rAtE mY hEiGhT mAxXiNg StAcK

There isnt a genetic limit…
There is kind of a limit but I wouldnt say its 100% genetic. There is a possibility that
1. You develop anti-hgh antibodies, this is rare with good source and will almost certainily not happen if you use pharma grade HGH, but if this happens you are fucked as your only option is to start injecting pharma grade IGF1 (much more expensive and harder to source)
2. More likely your body releases a hormone called somatostatin. This has 2 main effects on the body, one of which is to greatly reduce or shut down your natural HGH secretion, which can not be recovered by GHRH like cjc w/dac and mk677. This is not a long term concern, as the pituatary gland recovers very quickly and normal HGH secretion resumes within a week of exogneous growth hormone discountinuation. The other effect is it will slow down release of IGF1 by the liver even in the presecence of high levels of HGH. This means you can inject as much HGH as you want but your serum IGF levels will not rise. Again, the way to bypass this is by injecting pharma IGF, as we do not know if IGF1 LR3 is stimulates growth to the same extent IGF does.

More somatostatin will be released with a higher HGH dose, they exist in a negative feedback loop.

Unfortunatly while there exist medications to inhibit the release of somatostatin, they have very little safety information on them and are going to be very hard to get a hold of, additonally, I havent found any private labs that offer this blood test upfront, although probably will do it if you contact them directly. It may also be extremely dangerous shutting down your body's regulation of IGF1.

The amount of somatostatin released depend on your genetics, this may explain why some people have lots of success with heightmaxxing using HGH while others dont even if they started at a similar bone age.

Main point from source:

These results suggest that SRIF and its analog suppress the GH–IGF-I axis by inhibiting pituitary GH release as well as GH-induced hepatocyte IGF-I production.
note: SRIF means somatostatin

Murray RD, Kim K, Ren SG, Chelly M, Umehara Y, Melmed S. Central and peripheral actions of somatostatin on the growth hormone-IGF-I axis. J Clin Invest. 2004 Aug;114(3):349-56. doi: 10.1172/JCI19933. PMID: 15286801; PMCID: PMC484973.

also rip catcafe they had incerlex :(
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There is kind of a limit but I wouldnt say its 100% genetic. There is a possibility that
1. You develop anti-hgh antibodies, this is rare with good source and will almost certainily not happen if you use pharma grade HGH, but if this happens you are fucked as your only option is to start injecting pharma grade IGF1 (much more expensive and harder to source)
2. More likely your body releases a hormone called somatostatin. This has 2 main effects on the body, one of which is to greatly reduce or shut down your natural HGH secretion, which can not be recovered by GHRH like cjc w/dac and mk677. This is not a long term concern, as the pituatary gland recovers very quickly and normal HGH secretion resumes within a week of exogneous growth hormone discountinuation. The other effect is it will slow down release of IGF1 by the liver even in the presecence of high levels of HGH. This means you can inject as much HGH as you want but your serum IGF levels will not rise. Again, the way to bypass this is by injecting pharma IGF, as we do not know if IGF1 LR3 is stimulates growth to the same extent IGF does.

More somatostatin will be released with a higher HGH dose, they exist in a negative feedback loop.

Unfortunatly while there exist medications to inhibit the release of somatostatin, they have very little safety information on them and are going to be very hard to get a hold of, additonally, I havent found any private labs that offer this blood test upfront, although probably will do it if you contact them directly. It may also be extremely dangerous shutting down your body's regulation of IGF1.

The amount of somatostatin released depend on your genetics, this may explain why some people have lots of success with heightmaxxing using HGH while others dont even if they started at a similar bone age.

