Rate me (16 years old)

this side profile is properly done from the frankfurt plane, might give a better

@gigi @andy9432 @eduardkoopman @mulattomaxxer <- you guys mentioned the recessed chin so thats why i tagged you

I think its easier to see the downward growth from mouth breathing here


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didnt finish the sentence, might give a better idea of how recessed it is
or taking iron pills (ive shown iron deficiencies on bloodtests before)
shitty food intake??
vetegatble maxxing (like spinach), and some meats and fish, have good Iron supply alo
Get a tan
not good for aging of skin, to go tan in sun. better try o get tan other ways. beta-carotene maxxing, or else maybe orinzer, cream, tanning water type of stuff. or some take Malatonan 2.

Chew hard shit (chewing on gum basically 24/7 too)
some people here, try bonesmasshing for better jaw bones :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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this side profile is properly done from the frankfurt plane, might give a better

@gigi @andy9432 @eduardkoopman @mulattomaxxer <- you guys mentioned the recessed chin so thats why i tagged you

I think its easier to see the downward growth from mouth breathing here
Show a pic of ur smile, need to see palatal width and whether or not u have gummy smile
shitty food intake??
vetegatble maxxing (like spinach), and some meats and fish, have good Iron supply alo

not good for aging of skin, to go tan in sun. better try o get tan other ways. beta-carotene maxxing, or else maybe orinzer, cream, tanning water type of stuff. or some take Malatonan 2.

some people here, try bonesmasshing for better jaw bones :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

bonesmashing looks like a megacope
i had braces, no gummies


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nope just braces
ur teeth is straight, but the palate is way too narrow, since ur 16 i think u can get away with regular palate expanders, get on it ASAP
ur teeth is straight, but the palate is way too narrow, since ur 16 i think u can get away with regular palate expanders, get on it ASAP
i have retainers behind my teeth glued on, so that isnt possible unless i have them removed. Wont i have to get braces again because ill get a phat gap between my front teeth from expanding the palate?
also wont mewing expand the palate?
also wont mewing expand the palate?
thinking about that, i dont think i can expand it without redoing braces. The retainers are gonna prohibit palate expansion from mewing
i have retainers behind my teeth glued on, so that isnt possible unless i have them removed. Wont i have to get braces again because ill get a phat gap between my front teeth from expanding the palate?
Get palate expander first, then get invisalign afterwards. mewing wont expand ur palate
bonesmashing looks like a megacope
it's also quit brutals, painfull.

it comes from the concept. that you have yet to see MMA fighters, that get their face smashed in weekly. They ll have strong-ish bones


thinking about that, i dont think i can expand it without redoing braces. The retainers are gonna prohibit palate expansion from mewing
mewing could theoretically expanded ur palate, but since ur 16 ur too old for that anyways with or without retainer
this side profile is properly done from the frankfurt plane, might give a better

@gigi @andy9432 @eduardkoopman @mulattomaxxer <- you guys mentioned the recessed chin so thats why i tagged you

I think its easier to see the downward growth from mouth breathing here
Yeah you have downward growth. Your chin is ok but you may need bimax when your 18. Just mew for now (+Chew Mastic Gum or those jaw products NOT THE ONES WHICH YOU HAVE TO CHEW WITH THE FRONT OF YOUR TEETH), posturemaxx and breathingmaxx (breath through the diaphram. BSSO will effectively bring your chin forward.
My bodycount is 2 so i'm not struggling really. I was just curious honestly, and indeed the shitposting is very funny
yeah makes sense that you have slayed before. Shitposting is good, just don't let it affect your grades/social life. Looksmax is one of the funniest websites on the internet.
  • +1
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i dont think i can be a chadlite unless mewing fixes my recessed chin
chew jawliner . hard chewing is the real mewing

also MAYBE face pulling
included many different side pose pics because i dont want to just fraud one of them and make it seem like its better than it actually is. I think have good transverse growth but bad sagittal growth and possible midface hypoplasia. I've been a mouthbreather the majority of my life and just started mewing.
Haloed by haircut
4 to 4.5PSL but your soft features and high-appeal pheno make you chadlite SMV tiktok boy in the West
3 PSL according to @Pakicel
  • JFL
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shitty food intake??
vetegatble maxxing (like spinach), and some meats and fish, have good Iron supply alo

not good for aging of skin, to go tan in sun. better try o get tan other ways. beta-carotene maxxing, or else maybe orinzer, cream, tanning water type of stuff. or some take Malatonan 2.

