Reminder: You NEED to hop on finasteride if you're white.

Richard Cheese

Richard Cheese

Apr 11, 2024
This is not up for discussion. I know we already have dozens of threads on this but I've been seeing more and more finasteride detraction. I think people need a reminder:
4540 f110aecb c8c6 4843 b8bb 50f5123bead3

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Early 20s. Temples gone.

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Early 20s. Temples gone.


Early 20s. Temples almost gone.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I went through a lot of profiles under various model agencies and consistently the white, WHITE guys have shittier hair than ethnic or swarthier looking white counterparts. I know - water. But please don't lie to yourself with "It always was this way, bro!", "I don't care, bro!" You WILL care once the recession is actually bad. Hair is absolutely crucial when it comes to looking your age or trying to beat the age you're perceived as. Even a NW2, depending on hair line shape and forehead size, can make you look way older than you are. You also don't have headroom when it comes to recession. Your hair has a smaller diameter than ethnic hair it'll take way less cycle for it to be gone. You're also more prone to MPB.


You can't afford to lose hair. Take finasteride. It won't hurt you. I promise. Most of the stuff around it is fear mongering.
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should u start even before you see any hair loss?
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white have best hair texture but shitty balding genes

id wait a few years before taking fina tho
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Common sense, and no it's not fear-mongering, fin blocks 5-alpha-reductase causing tons of bad sides, post fin syndrome also exists, some ppl cant get hard after years of taking fin. FIN SHOULD ONLY BE TAKEN AFTER 18 or else you miss out on all the fucking benefits of DHT + you get a small willy :lul::lul:
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should u start even before you see any hair loss?
If you have hair loss genetics but you aren’t norwooding yet you can take weekly fin or so
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Common sense, and no it's not fear-mongering, fin blocks 5-alpha-reductase causing tons of bad sides, post fin syndrome also exists, some ppl cant get hard after years of taking fin. FIN SHOULD ONLY BE TAKEN AFTER 18 or else you miss out on all the fucking benefits of DHT + you get a small willy :lul::lul:
Most of those people are also overweight 36 year olds whose most physically intense activity is walking to their Walmart scooter
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Common sense, and no it's not fear-mongering, fin blocks 5-alpha-reductase causing tons of bad sides, post fin syndrome also exists, some ppl cant get hard after years of taking fin. FIN SHOULD ONLY BE TAKEN AFTER 18 or else you miss out on all the fucking benefits of DHT + you get a small willy :lul::lul:
Thoughts on topical dutasteride? Supposed to have less sides because it doesn't go systemic.
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curry bhais mog the shit out of us in that aspect, but fin is a poison :feelswhy::feelswah:
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If you have hair loss genetics but you aren’t norwooding yet you can take weekly fin or so
no you take the normal dose to block dht, you're not trying to block it just a little, dht is not really needed after 18,
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This is not up for discussion. I know we already have dozens of threads on this but I've been seeing more and more finasteride detraction. I think people need a reminder:
View attachment 2886482
View attachment 2886554
Early 20s. Temples gone.

View attachment 2886491
Early 20s. Temples gone.

View attachment 2886521
Early 20s. Temples almost gone.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I went through a lot of profiles under various model agencies and consistently the white, WHITE guys have shittier hair than ethnic or swarthier looking white counterparts. I know - water. But please don't lie to yourself with "It always was this way, bro!", "I don't care, bro!" You WILL care once the recession is actually bad. Hair is absolutely crucial when it comes to looking your age or trying to beat the age you're perceived as. Even a NW2, depending on hair line shape and forehead size, can make you look way older than you are. You also don't have headroom when it comes to recession. Your hair has a smaller diameter than ethnic hair it'll take way less cycle for it to be gone. You're also more prone to MPB.
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You can't afford to lose hair. Take finasteride. It won't hurt you. I promise. Most of the stuff around it is fear mongering.
Just get a fucking hair transplant and get it over with
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Most of those people are also overweight 36 year olds whose most physically intense activity is walking to their Walmart scooter
true, I'm hopping on fin as soon as I end puberty
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How's my dad hairline?


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So is topical dut the move or should I just do oral?
dut is more effective then fin, blocks more dht, more sides tho, tbh it's your choice, but if you're balding i'd get on dut if possible, you gotta be over 18 tho, or you'll just fuck your puberty up
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it's funny when people have these extreme opinions about finasteride just based on their own personal experience (either for or against it).

finasteride does mess with your hormones and does have some side effects, but most people will not have noticeable side effects.

i don't think dht is a vital hormone past puberty, but it does help maintain hormonal balance. if you block it, and you have a lot of aromatase then you're going to raise your estrogen levels which can cause side effects. Also the 5-ar enzyme (the enzyme that converts testo -> dht) has other effects such as neurosteroid synthesis. i have to do more research on this, but this may only be blocked by dut rather than fin.

