Retainers ruined my forward grow (Need High IQ)



Dec 11, 2024
The history of orthodontic treatment.
I'm 16 yo now, and I'll be 17 yo in 2 months. When I was 13 yo, I had 2 wisdom teeth removed and braces put on (19 december 2022).
At 14 yo (11 november 2023), I had 2 more wisdom teeth removed, my braces were removed and my retainers were put on.
It turns out that I have been wearing retainers for the front 6 teeth on top and the front 6 teeth on the bottom for more than 2,5+ years. I think I've ruined my forward grow, and before it's too late, I want to take them off.

All my life I've been eating only healthy and solid food. I ate a lot of meat, vegetables, fruits and gave up sugar from the age of 13. I've never had any bad habits. I drank a multi-complex of vitamins (zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine, d3+k2, etc.). I played sports periodically, sometimes tennis, basketball, from the age of 14,5 to 15 I went to the gym (and took creatine + protein) , then i just walking and sprinting.

Tell me what to do, I think orthodontics has killed me, but it's not too late to fix something.


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I wanted to add it. I had a distal bite and they put rubber bands on me that seemed to move my lower jaw forward.
@lurking truecel
Look faggot if its not in your genetics youre not gonna have the jawline of jordan barrett no matter how much you push your palate spam protein or maximize hormones, you look fine to me and orthodontics that late probably didnt make a big difference
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I don’t think retainers are the issue I heard a lot of people had there face messed up when they got teeth removed
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Look faggot if its not in your genetics youre not gonna have the jawline of jordan barrett no matter how much you push your palate spam protein or maximize hormones, you look fine to me and orthodontics that late probably didnt make a big difference
Do you think orthodontics couldn't have affected you at 13? I think I have a sunken maxilla and a bad jaw line. I'm not so worried about wisdom teeth removal, what about retailers, that they could slow down forward growth from the age of 13, the biggest changes take place when puberty begins.

More like recessionators:feelsez:
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I don’t think retainers are the issue I heard a lot of people had there face messed up when they got teeth removed
I had 4 wisdom teeth removed. Two on the upper jaw at 13 yo. Two on the lower jaw at 14 yo. I'm also afraid it might have affected the bone mass of the face.
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I had 4 wisdom teeth removed. Two on the upper jaw at 13 yo. Two on the lower jaw at 14 yo. I'm also afraid it might have affected the bone mass of the face.
Prob did but I near heard it ruined foward growth it just makes it appear sunken or smaller. If anything orthotics helped my foward growth so much
Prob did but I near heard it ruined foward growth it just makes it appear sunken or smaller. If anything orthotics helped my foward growth so much
what should I do. Do wisdom tooth implants make sense?
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Should I take off my retainers to improve my straight height at least a little bit?
I mean orthodontics didn't ruin anything probably most of the jaw growth is between 0-12 and it's the first two years the jaw grows the most. Getting breastfeed is more important than any Ortho treatment even if Ortho treatment like removing teeth will make some millimeter change. the only none cope thing you can do to get better maxilla and jaw is bimax or/and implants. Getting teeth implant will help for the future sustainbility of the forward growth as we tend to get more recessed with age which gets even worse with less teeth but it's not worth it really.
And for reference I got 4 premolars extracted at the age of 12 and had braces for 5 years after. Did it fuck some shit up, yes definitely. But the change was still not that much, it's overestimated how much change it does. People are coping because there genes were not good enough in the first place. Getting impacted teeth if you don't have enough space will def create bone resorption. But possibly they could have created space, but do you know how expensive that kind of treatment is ? It's not gonna happen unless you pay for it. Mewing and breastfeeding from birth is the most important anything after the damage is already done
И для справки, мне удалили 4 премоляра в возрасте 12 лет, и я носила брекеты в течение 5 лет после этого. Это что-то испортило, да, определенно. Но изменения все равно были не такими уж большими, переоценено, насколько они меняются. Люди справляются, потому что их гены были недостаточно хороши изначально. Получение ретинированных зубов, если у вас недостаточно места, определенно приведет к резорбции кости. Но, возможно, они могли бы создать место, но вы знаете, насколько дорого такое лечение? Этого не произойдет, если вы за него не заплатите. Мяуканье и грудное вскармливание с рождения — это самое важное, что есть после того, как ущерб уже нанесен
Потерял ли я костную массу лица из-за удаления зубов мудрости? Что мне теперь делать? Имеет ли смысл ношение ретейнеров и не останавливают ли они рост вперед?
Потерял ли я костную массу лица из-за удаления зубов мудрости? Что мне теперь делать? Имеет ли смысл ношение ретейнеров и не останавливают ли они рост вперед?
Nah not from wisdom teeth removal, and retainer won't change forward growth. The only forward growth you could get from removing retainer is that the teeth starts to tilt forward. But that is just teeth protrusion and will make the lip look shit
Нет, не от удаления зубов мудрости, и ретейнер не изменит рост вперед. Единственный рост вперед, который вы можете получить от удаления ретейнера, это то, что зубы начнут наклоняться вперед. Но это всего лишь выдвижение зубов, и это заставит губу выглядеть дерьмово
Then the question remains, what should I do to improve the forward growth of the face and bone mass.
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Тогда остается вопрос, что мне делать, чтобы улучшить рост и массу костей.
You eat and sleep, look at the guides on height but most of it is cope.
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The face grows forward to how old?
I mean bones can grow to 22. But it will not be significant growth. Focus on your posture and mew unironically. Do you have good nasal breathing because having the mouth closed is important for the growth to come forward instead of downard
I mean bones can grow to 22. But it will not be significant growth. Focus on your posture and mew unironically. Do you have good nasal breathing because having the mouth closed is important for the growth to come forward instead of downard
Yes. I've been breathing through my nose all my life and started mew after braces, but here's a peer of mine who's been breathing through his mouth all his life because of an adenoid face. I don't understand why his profile looks so much better.