Main point from source:

note: SRIF means somatostatin

Murray RD, Kim K, Ren SG, Chelly M, Umehara Y, Melmed S. Central and peripheral actions of somatostatin on the growth hormone-IGF-I axis. J Clin Invest. 2004 Aug;114(3):349-56. doi: 10.1172/JCI19933. PMID: 15286801; PMCID: PMC484973.
Do u know a lot abt heightmaxxing?i wanna start t3 and t4 along hgh and letrozole
Do u know a lot abt heightmaxxing?i wanna start t3 and t4 along hgh and letrozole
Do you have enough money to get blood tests? When starting thyroid hormones its very important to know your baseline so you can dose them optimally and safely. This also applies to the letrozole as it lets you titrate the drug to get your estrogen level as low as you can tolerate. And do you live in USA or UK? If you live in USA you have better access to labs so you can get your blood test resutls back faster which wil help alot.
Do you have enough money to get blood tests? When starting thyroid hormones its very important to know your baseline so you can dose them optimally and safely. This also applies to the letrozole as it lets you titrate the drug to get your estrogen level as low as you can tolerate. And do you live in USA or UK? If you live in USA you have better access to labs so you can get your blood test resutls back faster which wil help alot.
I live in germany i took 12.5 mg aromasin and 7iu hgh and did bloods,my igf1 was 900 and estrodial was 13 now im on 10 iu hgh and 1.25 mg letrozole but i havent done bloods yet
I live in germany i took 12.5 mg aromasin and 7iu hgh and did bloods,my igf1 was 900 and estrodial was 13 now im on 10 iu hgh and 1.25 mg letrozole but i havent done bloods yet
Did you do bloods before you started taking HGH? Knowing how much the IGF1 increased by tells us alot. At 900 your levels are above normal but I cant say exactly how significant that is. I would reccomended redoing your bloods as you changed the aromatase inhibitor. Aim for estrodiol below 10, but if you experience negative side effects of this go back to what you were doing before.

Also, I had another look through the current evidence. It appears L-arginine is an inhibitor of somatostatin release. The oral dose they used in the study is 6g a day.

Make sure you test your TSH, T3 and T4 levels before you start taking thyroid hormones, you dont want to be subclinically hyperthyroid then give yourself thrycotoxocis by taking even more thyroid hormone on top of that.

I would heavily reccomend testing your blood glucose levels at least once a week (once in the morning and once 4 hours after a meal) to ensure you dont develop diabetes as well.

Jose Córdoba-Chacón, Manuel D. Gahete, Ana I. Pozo-Salas, Justo P. Castaño, Rhonda D. Kineman, Raul M. Luque, Endogenous Somatostatin Is Critical in Regulating the Acute Effects of l-Arginine on Growth Hormone and Insulin Release in Mice, Endocrinology, Volume 154, Issue 7, 1 July 2013, Pages 2393–2398, https://doi.org/10.1210/en.2013-1136
I live in germany i took 12.5 mg aromasin and 7iu hgh and did bloods,my igf1 was 900 and estrodial was 13 now im on 10 iu hgh and 1.25 mg letrozole but i havent done bloods yet
These are the blood tests I am planning to repeat monthtly when I start my heightmaxxing stack

LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)
This well help keep you safe which is very important.

How long have you been on HGH and how much longer do you plan to go? What is your height growth so far?
These are the blood tests I am planning to repeat monthtly when I start my heightmaxxing stack

This well help keep you safe which is very important.

How long have you been on HGH and how much longer do you plan to go? What is your height growth so far?
i just started hopping on hgh again i was on hgh for like 2 months,im planning to go to 6 ft 4 with shoes,im 6 ft now at 15
These are the blood tests I am planning to repeat monthtly when I start my heightmaxxing stack

This well help keep you safe which is very important.

How long have you been on HGH and how much longer do you plan to go? What is your height growth so far?
how much would all that cost
i just started hopping on hgh again i was on hgh for like 2 months,im planning to go to 6 ft 4 with shoes,im 6 ft now at 15
ngl if you are already 6ft I wouldnt reccomend to continue for longer you have a way higher risk of cancer and acromegaly if you take HGH while already tall.

how much would all that cost
107GBP not including IGF1. Cost may be different in germany. In UK it is way overpriced compared to USA due to having barely any private labs.
107GBP not including IGF1. Cost may be different in germany. In UK it is way overpriced compared to USA due to having barely any private labs.
so if i go to my doctor and tell him all that he will tell me its about 120 euro?this will tell me everything?i will also hop on test and hcg too
Heightmaxxing is cope. The only way to 'increase' height is lifts and LL. Low amounts of hgh won't do much, especially after childhood. High amounts of hgh will ruin your face and health.

