Rate 1year transformation

The thing is he does not necessarily look ugly or unharmonious but just very african. Looks very different from the african-american and mulatto guys who spam their faces on here. He needs to somehow upgrade his phenotype. PSL is sort of cope for him.
Yep I hate psl already so fuck that. That’s funny cause I look a little unSenegalese because of mauritanian ancestry tho😂 but yeah we definitely look different from black Americans
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Yeahh skin is bringing me down a lot. I defo have a good pheno, just not the skin to match it. Imma moneymaxx for the time being and hop on gluthathione,MSM, Nac and vit C. Will see how that goes
Your skin is alright imo
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Dog shit pheno ngl. Get huge
Yeah it is. Already got multiple gfs and lays with it so it’s alright. Just gonna see if I can improve on it.
It’s not like I’m gonna turn white on that glutathione stack anyway
Not sure what more to add but he looks okay for someone in Africa. He just need to black up more in the gym

@Blackgymmax @whiteissuperior can help
i mean hes not gonna get a bunch of surgeries as someone who lives in africa, so gym and hair is all he can do. Getting a low cut fade would loook nice, so could twists. But his body transformation in one year is underwhelming. Looks like he went from 23% to 16% bf. Shoulda bulked up more. Im sure he could pass for HTN with a year or two or three in the gym
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Good luck
Yeah I do look like that guys tho. It’s tge small difference that makes us look like ourselves but in term of pheno, face shape and overall proportions we are quite similar
You look nothing alike man, different features even ignoring skin color.
763D8EF3 B15C 4597 AA31 0FB4D070519E

EB99F0E7 C4CD 483D BCE0 D270406167D2
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View attachment 1858022
face is irrelevant for black people
You are being ridiculous. I could cherrypick another couple and say face is not relevant for indians but that is not true obviously.

But yes. Blacks don't need face as much but it's not like you can be very ugly and not be massively handicapped.

Also, the black guy in the pic is not that ugly. Just below average like 3-3.5 PSL.
The average salary is around 140 to 250$.
After I finish my degree imma earn around 500$ if I have sone luck. Truly wretched country to live in

Mirin your dedication
All the way from senegal too

I think at 6'3 gymaxxing is for sure going to help.
I think the newer fashion is fine but lose the graphic tee's. Also wear jewellery.

you need hardmaxxing
i mean hes not gonna get a bunch of surgeries as someone who lives in africa, so gym and hair is all he can do. Getting a low cut fade would loook nice, so could twists. But his body transformation in one year is underwhelming. Looks like he went from 23% to 16% bf. Shoulda bulked up more. Im sure he could pass for HTN with a year or two or three in the gym
I went from 0 muscles to alright. I could have cut even more but just would’ve looked skinny. It’s pretty hard to fill your frame when you are 6’3. Bulking more would just make me look fat. Trying to maintain that balance till I have enough muscles
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Mirin your dedication
All the way from senegal too

I think at 6'3 gymaxxing is for sure going to help.
I think the newer fashion is fine but lose the graphic tee's. Also wear jewellery.
Yeah bro my appeal with and without jewelry is insane. Chains, earrings and jewelry is pretty trendy here, just wearing a simple stainless steel give you waay more sex appeal. It kinda differenciate hardcore muslims and players
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I went from 0 muscles to alright. I could have cut even more but just would’ve looked skinny. It’s pretty hard to fill your frame when you are 6’3. Bulking more would just make me look fat. Trying to maintain that balance till I have enough muscles
i have the same build aand height as you ask @fogdart . ive bulked up more than u in 3 months than u did in a year. im very confident you coulda gotten a lot bigger than this in a full year with better diet or training or consistency, probably all 4
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Nice work
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The average salary is around 140 to 250$.
After I finish my degree imma earn around 500$ if I have sone luck. Truly wretched country to live in
Tu planes vivre au Sénégal dans le future, ou bien tu iras en Occident pour tes études/une carrière? C'est quoi tes plans pour le future?
T’étudie quoi même?