some people here, try bonesmasshing for better jaw bones :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Mirin the video editing skills bro
  • +1
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pretty boy who should gym maxx
3 PSL according to @Pakicel
Nah. He's above average. 4.5 PSL. He's one of the people who should looksmax.
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i am 184cm tall and i have a bodycount of 2
At 16?

I feel sorry for this generation for what they have to compete against if these are the type of people that post on Incel forums...
At 16?

I feel sorry for this generation for what they have to compete against if these are the type of people that post on Incel forums...
Yeah. His height and face are not that special for his generation. He is 16 and already mogs 95% of the forum. He doesn't have impressive forward growth or hunter eyes of whatever. He has a good pheno and his face gives off tiktok vibes. I guess he found this place because he is merely an invisible normie in his social circle.
4 to 4.5PSL but your soft features and high-appeal pheno make you chadlite SMV tiktok boy in the West
Yes. Imo, we shouldn't just rate faces without considering pheno etc.
  • +1
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Yeah. His height and face are not that special for his generation. He is 16 and already mogs 95% of the forum. He doesn't have impressive forward growth or hunter eyes of whatever. He has a good pheno and his face gives off tiktok vibes. I guess he found this place because he is merely an invisible normie in his social circle.
Unbelievably over. This world should be nuked.
Got off this forum you sad fuck. Listen to your older 19 year old peers. Want to end up like me do you? Sorry for the harsh words, son, but life hits you hard. You either fight back or let world crumble at your feet. Get off this site my boy.
Unbelievably over. This world should be nuked.
Yeah. The average white teenager is only a bit shorter and a bit worse looking than him. It is not over dude. Hypergamy and the blackpill are memes. You just need to be at OP's looks level, which is a criterion the majority of the young white male population already fulfills.
Got off this forum you sad fuck. Listen to your older 19 year old peers. Want to end up like me do you? Sorry for the harsh words, son, but life hits you hard. You either fight back or let world crumble at your feet. Get off this site my boy.
True. Never waste your teenage years here. I was his age when i came on, about yours right now.

I might have looksmaxxed and all but nothing will ever replace the lost teenage years wasted to becoming an autist, effectively rendering me in a worse position than i started off with.
  • So Sad
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Got off this forum you sad fuck. Listen to your older 19 year old peers. Want to end up like me do you? Sorry for the harsh words, son, but life hits you hard. You either fight back or let world crumble at your feet. Get off this site my boy.
Nah. He would benefit from the knowledge here a lot. He actually has a good base. All the other people should probably leave.
  • +1
Reactions: FrameMogger
Yeah. The average white teenager is only a bit shorter and a bit worse looking than him. It is not over dude. Hypergamy and the blackpill are memes. You just need to be at OP's looks level, which is a criterion the majority of the young white male population already fulfills.
His generation is on a much higher looks and height level. Hypergamy is very real, and the older you get, the more assets they expect you to have to make up for your subhumanity.

For nobodies past his age, it's over.
True. Never waste your teenage years here. I was his age when i came on, about yours right now.

I might have looksmaxxed and all but nothing will ever replace the lost teenage years wasted to becoming an autist, effectively rendering me in a worse position than i started off with.
Damn, then I hope to get off here soon enough.
included many different side pose pics because i dont want to just fraud one of them and make it seem like its better than it actually is. I think have good transverse growth but bad sagittal growth and possible midface hypoplasia. I've been a mouthbreather the majority of my life and just started mewing.
OP, word of advice here from your elders:

Grow this style out, close this site, never come back again.

