Rate my hypergamy quiz directed towards roasties (enhanced version of "I Got Standards Bro", based on "The Husband Store"), what could be improved?



Jun 11, 2021
It's a quiz based off these calculators which I feel are too redpilled and don't take into consideration attractiveness. It would mog if this was posted on Reddit:

and this poem:


DNRD Version: Husband Store Scenario

Quiz Summary:

  • Roastie rates herself on looks, fitness, style, social skills, education, relationship history, ethnicity, interests, OnlyFans.
  • Add or deduct points based on responses.
  • Total points = Your budget in the "Husband Store."
Husband Store Floors:

  1. Average - MTN Dolls
    • Traits: Stable, practical, average looks.
    • Flaws: Lacks excitement, ambition.
    • Age: 30-40 years.
    • Price: $1,000 - $3,000.
  2. Family-Oriented - MTN Dolls
    • Traits: Nurturing, kind, family-focused.
    • Flaws: Risk-averse, may neglect personal growth.
    • Age: 22-38 years.
    • Price: $3,001 - $6,000.
  3. Good Looking - HTN+ Dolls
    • Traits: Handsome, confident, fit.
    • Flaws: Vanity, may lack depth.
    • Age: 22-35 years.
    • Price: $6,001 - $10,000.
  4. Ideal - Strong HTN+ Dolls
    • Traits: Classically handsome, emotionally intelligent.
    • Flaws: Intimidating perfection, high standards.
    • Age: 22-33 years.
    • Price: $10,001 - $14,000.
  5. Dreamy - Strong Chadlite and above Dolls
    • Traits: Flawlessly stunning, romantic.
    • Flaws: Unrealistic expectations, less grounded.
    • Age: 22-30 years.
    • Price: $14,001 - $17,000.
  6. No Men, Reality Check
    • Outcome: Teaches importance of realistic expectations.
    • Return to: Floors 1 or 2 for choice.

  • Security Guard Rule: If reaching Floor 6, can only choose from Floors 1 or 2.
  • Insufficient Funds Rule: If can't afford, either downgrade choice or leave without a husband.
Note: Floors 1-5 offer a range from practical to idealized choices in men, emphasizing the balance between desires and reality in partner selection.

PART 1: The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."

PART 2: The store:

Floor 1: Men with Jobs (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls represent the archetype of the dependable, stable man. They typically wear business casual or trade uniforms. Physically, they are of average height and build, with approachable facial features.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Conscientious, practical, and somewhat reserved. They value routine and have a straightforward approach to life.
  • Flaws: May lack spontaneity and ambition. Their pragmatic approach to life can sometimes border on mundane.
  • Price Range: $1,000 - $3,000.
  • Age Range: 30-40 years.
  • Rarity: Common.
Floor 2: Men with Jobs, Love Kids (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls have a slightly softer, warmer appearance. They might be depicted in a setting that suggests a family environment. Some may be younger, average-looking or below-average looking men who are future betabuxxers.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Nurturing, patient, and kind. Good listeners and empathetic, they value stability and emotional connection.
  • Flaws: Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks. Might prioritize family life to the point of neglecting personal growth or adventure.
  • Price Range: $3,001 - $6,000.
  • Age Range: 22-38 years.
  • Rarity: Slightly common.
Floor 3: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking (Attractive - Strong Chadlite) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls are noticeably more attractive, with defined jawlines, fit bodies, and stylish haircuts. They exude a sense of confidence and charm.
  • Looks level: HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Charismatic, confident, and engaging. They are often the center of attention and have a magnetic presence.
  • Flaws: Their focus on appearance and social standing can lead to vanity. They might struggle with depth in relationships due to their external focus. They can be a bit cold.
  • Price Range: $6,001 - $10,000.
  • Age Range: 22-35 years.
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
Floor 4: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Good Looking, Help with Housework (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Idealized in terms of both looks and character. These dolls represent the 'total package' with striking features, well-toned bodies, and an aura of approachability. These dolls are characterized by their classically handsome features. They have well-defined jawlines, symmetrical faces, and a physically toned body. Their attractiveness is universally acknowledged but not overly exaggerated. They exhibit a sense of style that is sophisticated yet accessible. Think well-fitted suits, stylish but not overly trendy casual wear. Their grooming is impeccable, suggesting a balance between effort and natural appeal. Their expressions hint at depth and thoughtfulness, suggesting an individual who is not just physically attractive but also emotionally intelligent and considerate.
  • Looks level: Strong HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Balanced mix of empathy, responsibility, and attractiveness. They are seen as both desirable and down-to-earth.
  • Flaws: Could be perceived as too perfect, making them intimidating or seemingly unattainable. They might have high standards for their partners.
  • Price Range: $10,001 - $14,000.
  • Age Range: 22-33 years.
  • Availability: Scarce.
Floor 5: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Gorgeous, Help with Housework, Strong Romantic Streak (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Near-perfect in appearance and demeanor. These dolls are depicted as having flawless features and often have a romantic or dreamy expression. Dolls on this floor take attractiveness to an almost unreal level. They embody an aesthetic that might be described as 'flawlessly stunning' – akin to a blend of classic Hollywood charm and modern charismatic allure. Their features are more sculpted and refined. These dolls showcase a fashion sense that borders on the artistic, often pushing the boundaries of conventional attractiveness. Their grooming is immaculate, enhancing their near-perfect features. Their expressions and demeanor exude a magnetic charm and an almost dreamlike quality. The romantic aura is more pronounced, with a sense of allure and mystique.
  • Looks level: Strong Chadlite and above
  • Personality Traits: They combine good looks with a strong sense of romance, empathy, and understanding.
  • Flaws: Their idealized nature might set unrealistic expectations in relationships. They might also be less grounded in reality, focusing more on romantic ideals.
  • Price Range: $14,001 - $17,000.
  • Age Range: 22-30 years.
  • Availability: Very scarce.
Floor 6: No Men, Message About Impossibility to Please

