Rate this girl. Are we looksmatched?

Truth ?
it's not you,
Girls like that have 20 matches of your looks level you messaging her,
your chance was 1/20 (5%)

I make the numbers up but you get the point,
you did nothing wrong,
just keep trying, it's a numbers game
I can't cope with women having the right to choose their own partner nowadays.

I am sure I would vibe well with her father and he would marry his daughter to me.
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have you considered botox for glabella
Brooo if u had positive canthal tilt u were chad fr...
Looksmatched which means she SMV mogs you to deatj
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In my case i need it for looks improvement but i have dyspraxia so i struggle to get promoted im almosr always at the bottom due to shitty factors out side of my control
Do you have a learning disability as well? Autism?
i mean you really gonna do surgery with that face no shit
Makes more sense to do surgery with his face than many others here. 6 feet white with good pheno and probably decent frame.
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Do you have a learning disability as well? Autism?

Not autism its dyspraxia my motor functions is impaired unfortunately its very difficult tbqh.

I still am pissed of at my curry parebts for breeding because of this.
Makes more sense to do surgery with his face than many others here. 6 feet white with good pheno and probably decent frame.
6 feet isn't a good height btw
Not autism its dyspraxia my motor functions is impaired unfortunately its very difficult tbqh.

I still am pissed of at my curry parebts for breeding because of this.
Does it make typing difficult for you?
i mean you really gonna do surgery with that face no shit
Yes. I don't get the results I want (which is getting a LTR with the type of girls I posted in this topic).
6 feet isn't a good height btw
Relative to most here, it prolly is. The average person on here is prolly 5'8". People are lying about their height.
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Yes. I don't get the results I want (which is getting a LTR with the type of girls I posted in this topic).
Just be careful cause it can make you look weird or not much better looking than before.
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Does it make typing difficult for you?

Not particularly its more to do with my visual balance and my alignment issues i suck with working with things at an angle which is what most jobs i do require i really like practical jobs.

Its fun challenging and engaging but the work place doesn't allow it because apperently im to lazy or some shiz.

Utter brutal condition tbqh still im not trying to use this as an excuse im gymaxing currently but its harder than it sounds.

I have an utter shit pain tolerance so i struggle to burn even 200 calories.
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Relative to most here, it prolly is. The average person on here is prolly 5'8". People are lying about their height.

Its average height in the uk tbqh most gym maxed white guys mog very hard same with gym maxed gooks north africans and curries i see at the gym.

Some how they are all built and im not
  • +1
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Relative to most here, it prolly is. The average person on here is prolly 5'8". People are lying about their height.
I have a wide frame and people tell me I look taller than I am because of it.
I wouldn't consider leg lengthening ever. I fraud 6'2 on dates and when I go clubbing with shoelifts and it is plenty.

i am considering:
1)hair transplant, very likely
2)canthoplasty, unlikely
3)botox/filler/fat grafts (idk whats best) for nasolabial folds. unlikely
4)tattoos, likely
5)steroids, 100% once I get in my late thirties, but might start earlier.
6)minoxidil for full beard, unlikely.
7)nose-job (make it smaller) very unlikely.
  • +1
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Its average height in the uk tbqh most gym maxed white guys mog very hard same with gym maxed gooks north africans and curries i see at the gym.

Some how they are all built and im not
I agree. Overall average is prolly 5'9"/
Yes. I don't get the results I want (which is getting a LTR with the type of girls I posted in this topic).

I still have a hard time believing an literal chad compared to what i see on the street is struggling to get a LTR genuinely.

Its also brutal most whores mog the fuck out of the average male in real life as wrll yet those males still have relationships.

Do you have autism or some shiz
I have a wide frame and people tell me I look taller than I am because of it.
I wouldn't consider leg lengthening ever. I fraud 6'2 on dates and when I go clubbing with shoelifts and it is plenty.

i am considering:
1)hair transplant, very likely
2)canthoplasty, unlikely
3)botox/filler/fat grafts (idk whats best) for nasolabial folds. unlikely
4)tattoos, likely
5)steroids, 100% once I get in my late thirties, but might start earlier.
6)minoxidil for full beard, unlikely.
7)nose-job (make it smaller) very unlikely.
not a bad idea tbh.
Just be careful cause it can make you look weird or not much better looking than before.
This is true. But if I can't get a decent-looking girl for a LTR right now, I don't really have much to lose.
  • +1
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I have a wide frame and people tell me I look taller than I am because of it.
I wouldn't consider leg lengthening ever. I fraud 6'2 on dates and when I go clubbing with shoelifts and it is plenty.

i am considering:
1)hair transplant, very likely
2)canthoplasty, unlikely
3)botox/filler/fat grafts (idk whats best) for nasolabial folds. unlikely
4)tattoos, likely
5)steroids, 100% once I get in my late thirties, but might start earlier.
6)minoxidil for full beard, unlikely.
7)nose-job (make it smaller) very unlikely.

