Rank the 3 main softmaxxes by importance



Mar 10, 2024
Without coping, it's pretty clear that the only non-cope softmaxxes for the face revolve around these 3 categories:

1. Leanmaxxing (self explanatory, also includes debloating as well for obvious reasons)

2. Hairmaxxing (includes hair, hairline, eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard, along with the colouring of each respective one)

3. Skinmaxxing (fixing acne, wrinkles, anti aging, and skin tone/colouring)

How would you rank them by importance? Obviously, if chad becomes obese, or gets an NW7 hairline + no eyebrows, or obtains Dravidian skin tone + cystic acne, he'll descend hard. Which category would have the biggest effect?
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Skin over hair imo but maybe that’s just me
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1st and 3rd go an extremely long way but they’re literally second nature at this point

Taking them both to further lengths is what you’ll see the tiny increments of change

For example for making you look more lean, instead of just staying in a deficit, you could do this stuff:

Or for better skin, instead of doing a basic drugstore routine you could implement tret, isotret, micro needling, red light therapy, skin peel injectables etc

Also gymcelling is also another non cope basic “softmax” however that is also second nature, same principle can be applied, if you’re trying to see progress faster, then roid
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leanmax is numero uno
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leanmaxing is probably the most important, as its beneficial towards both your appearance and health, skin and hair are equal second and I think the ranking is probably based of person to person.

Hair is largely determined by genetics and is harder to fix than skin. Fixing skin is pretty straight forward, whereas hair can't be "softmaxed" much, other than taking fin/min, HT and general care.

So I think the ranking u posted is correct
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Reactions: boss8055 and ahouzeh18
1. Hair
2. Lean
3. Skin

You can be 18% bodyfat with good hair and mediocre skin but mog the guy who's 10% bf, bald with baby skin.
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Without coping, it's pretty clear that the only non-cope softmaxxes for the face revolve around these 3 categories:

1. Leanmaxxing (self explanatory, also includes debloating as well for obvious reasons)

2. Hairmaxxing (includes hair, hairline, eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard, along with the colouring of each respective one)

3. Skinmaxxing (fixing acne, wrinkles, anti aging, and skin tone/colouring)

How would you rank them by importance? Obviously, if chad becomes obese, or gets an NW7 hairline + no eyebrows, or obtains Dravidian skin tone + cystic acne, he'll descend hard. Which category would have the biggest effect?
2)leanmaxxing(assuming that you are just obese 25%bf, not a 300 pound monstrosity)
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Without coping, it's pretty clear that the only non-cope softmaxxes for the face revolve around these 3 categories:

1. Leanmaxxing (self explanatory, also includes debloating as well for obvious reasons)

2. Hairmaxxing (includes hair, hairline, eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard, along with the colouring of each respective one)

3. Skinmaxxing (fixing acne, wrinkles, anti aging, and skin tone/colouring)

How would you rank them by importance? Obviously, if chad becomes obese, or gets an NW7 hairline + no eyebrows, or obtains Dravidian skin tone + cystic acne, he'll descend hard. Which category would have the biggest effect?
skin over hair but brows and exelashes over skin
Sick insoles improve smv more than skin maxxing
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lean, hair , skin
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where is jelqing for penismaxxing? Nvm I didn't read that it was about the face
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go to a skin doctor. they often prescribe you treatment and maybe also have people to treat the scars directly
They prescribed me tret and it’s gotten better but still a long way to go

I’m doing IPL next week though
They prescribed me tret and it’s gotten better but still a long way to go

I’m doing IPL next week though
easy fix.
0.1% tret (do not use 0.05%)
Red light therapy mask every day
SPF every 2 hours.

Takes time ofc, but it'll fade the scars for sure

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