Imagine spending thousands to become 3cm taller, wearing painful lifts and doing LL surgery while 6'6 chad was born this way. Genetics always win you need to accept that. Improve where you can but don't waste time and effort on cope methods.
  • Hmm...
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would you say t3 and t4 are worth it?
When I heightmax, it'll be vital.
I want to grow as fast as possible. Thyroid hormones help me do that.
Cheaper (spend less time heightmaxing), faster, better, ensures results.

Especially with an advanced bone age, since growth velocity slows with age.
Heightmaxxing is cope. The only way to 'increase' height is lifts and LL. Low amounts of hgh won't do much, especially after childhood. High amounts of hgh will ruin your face and health.

Imagine spending thousands to become 3cm taller, wearing painful lifts and doing LL surgery while 6'6 chad was born this way. Genetics always win you need to accept that. Improve where you can but don't waste time and effort on cope methods.
All i have said has been for ironic satrical purposes. Do not take anything i say literally.
When I heightmax, it'll be vital.
I want to grow as fast as possible. Thyroid hormones help me do that.
Cheaper (spend less time heightmaxing), faster, better, ensures results.

Especially with an advanced bone age, since growth velocity slows with age.
How much would it cost for like 40 days?
All i have said has been for ironic satrical purposes. Do not take anything i say literally.
That's only meant for when i actually mean it satirical. In this case it is not meant as satirical.

I know you like to do a lot of research on things like heightmaxxing with hgh but in my opinion it's cope in almost every case. I do agree using hgh to get to above average levels is rather a looksmax than a looksmin, but starting to use hgh in relatively low doses during puberty or even after won't do much.

Maybe it will do a little but it is never worth the money and side effects. If you are messi and you are actually diagnoses with a gh disorder you should use it, but for 99,9% of people they shouldn't.
That's only meant for when i actually mean it satirical. In this case it is not meant as satirical.

I know you like to do a lot of research on things like heightmaxxing with hgh but in my opinion it's cope in almost every case. I do agree using hgh to get to above average levels is rather a looksmax than a looksmin, but starting to use hgh in relatively low doses during puberty or even after won't do much.

Maybe it will do a little but it is never worth the money and side effects. If you are messi and you are actually diagnoses with a gh disorder you should use it, but for 99,9% of people they shouldn't.
You also got to consider protein. Many people with non-fully closed plates talk about how heightmaxing is cope when they're not even getting all their micronutrients and making the following mistakes in this thread.

You also got to consider protein. Many people with non-fully closed plates talk about how heightmaxing is cope when they're not even getting all their micronutrients and making the following mistakes in this thread.

healthmaxxing is good for your health. and that's about it.

skinny lactose-intolerant chad who ate ramen noodles and doritos became 6'5 while proteinmaxxed gymbro only got to 5'5.

i say it's cope not because it's bad or because it won't improve you. it's cope because the expectations are high while the results are minimal.

there is no way to win back lost time, so to waste all your precious time working and earning money for growth hormone and extreme diets while still staying the same height is cope. chad didn't have to do all this. if your dna which is basically a blueprint says you should become 5'6 you need to accept that.

injecting more than the required hormones will have negative consequences, because our hormones have a dynamic balance. the risks assosciated with going over the healthy limit of hormones shouldn't be understated. too much growth hormone will cause you to have diabetes and heart disease. you need to be careful with your health.
  • Hmm...
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so if i go to my doctor and tell him all that he will tell me its about 120 euro?this will tell me everything?i will also hop on test and hcg too
it will honestly completely depend, the prices vary alot from lab to lab let alone country to country. You should ask the doctor for the price. Why hop on test and hcg at hte same time? Dont overload your body, focus on one thing at a time,
skinny lactose-intolerant chad who ate ramen noodles and doritos became 6'5 while proteinmaxxed gymbro only got to 5'5.
just eat carbs to mimic IGF-1 theory.
healthmaxxing is good for your health. and that's about it.