  • Outcome: Emphasizes the lesson about the pursuit of perfection and the importance of balanced expectations.
  • Mandatory Decision: Women are directed back to Floors 1 or 2 to make a more grounded choice.
Security Guard Rule:

  • Women who reach Floor 6 are limited to selecting dolls from Floors 1 or 2, guided by security guards. This rule symbolizes the consequence of pursuing unattainable ideals.
Insufficient Funds Rule:

  • If a woman can't afford a doll from a higher floor, she must either choose a more affordable option from a lower floor or leave the store without a husband. This reflects the need to balance aspirations with financial capabilities.
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It's too long for me to read.
The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."
  • +1
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good thread
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@HerpDerpson @Researcher of Incel @thereallegend @Oogwayminator @roping3264 @forevergymcelling @lunin7 @Eli @klip11 @Mewton @MTMM @AngryShane @iam good boy @ConfusedBolivian
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nigga who will read this
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nigga who will read this
The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."
nigga who will read this
PART 1: The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."

PART 2: The store:

Floor 1: Men with Jobs (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls represent the archetype of the dependable, stable man. They typically wear business casual or trade uniforms. Physically, they are of average height and build, with approachable facial features.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Conscientious, practical, and somewhat reserved. They value routine and have a straightforward approach to life.
  • Flaws: May lack spontaneity and ambition. Their pragmatic approach to life can sometimes border on mundane.
  • Price Range: $1,000 - $3,000.
  • Age Range: 30-40 years.
  • Rarity: Common.
Floor 2: Men with Jobs, Love Kids (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls have a slightly softer, warmer appearance. They might be depicted in a setting that suggests a family environment. Some may be younger, average-looking or below-average looking men who are future betabuxxers.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Nurturing, patient, and kind. Good listeners and empathetic, they value stability and emotional connection.
  • Flaws: Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks. Might prioritize family life to the point of neglecting personal growth or adventure.
  • Price Range: $3,001 - $6,000.
  • Age Range: 22-38 years.
  • Rarity: Slightly common.
Floor 3: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking (Attractive - Strong Chadlite) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls are noticeably more attractive, with defined jawlines, fit bodies, and stylish haircuts. They exude a sense of confidence and charm.
  • Looks level: HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Charismatic, confident, and engaging. They are often the center of attention and have a magnetic presence.
  • Flaws: Their focus on appearance and social standing can lead to vanity. They might struggle with depth in relationships due to their external focus. They can be a bit cold.
  • Price Range: $6,001 - $10,000.
  • Age Range: 22-35 years.
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
Floor 4: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Good Looking, Help with Housework (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Idealized in terms of both looks and character. These dolls represent the 'total package' with striking features, well-toned bodies, and an aura of approachability. These dolls are characterized by their classically handsome features. They have well-defined jawlines, symmetrical faces, and a physically toned body. Their attractiveness is universally acknowledged but not overly exaggerated. They exhibit a sense of style that is sophisticated yet accessible. Think well-fitted suits, stylish but not overly trendy casual wear. Their grooming is impeccable, suggesting a balance between effort and natural appeal. Their expressions hint at depth and thoughtfulness, suggesting an individual who is not just physically attractive but also emotionally intelligent and considerate.
  • Looks level: Strong HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Balanced mix of empathy, responsibility, and attractiveness. They are seen as both desirable and down-to-earth.
  • Flaws: Could be perceived as too perfect, making them intimidating or seemingly unattainable. They might have high standards for their partners.
  • Price Range: $10,001 - $14,000.
  • Age Range: 22-33 years.
  • Availability: Scarce.
Floor 5: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Gorgeous, Help with Housework, Strong Romantic Streak (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Near-perfect in appearance and demeanor. These dolls are depicted as having flawless features and often have a romantic or dreamy expression. Dolls on this floor take attractiveness to an almost unreal level. They embody an aesthetic that might be described as 'flawlessly stunning' – akin to a blend of classic Hollywood charm and modern charismatic allure. Their features are more sculpted and refined. These dolls showcase a fashion sense that borders on the artistic, often pushing the boundaries of conventional attractiveness. Their grooming is immaculate, enhancing their near-perfect features. Their expressions and demeanor exude a magnetic charm and an almost dreamlike quality. The romantic aura is more pronounced, with a sense of allure and mystique.
  • Looks level: Strong Chadlite and above
  • Personality Traits: They combine good looks with a strong sense of romance, empathy, and understanding.
  • Flaws: Their idealized nature might set unrealistic expectations in relationships. They might also be less grounded in reality, focusing more on romantic ideals.
  • Price Range: $14,001 - $17,000.
  • Age Range: 22-30 years.
  • Availability: Very scarce.
Floor 6: No Men, Message About Impossibility to Please

