Post best black pill shredding methods



Mar 6, 2019
Ketogenic diet?

Fat burners?

Caloric deficit?

I've got plenty of muscle, but my bf is about 15% and I need it to be single digits.

I also want to lose fat without losing muscle.

Post any info you have.
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Its all about losing bf without sex drive loss
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Keto and low carb is good for losing bloat but as soon as you go high carb the weight is gonna turn back. Deficit is the only way to lose fat.
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Snake diet.
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Fasting and eating low calorie filling foods and lots of proteins
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Snake diet.
Which is a lesser form of shivambu kalpa btw.
Or fast on citrus fruits like oranges.
It will heal/rejunevate you contrary to keto diet.
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Eat clen
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Which is a lesser form of shivambu kalpa btw.
Or fast on citrus fruits like oranges.
It will heal/rejunevate you contrary to keto diet.
These are my search results when I search it up.
28D985E2 CF33 4EB8 8BB0 610A87CA5FA8


Also, the snake diet isn’t a keto diet, it’s just a water fast in which you keep your salts and minerals.
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Also, the snake diet isn’t a keto diet, it’s just a water fast in which you keep your salts and minerals.
Yes I know.
Still, it is less efficient than shivambu.
Actually, even the inventor of snake diet took it from shivambu practice.
Steroids and starve yourself. Literally how every model and actor does it
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Steroids and starve yourself. Literally how every model and actor does it
That loses muscle, steroids fuck up natural hormones :( I want to maintain 365 a year not on cycle only
It takes time and effort. If you want to have energy and muscles you need to be on roids. It takes time either way. Fasting and quick weight loss diets are stupid.
I'd just get as lean as I could following a slow sensible deficit and then take Cardarine once I plateaued.

Remember that the lower you go the harder it gets, and you don't want to be taking Cardarine for too long. The further you can go naturally, the better.
Keto and low carb is good for losing bloat but as soon as you go high carb the weight is gonna turn back. Deficit is the only way to lose fat.
Is this legit??
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Is this legit??
You have shredded dudes on carnivore diets, shredded dudes on keto, shredded dudes on plant-based diets.

But calories in, calories out is everything. You can get shredded on donuts, it'll just take significantly longer and you'll lose a lot more muscle.
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You have shredded dudes on carnivore diets, shredded dudes on keto, shredded dudes on plant-based diets.

But calories in, calories out is everything. You can get shredded on donuts, it'll just take significantly longer and you'll lose a lot more muscle.
Im on keto since some days. So if i stop keto when im shredded and eat at my tdee will i get my bloat back?

Just want to be sure if i understood correctly
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Im on keto since some days. So if i stop keto when im shredded and eat at my tdee will i get my bloat back?

Just want to be sure if i understood correctly
Bloat is a meme, people call themselves bloated when they're actually just fat.

You can eat keto to your tdee.

Stopping keto won't mean you put on weight. Overeating will mean you put on weight.
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blend together dnp t3 t4 clen epehdrine and yohimbine and drink it
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muh snake diet
muh hindu dindu black magic diet
muh keto diet
muh this
muh that

just eat in a caloric deficit and stick to your diet, it's not rocket science
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none of these ppl know shit lmao

keto diet

16/8 intermittent fasting

hiit cardio


dont stress or eat sugar/ carbs for bloating

be 8% bf
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Keto and low carb is good for losing bloat but as soon as you go high carb the weight is gonna turn back. Deficit is the only way to lose fat.
keto doesnt work without a deficit... this made no sense bro.
Eat healthy 3 healthy meals without snacking because snacking raise insulin


Also exercises with bike,swimming,other things
Keep in mind, shredded is considered to be below 10% BF. Lean would be around 15%( abs come in). Very lean would be around 12%. Maintaining below 10% body fat year round, will either require "enhancements" or an insanely, partly unhealthy lifestyle.

