Rate me post-quarantine



Feb 1, 2020
I'm letting myself go.. can you tell i'm high bodyfat in this pic?
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Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe and Deleted member 10491
dude it's so over i thought you were a chink at first then i saw your skin. now i can't tell if you're just a chink or a chinky beaner
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 399, SoyGune, Deleted member 5634 and 3 others
never began
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Reactions: Deleted member 399 and Deleted member 7785
If u had thicker Better eyebrows

eye area pill
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Reactions: rowlk
Look like u could thugmax successfully
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Reactions: rowlk and lutte
will try next year, rating for now?
You look like a mestizo jock, u shouldnt have any problems dating cute girls within ur own race. I have no clue how mestizos do with other races though, im from a place without any mexican population
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Reactions: rowlk
Can I get aPSL rating?
i see potential if you leanmax
over man
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 11221
depends on height and frame tbh
3.5-3.75 psl: 4.5/10. Might be higher, though. Do you have any more photos?
Face alone a bit below average. No major flaws but unfortunately your native genes give you features which women are not attracted to. Face looks normal weight, not fat, but of course it could always be improved with a lower body fat percentage.
  • +1
Reactions: amorfati and MrGlutton
eyebrowmaxx asap
3.5-3.75 psl: 4.5/10. Might be higher, though. Do you have any more photos?
goddamn not even average? I was thinking of using this pic
82D0F985 A3C9 4640 9CFC B3FB501940C9
Face alone a bit below average. No major flaws but unfortunately your native genes give you features which women are not attracted to. Face looks normal weight, not fat, but of course it could always be improved with a lower body fat percentage.
Wich features?
  • +1
Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe
goddamn not even average? I was thinking of using this picView attachment 874683

Honestly, it is hard to rate in just one picture; lighting, angles, camera focal length, etc., all play a role -- I am sure you could find more favorable conditions for a higher rating. Originally, I wanted to give you average 5/10, but I was really conflicted and went just a little lower to be safer. You have no glaring flaws as one user mentioned, but you have nothing that stands out (actually, your mouth area seems good). I am not sure what other people would think, but chewing for bigger masseters and using minoxidil for your eyebrows might help your face. Also, what body fat are you? Getting lean is incredibly important for facial aesthetics.
Like most ethnics, a very forgettable, plain face.
  • +1
Reactions: amorfati
Honestly, it is hard to rate in just one picture; lighting, angles, camera focal length, etc., all play a role -- I am sure you could find more favorable conditions for a higher rating. Originally, I wanted to give you average 5/10, but I was really conflicted and went just a little lower to be safer. You have no glaring flaws as one user mentioned, but you have nothing that stands out (actually, your mouth area seems good). I am not sure what other people would think, but chewing for bigger masseters and using minoxidil for your eyebrows might help your face. Also, what body fat are you? Getting lean is incredibly important for facial aesthetics.
Like 25, drank coke like water during all the pandemic but maybe next year will be different and see a difference even in that shitty lighting
Wich features?
You dont have a very prominent brow ridge, you have undefined zygos, and a lot of fat around your eyes that smooth out your features. Your eyes are brown, not colored, your eyebrows are thin and arched. Too much downward growth and your jaw isnt very square. Overall your face lacks defined and sharp features that make a man really attractive. You have no big flaws, good skin, good hairline. If you were white you would be average or above, and for a native/white mixed guy you are average or above. But unfortunately women run their dating game like hitler runs his concentration camps so you will have a tough time in the dating market, at least in the united states.
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Reactions: rowlk
You dont have a very prominent brow ridge, you have undefined zygos, and a lot of fat around your eyes that smooth out your features. Your eyes are brown, not colored, your eyebrows are thin and arched. Too much downward growth and your jaw isnt very square. Overall your face lacks defined and sharp features that make a man really attractive. You have no big flaws, good skin, good hairline. If you were white you would be average or above, and for a native/white mixed guy you are average or above. But unfortunately women run their dating game like hitler runs his concentration camps so you will have a tough time in the dating market, at least in the united states.
Alright so not bit below average but like a 4 or 4.5psl
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Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe
Alright so not bit below average but like a 4 or 4.5psl
Well, if you are in america, you are below average. What I mean is, with your features, compared to all hispanic/latino dudes, you would be above average. But, when you are in the dating pool in america, with men and women of all races, you are below average, because the white men here are more attractive on average and so they drive everyone else’s relative attractiveness down. You are a bit below average in the united states dating market.
you look like a composite shot

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