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Yes. I've been breathing through my nose all my life and started mew after braces, but here's a peer of mine who's been breathing through his mouth all his life because of an adenoid face. I don't understand why his profile looks so much better.
Because most of it is just genetics, environmental factors is like 20-25%
What kind of hardmaxing can help me then. I don't want to have such a terrible profile.
It looks like you have underbite but you don't right ? Are you jutting ? When you relax totally all facial muscles how does the lips go together then ?
It looks like you have underbite but you don't right ? Are you jutting ? When you relax totally all facial muscles how does the lips go together then ?
I do not know why it seemed to be underbite there. Maybe I just stuck my chin out. That's normal.


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The history of orthodontic treatment.
I'm 16 yo now, and I'll be 17 yo in 2 months. When I was 13 yo, I had 2 wisdom teeth removed and braces put on (19 december 2022).
At 14 yo (11 november 2023), I had 2 more wisdom teeth removed, my braces were removed and my retainers were put on.
It turns out that I have been wearing retainers for the front 6 teeth on top and the front 6 teeth on the bottom for more than 2,5+ years. I think I've ruined my forward grow, and before it's too late, I want to take them off.

All my life I've been eating only healthy and solid food. I ate a lot of meat, vegetables, fruits and gave up sugar from the age of 13. I've never had any bad habits. I drank a multi-complex of vitamins (zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine, d3+k2, etc.). I played sports periodically, sometimes tennis, basketball, from the age of 14,5 to 15 I went to the gym (and took creatine + protein) , then i just walking and sprinting.

