realistic/applicable gymcel guide



Feb 16, 2024
Colour indicators
Red - Lower necessity to read
Orange - Highly recommend reading
Green - Essential to read

What I will cover:
  1. What to look for when purchasing a membership
  2. Supplements
  3. What to bring
  4. Viable splits
  5. Warm up
  6. How many exercises per muscle group
  7. Sets/reps
  8. Intensity/failure
  9. Progressive overload
  10. Free weights vs Machines/Cables
  11. Best exercises per muscle group
  12. Cutting/Bulking/Maintaining
  13. Credentials (my physique)

Why make this?
There are guides with great info such as redfacccees guide however they contain so much information that most are too lazy to read and put into practice ((half of the comments are dnr)) or they are intimidated by the sheer amount of info. Also mainstream fitness information is absolute dogshit pseudoscience so dont be arrogant and think that you dont need guidance when it comes to gym.
TLDR, pneumo thread inspired me.

"Gym is cope"
The only people who say this are people who have never had a good physique and therefore do not truly understand the difference in treatement from women (and men if you care about that). People will write essays on here about why having an extra milimitre of bone is life or death because of biologically driven attraction but will deny the benefits of gymceling. Cant wait for the bonecels who spend thousands of hours on here yet dont even attempt to actually looksmax to cry.
TLDR, its not.

Why gymcel?
Attractive to a lot of women, leanmax more efficiently, enhances frame, CAN improve dimorphism, can semi-halo you, stimulate gh and test, improve overall health, makes clothes fit better on you, easy ntmax.

My personal anecdotal benefits
More masculine face, improved frame appearance, more attention from women, improved status among both genders, less time to rot, cope with trauma, improved sleep, increased test, makes you appear more nt, forces you to talk to other people even if it's asking how many sets they have left.
TLDR, lifefuel.

Before roidcels come for my bloodline i am making this thread INTENTIONALLY basic and dumbed-down so that it is comprehendable and easy to apply to the average forum users life, I want to avoid overcomplicating something that doesnt need to be complicated. I will leave out nuance and variating opinions on many topics because a 15 year old who wants wider shoulders doesnt need to know the extreme depths of mechanical tension, xRIR vs failure and all of the hyper-niche hypertrophy debates.
TLDR, intentionally simple/basic.

1. What to look for when purchasing a gym membership
  • Sauna
  • Plenty machines (avoid technogym if possible)
2. Supplements
  • Steroids - dont take unless highly informed and not necessary to build an aesthetic physique
  • Pre workout - not necessary. if you want it look for 100-250mg caf and some citrulline
  • Creatine - not necessary but a good supplement if you want it (lets muscles hold more water)
  • MK-677 - overrated. use if you are bulking or REALLY struggle to put food down and know how to manage insulin resistance
3. What to bring
  • 1L+ Water
  • Wrist straps (optional)
  • Lifting belt (for once you start lifting heavy weight)
  • Headphones
  • Swim shorts + shower stuff (if you have a sauna)
4. Viable splits
  • PPL - Day 1: Push movements. Day 2: Pull movements. Day 3: Leg movements. Day 4: Rest.
  • Arnold - Day 1: Chest and Back. Day 2: Arms and Shoulders. Day 3: Legs and Abs. *REPEAT* Day 7: Rest.
  • Bro - Day 1: Chest. Day 2: Back. Day 3: Legs. Day 4: Shoulders. Day 5: Arms. Day 6: Rest.
5. Warm up
  • Do NOT do cardio before your workout it will fatigue your muscles without effictively stimulating the muscle.
  • Do dynamic stretches and rotator cuff exercises to avoid injury during training
  • Warm up sets - Do a warmup set before you start your first working set of a muscle group, do the same machine/movement you are about to do but use about 65% of the weight that you would use for a working set and go close to failure
  • E.g. Im training chest and my first movement is an incline chest press machine with a working set weight of 100kg, i will begin with rotator cuff exercises and then do a warm up set of about 60-70kg close to failure
  • Please do not neglect warming up as it is vital for reducing risk of injury, injuring yourself will force you to lose a lot of progress
6. How many excercises to do per muscle group
  • 2-5 excercises per muscle group depending on the muscle group
  • E.g. you dont need to do 5 different excercises for rear delts/forearms/calves however two different excercises might not be enough for your chest or back
  • Focus on not neglecting muscle groups because you are caught up on which lat variation is optimal e.g. rear delts get neglected regularly
7. Sets and Reps
  • E.g. 5x8. The 5 stands for sets, the 8 stands for how many reps you perform per set
  • Working set - A set designed to stimulate muscle group
  • Warm up set - A set designed to send blood to the desired muscle group and somewhat stimulate it to prepare it for the load of the working set
  • Please do not fall for the most popular set/rep range: 4x12
  • Do 2-3 sets per exercise with 6-10 reps per set (this doesnt include warm up sets)
8. Intensity/Failure
  • This is the most crucial part of gymceling and is the most commonly made mistake which leads so many to struggle to see progress and therefore despise the gym
  • You should be going TO failure or CLOSE to failure during every working set
  • Failure - When you are no longer able to perform 80%< of the Range Of Motion (ROM)
  • Focus on making each repetition a quality repetition with good technique, if that means lowering the weight thats okay its better to perform lighter, high quality reps than heavier, shitty reps
  • If you feel a lot of pressure in your face or feel like youre going to pass out then make sure you take deep, controlled breaths during your sets and disperse pressure away from your face
9. Progressive overload
  • Once you can complete 10< quality reps consistently of a certain weight, increase the weight so that you are failing in the 6-10 rep range again, rinse and repeat
10. Free weights vs Machines and Cables
  • I understand the appeal of free weights and the stigma around machines however if you are purely persuing hypertrophy (muscle growth) then machines/cables are the way
  • Why? Machines/cables allow you to isolate the desired muscle group more than using free weights, its that simple
  • Free weights will be used but your workouts should be dominated by machines and cables
11. Best exercises for each muscle group
  • Chest - Incline Smith Machine Press (upper chest). Incline Chest Press Machine (upper chest). Decline Chest Press Machine (lower chest. Neutral Chest Press Machine (both). Cable Chest Flies (either depending on the angle). Pec Deck (either depending on angle)
  • Back - Wide grip Lat Pulldown (lats). Lat pullover (lats). Single arm lat pullover/down (lats). Seated rows (mid back). Single-arm seated rows (mid back).Bent over rows (mid and upper back). Row machine (mid and upper back)
  • Triceps - Straight bar pushdowns. Rope pushdowns. Single arm cable pushdowns. JM smith machine press.
  • Biceps - Preacher curl. Rope hammer curl. Dumbbell hammer curl. Dumbbell neutral curl. Externally rotated dumbbell curl. Preacher curl machine.
  • Shoulders - Dumbbell lateral raises (side delt). Cable lateral raises (side delt). Dumbbell front raises (front delt). Cable front raises (front delt). Smith machine shoulder press (front delt). Face pulls (rear delt). Reverse Pec Deck (rear delts)
  • Legs - Leg extensions (quads). Hack squat (quads). Leg curl (hamstrings). RDLs (hamstrings). Leg press (all depending on technique). Calve raises (calves).
12. Cutting/Bulking/Maintaining
  • Cutting - Entering a calorie deficit to maximise fat loss and attempt to minimise muscle loss
  • Bulking - Entering a calorie surplus to maximise muscle gain and attempt to minimise fat gain
  • Maintaining - Entering caloric maintenance to maintain muscle and fat (your current physique), potentially improving muscle maturity
  • What should i be doing? If you have a lot of excess body fat or want to lose fat, you should cut. If you are skinny and/or want muscle, you should bulk. If you have a great physique and want to maintain it, maintenance.
  • If you are under 19 you should be bulking even if the surplus isnt much, its hard to make yourself do as most people here desperately want to be 2% body fat however, if you are not in a calorie surplus when you are still growing, you can miss out on development
  • How do I do this? Aim for 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Use a maintenance calorie calculator to find out what your maintenance calories are. Consume 20-40% more calories if you are bulking and 20-40% less calories if you are cutting.
  • How do i count calories? Look at the nutritional information on the back of the goyslop you are eating and use that information or look up the nutritional value of what youre eating if necessary. *counting calories is super easy it takes like 10 minutes everyday MAX*
  • What food should I eat? Again very basic but a balanced diet with an emphasis on protein dense foods such as fish, beef and chicken. Avoid highly processed foods, foods high in sugar, energy drinks, alcohol, high fat foods etc.