  • Outcome: Emphasizes the lesson about the pursuit of perfection and the importance of balanced expectations.
  • Mandatory Decision: Women are directed back to Floors 1 or 2 to make a more grounded choice.
Security Guard Rule:

  • Women who reach Floor 6 are limited to selecting dolls from Floors 1 or 2, guided by security guards. This rule symbolizes the consequence of pursuing unattainable ideals.
Insufficient Funds Rule:

  • If a woman can't afford a doll from a higher floor, she must either choose a more affordable option from a lower floor or leave the store without a husband. This reflects the need to balance aspirations with financial capabilities.
PART 1: The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."

PART 2: The store:

Floor 1: Men with Jobs (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls represent the archetype of the dependable, stable man. They typically wear business casual or trade uniforms. Physically, they are of average height and build, with approachable facial features.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Conscientious, practical, and somewhat reserved. They value routine and have a straightforward approach to life.
  • Flaws: May lack spontaneity and ambition. Their pragmatic approach to life can sometimes border on mundane.
  • Price Range: $1,000 - $3,000.
  • Age Range: 30-40 years.
  • Rarity: Common.
Floor 2: Men with Jobs, Love Kids (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls have a slightly softer, warmer appearance. They might be depicted in a setting that suggests a family environment. Some may be younger, average-looking or below-average looking men who are future betabuxxers.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Nurturing, patient, and kind. Good listeners and empathetic, they value stability and emotional connection.
  • Flaws: Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks. Might prioritize family life to the point of neglecting personal growth or adventure.
  • Price Range: $3,001 - $6,000.
  • Age Range: 22-38 years.
  • Rarity: Slightly common.
Floor 3: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking (Attractive - Strong Chadlite) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls are noticeably more attractive, with defined jawlines, fit bodies, and stylish haircuts. They exude a sense of confidence and charm.
  • Looks level: HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Charismatic, confident, and engaging. They are often the center of attention and have a magnetic presence.
  • Flaws: Their focus on appearance and social standing can lead to vanity. They might struggle with depth in relationships due to their external focus. They can be a bit cold.
  • Price Range: $6,001 - $10,000.
  • Age Range: 22-35 years.
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
Floor 4: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Good Looking, Help with Housework (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Idealized in terms of both looks and character. These dolls represent the 'total package' with striking features, well-toned bodies, and an aura of approachability. These dolls are characterized by their classically handsome features. They have well-defined jawlines, symmetrical faces, and a physically toned body. Their attractiveness is universally acknowledged but not overly exaggerated. They exhibit a sense of style that is sophisticated yet accessible. Think well-fitted suits, stylish but not overly trendy casual wear. Their grooming is impeccable, suggesting a balance between effort and natural appeal. Their expressions hint at depth and thoughtfulness, suggesting an individual who is not just physically attractive but also emotionally intelligent and considerate.
  • Looks level: Strong HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Balanced mix of empathy, responsibility, and attractiveness. They are seen as both desirable and down-to-earth.
  • Flaws: Could be perceived as too perfect, making them intimidating or seemingly unattainable. They might have high standards for their partners.
  • Price Range: $10,001 - $14,000.
  • Age Range: 22-33 years.
  • Availability: Scarce.
Floor 5: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Gorgeous, Help with Housework, Strong Romantic Streak (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Near-perfect in appearance and demeanor. These dolls are depicted as having flawless features and often have a romantic or dreamy expression. Dolls on this floor take attractiveness to an almost unreal level. They embody an aesthetic that might be described as 'flawlessly stunning' – akin to a blend of classic Hollywood charm and modern charismatic allure. Their features are more sculpted and refined. These dolls showcase a fashion sense that borders on the artistic, often pushing the boundaries of conventional attractiveness. Their grooming is immaculate, enhancing their near-perfect features. Their expressions and demeanor exude a magnetic charm and an almost dreamlike quality. The romantic aura is more pronounced, with a sense of allure and mystique.
  • Looks level: Strong Chadlite and above
  • Personality Traits: They combine good looks with a strong sense of romance, empathy, and understanding.
  • Flaws: Their idealized nature might set unrealistic expectations in relationships. They might also be less grounded in reality, focusing more on romantic ideals.
  • Price Range: $14,001 - $17,000.
  • Age Range: 22-30 years.
  • Availability: Very scarce.
Floor 6: No Men, Message About Impossibility to Please