Et oui le Sénégal est un pays de merde comparé a l'Occident mais comparé au reste de l'Afrique de l'Ouest vous êtes bien. Si mon pays était aussi bien que le Sénégal ce serait une véritable grâce. Quand il s'agit d’instabilité politique, corruption, HDI, éducation, sécurité, sécurité alimentaire etc... vous faites mieux que la plupart des pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest, bien que ce ne soit pas vraiment un haut standard.
Que penses tu de Macky Sall, Ousmane Sonko, et les événements récent dans la politique de ton pays?
How can OP ascend then? He needs to get rid of the african look. He needs something closer to this:

View attachment 1857917

If he wants to appealing to women.
lol if u think he could get near that tone or the ones he posted even with shit hydroquinone

even if he somehow destroyed his skin and did his features are bad, looks nothing like this

i have the same build aand height as you ask @fogdart . ive bulked up more than u in 3 months than u did in a year. im very confident you coulda gotten a lot bigger than this in a full year with better diet or training or consistency, probably all 4
Yeah that’s true. I still live with my parents so diet is uncontrollable. It’s a very healthy diet but it lacks protein. Too broke to afford gym so I trained with calisthenics and I was still in uni so it became pretty inconsistent with exams and projects. I still managed to pack on 10kg of muscles despite that so it’s alright.
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Tu planes vivre au Sénégal dans le future, ou bien tu iras en Occident pour tes études/une carrière? C'est quoi tes plans pour le future?
T’étudie quoi même?

Et oui le Sénégal est un pays de merde comparé a l'Occident mais comparé au reste de l'Afrique de l'Ouest vous êtes bien. Si mon pays était aussi bien que le Sénégal ce serait une véritable grâce. Quand il s'agit d’instabilité politique, corruption, HDI, éducation, sécurité, sécurité alimentaire etc... vous faites mieux que la plupart des pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest, bien que ce ne soit pas vraiment un haut standard.
Que penses tu de Macky Sall, Ousmane Sonko, et les événements récent dans la politique de ton pays?
J’aimerais bien sortir de ce pays dans le futur proche. Apres mes études peut-être. Je fais de la comptabilité gestion en 2e année. Ouais on a la stabilité politique et tout mais l’économie n’avance plus depuis presque 10 ans. Macky Sall c’est un enfoiré. Sonko j’ai pas trop confiance au gars. Toute sa politique est basée sur la dénonciation( muh le pays est corrompu, muh les politiciens volent notre argent…) mais il n’apporte aucune solution valable. C’est pourquoi je vais pas voter parce aue c’est juste choisir entre le pire et le “plus pire”
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Yeah that’s true. I still live with my parents so diet is uncontrollable. It’s a very healthy diet but it lacks protein. Too broke to afford gym so I trained with calisthenics and I was still in uni so it became pretty inconsistent with exams and projects. I still managed to pack on 10kg of muscles despite that so it’s alright.
“I still managed to pack on 10 kg of muscle” @fogdart :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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lol if u think he could get near that tone or the ones he posted even with shit hydroquinone

even if he somehow destroyed his skin and did his features are bad, looks nothing like this