Physique before
Physique 3
Physique 1
Physique 2

  • The first pic is a month into working out, and the others are now

  • If you are 14-23 i recommend going for your university gym even if youre not at university and its open to the public (can get student discount and be around people ((stacies)) your age)
  • Please please wear deodorant and shower BEFORE going to the gym
  • Try to do cardio everyday and when you do, do it at the end of your workout (best cardio imo is swimming and stairmaster)
  • Tuna
  • No gymceling is not going to put you into a very specific niche
  • Dont fall for the easy trap of talking about the gym constantly/making it your personality or talking abou tit at all. It completely nukes the thin nt cloak you created by going to the gym in the first place. DO NOT tell people you go to the gym unless they explicitly ask and when they do be casual about it like its meaningless and nothing remotely serious to you
  • Dont give up easily because you dont see instant results, most people go the gym for a short period of time and then give up
  • Dont take pre workout after 4-5pm
  • DONT train obliques and honestly dont train abs unless they are severely underdeveloped i have intentionally left it out of my guide
  • There's probably a fuck ton of mistakes i made this at 2am so forgive me
Start gymceling NOW its not hard

@Infinite @ylrven @pneumocystosis

  • +1
Reactions: SDPmaggot, dgzty, Saint Casanova and 29 others
There are hundreds of gym guides on here so I doubt anyone is going to read this, mirin effort tho.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: LooksThinker, Mike141, Deleted member 51465 and 4 others
There are hundreds of gym guides on here so I doubt anyone is going to read this, mirin effort tho.
youre right but when i briefly looked at some before making this they were all info dumps, shitty formatting or outdated/false info
  • +1
Reactions: N1666
Respect it cause fairly high effort thread, but water
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker, itisoverboyos and kiyopon
did read, good thread man
  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon
repped for effort and because it's obvious from your writing style that you are a nice dude
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker, coispet, CarrotMaxxer and 1 other person
  • +1
Reactions: GunDevilHybrid, twilight, coispet and 1 other person
So for warm up sets we should start at 65, then do another at a higher percentage, and then do working sets?

Also when we first start off, how do we figure out the max we can lift for a specific exercise to get 6 reps in? Trial and error?
  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon
Good thread, needed an updated workout guide that wasn't 3 years old lmao, mirin effort
  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon
So for warm up sets we should start at 65, then do another at a higher percentage, and then do working sets?

Also when we first start off, how do we figure out the max we can lift for a specific exercise to get 6 reps in? Trial and error?
You can do a second warm-up set if its the first movement for that muscle group.

e.g. you walk into the gym to do chest and triceps, you start with chest press and do 65% of your working set weight first, then do 80-85% of your working set weight as a second warm up set to ease you into your workout. Then just do one warm up set for the rest of your movements in the 65-80% range. Then when you move onto your first tricep movement of the day do the two warm up set method again.

Yes literally just trial and error, just make sure you approachtrial an error underestimating your strength as opposed to overrating it because if you try to do something thats extremely heavy the first time you walk into a gym your chances of injury are massive.
  • +1
Reactions: future_ and VolcelFTW
lots of water info but regardless respect the effort

most important part of your thread is the note at the end of never mentioning working out, i make this mistake too often and its rlly important just how necessary it is to not mention gym at all because of how easily it destroys the halo

-instantly lets women know this is due to hard work not due to genetic superiority = no pussy because of being jacked now

gj op
  • +1
Reactions: Ricochet, GunDevilHybrid and kiyopon
lots of water info but regardless respect the effort

most important part of your thread is the note at the end of never mentioning working out, i make this mistake too often and its rlly important just how necessary it is to not mention gym at all because of how easily it destroys the halo

-instantly lets women know this is due to hard work not due to genetic superiority = no pussy because of being jacked now

gj op
Yeah I did gym religiously for like 1 year and got pretty jacked, I used to talk about it a lot but I realized that’s retarded, now I do it a little to maintain at school but I basically fraud never doing gym (it’s true tho I only do it like 1-2 times a week for sports (I’m a distance runner jfl)) when people are like “omg ur muscles are so big do you lift a lot” I’m like “not really they are just like that I guess” and it’s so much better it u talk about gym u look self obsessed and weird also most gymmaxxed people at my school are facecells/manlets who cope with gym so better to not be associated with them.
  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon
Colour indicators
Red - Lower necessity to read
Orange - Highly recommend reading
Green - Essential to read

What I will cover:
  1. What to look for when purchasing a membership
  2. Supplements
  3. What to bring
  4. Viable splits
  5. Warm up
  6. How many exercises per muscle group
  7. Sets/reps
  8. Intensity/failure
  9. Progressive overload
  10. Free weights vs Machines/Cables
  11. Best exercises per muscle group
  12. Cutting/Bulking/Maintaining
  13. Credentials (my physique)

Why make this?
There are guides with great info such as redfacccees guide however they contain so much information that most are too lazy to read and put into practice ((half of the comments are dnr)) or they are intimidated by the sheer amount of info. Also mainstream fitness information is absolute dogshit pseudoscience so dont be arrogant and think that you dont need guidance when it comes to gym.
TLDR, pneumo thread inspired me.

