Real age doesn’t matter to women



Kess mah ess
Oct 18, 2020
Reminder that your age doesn’t matter to women. If you’re 50 but look 25 it’s no different than being 25, except you’re more desirable at 50 because more money and status.

Focus on looking as young as possible for as long as possible instead of talking how girls don’t like old fags.
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aka the Brad Pitt pill
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good luck telling this to incel teens here.

life ends after 18 :soy::soy::soy::soy:
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Valid but she cannot be very young

Its all about how u looks like, not your age at ID

JArel LEto would clean college campus being almost 50
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Valid but she cannot be very young

Its all about how u looks like, not your age at ID

JArel LEto would clean college campus being almost 50
good luck telling this to incel teens here.

life ends after 18 :soy::soy::soy::soy:
The reason most here tells this is mostly getting a mental block from lonely teen years. Imagine being ugly till your mid 20s when many people around you is getting sex, even if you ascend at that point your mental health would be damaged.

Over if you haven’t facialized 30 stacies by 12 years old
This is unironically best way to start a life full of self confidence (the one that based on reality, not indian pua's fake one)
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Reminder that your age doesn’t matter to women. If you’re 50 but look 25 it’s no different than being 25, except you’re more desirable at 50 because more money and status.

Focus on looking as young as possible for as long as possible instead of talking how girls don’t like old fags.
most men are more desired when they're older. No matter how angular your face is, you're always going to look like a prettyboy at 20, because you are a boy.
There's a lot of teenage guys on the Internet who can't understand that yet, they're still in HS and what they see is a 14 year old girl hitting on a 14 year old prettyboy.
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As my man R. Kelly wrote "Age ain't nothin but a number"
  • JFL
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Don't get me wrong, I'm an ugly paedomorphcel. But it's true that people treat you according to your looks, not your age.

I'm taking some androgens right now, including DHT. I've watched tranny transformations on yt and if it can change a foid to a normie looking man, then the same goes with me. It's true that androgens make you look older, but in my case this is desirable.

For now I just look like a kid with progeria.
people tell me i look 18 and 40 at the same time
  • JFL
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Reminder that your age doesn’t matter to women. If you’re 50 but look 25 it’s no different than being 25, except you’re more desirable at 50 because more money and status.

Focus on looking as young as possible for as long as possible instead of talking how girls don’t like old fags.
Obviously, in dating apps, one getts fucked over possibly by the age seetings of foids.

irl, on the other hand.
A man is as old as his:
* Skin Quality, And
* Hairline (and color).

Example case.
Check the comment section. Dad, I dunno how old, gotta be in his 40's. Stil gets thirsty comments from ladies because he looks 18 or something like that


An elaboration on age. (this is a copy paste text from reddit, not muh own)

Male peak is on average 26 - 36 years old. (if he: doesn't go ugly bald(ing), doesn't get fat, doesn't get fucked up skin)


Massive OkCupid study done on Age and SMV decline and peak on Men and Women based on overall desirability. Done in 2015 with both young and older people. Millions of people.

Aging and desirability of both men and women is something this community gets wrong most of the time. While "the wall" is hyperbole female desirability drops very far very fast after 23-24 and male desirability on average shoots up to about 26-27 where it peaks for a good 10 years, then declines.

"Attractive 34 year old Guy matched with 18.9% of the women under 27 years old he swiped right on. This is only slightly less than Attractive 26 year old Guy. The average age of these women was 23.7 and the average age of his matches was 24.3. Attractive 34 year old Guy didn’t pay much, if any, penalty for being 10 years older than the average female on Tinder. Apparently for males attractive is attractive at any age. "

Male Prime=26-36

Go lookup "hot men" on google, nearly 75% of results are of men aged in that bracket above. Plenty Chads become higher tier chads in their early-mid 30s before declining.

SOME older guys have higher SMV with age(Chads and Chadlites). Age isn't the crippling factor some blackpill guys make it out to be. It's OVER after 25, crowds. Go look up "Top 100 sexiest men" or "/r/ladyboners" or just google "Hot guys" and the MAJORITY of those guys are in their late twenties to mid thirties. This is because testosterone causes masculinization of the face and voice over your entire lifetime. Meaning your voice and face and still changing(albeit much slower) even in your 20's and 30's.

Age doesn't make much of a difference to women (as it does to us men, visa versa) as long as you're actually attractive.

For example:

See Here - He's in his Thirties.

Perhaps even better this tinder experiment article down below concerning younger vs older attractive men on tinder. Make sure you read and understand the entire article, but in summary a 26 year old attractive guy on tinder pulled tons of foids. A 34 year old attractive guy pulled even more(age ranges, older women have less options) and when factoring for age and setting the 34 year old man to an age range only allowing matches between 18-26 he pulled 3% less of this age range than the 26 year old. See this picture here.

Tinder Experiments

Tinder Experiments II: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study

In summary JFL if you aren't attractive, age doesn't matter much only your face.

Look at the way roasties talk about guys like Jared Leto, they would gladly line themselves up, strip down, and allow him to plow them all one by one without a care in the world about his age. The dude is just attractive looking.

Think about how creepy it would be perceived if a 35 year old man were to be flirting with a 19 year old foid in the club. Now picture this 35 year old men flirting with her. Suddenly it went from creepy to A-okay with her, her friends, and everyone else(except bitter old roasties). Hell I bet if you're a loaded 35 year old and look like this you could pull her and her friends. Tell them there'a an after party with booze, movies, a huge TV, a Jacuzzi/Hot-tub, and a pool at your mansion. You get her and her friends and they would prefer you over a guy her own age of equal attractive with less flashy shit. That's a fact. Once guys are of equal attractiveness it comes down to other stuff after that, like status(or the perception there of), and money. You get the picture. Age plays a limited role, it's how you look that matters most/all.

