Reminder That Women ONLY Find 5.5 PSL+ Fully Sexually Attractive

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It's about playing into your appeal. De Poot isn't a Jock, but what if he was casted as a Star Wars villain, idk if star wars is big in europe but it's huge in NA. De Poot would be the topic of every single tik tok trend for months if it happened.:Comfy:
Depoot’s not good looking. A user here showed him to a girl and she rated him like a 2
  • JFL
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I have great sex appeal so I’m safe alhamdulilah
Never thought I'd see the words sex appeal and alhamdulilah in the same sentence.
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Depoot’s not good looking. A user here showed him to a girl and she rated him like a 2
I Want To Die Kill Me GIF by Film Riot
  • JFL
Reactions: Preoximerianas, datboijj and Looks234
He could also be ideal for a vampire role or something similar
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or unironically playing a mysterious loner in a Netflix Show. This would halo him hard and with his memorizing face he would easily blow up.

Tbh he could also just go on tiktok and prettyboymaxx
Somerhalder is doing very good playing such roles and mogs him too. You have to look high appeal.

De Poot doesn't have the blue eyes, tanned red undertones of somerhalder. No way near his wide appeal.

Also why all these de poot posts, are u secretly him larping here? are do u just enjoy virutally swallowing his semen? or what im very confused.

Its like mewbrah and @Preston with hexum

or @StrangerDanger with chico

or @astatine with Ramirez lmfao

or @londonville and sucking his own dick to impress incels , etc

This forum man....
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard, Preoximerianas, Deleted member 14781 and 4 others
I think men and women use the word "attractive" different.

Men think attractive means "would bang", so they say many average looking girls are attractive because they would bang no questions asked. Women think attractive means actually attractive, so of course it's a small number. But it's true that attractive people are more rare in men than women.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 14781 and LooksOrDeath
I think men and women use the word "attractive" different.

Men think attractive means "would bang", so they say many average looking girls are attractive because they would bang no questions asked. Women think attractive means actually attractive, so of course it's a small number. But it's true that attractive people are more rare in men than women.
Which gender has more unattractive i.e ugly people in your opinion?
Somerhalder is doing very good playing such roles and mogs him too. You have to look high appeal.

De Poot doesn't have the blue eyes, tanned red undertones of somerhalder. No way near his wide appeal.

Also why all these de poot posts, are u secretly him larping here? are do u just enjoy virutally swallowing his semen? or what im very confused.

Its like mewbrah and @Preston with hexum

or @StrangerDanger with chico

or @astatine with Ramirez lmfao

or @londonville and sucking his own dick to impress incels , etc

This forum man....
And me with your avi, give the sauccc already ffs :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero
Which gender has more unattractive i.e ugly people in your opinion?
Men are more unattractive. Women looksmax hard with makeup, fashion, etc.
  • +1
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just be x or y or z pill

jfl tbh, u guys will always argue on what you have to be

we will never know the truth
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard, Preoximerianas, Effortless and 6 others
Men are more unattractive. Women looksmax hard with makeup, fashion, etc.
Makeup is a cheatcode istg. Imagine if men did something similiar lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas, AscendingHero and AlexAP
Somerhalder is doing very good playing such roles and mogs him too. You have to look high appeal.

De Poot doesn't have the blue eyes, tanned red undertones of somerhalder. No way near his wide appeal
You don’t know how much actor halo can boost your appeal.

I don’t know if you watched American Horror Story Season 1 but there is an actor called Even Peters who plays the role of a school shooter.
And there are thousands of girls who love him even though he looks average or slightly above average at best
F620C37C 54A0 4523 BFF1 375B0506151A

De poot would get haloed even more because his looks are more memorizing and better
Also why all these de poot posts, are u secretly him larping here? are do u just enjoy virutally swallowing his semen? or what im very confused.
I just fight against the cope here that he has zero appeal
  • +1
Reactions: StrangerDanger
You don’t know how much actor halo can boost your appeal.

I don’t know if you watched American Horror Story Season 1 but there is an actor called Even Peters who plays the role of a school shooter.
And there are thousands of girls who love him even though he looks average or slightly above average at best
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De poot would get haloed even more because his looks are more memorizing and better

I just fight against the cope here that he has zero appeal

Not need to read write essays to me, i am well aware of the facting having good looks(not even gigachad but looking good) having media behind you can do for you.

Status is every powerful, if ur avg to at above average and looks it really boosts you. Chads with status tho are living in a different planet to the masses.
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard
Lol fds …. @looksmaxxer234
  • JFL
Reactions: Looks234
Chad or death is really the it in 2022 if u want to slay quality, live without games and improve life quality. 5.5psl is the threshold for these benefits imo.
idk tbh its such an arbitrary metric that u shouldnt even bother like with the psl.
Maybe not stars, but yea good point about playing into your appeal and niche.

Universal appeal =all.

Teeth, lip maxxing, getting an nt hairstyle, golden skin and gymcelling are all tremendously smv boosts. Softmaxxin is ur friend.

