Ripped white dudes go all over Asia and don't get laid. JBW is 100% MYTH



Jan 2, 2019
An article from a couple of years ago from some dude who traveled across many different Asian countries with his white chad friends because he bought into the JBW myth:

For those who are too lazy to read the entire article (it's fairly long), below are only the most interesting parts:

"Being a “white dude” who had a thing for Asian girls, this always sounded pretty cool, and for years it was something I assumed was true for no other reason than people said it a lot."

"It was myself and three other white dudes in Japan, and for the next few months me and my buddies went out about 3-5 nights a week. Each night (and day) we’d all try to pick up Japanese girls. Two of my friends were tall, good looking and fit guys — like with abs and everything."

"In the next three years, I traveled and lived in Korea, Thailand, Japan (Tokyo/Osaka), Cambodia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam — and every country I visit I talked to a lot of girls. Each country I visit I also travel with a crew, normally 2-5 guys at a time, and always a racially diverse group. Three years later, having approached thousands of Asian girls, dated or seduced hundreds, and witnessing my friends do the same — I’ve come to believe the “white guy in Asia” theory is a complete myth. Yes, I said it — the “it’s easy to meet girls as a white guy in Asia” narrative is bullshit. The “just be white” theory is a myth."

"One really shocking aspect of Asia you’ll encounter as a “white guy” is racism. Not subtle racism either — ‘Koreans only’ signs in Korea, being denied entry into a club for not being the local ethnicity, having people stereotype you as having AIDS because you’re white or girls refusing to walk with you in public out of fear of looking dirty. My most memorable experience of racial disadvantage was when a Korean girlfriend I had in Korea introduced me to her sister. This was a girl who I had been seeing and even traveled to different countries with. She had my photo framed in her room and called me her boyfriend. When I met her sister, I assumed she knew who I was — I was, after all, her sister’s boyfriend, right? My girlfriend later told me she lied to her family and said her boyfriend was Korean. She feared they would flip a table if they knew I was a white guy so she lied. "

One of the biggest sources for the “white guy in Asia” myth is the common phenomenon of girls staring at foreigners. Of course this depends on where you go but it’s a very common thing that happens.The reason this fuels the myth is that many in the West only have girls intently stare at them when a girl is romantically interested, so it’s very easy for a naive Western man to walk around and feel like girls are checking him out. It’s very common when I meet guys who travel with me and they brag about how they feel like they’re a “god” or a “rockstar” just for being a foreigner. Sometimes girls will even ask to take a selfie with you, and this fuels the delusion even more."

"To make an analogy, imagine you lived in a city where 99% of the men wear a blue suit. Now imagine when you go to the movies and watch films made from the other side of the globe that the characters are always flying around, saving the day, or otherwise looking really cool — and they all never wear a blue suit but instead wear a wild clothing with bright colors. Now imagine you’re walking to the train and you see a person who looks like the people in the movies and he’s wearing the wild colorful clothing. Of course you’re going to stare at them. I call this “Mickey Mouse Mode”. Mickey Mouse Mode is basically being a character who gets a lot of attention but none of it is romantic. Everyone stares at Mickey Mouse, everyone wants a photo with Mickey Mouse, but nobody really wants to fuck Mickey Mouse. Many Western men walk around Asia in Mickey Mouse Mode"

"A funny analogy I’ve made in the past is, imagine a big buff black guy named Chris goes to a city that’s mostly white and the people are very racist. He goes on Tinder and asks girls he matches with where the best bars and clubs are. He then walks around and girls stare at him. He goes to the club and the music is great and the girls are really nice. The next day he leaves and thinks “man that city was great, they love black guys.”The reality is the type of girl who’d match a black guy obviously likes black guys, and a girl like that probably likes clubs that has black guys in it, and the only type of girl who’d go to a club like that will be friendly to black guys. In addition, people were staring because it’s so rare to see a black guy in that city. The point here is that it’s possible for Chris to walk away thinking the city loves black guys when the truth is the opposite — something that could only be discovered with more time and perspective. Since 95% of Western men go to Asia for no longer than 1-2 weeks, this type of cultural blindspot is very likely to warp their perception."

