / Norway, partially even Southern Finland. Germanic migrations in Antiquity dispersed it across Europe. A Dalic, Faelid, and Västmanland subvariety can be distinguished.

Physical Traits:​

Pale to fair skin. Straight to curly, blonde, sometimes red or brown hair. Grey-blue or mixed eyes. Tall, mesoskelic, mesomorph with robust bones, in old age sometimes endomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with a curved occiput, very large-headed. Leptorrhine, straight or mildly convex nose. Wide face, broad angular jaw and zygomatic arches. Brow ridges strong, deep-set, small eyes. Forehead broad, mildly sloping. Broad mouth with thin lips.

A tier- Anglo-saxon
View attachment 1290230

North-West European type, similar to Trønder, but with a stronger Hallstatt component. Was typified by the ancient Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes who conquered Britain from the 5th century on. Most common today in East England, but also Frisia (Netherlands), North-West Germany, West Denmark, and parts of Northern France and Ireland.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight to curly, often blonde, sometimes red or brown hair with light(-mixed) eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, ectomorph to mesomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with narrower faces and more roundish features than Trønder, and more robust features than Hallstatt as well as more prominent cheek-bones. Nose is hyperleptorrhine, the forehead high.

A tier- Dinarid
View attachment 1290236

Tall, short-headed type with bony features, a flat occiput and long nose, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Chin strong, but round, lips rather thin, hair abundant. Forehead broad, sloping and high. Common in mountain regions of Central and Eastern Europe, especially the Balkans. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, probably in the Middle East, and may be linked to European Bell Beaker types of the Bronze Age. Often a cohabitant of Alpinid. Besides the standard Dinarid proper, there exists a depigmented, anthropometrically similar Norid variety. Some unite Dinarids with Armenoids and similar types in a Taurid group. European colonists spread Dinarid over many places of the world, especially North America.

b tier- North atlantid
View attachment 1290245

Western European type that combines features of Nordid and Mediterranid in a unique way. Resembles British Iron Age Celts. The principal element in Ireland and parts of Britain, especially Western Scotland and Wales. Common in Northwestern France, sometimes Belgium, Switzerland, Liguria, Western Germany, and Norway. Sporadically from Portugal and Galicia to Austria and Sweden. Not to be confused with British Eurafricanids altered by Nordid admixture.

Physical Traits:​

Pale, sometimes ruddy or freckled skin. Brown, sometimes black or reddish hair with light, often blue eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, sometimes brachyskelic, ectomorph, slightly mesomorph with relatively long arms. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic. Prominent, hyperleptorrhine, long-tipped nose that may be convex or concave. Forehead is narrow and sloping, mandible small, malars compressed.

B tier- Tavastid
View attachment 1290249

East Baltid variety, typical for the eastern shores of the Baltic sea, similar to Neo Danubian and Borreby. Named after the Tavastia province of Finland. Core population in Baltic countries, from Sweden to Finland and from Estonia to Germany and Romania. Occasionally all over Scandinavia, in Russia, and even Britain.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight, usually blonde hair, light eyes. Rather tall, mildly macroskelic, endomorph to mesomorph. Brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic, rather large-headed, but less than Borreby. (Mildly) leptorrhine, concave snub-nose. Moderately thin lips, weak, rounded chin, face relatively flat and squarish, forehead low. Head and body larger, jaw wider, malars more prominent than in other East Europids

b tier- Borrebey
View attachment 1290252
Ancient Northern European variety. Named after some of the Neolithic Borreby skulls of Denmark (not all!). Some emphasised resemblance with Cro-Magnons. Similar to Faelid, but shorter-skulled with East Baltid and Alpinid tendencies. Most common in Denmark, South Norway (Jæren), and North Germany (esp. Fehmarn). Extends to the Baltic region, Britain, Italy, and Montenegro.

Physical Traits:

Pale to fair skin, straight or wavy blonde, sometimes red or brown hair, blue or mixed eyes. Tall, meso- macroskelic, mesomorph to endomorph with a heavy bone structure. Mildly brachycephalic, with an extraordinary large head. Leptorrhine, straight, sometimes concave nose. Face roundish and robust, forehead high.

