Reason girls are overconfident and men are suicidal is only



Nov 21, 2018
Is only social feedback.

You need healthy social circle, social life, and compliments from people.

It sounds sketchy but i was once overconfident as fuck and it was only cuz of these.

If u hit gym u will be getting compliments from normies

That will make u overconfident.

No looksmax will succees without gym and social circle if u r male.

U need to develop god body then meet as many ppls as you can for compliments
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If u hit gym u will be getting compliments from normies

That will make u overconfident.
Reaching the level where you start getting compliments from gymcelling isn't an easy task. Requires lots of time and effort tbh
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Seems to me that you are trying to motivate yourself to GymMax with thread.

So I say, no need. Just go gym.

For me, I go gym but for LeanMax.

Most important for women is lean, muscles are cope. I try to get sixpack through lowering bodyfat and improve facial definition.
Reaching the level where you start getting compliments from gymcelling isn't an easy task. Requires lots of time and effort tbh
not really tho
not really tho
Yes, you need to spend months to have a body that will get you compliments. You'd look better earlier but won't get compliments. Just curious @Deltoid how much time did you spend to reach that body level?
Yes, you need to spend months to have a body that will get you compliments. You'd look better earlier but won't get compliments. Just curious @Deltoid how much time did you spend to reach that body level?

'spend months' for best life fix you will ever get? totally worth it
'spend months' for best life fix you will ever get? totally worth it
Easier said than done. And it isn't like a magical fix for everything. Remember you are going to be wearing clothes most of the time. The only place where I see it really getting benefits is on Tinder or may be if you go to a beach or shit.

Not saying I am against it as I'd gymcel soon too but I'm not expecting to get compliments from normies like you mentioned in the post. That level of body requires special effort. If you go natty, get ready to do this shit regularly for years. That means going to the gym every week for years, having a good diet and all at the same time.

For the periods that I gymcelled I saw guys who were consistently gymcelling. I used to get bored or tired and stopped gymcelling, took breaks and when I went back after few months to a year gap again (after gymcelling for 3-4 months, couldn't do it longer than that coz got bored or lost the drive), I still found the same guys doing it. Their physiques were obviously better but thinking that these guys had been doing the same thing all this time made me appreciate their dedication but I also thought if this is really worth it since those guys weren't slaying bitches left and right due to this.

One of the first chads that got me blackpilled (whose pics I used on Tinder for an experiment) has a fantastic body and is a hardcore gymcel with a great face. I explored his Insta and facebook and nigga took like 2-3 years before he reached the point when his shirtless pic could get bitches sending him messages first. I saw his transformations and you can clearly say that gym was the most important thing in his life for these 2-3 years.

Not trying to discourage you or anything but the way you say

If u hit gym u will be getting compliments from normies

That will make u overconfident.

makes me feel like you don't understand how much effort it is to reach the level where you become overconfident due to the compliments people give you on your body.
Easier said than done. And it isn't like a magical fix for everything. Remember you are going to be wearing clothes most of the time. The only place where I see it really getting benefits is on Tinder or may be if you go to a beach or shit.

If people can't tell you lift in clothes your body isn't good enough.
I got more confident from gymcelling without actually getting any compliments.
tfw no social life
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Easier said than done. And it isn't like a magical fix for everything. Remember you are going to be wearing clothes most of the time. The only place where I see it really getting benefits is on Tinder or may be if you go to a beach or shit.

Not saying I am against it as I'd gymcel soon too but I'm not expecting to get compliments from normies like you mentioned in the post. That level of body requires special effort. If you go natty, get ready to do this shit regularly for years. That means going to the gym every week for years, having a good diet and all at the same time.

For the periods that I gymcelled I saw guys who were consistently gymcelling. I used to get bored or tired and stopped gymcelling, took breaks and when I went back after few months to a year gap again (after gymcelling for 3-4 months, couldn't do it longer than that coz got bored or lost the drive), I still found the same guys doing it. Their physiques were obviously better but thinking that these guys had been doing the same thing all this time made me appreciate their dedication but I also thought if this is really worth it since those guys weren't slaying bitches left and right due to this.

One of the first chads that got me blackpilled (whose pics I used on Tinder for an experiment) has a fantastic body and is a hardcore gymcel with a great face. I explored his Insta and facebook and nigga took like 2-3 years before he reached the point when his shirtless pic could get bitches sending him messages first. I saw his transformations and you can clearly say that gym was the most important thing in his life for these 2-3 years.

Not trying to discourage you or anything but the way you say

makes me feel like you don't understand how much effort it is to reach the level where you become overconfident due to the compliments people give you on your body.

i had a lot of compliments just because of my body and it wasnt even that good body.

half year natty will get u there.

my only problem is now because i dont do gym at all, i train at home but thats 80% slower progress.

i am considering going gym but i live in middle of nowhere atm and too long travel.
If people can't tell you lift in clothes your body isn't good enough.
Don’t agree with this tbh. Imagine someone who has a corporate job and is expected to wear suit and shit all day. I don’t think people will complement you on your body in that suit. You’ll get more compliments on your suit instead. You need to wear the right kind of clothes to show your body as well. It’ll be more difficult in formal clothing.
Don’t agree with this tbh. Imagine someone who has a corporate job and is expected to wear suit and shit all day. I don’t think people will complement you on your body in that suit. You’ll get more compliments on your suit instead. You need to wear the right kind of clothes to show your body as well. It’ll be more difficult in formal clothing.

Just everyday jeans and a t-shirt shows it well. So it won't only work on tinder or a beach.

But sure if you're wearing a suit that's different.
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If people can't tell you lift in clothes your body isn't good enough.
Wrong boyo, guy in my avi might not look like he lifts when wearing a suit, doesn't mean he can't show it off, post shirtless pics on ig and follow the girls you want to bang on ig, that way they can see what your physique looks like.
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Wrong boyo, guy in my avi might not look like he lifts when wearing a suit, doesn't mean he can't show it off, post shirtless pics on ig and follow the girls you want to bang on ig, that way they can see what your physique looks like.
I mean everyday clothes not suits. That guy in your avi would look like he lifts in a t-shirt or long sleeve that isn't too loose.
I mean everyday clothes not suits. That guy in your avi would look like he lifts in a t-shirt or long sleeve that isn't too loose.
Oh yes, definitely. I'd always wear medium sized t-shirts if I looked like that tbh.
Is only social feedback.

You need healthy social circle, social life, and compliments from people.

It sounds sketchy but i was once overconfident as fuck and it was only cuz of these.

If u hit gym u will be getting compliments from normies

That will make u overconfident.

No looksmax will succees without gym and social circle if u r male.

U need to develop god body then meet as many ppls as you can for compliments
You need compliments from women, compliments from men don't do much for me.
Oh yes, definitely. I'd always wear medium sized t-shirts if I looked like that tbh.

You need compliments from women, compliments from men don't do much for me.

they do A LOT you just dont realise it.

just lol if you think thats not subconscious


I cant explain this with words because if you didnt experience it, you wont know what im talking about.

but this is what changed me once from nolife game player to most liked guy around that dont play games, that has great body and is liked by both men and girls.

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