Rate starting point before injecting T


Deleted member 16782

Dec 25, 2021
Do you guys think roids could ascend me and turn me into mogger?. I got a decent face but i'm cursed with low t genetics which makes me look much more shit irl. Feels like i'm wasting a lot of potential simply because i lack testosterone in my body. I look beta irl. Currently At 5'11 135lbs. Was at 155lbs a year ago at 22%bf with 1+ year of gymmax jfl
Plan is 300mg test e per week 2x injection, monday,thursday for 12-15 weeks and then go to TRT dosage and repeat. Check blood work etc.

what do you guys think?

  • JFL
Reactions: Birdcell
Unironically yes you should
Your frame is...:unsure:
Yes you definitely should
  • +1
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Unironically yes you should
Your frame is...:unsure:
Yes you definitely should
And jfl this is back at 155lbs, my face was extremely bloated here. Second picture was in good lightning and first is in normal lightning where my body looks absolute subhuman due to low t and shit body fat disbrutution

Retarded starting point. Looks like you're just going for the easy way out.
Retarded starting point. Looks like you're just going for the easy way out.
My testosterone levels got completely fucked up thanks to a high dosage accutane for 8 months, literally a struggle to even get my dick hard. Can't workout anymore due to lack of energy. Before accutane i had been working out every other day consistently for about a year with diet in check and still was not able to loose my skinny fat physique. Honestly i just want to feel normal again, thats my main goal. I might aswell kill myself in my current state tbh
  • JFL
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If you gonna blast, do 500 mg. And get as lean as possible first (you can start TRT on the cut, it will help you preserve muscle). Keep an AI on hand.
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  • Woah
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Retarded starting point. Looks like you're just going for the easy way out.
that IS the point of taking roids jfl why tf would u delay it
inb4 muh natural limit copers, u need to keep roiding to keep gains after going past ur natural limit + not attractive physique
@Ethereal Have you considered injecting estrogen?
  • JFL
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If you gonna blast, do 500 mg. And get as lean as possible first (you can start TRT on the cut, it will help you preserve muscle). Keep an AI on hand.
Was thinking of 300mg to hopefully avoid using an AI. But most people recommend 500mg which seems a bit overkill imo especially for my weight and size when i will go on TRT right after.

I have heard that people say that there is little to no difference in sides between 300mg and 500mg. So maybe it's best to just go for the big 500mg so i learn how to manage estrogen in future cycles. I already got Arimidex, was thinking of starting at 0,25mg 2x a week when any symptoms of gyno, itchy nipples occurs. And then adjust the dosage depending on how i feel as i wont be able to do blood work as frequent.
that IS the point of taking roids jfl why tf would u delay it
inb4 muh natural limit copers, u need to keep roiding to keep gains after going past ur natural limit + not attractive physique
Can't separate the proverbial from the literal....Either way, you've not gotten anywhere near your natural limit and I don't care what you do to your body. Chances are, looking the way you do, you have bare minimum training knowledge - something that takes years to accrue through trial and error.

Never injected.

Peace out.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16834
Lol , Prettyboymaxxed with lean face genetics , what roids ? Are you Insane ? If you get bloated and lose all that angularity , you will become a normie at most
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Do you guys think roids could ascend me and turn me into mogger?. I got a decent face but i'm cursed with low t genetics which makes me look much more shit irl. Feels like i'm wasting a lot of potential simply because i lack testosterone in my body. I look beta irl. Currently At 5'11 135lbs. Was at 155lbs a year ago at 22%bf with 1+ year of gymmax jfl
Plan is 300mg test e per week 2x injection, monday,thursday for 12-15 weeks and then go to TRT dosage and repeat. Check blood work etc.

what do you guys think?

Pren and puberty T look good.

But current T looks like absolute shit.

How come?
Can't separate the proverbial from the literal....Either way, you've not gotten anywhere near your natural limit and I don't care what you do to your body. Chances are, looking the way you do, you have bare minimum training knowledge - something that takes years to accrue through trial and error.

