Redpillers are bluepilled about capitalism



Jan 2, 2019
Look you have been brainwashed capitalism doesn't work the way most of you have been told. The soviet union was actually a pretty livable place don't believe the horror stories they are mostly bullshit. Most of the world is still dirt poor despite adopting capitalism and currently neo-liberalism is destroying the west through globalism and immigration (both of whom are a part of capitalism). Also don't make the mistake of mistaking sjws for socialism because most of them are actually neo-liberals larping as leftists and use social issues to distract everybody, and even the ones who aren't are mocked internationally by non-white socialists. In fact I bet sjw identity politics were actually invented by the capitalist class to destroy lower class unity.

Tbh I think the capitalistpill is a major blackpill because even most blackpillers and redpillers are still bluepilled about capitalism and will repeat the same old tired "dem commies&filthy reds lol" bluepill rhetoric. Do your own research on the soviet union and don't trust mainstream historians.
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Look you have been brainwashed capitalism doesn't work the way most of you have been told. The soviet union was actually a pretty livable place don't believe the horror stories they are mostly bullshit. Most of the world is still dirt poor despite adopting capitalism and currently neo-liberalism is destroying the west through globalism and immigration (both of whom are a part of capitalism). Also don't make the mistake of mistaking sjws for socialism because most of them are actually neo-liberals larping as leftists and use social issues to distract everybody, and even the ones who aren't are mocked internationally by non-white socialists. In fact I bet sjw identity politics were actually invented by the capitalist class to destroy lower class unity.

Tbh I think the capitalistpill is a major blackpill because even most blackpillers and redpillers are still bluepilled about capitalism and will repeat the same old tired "dem commies&filthy reds lol" bluepill rhetoric. Do your own research on the soviet union and don't trust mainstream historians.
Blackpill: jews
Blackpill: jews

Good example of the typical low IQ alt-right post. Tbh the liberals are right about most right-wingers being low IQ dumbfucks. Yes multiculturalism fails horribly but this is also largely in part because the lower classes are too fucking stupid to get along with each other or understand anything. It's easier to yell" JEWS!" than actually analyzing the economy system in detail.
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Good example of the typical low IQ alt-right post. Tbh the liberals are right about most right-wingers being low IQ dumbfucks. Yes multiculturalism fails horribly but this is also largely in part because the lower classes are too fucking stupid to get along with each other or understand anything. It's easier to yell" JEWS!" than actually analyzing the economy system in detail.
Bluepilled cuck suh mah dih
Full of brutal redpills about the soviet era:

"a recent poll what socio-economic system they favor, Russians answered [7]:

• State planning and distribution, 58%
• Private property and distribution, 28%
• Hard to say, 14%
• Total, 100%"

"a 2003 poll asked Russians how they would react if the Communists seized power. Almost one-quarter would support the new government, one in five would collaborate, 27 percent would accept it, 16 percent would emigrate, and only 10 percent would actively resist it. In other words, for every Russian who would actively oppose a Communist take-over, four would support it or collaborate with it, and three would accept it"

But...but...socialism failed and nobody would ever want to go back to it!!!!!!!!!!!

It's surreal how much westerners are brainwashed. Socialism was very flawed but it was nowhere near the failure we are told. People are fucking sheep.
the correct position is to be pro-socialist and nationalistic/socially conservative. leftist's are not real socialist's they are products of the degenerate capitalist system. conservatives are mentally challenged because they think their somehow against degeneracy but they support individualism and the free market which creates it in the first place.
shet thred keel yourcelfi
You're one of the lowest-IQ posters on ths forum
You're one of the lowest-IQ posters on ths forum

Yea fuck thinking for yourself and not mindlessly lapping up all the bullshit we are fed by mainstream media. Also fuck the polls saying eastern europeans DON'T think socialism was all a failure despite all the horror stories we were told. Also let's just ignore all the legit economic accomplishments of the soviets and that much of the prosperity in the west only actually exists because the capitalist class exploits the lower classes in other nations. Just be sheep.
Yea fuck thinking for yourself and not mindlessly lapping up all the bullshit we are fed by mainstream media. Also fuck the polls saying eastern europeans DON'T think socialism was all a failure despite all the horror stories we were told. Also let's just ignore all the legit economic accomplishments of the soviets and that much of the prosperity in the west only actually exists because the capitalist class exploits the lower classes in other nations. Just be sheep.

I've read over 50 books on economics, meanwhile, you're just another internet retarded who don't even know what capitalism is...

"capitalism in the west"


The only country that came close to that was the USA over a century ago, just like communism, there was no capitalism anywhere, the only thing we have is INTERVENTIONISM
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i wanna move somewhere tropical so bad tbh




I just want to move to Buzios before I move out to another country and leave this shit third world shithole, it's close to Rio, all the gl girls from rich families go to there

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Also Alex just made up the entire The Gulag Archipelago right
Shit internet doubling post
Didnt read a word tbh. Good thread tho
There’s nothing wrong with Liberalism in the sense of it being a centre ideology like in UK, not what you retard americans consider liberalism to be far left
I've read over 50 books on economics, meanwhile, you're just another internet retarded who don't even know what capitalism is...