Tell me what to do, I think orthodontics has killed me, but it's not too late to fix something.
Come pm me I have something for u
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I do not know why it seemed to be underbite there. Maybe I just stuck my chin out. That's normal.
Yes looks a lot better here, maybe a genio and jaw angle implant. Your leforte 1 area doesn't seem to be that recessed
Yes looks a lot better here, maybe a genio and jaw angle implant. Your leforte 1 area doesn't seem to be that recessed
I still think that I have such a sunken face and a missing mandible precisely because of the removal of all my wisdom teeth.
I still think that I have such a sunken face and a missing mandible precisely because of the removal of all my wisdom teeth.
Why did they remove wisdoms teeth that early, you are not meaning pre molars ? And was it lower or upper jaw ?
Why did they remove wisdoms teeth that early, you are not meaning pre molars ? And was it lower or upper jaw ?
I had all my wisdom teeth removed. 2 on the top at 13 years old and 2 on the bottom at 14 years old. The orthodontist said that they could affect the bite in the future, but now I don't believe in this nonsense.
it was not the retainers brother
getting all your wisdom teeth removed massively cucked you
idk why the fuck it's normal in some countries it's incredibly weird
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it was not the retainers brother
getting all your wisdom teeth removed massively cucked you
idk why the fuck it's normal in some countries it's incredibly weird
I realize that now, too.. but I couldn't figure it all out when I was 13 or 14. What should I do now...
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I realize that now, too.. but I couldn't figure it all out when I was 13 or 14. What should I do now...
I mean did they like dig down and grab your wisdoms because they shouldnt be out at that age. If so then it must chuck you hard as hell
I mean did they like dig down and grab your wisdoms because they shouldnt be out at that age. If so then it must chuck you hard as hell
My wisdom teeth hadn't erupted yet and they were removed. I was told that they would displace the dentition.
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My wisdom teeth hadn't erupted yet and they were removed. I was told that they would displace the dentition.
Never heard of that before to be fair, sounds really stupid to be there digging bones up, I mean did they fill the holes with bone graft, else they fucked you brutally
The history of orthodontic treatment.
I'm 16 yo now, and I'll be 17 yo in 2 months. When I was 13 yo, I had 2 wisdom teeth removed and braces put on (19 december 2022).
At 14 yo (11 november 2023), I had 2 more wisdom teeth removed, my braces were removed and my retainers were put on.
It turns out that I have been wearing retainers for the front 6 teeth on top and the front 6 teeth on the bottom for more than 2,5+ years. I think I've ruined my forward grow, and before it's too late, I want to take them off.

All my life I've been eating only healthy and solid food. I ate a lot of meat, vegetables, fruits and gave up sugar from the age of 13. I've never had any bad habits. I drank a multi-complex of vitamins (zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine, d3+k2, etc.). I played sports periodically, sometimes tennis, basketball, from the age of 14,5 to 15 I went to the gym (and took creatine + protein) , then i just walking and sprinting.

Tell me what to do, I think orthodontics has killed me, but it's not too late to fix something.
I had a palate expander at 12, and braces till 15, and wear a retainer now. My ramus is 8cm long and jaw is 12 cm long. I didn't get any tooth extracted tho. I never eat fruits or vegetables
I mean did they like dig down and grab your wisdoms because they shouldnt be out at that age.
No, I just had them removed and not implanted with anything. There was something like that, as I remember (this is a picture from the Internet). They deleted them for me and that's it. After that, I wore braces.


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I had a palate expander at 12, and braces till 15, and wear a retainer now. My ramus is 8cm long and jaw is 12 cm long. I didn't get any tooth extracted tho. I never eat fruits or vegetables
You're lucky they didn't offer to remove your wisdom teeth.
I realize that now, too.. but I couldn't figure it all out when I was 13 or 14. What should I do now...
It's not your fault bro
I've seen lots of threads just like this one of people's orthodontists completely cucking them at a young age, it's brutal.
I recommend trying to find and talk to some people who know a lot about surgery that could help you (if you'd be down for surgery)
No, I just had them removed and not implanted with anything. There was something like that, as I remember (this is a picture from the Internet). They deleted them for me and that's it. After that, I wore braces.
I mean that's fucked because if they didn't erupt they literally dig out jaw bone mass and did not fill it in. Orthos should be in jail
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I mean that's fucked because wife they didn't erupt they literally dig out jaw bone mass and did not fill it in. Orthos should be in jail
Literally, they fucked this guy over.
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Literally, they fucked this guy over.
Yes I got 4 premolars extracted, but I don't know if this is worse or better
Did they have to put in a bone fill?
Nah but they are erupted so they didn't dig bone out, but the roots where so that's def cucked
Nah but they are erupted so they didn't dig bone out, but the roots where so that's def cucked
do not contact orthodontists in Russia. It was the parents' worst decision back then. I still can't realize how much it destroyed my face.
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do not contact orthodontists in Russia. It was the parents' worst decision back then. I still can't realize how much it destroyed my face.
Yea Orthos should be jailed for real. Really fucking stupid
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