"Gym is cope"
The only people who say this are people who have never had a good physique and therefore do not truly understand the difference in treatement from women (and men if you care about that). People will write essays on here about why having an extra milimitre of bone is life or death because of biologically driven attraction but will deny the benefits of gymceling. Cant wait for the bonecels who spend thousands of hours on here yet dont even attempt to actually looksmax to cry.
TLDR, its not.

Why gymcel?
Attractive to a lot of women, leanmax more efficiently, enhances frame, CAN improve dimorphism, can semi-halo you, stimulate gh and test, improve overall health, makes clothes fit better on you, easy ntmax.

My personal anecdotal benefits
More masculine face, improved frame appearance, more attention from women, improved status among both genders, less time to rot, cope with trauma, improved sleep, increased test, makes you appear more nt, forces you to talk to other people even if it's asking how many sets they have left.
TLDR, lifefuel.

Before roidcels come for my bloodline i am making this thread INTENTIONALLY basic and dumbed-down so that it is comprehendable and easy to apply to the average forum users life, I want to avoid overcomplicating something that doesnt need to be complicated. I will leave out nuance and variating opinions on many topics because a 15 year old who wants wider shoulders doesnt need to know the extreme depths of mechanical tension, xRIR vs failure and all of the hyper-niche hypertrophy debates.
TLDR, intentionally simple/basic.

1. What to look for when purchasing a gym membership
  • Sauna
  • Plenty machines (avoid technogym if possible)
2. Supplements
  • Steroids - dont take unless highly informed and not necessary to build an aesthetic physique
  • Pre workout - not necessary. if you want it look for 100-250mg caf and some citrulline
  • Creatine - not necessary but a good supplement if you want it (lets muscles hold more water)
  • MK-677 - overrated. use if you are bulking or REALLY struggle to put food down and know how to manage insulin resistance
3. What to bring
  • 1L+ Water
  • Wrist straps (optional)
  • Lifting belt (for once you start lifting heavy weight)
  • Headphones
  • Swim shorts + shower stuff (if you have a sauna)
4. Viable splits
  • PPL - Day 1: Push movements. Day 2: Pull movements. Day 3: Leg movements. Day 4: Rest.
  • Arnold - Day 1: Chest and Back. Day 2: Arms and Shoulders. Day 3: Legs and Abs. *REPEAT* Day 7: Rest.
  • Bro - Day 1: Chest. Day 2: Back. Day 3: Legs. Day 4: Shoulders. Day 5: Arms. Day 6: Rest.
5. Warm up
  • Do NOT do cardio before your workout it will fatigue your muscles without effictively stimulating the muscle.
  • Do dynamic stretches and rotator cuff exercises to avoid injury during training
  • Warm up sets - Do a warmup set before you start your first working set of a muscle group, do the same machine/movement you are about to do but use about 65% of the weight that you would use for a working set and go close to failure
  • E.g. Im training chest and my first movement is an incline chest press machine with a working set weight of 100kg, i will begin with rotator cuff exercises and then do a warm up set of about 60-70kg close to failure
  • Please do not neglect warming up as it is vital for reducing risk of injury, injuring yourself will force you to lose a lot of progress
6. How many excercises to do per muscle group
  • 2-5 excercises per muscle group depending on the muscle group
  • E.g. you dont need to do 5 different excercises for rear delts/forearms/calves however two different excercises might not be enough for your chest or back
  • Focus on not neglecting muscle groups because you are caught up on which lat variation is optimal e.g. rear delts get neglected regularly
7. Sets and Reps
  • E.g. 5x8. The 5 stands for sets, the 8 stands for how many reps you perform per set
  • Working set - A set designed to stimulate muscle group
  • Warm up set - A set designed to send blood to the desired muscle group and somewhat stimulate it to prepare it for the load of the working set
  • Please do not fall for the most popular set/rep range: 4x12
  • Do 2-3 sets per exercise with 6-10 reps per set (this doesnt include warm up sets)
8. Intensity/Failure
  • This is the most crucial part of gymceling and is the most commonly made mistake which leads so many to struggle to see progress and therefore despise the gym
  • You should be going TO failure or CLOSE to failure during every working set
  • Failure - When you are no longer able to perform 80%< of the Range Of Motion (ROM)
  • Focus on making each repetition a quality repetition with good technique, if that means lowering the weight thats okay its better to perform lighter, high quality reps than heavier, shitty reps
  • If you feel a lot of pressure in your face or feel like youre going to pass out then make sure you take deep, controlled breaths during your sets and disperse pressure away from your face
9. Progressive overload
  • Once you can complete 10< quality reps consistently of a certain weight, increase the weight so that you are failing in the 6-10 rep range again, rinse and repeat
10. Free weights vs Machines and Cables
  • I understand the appeal of free weights and the stigma around machines however if you are purely persuing hypertrophy (muscle growth) then machines/cables are the way
  • Why? Machines/cables allow you to isolate the desired muscle group more than using free weights, its that simple
  • Free weights will be used but your workouts should be dominated by machines and cables
11. Best exercises for each muscle group
  • Chest - Incline Smith Machine Press (upper chest). Incline Chest Press Machine (upper chest). Decline Chest Press Machine (lower chest. Neutral Chest Press Machine (both). Cable Chest Flies (either depending on the angle). Pec Deck (either depending on angle)
  • Back - Wide grip Lat Pulldown (lats). Lat pullover (lats). Single arm lat pullover/down (lats). Seated rows (mid back). Single-arm seated rows (mid back).Bent over rows (mid and upper back). Row machine (mid and upper back)
  • Triceps - Straight bar pushdowns. Rope pushdowns. Single arm cable pushdowns. JM smith machine press.
  • Biceps - Preacher curl. Rope hammer curl. Dumbbell hammer curl. Dumbbell neutral curl. Externally rotated dumbbell curl. Preacher curl machine.
  • Shoulders - Dumbbell lateral raises (side delt). Cable lateral raises (side delt). Dumbbell front raises (front delt). Cable front raises (front delt). Smith machine shoulder press (front delt). Face pulls (rear delt). Reverse Pec Deck (rear delts)
  • Legs - Leg extensions (quads). Hack squat (quads). Leg curl (hamstrings). RDLs (hamstrings). Leg press (all depending on technique). Calve raises (calves).
12. Cutting/Bulking/Maintaining
  • Cutting - Entering a calorie deficit to maximise fat loss and attempt to minimise muscle loss
  • Bulking - Entering a calorie surplus to maximise muscle gain and attempt to minimise fat gain
  • Maintaining - Entering caloric maintenance to maintain muscle and fat (your current physique), potentially improving muscle maturity
  • What should i be doing? If you have a lot of excess body fat or want to lose fat, you should cut. If you are skinny and/or want muscle, you should bulk. If you have a great physique and want to maintain it, maintenance.
  • If you are under 19 you should be bulking even if the surplus isnt much, its hard to make yourself do as most people here desperately want to be 2% body fat however, if you are not in a calorie surplus when you are still growing, you can miss out on development
  • How do I do this? Aim for 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Use a maintenance calorie calculator to find out what your maintenance calories are. Consume 20-40% more calories if you are bulking and 20-40% less calories if you are cutting.
  • How do i count calories? Look at the nutritional information on the back of the goyslop you are eating and use that information or look up the nutritional value of what youre eating if necessary. *counting calories is super easy it takes like 10 minutes everyday MAX*
  • What food should I eat? Again very basic but a balanced diet with an emphasis on protein dense foods such as fish, beef and chicken. Avoid highly processed foods, foods high in sugar, energy drinks, alcohol, high fat foods etc.

