Retainers ruined my forward grow (Need High IQ)

Try it out, can add some bone mass. Might age you faster tho
Okay Is it really possible to fill the place where the wisdom teeth were removed with material? I've never heard of it.
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Okay Is it really possible to fill the place where the wisdom teeth were removed with material? I've never heard of it.
I mean at the same time, many who get extracted wisdoms and filles it in with bone graft but this is done at the same time. Or did you mean dental implant. It's not really worth it. Maybe later in life
I mean at the same time, many who get extracted wisdoms and filles it in with bone graft but this is done at the same time. Or did you mean dental implant. It's not really worth it. Maybe later in life
is it too bad that I didn't get a bone graft? I've been to a paid clinic that's like 5 stars, but this is really the first time I've heard of this. apparently this is a terrible clinic.
is it too bad that I didn't get a bone graft? I've been to a paid clinic that's like 5 stars, but this is really the first time I've heard of this. apparently this is a terrible clinic.
@lurking truecel
is it too bad that I didn't get a bone graft? I've been to a paid clinic that's like 5 stars, but this is really the first time I've heard of this. apparently this is a terrible clinic.
Its not to bad, you might have had it without knowing tho
Its not to bad, you might have had it without knowing tho
Okay. I'd rather relax and rest. I somehow overloaded myself with this today. Psychosomatics is also a bad influence.
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Prob did but I near heard it ruined foward growth it just makes it appear sunken or smaller. If anything orthotics helped my foward growth so much
everyone I've heard says orthodontics fucks up your face. How did it help you
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everyone I've heard says orthodontics fucks up your face. How did it help you
I had a mse, jaw forusus appliance that legit saved my receded look and rubber bands.

It legit used to look like this
IMG 8027
I had a mse, jaw forusus appliance that legit saved my receded look and rubber bands.

It legit used to look like this View attachment 3405175
How old were you and your IMW? About the forsus appliance, I've seen how it works and it pulls back your maxilla while pushing your mandible forward. That seems kinda fucked cause it'll recess your maxilla right? The same thing with braces and elastics. Do you think all of this will make any significant effect on a 19 year old?
How old were you and your IMW? About the forsus appliance, I've seen how it works and it pulls back your maxilla while pushing your mandible forward. That seems kinda fucked cause it'll recess your maxilla right? The same thing with braces and elastics. Do you think all of this will make any significant effect on a 19 year old?
yeah maxillary recession is possible but if it were to happen it would be a very little amount, I didn’t notice any recession. I got this done at around 13 and no this wouldn’t do jack at 19, I was just able to get an mse but I couldn’t fully correct my overbite as the forusus wasn’t working but still managed to reduce a 16 mm recession to a 4. What r ur issues?
@cellmax wtf u laugh cel
if you are high iq you'll understand this