"In Vietnam, many of the girls on Tinder will message you first and seem happy to match, however the hottest girls there won’t be found on Tinder but on other apps like BeeTalk. BeetTalk is an app like WeChat and has a feature where you can scan for people near you. The girls on BeeTalk are easily 2-3 times more attractive, rarely will message you, and if you don’t at least try to speak Vietnamese you’re dead. Keep in mind that 99.9% of the men on BeeTalk in Vietnam are Vietnamese, and the only reason it’s not 100% is because I’m on it."

It's official. JBW is dead. It's utter bullshit.

Literally ALL of the excuses ethnics use to rationalize JBW are completely torn into shreds in this dude's article:

-Looks? He looks like a normie and his friends were tall and ripped. Still got rejected.
-Location? He went all over Asia. Still got rejected as well as his ripped friends.
-White worship? Doesn't exist and in fact many such as the koreans outright discriminate against whites.
-Tinder? Only the shitty women went there and the good ones were on other apps where he was ignored.
-Women looking at him for being white? Only because he was foreigner and not out of attraction.


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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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JBW is cope. Ofc there are noodles who have a thing for white males but it's no different from the white JB kpop fanatics who prefer Asians.
  • +1
Reactions: LowTierNormie, FailedNormie and disillusioned
JBW is cope. Ofc there are noodles who have a thing for white males but it's no different from the white JB kpop fanatics who prefer Asians.

Like the guy pointed out, it's all cherry picked bullshit. If a black dude goes into a foreign country where there are almost no blacks and then goes to a bar that a small minority of black worshiping women like to go to also then of course that black dude might get lucky, but that doesn't mean blacks are popular.

Ethnics are basically just cherry picking bullshit from the internet and then pretending it's the default. It's literally no different from when retard white nationalists whine about big black dicks stealing all their white women. It's all just bullshit sexual insecurity and denial of reality. The racepill is fake.
  • +1
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Ok bro... I already knew it was over you didnt have to make my day even worse.
There is no hope anymore everyone should just rope tbh, I'm only alive because I enjoy drinking beer, browsing this forum and listening to music.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: joelortiz, Demir and Aids!
I despise JBW & JBT copers. I'm white and tall and it hasn't done fuck all for me. I've NEVER had a girlfriend in my life.
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Just be attractive, simple.
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just be asian brah!
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I despise JBW & JBT copers. I'm white and tall and it hasn't done fuck all for me. I've NEVER had a girlfriend in my life.

Tbh realizing jbw is bullshit has only made me despise minorities even more. For a brief period of time I believed jbw was real because it was spammed so often and it made me feel a bit sorry for ethnics but now that I know it's utter horseshit it has only increased my hatred for these low IQ savages. Literally everything about brown people is characterized by failure and self-pity. It's not enough for them to only blame the white men for their economy failures, their educational failures, and cultural failures. They also have to blame him for not getting laid. They are an utterly worthless race.

On the bright side, the Chinese will probably put them in their place once whites are gone.
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Big wall of cope.

Be white or kys.
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The dude has average to above average looks, went all over Asia and hit on THOUSANDS of women and only got laid infrequently with women who for the most part were not very good looking. And mind you, HE IS A NORMIE AND HIS FRIENDS ARE CHAD-LITES. If this was how he performed, then incels would be FUCKED.

But sure, convince yourself this is somehow proof of jbw being real.

It's cope for ethnics to think jbw is real.
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deathnik copers at it again
  • JFL
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If he just went on Tinder or something he would have slayed. Also if people are looking at you it means they are admiring you, plain and simple. Being a foreigner is already an extreme SMV boost. The "Koreans Only" signs are definitely put by korean men who are salty for white dudes looking better.

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don't worry lads ima prove just be Indian theory soon
  • JFL
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Also if people are looking at you it means they are admiring you, plain and simple.

This is so hilariously wrong. The guy even addressed this: People stare at foreigners because they don't typically see them. It has nothing to do with attraction. Up until recently blacks where almost unheard off in my nation and for the most part they are still uncommon. So when I see them I keep my eyes on them a bit before moving on. This has nothing to do with attraction.
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This is so hilariously wrong. The guy even addressed this: People stare at foreigners because they don't typically see them. It has nothing to do with attraction. Up until recently blacks where almost unheard off in my nation and for the most part they are still uncommon. So when I see them I keep my eyes on them a bit before moving on. This has nothing to do with attraction.
Sounds like you want bbc up your ass faggot
  • JFL
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i get mogged by the "jbw" examples
OP doing his best to help Trump build the wall with that giant mountain of text.