You're not wetting fuck all pussy if you look like a pasty cumskin angry twink jfl
tbh curious if youve actually tried this and it worked for you with some sort of irl result

or ur just theorycrafting

or if ur already so gl that it works and u dont have to do shit, jfl if thats the answer
Good thread. And you're right, that's basically all there is to it.

If you don't meet that particular threshold and you're average-looking instead, you could still succeed in the sense that going on dates/getting a gf/getting laid etc. are all still viable options if you play your cards right.

But be that as it may, you will never be truly desired for how you look. But that is a pipe dream anyway for nearly everyone on this forum.
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard, Preoximerianas, MrOrion and 6 others
But be that as it may, you will never be truly desired for how you look. But that is a pipe dream anyway for nearly everyone on this forum.
Brutal but legit, luckily im a htn/chadlite 6ft+ pubertycel....
  • +1
Reactions: bwrauycnee, Gargantuan and Deleted member 14160
Good thread. And you're right, that's basically all there is to it.

If you don't meet that particular threshold and you're average-looking instead, you could still succeed in the sense that going on dates/getting a gf/getting laid etc. are all still viable options if you play your cards right.

But be that as it may, you will never be truly desired for how you look. But that is a pipe dream anyway for nearly everyone on this forum.
Sticky it fam :Comfy:
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero and Gargantuan
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:thank god i'm asexual
you've been done goofing around you horny fucks, good luck
mod sticky therefor it true
damn. this actually triggered me. fuck em then, who needs em.

everything you said is pretty much right. when you have men on hand then you take it for granted. similar to how in the west people legit can't drink a type of water because of the "taste". if you said that in the poorest regions of africa they would look at you like you were insane.

Fuckem then. all i can do is my part and not gas these women to make them feel like they are better than they actually are. it's a combination of supply, bitterness, and overcorrection of male patriarchal structures of the past.

if i were to make a prediction, i think we will see a turn around soon. the pendulum sways back and forth widely and will stabilize naturally. at least i hope so the cunts.

"medium ugly" shut the fuck up you are 100% ugly what the fuck?
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard, Preoximerianas, AsGoodAsItGets and 2 others
that just reminds me of these female friends that i have that i lowkey hate. if I just pay attention to what they say very carefully I find myself a little annoyed with what they say.

me and my buddy went to the movies with them and they were talking about the Asian actor and how he is bald in real life. the girl despite having a shaved head was talking all this shit, and seemed revolted at his head being completely shaved.

then the other girl was talking about how she went to spain and how all of the men were ugly. i thought what the fuck lol? i have never entered a place and just judged people like that in my mind. i always tell her that she is a jerk, but lol i should have really gave her shit for being such an asshole.
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Somerhalder is doing very good playing such roles and mogs him too. You have to look high appeal.

De Poot doesn't have the blue eyes, tanned red undertones of somerhalder. No way near his wide appeal.

Also why all these de poot posts, are u secretly him larping here? are do u just enjoy virutally swallowing his semen? or what im very confused.

Its like mewbrah and @Preston with hexum

or @StrangerDanger with chico

or @astatine with Ramirez lmfao

or @londonville and sucking his own dick to impress incels , etc

This forum man....
i have the best taste of all mentioned tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: datboijj and AscendingHero
I see this so many times. Look at the truecels on this place. They are Adriana Lima only. They don't stop from shitting on even average looking women, so why is it such a bad idea to source what femcels find attractive?

And the charts of ratings are from a mainstream site, it also proves that average women ALSO think alike with femcels in attraction.

The difference is females are able to act on their ratings since they can sleep with a guy 2 points over them on the /10 scale easily.

I am an oldie but in my age range which isn't quite as bad a guy usually struggles to get a looksmatch unlike years ago but I would say it's easier at this age to get a female just one spot below you. Also there are almost no true Chadlites at this age.
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  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard and noodlelover
The difference is females are able to act on their ratings since they can sleep with a guy 2 points over them on the /10 scale easily.

I am an oldie but in my age range which isn't quite as bad a guy usually struggles to get a looksmatch unlike years ago but I would say it's easier at this age to get a female just one spot below you. Also there are almost no true Chadlites at this age.
Women can sleep with a guy 5 points higher than them. Not every guy, and they have to wait on tinder, and approach guys in real life and get rejected some, but they can do it, and a lot of girls will not settle for any guy less than 5 points higher than them. Women are more choosey, and biologically can go years while waiting for an uber mogger.

1% of men on Tinder are getting laid, while 80% of women are getting laid. It was a study some one posted recently.
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas and Lawton88
Depoot’s not good looking. A user here showed him to a girl and she rated him like a 2
I agree. Girls would find him weird and creepy looking. He has very little appeal
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 14160
Somerhalder is doing very good playing such roles and mogs him too. You have to look high appeal.

De Poot doesn't have the blue eyes, tanned red undertones of somerhalder. No way near his wide appeal.

