Rate another picture w/o lens distortion and glasses... Good lighting, not frauding otherwise



Feb 2, 2022


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  • JFL
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: oxymoron, horizontallytall, Deleted member 23558 and 9 others
Bump, can someone provide an actual rate :lul:
  • JFL
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Reactions: FrameMogger and SLA
Sucking your cheeks in hard af + manlet + Indian = 5/10 appeal in the west (if we're being generous).
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: 11gaijin, Prince88 and FrameMogger
5'8ish, plates are 97% fused (bone-age delay issue).. North Indian from UP
Height is workable. You can wear lifts to fraud 5'10.

Your bones are really good

I think we look kinda similarish. In india 8/10, In the west like 7/10
Posters will coper with ethnic tax but good face > ALL
and the average guy is ugly as fuck.

Whats your success rate with girls like?
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101
Not sucking them in, can send other pics. It's the lighting, in normal lighting mine are not this hollow (obviously)
Sucking your cheeks in hard af + manlet + Indian = 5/10 appeal in the west (if we're being generous).
Height is workable. You can wear lifts to fraud 5'10.

Your bones are really good

I think we look kinda similarish. In india 8/10, In the west like 7/10
Posters will coper with ethnic tax but good face > ALL
and the average guy is ugly as fuck.

Whats your success rate with girls like?
This is the biggest self preserving cope I've ever heard. 5/10 in the west is generous.

And no, bad pheno can kill your entire face. You're both on this site after all so funny of you to say this so authoritatively.
Height is workable. You can wear lifts to fraud 5'10.

Your bones are really good

I think we look kinda similarish. In india 8/10, In the west like 7/10
Posters will coper with ethnic tax but good face > ALL
and the average guy is ugly as fuck.

Whats your success rate with girls like?
I study all day tbh, i've never tried to approach/date women.. Might try this summer
This is the biggest self preserving cope I've ever heard. 5/10 in the west is generous.

And no, bad pheno can kill your entire face. You're both on this site after all so funny of you to say this so authoritatively.
You might have less widespread appeal but if you have a good face + NT you will have no issues IRL or OLD.

I'm taller then this dude, but i wouldn't say facially in another league or anything and i have no issues while living in a western major city.

If you're short, ugly or have a weird personality this will kill your chances far more than muh pheno.
You might have less widespread appeal but if you have a good face + NT you will have no issues IRL or OLD.

I'm taller then this dude, but i wouldn't say facially in another league or anything and i have no issues while living in a western major city.

If you're short, ugly or have a weird personality this will kill your chances far more than muh pheno.
Keep coping. You're on this website for a reason buddy. You're also Indian so you're using taking so much copium to avoid the fact that your pheno is a massive failo.

I'm a slav and I will admit that my pheno is the reason I'm incel. You have too much pride for your own good.
Keep coping. You're on this website for a reason buddy. You're also Indian so you're using taking so much copium to avoid the fact that your pheno is a massive failo.

I'm a slav and I will admit that my pheno is the reason I'm incel. You have too much pride for your own good.

You are a adult KHHV. A fucking kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin.

I had my first kiss like a normal human being at 12, and surprise surprise it was with a white girl.

You're not a incel because you are slav, imagine actually thinking this.
At 6'7 , You're an incel because you're either ugly or your behaviour in public is weird as fuck and as such you have no social standing.

Alot of the posters here literally have no experience with women and chat out of their ass.

You don't need to be robert patterson, you just need to be top tier in your social group, and well respected by the other members of it.

If a girl doesn't want to date me because i'm ethnic, o well who cares, there are plenty that will.
If you want to have success, Its always a numbers game.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Chadethnic101, rand anon, FrameMogger and 1 other person
Mogger lechiffre/10
You are a adult KHHV. A fucking kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin.

I had my first kiss like a normal human being at 12, and surprise surprise it was with a white girl.
I could've had my first kiss too when I was 12. Makes no difference. Girls < 14 have no standards and will kiss subhumans. Been to so many parties as a kid where I could've easily kissed a girl in truth or dare. Not anything special.
You're not a incel because you are slav, imagine actually thinking this.
LOL no. I am an incel because I have shit slavic pheno. The same reason why you're on this site because of your shit pheno. If you had blue eyes and WASP pheno you would be posting on TikTok like a normal person.
At 6'7 , You're an incel because you're either ugly or your behaviour in public is weird as fuck and as such you have no social standing.
Yeah I'm ugly and slav, compared to you who's here solely because of your shit pheno. I played D1 sports so definitely no to "havving no social standing" lmfao.
Alot of the posters here literally have no experience with women and chat out of their ass.

You don't need to be robert patterson, you just need to be top tier in your social group, and well respected by the other members of it.

If a girl doesn't want to date me because i'm ethnic, o well who cares, there are plenty that will.
If you want to have success, Its always a numbers game.
Massive cope. You need to be good looking to get a girlfriend. Once again, you're on this website.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: FrameMogger and Copeful
This is the biggest self preserving cope I've ever heard. 5/10 in the west is generous.

And no, bad pheno can kill your entire face. You're both on this site after all so funny of you to say this so authoritatively.
Fuck your dude your so wrong
Keep coping. You're on this website for a reason buddy. You're also Indian so you're using taking so much copium to avoid the fact that your pheno is a massive failo.

I'm a slav and I will admit that my pheno is the reason I'm incel. You have too much pride for your own good.
You don’t have to cope to be here Lmao
I could've had my first kiss too when I was 12. Makes no difference. Girls < 14 have no standards and will kiss subhumans. Been to so many parties as a kid where I could've easily kissed a girl in truth or dare. Not anything special.

