reminder to eat raw meat



Nov 4, 2022
im making this thread because of this fucker who made such a horrible thread recently

that xray shown is from pork meat
pork meat aka pig meat should never be consumed even cooked imo as pig is the most dirtiest and disgusting animal on planet
it literally lives in mud jfl no clue why the muhammads worship such a filthy animal

secondly we humans are born to eat raw meat as even before fire was discovered we used to eat raw meat and we were healthy , strong and fit asf.

read the amazing book written by aajonus vonderplanitz " we want to live"
it covers the raw primal diet and why its the best for you backed by research and scientific studies.

eat the raw meat its the best food
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im making this thread because of this fucker who made such a horrible thread recently

that xray shown is from pork meat
pork meat aka pig meat should never be consumed even cooked imo as pig is the most dirtiest and disgusting animal on planet
it literally lives in mud jfl no clue why the muhammads worship such a filthy animal

secondly we humans are born to eat raw meat as even before fire was discovered we used to eat raw meat and we were healthy , strong and fit asf.

read the amazing book written by aajonus vonderplanitz " we want to live"
it covers the raw primal diet and why its the best for you backed by research and scientific studies.

eat the raw meat its the best food
Pity reply
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Yea lil nigga I also heard it gives u blue eyes so try it
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Pork is very high in B vitamins and zinc + selenium, it's great
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eat raw beef only, raw pork/chicken are full of subhuman parasite
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  • JFL
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im making this thread because of this fucker who made such a horrible thread recently

that xray shown is from pork meat
pork meat aka pig meat should never be consumed even cooked imo as pig is the most dirtiest and disgusting animal on planet
it literally lives in mud jfl no clue why the muhammads worship such a filthy animal

secondly we humans are born to eat raw meat as even before fire was discovered we used to eat raw meat and we were healthy , strong and fit asf.

read the amazing book written by aajonus vonderplanitz " we want to live"
it covers the raw primal diet and why its the best for you backed by research and scientific studies.

eat the raw meat its the best food

Lol “raw pork bad
Other raw meat good 👍

JFL so over for you 💀💀💀😂
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read the amazing book written by aajonus vonderplanitz " we want to live"
it covers the raw primal diet and why its the best for you backed by research and scientific studies.
It seems you yourself have never read it because the book says that there's no "parasites", they're all symbiotic. From his other book.

Parasites are the most feared of “pathogens”. Parasites, too,
have a symbiotic relationship with our bodies. They consume
and digest tremendous quantities of degenerative tissue in short
periods. Joel Weinstock, a gastroenterologist who heads a
research team at the University of Iowa stated that we are the
first population to be without gut worms. He asked six patients
with very painful, intractable inflammatory bowel disease to
drink the eggs of Trichurissuis
(this is a parasite from pigs, btw, which you're advising to aviod), a whipworm parasite normally
found in the intestines of pigs. Within two weeks, five of the six
patients entered remission for up to five months. The patients
begged for more parasites.
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Yeah ignore that cuck he doesn’t know what he’s talking about
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My sister spurgs out every time I touch any raw meat
raw eggs are law
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Imagine inventing fire just for mfs to eat their meat raw
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Lol “raw pork bad
Other raw meat good 👍
Lol "Yew bad"
Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 10552PM

Other fruit good 👍
Imagine inventing fire just for mfs to eat their meat raw
imagine inventing microplastics and processed foods only for mfs to eat whole foods without microplastics
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66 and thereallegend
that xray shown is from pork meat
pork meat aka pig meat should never be consumed even cooked imo as pig is the most dirtiest and disgusting animal on planet
it literally lives in mud jfl no clue why the muhammads worship such a filthy animal
Least obvious Muslim psyop
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I would rather eat a apple then raw unseasoned meat
try being a fruitarian, or even eating a "balanced diet" in nature. You wont / possibly get sick and die...
  • +1
Reactions: thereallegend
im making this thread because of this fucker who made such a horrible thread recently

that xray shown is from pork meat
pork meat aka pig meat should never be consumed even cooked imo as pig is the most dirtiest and disgusting animal on planet
it literally lives in mud jfl no clue why the muhammads worship such a filthy animal

secondly we humans are born to eat raw meat as even before fire was discovered we used to eat raw meat and we were healthy , strong and fit asf.

read the amazing book written by aajonus vonderplanitz " we want to live"
it covers the raw primal diet and why its the best for you backed by research and scientific studies.

eat the raw meat its the best food
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
im making this thread because of this fucker who made such a horrible thread recently

that xray shown is from pork meat
pork meat aka pig meat should never be consumed even cooked imo as pig is the most dirtiest and disgusting animal on planet
it literally lives in mud jfl no clue why the muhammads worship such a filthy animal

secondly we humans are born to eat raw meat as even before fire was discovered we used to eat raw meat and we were healthy , strong and fit asf.

read the amazing book written by aajonus vonderplanitz " we want to live"
it covers the raw primal diet and why its the best for you backed by research and scientific studies.

eat the raw meat its the best food
you need to do full diet and main goal be as fat as u can and detox by doing hot baths it takes 10 years and milions of dollars
  • +1
Reactions: thereallegend
im making this thread because of this fucker who made such a horrible thread recently

that xray shown is from pork meat
pork meat aka pig meat should never be consumed even cooked imo as pig is the most dirtiest and disgusting animal on planet
it literally lives in mud jfl no clue why the muhammads worship such a filthy animal

secondly we humans are born to eat raw meat as even before fire was discovered we used to eat raw meat and we were healthy , strong and fit asf.

read the amazing book written by aajonus vonderplanitz " we want to live"
it covers the raw primal diet and why its the best for you backed by research and scientific studies.

eat the raw meat its the best food
Every new “diet” seems to be packaged biased pseudoscience and they all play into “I’m against big pharma!!! I’m against the establishment and propaganda!!!”