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if you are high iq you'll understand this
I am still doing it everyday but Im still not at the point where I think my execution is perfect. How long did it take for you to figure it out whats the perfect execution for your self
I am still doing it everyday but Im still not at the point where I think my execution is perfect. How long did it take for you to figure it out whats the perfect execution for your self
1 year
Braces doesn't cause reccesion, it's all in your dna
I didn't say that braces could do it. I specifically indicated the dates when I still had all my wisdom teeth removed and how old I was.
yeah maxillary recession is possible but if it were to happen it would be a very little amount, I didn’t notice any recession. I got this done at around 13 and no this wouldn’t do jack at 19, I was just able to get an mse but I couldn’t fully correct my overbite as the forusus wasn’t working but still managed to reduce a 16 mm recession to a 4. What r ur issues?
I have a deep bite ,some gaps in my teeth and narrow teeth smile and was looking to get it fixed through invisalign or smth like that. So, what do you suggest I should do to avoid recession or anything similar. Have you heard of damon braces or a MARA?
I have a deep bite ,some gaps in my teeth and narrow teeth smile and was looking to get it fixed through invisalign or smth like that. So, what do you suggest I should do to avoid recession or anything similar. Have you heard of damon braces or a MARA?
it seems to me that in order to avoid a recession, it is by no means necessary to remove any teeth (including wisdom, although some say that this does not bring much change). and do not use devices that move the upper jaw backwards (this is the first time I've heard of this, it's terrible).
I had a distal occlusion, I had all my wisdom teeth removed (that's very bad) and I was wearing braces with elastic bands that moved my lower jaw forward, which is good.
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it seems to me that in order to avoid a recession, it is by no means necessary to remove any teeth (including wisdom, although some say that this does not bring much change). and do not use devices that move the upper jaw backwards (this is the first time I've heard of this, it's terrible).
I had a distal occlusion, I had all my wisdom teeth removed (that's very bad) and I was wearing braces with elastic bands that moved my lower jaw forward, which is good.
Yeah if my ortho suggests extractions or something I’m getting out ASAP. I know that elastics fix an overbite by pushing the maxilla backwards but I didn’t know about braces that moved your lower jaw forwards are they regular braces or a specific appliance?
Yeah if my ortho suggests extractions or something I’m getting out ASAP. I know that elastics fix an overbite by pushing the maxilla backwards but I didn’t know about braces that moved your lower jaw forwards are they regular braces or a specific appliance?
Do rubber bands pull the upper jaw back?
Only surgery will help me. :feelswah:
:feelswhy:orthodontics definitely killed me then. Well, thank God there are surgeons. fuck it.
ngl you're scaring cause I have an orthodontists appointment tmrw let's see how it goes
ngl you're scaring cause I have an orthodontists appointment tmrw let's see how it goes
I saw a photo of my father when he was young and he didn't have a recession like mine.
I saw a photo of my father when he was young and he didn't have a recession like mine.
idk man just max out whatever you can try all the softmaxxing cope and save money for hardmaxxing later
idk man just max out whatever you can try all the softmaxxing cope and save money for hardmaxxing later
That's what I do, brother. maybe thumbpulling also brings small results, but apparently retainers complicate this task.
The history of orthodontic treatment.
I'm 16 yo now, and I'll be 17 yo in 2 months. When I was 13 yo, I had 2 wisdom teeth removed and braces put on (19 december 2022).
At 14 yo (11 november 2023), I had 2 more wisdom teeth removed, my braces were removed and my retainers were put on.
It turns out that I have been wearing retainers for the front 6 teeth on top and the front 6 teeth on the bottom for more than 2,5+ years. I think I've ruined my forward grow, and before it's too late, I want to take them off.

All my life I've been eating only healthy and solid food. I ate a lot of meat, vegetables, fruits and gave up sugar from the age of 13. I've never had any bad habits. I drank a multi-complex of vitamins (zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine, d3+k2, etc.). I played sports periodically, sometimes tennis, basketball, from the age of 14,5 to 15 I went to the gym (and took creatine + protein) , then i just walking and sprinting.

Tell me what to do, I think orthodontics has killed me, but it's not too late to fix something.
Ur 15 change happens yk
The history of orthodontic treatment.
I'm 16 yo now, and I'll be 17 yo in 2 months. When I was 13 yo, I had 2 wisdom teeth removed and braces put on (19 december 2022).
At 14 yo (11 november 2023), I had 2 more wisdom teeth removed, my braces were removed and my retainers were put on.
It turns out that I have been wearing retainers for the front 6 teeth on top and the front 6 teeth on the bottom for more than 2,5+ years. I think I've ruined my forward grow, and before it's too late, I want to take them off.

All my life I've been eating only healthy and solid food. I ate a lot of meat, vegetables, fruits and gave up sugar from the age of 13. I've never had any bad habits. I drank a multi-complex of vitamins (zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine, d3+k2, etc.). I played sports periodically, sometimes tennis, basketball, from the age of 14,5 to 15 I went to the gym (and took creatine + protein) , then i just walking and sprinting.