Also why all these de poot posts, are u secretly him larping here? are do u just enjoy virutally swallowing his semen? or what im very confused.

Its like mewbrah and @Preston with hexum

or @StrangerDanger with chico

or @astatine with Ramirez lmfao

or @londonville and sucking his own dick to impress incels , etc

This forum man....
or Ryan with Salludon

or LooksOverAll and OldVirgin with Stallone

Why do you think we call them PSL Gods hm?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14160 and AscendingHero
embrace the pain and violence
He literally only has 7k Instagram followers, probably has 0 energy to do anything due to his 100 calorie a day modeling diet
He has more followers here than in his IG jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: Moggedbyevery1
I think men and women use the word "attractive" different.

Men think attractive means "would bang", so they say many average looking girls are attractive because they would bang no questions asked. Women think attractive means actually attractive, so of course it's a small number. But it's true that attractive people are more rare in men than women.
Attractive for men is "would LTR" attractive for women is "would sleep with him first night without gaining any money or benefit"
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Y'all take women too seriously lol
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let them rot, more for us broski
It's sad.. dudes are more worried about their PSL then going out & gettin their dick wet lol
  • +1
Reactions: alriodai and Deleted member 14160
Feels good being 10/10 confirmed :cool:
We live in a day and age where women have the audacity to call decent looking men "Medium Ugly," rather than "Decent Looking." Let that sink in. That's how entitled and careless they've become in 2022, and it's not really their fault. Sausage fests on Instagram, Tinder, and Clubs has led to this inflation in women's demands - we created this shit show for ourselves. When Dick is in such ample supply, it is only fair that the demand for the highest quality increases. Too bad I can't create an OPEC for regulating men's collective sex drive. :feelscry:

If fat hogs on Female Dating Strategy are this picky, what do you think actual good looking and prime womens' standards will be?

As per my thread that showed PSL ratings follow a skewed distribution, ~75% of men fall between 3-4.5 PSL, with 10% below that and only 15% being above 4.5, meaning at least somewhat attractive. @Amnesia works a bar in California and told me he hasn't seen an attractive guy in the whole of the last month. @forevergymcelling is 5.75 Chadlite and told me he's almost never been mogged in the UK, and was catcalled on the streets in America, that is how rarely men are perceived as attractive.

Reminder that 5-5.5 range of men get called "medium ugly" just lol. These are the types of men you'd expect to be some of the best looking at your college or HS. Look at these brutal ratings of men who are decent looking but not quite solid Chadlites. Only "Hot Hot" means they find you actually attractive :feelscry::
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That ends the pEtE dAvIdSoN cope as well. To confirm my theory, look how drastically better the chart is for Pattinson, who is solid 5.5-5.75 Chadlite,

View attachment 1511845

It's much better but damn, it's still not enough for foids in this day and age. :hnghn::hnghn: This should piggy back on forevergymcelling's thread- not only is it jfl to think about LTR's as a 50th percentile looking guy, it might be far worse. Even being 4.5-5.25 will mean women will not be fully INTO you. We have many 5 PSL'ers even here such as @Anstrum95 and my tinder experiments of NT 5's who don't get fuck-all on Tinder.

TLDR: Even being a solid HTN is not enough in 2022. You need to be over 95th percentile in looks if you want to elicit TRUE and RAW physical attraction from women. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill: Prove me wrong?

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@germanlooks @EverythingMattersCel @StrangerDanger @BigBiceps @gamma @AscendingHero @WontStopNorwooding @buckchadley31 @AlexAP @Xangsane @Thompsonz @VicMackey

Do they have to be 5.5 PSL or is 5.5 SMV enough??

What is an example of 5.5 PSL??
Do they have to be 5.5 PSL or is 5.5 SMV enough??

What is an example of 5.5 PSL??
5.5 or 5.75 ish would be Chris Evans, Ronaldo, Larsanova, Jonnny Depp etc. This post is to do with face though so I'm sure someone could make up for it with height and body depending on tastes.
  • +1
Reactions: Chinacurry
Meanwhile I see psl 3 ltn manlets with mtn and htn white beckies at the mall.
Any foid on ‘female dating strategies’ is some niggress or fat landwhale.
  • So Sad
Reactions: thecel
male surplus and competition is a huge problem. it's why people are killing eachother and stepping on top of one another to get ahead in life/career.

there honestly needs to be more death via a major war or catastrophe. and we need a draft so the pussy soyboys can't hide in the back and create a generation of retards
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Danish_Retard, Deleted member 14160 and thecel
is there a reason why literally everyone on my tiktok feed is attractive even the ppl who barely get any likes? i don’t go out and my tiktok fyp is warping my reality of the average young person and destroying my self esteem

selection bias. good looking people who receive positive feedback have the audacity to show off on tiktok. the few delusional ugly people just make jestermaxxed joke videos to entertain chad and stacey
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Lol meanwhile most men would bang 3.5psl foid
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