Not a single word.
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  • JFL
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An article from a couple of years ago from some dude who traveled across many different Asian countries with his white chad friends because he bought into the JBW myth:

For those who are too lazy to read the entire article (it's fairly long), below are only the most interesting parts:

"Being a “white dude” who had a thing for Asian girls, this always sounded pretty cool, and for years it was something I assumed was true for no other reason than people said it a lot."

"It was myself and three other white dudes in Japan, and for the next few months me and my buddies went out about 3-5 nights a week. Each night (and day) we’d all try to pick up Japanese girls. Two of my friends were tall, good looking and fit guys — like with abs and everything."

"In the next three years, I traveled and lived in Korea, Thailand, Japan (Tokyo/Osaka), Cambodia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam — and every country I visit I talked to a lot of girls. Each country I visit I also travel with a crew, normally 2-5 guys at a time, and always a racially diverse group. Three years later, having approached thousands of Asian girls, dated or seduced hundreds, and witnessing my friends do the same — I’ve come to believe the “white guy in Asia” theory is a complete myth. Yes, I said it — the “it’s easy to meet girls as a white guy in Asia” narrative is bullshit. The “just be white” theory is a myth."

"One really shocking aspect of Asia you’ll encounter as a “white guy” is racism. Not subtle racism either — ‘Koreans only’ signs in Korea, being denied entry into a club for not being the local ethnicity, having people stereotype you as having AIDS because you’re white or girls refusing to walk with you in public out of fear of looking dirty. My most memorable experience of racial disadvantage was when a Korean girlfriend I had in Korea introduced me to her sister. This was a girl who I had been seeing and even traveled to different countries with. She had my photo framed in her room and called me her boyfriend. When I met her sister, I assumed she knew who I was — I was, after all, her sister’s boyfriend, right? My girlfriend later told me she lied to her family and said her boyfriend was Korean. She feared they would flip a table if they knew I was a white guy so she lied. "

One of the biggest sources for the “white guy in Asia” myth is the common phenomenon of girls staring at foreigners. Of course this depends on where you go but it’s a very common thing that happens.The reason this fuels the myth is that many in the West only have girls intently stare at them when a girl is romantically interested, so it’s very easy for a naive Western man to walk around and feel like girls are checking him out. It’s very common when I meet guys who travel with me and they brag about how they feel like they’re a “god” or a “rockstar” just for being a foreigner. Sometimes girls will even ask to take a selfie with you, and this fuels the delusion even more."

"To make an analogy, imagine you lived in a city where 99% of the men wear a blue suit. Now imagine when you go to the movies and watch films made from the other side of the globe that the characters are always flying around, saving the day, or otherwise looking really cool — and they all never wear a blue suit but instead wear a wild clothing with bright colors. Now imagine you’re walking to the train and you see a person who looks like the people in the movies and he’s wearing the wild colorful clothing. Of course you’re going to stare at them. I call this “Mickey Mouse Mode”. Mickey Mouse Mode is basically being a character who gets a lot of attention but none of it is romantic. Everyone stares at Mickey Mouse, everyone wants a photo with Mickey Mouse, but nobody really wants to fuck Mickey Mouse. Many Western men walk around Asia in Mickey Mouse Mode"

"A funny analogy I’ve made in the past is, imagine a big buff black guy named Chris goes to a city that’s mostly white and the people are very racist. He goes on Tinder and asks girls he matches with where the best bars and clubs are. He then walks around and girls stare at him. He goes to the club and the music is great and the girls are really nice. The next day he leaves and thinks “man that city was great, they love black guys.”The reality is the type of girl who’d match a black guy obviously likes black guys, and a girl like that probably likes clubs that has black guys in it, and the only type of girl who’d go to a club like that will be friendly to black guys. In addition, people were staring because it’s so rare to see a black guy in that city. The point here is that it’s possible for Chris to walk away thinking the city loves black guys when the truth is the opposite — something that could only be discovered with more time and perspective. Since 95% of Western men go to Asia for no longer than 1-2 weeks, this type of cultural blindspot is very likely to warp their perception."