I recommend maintaining a 12% bf year round. This can be done in a number of ways. The way I recommend is eating LOW CALORIES HIGH DENSITY FOOD + Protein
Example- 2 Burrito warp= Chicken + High density foods (cucumber,lettuce) + condiments = 400-600 calories depending on how you make it.
and it's extremely fulling so you wont feel like crap and have energy for working out

4 meals a day of similar high density low calories and maybe a few snacks, would normally be within the 2000-3000 calories in.

Combined with 30 min cardio 3-5 times a week + weight training
You'll be "very lean" while maintaining muscle growth and not feel like crap.
You could easily alter this diet a bit, to drop lower bf, maybe combined with some crappy fasting , you can drop lower.
But a diet plan with this concept could probably get you pretty lean.
Walk for 4 hours a day best way to lean down, without straining you knees
  • JFL
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muh snake diet
muh hindu dindu black magic diet
muh keto diet
muh this
muh that

just eat in a caloric deficit and stick to your diet, it's not rocket science
But i think keto+below tdee is better than just eating below your tdee because it will force your body to burn fat. I Think just eating below your tdee will make you lose muscle too. Not sure tho
But i think keto+below tdee is better than just eating below your tdee because it will force your body to burn fat. I Think just eating below your tdee will make you lose muscle too. Not sure tho
If you lift weights and eat enough protein your body will largely maintain its muscle unless you go very deep into a cut for a show for example
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muh snake diet
muh hindu dindu black magic diet
muh keto diet
muh this
muh that

just eat in a caloric deficit and stick to your diet, it's not rocket science
And im here trying to gain weight like wtf I just want to gain weight :feelsree:
And im here trying to gain weight like wtf I just want to gain weight :feelsree:
Just eat in a surplus it's also not rocket science
And im here trying to gain weight like wtf I just want to gain weight :feelsree:
Me too. But i ate too much and got kinda fat. Dont make the same mistake
Ketogenic diet?

Fat burners?

Caloric deficit?

I've got plenty of muscle, but my bf is about 15% and I need it to be single digits.

I also want to lose fat without losing muscle.

Post any info you have.
Sprint, do HIIT. What's your weight? If you believe you can put on any significant amount of muscle do that first, because more muscle means you will need more fuel for your muscles and lose fat because of calorie deficit.
Sarms low Dose
Keep in mind, shredded is considered to be below 10% BF. Lean would be around 15%( abs come in). Very lean would be around 12%. Maintaining below 10% body fat year round, will either require "enhancements" or an insanely, partly unhealthy lifestyle.

I recommend maintaining a 12% bf year round. This can be done in a number of ways. The way I recommend is eating LOW CALORIES HIGH DENSITY FOOD + Protein
Example- 2 Burrito warp= Chicken + High density foods (cucumber,lettuce) + condiments = 400-600 calories depending on how you make it.
and it's extremely fulling so you wont feel like crap and have energy for working out

4 meals a day of similar high density low calories and maybe a few snacks, would normally be within the 2000-3000 calories in.

Combined with 30 min cardio 3-5 times a week + weight training
You'll be "very lean" while maintaining muscle growth and not feel like crap.
You could easily alter this diet a bit, to drop lower bf, maybe combined with some crappy fasting , you can drop lower.
But a diet plan with this concept could probably get you pretty lean.
What? If I am not lazy then I am usually at 12 anyways. I don't need to tryhard so much to get to 10 or below. You're being a little pessimistic here, with hard work and sticking to a good workout regimen most guys should be able to stay sub 10 year round. And anyways even if it is not so, you should always give advice to cut for summer, as that's when you go to the beach and flaunt your muscles.
What? If I am not lazy then I am usually at 12 anyways. I don't need to tryhard so much to get to 10 or below. You're being a little pessimistic here, with hard work and sticking to a good workout regimen most guys should be able to stay sub 10 year round. And anyways even if it is not so, you should always give advice to cut for summer, as that's when you go to the beach and flaunt your muscles.