skinny lactose-intolerant chad who ate ramen noodles and doritos became 6'5 while proteinmaxxed gymbro only got to 5'5.

i say it's cope not because it's bad or because it won't improve you. it's cope because the expectations are high while the results are minimal.

there is no way to win back lost time, so to waste all your precious time working and earning money for growth hormone and extreme diets while still staying the same height is cope. chad didn't have to do all this. if your dna which is basically a blueprint says you should become 5'6 you need to accept that.

injecting more than the required hormones will have negative consequences, because our hormones have a dynamic balance. the risks assosciated with going over the healthy limit of hormones shouldn't be understated. too much growth hormone will cause you to have diabetes and heart disease. you need to be careful with your health.
But I understand your point.

But you can't say that enhancing growth factor levels, thyroid hormone levels and minimizing estrogen levels for 3 months when your growth plates are not fully closed won't make any difference to your height.
and there is a list of a bunch of useless things:lul::lul:
cmon bro u really think ashwagandha and a multivitamin will get u to 6 ft+?
just use basic logic,not even retards that blast hgh for years sometimes get to 6 ft because they dont have a high protein diet or sleep 4 hours a day
Tbh proteins is also cope, just genes and LL
I can’t because of family history of diabetes, heart disease and cancer 😂😂😂
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it will honestly completely depend, the prices vary alot from lab to lab let alone country to country. You should ask the doctor for the price. Why hop on test and hcg at hte same time? Dont overload your body, focus on one thing at a time,
well @pessimistic said i should run it while on test so my balls still function normally,then after i stopped the test i should run the hcg for 2 more half lives and i should be fine
There is kind of a limit but I wouldnt say its 100% genetic. There is a possibility that
1. You develop anti-hgh antibodies, this is rare with good source and will almost certainily not happen if you use pharma grade HGH, but if this happens you are fucked as your only option is to start injecting pharma grade IGF1 (much more expensive and harder to source)
2. More likely your body releases a hormone called somatostatin. This has 2 main effects on the body, one of which is to greatly reduce or shut down your natural HGH secretion, which can not be recovered by GHRH like cjc w/dac and mk677. This is not a long term concern, as the pituatary gland recovers very quickly and normal HGH secretion resumes within a week of exogneous growth hormone discountinuation. The other effect is it will slow down release of IGF1 by the liver even in the presecence of high levels of HGH. This means you can inject as much HGH as you want but your serum IGF levels will not rise. Again, the way to bypass this is by injecting pharma IGF, as we do not know if IGF1 LR3 is stimulates growth to the same extent IGF does.

More somatostatin will be released with a higher HGH dose, they exist in a negative feedback loop.

Unfortunatly while there exist medications to inhibit the release of somatostatin, they have very little safety information on them and are going to be very hard to get a hold of, additonally, I havent found any private labs that offer this blood test upfront, although probably will do it if you contact them directly. It may also be extremely dangerous shutting down your body's regulation of IGF1.

The amount of somatostatin released depend on your genetics, this may explain why some people have lots of success with heightmaxxing using HGH while others dont even if they started at a similar bone age.
Well, you can inhibit somatostatin through things like Alpha-GPC, L-arginine, and Pyridostigmine pretty effectively. There is a genetic limit, just not one that we know of. People don't know their genetic limits until they try to push the boundaries of such. It's the same thing for bodybuilding, I can't tell a natural's genetic limit of how much they can grow from steroids until they hop on, the same thing with using HGH for height. Nobody knows your genetic limit once you add in exogenous aid like HGH and AI to prolong growth plate closure and grow faster.

In terms of serum IGF-1 levels, once again, your genetic limit will be pretty unknown unless you optimize all factors (liver, estrogen, etc,) that decide your IGF-1 levels, and also inject like multiple times a day. Either way, I wouldn't recommend even trying or getting to a point where you need to push your IGF-1 levels pass previous limits cause that's your body saying something.
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If you actually belive HGH will make you surpass genetic potential, you are the biggest coper of all. It’s hard coded into your cells.

All this money just to end up the same height you would have ended up anyways if you slept and ate well
unless u have gh deficiency

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