Tell me what to do, I think orthodontics has killed me, but it's not too late to fix something.
Supplements don't work. You ate a nutrient deficient diet while growing up, that's why you're recessed. Although at 16-17 you'll still have the chance to improve
Supplements don't work. You ate a nutrient deficient diet while growing up, that's why you're recessed. Although at 16-17 you'll still have the chance to improve
I ate 4 meals a day and still eat like this. breakfast is usually an omelet and nuts. The second breakfast is a plate of fruits. a hearty lunch is usually some kind of buckwheat and chicken breast. dinner soup (borscht with meat) for example. I didn't have a shortage, I ate a lot, comparing with my peers.
How can I change now?
Moreover, I always ate a variety of food, but I built a scheme according to which I ate. Therefore, there have always been different meats, different cereals, different vegetables and fruits.
I ate 4 meals a day and still eat like this. breakfast is usually an omelet and nuts. The second breakfast is a plate of fruits. a hearty lunch is usually some kind of buckwheat and chicken breast. dinner soup (borscht with meat) for example. I didn't have a shortage, I ate a lot, comparing with my peers.
How can I change now?
it's not about the amount of calories or amount of protein, it's about the micronutrients. Raw foods contain more nutrients, especially water-soluble vitamins. If I look at the things you say you eat, there is little animal fat except for the eggs. Animal fat contains the fat-soluble vitamins K2, D3 and A. Supplements of these aren't really proven to work.

I would recommend you to drink raw milk and raw liver from healthy animals. The healthy animal part is important because otherwise there will be toxins in the liver, for example chicken liver from the supermarket contains toxins because these chickens are fed a lot of antibiotics. You can also start eating (or more like drinking) your eggs raw and eating other raw meat, for example steak tartare.

This video is like a documentary of how humans should eat, modern dietary problems and its importance in relation to the blackpill. I recommend you to watch it.
I think the edit at the end is especially motivating because it shows how people improved
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дело не в количестве калорий или количестве белка, а в микроэлементах. Сырые продукты содержат больше питательных веществ, особенно водорастворимых витаминов. Если я посмотрю на то, что вы говорите, что едите, то там мало животных жиров, за исключением яиц. Животный жир содержит жирорастворимые витамины K2, D3 и A. Добавки с ними на самом деле не доказали свою эффективность.

Я бы рекомендовал вам пить сырое молоко и сырую печень здоровых животных. Здоровая часть животного важна, потому что в противном случае в печени будут токсины, например, куриная печень из супермаркета содержит токсины, потому что этих кур кормят большим количеством антибиотиков. Вы также можете начать есть (или, скорее, пить) сырые яйца и есть другое сырое мясо, например, стейк тартар.

Это видео похоже на документальный фильм о том, как люди должны питаться, о современных проблемах питания и его важности в отношении черной пилюли. Рекомендую посмотреть.
Я думаю, что редактирование в конце особенно мотивирует, потому что оно показывает, как люди стали лучше

Какое молоко вы можете мне порекомендовать, если у меня дефицит лактозы?
Какое молоко вы можете мне порекомендовать, если у меня дефицит лактозы?
Why in russian? Anyways I used translator, you could try drinking raw milk and seeing if you tolerate it (For some reason some people can't handle pasteurised milk but are able to handle raw milk) and if that doesn't work I can recommend Kefir made from raw milk. Kefir is easier on the stomach.
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Какое молоко вы можете мне порекомендовать, если у меня дефицит лактозы?
Why in russian? Anyways I used translator, you could try drinking raw milk and seeing if you tolerate it (For some reason some people can't handle pasteurised milk but are able to handle raw milk) and if that doesn't work I can recommend Kefir made from raw milk. Kefir is easier on the stomach.
oh sorry autotranslator didnt work
Thank you :blackpill: I'm drinking ryazhenka right now.
First thing is stop wearing retainers completely and start nose breathing only. It might not affect your forward growth but you will feel much better
oh sorry autotranslator didnt work
Thank you :blackpill: I'm drinking ryazhenka right now.
I'm not sure if that's made from unpasteurised milk, but it's better than "almond milk" or other slop like that
First thing is stop wearing retainers completely and start nose breathing only. It might not affect your forward growth but you will feel much better
I agree
No, I just had them removed and not implanted with anything. There was something like that, as I remember (this is a picture from the Internet). They deleted them for me and that's it. After that, I wore braces.
cage removing the wisdom teeth would be good in that case you dont understand
it doesnt always affect bone , only if ur ortho is faggot
In your pic your not that GL obv but u dont have malocclusions or anything , objectively speaking ur normal
Its all about ur genes
post ur side profiles before things that cucked you then

Im getting wisdom teeth removed w MSE + braces , when they are growing like that they can fuck you up and also cause problem for molars which do affect jaw GREATLY and doing smth w molars will cuck u for life
(the picture of teeth is mine btw)
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