Please give advice I crashed estro

whats the point in that, it doesnt revert any of the permanent sides, maybe helps with igf1
nigga theres no perm sides, the perm sides are from prolonged use that's why you take a break to prevent the bad sides
alot of people do 5 days on 2 days of for 8 weeks and take 2 weeks off
yeah 5/2 is normal with hgh but again why would you cycle off for 2 weeks? it doesnt help with acromegaly
yeah 5/2 is normal with hgh but again why would you cycle off for 2 weeks? it doesnt help with acromegaly
nigga you wont get acro on good dosages, it's when you overdose and it does help, the prolonged usage is what allows acromegaly to develop
nigga theres no perm sides, the perm sides are from prolonged use that's why you take a break to prevent the bad sides
yes but its the combined time and exposed and dose you use

during that 2 weeks off u just get that extra hgh out of your system and when you hop on again it takes time to start to effect again but that 2 weeks doesnt do anything to help with acro
nigga you wont get acro on good dosages, it's when you overdose and it does help, the prolonged usage is what allows acromegaly to develop
yeah but you have to dose it high to get any kind of height increase
yes but its the combined time and exposed and dose you use

during that 2 weeks off u just get that extra hgh out of your system and when you hop on again it takes time to start to effect again but that 2 weeks doesnt do anything to help with acro
it does
nigga you wont get acro on good dosages, it's when you overdose and it does help, the prolonged usage is what allows acromegaly to develop
also do it for longer than 8 weeks at once, at least 12 weeks minimun bc hgh takes time to even start to effect
also do it for longer than 8 weeks at once, at least 12 weeks minimun bc hgh takes time to even start to effect
hgh begins to effect the moment you take it, you're taking the fucking words of bodybuilders who use it to gain muscle and improve their baseline physique, that's when IT TAKES A LONG TIME before you see RESULTS, not before it starts to take effects, you get better sleep straight away which is hgh doing its thing
no, kids are given 3IU's anything above 5IU's is just giving urself acro
i have no idea about the dosages but at 3IU’s u have to run it for a lot longer than 8 weeks

and again, shit prolly doesnt work/very marginal results if u dont actually have a deficiency
hgh begins to effect the moment you take it, you're taking the fucking words of bodybuilders who use it to gain muscle and improve their baseline physique, that's when IT TAKES A LONG TIME before you see RESULTS, not before it starts to take effects, you get better sleep straight away which is hgh doing its thing
alr im educated in hgh by the bodybuilder forums so i could be wrong here
i have no idea about the dosages but at 3IU’s u have to run it for a lot longer than 8 weeks

and again, shit prolly doesnt work/very marginal results if u dont actually have a deficiency
it will have results either way, you are running it for longer than 8 weeks but breaks are needed for your body or sides will come, it wont reduce the fucking effectiveness of the hgh. All bodybuilders cycle their hgh
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it will have results either way, you are running it for longer than 8 weeks but breaks are needed for your body or sides will come, it wont reduce the fucking effectiveness of the hgh. All bodybuilders cycle their hgh
i dont have anything else to say

pls dont crash any of your hormones in puberty:feelspanties:
your a stupid fucking idiot, you are 5'10 which is not even short.

Never mess with test/estro without getting bloods done periodically. Especially during puberty.

Get your bloods done and talk to an endocrinologist. You did fuck up yet you could fix it, make sure you fix it correctly with the endos recommendations after you get your levels checked. Tell them everything. I dont think the doctor can tell your parents if you don't want them to know you took an AI.
Also 6.25mg is literally such a small dosage, what the fuck, but for safety measures i will try cutting it to 3.15mg if possible….
ai is so strong I have elevated e and im prolly gonna do 2-2.5mg. You dont wanna crash e or e2 it does more damage than help.
I think I crashed my estrogen on aromasin. I was not taking anything else. I have reason to believe my growth plates have not fully closed and at 5'10 I was anxious to get taller so I took aromasin to slow growth plate closure. Peptides to increase gh.

I was on 6.25mg ED and felt pretty ok except my dick would only get 80% hard but I had good libido and everything felt fine.

I started developing a bit of gyno behind my nips and could feel it when I pinched the area, so without doing my research I upped my dose to 12.5mg ED. This was fine for a few days but then I started feeling symptoms of crashed estrogen, mainly no libido, bad erections, dull orgasm, depression, anxiety(about the symptoms), lethargy, loss of motivation, interrupted sleep.

I stopped taking it and now I'm on my 8th day off. Currently I still have very poor/no libido but I can get a decent erection (maybe 90%) using my mind if I really try and also orgasms are much better. Gyno is going away as well.

Here's the real problem: I'm worried about permanent damage to my dopamine receptors from prolonged estrogen deprivation, as illustrated by this study: (It seems that past day 10 of estrogen deprivation the loss of dopamine was permanent.)