I agree, hard work and a "Diet" regimen can keep you at 10 year round, but the main problem is diet and mental. Most average guys don't enjoy or have much intention to maintain a diet that can maintain a sub 10% body fat. Also there are problems with mental/sex drive with being too lean. 10-12 % body fat is enough for clear muscle definition, cutting any lower than 10% is where most "average" guys cannot maintain or enjoy without enhancements. If you seriously think most guys can stay sub 10% year round, obesity rates would drop to 0%. Lazy guys would be sitting at 15% and hardworking guys would be sitting at 4% bf.
I have no issues maintaining a diet. No mental blocks or whatever. I don't have "cravings" or other meme shit.

Question is simple - what do I eat?
keto doesnt work without a deficit... this made no sense bro.
I was reffering to the difference in bloat depending on your carb intake given all of the diets were done in a deficit. First law of thermodynamics. You have to be in a deficit to lose weight.
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I was reffering to the difference in bloat depending on your carb intake given all of the diets were done in a deficit. First law of thermodynamics. You have to be in a deficit to lose weight.
Oh you meant water retention on carbs? Yeah keto would be the best to keep bloat down in that sense but to lose actual fat you have to be in a deficit
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Anyone that tells you that fasting* and caloric deficit yield the same results (calories matched over time) hasn't tried both.
It implies that macronutrient content and timing doesn't affect the body's "decisions" when spending those calories. It's as laughably stupid as saying that $1000 invested in an SP500 index fund will give the same results as $1000 in a savings account just because it's the same value.

Caloric restriction will slow your metabolism [ref], fasting will not [ref]

If you undereat (muh calorie deficit) but still eat frequently, spiking insulin, the body will not mobilize fat, it's impossible to mobilize fat with insulin present, so will your body break thermodynamics? Of course not, it will cannibalize your muscle (that it can do with insulin around) and not even spend the calories by pulling a million tricks to reduce your TDEE without you even realizing or having hope to control (dropping body temp is a big one), so you end up hungry, tired with no results, sounds familiar? This has all been known for almost a century and demonstrated multiple times.
I've got a delayed flight so I'll post my actual guide to fasting sometime this week (phoneposting is shit), meanwhile check my personal experience with multiple 5 day fasts

*Fasting as in actual fasts, 24h or more
@siliconvalleycel so you be saying that fasting is better than simple caloric deficit to get shredded?
@siliconvalleycel so you be saying that fasting is better than simple caloric deficit to get shredded?
Calories in, calories out is a rule of thumb for <90 IQ peeps, who make up like 80% of the bodybuilding community. It works, but is very suboptimal. If you are above that threshold just watch a youtube channel called What I've Learned (or something like that), you will find out how the body works and how to lose fat most efficiently, all backed by scientific research.
clen+ water fast legit as fuck
Also go to the gym but dont do cardio or you will feel like shit and will binge.

U can loose 1%bodyfat every two days if you go past 10day fast (first ten days: body adapt, keto mode, you loose water and also muscle glycogen, then fatloss starts)
Calories in, calories out is a rule of thumb for <90 IQ peeps, who make up like 80% of the bodybuilding community. It works, but is very suboptimal. If you are above that threshold just watch a youtube channel called What I've Learned (or something like that), you will find out how the body works and how to lose fat most efficiently, all backed by scientific research.
Can you link to that channel?
clen+ water fast legit as fuck
Also go to the gym but dont do cardio or you will feel like shit and will binge.

U can loose 1%bodyfat every two days if you go past 10day fast (first ten days: body adapt, keto mode, you loose water and also muscle glycogen, then fatloss starts)
If you also lose muscle what is the point?
@siliconvalleycel so you be saying that fasting is better than simple caloric deficit to get shredded?
In all seriousness, fasting accomplishes what you would expect from the deficit, the math works. Spreading out the deficit doesn't work at all.
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