The heightpill is truly the most brutal reality slap you could ever get.

Many would argue, saying that height matters but it’s not the most important factor, others are delusional bluepillers who say that height doesn’t matter which this statement is ridiculous and crazy seeing how much studies, evidence there is confirming that it does matter and matters alot, and let’s not forget the countless tiktoks, tweets, and posts made by women praising tall men.

When he’s the worst living person but he’s tall

When he’s abusive but he’s 6” >>>>>

When he’s the ugliest creature but he’s tall >>>>

And the mocking and gaslighting of short men.

How about all of the women that say that they know a short guy who slays, have had short exes, or claim that height does not matter but in the end 99% of the time their partner somehow is at least 6” and it’s not because of them being taller, but their personality.

Now some others cope with the fact that Face is king and face > height. While face plays a significant role in attraction aswell, and maybe face could be more important in attracting someone, this just doesn’t apply practically in the real life. The truth is that everyone has an average face, some uglier, some better, some may be too unfortunate and have distorted faces although what matters is that the majority of people that we call average. You almost never see a chad in real life, because face beauty is a little subjective too as some people may prefer blonde white men with small noses others may like dark features on men, thick eyebrows, big nose. So my point is that to be considered a chad is pretty rare and hard as face is subjective and depends on how you are being perceived sometimes. Since being highly attractive facially is something quite rare, it’s not a big disadvantage because if your face is average you are just like the majority of people.

But height? It’s the single most desired thing in a man, the thing that makes a man have a high sexual dimorphism since most women are shorter making the man stand out, be dominant, and making them feel protected. It’s what women have said too. If height wasn’t that important it wouldn’t be the number 1 or 2 most desired thing in a man according to dating apps.

I once saw this tiktok who had millions of views and likes I think, of a girl who said:

“What men hope when they are meeting a date: I hope she is beautiful, has big breast and butt.

What women hope when they are meeting a date: I hope he is taller than me”

So in reality, what really matters for you to be an average man is to be tall, have a sense of humour, dress well too and you don’t have to be this super good looking dude, your height is the thing women desire most so you’re good.

But as a short dude? Truth is you’re not even seen as a real man most of the time by the majority of society, although many would deny it. Heightism is similar to racism, everyone says that we are equal and stuff like that but the reality says different. Racism still exists and will always continue to do so. Heightism aswell.

TLdr; The most brutal slap in reality you can have as a short man is knowing that a couple more inches of bone in your legs or skeleton and you probably wouldn’t even know this sub existed, just be a normie, it doesn’t matter if you’re not that good looking. Your height is enough for you to be perceived as a real man by society and women as it’s the most desired thing a man can have. It hurts, but a taller version of your identical self will always win, be seen as more superior and attractive. While in theory people say that face matters more than height, in practice it’s quite the opposite, you just have to be tall as a man. Doesn’t matter if you’re not that attractive.
this is why women fold so hard for forehead kisses. For one it’s intimate. But for it to happen her partner must be tall.

Honestly a great method for tallcels to get a foid to fall in love with them :lul::lul:
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It’s not “I hope he’s taller than me”, that’s most guys, it’s “I hope the height difference is extreme and that he is taller than most men I see so I can show him as a way of bragging and mogging men”
Brutal and real.
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Many would argue, saying that height matters but it’s not the most important factor, others are delusional bluepillers who say that height doesn’t matter which this statement is ridiculous and crazy seeing how much studies, evidence there is confirming that it does matter and matters alot, and let’s not forget the countless tiktoks, tweets, and posts made by women praising tall men.

When he’s the worst living person but he’s tall

When he’s abusive but he’s 6” >>>>>

When he’s the ugliest creature but he’s tall >>>>

And the mocking and gaslighting of short men.

How about all of the women that say that they know a short guy who slays, have had short exes, or claim that height does not matter but in the end 99% of the time their partner somehow is at least 6” and it’s not because of them being taller, but their personality.

Now some others cope with the fact that Face is king and face > height. While face plays a significant role in attraction aswell, and maybe face could be more important in attracting someone, this just doesn’t apply practically in the real life. The truth is that everyone has an average face, some uglier, some better, some may be too unfortunate and have distorted faces although what matters is that the majority of people that we call average. You almost never see a chad in real life, because face beauty is a little subjective too as some people may prefer blonde white men with small noses others may like dark features on men, thick eyebrows, big nose. So my point is that to be considered a chad is pretty rare and hard as face is subjective and depends on how you are being perceived sometimes. Since being highly attractive facially is something quite rare, it’s not a big disadvantage because if your face is average you are just like the majority of people.

But height? It’s the single most desired thing in a man, the thing that makes a man have a high sexual dimorphism since most women are shorter making the man stand out, be dominant, and making them feel protected. It’s what women have said too. If height wasn’t that important it wouldn’t be the number 1 or 2 most desired thing in a man according to dating apps.

I once saw this tiktok who had millions of views and likes I think, of a girl who said:

“What men hope when they are meeting a date: I hope she is beautiful, has big breast and butt.

What women hope when they are meeting a date: I hope he is taller than me”

So in reality, what really matters for you to be an average man is to be tall, have a sense of humour, dress well too and you don’t have to be this super good looking dude, your height is the thing women desire most so you’re good.

But as a short dude? Truth is you’re not even seen as a real man most of the time by the majority of society, although many would deny it. Heightism is similar to racism, everyone says that we are equal and stuff like that but the reality says different. Racism still exists and will always continue to do so. Heightism aswell.

TLdr; The most brutal slap in reality you can have as a short man is knowing that a couple more inches of bone in your legs or skeleton and you probably wouldn’t even know this sub existed, just be a normie, it doesn’t matter if you’re not that good looking. Your height is enough for you to be perceived as a real man by society and women as it’s the most desired thing a man can have. It hurts, but a taller version of your identical self will always win, be seen as more superior and attractive. While in theory people say that face matters more than height, in practice it’s quite the opposite, you just have to be tall as a man. Doesn’t matter if you’re not that attractive.
I think for dating height obv does matter but it isnt all there is to it, i think face is still quite a lot more important.

But when it comes to not dating and just regular life treatment from strangers, thats where height matters an absolute shit ton, and why being tall is good. Strangers just default respect u way more and no one fucks with you/gives u bad treatment, and people will look at u like a man, not a boy.
5"9. 97 bodycount in America (western standards) within 4 year frame (before I got banned). If height is a requirement to slay, this doesn't jive well with my lived experience. But open to re-consider.
American and can't even write in your own measurement system. 5"9 means what?
No it doesn’t matter. Unless you are very short it doesn’t matter. Once you are 5’9, 5’10 it means nothing
just proved him right lol
once you realize this height obsession is only social media bullshit and the natural instincts and actual hierarchy is race ratios health size its a lot less bad
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once you realize this height obsession is only social media bullshit and the natural instincts and actual hierarchy is race ratios health size its a lot less bad
High IQ reply
High IQ reply
just look at chico, on pics of his face you cant tell hes tall, his jaw is good his ratios are good and all but his eyes are truly what makes him special, if u densor his eyes he looks nothing alike

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