I will never exactly look like that it’s impossible. I look at him to see where I can improve and the areas I’m still lacking in. The goal is not to be a copycat of someone else but to be the perfect version of yourself.
And my features may be bad in the US or the west in general but here they are pretty neet. It’s like rating someone living in china with european beauty standards. Of course he is going to be below average even if he was above average in china.
From invisible to women to invisible to women but more lean
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Yakhii didn't see this was you lol.
Yeah you probably NT mog tbh
Yeah and no bruh. I’m pretty NT but I need to better my social skills too. I ascended a little so the me now acting the way I used to act when I was sub5 is not congruent
I will never exactly look like that it’s impossible. I look at him to see where I can improve and the areas I’m still lacking in. The goal is not to be a copycat of someone else but to be the perfect version of yourself.
And my features may be bad in the US or the west in general but here they are pretty neet. It’s like rating someone living in china with european beauty standards. Of course he is going to be below average even if he was above average in china.
I would not take ratings here that seriously. Most cannot rate blacks.
I would not take ratings here that seriously. Most cannot rate blacks.
Like I’m crazy enough to take take all of it seriously. I’m thankful for the good advice and all but the rest doesn’t faze me
Like I’m crazy enough to take take all of it seriously. I’m thankful for the good advice and all but the rest doesn’t faze me
I remember then rating this other black guy a LTN when he was slaying on tinder and IRL.
I remember then rating this other black guy a LTN when he was slaying on tinder and IRL.
Real life is the only rating you’ll ever need.
Crazy cause just a few weeks before I took those pics I was extremely ill(thyphoid fever). I couldn’t eat anything for 2 weeks and lost a shit ton of fat and water weight and sone muscles too. Everyone was going crazy like “your face looks better but you are skinny now”. Leanmaxxed me is probably chadlite but imma until my body can follow through with it.
Yeah that’s true. I still live with my parents so diet is uncontrollable. It’s a very healthy diet but it lacks protein.
can you describe your diet in more details? My grandma cooked a lot of Senegalese stuff for me growing up and usually there was a decent amount of protein in it. Your mom doesn’t put a lot of fish/chicken in the stews she cooks, or are you limited in how much you can take since it’s for the whole family and meat is becoming more expensive these days? I heard in the news especially in Senegal the fish industry is facing a lot of difficulties and prices are constantly increasing.

One thing that can help increase your protein intake is to frequently take milk based stuff. Like thiakry. It’s full of proteins, you can take it the morning and even just throughout the day as a dessert.

Too broke to afford gym so I trained with calisthenics and I was still in uni so it became pretty inconsistent with exams and projects. I still managed to pack on 10kg of muscles despite that so it’s alright.
Can you describe your calisthenics routine and the progress you have made so far please?
can you describe your diet in more details? My grandma cooked a lot of Senegalese stuff for me growing up and usually there was a decent amount of protein in it. Your mom doesn’t put a lot of fish/chicken in the stews she cooks, or are you limited in how much you can take since it’s for the whole family and meat is becoming more expensive these days? I heard in the news especially in Senegal the fish industry is facing a lot of difficulties and prices are constantly increasing.

One thing that can help increase your protein intake is to frequently take milk based stuff. Like thiakry. It’s full of proteins, you can take it the morning and even just throughout the day as a dessert.

Can you describe your calisthenics routine and the progress you have made so far please?
Yeah we cook for the whole family and we eat together. You probably know the diet is based on rice and millet. We can cook a 500g piece of fish with the meal but divided for 10 people it’s not gonna amount to much. The Eid was a few month ago so tge protein intake went up as we ate a lot of meat, organs and broths but it’s already going down tho.
Bro you are based what?😂😂 Thiakry is the shit istg. But I don’t think the simple thiakry here( yogurt, millet and sugar) has that much protein. The protein has already being transformed by the bacterias so yeah.

My calisthenics routine is simple. Full body workout every other day.
Wait some imma copy my training log
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Neck curls 2xf#

Neck turns 2xf#

Neck side curls 2xf#

Push up 4xf

Pike 3xf

Handstand supp 2xf

Biceps push up 2f

Pull up 2xf

Towel pull up 2xf

Squats 2xf

Calves raises 2xf

Tibialis raises 2xf

This was my training log 2 weeks ago when just restarted training. I added one set to all exercises as my work capacity went up.
Yeah I know I’m skimping on the quads😂
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Bro you are based what?😂😂 Thiakry is the shit istg.
Haha you know.
But I don’t think the simple thiakry here( yogurt, millet and sugar) has that much protein. The protein has already being transformed by the bacterias so yeah.
It's yogurt man, it's better than nothing and will still give you some more proteins. The problem imo is more so that a lot of people in West African cities nowadays are using imported Western milk powder instead of actual real milk from local herders, because it's less expensive, when the later is obviously higher in proteins and higher quality in general. But again it's better than nothing.
Also sorghum > millet for bodybuilding. Much more proteins in sorghum.