I only have the ability to do one blood test and I'm planning on doing it in a few days and if my estradiol is still low I may go to the doctor and tell him what I was taking so he can help me to recover back to how I was before, but I want to avoid this if at all possible, because I don't want estrogen treatment/close my plates/ruin my relationship with my parents.

From what studies I've read online there seems to be almost 100% total estrogen recovery by 5days to 2weeks after treatment with aromasin even at higher doses than I was taking. But this is usually a single dose which doesn't "crash" the estro. I've seen that many anecdotal accounts state that It took them months to recover their sex drive. I believe this could be due to the dopamine recovering at a slower pace than estrogen, but this is just a guess.

I would really appreciate some advice on what to do, and some clarity on how long it should take me to recover.

(clarity mainly on why most studies show estrogen back at baseline at day 5 but most anecdotal accounts stating that it took them over a month to have libido again) (and also what counts as estrogen deprivation? say by day 10 my estradiol only recovered back to 9-10pg/ml, would this mean my dopamine is still dying? stagnate? regenerating?)
Crashing estrogen for ten days isnt gonna permanently reduce your dopamine. Too much to explain in one reply dm me on telegram @ officialmatt and ill help you figure out your best course of action.
ai is so strong I have elevated e and im prolly gonna do 2-2.5mg. You dont wanna crash e or e2 it does more damage than help.
How would an AI cause elevated E???
I think I crashed my estrogen on aromasin. I was not taking anything else. I have reason to believe my growth plates have not fully closed and at 5'10 I was anxious to get taller so I took aromasin to slow growth plate closure. Peptides to increase gh.

I was on 6.25mg ED and felt pretty ok except my dick would only get 80% hard but I had good libido and everything felt fine.

I started developing a bit of gyno behind my nips and could feel it when I pinched the area, so without doing my research I upped my dose to 12.5mg ED. This was fine for a few days but then I started feeling symptoms of crashed estrogen, mainly no libido, bad erections, dull orgasm, depression, anxiety(about the symptoms), lethargy, loss of motivation, interrupted sleep.

I stopped taking it and now I'm on my 8th day off. Currently I still have very poor/no libido but I can get a decent erection (maybe 90%) using my mind if I really try and also orgasms are much better. Gyno is going away as well.

Here's the real problem: I'm worried about permanent damage to my dopamine receptors from prolonged estrogen deprivation, as illustrated by this study: (It seems that past day 10 of estrogen deprivation the loss of dopamine was permanent.)

I only have the ability to do one blood test and I'm planning on doing it in a few days and if my estradiol is still low I may go to the doctor and tell him what I was taking so he can help me to recover back to how I was before, but I want to avoid this if at all possible, because I don't want estrogen treatment/close my plates/ruin my relationship with my parents.

From what studies I've read online there seems to be almost 100% total estrogen recovery by 5days to 2weeks after treatment with aromasin even at higher doses than I was taking. But this is usually a single dose which doesn't "crash" the estro. I've seen that many anecdotal accounts state that It took them months to recover their sex drive. I believe this could be due to the dopamine recovering at a slower pace than estrogen, but this is just a guess.

I would really appreciate some advice on what to do, and some clarity on how long it should take me to recover.

(clarity mainly on why most studies show estrogen back at baseline at day 5 but most anecdotal accounts stating that it took them over a month to have libido again) (and also what counts as estrogen deprivation? say by day 10 my estradiol only recovered back to 9-10pg/ml, would this mean my dopamine is still dying? stagnate? regenerating?)
Fucking happened to me too bro its my 10th day of no ai and i still feel like shit
no benefit of mega dosing ai honestly
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still i highly advice against messing with your hormones in puberty, it has lots of other effects than just giving you ed

think about the mental aspect and hormones part in your brains development @Weter @john788
To the point where one is alredy 16 years old their intelectual capabilities and self conciusness is alredy developed in their brain.
I would have never needed to interrupt my hormones for retarded cm in height if women had non delusional and impossible to fit in standards.
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To the point where one is alredy 16 years old their intelectual capabilities and self conciusness is alredy developed in their brain.
I would have never needed to interrupt my hormones for retarded cm in height if women had non delusional and impossible to fit in standards.
JFL your brains arent fully developed until like 22

that's just blackpill shit, you can pull girls without being 6 4, your estranged from the reality if u think its over for you if u arent over 185
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oh my god nigger, when will you realize there's barely a fucking difference of pharma and a high quality source. HGH is not some fucking super secret hard drug to make :ROFLMAO:
U made a threat faggot about injecting “the wrong hgh” explaining pharma vs recombinant somatropin and u said u have the pharma grade one
no, kids are given 3IU's anything above 5IU's is just giving urself acro
So what 3IU of recombinant somatropin which QSC sells is the same as 3IU of genotropin?
Retard you cant crash your estrogen as a natty even if u take aromasin or other AIs
JFL your brains arent fully developed until like 22

