At What age is it truly over? See below for detailed description to help make your choice.

  • 18

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 21

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • 30

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • 40

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • 50

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • 60

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 90

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • 100

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


Sep 7, 2019
1) 18 If you haven't by this time popped a girls cherry and experienced teen love, you never will. -or- It has only just begun! In college I won't get bullied and there will be tons more pussy, and all those frat parties will be a target rich environment!

2)21 If you haven't ascended in college, it's over. You will be a workcel the rest of your life. There will not be as many young foids in the work world, and you cannot sexually harass, uh, I mean flirt, with them anyway because they will go to hr and get you fired. -or- what are you talking about!? Who cares if I didn't get accepted into any fraternity, with my STEM degree I will have a high paying job and will have my pick of women. Meanwhile that football jock who fucked my oneitis every night in the dorm room next to me will be a beer drinking fat slog in the trailer park boring people always talking about his glory days when he scored the winning touchdown in the Rose Bowl.

3)30 If you haven't ascended by 30, no experienced foid is gonna want to teach you, plus that is a pretty bad track record dude! -or- It is not over at all, I still have lost of time, after all 30 is the new 20!

4)40 Congratulations! You are the real life 40 year old virgin! However, unlike in the movies, it is totally over for you. -or- There are so many single mothers out there that have learned their lesson the hard way. They are not looking for some jerk who will use them and abuse them then leave them. They want a real man with a good stable job like me to step up and be a father figure for their children! Now I just need to get on Plenty of Fish.com and they will be practically begging me to take them out.

5)50 It is just so totally over for you, why haven't you roped by now? -or- Brad Pitt is older than I am, him and Leonardo Di Caprio still slay young prime Stacy's, so why can't I? I mean, what has Brad Pitt got that I haven't got?

6)60 You still haven't roped yet? Will if you won't do that at least have some dignity and go MGTOW and take up some new hobbies in your retirement. -or- With retirement coming up I can finally concentrate on my dating life, maybe do some travelling now that I have the time. Some of my retired friends, who happen to be white and in the same predicament as I am, they tell me that Southeast Asia is a great place to travel for single retired men.

7)70 Bro, what are you waiting for, rope already! I guess you will probably die pretty soon anyway, so what's the point? -or- Well, there is Hugh Hefner, look how many young foids he got with well into his 70's?

8)80 Are you sill alive? wow. You probably can't get it up anyway at this point. -or- I heard that there is a lot of hanky panky that goes on in retirement homes, can't wait! It will be like the college dorm experience I never had!

9) 90 What's the point? If your still alive even your dick has probably shrivel off by now anyway, I should have looksmaxed when I had the chance. -or- With quantum computing and the upcoming Singularity, radical life extension and rejuvenation is just around the corner! I will be biologically 21 again with nearly a century of life experience. Back in my day they didn't have PUA knowledge, so armed with a PUA manual and all my life experience I will be able to totally slay young college foids and live the life I never did!

10) 100 You are still alive!? -or- alright, the Singularity and radical life extension didn't happen, but I believe in reincarnation now. I totally know in my next life I will be reincarnated as a gigachad slayer as a reward for my century of suffering as an incel. Can't wait!
After college
you are born and then it is over
Its never over.
some are late bloomers
  • +1
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I am lucky I experienced sex + LTR before 18. Still U guys don’t understand women complain so much they’re draining as fuck
  • +1
Reactions: AbandonShip
I am lucky I experienced sex + LTR before 18. Still U guys don’t understand women complain so much they’re draining as fuck
I’d take women complaining over loneliness tbh
  • +1
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