But Ray Peat seems to be the only one with an actual grasp of medicine, biology, and chemistry…

Be careful in what you believe in
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, Sushifart and Luh?nn?
Simply eating raw meat cant detox or fix your health it could help max 20procent with full diet u can heal 90procent
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By gaining fat u make heal faster by 4 years
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try being a fruitarian, or even eating a "balanced diet" in nature. You wont / possibly get sick and die...

Yeah, but we don’t live in nature ☠️💀. Let any human shy of a peak athlete try to live in nature, and they’ll be mauled to death.

And there are still countless diseases and weather-based issues, so I don't know why you’re bringing this up. Retarted ass logic
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try being a fruitarian, or even eating a "balanced diet" in nature. You wont / possibly get sick and die...
Exactly without meat milk and eggs you shrivel up and get osteoporosis
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Imagine inventing fire just for mfs to eat their meat raw
Fire is burning your food, you destroy self digesting enzymes and micronutrients. We are the only animals in this world dumb enough to do this.

I’m also baffled on why the mallard effect tastes so good. Is it because we were raised on it? Doesn’t make sense for your tongue to like it so much innately.

Meanwhile raw meat tastes like nothing, it’s like drinking a glass of water.
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Bro ngl this sounds like a retarded idea. Do you realize that human evolution accelerating like crazy once humans started cooking their food, it allowed us to digest more nutrients and spend less time and energy chewing. And yeah food poisoning is a very real risk. JFL at eating raw meat.
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I understand some benefits from raw eggs and milk but even that’s pushing it, raw meat is not worth eating jfl
Fire is burning your food, you destroy self digesting enzymes and micronutrients. We are the only animals in this world dumb enough to do this.

I’m also baffled on why the mallard effect tastes so good. Is it because we were raised on it? Doesn’t make sense for your tongue to like it so much innately.

Meanwhile raw meat tastes like nothing, it’s like drinking a glass of water.
This is worse than flat earth theory
This is worse than flat earth theory
It’s not a theory, it’s widely accepted and researched facts that cooking degrades nutritional content. We still do it despite muh “parasites”.
It’s not a theory, it’s widely accepted and researched facts that cooking degrades nutritional content. We still do it despite muh “parasites”.
Where tf is it widely accepted to not cook your meat and eat it raw. According to you liver king should be considerd a god
Yes it js
with the invention of fire, the only evolution which may have occurred is it opened up a new world of technology where intelligence was rewarded over brutishness. Evolution is when certain genetics persist while others die off.

So if you have a population which is vegan, they will be shorter, less intelligent weaker etc. So you introduce meat and they will become taller, stronger, more intelligent. But thats not evolution... which is what i think you dont understand
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imagine inventing microplastics and processed foods only for mfs to eat whole foods without microplastics
Doesn‘t make sense. If you‘re not out there hunting yourself the meat will be processed in some way. Cooking it would even help to make it more healthy.
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Doesn‘t make sense. If you‘re not out there hunting yourself the meat will be processed in some way. Cooking it would even help to make it more healthy.
my critique was of your argument for why we should cook, not necessarily that cooking is bad. I think there is an argument to be made that cooking offers benefits of all sorts and also there is the fact that since inventing fire we sort of co-evolved along with our invention, thus there is an argument to be made that cooking is evolutionarily consistent.

But again the fact that we make something or that something is common does not make it good for you
my critique was of your argument for why we should cook, not necessarily that cooking is bad. I think there is an argument to be made that cooking offers benefits of all sorts and also there is the fact that since inventing fire we sort of co-evolved along with our invention, thus there is an argument to be made that cooking is evolutionarily consistent.

But again the fact that we make something or that something is common does not make it good for you
Dnr, why argue about cooking fucking meat.
Average indian shiteater argument
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Eating raw mean wont improve my PSL or my height
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Dnr, why argue about cooking fucking meat.
Average indian shiteater argument
Taking everything we do for granted and not questioning everything you think you "know" is low iq.

Humans are really fucking weird compared to every other animal out there and I don't believe we know better than nature itself.
with the invention of fire, the only evolution which may have occurred is it opened up a new world of technology where intelligence was rewarded over brutishness. Evolution is when certain genetics persist while others die off.

So if you have a population which is vegan, they will be shorter, less intelligent weaker etc. So you introduce meat and they will become taller, stronger, more intelligent. But thats not evolution... which is what i think you dont understand
Da fuq are you saying
Taking everything we do for granted and not questioning everything you think you "know" is low iq.

Humans are really fucking weird compared to every other animal out there and I don't believe we know better than nature itself.
This is retarted and i will not debate it any further, kys.

you arent telling anyone anything new, we've all seen liverking on tiktok
Niggers are literally eating raw meat to cope with their subhumanity jfl
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