C tier- east europid
View attachment 1290253

View attachment 1290254Often depigmented, relatively short-limbed, medium to short-skulled group, found in its highest frequencies in Eastern Europe. Faces tend to be flatter than in other Europeans with stronger cheek bones, they are angular and wide, snub noses common, chin weak, forehead not very high and receding, eyelid narrow. Developed in Northeast Russia during the Neolithic and became more populous since then, especially during the Middle Ages. The East Baltic subgroup in the northern part of its range is often seen as its most typical representative. East Baltids have a western Tavastid variety and an eastern Savolaxid. Among Slavs the Neo Danubian subtype is common. Apart from that, several older varieties have been identified, in particular the Pre Slavic or Sudetic type. European colonists brought East Europids to other regions like North America and Siberia.

c tier- View attachment 1290258Widespread group, common all over the Mediterranean and adjacent regions. Long-headed, dark-eyed, with light brown skin, and straight to curly, often dark and abundant hair. Occiput protruding, chin small and well-modeled, mouth small, slightly softer and fuller than in Nordid, skulls often smaller. The tall Atlanto Mediterranid subgroup is typified by the narrow-faced Eurafricanids, but many include broader-faced, more ancient, cromagniform Berberids and the eastern Pontids, who seem connected to ancient Indo-Europeans of the Eurasian steppes (e.g. Kurgans around 5000 BCE). The small Gracile Mediterranid subgroup is usually regarded as the most typical Mediterranid. The short-nosed, wide-faced, and short Paleo Sardinians represent an older variety. Trans Mediterranids show intermediate features between Gracile and Atlanto Mediterranid. Mediterranoids in a broader sense include Orientalids and Indids. European colonists spread them all over America.

View attachment 1290261Short-headed group with roundish features, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Body tends to be thickset, height modest. Cheekbones weak, nose short and small, sometimes concave, chin small and round. Common in mountain regions of Central Europe and West Asia. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, could be connected to Ofnet types. Some of the Alpinid varieties probably developed independently through a process of convergent evolution. The low-skulled West Alpinids are regarded as the most typical representatives. In West Asia, high-skulled East Alpinids are common, in the Maghreb, African Alpinoids exist as a minority type. In Poland, the special East Alpinid variety "Gorid" can be found with a position closer to East Europid. A Strandid variety exists in Scandinavia. European colonists spread Alpinids all over the world (e.g. America).

DEATH TIER- Gracile Mediterranid-
View attachment 1290265

Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

enjoy boys
what's the difference between the c ranked med and gracile med?
North Atlantid is S If anything......
North Atlantid with med admixture is the best phenotype.
Look at Drago, gandy
What about aboriginal north caucasians like me ?
A tier- meaning the best of the best in the european phenotypes
B tier- great but no as good as a tier
c tier- average
death tier- the worst phenos of europe

strap in boyos

A tier- dalofaelid
View attachment 1290229

Cromagniform Nordid variety of Central and Northern Europe. Named after the Swedish province of Dalarna and the German region of Westphalia. Typical areas include Central Germany, Netherlands, and Southern Sweden / Norway, partially even Southern Finland. Germanic migrations in Antiquity dispersed it across Europe. A Dalic, Faelid, and Västmanland subvariety can be distinguished.

Physical Traits:​

Pale to fair skin. Straight to curly, blonde, sometimes red or brown hair. Grey-blue or mixed eyes. Tall, mesoskelic, mesomorph with robust bones, in old age sometimes endomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with a curved occiput, very large-headed. Leptorrhine, straight or mildly convex nose. Wide face, broad angular jaw and zygomatic arches. Brow ridges strong, deep-set, small eyes. Forehead broad, mildly sloping. Broad mouth with thin lips.

A tier- Anglo-saxon
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North-West European type, similar to Trønder, but with a stronger Hallstatt component. Was typified by the ancient Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes who conquered Britain from the 5th century on. Most common today in East England, but also Frisia (Netherlands), North-West Germany, West Denmark, and parts of Northern France and Ireland.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight to curly, often blonde, sometimes red or brown hair with light(-mixed) eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, ectomorph to mesomorph. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic with narrower faces and more roundish features than Trønder, and more robust features than Hallstatt as well as more prominent cheek-bones. Nose is hyperleptorrhine, the forehead high.

A tier- Dinarid
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Tall, short-headed type with bony features, a flat occiput and long nose, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Chin strong, but round, lips rather thin, hair abundant. Forehead broad, sloping and high. Common in mountain regions of Central and Eastern Europe, especially the Balkans. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, probably in the Middle East, and may be linked to European Bell Beaker types of the Bronze Age. Often a cohabitant of Alpinid. Besides the standard Dinarid proper, there exists a depigmented, anthropometrically similar Norid variety. Some unite Dinarids with Armenoids and similar types in a Taurid group. European colonists spread Dinarid over many places of the world, especially North America.

b tier- North atlantid
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Western European type that combines features of Nordid and Mediterranid in a unique way. Resembles British Iron Age Celts. The principal element in Ireland and parts of Britain, especially Western Scotland and Wales. Common in Northwestern France, sometimes Belgium, Switzerland, Liguria, Western Germany, and Norway. Sporadically from Portugal and Galicia to Austria and Sweden. Not to be confused with British Eurafricanids altered by Nordid admixture.