Never injected.
View attachment 1507410

Peace out.
are u having a schizophrenic episode jfl you haven't seen my body
are u having a schizophrenic episode jfl you haven't seen my body
What are you serious? You look like you haven't stepped foot in a gym besides PE class in school. Train properly for two years then see if you need PEDs from there on.
Lol , Prettyboymaxxed with lean face genetics , what roids ? Are you Insane ? If you get bloated and lose all that angularity , you will become a normie at most
Or it will make look more masculinized. Trust me pretty boys are only popular on tiktok because they look pretty which most teenage girls like. They only appeal to 12-16 year old girls. But In real life they would look like complete jokes standing next to high men with dysmorphic face, features.

Not many girls would choose this


over this in real life situations, sure the pretty boy would fucking destroy the other guy on tiktok because he got a prettier face, but in IRL the masculine guy would dominate the pretty boy in success with girls, especially in pubs and so on.

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  • +1
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Plz stop doing those threads over and over again, no one believes you anymore
Plz stop doing those threads over and over again, no one believes you anymore
want to get as much feedback as possible, it will be fun to look back at
just waiting for blood work and then i will start and make updates
Pren and puberty T look good.

But current T looks like absolute shit.

How come?
most likely becuase i took a very high dosage of accutane for over 8 months which fucked up my testosterone production completely
and surprisingly this is pretty common, jfl at this poison.
waiting for blood results now
  • +1
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most likely becuase i took a very high dosage of accutane for over 8 months which fucked up my testosterone production completely
and surprisingly this is pretty common, jfl at this poison.
waiting for blood results now
Before injecting I would start by trying to kickstart natural production with something like clomid or hcg.

It could also but be caused by something like a pituitary tumor. But accutane seems most likely
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Or it will make look more masculinized. Trust me pretty boys are only popular on tiktok because they look pretty which most teenage girls like. They only appeal to 12-16 year old girls. But In real life they would look like complete jokes standing next to high men with dysmorphic face, features.

Not many girls would choose this

View attachment 1507429

over this in real life situations, sure the pretty boy would fucking destroy the other guy on tiktok because he got a prettier face, but in IRL the masculine guy would dominate the pretty boy in success with girls, especially in pubs and so on.

View attachment 1507439
Well , don't forget that you also need great harmony for the masculine looks , because otherwise you'll end up like khabib
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If you want to do a first cycle, go 250-350mg a week. 500 is definitely overkill, first see how your body reacts to the exogenous hormones. for trt/cruising and optimal levels on that you probably should be between 100 and 150 mg a week. also, to reduce aromatazation, inject more frequently and in smaller doses. i you really want everything out of it first get a supplement and diet plan, diet is more important! eat lots of meat, animal protein, no soy, lots of dairy and not so many carbs. watch your blood levels 2-3 times a year, take enough vitamin d and k2, zinc and magnesium.

If you want to do a first cycle, go 250-350mg a week. 500 is definitely overkill, first see how your body reacts to the exogenous hormones. for trt/cruising and optimal levels on that you probably should be between 100 and 150 mg a week. also, to reduce aromatazation, inject more frequently and in smaller doses. i you really want everything out of it first get a supplement and diet plan, diet is more important! eat lots of meat, animal protein, no soy, lots of dairy and not so many carbs. watch your blood levels 2-3 times a year, take enough vitamin d and k2, zinc and magnesium.
Why is 500 overkill? Most people agree the sides are practically the same from 300 to 500. You're just losing gains at that point.
Why is 500 overkill? Most people agree the sides are practically the same from 300 to 500. You're just losing gains at that point.
aromatazation is higher above 300mg, obv diffrent for every person but i personally would try not to use AIs. also, why is using less at the start "losing gains"? if you dont have great genetics for roids, extra 200mg isnt going to change much

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