also pfs absolutely is a thing because finasteride changes the way your body expresses certain genes. if you don't believe me look at leo and longevity's views on it:

there really is no winning with the reaper huh? :feelswhy:
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Fuck it bhai just shave it and hair system maxx, gluing my hair on and not having to worry about sides would be freeing
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Try copper peptides their r limited studies on it for hair growth but it apparently has worked for some ppl…
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If you're white it's a no-brainer.
Honestly, for everyone except maybe a select few ethnicities like native Americans.
By the time you notice you're balding, you've certainly already lost a bit of density so prevention is the way to go.
That's why I'll probably hop on fin/dut within a year or so, even though I'm just 20 and haven't noticed any balding yet.
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I refuse to chemically castrate myself
  • Hmm...
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Just get a fucking hair transplant and get it over with
Hair transplant will never look as good as your hairline did pre-balding, which is why prevention is so much better. Even finasteride is most likely to just stabilize hairloss as opposed to re-growth.
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Good thing nobody in my family went bald, the only thing I lucked out on.
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  • Woah
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Hair transplant will never look as good as your hairline did pre-balding, which is why prevention is so much better. Even finasteride is most likely to just stabilize hairloss as opposed to re-growth.
Wouldnt u castrate yourself tho
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Wouldnt u castrate yourself tho
u need to be on fin if you get a transplant or else you'll look like lebron where you are basically nw 7 but have thin wisps on top that you're frauding with hair fibers
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There's gotta be some Jews at work here, how the hell are people talking about fin like its cyanide
well it does fck with your hormones and theres countless stories of dudes with mild to severe erectile dysfunction while and after using it. it's understandable to be skeptical.
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well it does fck with your hormones and theres countless stories of dudes with mild to severe erectile dysfunction while and after using it. it's understandable to be skeptical.
A lot of it isn't healthy skepticism. The number of people who experience such profound side effects compared to those who don't is almost negligible. The people who had bad experiences with it are many times more likely to post online about it.

Not sure why this is still being talked about to the degree that it is. We've seen far too many stories now of men regretting not hopping on fin earlier.
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A lot of it isn't healthy skepticism. The number of people who experience such profound side effects compared to those who don't is almost negligible. The people who had bad experiences with it are many times more likely to post online about it.

Not sure why this is still being talked about to the degree that it is. We've seen far too many stories now of men regretting not hopping on fin earlier.
i really wish it were that simple, but the human endocrine system is complicated and when you block an enzymatic process it might have consequences.

i do agree that most men won't have very noticeable side effects on finasteride because it only slightly increases estrogen and slightly inhibits neurosteroids, but it can have side effects. there's a reason there's a website and not a website.

im not anti-finasteride at all, but i'm not a fan of this mindset of "just pop fin like its candy". especially giving this advice to kids who are 18 or even younger and still developing.

even one of the most pro-fin youtubers said that when he stopped taking fin, he saw a subtle, but noticeable difference in his mood/libido.

my theory is that fin does have very slight side effects on all men that take it. it's just that men are already so fucked up by microplastics and other shit that it it's a miniscule difference.

if you are to take it, my advice is to get high quality bloodwork done first to assess your baseline hormonal levels. if everything looks good, then, apply fin topically at a low dose first to try and prevent systemic absorption. from there, if you tolerate it well, scale up to low dose oral, and then 1mg/day oral.

this will be my protocol likely in a year or two. the reason i'm so cautious about it is because i don't want to end up like one of those poor guys on propeciahelp who cant get a full erection even when there's a naked woman in front of them in bed. ed and not being aroused when there's a naked girl in front of you is actually my biggest fear ever. hair you can always fraud with a hair system, absolute worst case scenario.
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Common sense, and no it's not fear-mongering, fin blocks 5-alpha-reductase causing tons of bad sides, post fin syndrome also exists, some ppl cant get hard after years of taking fin. FIN SHOULD ONLY BE TAKEN AFTER 18 or else you miss out on all the fucking benefits of DHT + you get a small willy :lul::lul:
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If Bieber's transplant is a botch job what chance do you have? The grafts at the back of your deformed skull are not infinite. 8k tops. The recovery time for a transplant is a year and you'll be growing it out from a buzzcut. The density will not be what it was when you weren't balding. The chances it'll look natural are pretty slim. AND YOU STILL HAVE TO TAKE FINASTERIDE.
If you're not taking finasteride at 18 when you have minimal to no recession you're saying that you're giving up on looks.

Minox can win a few months and even years but it does not address the root cause. Minox won't be able to keep up, eventually DHT will kill the follicle. It's now or never when it comes to finasteride.
As for PFS, it's debated if it's real. There are no real statistics or studies showing it. It was added out of good will by the FDA:

You're acting a bit hysteric. Try to stay calm. If you believe that you'll get side effects it chances are you will, but not really. There's a study conducted in 2007 that shows people who were told about finasteride's side effects had a 3x higher incidence:
Take a virgin who's never had sex before often times they can't get it up. Brain is extremely powerful when it comes to virility. The same principal applies here.
Needless to say a lot of celebrities take it, probably with the recommendation of top hollywood dermatologists and they seemingly have no trouble.