LOL no. I am an incel because I have shit slavic pheno. The same reason why you're on this site because of your shit pheno. If you had blue eyes and WASP pheno you would be posting on TikTok like a normal person.

Yeah I'm ugly and slav, compared to you who's here solely because of your shit pheno. I played D1 sports so definitely no to "havving no social standing" lmfao.

Massive cope. You need to be good looking to get a girlfriend. Once again, you're on this website.
Your actually mentally fucked retard:lul:
I could've had my first kiss too when I was 12. Makes no difference. Girls < 14 have no standards and will kiss subhumans. Been to so many parties as a kid where I could've easily kissed a girl in truth or dare. Not anything special.

LOL no. I am an incel because I have shit slavic pheno. The same reason why you're on this site because of your shit pheno. If you had blue eyes and WASP pheno you would be posting on TikTok like a normal person.

Yeah I'm ugly and slav, compared to you who's here solely because of your shit pheno. I played D1 sports so definitely no to "havving no social standing" lmfao.

Massive cope. You need to be good looking to get a girlfriend. Once again, you're on this website.
Stop the Slavic cope lmao
You don’t have to cope to be here Lmao
Imagine saying pheno doesn't matter when you're on an incel site despite not being flagrantly ugly like me lmfao.
Imagine saying pheno doesn't matter when you're on an incel site despite not being flagrantly ugly like me lmfao.
I never said pheno doesn’t matter I’m just saying being Slavic doesn’t make you a incel also this isn’t a incel site
I could've had my first kiss too when I was 12. Makes no difference. Girls < 14 have no standards and will kiss subhumans. Been to so many parties as a kid where I could've easily kissed a girl in truth or dare. Not anything special.

LOL no. I am an incel because I have shit slavic pheno. The same reason why you're on this site because of your shit pheno. If you had blue eyes and WASP pheno you would be posting on TikTok like a normal person.

Yeah I'm ugly and slav, compared to you who's here solely because of your shit pheno. I played D1 sports so definitely no to "havving no social standing" lmfao.

Massive cope. You need to be good looking to get a girlfriend. Once again, you're on this website.

Exactly, you need to not be manlet, have a >MTN face, and decent social skills.
Thats all.

You think all sub nordic male models are virgins or something?

Being slav isn't your problem, even if it has less widespread appeal you're not fucking 100% of women you only need to appeal to a few.

If even fucking trannies who 99% of men wouldn't consider, can get romantic partners, i think you can overcome your pheno dude.
Exactly, you need to not be manlet, have a >MTN face, and decent social skills.
Thats all.

You think all sub nordic male models are virgins or something?

Being slav isn't your problem, even if it has less widespread appeal you're not fucking 100% of women you only need to appeal to a few.

If even fucking trannies who 99% of men wouldn't consider, can get romantic partners, i think you can overcome your pheno dude.
Being Slav like the least of your problems lol
Exactly, you need to not be manlet, have a >MTN face, and decent social skills.
Thats all.

You think all sub nordic male models are virgins or something?

Being slav isn't your problem, even if it has less widespread appeal you're not fucking 100% of women you only need to appeal to a few.

If even fucking trannies who 99% of men wouldn't consider, can get romantic partners, i think you can overcome your pheno dude.
Can’t argue with autism remember
Girls < 14 have no standards and will kiss subhumans.
This is utter cope.

Up until mid-late 20s looks are the biggest factor that matters.
Since money isnt a major factor yet.
  • +1
Reactions: Erik-Jón
I rate you 5.25-5.5psl I’m this picture which puts you in the likes of like a Vinnie hacker
Can’t argue with autism remember

He says he is a 6'7 slavic former d1 athlete.

Either his face is straight ugly or he is a super weird dude.
Imagine saying pheno doesn't matter when you're on an incel site despite not being flagrantly ugly like me lmfao.
first of all you're both bluepilled fucking idiots looks are all that matter you can be tall and still be inkwell unless you find a hypergamistic foid NT dont matter stfu you dont know what you're talking about
Sucking your cheeks in hard af + manlet + Indian = 5/10 appeal in the west (if we're being generous).
I thought you’d consider 5’8 close to ideal :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:
first of all you're both bluepilled fucking idiots looks are all that matter you can be tall and still be inkwell unless you find a hypergamistic foid NT dont matter stfu you dont know what you're talking about
Wtf you talking about
first of all you're both bluepilled fucking idiots looks are all that matter you can be tall and still be inkwell unless you find a hypergamistic foid NT dont matter stfu you dont know what you're talking about
Autistic af.
This is utter cope.

Up until mid-late 20s looks are the biggest factor that matters.
Since money isnt a major factor yet.
I was a "slayer" when I was 12 years old and used to play truth or dare with all the neighborhood girls. All stopped when we got to late middle school/high school and started learning our own place in society.
  • JFL
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Exactly, you need to not be manlet, have a >MTN face, and decent social skills.
Thats all.

You think all sub nordic male models are virgins or something?

Being slav isn't your problem, even if it has less widespread appeal you're not fucking 100% of women you only need to appeal to a few.

If even fucking trannies who 99% of men wouldn't consider, can get romantic partners, i think you can overcome your pheno dude.
lmfao keep coping. Ur indian and I'm slavic. Completely over for any broad appeal.
Incel wiki for losers
@volcelfatcel :feelshaha:
I always said 5'9"-6' is ideal. If you're under 5'9" then you don't have the HGH and development to look good. Look at OP's tiny twink skull. Would look much better if he was 5'9".
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I always said 5'9"-6' is ideal. If you're under 5'9" then you don't have the HGH and development to look good. Look at OP's tiny twink skull. Would look much better if he was 5'9".
True tbh
Can someone provide an actual rating over starting an unnecessary race/height war :forcedsmile:
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