View attachment 2791602View attachment 2791597View attachment 2791599View attachment 2791600
  • The first pic is a month into working out, and the others are now

  • If you are 14-23 i recommend going for your university gym even if youre not at university and its open to the public (can get student discount and be around people ((stacies)) your age)
  • Please please wear deodorant and shower BEFORE going to the gym
  • Try to do cardio everyday and when you do, do it at the end of your workout (best cardio imo is swimming and stairmaster)
  • Tuna
  • No gymceling is not going to put you into a very specific niche
  • Dont fall for the easy trap of talking about the gym constantly/making it your personality or talking abou tit at all. It completely nukes the thin nt cloak you created by going to the gym in the first place. DO NOT tell people you go to the gym unless they explicitly ask and when they do be casual about it like its meaningless and nothing remotely serious to you
  • Dont give up easily because you dont see instant results, most people go the gym for a short period of time and then give up
  • Dont take pre workout after 4-5pm
  • DONT train obliques and honestly dont train abs unless they are severely underdeveloped i have intentionally left it out of my guide
  • There's probably a fuck ton of mistakes i made this at 2am so forgive me
Start gymceling NOW its not hard

@Infinite @ylrven @pneumocystosis
  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon
Yeah I did gym religiously for like 1 year and got pretty jacked, I used to talk about it a lot but I realized that’s retarded, now I do it a little to maintain at school but I basically fraud never doing gym (it’s true tho I only do it like 1-2 times a week for sports (I’m a distance runner jfl)) when people are like “omg ur muscles are so big do you lift a lot” I’m like “not really they are just like that I guess” and it’s so much better it u talk about gym u look self obsessed and weird also most gymmaxxed people at my school are facecells/manlets who cope with gym so better to not be associated with them.

Telling people you go the gym and workout doesn’t make you seem like a gymcel, it makes you look like a structured and well presented person that has routine, nowadays a majority of girls will talk about gym since they themselves go gym as well

You’re not associating yourself with manlet gymcels

Telling people you go the gym and workout doesn’t make you seem like a gymcel, it makes you look like a structured and well presented person that has routine, nowadays a majority of girls will talk about gym since they themselves go gym as well

You’re not associating yourself with manlet gymcels
still the point is that you should massively downplay it. especially to women who don't go to the gym and have no idea or reference for why you need to do to achieve certain results.
downplaying how much effort you put into the gym will make your results seem more impressive
Great thread. I'll start gymcelling but I'm still unsure about a few things. To beginn with: 19 y/o and 174cm ≈ 5,7ft and relatively light 55kg ≈ 123lbs with prolly about 18-20% BF (collarbone and ribcage showing, but still too much fat around the stomach).

What would be healthy for me to beginn with in terms of dieting? As far as I've read from @colbycovington
thread GYMMAXXING 101 ("6. Training and dieting for different goals/aesthetics"), I should probably cut until around 10% BF and then start building musclemass, although I'm a bit unsure about that while already only weighing 55kg/123lbs. Would you agree on that? Or should I just start with a calorie surplus, which would be ~2400cal/day (20%) and work from this point on. If so, what to eat predominantly to reach 125g of protein I'd need daily? That shit gets expensive quickly, you'd need to buy a pack of proteinpowder once a week or eat like 800g of chickenbreast daily.

@kiyopon @dragomaxxer @Clavicular
  • +1
Reactions: future_, kiyopon and Clavicular

Telling people you go the gym and workout doesn’t make you seem like a gymcel, it makes you look like a structured and well presented person that has routine, nowadays a majority of girls will talk about gym since they themselves go gym as well

You’re not associating yourself with manlet gymcels
If people think you do gym a that’s not a big issue the problem is most people in the gym are redpill copers, people who make it there whole life, ets… you want to have a good excuse for doing gym like bieng an athlete, if you tell girls your in the gym because you want to look a certain way it’s bad and you look insecure. If you are in there becouse your a Athlete at your school or just in life or whatever its a Halo.
Colour indicators
Red - Lower necessity to read
Orange - Highly recommend reading
Green - Essential to read

What I will cover:
  1. What to look for when purchasing a membership
  2. Supplements
  3. What to bring
  4. Viable splits
  5. Warm up
  6. How many exercises per muscle group
  7. Sets/reps
  8. Intensity/failure
  9. Progressive overload
  10. Free weights vs Machines/Cables
  11. Best exercises per muscle group
  12. Cutting/Bulking/Maintaining
  13. Credentials (my physique)

Why make this?
There are guides with great info such as redfacccees guide however they contain so much information that most are too lazy to read and put into practice ((half of the comments are dnr)) or they are intimidated by the sheer amount of info. Also mainstream fitness information is absolute dogshit pseudoscience so dont be arrogant and think that you dont need guidance when it comes to gym.
TLDR, pneumo thread inspired me.

"Gym is cope"
The only people who say this are people who have never had a good physique and therefore do not truly understand the difference in treatement from women (and men if you care about that). People will write essays on here about why having an extra milimitre of bone is life or death because of biologically driven attraction but will deny the benefits of gymceling. Cant wait for the bonecels who spend thousands of hours on here yet dont even attempt to actually looksmax to cry.
TLDR, its not.

Why gymcel?
Attractive to a lot of women, leanmax more efficiently, enhances frame, CAN improve dimorphism, can semi-halo you, stimulate gh and test, improve overall health, makes clothes fit better on you, easy ntmax.

My personal anecdotal benefits
More masculine face, improved frame appearance, more attention from women, improved status among both genders, less time to rot, cope with trauma, improved sleep, increased test, makes you appear more nt, forces you to talk to other people even if it's asking how many sets they have left.
TLDR, lifefuel.