You need none of those things as the chancws of getting botched or becoming an ogre is always there.

You have the looks its your autism currently
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I still have a hard time believing an literal chad compared to what i see on the street is struggling to get a LTR genuinely.

Its also brutal most whores mog the fuck out of the average male in real life as wrll yet those males still have relationships.

Do you have autism or some shiz
He isn't a chad dude. He is above average I guess. He looks low trust and kinda old so it sort of tanks his appeal.

Where he lives, he is more or less invisible.
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You need none of those things as the chancws of getting botched or becoming an ogre is always there.

You have the looks its your autism currently
You are right. He crosses the threshold for most women.
  • +1
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I still have a hard time believing an literal chad compared to what i see on the street is struggling to get a LTR genuinely.

Its also brutal most whores mog the fuck out of the average male in real life as wrll yet those males still have relationships.

Do you have autism or some shiz
i dont have autism.(got tested when I was in therapy for depression)

Women demand giga-chad.
He isn't a chad dude. He is above average I guess. He looks low trust and kinda old so it sort of tanks his appeal.

Where he lives, he is more or less invisible.

I mean relative to what i see on the streets hes basically chad i mean he has very youthful skin and a very harmonious face.

Most dudes irl lack this the gym maxed niggers being an exception
You are right. He crosses the threshold for most women.
I get attention only from women I find unattractive.

The type of girls that I like is this tall brunettes:

But they don't match me and reject me when I approach them in person. I have no issues being low-inhib but women always get uncomfortable when I start a conversation or reject me outright.

I'll have to get better looking because I will not settle for a girl I find unattractive. I don't want that in a LTR.
  • +1
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I have a wide frame and people tell me I look taller than I am because of it.
I wouldn't consider leg lengthening ever. I fraud 6'2 on dates and when I go clubbing with shoelifts and it is plenty.
Exactly same here, but im from Turkey so its chadlite height. But according to this site, it's mtn height.
  • +1
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I mean relative to what i see on the streets hes basically chad i mean he has very youthful skin and a very harmonious face.

Most dudes irl lack this the gym maxed niggers being an exception
my skin looks old, u might not be able to see it in these pics. Combined with the hairline has me looking old in person.

People generally estimate me late twenties - early thirties. Which is not great.

I can't fix my skin cuz im already on an extensive skincare routine. Although what I could do is start using light make-up like bb-cream to smoothen my skin.

Might actually be a serious looksmax ngl. I think make-up has to be considered as man to be competitive in the current environment.
it's mtn height in eu and us*
I live in the netherlands and it's basically the tallest ppl in the world. 6'0 is dead average for men here if ur going to popular clubs, night-life etc, because people that are short are unlikely to even come here.

But if u fraud 2 inches with shoelifts ur basically fine in 90% of cases. Breaking the bones in ur legs at 6'0 to gain a few inches seems overkill.
Yes shes my dream pheno ngl.
Brutal Ghost tho
View attachment 1919317

Idk how to ever get a girl like this tho. Might have to mgtow
Bro give it a bit of time, ngl some girls on dating apps are just extremely slow to respond even if they're interested in you
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my skin looks old, u might not be able to see it in these pics. Combined with the hairline has me looking old in person.

People generally estimate me late twenties - early thirties. Which is not great.

I can't fix my skin cuz im already on an extensive skincare routine. Although what I could do is start using light make-up like bb-cream to smoothen my skin.

Might actually be a serious looksmax ngl. I think make-up has to be considered as man to be competitive in the current environment.
Also bb cream is valid, Im gonna start using it mixed with my day cream, possibly gonna use beard filler as well until my minox + derma results are better..

But bbcream can ascend your skin if you find the right one without it looking like make up.. I've seen it
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Bro give it a bit of time, ngl some girls on dating apps are just extremely slow to respond even if they're interested in you
True. But if they are so slow to respond, it's a big telling sign that they don't find you attractive enough from my experience. Or they are talking to guys they find more attractive.
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I get attention only from women I find unattractive.

The type of girls that I like is this tall brunettes:
View attachment 1920034View attachment 1920037

But they don't match me and reject me when I approach them in person. I have no issues being low-inhib but women always get uncomfortable when I start a conversation or reject me outright.

I'll have to get better looking because I will not settle for a girl I find unattractive. I don't want that in a LTR.
All of these girls ghosted me brutally within 1-2 messages.

I am truecel. I will reject all women from now on tbh. I am done slaying subpar looking women I am not even attracted to. It's just not my vibe.
  • So Sad
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All of these girls ghosted me brutally within 1-2 messages.

I am truecel. I will reject all women from now on tbh. I am done slaying subpar looking women I am not even attracted to. It's just not my vibe.
Well, it's the name of the game.. I've pretty much only fucked girls I didn't find particularly physically attractive, and then I've gotten very lucky a few times.

