read day of the rope



Oct 4, 2023

this is a spritual successor to the turner diaries

a few excerpts:

Humans were unique animals in that they were probably the only beings on the planet so aware
of their mortality. This awareness had inspired great things, but it wasn't without its drawbacks. The
knowledge that life was a temporary state gave birth to fear. The fear of missing out. It was this fear
that had led many in The West to begin viewing religion as an obstacle to new experiences and new
pleasures. They had been so obsessed with the aspects of religion that put limits on their individual
doses of gratification that they never stopped to consider how it had been contributing to their

"Fuck this guy. He should be kissing my ass. My people didn't build this country or invent this
fucking car we are in, or even that damn phone, so this fucker could come here, drive like an
asshole, while complaining to one of his seven underage wives, on his free government phone! Is it
stiU not enough? Now he has to talk shit about me, in his goat-fucking language because I didn't give
him a big enough sHce?" he thought, as his eyebrow began to twitch.

Aaronberg's name was one of the first names on The List, which was arranged in alphabetical
order, but that's not the only reason he'd chosen this name for the beta test. Anons had put together
quite the dossier on Mr. Aaronberg, as they had for most of those on The List, but Aaronberg's
bounty had reached a staggering one-point-seven-million dollars in less than twenty-four hours. The
bounty had surged when he was identified as one of the men in a particularly horrifying snuff film
that had surfaced on the darkweb. One-point-seven-milUon dollars in crowdsourced privacy coins
made payable to anyone who took his name off The List, and there was only one way a name could
be removed from The List. The blockchain made sure of that.
Nah that crap should go right in the trash bin
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Jacob needed to relax. He’d been dealing with this nonsense with Aaronberg’s video all day,
and it had made him too paranoid to indulge in his own extracurricular activities. It vexed him how
he’d let it become an addiction. It really was like a drug, in every way. From the need to increase the
dosage regularly to experience the same tranquil effects, to the withdrawal symptoms he was
currendy suffering from being deprived the experience. He was no better than a junky.

The security team had swept his place several times and found nothing, which made him feel
shghdy more at ease, but he couldn’t shake the idea that maybe he was being followed. Unlike
Aaronberg, and many of the others, he didn’t have the faciUdes required to indulge his apatite in the
comfort of his penthouse. Not that he couldn’t afford it. He could afford anything. Jacob just
preferred using one of the many external services available to people with his particular tastes.

Especially those located safely outside of the city. In addition to the psychological aspect of
being physically removed from his home, and far away from his office, it allowed him the
opportunity to mingle, and sometimes even engage more intimately, with those who enjoyed similar
activities. Everyone knew who he worked for, and was always happy to grant favors, but there were
just some things that genuinely brought people closer together. Unspeakable things had a way of
generating a solid bond between men, a bond that was free of all the artificial smiles that his
proximity to EU granted him.

But now, these safe houses seemed less safe. If he were followed by the wrong people, they
would blame him. Jacob wasn’t sure why he thought he might be followed, or even who might be
doing the following, but he tmsted his instincts. His instincts that also told him that he would need
to satisfy his craving before it drove him mad.

The Governor had been one of the men Jacob had cultivated a bond with, and he had
graciously offered a solution. The proposed arrangement involved state troopers delivering a
package directly to his penthouse. People who knew anything about how state troopers were chosen,
knew that they could be trusted not to talk, but he still couldn’t shake the fear that he was being

Jacob wouldn’t risk it. He could wait a few more days. He planned to go to California to talk
to Alice Green, and deliver Eli’s message in person. One of Eli’s medium-sized Boeing jets had a
secure, and very private, room expUcitiy built for in-flight distractions. The state troopers could
deposit his package on the plane just before takeoff, and he could dispose of the remnants before
they landed. In the meantime, he would just have to suffer. He would let his suffering build, and
relish its release at thirty-thousand feet above Pennsylvania, all the way through Arizona.

Just the thought of it was giving him an erection, but he was brought back to reality with a jolt
when his phone began to ring.


this is gold, you fucking homo. read it
When Obama had mn(ran) for president in 2008, despite being a closeted bisexual himself, he ran
on a platform in support of traditional marriage
. Had he made his true views public, let alone if he
had shoved his views down the throats of the voters, he would have never been a serious candidate.
He would have never won the presidency, and he would have never been in a position to subvert the
culture for eight unrelenting years. The Left played the long game because they understood people.

Jacob was pleased with his meeting with AUce(Alice). She might be a terrifying bitch to her
underlings, but she was no match for him. Especially, now that he was focused again. He had finally
broken his fast and regained the strength that had dwindled in this time of constant crisis. He was
replenished now. The Governor had delivered.

She had been blonde, female, probably about seven years old, and completely unmarked. The
state troopers had brought her on board, and spirited her away in the secure chamber located in the
rear of his 737 before he had taken off. She would have been perfect if she hadn’t been sedated.
This meant that he would likely have to give her adrenaline shots to make her fully alert, and Jacob
hated needles.

The sight of blood didn’t bother him in the least, but there was something about needles
entering flesh that was unsettling to him. He found that it helped if he avoided administering shots,
in any kind of conventional way. He developed a method that eased his queasiness that involved
placing the syringe in the palm of his hand, and then making a fist like he was holding a knife. Then,
he would just close his eyes and forcefully bring the needle down with a stabbing motion.

Of course, this introduced new problems. For instance, if he used too much force, or got the
needle out of alignment, it resulted in bending or breaking the needle. Another problem was that
this method sometimes left unsightly marks on perfect skin. Marks were inevitable, of course, but it
was in poor taste to make them prematurely. It was like being seated at the best table in an exclusive
restaurant, but when the waiter brings out your favorite dish, you notice a bite missing. Even if it’s
just a nibble, it mins the whole experience. Presentation is everything.

Jacob was pleasantly surprised when he managed to deliver the adrenaline without marring the
perfection of his prize. He needed her alert, with plenty of limbic system activity.

For the next five hours, Jacob released his suffering into his guerdon. As he deconstructed
and fed on her purity, he rediscovered the serenity of sacrifice. He’d left his body completely. Left it
behind at thirty-thousand feet. He hovered above the earth, allowing his physical self to consume
the offering the world had brought him. He’d felt the power that had been waning in him, drained
by his self-imposed fast, surging through him once again. Filling up the emptiness, and returning
him back to the state of ascendancy he deserved. He was back in control.


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