Realistically speaking, if I ever got in a relationship with my oneitis, I would abuse the fuck out of her

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
And she would probably like it. Knowing her, she would she would smile like a retard if I punched her and keep asking for more. Bitch was self admitedly psychotic and not romantic.

In theory I talk about romance and hand holding and unicorns, but in action, I don't do this shit. I like to treat women as equals, what can I say, I'm a feminist. And the particular woman made me extremely violent. I wanted to dominate her so badly. Her estrogen polarized my testosterone and brought out my true self.
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like the animal you are

its over for hyenacels
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She has very low estrogen features TBH
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She has very low estrogen features TBH

Idk she looks very feminine to me. Her voice is still the cutest I have heard. It's girly enough so that it's not annoying
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Idk she looks very feminine to me. Her voice is still the cutest I have heard. It's girly enough so that it's not annoying
Yeah I love voices like that not the deep, manly voices that STEM girls have (if you wanna even consider them girls)
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Yeah I love voices like that not the deep, manly voices that STEM girls have (if you wanna even consider them girls)

STEM girls sound like robots. Asexual bots that think they are the shit.
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STEM girls sound like robots. Asexual bots that think they are the shit.
Their hormonal levels are wrecked and they all look like shit. No estrogen, more hypergamy, etc
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Their hormonal levels are wrecked and they all look like shit. No estrogen, more hypergamy, etc

To put things into perspective, STEM girls are so misandristic that 5 years in STEM and I ended up going out with my HS crush who wasn't from STEM of course and mogged all girls in STEM.

STEM bitches should be ignored. You have more chances with a stacy girl that works in a cafe than you have with a nerdy slut from STEM
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To put things into perspective, STEM girls are so misandristic that 5 years in STEM and I ended up going out with my HS crush who wasn't from STEM of course and mogged all girls in STEM.

STEM bitches should be ignored. You have more chances with a stacy girl that works in a cafe than you have with a nerdy slut from STEM
Exactly this bro. Like every other guy in stem thinks because they're ugly, aromantic, asexual blobs of low estrogen, that they'll be easier to date, when I reality high estrogen majors like theatre (what my girl is in), English, education, etc are more beautiful and actually less slutty
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Exactly this bro. Like every other guy in stem thinks because they're ugly, aromantic, asexual blobs of low estrogen, that they'll be easier to date, when I reality high estrogen majors like theatre (what my girl is in), English, education, etc are more beautiful and actually less slutty

Yes, well put. I fell for this trap too. "They are less uttractive and dress funny, they must be easy to lay". Not only they aren't, they will reject you in a hardbeat, they wil treat you like shit and they will make you feel about yourself. "I can't get these ugly girls, so I'm ugly too" and there goes your confidece.

Want more blackpill? I sent friend to request to my female classmates from STEM and some random, Non STEM girls. Guess what? The STEM cunts did 9 months to accept the requests, the other girls immidiately added me.

All women I had had some chemistry with were Non STEM. I did better with a 33 yo librarian than I did with any classmate in uni.
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Yes, well put. I fell for this trap too. "They are less uttractive and dress funny, they must be easy to lay". Not only they aren't, they will reject you in a hardbeat, they wil treat you like shit and they will make you feel about yourself. "I can't get these ugly girls, so I'm ugly too" and there goes your confidece.

Want more blackpill? I sent friend to request to my female classmates from STEM and some random, Non STEM girls. Guess what? The STEM cunts did 9 months to accept the requests, the other girls immidiately added me.

All women I had had some chemistry with were Non STEM. I did better with a 33 yo librarian than I did with any classmate in uni.
Exactly bro. Yeah I mean you'd think they'd be less hypergamous but they're actually cruel, mean, and manipulative.

Not only that but who would even want to fuck them? Only as a last resort if you think you can't do better, which is why so many stem girls are sluts: they know that they're everyone's last resort so they are bitter and sleep around a lot
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Exactly bro. Yeah I mean you'd think they'd be less hypergamous but they're actually cruel, mean, and manipulative.

Not only that but who would even want to fuck them? Only as a last resort if you think you can't do better, which is why so many stem girls are sluts: they know that they're everyone's last resort so they are bitter and sleep around a lot

They do not feel empathy. They don't even show any affection to their bfs. They probably wont show any affection to their children. They probably don;t have much sex at all. I haven't seen a STEM girl hug her bf or call him 'BAE'.

STEM girls are sluts because STEM guys orbit them, their egos rise exponentially, and they think they are worth of Chad. Believe it or not, I know girls from acting school or eduction, who have less orbitter than STEM bitches.
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They do not feel empathy. They don't even show any affection to their bfs. They probably wont show any affection to their children. They probably don;t have much sex at all. I haven't seen a STEM girl hug her bf or call him 'BAE'.

STEM girls are sluts because STEM guys orbit them, their egos rise exponentially, and they think they are worth of Chad. Believe it or not, I know girls from acting school or eduction, who have less orbitter than STEM bitches.
Exactly. They have no emotions and it's like they're machines. Sends shivers down my spine.

