Rate my subhuman skull development and gigarecessed face



World domination
Apr 3, 2022
Its so fucking over, recessed, jew nose, assymetrical temples, death tier eye area, limp dick, wide hips, every falio in the book, I will never find true love

Over for gigarecessedhookednoselimpdickuglyeyewidehipassymetircaltemplecels. None of you have experienced this kind of pain


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  • JFL
Reactions: ChristianChad
Oh yeah and I have a NW1 with big forehead
Your eyes are slanted upwards looks like you have a negative canthal tilt, gonial angle is wide, mandible comes up high sort of feminine. Juden nose? Eh

Also not seeing your cock pics so can't tell if it's limp.
  • JFL
Reactions: SkinnyTwinkFag
Your eyes are slanted upwards looks like you have a negative canthal tilt, gonial angle is wide, mandible comes up high sort of feminine. Juden nose? Eh

Also not seeing your cock pics so can't tell if it's limp.
Is it over for me
Need bimax, supraorbitsl and infraorbital implants. Jaw implants, genio, rhinoplasty and canthoplasty to help ur eyes. Costs about 50k in total
  • +1
Reactions: smvmaxxertilllate and terrorblade
Ur luckier than most guys, you’re white and not a manlet and you have hair and colored eyes. If you want to ascend you can just get the surgeries i mentioned
  • +1
Reactions: terrorblade
Also start gymcelling while you wait and figure out how to make enough money for surgery
Need bimax, supraorbitsl and infraorbital implants. Jaw implants, genio, rhinoplasty and canthoplasty to help ur eyes. Costs about 50k in total
Yeah already plan to have most of these done, hopefully they'll actually ascend me, I feel my base is way too fucked to ascend tbh. Should be under 50k cuz I'm already gonna get free bimax, but 50k doesn't sound too bad, I'm planning to get bimax, genio, and rhino at the same time maybe that will help cut costs
Ur luckier than most guys, you’re white and not a manlet and you have hair and colored eyes. If you want to ascend you can just get the surgeries i mentioned
Also start gymcelling while you wait and figure out how to make enough money for surgery
Yea I'm NW1 tho, and I have short hair at the moment so my assymetrical temples are visible and look like shit, will start gymcelling again soon, I always lose motivation but there really isn't anything else I can do to ascend besides that until I get surgery so should prob start soon
Yea I'm NW1 tho, and I have short hair at the moment so my assymetrical temples are visible and look like shit, will start gymcelling again soon, I always lose motivation but there really isn't anything else I can do to ascend besides that until I get surgery so should prob start soon
Grow your hair out Bro also make sure your surgeon isn’t blue pill make sure you get a lot of forward movement. Also it’s best if you get implants while u get djs idk if he’ll do it for you. You can work with an implant designer and ask the surgeon to print out those implants and INstlal it while ur there
Mid part long hair
Its so fucking over, recessed, jew nose, assymetrical temples, death tier eye area, limp dick, wide hips, every falio in the book, I will never find true love

Over for gigarecessedhookednoselimpdickuglyeyewidehipassymetircaltemplecels. None of you have experienced this kind of pain
how is this subhuman? :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:


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  • JFL
Reactions: mvp2v1
Grow your hair out Bro also make sure your surgeon isn’t blue pill make sure you get a lot of forward movement. Also it’s best if you get implants while u get djs idk if he’ll do it for you. You can work with an implant designer and ask the surgeon to print out those implants and INstlal it while ur there
Yeah I’ll make sure my surgeon shows me morphs of what I’ll look like after, already have a surgeon but according to my ortho he will likely only do upper jaw surgery on me instead of bimax so I gotta find another that will do bimax ccw
Mid part long hair
I’ll try once my hair is long enough but middle part usually looks weird on me, I look better with bangs tbh, getting braces soon too so I’m thinking about losing some more weight and just tiktokmaxxing by growing some gay fluffy hair and getting even skinnier, it’ll at least help me cope until I can get surgery
Nah man you'll be fine
Yeah I’ll make sure my surgeon shows me morphs of what I’ll look like after, already have a surgeon but according to my ortho he will likely only do upper jaw surgery on me instead of bimax so I gotta find another that will do bimax ccw
Look into black pill surgeons in Italy 40k maximum
You need to mew and chew and tumbpull hard and your maxilla will move forwards
Look into black pill surgeons in Italy 40k maximum
Do you know if they offer payment plans for surgery? All that travel would add up in price too, there’s a few blackpill surgeons in Canada I’m gonna try with first but if I can’t get one of them I’m def gonna go to Italy for surgery
You need to mew and chew and tumbpull hard and your maxilla will move forwards
I’ve been mewing 2 years I don’t think it’s done anything, also what is thumb pulling? I’ve tried chewing my food til it turns to basically liquid but I stopped, I did notice it helps a lot with eating too much tho, usually ate way less when I chewed properly
I’ve been mewing 2 years I don’t think it’s done anything, also what is thumb pulling? I’ve tried chewing my food til it turns to basically liquid but I stopped, I did notice it helps a lot with eating too much tho, usually ate way less when I chewed properly
Ohh you then you need ccw your maxilla shit sad 😞
Ur parents can get a loan for medical stuff yes low apr. look into it
Do you know if they offer payment plans for surgery? All that travel would add up in price too, there’s a few blackpill surgeons in Canada I’m gonna try with first but if I can’t get one of them I’m def gonna go to Italy for surgery
Ur parents can get a loan for medical stuff yes low apr. look into it
I’m 20 tho would I have to get the loan myself or get someone with good credit to do it for me?
What softmaxxes will bring me to strong MTN-HTN? Would losing 10lbs plus growing my hair out make me at least MTN? Plus some better clothes
lose weight, longer hair, train neck, nose job and I thionk youre MTN.

Then after this get bimax and youre HTN

Actually probs best to get the bimax first nose job second
lose weight, longer hair, train neck, nose job and I thionk youre MTN.

Then after this get bimax and youre HTN

Actually probs best to get the bimax first nose job second
Yea I’m either getting bimax before nose job or nose job during bimax, depends how much money I have at the time, would I be able to get to MTN before I have any surgeries tho?
Yea I’m either getting bimax before nose job or nose job during bimax, depends how much money I have at the time, would I be able to get to MTN before I have any surgeries tho?
I would personally say no but I might be wrong
and the worst of falios: slavic
am I right?
Not ugly slightly above avarage not by much tho
How many Becky’s have you slayed
2 beckies and am currently talking to a stacylite/Stacy, I fucked her the other night and it seemed like she was in love with me but she’s been ignoring me for the past 40hrs and hasn’t opened my snap, she was acting like she was in love even after we fucked tho and wanted to make more plans, I’m pretty sure she only had sex with me because she feels bad for me tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: Broly
2 beckies and am currently talking to a stacylite/Stacy, I fucked her the other night and it seemed like she was in love with me but she’s been ignoring me for the past 40hrs and hasn’t opened my snap, she was acting like she was in love even after we fucked tho and wanted to make more plans, I’m pretty sure she only had sex with me because she feels bad for me tbh
Eh just leave her be and focus on planning to get major surgery with the right surgeon and gym maxx bro
How am I not ugly? Women have pity sex with me
Maybe ur short? Because there's really nothing ugly about you, you just look like your avarage person but slightly better looking due to your facial bones. Or maybe the girls you're fucking are above your league
No. Im seriously tired of all these tall white guys with blue eyes giving up. Stop being a pussy and fix your shit. Or go rot on incels.is
I’m not tall I’m 5’10, I wear timbs and a 1in lift tho, so 6ft in public ig, and I’m not gonna give up, but at the moment until I get surgery, would you say it’s over for me?
Maybe ur short? Because there's really nothing ugly about you, you just look like your avarage person but slightly better looking due to your facial bones. Or maybe the girls you're fucking are above your league
mogs you
I’m not tall I’m 5’10, I wear timbs and a 1in lift tho, so 6ft in public ig, and I’m not gonna give up, but at the moment until I get surgery, would you say it’s over for me?
No bro this site will wreck ur psyche. Plenty of normies giving up
I can't even get pitysex. You must be fucking with us lol
I’m not fucking with you Im convinced the girls I’ve fucked have only done so out of pity I can’t see how they’re attracted to me
Maybe ur short? Because there's really nothing ugly about you, you just look like your avarage person but slightly better looking due to your facial bones. Or maybe the girls you're fucking are above your league
Meanwhile I can't even fuck women below my league :feelskek:

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