Until you ascend hard it's just the way it's gonna be sadly.
  • So Sad
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Message from Thompsonz on discord:

"This guy has intimidating intelligence, he should use it in order to commit crimes without getting caught"
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Message from Thompsonz on discord:

"This guy has intimidating intelligence, he should use it in order to commit crimes without getting caught"
true tbh. better way to use your intelligence than STEMcelling
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All of these girls ghosted me brutally within 1-2 messages.

I am truecel. I will reject all women from now on tbh. I am done slaying subpar looking women I am not even attracted to. It's just not my vibe.
You need better pics tbh, similar to your first one. your profile lacks smv which gets you ghosted
Well, it's the name of the game.. I've pretty much only fucked girls I didn't find particularly physically attractive, and then I've gotten very lucky a few times.

Until you ascend hard it's just the way it's gonna be sadly.
I feel like I wasted too much time trying to fit in socially and looking better. While not unimportant, my biggest advantage in my life is my intelligence.

I've always excelled hard in anything that requires brainpower, tactical skill, thought, strategy, problem-solving, theory-crafting.

I could've been much higher status and richer by now. And if I focus on it from now on, I could be that in the future a few years from now.

5 years from now I'll be 32. I could be reasonably rich with a big appartement in a major world-city (New York, Barcelona, Paris, etc) with decent status and a very good job. If I focus on the right things. I think that would be far more beneficial for my dating life.

Just have to find a way to cope for the next 5 years while I am a truecel somehow.
  • +1
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You need better pics tbh, similar to your first one. your profile lacks smv which gets you ghosted
wouldnt frauding harder in my dating profiles just lead to being rejected in person later on? ;/
I feel like I wasted too much time trying to fit in socially and looking better. While not unimportant, my biggest advantage in my life is my intelligence.

I've always excelled hard in anything that requires brainpower, tactical skill, thought, strategy, problem-solving, theory-crafting.

I could've been much higher status and richer by now. And if I focus on it from now on, I could be that in the future a few years from now.

5 years from now I'll be 32. I could be reasonably rich with a big appartement in a major world-city (New York, Barcelona, Paris, etc) with decent status and a very good job. If I focus on the right things. I think that would be far more beneficial for my dating life.

Just have to find a way to cope for the next 5 years while I am a truecel somehow.
I'm in the same spot as you haha.. I should focus on my career and setting myself up with the degree I worked so hard on, but I can't stop the looksmax journey I've only recently begun now.. So many years I've been bluepilled as fuck, until you realize what actually matters... Money, status, looks
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Everything will fall into place.. if not in our 20s, then our 30s.. Never give up 🫠
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wouldnt frauding harder in my dating profiles just lead to being rejected in person later on? ;/
why would it be frauding? Its the pics that arent doing you justice. you're a good looking dude no doubt but it's not going to be enough for chicks of that caliber. you need to be able to partly turn a chick on through your profile and yours cant. aside from the 1st pic you'd need to completely overhaul your profile. basic fit maxx for a year or 2 and show off your physique in muscle fit shirts or settings where it makes sense, professional pics like that will make it hard for girls to ghost or flake
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Shes mogs u a bit. Also u look autistic and un inviting. Girls care about the expression not the amount of bone.
  • JFL
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why would it be frauding? Its the pics that arent doing you justice. you're a good looking dude no doubt but it's not going to be enough for chicks of that caliber. you need to be able to partly turn a chick on through your profile and yours cant. aside from the 1st pic you'd need to completely overhaul your profile. basic fit maxx for a year or 2 and show off your physique in muscle fit shirts or settings where it makes sense, professional pics like that will make it hard for girls to ghost or flake
I look much worse in the average social pic. Which is why I have these autistic selfies instead since they give better results cuz I look better in them.

im not narcy enough to get professional photos done ngl.
  • +1
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Shes mogs u a bit. Also u look autistic and un inviting. Girls care about the expression not the amount of bone.
girls care about you looking high SMV.

Looking inviting is not a niche I am good at, so I have to look dangerous instead. Ur not getting it.
I look much worse in the average social pic. Which is why I have these autistic selfies instead since they give better results cuz I look better in them.

im not narcy enough to get professional photos done ngl.

You're underestimating your potential and its killing your options.. If youre not willing to compete then get off the dating apps or settle for the landwhale lgbtq ltbs, else youre going to kill your mental
You're underestimating your potential and its killing your options.. If youre not willing to compete then get off the dating apps or settle for the landwhale lgbtq ltbs, else youre going to kill your mental
I could ascend with better photos, true.

At the same time though, i will look the exact same IRL when we meet. Or when we exchange snapchats before the date, etc.

Once I get HT and I am lean-maxxed, maybe ill have prof photos done

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