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Whatever you decide to do I wish you luck.
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i really wish it were that simple, but the human endocrine system is complicated and when you block an enzymatic process it might have consequences.
Yes, but the possibility of consequences is not the point I'm arguing. We all know there's a possibility. It's the probability and the relative bandwidth the very improbable side-effects receive.
A long term study showed that drug-related sexual side effects such as decreased libido, ED, and ejaculatory disorders occurred in <2% of men.
Going by the available data, the odds of experiencing the side effects most often touted like decreased libido and ED are very small. Certainly not proportionate to the amount of attention it receives.
im not anti-finasteride at all, but i'm not a fan of this mindset of "just pop fin like its candy". especially giving this advice to kids who are 18 or even younger and still developing.
I don't think this thread was advising anyone still developing to take it, because of the known risk to their development. The very earliest I usually see it recommended is post-puberty which would be age 19-20 or so for most.

I'd agree on getting bloodwork done first, to establish a baseline but that advice I'd extend to any medication you take.

I think the nature of the (rare) side effects and the prospect of them being long-term is just so spooky that despite being able to acknowledge their low probability, we humans are just inherently poor at accurately gauging the probabilities.

The result is us giving too much weight to emotionally charged outcomes.
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dut is more effective then fin, blocks more dht, more sides tho, tbh it's your choice, but if you're balding i'd get on dut if possible, you gotta be over 18 tho, or you'll just fuck your puberty up
topical dut actually has less sides as it goes less systematic. Something about its molecular weight causing less absorption into serum then oral and topical fin. Id look into it tbh moreplatesmoredates has great vids on topical dut i would use it myself for prevention however its not FDA approved and idk how to crush the oral dut tables and mix with into a solution to use topically in the correct fashion.
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Also, you could always limit your dosage of oral fin to try and balance the max amount of dht blockage u can get from taking fin while also limiting side effects from fin blocking a lot of dht in serum as well. FOR ANYONE THAT IS READING THIS AND HAS SOME STATS OR AN ANSWER..... WHAT IS A GOOD ORAL FIN DOSAGE TO TAKE TO MAX DHT BLOCKAGE AND LIMIT SIDE EFFECTS. WOULD 0.5 MG OF ORAL FIN TAKING IT 3 OR 4 DAYS OUT OF A WEEK SPACED OUT BE ENOUGH TO BLOCK DHT EFFECTIVLY WHILE REDUCING SIDE EFFECTS BY ALOT? PLEASE ANSWER IF YOU KNOW WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED
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If you're white it's a no-brainer.
Honestly, for everyone except maybe a select few ethnicities like native Americans.
By the time you notice you're balding, you've certainly already lost a bit of density so prevention is the way to go.
That's why I'll probably hop on fin/dut within a year or so, even though I'm just 20 and haven't noticed any balding yet.

The forum admin is 20 :feelskek:

I thought you were 35+
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Also, you could always limit your dosage of oral fin to try and balance the max amount of dht blockage u can get from taking fin while also limiting side effects from fin blocking a lot of dht in serum as well. FOR ANYONE THAT IS READING THIS AND HAS SOME STATS OR AN ANSWER..... WHAT IS A GOOD ORAL FIN DOSAGE TO TAKE TO MAX DHT BLOCKAGE AND LIMIT SIDE EFFECTS. WOULD 0.5 MG OF ORAL FIN TAKING IT 3 OR 4 DAYS OUT OF A WEEK SPACED OUT BE ENOUGH TO BLOCK DHT EFFECTIVLY WHILE REDUCING SIDE EFFECTS BY ALOT? PLEASE ANSWER IF YOU KNOW WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED

This video answers that question precisely

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@grief why u so sad man
norwood reaper got you too?
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This is not up for discussion. I know we already have dozens of threads on this but I've been seeing more and more finasteride detraction. I think people need a reminder:
View attachment 2886482
View attachment 2886554
Early 20s. Temples gone.

View attachment 2886491
Early 20s. Temples gone.

View attachment 2886521
Early 20s. Temples almost gone.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I went through a lot of profiles under various model agencies and consistently the white, WHITE guys have shittier hair than ethnic or swarthier looking white counterparts. I know - water. But please don't lie to yourself with "It always was this way, bro!", "I don't care, bro!" You WILL care once the recession is actually bad. Hair is absolutely crucial when it comes to looking your age or trying to beat the age you're perceived as. Even a NW2, depending on hair line shape and forehead size, can make you look way older than you are. You also don't have headroom when it comes to recession. Your hair has a smaller diameter than ethnic hair it'll take way less cycle for it to be gone. You're also more prone to MPB.
View attachment 2886581
View attachment 2886583
You can't afford to lose hair. Take finasteride. It won't hurt you. I promise. Most of the stuff around it is fear mongering.
what if I have no balding genes
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what if I have no balding genes
All it takes is one distant ancestor with MPB and you might be cooked. You can't be 100% sure that you don't have it. If your family from both sides don't have it there's a good chance you won't too. In that case just monitor it.

Oh another celeb who takes it is Trump. What's interesting about his case is that he had a child at 59. I don't know if he was on it while trying to impregnate, or if he stopped taking it for a month but clearly shows that the drug has a good safety profile when it comes to sperm and efficacy. Guy's NW1 at whatever the fuck age he's at now.
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Crazy. His silhouette didn't change at all. He just went bald. Take finasteride if you're white. You will not regret it.

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