Some graphs. To top it off:




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Reminder that your age doesn’t matter to women. If you’re 50 but look 25 it’s no different than being 25, except you’re more desirable at 50 because more money and status.

Focus on looking as young as possible for as long as possible instead of talking how girls don’t like old fags.
My dad did this, would be in his late 40s pulling 20-25 year olds, although the difference is he would lie about his age and say he’s like 29 or something. Dude had the biggest rotation I’ve ever seen, almost seemed like a job.
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Obviously, in dating apps, one getts fucked over possibly by the age seetings of foids.

irl, on the other hand.
A man is as old as his:
* Skin Quality, And
* Hairline (and color).

Example case.
Check the comment section. Dad, I dunno how old, gotta be in his 40's. Stil gets thirsty comments from ladies because he looks 18 or something like that


An elaboration on age. (this is a copy paste text from reddit, not muh own)

Male peak is on average 26 - 36 years old. (if he: doesn't go ugly bald(ing), doesn't get fat, doesn't get fucked up skin)


Massive OkCupid study done on Age and SMV decline and peak on Men and Women based on overall desirability. Done in 2015 with both young and older people. Millions of people.

Aging and desirability of both men and women is something this community gets wrong most of the time. While "the wall" is hyperbole female desirability drops very far very fast after 23-24 and male desirability on average shoots up to about 26-27 where it peaks for a good 10 years, then declines.

"Attractive 34 year old Guy matched with 18.9% of the women under 27 years old he swiped right on. This is only slightly less than Attractive 26 year old Guy. The average age of these women was 23.7 and the average age of his matches was 24.3. Attractive 34 year old Guy didn’t pay much, if any, penalty for being 10 years older than the average female on Tinder. Apparently for males attractive is attractive at any age. "

Male Prime=26-36

Go lookup "hot men" on google, nearly 75% of results are of men aged in that bracket above. Plenty Chads become higher tier chads in their early-mid 30s before declining.

SOME older guys have higher SMV with age(Chads and Chadlites). Age isn't the crippling factor some blackpill guys make it out to be. It's OVER after 25, crowds. Go look up "Top 100 sexiest men" or "/r/ladyboners" or just google "Hot guys" and the MAJORITY of those guys are in their late twenties to mid thirties. This is because testosterone causes masculinization of the face and voice over your entire lifetime. Meaning your voice and face and still changing(albeit much slower) even in your 20's and 30's.

Age doesn't make much of a difference to women (as it does to us men, visa versa) as long as you're actually attractive.

For example:

See Here - He's in his Thirties.

Perhaps even better this tinder experiment article down below concerning younger vs older attractive men on tinder. Make sure you read and understand the entire article, but in summary a 26 year old attractive guy on tinder pulled tons of foids. A 34 year old attractive guy pulled even more(age ranges, older women have less options) and when factoring for age and setting the 34 year old man to an age range only allowing matches between 18-26 he pulled 3% less of this age range than the 26 year old. See this picture here.

Tinder Experiments

Tinder Experiments II: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study

In summary JFL if you aren't attractive, age doesn't matter much only your face.

Look at the way roasties talk about guys like Jared Leto, they would gladly line themselves up, strip down, and allow him to plow them all one by one without a care in the world about his age. The dude is just attractive looking.

Think about how creepy it would be perceived if a 35 year old man were to be flirting with a 19 year old foid in the club. Now picture this 35 year old men flirting with her. Suddenly it went from creepy to A-okay with her, her friends, and everyone else(except bitter old roasties). Hell I bet if you're a loaded 35 year old and look like this you could pull her and her friends. Tell them there'a an after party with booze, movies, a huge TV, a Jacuzzi/Hot-tub, and a pool at your mansion. You get her and her friends and they would prefer you over a guy her own age of equal attractive with less flashy shit. That's a fact. Once guys are of equal attractiveness it comes down to other stuff after that, like status(or the perception there of), and money. You get the picture. Age plays a limited role, it's how you look that matters most/all.

Some graphs. To top it off:





You can lie about age on dating apps
Reminder that your age doesn’t matter to women. If you’re 50 but look 25 it’s no different than being 25, except you’re more desirable at 50 because more money and status.

Focus on looking as young as possible for as long as possible instead of talking how girls don’t like old fags.

To keep it simple: Just focus on being good looking. It doesn't matter how old you are looking if you are a sexually attractive 55 year old, because you're still sexually attractive.
Go lookup "hot men" on google, nearly 75% of results are of men aged in that bracket above. Plenty Chads become higher tier chads in their early-mid 30s before declining.

Hot men search google

Literally every age range of every guy, which reflects the available scientific data that women don't give a shit about age, except when they do it tends to veer towards a desire or older partners (there is surprisingly little literature on age disparities in relationships that discuss preferences and desire, which this article addresses but nonetheless concludes that women tend to have more diverse patterns in dating for age while veering towards older, while men prefer younger uniformly--which matches with life pretty much :blackpill:)
apparently it matters to very young girls
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apparently it matters to very young girls
most teenage girls don't have an objection to dating older guys, only roasties have a problem with it
most teenage girls don't have an objection to dating older guys, only roasties have a problem with it
14/15/16 seems to care
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yeah bro
its just a number

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