that's just blackpill shit, you can pull girls without being 6 4, your estranged from the reality if u think its over for you if u arent over 185
gonna do microdosings then 3.125
gl, dont come crying when u are cooked in the future
If estrogen is not crashed and is just slightly lowered, what side effects are you talking about? Most of the horrible side effects you were saying about are when estrogen remains crashed for a long time
If estrogen is not crashed and is just slightly lowered, what side effects are you talking about? Most of the horrible side effects you were saying about are when estrogen remains crashed for a long time
you will see yourself
U made a threat faggot about injecting “the wrong hgh” explaining pharma vs recombinant somatropin and u said u have the pharma grade one
yes, and i realized after that pharma and normal one doesn’t have any difference if the quality is high source, I cant delete the thread I admitt I was wrong
  • +1
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So what 3IU of recombinant somatropin which QSC sells is the same as 3IU of genotropin?
I don’t know the quality of QSC so I can’t give an equivalent
  • +1
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Also 6.25mg is literally such a small dosage, what the fuck, but for safety measures i will try cutting it to 3.15mg if possible….
Are u shortcel on TikTok?
yeah and i think we can agree that crashing your estro in puberty is prolly not very optimal for overall development of the body

true there is most likely no research about the effects of low estro during puberty but i dont think you want to be the patient zero
Brain damage

Don't take MK667 and HGH together, it's overkill and you will completely rape your blood sugar level
I think I crashed my estrogen on aromasin. I was not taking anything else. I have reason to believe my growth plates have not fully closed and at 5'10 I was anxious to get taller so I took aromasin to slow growth plate closure. Peptides to increase gh.

I was on 6.25mg ED and felt pretty ok except my dick would only get 80% hard but I had good libido and everything felt fine.

I started developing a bit of gyno behind my nips and could feel it when I pinched the area, so without doing my research I upped my dose to 12.5mg ED. This was fine for a few days but then I started feeling symptoms of crashed estrogen, mainly no libido, bad erections, dull orgasm, depression, anxiety(about the symptoms), lethargy, loss of motivation, interrupted sleep.

I stopped taking it and now I'm on my 8th day off. Currently I still have very poor/no libido but I can get a decent erection (maybe 90%) using my mind if I really try and also orgasms are much better. Gyno is going away as well.

Here's the real problem: I'm worried about permanent damage to my dopamine receptors from prolonged estrogen deprivation, as illustrated by this study: (It seems that past day 10 of estrogen deprivation the loss of dopamine was permanent.)

I only have the ability to do one blood test and I'm planning on doing it in a few days and if my estradiol is still low I may go to the doctor and tell him what I was taking so he can help me to recover back to how I was before, but I want to avoid this if at all possible, because I don't want estrogen treatment/close my plates/ruin my relationship with my parents.

From what studies I've read online there seems to be almost 100% total estrogen recovery by 5days to 2weeks after treatment with aromasin even at higher doses than I was taking. But this is usually a single dose which doesn't "crash" the estro. I've seen that many anecdotal accounts state that It took them months to recover their sex drive. I believe this could be due to the dopamine recovering at a slower pace than estrogen, but this is just a guess.

I would really appreciate some advice on what to do, and some clarity on how long it should take me to recover.

(clarity mainly on why most studies show estrogen back at baseline at day 5 but most anecdotal accounts stating that it took them over a month to have libido again) (and also what counts as estrogen deprivation? say by day 10 my estradiol only recovered back to 9-10pg/ml, would this mean my dopamine is still dying? stagnate? regenerating?)
Update: I got bloodwork done on the 9th day and my estradiol was 35pg/ml
How is it possible that my libido didn't come back as fast as my estrogen? View this study: (TLDR estrogen keeps dopamine neurons alive) (they recover if estrogen comes back within 10 days, after 30 days it's permanent) That's why you hear oldheads on steroid forums talking about how they were never the same after crashing estrogen. Dopamine does not recover at the same speed as estrogen therefore libido will not recover as quick as estrogen. It takes about 5 days to return to baseline on aromasin for young males(1)
For me it's day 14 and my libido is back, my dopamine is back, and I've been back on aromasin ever since I got my blood test results. My dose is now 6.25mg e3/4d.
I think I crashed my estrogen on aromasin. I was not taking anything else. I have reason to believe my growth plates have not fully closed and at 5'10 I was anxious to get taller so I took aromasin to slow growth plate closure. Peptides to increase gh.