You'll thank me for it.
Damn, then I hope to get off here soon enough.
By the time you've ''looskmaxxed'' you've already wasted critical prime years of your life, and you'll eventually come to the realization that you have absorbed so much autism that you have lost all natural chemistry with women and people in general.

It'll always feel like you're hiding a big secret, like you're running from something and trying to fit in with a society where you don't belong, and every social interaction will feel like you're reading a script from memory.

This place desensitizes you to life itself.
His generation is on a much higher looks and height level. Hypergamy is very real, and the older you get, the more assets they expect you to have to make up for your subhumanity.

For nobodies past his age, it's over.
Nah. Obviously, young people are gonna look better than oldcels. And yeah, if you are ugly, you are gonna have to compensate with money/status. You can ask OP. As a 6/10 teenager, he has no issues getting women. And it's likely that most of his normie friends don't face any trouble either. They can even LTR 8/10+ women if they are NT and lucky.

The average guy from this forum is obviously gonna struggle. As the majority of the are well below OP's looks level. They may not necessarily look bad 'PSL-wise' but a lot of them, especially a lot of the indians, have bad phenotypes, which makes things much harder for them. And, this goes without saying, but many are non-NT/mentally ill on top and want to get lots of surgeries because they can't accept that they won't ever be chadlite/chad.
By the time you've ''looskmaxxed'' you've already wasted critical prime years of your life, and you'll eventually come to the realization that you have absorbed so much autism that you have lost all natural chemistry with women and people in general.

It'll always feel like you're hiding a big secret, like you're running from something and trying to fit in with a society where you don't belong, and every social interaction will feel like you're reading a script from memory.

This place desensitizes you to life itself.
Yeah. This place is pretty much useless for 90% of the userbase. If you would benefit from surgery and willing to go through with it, you should stay though but most here wouldn't tbh as they don't have deformed jaws or anything like that.
By the time you've ''looskmaxxed'' you've already wasted critical prime years of your life, and you'll eventually come to the realization that you have absorbed so much autism that you have lost all natural chemistry with women and people in general.

It'll always feel like you're hiding a big secret, like you're running from something and trying to fit in with a society where you don't belong, and every social interaction will feel like you're reading a script from memory.

This place desensitizes you to life itself.
Looksmax.org isn't the main cause of it, but yes, good job at describing what I feel.
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Nah. Obviously, young people are gonna look better than oldcels. And yeah, if you are ugly, you are gonna have to compensate with money/status. You can ask OP. As a 6/10 teenager, he has no issues getting women. And it's likely that most of his normie friends don't face any trouble either. They can even LTR 8/10+ women if they are NT and lucky.

The average guy from this forum is obviously gonna struggle. As the majority of the are well below OP's looks level. They may not necessarily look bad 'PSL-wise' but a lot of them, especially a lot of the indians, have bad phenotypes, which makes things much harder for them. And, this goes without saying, but many are non-NT/mentally ill on top and want to get lots of surgeries because they can't accept that they won't ever be chadlite/chad.
Yeah, but the ''dating market'', so to speak, was much different back in the day.

Someone his height, especially at his age, was nearly unheard of.

His looks and softmax level were seen only in actors and magazines, and average guys who didn't take that much care of their appearance did normally.

These days he's just another forgettable TikTok boy that makes shitty 5-second long videos over shitty songs pointing at a lame ''deep'' caption for cheap views.

That was my point. The bar has shifted, and there is no reason for women not to pick better looking, taller, younger guys over an older one lacking all of that unless he's got something to offer
Yeah. This place is pretty much useless for 90% of the userbase. If you would benefit from surgery and willing to go through with it, you should stay though but most here wouldn't tbh as they don't have deformed jaws or anything like that.
Most people should be here for about a month at most. Learn how to softmaxx and behave, then leave.
Yeah, but the ''dating market'', so to speak, was much different back in the day.