Before roidcels come for my bloodline i am making this thread INTENTIONALLY basic and dumbed-down so that it is comprehendable and easy to apply to the average forum users life, I want to avoid overcomplicating something that doesnt need to be complicated. I will leave out nuance and variating opinions on many topics because a 15 year old who wants wider shoulders doesnt need to know the extreme depths of mechanical tension, xRIR vs failure and all of the hyper-niche hypertrophy debates.
TLDR, intentionally simple/basic.

1. What to look for when purchasing a gym membership
  • Sauna
  • Plenty machines (avoid technogym if possible)
2. Supplements
  • Steroids - dont take unless highly informed and not necessary to build an aesthetic physique
  • Pre workout - not necessary. if you want it look for 100-250mg caf and some citrulline
  • Creatine - not necessary but a good supplement if you want it (lets muscles hold more water)
  • MK-677 - overrated. use if you are bulking or REALLY struggle to put food down and know how to manage insulin resistance
3. What to bring
  • 1L+ Water
  • Wrist straps (optional)
  • Lifting belt (for once you start lifting heavy weight)
  • Headphones
  • Swim shorts + shower stuff (if you have a sauna)
4. Viable splits
  • PPL - Day 1: Push movements. Day 2: Pull movements. Day 3: Leg movements. Day 4: Rest.
  • Arnold - Day 1: Chest and Back. Day 2: Arms and Shoulders. Day 3: Legs and Abs. *REPEAT* Day 7: Rest.
  • Bro - Day 1: Chest. Day 2: Back. Day 3: Legs. Day 4: Shoulders. Day 5: Arms. Day 6: Rest.
5. Warm up
  • Do NOT do cardio before your workout it will fatigue your muscles without effictively stimulating the muscle.
  • Do dynamic stretches and rotator cuff exercises to avoid injury during training
  • Warm up sets - Do a warmup set before you start your first working set of a muscle group, do the same machine/movement you are about to do but use about 65% of the weight that you would use for a working set and go close to failure
  • E.g. Im training chest and my first movement is an incline chest press machine with a working set weight of 100kg, i will begin with rotator cuff exercises and then do a warm up set of about 60-70kg close to failure
  • Please do not neglect warming up as it is vital for reducing risk of injury, injuring yourself will force you to lose a lot of progress
6. How many excercises to do per muscle group
  • 2-5 excercises per muscle group depending on the muscle group
  • E.g. you dont need to do 5 different excercises for rear delts/forearms/calves however two different excercises might not be enough for your chest or back
  • Focus on not neglecting muscle groups because you are caught up on which lat variation is optimal e.g. rear delts get neglected regularly
7. Sets and Reps
  • E.g. 5x8. The 5 stands for sets, the 8 stands for how many reps you perform per set
  • Working set - A set designed to stimulate muscle group
  • Warm up set - A set designed to send blood to the desired muscle group and somewhat stimulate it to prepare it for the load of the working set
  • Please do not fall for the most popular set/rep range: 4x12
  • Do 2-3 sets per exercise with 6-10 reps per set (this doesnt include warm up sets)
8. Intensity/Failure
  • This is the most crucial part of gymceling and is the most commonly made mistake which leads so many to struggle to see progress and therefore despise the gym
  • You should be going TO failure or CLOSE to failure during every working set
  • Failure - When you are no longer able to perform 80%< of the Range Of Motion (ROM)
  • Focus on making each repetition a quality repetition with good technique, if that means lowering the weight thats okay its better to perform lighter, high quality reps than heavier, shitty reps
  • If you feel a lot of pressure in your face or feel like youre going to pass out then make sure you take deep, controlled breaths during your sets and disperse pressure away from your face
9. Progressive overload
  • Once you can complete 10< quality reps consistently of a certain weight, increase the weight so that you are failing in the 6-10 rep range again, rinse and repeat
10. Free weights vs Machines and Cables
  • I understand the appeal of free weights and the stigma around machines however if you are purely persuing hypertrophy (muscle growth) then machines/cables are the way
  • Why? Machines/cables allow you to isolate the desired muscle group more than using free weights, its that simple
  • Free weights will be used but your workouts should be dominated by machines and cables
11. Best exercises for each muscle group
  • Chest - Incline Smith Machine Press (upper chest). Incline Chest Press Machine (upper chest). Decline Chest Press Machine (lower chest. Neutral Chest Press Machine (both). Cable Chest Flies (either depending on the angle). Pec Deck (either depending on angle)
  • Back - Wide grip Lat Pulldown (lats). Lat pullover (lats). Single arm lat pullover/down (lats). Seated rows (mid back). Single-arm seated rows (mid back).Bent over rows (mid and upper back). Row machine (mid and upper back)
  • Triceps - Straight bar pushdowns. Rope pushdowns. Single arm cable pushdowns. JM smith machine press.
  • Biceps - Preacher curl. Rope hammer curl. Dumbbell hammer curl. Dumbbell neutral curl. Externally rotated dumbbell curl. Preacher curl machine.
  • Shoulders - Dumbbell lateral raises (side delt). Cable lateral raises (side delt). Dumbbell front raises (front delt). Cable front raises (front delt). Smith machine shoulder press (front delt). Face pulls (rear delt). Reverse Pec Deck (rear delts)
  • Legs - Leg extensions (quads). Hack squat (quads). Leg curl (hamstrings). RDLs (hamstrings). Leg press (all depending on technique). Calve raises (calves).
12. Cutting/Bulking/Maintaining
  • Cutting - Entering a calorie deficit to maximise fat loss and attempt to minimise muscle loss
  • Bulking - Entering a calorie surplus to maximise muscle gain and attempt to minimise fat gain
  • Maintaining - Entering caloric maintenance to maintain muscle and fat (your current physique), potentially improving muscle maturity
  • What should i be doing? If you have a lot of excess body fat or want to lose fat, you should cut. If you are skinny and/or want muscle, you should bulk. If you have a great physique and want to maintain it, maintenance.
  • If you are under 19 you should be bulking even if the surplus isnt much, its hard to make yourself do as most people here desperately want to be 2% body fat however, if you are not in a calorie surplus when you are still growing, you can miss out on development
  • How do I do this? Aim for 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Use a maintenance calorie calculator to find out what your maintenance calories are. Consume 20-40% more calories if you are bulking and 20-40% less calories if you are cutting.
  • How do i count calories? Look at the nutritional information on the back of the goyslop you are eating and use that information or look up the nutritional value of what youre eating if necessary. *counting calories is super easy it takes like 10 minutes everyday MAX*
  • What food should I eat? Again very basic but a balanced diet with an emphasis on protein dense foods such as fish, beef and chicken. Avoid highly processed foods, foods high in sugar, energy drinks, alcohol, high fat foods etc.