"In Vietnam, many of the girls on Tinder will message you first and seem happy to match, however the hottest girls there won’t be found on Tinder but on other apps like BeeTalk. BeetTalk is an app like WeChat and has a feature where you can scan for people near you. The girls on BeeTalk are easily 2-3 times more attractive, rarely will message you, and if you don’t at least try to speak Vietnamese you’re dead. Keep in mind that 99.9% of the men on BeeTalk in Vietnam are Vietnamese, and the only reason it’s not 100% is because I’m on it."

It's official. JBW is dead. It's utter bullshit.

Literally ALL of the excuses ethnics use to rationalize JBW are completely torn into shreds in this dude's article:

-Looks? He looks like a normie and his friends were tall and ripped. Still got rejected.
-Location? He went all over Asia. Still got rejected as well as his ripped friends.
-White worship? Doesn't exist and in fact many such as the koreans outright discriminate against whites.
-Tinder? Only the shitty women went there and the good ones were on other apps where he was ignored.
-Women looking at him for being white? Only because he was foreigner and not out of attraction.


This is how shitskins cope
I scanned through it. I dont really disagree with most of it and it mostly matches my experiences. Although my gut feeling he is exaggerating greatly to try to sell the point. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he had an easier time getting nooky in thailand than he ever did in fucking alberta canada. Bond is an internet "lifestyle" marketer, so it goes without saying that he constantly deceives his audience. Much like bodybuilders, these people get into the habit of lying early, and just begin to lie about everything in their lives.

I like that he touches on the illusory/placebo effect of JBW: as an expat, you tend to stick to bubbles where the demographics are that you're more likely to meet an azn broad who has a fetish for whites. Does busted ass white women going to kenya or indonesia to get some dark dick prove that all white women are into darkies? That would be a nice cope for ethnics, but in 1st world countries most white girls wouldnt be seen dead with ethnic. However, everyone has met at least one white girl who is really really really into niggas/ethnics, and dates pretty much exclusively within that demographic.

If anyone truly believes JBW, well, you don't need to leave home: you probably have a significant demo of asians in your country. Go gf one up if its so easy, why not? The reality is the lesser told aspect of the "just go asia bro" dream is the person trying to get away from the pain of being a fucking loser at home. Its not so much about pussy as it is about trying to rebuild their lives. Guys in the incelosphere will at least admit that pretty readily, but guys who are still trying to be normies wont its too much of a blow to their ego.

Also reiterates a point I have been making for a long time: looks theory still applies. The idea that incels go to this magical place where a male 4 is suddenly treated like an 8 sounds like a ridiculous fantasy doesnt it? So why do so many insist on believing it? If you're an average to above average male, guess what you will be dating/fucking in asia: average to above average asian broads. Hot girls are fucking hot guys, as per everywhere in the world unless you are leveraging something: status or money or maybe a chicom TT-30 pressed into the small of her back that you picked up in phnom penh for $200
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, RichardSpencel and FailedNormie
I say this all the time. Looksmaxxing won't cure autism.
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Jbw isn't legit but you cant deny that whites have more no of beautiful people than any other race.
  • +1
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I scanned through it. I dont really disagree with most of it and it mostly matches my experiences. Although my gut feeling he is exaggerating greatly to try to sell the point. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he had an easier time getting nooky in thailand than he ever did in fucking alberta canada. Bond is an internet "lifestyle" marketer, so it goes without saying that he constantly deceives his audience. Much like bodybuilders, these people get into the habit of lying early, and just begin to lie about everything in their lives.

I like that he touches on the illusory/placebo effect of JBW: as an expat, you tend to stick to bubbles where the demographics are that you're more likely to meet an azn broad who has a fetish for whites. Does busted ass white women going to kenya or indonesia to get some dark dick prove that all white women are into darkies? That would be a nice cope for ethnics, but in 1st world countries most white girls wouldnt be seen dead with ethnic. However, everyone has met at least one white girl who is really really really into niggas/ethnics, and dates pretty much exclusively within that demographic.

If anyone truly believes JBW, well, you don't need to leave home: you probably have a significant demo of asians in your country. Go gf one up if its so easy, why not? The reality is the lesser told aspect of the "just go asia bro" dream is the person trying to get away from the pain of being a fucking loser at home. Its not so much about pussy as it is about trying to rebuild their lives. Guys in the incelosphere will at least admit that pretty readily, but guys who are still trying to be normies wont its too much of a blow to their ego.