  • Outcome: Emphasizes the lesson about the pursuit of perfection and the importance of balanced expectations.
  • Mandatory Decision: Women are directed back to Floors 1 or 2 to make a more grounded choice.
Security Guard Rule:

  • Women who reach Floor 6 are limited to selecting dolls from Floors 1 or 2, guided by security guards. This rule symbolizes the consequence of pursuing unattainable ideals.
Insufficient Funds Rule:

  • If a woman can't afford a doll from a higher floor, she must either choose a more affordable option from a lower floor or leave the store without a husband. This reflects the need to balance aspirations with financial capabilities.
nothing can make me read this
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 48830 and Xangsane
@Meraki @Ryldoo IS COPING @Pogin_chan @jabbatheslut @whey123456 @Hottaco34 @Reckless Turtle @fuxkdakikez
why did you ping me
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
  • Love it
Reactions: DoII
@apemaxxed thoughts?

PART 1: The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."

PART 2: The store:

Floor 1: Men with Jobs (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls represent the archetype of the dependable, stable man. They typically wear business casual or trade uniforms. Physically, they are of average height and build, with approachable facial features.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Conscientious, practical, and somewhat reserved. They value routine and have a straightforward approach to life.
  • Flaws: May lack spontaneity and ambition. Their pragmatic approach to life can sometimes border on mundane.
  • Price Range: $1,000 - $3,000.
  • Age Range: 30-40 years.
  • Rarity: Common.
Floor 2: Men with Jobs, Love Kids (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls have a slightly softer, warmer appearance. They might be depicted in a setting that suggests a family environment. Some may be younger, average-looking or below-average looking men who are future betabuxxers.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Nurturing, patient, and kind. Good listeners and empathetic, they value stability and emotional connection.
  • Flaws: Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks. Might prioritize family life to the point of neglecting personal growth or adventure.
  • Price Range: $3,001 - $6,000.
  • Age Range: 22-38 years.
  • Rarity: Slightly common.
Floor 3: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking (Attractive - Strong Chadlite) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls are noticeably more attractive, with defined jawlines, fit bodies, and stylish haircuts. They exude a sense of confidence and charm.
  • Looks level: HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Charismatic, confident, and engaging. They are often the center of attention and have a magnetic presence.
  • Flaws: Their focus on appearance and social standing can lead to vanity. They might struggle with depth in relationships due to their external focus. They can be a bit cold.
  • Price Range: $6,001 - $10,000.
  • Age Range: 22-35 years.
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
Floor 4: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Good Looking, Help with Housework (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Idealized in terms of both looks and character. These dolls represent the 'total package' with striking features, well-toned bodies, and an aura of approachability. These dolls are characterized by their classically handsome features. They have well-defined jawlines, symmetrical faces, and a physically toned body. Their attractiveness is universally acknowledged but not overly exaggerated. They exhibit a sense of style that is sophisticated yet accessible. Think well-fitted suits, stylish but not overly trendy casual wear. Their grooming is impeccable, suggesting a balance between effort and natural appeal. Their expressions hint at depth and thoughtfulness, suggesting an individual who is not just physically attractive but also emotionally intelligent and considerate.
  • Looks level: Strong HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Balanced mix of empathy, responsibility, and attractiveness. They are seen as both desirable and down-to-earth.
  • Flaws: Could be perceived as too perfect, making them intimidating or seemingly unattainable. They might have high standards for their partners.
  • Price Range: $10,001 - $14,000.
  • Age Range: 22-33 years.
  • Availability: Scarce.
Floor 5: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Gorgeous, Help with Housework, Strong Romantic Streak (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Near-perfect in appearance and demeanor. These dolls are depicted as having flawless features and often have a romantic or dreamy expression. Dolls on this floor take attractiveness to an almost unreal level. They embody an aesthetic that might be described as 'flawlessly stunning' – akin to a blend of classic Hollywood charm and modern charismatic allure. Their features are more sculpted and refined. These dolls showcase a fashion sense that borders on the artistic, often pushing the boundaries of conventional attractiveness. Their grooming is immaculate, enhancing their near-perfect features. Their expressions and demeanor exude a magnetic charm and an almost dreamlike quality. The romantic aura is more pronounced, with a sense of allure and mystique.
  • Looks level: Strong Chadlite and above
  • Personality Traits: They combine good looks with a strong sense of romance, empathy, and understanding.
  • Flaws: Their idealized nature might set unrealistic expectations in relationships. They might also be less grounded in reality, focusing more on romantic ideals.
  • Price Range: $14,001 - $17,000.
  • Age Range: 22-30 years.
  • Availability: Very scarce.
Floor 6: No Men, Message About Impossibility to Please