I was on 6.25mg ED and felt pretty ok except my dick would only get 80% hard but I had good libido and everything felt fine.

I started developing a bit of gyno behind my nips and could feel it when I pinched the area, so without doing my research I upped my dose to 12.5mg ED. This was fine for a few days but then I started feeling symptoms of crashed estrogen, mainly no libido, bad erections, dull orgasm, depression, anxiety(about the symptoms), lethargy, loss of motivation, interrupted sleep.

I stopped taking it and now I'm on my 8th day off. Currently I still have very poor/no libido but I can get a decent erection (maybe 90%) using my mind if I really try and also orgasms are much better. Gyno is going away as well.

Here's the real problem: I'm worried about permanent damage to my dopamine receptors from prolonged estrogen deprivation, as illustrated by this study: (It seems that past day 10 of estrogen deprivation the loss of dopamine was permanent.)

I only have the ability to do one blood test and I'm planning on doing it in a few days and if my estradiol is still low I may go to the doctor and tell him what I was taking so he can help me to recover back to how I was before, but I want to avoid this if at all possible, because I don't want estrogen treatment/close my plates/ruin my relationship with my parents.

From what studies I've read online there seems to be almost 100% total estrogen recovery by 5days to 2weeks after treatment with aromasin even at higher doses than I was taking. But this is usually a single dose which doesn't "crash" the estro. I've seen that many anecdotal accounts state that It took them months to recover their sex drive. I believe this could be due to the dopamine recovering at a slower pace than estrogen, but this is just a guess.

I would really appreciate some advice on what to do, and some clarity on how long it should take me to recover.

(clarity mainly on why most studies show estrogen back at baseline at day 5 but most anecdotal accounts stating that it took them over a month to have libido again) (and also what counts as estrogen deprivation? say by day 10 my estradiol only recovered back to 9-10pg/ml, would this mean my dopamine is still dying? stagnate? regenerating?)
crashing on 6.25mg asin, yes bro.:forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Update: I got bloodwork done on the 9th day and my estradiol was 35pg/ml
How is it possible that my libido didn't come back as fast as my estrogen? View this study: (TLDR estrogen keeps dopamine neurons alive) (they recover if estrogen comes back within 10 days, after 30 days it's permanent) That's why you hear oldheads on steroid forums talking about how they were never the same after crashing estrogen. Dopamine does not recover at the same speed as estrogen therefore libido will not recover as quick as estrogen. It takes about 5 days to return to baseline on aromasin for young males(1)
For me it's day 14 and my libido is back, my dopamine is back, and I've been back on aromasin ever since I got my blood test results. My dose is now 6.25mg e3/4d.
the difference with oldcel steroid users is their balls are fucked. teenagers can get away with very low estrogen and aromatization, the range for "heightmaxxing" (10-20pg/ml) is still within normal ranges, and you wouldnt be feeling like this off only 6.25mg asin. if u said letro or adex then id believe you, but 6.25mg adex?? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
How the fuck did he manage to get gyno, gyno is only possible when the estrogen is high, not low, he must have done opposite of estrogen crashing, or maybe the aromasine is just bull shitted
because hes giving himself a fucking nocebo effect. gyno :lul::lul::lul::lul:, and his dose wouldnt even be enough for all of this to happen.

pfs all over again :lul::lul::lul:
Update: I got bloodwork done on the 9th day and my estradiol was 35pg/ml
How is it possible that my libido didn't come back as fast as my estrogen? View this study: (TLDR estrogen keeps dopamine neurons alive) (they recover if estrogen comes back within 10 days, after 30 days it's permanent) That's why you hear oldheads on steroid forums talking about how they were never the same after crashing estrogen. Dopamine does not recover at the same speed as estrogen therefore libido will not recover as quick as estrogen. It takes about 5 days to return to baseline on aromasin for young males(1)
For me it's day 14 and my libido is back, my dopamine is back, and I've been back on aromasin ever since I got my blood test results. My dose is now 6.25mg e3/4d.
dude this is in green fucking monkeys and in parkinsons disease.
millions of people have used ais and have been fine. millions of roid users have used serms and ais and they are fine.
Also 6.25mg is literally such a small dosage, what the fuck, but for safety measures i will try cutting it to 3.15mg if possible….
literally this was i warned all of u fucking morons, you shitasses think u can just use AI to keep growth plates open ans squeeze couple cms more and walk away JFl at your dumbasses

it was only a matter of time when someone posted something like this

do ur fucking research first, literally brainrot ffs
What if you microdose.
yeah easy to stop but impossible to revert, when u notice your hands seem too wide its already went too far, you risk health problems for example plus the obvious looksmin of your nose becoming huge etc.
So what? What if you just get rhinoplasty lol. My nose isn't that great already tbh
  • JFL
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