Yeah I mean my girl has orbiters and she never replies to them. In fact we laugh at their comments ngl, so never become an orbiter
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Exactly. They have no emotions and it's like they're machines. Sends shivers down my spine.

Like I said, they should be ignored. Beating myself over oneitis was a million times more worth it than beating myself over a certain STEM girl.

Yeah I mean my girl has orbiters and she never replies to them. In fact we laugh at their comments ngl, so never become an orbiter

In fb, girls from my uni, they have so many orbitters. It's insane. All these desperate guys trying to get their attention, and the only thing they do, is raise their alreayd inflated egos.

STEM women are the most entitled and hypergamous ones. I had a friend, who dates a legit 10 redhead, he told me he had less trouble fucking her than he had with the girls from physics. It's so inconceivable and at the same time, it makes me regret wasting my time with these cunts.
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STEM women are the most entitled and hypergamous ones. I had a friend, who dates a legit 10 redhead, he told me he had less trouble fucking her than he had with the girls from physics. It's so inconceivable and at the same time, it makes me regret wasting my time with these cunts.
That's probably why you were incel for so long, cuz you were surrounded by stem cunta who aren't normal girls
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That's probably why you were incel for so long, cuz you were surrounded by stem cunta who aren't normal girls

Yeah exactly. And I'm still surunded by STEM cunts. Most of the greek girls that came here for post grad are from STEM too because the uni is mostly directed toward sciences.
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Yeah exactly. And I'm still surunded by STEM cunts. Most of the greek girls that came here for post grad are from STEM too because the uni is mostly directed toward sciences.
It's a good thing you found a normal Dutch Stacy tbh
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It's a good thing you found a normal Dutch Stacy tbh

Very few dutch girls go to STEM. Most of them don't even go to uni.
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I wanted to dominate her so badly
I wanna bend my oneitis over and ram it up her ass and hear her scream in agony. Her screams would help me blow a massive load.
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I wanna bend my oneitis over and ram it up her ass and hear her scream in agony. Her screams would help me blow a massive load.

Man, same. I never believed that she would inspire such behavior to me.
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Man, same. I never believed that she would inspire such behavior to me.
She filled me with hate tbh, she was sweet at one point and a complete bitch at another.
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They are ngl. There model tier girls working in bakery shops lol.
Damn lol. All youngcels here should go there immediately and start low inhib maxing and confidencemaxing
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Damn lol. All youngcels here should go there immediately and start low inhib maxing and confidencemaxing

Many chads too. Tbh I really want some Scandinavian vikings to come here and cuck Dutch faggots.

In Greece, model tier girls were rather rare especially in shops. I have friends who have not even spoken to a girl thats more than a 5
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Yeah a lot of nordics are low t cucks lmao. Soybois

Were re these vikings we were told of? Imagine Vark Vikernes coming here and killing some dutch faggots and fucking their women
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Were re these vikings we were told of? Imagine Vark Vikernes coming here and killing some dutch faggots and fucking their women
We honestly need THESE kind of Scandinavian guys back. High t robust Chad vikings
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We honestly need THESE kind of Scandinavian guys back. High t robust Chad vikings

True tbh. Europe needs more men like that. Here in Netherlands, they are so emascualated.
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True tbh. Europe needs more men like that. Here in Netherlands, they are so emascualated.
Yeah that's why their women mostly like foreign slayers like you. Higher t and dimorphism with low inhib
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Yeah that's why their women mostly like foreign slayers like you. Higher t and dimorphism with low inhib

Idk what their women like tbh. I see more gay and lesbian couples than heterosexual ones here.
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Lmao probably due to fucked up hormones en utero

It's mostly girls on bikes, you won't be seeing couples walking handholding like in Greece
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Lmao probably due to fucked up hormones en utero
We've all been exposed to hormonal disruptors of some sort since before birth, though some more than others.
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Lmao that would fuck everyone even more

Yeah that's what I've heard. Do most people drive?
Not necessarily, i can control the estrogen manually by taking things like arimidex.
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Not necessarily, i can control the estrogen manually by taking things like arimidex.
If you plan on keeping everyone on roids for life them that would work but that's not really an option lol
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If you plan on keeping everyone on roids for life them that would work but that's not really an option lol
Just myself, lol. Once i max out my natty potential.
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Lmao that would fuck everyone even more

Yeah that's what I've heard. Do most people drive?

There are cars but just not as many as there are in other countries
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I see. honestly you don't even have to go past your genetic potential to be attractive to women
But i just love the look, muscular and dom, its not even about women tbh.
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I see. honestly you don't even have to go past your genetic potential to be attractive to women

Same here

Walking is more practical and its not much slower
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Walking is more practical and its not much slower
Yeah you don't have to carry around a bike lock and shit with you everywhere. It's good exercise tio
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Yeah you don't have to carry around a bike lock and shit with you everywhere. It's good exercise tio

Bike is also cringe and generally low T. Slayers use the bus or drive
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