  • Outcome: Emphasizes the lesson about the pursuit of perfection and the importance of balanced expectations.
  • Mandatory Decision: Women are directed back to Floors 1 or 2 to make a more grounded choice.
Security Guard Rule:

  • Women who reach Floor 6 are limited to selecting dolls from Floors 1 or 2, guided by security guards. This rule symbolizes the consequence of pursuing unattainable ideals.
Insufficient Funds Rule:

  • If a woman can't afford a doll from a higher floor, she must either choose a more affordable option from a lower floor or leave the store without a husband. This reflects the need to balance aspirations with financial capabilities.
@incel194012940 @Aloha
Fuck reading all that chit
Fuck reading all that chit
it's a quiz

PART 1: The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."

PART 2: The store:

Floor 1: Men with Jobs (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls represent the archetype of the dependable, stable man. They typically wear business casual or trade uniforms. Physically, they are of average height and build, with approachable facial features.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Conscientious, practical, and somewhat reserved. They value routine and have a straightforward approach to life.
  • Flaws: May lack spontaneity and ambition. Their pragmatic approach to life can sometimes border on mundane.
  • Price Range: $1,000 - $3,000.
  • Age Range: 30-40 years.
  • Rarity: Common.
Floor 2: Men with Jobs, Love Kids (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls have a slightly softer, warmer appearance. They might be depicted in a setting that suggests a family environment. Some may be younger, average-looking or below-average looking men who are future betabuxxers.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Nurturing, patient, and kind. Good listeners and empathetic, they value stability and emotional connection.
  • Flaws: Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks. Might prioritize family life to the point of neglecting personal growth or adventure.
  • Price Range: $3,001 - $6,000.
  • Age Range: 22-38 years.
  • Rarity: Slightly common.
Floor 3: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking (Attractive - Strong Chadlite) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls are noticeably more attractive, with defined jawlines, fit bodies, and stylish haircuts. They exude a sense of confidence and charm.
  • Looks level: HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Charismatic, confident, and engaging. They are often the center of attention and have a magnetic presence.
  • Flaws: Their focus on appearance and social standing can lead to vanity. They might struggle with depth in relationships due to their external focus. They can be a bit cold.
  • Price Range: $6,001 - $10,000.
  • Age Range: 22-35 years.
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
Floor 4: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Good Looking, Help with Housework (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Idealized in terms of both looks and character. These dolls represent the 'total package' with striking features, well-toned bodies, and an aura of approachability. These dolls are characterized by their classically handsome features. They have well-defined jawlines, symmetrical faces, and a physically toned body. Their attractiveness is universally acknowledged but not overly exaggerated. They exhibit a sense of style that is sophisticated yet accessible. Think well-fitted suits, stylish but not overly trendy casual wear. Their grooming is impeccable, suggesting a balance between effort and natural appeal. Their expressions hint at depth and thoughtfulness, suggesting an individual who is not just physically attractive but also emotionally intelligent and considerate.
  • Looks level: Strong HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Balanced mix of empathy, responsibility, and attractiveness. They are seen as both desirable and down-to-earth.
  • Flaws: Could be perceived as too perfect, making them intimidating or seemingly unattainable. They might have high standards for their partners.
  • Price Range: $10,001 - $14,000.
  • Age Range: 22-33 years.
  • Availability: Scarce.
Floor 5: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Gorgeous, Help with Housework, Strong Romantic Streak (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Near-perfect in appearance and demeanor. These dolls are depicted as having flawless features and often have a romantic or dreamy expression. Dolls on this floor take attractiveness to an almost unreal level. They embody an aesthetic that might be described as 'flawlessly stunning' – akin to a blend of classic Hollywood charm and modern charismatic allure. Their features are more sculpted and refined. These dolls showcase a fashion sense that borders on the artistic, often pushing the boundaries of conventional attractiveness. Their grooming is immaculate, enhancing their near-perfect features. Their expressions and demeanor exude a magnetic charm and an almost dreamlike quality. The romantic aura is more pronounced, with a sense of allure and mystique.
  • Looks level: Strong Chadlite and above
  • Personality Traits: They combine good looks with a strong sense of romance, empathy, and understanding.
  • Flaws: Their idealized nature might set unrealistic expectations in relationships. They might also be less grounded in reality, focusing more on romantic ideals.
  • Price Range: $14,001 - $17,000.
  • Age Range: 22-30 years.
  • Availability: Very scarce.
Floor 6: No Men, Message About Impossibility to Please