My calisthenics routine is simple. Full body workout every other day.
Wait some imma copy my training log
Neck curls 2xf#

Neck turns 2xf#

Neck side curls 2xf#

Push up 4xf

Pike 3xf

Handstand supp 2xf

Biceps push up 2f

Pull up 2xf

Towel pull up 2xf

Squats 2xf

Calves raises 2xf

Tibialis raises 2xf

This was my training log 2 weeks ago when just restarted training. I added one set to all exercises as my work capacity went up.
Yeah I know I’m skimping on the quads😂
You wrote "f", I suppose "to failure"
You should have made some progress in 1 year. How many reps were you doing at the beginning and how many are you doing now for those exercises? Did you change the exercise progression to harder ones? Do you do some of those exercises with additional weight? If yes how much?
I think you’re the first user on this site from Subsaharan Africa jfl
Haha you know.

It's yogurt man, it's better than nothing and will still give you some more proteins. The problem imo is more so that a lot of people in West African cities nowadays are using imported Western milk powder instead of actual real milk from local herders, because it's less expensive, when the later is obviously higher in proteins and higher quality in general. But again it's better than nothing.
Also sorghum > millet for bodybuilding. Much more proteins in sorghum.

You wrote "f", I suppose "to failure"
You should have made some progress in 1 year. How many reps were you doing at the beginning and how many are you doing now for those exercises? Did you change the exercise progression to harder ones? Do you do some of those exercises with additional weight? If yes how much?
Yeah I train to failure. At the start I couldn’t do push ups, chin ups or anything. I was doing upright rows, supported push ups and all. Now I can do all those exercises. I don’t do regular push ups anymore, my feets are elevated 60 cm. Same for the pike push up. I don’t really count the reps but the first set of push up is always between 15-20. Idk for other exercises but the number of reps is decent.

We don’t really cultivate sorghum here bro idk why. But even then I don’t think the bioavailability will be that much. Animal proteins all the way.
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Can you send other exercises you are doing and how you periodize?
Yeah I train to failure. At the start I couldn’t do push ups, chin ups or anything. I was doing upright rows, supported push ups and all. Now I can do all those exercises. I don’t do regular push ups anymore, my feets are elevated 60 cm. Same for the pike push up.
I don’t really count the reps but the first set of push up is always between 15-20. Idk for other exercises but the number of reps is decent.
Not good!
You should count the reps to keep track of your progress. That will help you know when you should try an harder progression or when you should add additional weight. Personally what I used to do (and would recommend) is that if I can do 12 reps in each sets, that exercise has become too easy and I need to find a way to make it harder and bring the reps down to around 8-11 each sets (I did 4-5 usually). Though sometimes I did higher rep ranges depending on periodization.

I don’t do regular push ups anymore, my feets are elevated 60 cm.
I don't really believe in elevating the feets to do push ups as an harder progression to normal push ups. Yes it's harder but at some point you are not training the same set of muscles, the more you elevate your feet the more it's upper chest and front delt that you are training.

I hope you are doing them with some kind of blocks or paralletes too. Not just for range of motion but also because it enables for better form with those when elevating the feets.
Push up 4xf
See what I said above.
An exercise I'd recommend you try that's underrated are ring push ups.

If you try them do them like he says in the video. Ring push ups done like that are great for hypertrophy because you can fully contract your chest at the top using adduction, and then fully stretch them at the bottom using a bulgarian ring push up kind of position. This is because the rings can be moved. When you get stronger you can make the exercise harder by adding weight with a backpack(not the best option as it restricts the scapula), or a belt with weight attached to it(best option but harder to set up, need to be elevated)
That exercise is similar to dumbbell bench pressing, that people often say is good for chest hypertrophy because of the greater ROM and the increased amount of transverse flexion/adduction. I believe the ring push ups above are even better. With dumbbell bench pressing you lose much tension in your chest at the top position when you are supposed to be in full contraction and the dumbbells clank together, and the exercise is only tough really at the bottom position. With ring push ups the tension is more constant both at the bottom and top.

I'd recommend you rotate with dips too once in a while. Great exercise for the lower chest. It's quite easy to do weighted dips later on as a progression too. But don't rush into it to avoid injuries, and make sure to have perfect form.
Personally what I would for weighted dips do is fill huge bottles with sand+water, put a certain number depending on how much weight I needed in a huge bag, wear a short + a belt(in cotton) and attach the bag to my waist with them, and then do my weighted dips.

