Pretty boy vs Masc Man (study)



Jan 5, 2019
Interesting study that maybe might give us some suggestion what women actually like. Because I don’t know the answer to the complex shit.

Excerpts from

They want men they can cuddle like McCartney and cling to like Eastwood. They like Robert Redford (big eyes and strong jaw) over Michael Jackson (no chin). They like Mel Gibson (a god) over Al Pacino (nose much, much too big). O.J. Simpson and Tom Selleck also qualify as perfect scores, according to the researchers.
It seems also there’s a lot of consensus what woman like in a man

The implications of the theory are enormous. The researchers claim that these standards of attractiveness cut across social, racial and cultural lines, that while women around the world have different tastes in male weight, body type and grooming, everywhere they like the same thing in a man's face.​

And last but not least if your cute/pretty boy you’re more likely to get away with murder (literally), and if you look masculine your more likely to get away with a DUI or reckless endangerment.

In a long study of courtroom trials, Zebrowitz found that the more baby-faced the defendant looked, the more likely he was to be acquitted of crimes involving intentional misconduct. However, in keeping with the image of baby-faced naivete and weakness, defendants of that type were more likely to be found guilty when charged with negligent behavior. For mature-faced types, the exact reverse was true.

Unfortunately I’m neither masc or pretty I’d get thrown in jail for a parking ticket
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Interesting study that maybe might give us some suggestion what women actually like. Because I don’t know the answer to the complex shit.

Excerpts from

They want men they can cuddle like McCartney and cling to like Eastwood. They like Robert Redford (big eyes and strong jaw) over Michael Jackson (no chin). They like Mel Gibson (a god) over Al Pacino (nose much, much too big). O.J. Simpson and Tom Selleck also qualify as perfect scores, according to the researchers.
It seems also there’s a lot of consensus what woman like in a man

The implications of the theory are enormous. The researchers claim that these standards of attractiveness cut across social, racial and cultural lines, that while women around the world have different tastes in male weight, body type and grooming, everywhere they like the same thing in a man's face.​

And last but not least if your cute/pretty boy you’re more likely to get away with murder (literally), and if you look masculine your more likely to get away with a DUI or reckless endangerment. Unfortunately I’m neither masc or pretty I’d get thrown in jail for a parking ticket

Welcome to subhuman sub 8 cuck life

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