  • Outcome: Emphasizes the lesson about the pursuit of perfection and the importance of balanced expectations.
  • Mandatory Decision: Women are directed back to Floors 1 or 2 to make a more grounded choice.
Security Guard Rule:

  • Women who reach Floor 6 are limited to selecting dolls from Floors 1 or 2, guided by security guards. This rule symbolizes the consequence of pursuing unattainable ideals.
Insufficient Funds Rule:

  • If a woman can't afford a doll from a higher floor, she must either choose a more affordable option from a lower floor or leave the store without a husband. This reflects the need to balance aspirations with financial capabilities.
@incel194012940 @Aloha
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Even for me who likes reading and might be interested in this, this is alot bro

You see what I mean about naive, you're like an aspie kid who wants to show of his cool project to everyone
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Even for me who likes reading and might be interested in this, this is alot bro

You see what I mean about naive, you're like an aspie kid who wants to show of his cool project to everyone
Let me do a condensed version
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
It's too long for me to read.
Even for me who likes reading and might be interested in this, this is alot bro

You see what I mean about naive, you're like an aspie kid who wants to show of his cool project to everyone
Fuck reading all that chit
nothing can make me read this
Here's a DNRD version:

DNRD Version: Husband Store Scenario

Quiz Summary:

  • Roastie rates herself on looks, fitness, style, social skills, education, relationship history, ethnicity, interests, OnlyFans.
  • Add or deduct points based on responses.
  • Total points = Your budget in the "Husband Store."
Husband Store Floors:

  1. Average - MTN Dolls
    • Traits: Stable, practical, average looks.
    • Flaws: Lacks excitement, ambition.
    • Age: 30-40 years.
    • Price: $1,000 - $3,000.
  2. Family-Oriented - MTN Dolls
    • Traits: Nurturing, kind, family-focused.
    • Flaws: Risk-averse, may neglect personal growth.
    • Age: 22-38 years.
    • Price: $3,001 - $6,000.
  3. Good Looking - HTN+ Dolls
    • Traits: Handsome, confident, fit.
    • Flaws: Vanity, may lack depth.
    • Age: 22-35 years.
    • Price: $6,001 - $10,000.
  4. Ideal - Strong HTN+ Dolls
    • Traits: Classically handsome, emotionally intelligent.
    • Flaws: Intimidating perfection, high standards.
    • Age: 22-33 years.
    • Price: $10,001 - $14,000.
  5. Dreamy - Strong Chadlite and above Dolls
    • Traits: Flawlessly stunning, romantic.
    • Flaws: Unrealistic expectations, less grounded.
    • Age: 22-30 years.
    • Price: $14,001 - $17,000.
  6. No Men, Reality Check
    • Outcome: Teaches importance of realistic expectations.
    • Return to: Floors 1 or 2 for choice.

  • Security Guard Rule: If reaching Floor 6, can only choose from Floors 1 or 2.
  • Insufficient Funds Rule: If can't afford, either downgrade choice or leave without a husband.
Note: Floors 1-5 offer a range from practical to idealized choices in men, emphasizing the balance between desires and reality in partner selection.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
Even for me who likes reading and might be interested in this, this is alot bro

You see what I mean about naive, you're like an aspie kid who wants to show of his cool project to everyone
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
How do you know what points you get?
You'd need to add up the total "price" you accumulated in the quiz, then "shop for a doll" using the money you have.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21345
A stacy and subhuman who take the quiz will get the same result if they have the same standards
I’m floor 5
A stacy and subhuman who take the quiz will get the same result if they have the same standards
Doesn’t take into go consideration their standards but their objective smv
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
It's a quiz based off these calculators which I feel are too redpilled and don't take into consideration attractiveness. It would mog if this was posted on Reddit:

and this poem:

View attachment 2629004

DNRD Version: Husband Store Scenario

Quiz Summary:

  • Roastie rates herself on looks, fitness, style, social skills, education, relationship history, ethnicity, interests, OnlyFans.
  • Add or deduct points based on responses.
  • Total points = Your budget in the "Husband Store."
Husband Store Floors:

  1. Average - MTN Dolls
    • Traits: Stable, practical, average looks.
    • Flaws: Lacks excitement, ambition.
    • Age: 30-40 years.
    • Price: $1,000 - $3,000.
  2. Family-Oriented - MTN Dolls
    • Traits: Nurturing, kind, family-focused.
    • Flaws: Risk-averse, may neglect personal growth.
    • Age: 22-38 years.
    • Price: $3,001 - $6,000.
  3. Good Looking - HTN+ Dolls
    • Traits: Handsome, confident, fit.
    • Flaws: Vanity, may lack depth.
    • Age: 22-35 years.
    • Price: $6,001 - $10,000.
  4. Ideal - Strong HTN+ Dolls
    • Traits: Classically handsome, emotionally intelligent.
    • Flaws: Intimidating perfection, high standards.
    • Age: 22-33 years.
    • Price: $10,001 - $14,000.
  5. Dreamy - Strong Chadlite and above Dolls
    • Traits: Flawlessly stunning, romantic.
    • Flaws: Unrealistic expectations, less grounded.
    • Age: 22-30 years.
    • Price: $14,001 - $17,000.
  6. No Men, Reality Check
    • Outcome: Teaches importance of realistic expectations.
    • Return to: Floors 1 or 2 for choice.

  • Security Guard Rule: If reaching Floor 6, can only choose from Floors 1 or 2.
  • Insufficient Funds Rule: If can't afford, either downgrade choice or leave without a husband.
Note: Floors 1-5 offer a range from practical to idealized choices in men, emphasizing the balance between desires and reality in partner selection.

PART 1: The quiz (directed to roasties unless if you want to imagine what the genderswapped version of you can get):

  1. Physical Attractiveness
    • A. Stacy (Highly attractive, model-like features) - Add $5000
    • B. Stacylite/HTB (Very attractive) - Add $4000
    • C. MTB (Average) - Add $2000
    • D. LTB (Below average) - Add $1000
    • E. Femcel/Subhuman (Struggling with physical appearance) - Add $500
  2. Physical Fitness and Body Type
    • A. Slim with curves, not overweight - Add $3000
    • B. Slim thick (slender but fit with good breasts/hips/buttocks, up to a low-end UK size 12/US size 8) - Add $2500
    • C. Gymcel (fit, but not necessarily curvy) or very thin with no curves - Add $1500
    • D. Average build (e.g., UK size 14/US size 10), not particularly fit - No change (Neutral)
    • E. Chubby/Overweight/Obese - Deduct $2000
  3. General Style/Vibe
    • A. Pure HQNP (posh/old-fashioned) style - Add $1500
    • B. HQNP blended with Alternative style (without tats/piercings) - Add $1250
    • C. Mainstream/Love Island glamorous style - Add $1000
    • D. Girl next door (average) - No change
    • E. Alt style (including tats and piercings) - Deduct $1000
    • F. Goth/Nerd - No change (Neutral)
  4. Social Status and Extroversion
    • A. Extroverted, charismatic, somewhat popular - Add $1000
    • B. Socially average, generally liked - Add $500
    • C. Introverted but socially active - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Extroverted but limited social interactions - Deduct $250
    • E. Introverted and socially struggling - Deduct $500
  5. Educational Level
    • A. Advanced degree (Masters, PhD, etc.) - Add $250
    • B. Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Add $200
    • C. Some college or associate degree - Add $150
    • D. High school diploma or less - No change (Neutral)
  6. Virginity and Relationship History
    • A. HTB+ and virgin - Add $4000
    • B. MTB or below and virgin - Add $500
    • C. Non-virgin with limited partners, no cheating - No change (Neutral)
    • D. High body count or history of cheating - Deduct $1500
    • E. Pumped and dumped multiple times - Deduct $1000
  7. Ethnicity
    • A. White or White-passing - Add $1000
    • B. NEA, Light-skinned MENA, Light-skinned Latina (excluding Afro-Latinas and "Douglas"), Light-skinned Mixed (excluding Blasians/Douglas) - Add $750
    • C. Brown-skinned Latina, Brown-skinned MENA, Brown-skinned Mixed - Add $200
    • D. Southeast Asian, South Asian, Black, Blasians/Douglas - Deduct $500
  8. Interests, Personality, and Music Tastes
    • A. Genuine diverse interests (actively engaged in arts, literature, unique music genres) - Add $1500
    • B. Some varied interests (passive interest in arts/literature, unique music tastes) - Add $1000
    • C. Mainstream activities (popular music, Instagram, TikTok, clubbing, partying, brunch, Netflix) - No change (Neutral)
    • D. Limited to very few activities, lack of varied interests - Deduct $500
  9. OnlyFans Participation
    • A. Does not have an OnlyFans - No change (Neutral)
    • B. Has an OnlyFans - Deduct $2000

  • Total the points from your answers. This total is your budget in the "Husband Store."