Someone his height, especially at his age, was nearly unheard of.

His looks and softmax level were seen only in actors and magazines, and average guys who didn't take that much care of their appearance did normally.

These days he's just another forgettable TikTok boy that makes shitty 5-second long videos over shitty songs pointing at a lame ''deep'' caption for cheap views.

That was my point. The bar has shifted, and there is no reason for women not to pick better looking, taller, younger guys over an older one lacking all of that unless he's got something to offer
Regardless of what you look like, you can get attractive women through other means. Money/status game, thugmaxxing, arrangedmarriagemaxxing, socialcirclemaxxing etc. People here focus too much on online dating and bars/clubs where everything is looks based. If you go outside, you will see ugly men dating decent-looking and attractive women. You could argue that the dynamics of the relationship are too unfavorable for him and if he just wants to get laid, he is better off escortcelling but it's not like you can't get a girl at all if you are ugly.
  • +1
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Regardless of what you look like, you can get attractive women through other means. Money/status game, thugmaxxing, arrangedmarriagemaxxing, socialcirclemaxxing etc. People here focus too much on online dating and bars/clubs where everything is looks based. If you go outside, you will see ugly men dating decent-looking and attractive women. You could argue that the dynamics of the relationship are too unfavorable for him and if he just wants to get laid, he is better off escortcelling but it's not like you can't get a girl at all if you are ugly.
You can. There are definitely ways. But the types of people that come on here wouldn't be able to use any of those strategies.

Regardless, most of them aren't even incels, they just don't get enough sex or they believe they deserve better than what they're offered. I see it all too often.
Most people should be here for about a month at most. Learn how to softmaxx and behave, then leave.
The problem with this site is that people who would benefit the least from it end up finding it. Like there is an indian here who was clearly in the unattractive category and found this forum due to his life experiences or whatever. He did improve his looks by getting rid of his glasses, debloating etc but is handicapped by his phenotype at the end of the day. Instead of leaving this site after softmaxxing and shit, this nigga developed a full-blown complex and keeps blaming his skin tone for not being able to get laid when the average nigga with his pheno from his country, who looks worse than him has no trouble getting women because he is NT etc. I gave him countless real-life examples of guys with worse features and his exact same pheno dating attractive girls because they are NT and statusmaxxed but nigga called me a troll.

Unironically, if he hadn't found this site, he'd probably have a normal dating life and end up marrying an indian stacy if he is statusmaxxed.
You can. There are definitely ways. But the types of people that come on here wouldn't be able to use any of those strategies.

Regardless, most of them aren't even incels, they just don't get enough sex or they believe they deserve better than what they're offered. I see it all too often.
Yeah. People here are mentally ill in addition to being unattractive.

And 100% agree on the second part. Like a 5'5" indian here has decently attractive white women liking him and he says he is too good for them. I told him to be happy he is getting those women and that he should LTR them as they have decent personalities. But nigga wants a stacy and wants to slay. Most here are narcies and want to be worshipped by women tbh.
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The problem with this site is that people who would benefit the least from it end up finding it. Like there is an indian here who was clearly in the unattractive category and found this forum due to his life experiences or whatever. He did improve his looks by getting rid of his glasses, debloating etc but is handicapped by his phenotype at the end of the day. Instead of leaving this site after softmaxxing and shit, this nigga developed a full-blown complex and keeps blaming his skin tone for not being able to get laid when the average nigga with his pheno from his country, who looks worse than him has no trouble getting women because he is NT etc. I gave him countless real-life examples of guys with worse features and his exact same pheno dating attractive girls because they are NT and statusmaxxed but nigga called me a troll.

Unironically, if he hadn't found this site, he'd probably have a normal dating life and end up marrying an indian stacy if he is statusmaxxed.
He can get probably get his family to arrange a marriage to a good-looking Indian girl from a wealthy family.

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