"capitalism in the west"


The only country that came close to that was the USA over a century ago, just like communism, there was no capitalism anywhere, the only thing we have is INTERVENTIONISM
capitalism is by defintion interventionism retard.
How about I fucking shoot you in the head and take your shit? Oh wait that's not allowed, you need a cop to INTERVENE? :lul:
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capitalism is by defintion interventionism retard.
How about I fucking shoot you in the head and take your shit? Oh wait that's not allowed, you need a cop to INTERVENE? :lul:


The fact that you're unable to make the semantic differentiation of the word in these two different situations is enough for me to know that I shouldn't waste my time discussing with such low-IQ creature

The fact that you're unable to make the semantic differentiation of the word in these two different situations is enough for me to know that I shouldn't waste my time discussing with such low-IQ creature
Suck Bolsonaro's cock some more you toady faggot. Working class cuckolds like you who defend rich people are the worst and I hope you get doxxed by antifa and forced to suck black Brazilian dick to survive because no private employer would hire you after that. See how much you like your capitalism then. Capitalism is not the friend of white people or men (unless you are so fucking rich that you don't need to work. Ironically I'm in that position more than most people on here since I'm somewhat of a trust fund kid yet it's the working class who defend getting cuckolded by wealthy people. Living the NEET lifestyle vs. having worked in the past has allowed me to see just how much the working class is getting cuckolded by the rich in society). Yet right-wing nationalist cucks seem to think so for some reason. How many right-wingers have been doxxed and had their careers ruined because they got outed for being racists or misogynists?

I don't think there is anything wrong with working. But there is a gross inequality of leisure in society. You have wagecucks putting in 40+ hours/week, you have part-time wagecucks like my gf who only works 12 hours/week. And you have unemployables who don't work. And you have the wealthy ownership class who don't work because they just invest their money and make passive income. If you are rich and work, you are doing so voluntarily due to your greed or ego or whatever. You aren't doing it for your survival. Therefore you are able to work the jobs that you really want to do when you are rich. Most people on the other hand have to work to survive and do jobs that the hate because they have no other choice.

Instead of having a 40+ hour work week with a bunch of people not in the labour force, I think we should aim for full employment but with a 20 hour work week or something like that. And introduce a universal basic income that is small enough to give people incentive to work. But large enough that the low-level workers can afford to live decently.
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Life was better in the post 1960s USSR. Even though everything we had was really low budget, but at least we had all necesseties. Everyone had access to food, water, housing, education, romantic partnerships, vacations, healthcare. For me, I can tolerate all the negatives of Soviet communism and still enjoy life to it's fullest, whereas the benefits of American capitalism are not enough to make me happy.
Life was better in the post 1960s USSR. Even though everything we had was really low budget, but at least we had all necesseties. Everyone had access to food, water, housing, education, romantic partnerships, vacations, healthcare. For me, I can tolerate all the negatives of Soviet communism and still enjoy life to it's fullest, whereas the benefits of American capitalism are not enough to make me happy.
Gorbachev threw that all away just because some people in the USSR wanted Levi's and Pizza Hut. Disgraceful. What's the point of Levi's and Pizza Hut if you can't even afford the basic necessities?
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Gorbachev threw that all away just because some people in the USSR wanted Levi's and Pizza Hut. Disgraceful. What's the point of Levi's and Pizza Hut if you can't even afford the basic necessities?
I don't understand why people were so hyped about fucking denim. Big fucking deal.
I don't understand why people were so hyped about fucking denim. Big fucking deal.
If you didn't understand my Pizza Hut reference, here you go: :ROFLMAO:
If you didn't understand my Pizza Hut reference, here you go: :ROFLMAO:

My parents and grandparents were born and raised in the USSR. All of us ended up immigrating to the US. They weren't part of the high ranking party officials, so they were ordinary people. Even after years of living in the states they can't get over the fact that things are so different here. Imagine paying thousands of dollars for insurance over long time and then being denied coverage when you need it, forcing to go in debt and go wage slave to pay it off. It's shit like this that pisses off me and my family.
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My parents and grandparents were born and raised in the USSR. All of us ended up immigrating to the US. They weren't part of the high ranking party officials, so they were ordinary people. Even after years of living in the states they can't get over the fact that things are so different here. Imagine paying thousands of dollars for insurance over long time and then being denied coverage when you need it, forcing to go in debt and go wage slave to pay it off. It's shit like this that pisses off me and my family.
Whereas in the USSR, they had universal health care and had access to the health care you needed right? I'm sure that health care wasn't as advanced in the USSR. But if you can't afford the so-called advanced health care you need in the US, you're fucked anyways. The poor in the USSR probably had a higher life expectancy than the middle-class in America. lmao.
Whereas in the USSR, they had universal health care and had access to the health care you needed right? I'm sure that health care wasn't as advanced in the USSR. But if you can't afford the so-called advanced health care you need in the US, you're fucked anyways. The poor in the USSR probably had a higher life expectancy than the middle-class in America. lmao.
I wish the USSR never collapsed. I would have not been incel. Even if I stayed in my shithole and didn't move to the US, I'd probably be in an ltr with my future wife by now...
I wish the USSR never collapsed. I would have not been incel. Even if I stayed in my shithole and didn't move to the US, I'd probably be in an ltr with my future wife by now...
Russian women in capitalist Russia now I hear are pretty bad though. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the USSR dissolved in 1991. So basically any Russian woman younger than 28 didn't even live through Socialism at all. And in the dying years of the USSR they basically reformed things anyways to make it more capitalist I think. Like by the time the Berlin Wall went down in 1989, USSR was probably already captialist by that point.