Also reiterates a point I have been making for a long time: looks theory still applies. The idea that incels go to this magical place where a male 4 is suddenly treated like an 8 sounds like a ridiculous fantasy doesnt it? So why do so many insist on believing it? If you're an average to above average male, guess what you will be dating/fucking in asia: average to above average asian broads. Hot girls are fucking hot guys, as per everywhere in the world unless you are leveraging something: status or money or maybe a chicom TT-30 pressed into the small of her back that you picked up in phnom penh for $200
Best post in this whole thread
  • +1
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I will also add that there seems to be a discrepancy in semantics. Truecels believe "JBW" as axiom that it impossible to be incel if you're white. What PSLers are talking about with JBW on the other hand, is the belief that you can become a slayer/chad just be travelling to asia.

Its the latter belief that is the fantastical. The former is probably true. Someone who cant get get a gf in america/australia/uk/germany and so on can probably get a foid in china/thailand/india/turkemenistan and so
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and SHARK
The former is probably true. Someone who cant get get a gf in america/australia/uk/germany and so on can probably get a foid in china/thailand/india/turkemenistan and so
First, you gotta pay a lot for the flight tickets, accommodation and so on.

Secondly, you'll probably get a mediocre looking greencard digger which makes you essentially a betabuxx. Actually most PSL users can get an ugly landwhale gf or betabuxx, they just choose not to. So the "JBW" case here can't really be considered a success.

Thirdly, none of the white dudes bragging about JBW in Asia are genuinely truecel tier.
you probably have a significant demo of asians in your country.
not when half of this forum's population is made up of easterneuropecels
Jbw isn't legit but you cant deny that whites have more no of beautiful people than any other race.

Bullshit. I live in one of the nordic nations and I would say that in every group of 20 people there are maybe 1 or 2 that are even remotely good looking. White chads may look better than chads from other races, but chads are still rare regardless of race.
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There's no fucking escape, it never began

I went to asia and if you're white, you'll fuck all you want in South East Asia.

Not those shitty countries with foids who are into androgynous males like Japan or Korea

Thailand Vietnam Philippines Indonesia are all heaven on earth for white males

I've seen normies having very good looking asian gfs there
Every asian girl ive ever met in the west had a history of dating pretty much exclusively white guys

theyre mostly westernized tho
Damn that was a good read. I like the Mickey Mouse analogy he made.

I do believe in jbw if it’s defined as “if you’re white, you can find SOMEONE in the world to fuck you”. But that’s not the same as becoming a slayer or normie in Asia. And even if 10 people in the world would fuck you, good luck finding them. You’re basically still incel.
  • +1
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>imagine actually believing this

if youre white and average looking you could get laid every now and then. the only reason you cant is because youre low inhib and an autist.
>imagine actually believing this

if youre white and average looking you could get laid every now and then. the only reason you cant is because youre low inhib and an autist.
  • +1
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just be a white chadlite+
even if youre below average, u can still get ugly ethnics. volvel if white
even if youre below average, u can still get ugly ethnics. volvel if white

Who fucking cares? I can't stand this bullshit "well you would not be incel if you had sex with mutants arguments. And it's not even true anyway. I'm 4/10 and I have still been turned down by legit 2/10. It's literally completely over if you aren't at least 6/10.
JBW has always been incel cope, in the real world most normies know all incels are white, ethnic men are worshipped by liberal women, especially black guys.
Who fucking cares? I can't stand this bullshit "well you would not be incel if you had sex with mutants arguments. And it's not even true anyway. I'm 4/10 and I have still been turned down by legit 2/10. It's literally completely over if you aren't at least 6/10.
A LOT of incels are just another version of male feminists. They put thousands of dollars into expensive, dangerous surgeries and spend so much effort looksmaxing, yet they think if you don't want to date a 500 pound woman, that is not acceptable. They want men to looksmax but NEVER ask women to do the same, tbh, majority of modern incels are cucks and simps.
sea jbw Chad @Limerencel I summon you
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  • +1
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white and normie looks is all you need to slay there tbh
lol didn't read tbh.

No pics of the dude, so he was probably ugly and not even jacked.
White worship is real thing since asian people subconsciously notice maxilla, jaw, compact midface, brow ridge all those things.
whites are just better looking on average.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
white and normie looks is all you need to slay there tbh
lol didn't read tbh.

No pics of the dude, so he was probably ugly and not even jacked.

he was coping that he didnt get much attention as expected

i bet his friends were ugly too he just overrated them to feel better
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