View attachment 2791602View attachment 2791597View attachment 2791599View attachment 2791600
  • The first pic is a month into working out, and the others are now

  • If you are 14-23 i recommend going for your university gym even if youre not at university and its open to the public (can get student discount and be around people ((stacies)) your age)
  • Please please wear deodorant and shower BEFORE going to the gym
  • Try to do cardio everyday and when you do, do it at the end of your workout (best cardio imo is swimming and stairmaster)
  • Tuna
  • No gymceling is not going to put you into a very specific niche
  • Dont fall for the easy trap of talking about the gym constantly/making it your personality or talking abou tit at all. It completely nukes the thin nt cloak you created by going to the gym in the first place. DO NOT tell people you go to the gym unless they explicitly ask and when they do be casual about it like its meaningless and nothing remotely serious to you
  • Dont give up easily because you dont see instant results, most people go the gym for a short period of time and then give up
  • Dont take pre workout after 4-5pm
  • DONT train obliques and honestly dont train abs unless they are severely underdeveloped i have intentionally left it out of my guide
  • There's probably a fuck ton of mistakes i made this at 2am so forgive me
Start gymceling NOW its not hard

@Infinite @ylrven @pneumocystosis
Woah good thread + repped
  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon
Great thread. I'll start gymcelling but I'm still unsure about a few things. To beginn with: 19 y/o and 174cm ≈ 5,7ft and relatively light 55kg ≈ 123lbs with prolly about 18-20% BF (collarbone and ribcage showing, but still too much fat around the stomach).

What would be healthy for me to beginn with in terms of dieting? As far as I've read from @colbycovington
thread GYMMAXXING 101 ("6. Training and dieting for different goals/aesthetics"), I should probably cut until around 10% BF and then start building musclemass, although I'm a bit unsure about that while already only weighing 55kg/123lbs. Would you agree on that? Or should I just start with a calorie surplus, which would be ~2400cal/day (20%) and work from this point on. If so, what to eat predominantly to reach 125g of protein I'd need daily? That shit gets expensive quickly, you'd need to buy a pack of proteinpowder once a week or eat like 800g of chickenbreast daily.

@kiyopon @dragomaxxer @Clavicular
Ye 18% is too high cut down bro
  • +1
Reactions: raumDEuter
Great thread. I'll start gymcelling but I'm still unsure about a few things. To beginn with: 19 y/o and 174cm ≈ 5,7ft and relatively light 55kg ≈ 123lbs with prolly about 18-20% BF (collarbone and ribcage showing, but still too much fat around the stomach).

What would be healthy for me to beginn with in terms of dieting? As far as I've read from @colbycovington
thread GYMMAXXING 101 ("6. Training and dieting for different goals/aesthetics"), I should probably cut until around 10% BF and then start building musclemass, although I'm a bit unsure about that while already only weighing 55kg/123lbs. Would you agree on that? Or should I just start with a calorie surplus, which would be ~2400cal/day (20%) and work from this point on. If so, what to eat predominantly to reach 125g of protein I'd need daily? That shit gets expensive quickly, you'd need to buy a pack of proteinpowder once a week or eat like 800g of chickenbreast daily.

@kiyopon @dragomaxxer @Clavicular
for the first like 2 months stay in like a 15% calorie deficit as beginner lifters can kinda build muscle while losing fat. you will build some muscle and lose some fat but you only need to cut down to like 12-15% body fat before you start bulking.
Once you get down to like 12-15% or after 2 months, you should start a 20% calorie surplus (bulk) and bulk for atleast a year just dont do a super aggressive bulk as you will put on too much fat. Then once you have put on a lot of size and you can cut very carefully to minimise fat loss.
To achieve your daily protein goal id advise chicken, white fish, eggs, peanut butter etc. i would avoid things like protein powder as it isnt a whole food and therefore not as effective/healthy.

honestly i wouldnt reccommend cutting until youre like 21+ as you can still grow between the ages of 19-21 maybe even until youre 25. To optimise height/bone growth you NEED to bulk which is why i myself have never cut before.
  • +1
Reactions: raumDEuter
for the first like 2 months stay in like a 15% calorie deficit as beginner lifters can kinda build muscle while losing fat. you will build some muscle and lose some fat but you only need to cut down to like 12-15% body fat before you start bulking.
Once you get down to like 12-15% or after 2 months, you should start a 20% calorie surplus (bulk) and bulk for atleast a year just dont do a super aggressive bulk as you will put on too much fat. Then once you have put on a lot of size and you can cut very carefully to minimise fat loss.
To achieve your daily protein goal id advise chicken, white fish, eggs, peanut butter etc. i would avoid things like protein powder as it isnt a whole food and therefore not as effective/healthy.

honestly i wouldnt reccommend cutting until youre like 21+ as you can still grow between the ages of 19-21 maybe even until youre 25. To optimise height/bone growth you NEED to bulk which is why i myself have never cut before.
Ok sounds reasonable. One last question if you allow me:

55kg now, lets say, I loose about 2-5kg within the next two months: how much should I approximately weigh during bulk or have as a limit? 65-ish? Or do I just figure out the right amount with time? I am a turbomanlet as mentioned, so I guess anything about 70 would be too fat.

Ty in advance bhai:love:
Ok sounds reasonable. One last question if you allow me:

55kg now, lets say, I loose about 2-5kg within the next two months: how much should I approximately weigh during bulk or have as a limit? 65-ish? Or do I just figure out the right amount with time? I am a turbomanlet as mentioned, so I guess anything about 70 would be too fat.

Ty in advance bhai:love:
id say use a bmi calculator and aslong as you are below 28 bmi you should be fine to continue bulking. you could prolly get to 80kg and still be fine to carry on bulking. it depends from person to person because of your musculoskeletal composition, a general rule of thumb would be to continue to bulk as long as you dont literally look fat, and i mean someone with significant facial fat to the point where you cant see their jaw, some gymcels get to this point but i rarely ever see it benefitting them in the end.
so id say dont go past 82kg, and remind yourself to bulk carefully to avoid putting on too much fat, if you get fed up feeling like you are not growing as fast as you would like to you need to remember that super aggressive bulks arent effective and will just give you unnecessary fat and damage your overall health.
no problem
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: kiyopon
1. What to look for when purchasing a gym membership
  • Sauna
  • Plenty machines (avoid technogym if possible)
actually, if you knew anything about lifting, you’d know that compound FREE WEIGHT is important, all you need, and the best: it gives you full range of motion that a smith machine would not
Think about it: the same one bar can be used for:
Bench, Squat, rows, OHP, DL, biceps, triceps

(EDIT: sorry, by “all you need” I did not mean all you should use. Machines are also excellent like cable. I meant in theory if that’s all you had it’d be enough)