So these new generation of Russian thots grew up never knowing socialism. What they know about socialism they got from second-hand information from their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. or what they hear in school, media or online.
Russian women in capitalist Russia now I hear are pretty bad though. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the USSR dissolved in 1991. So basically any Russian woman younger than 28 didn't even live through Socialism at all. And in the dying years of the USSR they basically reformed things anyways to make it more capitalist I think. Like by the time the Berlin Wall went down in 1989, USSR was probably already captialist by that point.

So these new generation of Russian thots grew up never knowing socialism. What they know about socialism they got from second-hand information from their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. or what they hear in school, media or online.
Despite them not being raised in the Soviet Union, they were raised by Soviet parents and Soviet teachers. This is what I experienced, and it still gets into your head and changes your mentality.
Suck Bolsonaro's cock some more you toady faggot. Working class cuckolds like you who defend rich people are the worst and I hope you get doxxed by antifa and forced to suck black Brazilian dick to survive because no private employer would hire you after that. See how much you like your capitalism then. Capitalism is not the friend of white people or men (unless you are so fucking rich that you don't need to work. Ironically I'm in that position more than most people on here since I'm somewhat of a trust fund kid yet it's the working class who defend getting cuckolded by wealthy people. Living the NEET lifestyle vs. having worked in the past has allowed me to see just how much the working class is getting cuckolded by the rich in society). Yet right-wing nationalist cucks seem to think so for some reason. How many right-wingers have been doxxed and had their careers ruined because they got outed for being racists or misogynists?

I don't think there is anything wrong with working. But there is a gross inequality of leisure in society. You have wagecucks putting in 40+ hours/week, you have part-time wagecucks like my gf who only works 12 hours/week. And you have unemployables who don't work. And you have the wealthy ownership class who don't work because they just invest their money and make passive income. If you are rich and work, you are doing so voluntarily due to your greed or ego or whatever. You aren't doing it for your survival. Therefore you are able to work the jobs that you really want to do when you are rich. Most people on the other hand have to work to survive and do jobs that the hate because they have no other choice.

Instead of having a 40+ hour work week with a bunch of people not in the labour force, I think we should aim for full employment but with a 20 hour work week or something like that. And introduce a universal basic income that is small enough to give people incentive to work. But large enough that the low-level workers can afford to live decently.

Fucking cage @ thinking I support bolsonaro, kys phaggot, I didn't read anything past that
Look you have been brainwashed capitalism doesn't work the way most of you have been told. The soviet union was actually a pretty livable place don't believe the horror stories they are mostly bullshit. Most of the world is still dirt poor despite adopting capitalism and currently neo-liberalism is destroying the west through globalism and immigration (both of whom are a part of capitalism). Also don't make the mistake of mistaking sjws for socialism because most of them are actually neo-liberals larping as leftists and use social issues to distract everybody, and even the ones who aren't are mocked internationally by non-white socialists. In fact I bet sjw identity politics were actually invented by the capitalist class to destroy lower class unity.

Tbh I think the capitalistpill is a major blackpill because even most blackpillers and redpillers are still bluepilled about capitalism and will repeat the same old tired "dem commies&filthy reds lol" bluepill rhetoric. Do your own research on the soviet union and don't trust mainstream historians.
The reason why socialism has a bad reputation is because leftists in the west are not Soviet Union leftists. They promote social justice warrior bullshit. And after the Soviet Union fell, right-wingers point to this as evidence that socialism doesn't work.

I used to consider myself a Marxist and a socialist. But 99% of leftists in the west are SJW faggots. So I gave up on Marxism and socialism years ago.

I do feel that a planned economy with government ownership is more efficient than private ownership of the economy though.

Private ownership of the economy has led to A LOT of problems
- Housing and rent is too expensive in the urban metropolitan areas
- The jobs are all concentrated in the urban metropolitan areas so good luck trying to get around the high cost of rent in the cities issue by trying to get a job in a low-rent area
- there's not enough public transit funding to serve the transportation needs of the public
- the highways here in the Greater Toronto Area aren't large enough to meet the transportation demand of the public due to lack of public funding
- private ownership of health care means the poor and even the middle-class can't afford the health care they need and this leads to lower life expectancy and lower qualify of life
- tuition fees are so expensive that people can't afford to upgrade their skills to get the social mobility they need.

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