Biceps push up 2f
I personally don't believe this is a good exercise
Here are exercises I think are better :

1) Pelican curls

What "bicep push ups" are trying to imitate is basically the kind of activation you get from pelican curls, except it's not as effective. The stretch isn't as good and the shoulders are engaged in a way that compensates for the biceps.
Pelican curls are a far superior exercise for hypertrophy especially of how they stretch the muscle. Start with negatives while maintaining good time under tension in the lengthened position.

You could buy rings, but you could even make some yourself.
Here are some good DIY rings / suspension trainers vids :

Personally what I did back then was much lazier than those two vids above. I just took a bunch of cotton belts, attached them together to have more length, used two tubes from some medicine as handle, and that's how I made my suspension trainers with no money to do exercises like pelican curls, even though later on I wasn't really consistent with it.

You can do regular curls with rings/suspension trainers too.
imo if your goal is hypertrophy and you are doing calisthenics, rings / suspension trainers are a must-have.

2) Just do curls man

You don't need to have gym membership to do bicep curls.
At your strength level it would be easy to get enough weight to curl with your biceps in just a bucket or a bag where you put sand or water or cement. So consider that.

Pike 3xf
Handstand supp 2xf
I suppose you are starting with pike push ups because you lack the strength to do 4 sets of HSPUs? Alright that's fair.
How do you do your HSPUs? Facing or back to the wall? How is your form?
I would recommend doing pikes with blocks/paralletes to elevate your hands and have more ROM.
Or by "supp" do you mean that you just stay in an handstand for a while, rather than doing HSPUs?

Be careful with those btw. High risk for rotator cuff injury if done incorrectly / ego rushed, and even then.... I highly recommend you integrate facepulls to your routine to strengthen your rotator cuffs and reduce injury risks.

Also important to avoid injuries(and also get stronger) in calisthenics, is understanding scapular engagement :

Also this is not going to build your side delts or rear delts. This is all front delt, serratus anterior and a bit of upper chest. Side delts are important if you want a good frame.
Again, as with bicep curls, you don't even need much weight especially at your level to train your side delts. For beginners often times even 10 kg is enough with lateral raises. The side delts are small and weak muscles. You could easily put sand/water/cement in 2 different bags/buckets and lateral raise both of them. This guy uses buckets :

You already kinda train your rear delts with pull ups but isolating can make a difference.
Consider these :
(jump to 4:19)

Squats 2xf
You do your squats unweighted? How many?
Do you do any other exercise for your legs?

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Bro thank youuuuu. I never saw a post so helpful on this site.

I always make sur to progressive overload my exercises the moment they become too easy. I started with hip level supported push ups to elevated ones. Just today I went into a deeper range of motion to enhance the stretch in the chest. When the second set exeeds 12 I make the exercise harder.
Thanks bro I’ll make diy rings. I have the materials just never thought of making some.

You are absolutely right with the biceps push up. I don’t even feel my biceps that much in the exercise. I was thinking of improving my mind muscle connection to really hit them as I just recently started doing them. I will make rings for weights to do curls with.

I incorporated some lateral raises with heavy books I have around yeah. I already have a wide frame but I want to obliterate my door frame😂.
I recover rather well with one day of rest so for the periodisation I just go by the feel. I don’t think it’s that important as I’m still a newbie. I’ll incorporate it in the way.

The nerd ramblings are appreciated.
I’m still fussy about the handstand, I’m still very weak at them. I do them every other session to limit the stress on my rotator cuffs.

I used to do dips when I trained at the beach on the bars but I train at home lately so I can’t do them because I don’t have tables and sofas can’t support my strength.

I do pull ups on the door and they are rather uncomfortable. The rings will surely help.

For the legs I only do squats. I go high reps(30+ to failure one the first set) cause I have pretty good legs naturally. I tried lunges but I shit balance cause of fucked up right hip(injury when I was a kid). The hip problem affect my knees too so the squats( I do the deepest squats on earth) are pretty taxing on them. I’m fixing my hip at the moment with active stretches. I also do ATG squats for the knees and should restart doing teardrop squats too.

Bro thanks for the advice too
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