But yea, that’s actually the only reason to not go to planet fitness (that they don’t have barbells) and not being able to drop weights if u deadlift. Should add that as well, to avoid planetfitness

2. Supplements
  • Steroids - dont take unless highly informed and not necessary to build an aesthetic physique
  • Pre workout - not necessary. if you want it look for 100-250mg caf and some citrulline
  • Creatine - not necessary but a good supplement if you want it (lets muscles hold more water)
  • MK-677 - overrated. use if you are bulking or REALLY struggle to put food down and know how to manage insulin resistance
um, so you’re missing 2 very important supps, fish oil for joints and a multivitamin

Actually, steroids help a lot natty lifting is cope

Wym pre workout not “necessary”? But what’s “necessary”? I guess if you saw it in terms of a dilemma of tolerance where you either use it at work to increase prodctivity or in gym because with both you’ll get desensitized to caffein (tolerances)
But that specific circumstance aside, why would you not take a pre workout of some kind knowing you’re by definition allowing yourself to push harder even if it’s just an extra percent? As in, drink coffe or caffein pills whoch is basically free, not necessarily pre workout or is that what you meant.

8. Intensity/Failure
  • This is the most crucial part of gymceling and is the most commonly made mistake which leads so many to struggle to see progress and therefore despise the gym
  • You should be going TO failure or CLOSE to failure during every working set
  • Failure - When you are no longer able to perform 80%< of the Range Of Motion (ROM)
  • Focus on making each repetition a quality repetition with good technique, if that means lowering the weight thats okay its better to perform lighter, high quality reps than heavier, shitty reps
  • If you feel a lot of pressure in your face or feel like youre going to pass out then make sure you take deep, controlled breaths during your sets and disperse pressure away from your face
hmm if you were well informed you’d know that you actually do not need to always go to failure. I actually did not know this at first but yeah it’s unnecessary overkill and I believe not good for your cns.
Only need to Go to complete failure on your last set
Maybe we’re not thoinkig of the same thing but I mean exexertijg like every last bit of your power/willlpower.

9. Progressive overload
  • Once you can complete 10< quality reps consistently of a certain weight, increase the weight so that you are failing in the 6-10 rep range again, rinse and repeat
Depends on the exercise/program. Some you can do 8-12 before increasing.
Other programs 5x5 but more on that later
10. Free weights vs Machines and Cables

  • Why? Machines/cables allow you to isolate the desired muscle group more than using free weights, its that simple
  • Free weights will be used but your workouts should be dominated by machines and cables

while it’s true that machines can isolate well, dumbbell bicep curls are an example of “free weight” that are an “isolation” exercise as opposed to a compound exercise

4. Viable splits
  • PPL - Day 1: Push movements. Day 2: Pull movements. Day 3: Leg movements. Day 4: Rest.
  • Arnold - Day 1: Chest and Back. Day 2: Arms and Shoulders. Day 3: Legs and Abs. *REPEAT* Day 7: Rest.
  • Bro - Day 1: Chest. Day 2: Back. Day 3: Legs. Day 4: Shoulders. Day 5: Arms. Day 6: Rest.
should start with a strength basted 3x a week full body starter program such as ICF 5x5, All Pro’s Beginner routine, (did both of those), or starting strength even but I wouldn’t recommend that.

Why not take advantage of the fact that u can hit every body part 3x a week when you’re new?

I get it we’re here to chase heterotrophy, so do it for a month-2 months only. Before switching to a PPL.

  • How do I do this? Aim for 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Use a maintenance calorie calculator to find out what your maintenance calories are. Consume 20-40% more calories if you are bulking and 20-40% less calories if you are cutting.
Just letting yall know technically the number is 0.8-1G/lb protein so it’s not over if you go under one day. Although higher shown to be beneficial if you’re on steroids, even up to 2g /lb

Why 20-40% more/less? Just say 300-500 calories above or below

Very shittt guide overall. Motivating me to write my own thread. Thanks now it’s 2:36 and I’m not asleep yet and gotta be awake soon for college. It was 2am and I thought I was unlucky and fucked but now I realize it can always get even worse thanks jackass 😡😡😡
Last edited:
Woah good thread + repped
How’s this trash a good thread? See:

(click to view original so you can see what I’m replying too, don’t read it off the quote here)

actually, if you knew anything about lifting, you’d know that compound FREE WEIGHT is important, all you need, and the best: it gives you full range of motion that a smith machine would not
Think about it: the same one bar can be used for:
Bench, Squat, rows, OHP, DL, biceps, triceps

(EDIT: sorry, by “all you need” I did not mean all you should use. Machines are also excellent like cable. I meant in theory if that’s all you had it’d be enough)

But yea, that’s actually the only reason to not go to planet fitness (that they don’t have barbells) and not being able to drop weights if u deadlift. Should add that as well, to avoid planetfitness

um, so you’re missing 2 very important supps, fish oil for joints and a multivitamin

Actually, steroids help a lot natty lifting is cope

Wym pre workout not “necessary”? But what’s “necessary”? I guess if you saw it in terms of a dilemma of tolerance where you either use it at work to increase prodctivity or in gym because with both you’ll get desensitized to caffein (tolerances)
But that specific circumstance aside, why would you not take a pre workout of some kind knowing you’re by definition allowing yourself to push harder even if it’s just an extra percent? As in, drink coffe or caffein pills whoch is basically free, not necessarily pre workout or is that what you meant.

hmm if you were well informed you’d know that you actually do not need to always go to failure. I actually did not know this at first but yeah it’s unnecessary overkill and I believe not good for your cns.
Only need to Go to complete failure on your last set
Maybe we’re not thoinkig of the same thing but I mean exexertijg like every last bit of your power/willlpower.

Depends on the exercise/program. Some you can do 8-12 before increasing.
Other programs 5x5 but more on that later

while it’s true that machines can isolate well, dumbbell bicep curls are an example of “free weight” that are an “isolation” exercise as opposed to a compound exercise

should start with a strength basted 3x a week full body starter program such as ICF 5x5, All Pro’s Beginner routine, (did both of those), or starting strength even but I wouldn’t recommend that.

Why not take advantage of the fact that u can hit every body part 3x a week when you’re new?

I get it we’re here to chase heterotrophy, so do it for a month-2 months only. Before switching to a PPL.