Physical Traits:​

Pale, sometimes ruddy or freckled skin. Brown, sometimes black or reddish hair with light, often blue eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, sometimes brachyskelic, ectomorph, slightly mesomorph with relatively long arms. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic. Prominent, hyperleptorrhine, long-tipped nose that may be convex or concave. Forehead is narrow and sloping, mandible small, malars compressed.

B tier- Tavastid
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East Baltid variety, typical for the eastern shores of the Baltic sea, similar to Neo Danubian and Borreby. Named after the Tavastia province of Finland. Core population in Baltic countries, from Sweden to Finland and from Estonia to Germany and Romania. Occasionally all over Scandinavia, in Russia, and even Britain.

Physical Traits:​

Pale skin, straight, usually blonde hair, light eyes. Rather tall, mildly macroskelic, endomorph to mesomorph. Brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic, rather large-headed, but less than Borreby. (Mildly) leptorrhine, concave snub-nose. Moderately thin lips, weak, rounded chin, face relatively flat and squarish, forehead low. Head and body larger, jaw wider, malars more prominent than in other East Europids

b tier- Borrebey
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Ancient Northern European variety. Named after some of the Neolithic Borreby skulls of Denmark (not all!). Some emphasised resemblance with Cro-Magnons. Similar to Faelid, but shorter-skulled with East Baltid and Alpinid tendencies. Most common in Denmark, South Norway (Jæren), and North Germany (esp. Fehmarn). Extends to the Baltic region, Britain, Italy, and Montenegro.

Physical Traits:

Pale to fair skin, straight or wavy blonde, sometimes red or brown hair, blue or mixed eyes. Tall, meso- macroskelic, mesomorph to endomorph with a heavy bone structure. Mildly brachycephalic, with an extraordinary large head. Leptorrhine, straight, sometimes concave nose. Face roundish and robust, forehead high.

C tier- east europid
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View attachment 1290254Often depigmented, relatively short-limbed, medium to short-skulled group, found in its highest frequencies in Eastern Europe. Faces tend to be flatter than in other Europeans with stronger cheek bones, they are angular and wide, snub noses common, chin weak, forehead not very high and receding, eyelid narrow. Developed in Northeast Russia during the Neolithic and became more populous since then, especially during the Middle Ages. The East Baltic subgroup in the northern part of its range is often seen as its most typical representative. East Baltids have a western Tavastid variety and an eastern Savolaxid. Among Slavs the Neo Danubian subtype is common. Apart from that, several older varieties have been identified, in particular the Pre Slavic or Sudetic type. European colonists brought East Europids to other regions like North America and Siberia.

c tier- View attachment 1290258Widespread group, common all over the Mediterranean and adjacent regions. Long-headed, dark-eyed, with light brown skin, and straight to curly, often dark and abundant hair. Occiput protruding, chin small and well-modeled, mouth small, slightly softer and fuller than in Nordid, skulls often smaller. The tall Atlanto Mediterranid subgroup is typified by the narrow-faced Eurafricanids, but many include broader-faced, more ancient, cromagniform Berberids and the eastern Pontids, who seem connected to ancient Indo-Europeans of the Eurasian steppes (e.g. Kurgans around 5000 BCE). The small Gracile Mediterranid subgroup is usually regarded as the most typical Mediterranid. The short-nosed, wide-faced, and short Paleo Sardinians represent an older variety. Trans Mediterranids show intermediate features between Gracile and Atlanto Mediterranid. Mediterranoids in a broader sense include Orientalids and Indids. European colonists spread them all over America.

View attachment 1290261Short-headed group with roundish features, often brown-haired with fair to light-brown skin. Body tends to be thickset, height modest. Cheekbones weak, nose short and small, sometimes concave, chin small and round. Common in mountain regions of Central Europe and West Asia. Developed during the Upper Paleolithic, could be connected to Ofnet types. Some of the Alpinid varieties probably developed independently through a process of convergent evolution. The low-skulled West Alpinids are regarded as the most typical representatives. In West Asia, high-skulled East Alpinids are common, in the Maghreb, African Alpinoids exist as a minority type. In Poland, the special East Alpinid variety "Gorid" can be found with a position closer to East Europid. A Strandid variety exists in Scandinavia. European colonists spread Alpinids all over the world (e.g. America).

DEATH TIER- Gracile Mediterranid-
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Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

enjoy boys
nigga tried sneaking dinarids in here

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