Realistically, how much stronger can someone get, who has hardly participated in significant physical activity if they start working out, lifting etc?



My genetics for it are poor, and I'm almost certain I suffer from Essential Tremors (most of my mother's side has tremors) and whenever I try to pick something up heavier than maybe 1kg, the muscles will start to shake despite it being easy to pick up. I think that this could lead to lifting and whatnot being much more difficult, as I would tire quicker. Anyways, if I were to become stronger, maybe this threshold for using any muscle causing tremors increases, so I'm wondering how much you could lift before training, then maybe after 2 months, then a year.

To note, I will never be "strong" due to my childlike frame, small hands and wrists giving me less leverage or whatever and inhibiting muscle growth and poor height. I just want to be "stronger" and increase some definition on myself, as I'm bordering on skinnyfat and am currently unhappy with how my arms are mostly soft, outside of the bone of course.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227
realistically speaking, not very far.

no limit to how much healthier you’ll be, though.
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and Deleted member 2227
If you're a sayajin, 0 limit
bro theres no excuse Not to go to the gym and lift. If youre not going now you will regret in a year. you will see small improvements after a month which will motivate you even more. do it and see it for yourself, dont fail before you tried
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless, prgfromnl, Deleted member 2846 and 2 others
bro theres no excuse Not to go to the gym and lift. If youre not going now you will regret in a year. you will see small improvements after a month which will motivate you even more. do it and see it for yourself, dont fail before you tried
Fucking this.My shoulder grew a little after a month of inconsistent training.Its fucking motivating
noob gains come fast bro. just eat well and lift heavy
  • +1
Reactions: Amnesia and Deleted member 2621
There is no limit to strength it’s the one thing you can change about your body
Went from not being able to lift an empty barbell to 2 plates
  • JFL
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2
lol i shaked before i did workouts too. Now i lift those stuff like paper.
My genetics for it are poor, and I'm almost certain I suffer from Essential Tremors (most of my mother's side has tremors) and whenever I try to pick something up heavier than maybe 1kg, the muscles will start to shake despite it being easy to pick up. I think that this could lead to lifting and whatnot being much more difficult, as I would tire quicker. Anyways, if I were to become stronger, maybe this threshold for using any muscle causing tremors increases, so I'm wondering how much you could lift before training, then maybe after 2 months, then a year.

To note, I will never be "strong" due to my childlike frame, small hands and wrists giving me less leverage or whatever and inhibiting muscle growth and poor height. I just want to be "stronger" and increase some definition on myself, as I'm bordering on skinnyfat and am currently unhappy with how my arms are mostly soft, outside of the bone of course.
Start of at 1kg and see what you are capable off try doing push ups and sit ups idk is there some sort of medication out there for tremors?
Start off by doing body weight exercise to get a better base before you go heavy on weights. Make sure you change your lifestyle too, diet, sleep and mood will affect your performance in the gym.

You will progress very fast the first year which will be your best motivation to keep going. Also don't just go gym and lift weights, do cardio as well, its great for health, mood, endurance and SKIN.

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