Just letting yall know technically the number is 0.8-1G/lb protein so it’s not over if you go under one day. Although higher shown to be beneficial if you’re on steroids, even up to 2g /lb

Why 20-40% more/less? Just say 300-500 calories above or below

Very shittt guide overall. Motivating me to write my own thread. Thanks now it’s 2:36 and I’m not asleep yet and gotta be awake soon for college. It was 2am and I thought I was unlucky and fucked but now I realize it can always get even worse thanks jackass 😡😡😡
Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: Clavicular
actually, if you knew anything about lifting, you’d know that compound FREE WEIGHT is important, all you need, and the best: it gives you full range of motion that a smith machine would not
Think about it: the same one bar can be used for:
Bench, Squat, rows, OHP, DL, biceps, triceps

(EDIT: sorry, by “all you need” I did not mean all you should use. Machines are also excellent like cable. I meant in theory if that’s all you had it’d be enough)

But yea, that’s actually the only reason to not go to planet fitness (that they don’t have barbells) and not being able to drop weights if u deadlift. Should add that as well, to avoid planetfitness

um, so you’re missing 2 very important supps, fish oil for joints and a multivitamin

Actually, steroids help a lot natty lifting is cope

Wym pre workout not “necessary”? But what’s “necessary”? I guess if you saw it in terms of a dilemma of tolerance where you either use it at work to increase prodctivity or in gym because with both you’ll get desensitized to caffein (tolerances)
But that specific circumstance aside, why would you not take a pre workout of some kind knowing you’re by definition allowing yourself to push harder even if it’s just an extra percent? As in, drink coffe or caffein pills whoch is basically free, not necessarily pre workout or is that what you meant.

hmm if you were well informed you’d know that you actually do not need to always go to failure. I actually did not know this at first but yeah it’s unnecessary overkill and I believe not good for your cns.
Only need to Go to complete failure on your last set
Maybe we’re not thoinkig of the same thing but I mean exexertijg like every last bit of your power/willlpower.

Depends on the exercise/program. Some you can do 8-12 before increasing.
Other programs 5x5 but more on that later

while it’s true that machines can isolate well, dumbbell bicep curls are an example of “free weight” that are an “isolation” exercise as opposed to a compound exercise

should start with a strength basted 3x a week full body starter program such as ICF 5x5, All Pro’s Beginner routine, (did both of those), or starting strength even but I wouldn’t recommend that.

Why not take advantage of the fact that u can hit every body part 3x a week when you’re new?

I get it we’re here to chase heterotrophy, so do it for a month-2 months only. Before switching to a PPL.

Just letting yall know technically the number is 0.8-1G/lb protein so it’s not over if you go under one day. Although higher shown to be beneficial if you’re on steroids, even up to 2g /lb

Why 20-40% more/less? Just say 300-500 calories above or below

Very shittt guide overall. Motivating me to write my own thread. Thanks now it’s 2:36 and I’m not asleep yet and gotta be awake soon for college. It was 2am and I thought I was unlucky and fucked but now I realize it can always get even worse thanks jackass 😡😡😡
nope a smith machine gives you the same range of motion a bar bell gives you but its BETTER because it allows you to go to failure safely and it allows for greater muscular isolation.

deadlifitng is a terrible excercise for building muscle so youre already making me significantly question your knowledge on building muscle. yes sure you can do movements that cover most muscle groups but how are you going to effectively train your side or rear delts? and dont say muh rows no that gives you MINIMAL rear delt activation and id love to hear how youd effectively train your side delts with a barbell :lul: and again no i disagree i believe that a barbell is not all you need, could you grow muscle and look better with only a barbell (with a squat rack and bench)? yes definitely. are you going to make significantly lower progress and have noticeably smaller muscle groups? yes absolutely.

the country i live in does not have planet fitness, ive never been to a planet fitness so why would i have added that in my guide? i appreciate the information though if i had known it myself i wouldve included it (y)

i disagree, fish oil and a multivitamin is not necessary if you have a balanced diet as reccomended you will consume the reccomended amount of vitamins and minerals, join health will also be fine as long as you are sleeping and eating properly. if you struggle to consume the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals then sure a multivitamin can be a great substitute, if you are experiencing joint pain/issues then you should take fish oil or alternative joint support. i didnt include them because theyre not necessary to maintain good health/joint health unless you have a deficiency due to poor lifestyle choices.

"natty lifting is cope" just lol this makes me not want to even bother responding to the rest of this what a stupid thing to say. no way in hell am i going to recommend taking steroids to a bunch of teenagers when they can build a great physique without them and not have to deal with the huge amount of side effects that come with taking them. "bbbbut those side effects can be mitigated" i dont care most of the people reading this guide are young and i dont think they should risk taking steroids. natty lifting is not cope at all.

i mean you dont need to take pre workout to have an effective, high intensity work out. it is easy for especially young people to get desensitised to caffeine and end up relying on it to have a good workout. if you wanna take pre workout/caffeine pills/coffee go ahead it can give you an extra boost in your work outs but its definitely not necessary. i buy pre workout once a year so i have about 2-3 months a year of working out with pre workout and it helps but i dont NEED it to have an effective workout.

i am well informed. yes im aware that going to complete failure isnt necessary for every working set, 1RIR, 2RIR for at least half of your working sets has been found to most effective with the rest being to failure. yes we are thinking of different things, i assumed that for new lifters they arent going to push the limits of their willpower, imagining theyre saving their family from a car crushing them during every set. i completely agree you shouldnt do that for every set or even most sets im referring to mechanical faillure with a few partials. however this is an "applicable/realistic" guide which is why i tried to avoid overcomplicating it for new lifters who might get intimidated. maybe ill make a more advanced guide for people who have been working out for a while and are able to consume more complex information without being info overloaded.

yes again i agree, you can do 8-12 reps (i think thats what youre referring to?) before increasing the weight to progressively overload. however i want new lifters to really focus on their form and technique, being able to consistently perform high quality reps from as early as possible will make a big difference in their progress (in my personal opinion). as many new lifters do the classic 'muh 12 reps' with bad technique and not even going to 2RIR:lul:

because i didnt want to overcomplicate the guide. yes you are right we are chasing hypertrophy;) sure they could start with a more strength based start with a greater emphasis on compound movements im not against that at all i appreciate you mentioning that.

yes i agree, falling short of your protein goal isnt going to make you lose all of your muscle or stop you from growing, however i want to encourage good nutrition for new lifters as my nutrition was very poor for a very long time so im aware of the difference it can make.

because i wanted to say that? so what if it used a percentage as opposed to 200-500.

its not a shit guide at all and you know it, it serves its purpose which is be easily applicable, simple and easy to understand to get people to start lifting with DECENT guidance. you have differentiating opinions on the approach people should take to lifting and thats fine but this is my personal, dumbed-down recommendation to develop a good physique without intimidating people. yes there is plenty of sections in my guide that could dive into much deeper detail but i believe that it serves its purpose effectively, if you want to make your own guide i think thats a great idea and would be more than happy to read it.
How tf are gym guides still a thing in 2024. Everything to say about the gym has already been posted on the internet x1000 times
  • So Sad
Reactions: kiyopon
Just do HIIT and take 1g of caffeine when you workout

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