PART 2: The store:

Floor 1: Men with Jobs (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls represent the archetype of the dependable, stable man. They typically wear business casual or trade uniforms. Physically, they are of average height and build, with approachable facial features.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Conscientious, practical, and somewhat reserved. They value routine and have a straightforward approach to life.
  • Flaws: May lack spontaneity and ambition. Their pragmatic approach to life can sometimes border on mundane.
  • Price Range: $1,000 - $3,000.
  • Age Range: 30-40 years.
  • Rarity: Common.
Floor 2: Men with Jobs, Love Kids (Average - MTN) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls have a slightly softer, warmer appearance. They might be depicted in a setting that suggests a family environment. Some may be younger, average-looking or below-average looking men who are future betabuxxers.
  • Looks level: MTN or below.
  • Personality Traits: Nurturing, patient, and kind. Good listeners and empathetic, they value stability and emotional connection.
  • Flaws: Can be overly cautious or hesitant to take risks. Might prioritize family life to the point of neglecting personal growth or adventure.
  • Price Range: $3,001 - $6,000.
  • Age Range: 22-38 years.
  • Rarity: Slightly common.
Floor 3: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking (Attractive - Strong Chadlite) Dolls

  • Description: These dolls are noticeably more attractive, with defined jawlines, fit bodies, and stylish haircuts. They exude a sense of confidence and charm.
  • Looks level: HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Charismatic, confident, and engaging. They are often the center of attention and have a magnetic presence.
  • Flaws: Their focus on appearance and social standing can lead to vanity. They might struggle with depth in relationships due to their external focus. They can be a bit cold.
  • Price Range: $6,001 - $10,000.
  • Age Range: 22-35 years.
  • Rarity: Uncommon.
Floor 4: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Good Looking, Help with Housework (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Idealized in terms of both looks and character. These dolls represent the 'total package' with striking features, well-toned bodies, and an aura of approachability. These dolls are characterized by their classically handsome features. They have well-defined jawlines, symmetrical faces, and a physically toned body. Their attractiveness is universally acknowledged but not overly exaggerated. They exhibit a sense of style that is sophisticated yet accessible. Think well-fitted suits, stylish but not overly trendy casual wear. Their grooming is impeccable, suggesting a balance between effort and natural appeal. Their expressions hint at depth and thoughtfulness, suggesting an individual who is not just physically attractive but also emotionally intelligent and considerate.
  • Looks level: Strong HTN+
  • Personality Traits: Balanced mix of empathy, responsibility, and attractiveness. They are seen as both desirable and down-to-earth.
  • Flaws: Could be perceived as too perfect, making them intimidating or seemingly unattainable. They might have high standards for their partners.
  • Price Range: $10,001 - $14,000.
  • Age Range: 22-33 years.
  • Availability: Scarce.
Floor 5: Men with Jobs, Love Kids, Gorgeous, Help with Housework, Strong Romantic Streak (Extremely Attractive - Chad) Dolls

  • Description: Near-perfect in appearance and demeanor. These dolls are depicted as having flawless features and often have a romantic or dreamy expression. Dolls on this floor take attractiveness to an almost unreal level. They embody an aesthetic that might be described as 'flawlessly stunning' – akin to a blend of classic Hollywood charm and modern charismatic allure. Their features are more sculpted and refined. These dolls showcase a fashion sense that borders on the artistic, often pushing the boundaries of conventional attractiveness. Their grooming is immaculate, enhancing their near-perfect features. Their expressions and demeanor exude a magnetic charm and an almost dreamlike quality. The romantic aura is more pronounced, with a sense of allure and mystique.
  • Looks level: Strong Chadlite and above
  • Personality Traits: They combine good looks with a strong sense of romance, empathy, and understanding.
  • Flaws: Their idealized nature might set unrealistic expectations in relationships. They might also be less grounded in reality, focusing more on romantic ideals.
  • Price Range: $14,001 - $17,000.
  • Age Range: 22-30 years.
  • Availability: Very scarce.
Floor 6: No Men, Message About Impossibility to Please

  • Outcome: Emphasizes the lesson about the pursuit of perfection and the importance of balanced expectations.
  • Mandatory Decision: Women are directed back to Floors 1 or 2 to make a more grounded choice.
Security Guard Rule:

  • Women who reach Floor 6 are limited to selecting dolls from Floors 1 or 2, guided by security guards. This rule symbolizes the consequence of pursuing unattainable ideals.
Insufficient Funds Rule:

  • If a woman can't afford a doll from a higher floor, she must either choose a more affordable option from a lower floor or leave the store without a husband. This reflects the need to balance aspirations with financial capabilities.
Xangsane you are a schizo and a fraud

I should have never let you out of that trunk 🤬

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