Roiding plan at 14 (updated)

Ignore these people who tell you to not do it, roiding ascended me like crazy in such a short span
And dont be acared to up the test ur shutdown rn anyways if you ran a gram and pctd youd still be fine
These people just hear "roid dangerous" and are trying to make you stop
give me a valid reason on why i shouldnt roid
Don’t roid
you're 14 why the fuck do you care about roiding
go outside have fun man this place isn't for the young
Roiding will make him look folds better
you JUST came out of middle school and you want to ROID???
you're gonna rape your hormones and your growth is gonna be stunted
i could complain for literal paragraphs but if you want to do it and you know what's coming, i'm not gonna hold you back
How retarded can you be? at 14 its the easiest to restore natural production, if he were to come off even without pct hed more than likely restore his full test production back, and with pct he for sure would
it will fuck up your horomone levels, and fuck up your brain development. similar shitty side effects as taking drugs like marjuana before your brain is fully developed, just fucks up development of your whole body
Read the paragraph i just wrote
you're going to grow tits and be short lmfao
Aslong as he uses an ai he will get basically 0 sides and even if he doesnt hes still using a low dose of test not enough to get gyno or close plates (unless hes fat)
taking a ai while on a 1:2 test to mast will completely nuke your estrogen and rape ur brain development
Masteron doesnt decrease estrogen, only masks the effects of high estrogen, so he needs the ai since mast isnt actually an ai
dont roids at 14 jfl wait at least 16yo
you are lucky you are 14
you have time to make money for hgh, mk is cope you wont grow with that shit, use the 2 years you have ahead of you to make as much money as possible (dont hesitate to take dark path of making money, do whatever it takes)
why wait 16 ?
see this the same way as trying to achieve the best possible physique
if a beginner roids, in 1 year he will achieve a peak natty physique
but if he first build his natty potential and then roid he will have a better physique than the guy who started roiding from 0
same as puberty, let your puberty do its thing then roid to make the most out of it
roiding now may just give you gains that your puberty could have given you
wait at least 15 and a half
use the time you have to make money lucky nigga trust
and do 500 test
200 test will stop your natural production anyway and no difference in side effects beetween 200 and 500 but huge gains diff
dont do high dose mast its useless, 200mg mast and proviron is the real shit
anavar is also good for penis and height gains
inject l-carnitine to respond better to the roids
trust just use the year you have ahead of you to make money and do researchs on how to mitigate sides you will ascend
i have been researching about roids for months and i am still learning how to do things better and with more safety
Earlier you roid = More bonemass
Stop being a retard lol if he waits till hes 16 what difference is it gonna be in sides
listen man just wait until you're 16-17 if you wanna start young puberty probably hasnt even fully kicked in for you yet
Theres less bonemass gained with the same sides at that age
Is this guy retarted?
  • +1
Reactions: K2VITAMIN
does enclo or nolva do that?
Enclo raises Estrogen and estrogen in turn decrease Igf1 so really it’s counterproductive if you think about it.
The Cycle:
Week 1-2:
  • Test E: 150mg per week
  • Masteron: 300mg per week
  • MK-677: 25mg daily
  • AI (Arimidex or Aromasin): 0.25mg every other day
Week 3-4:
  • Test E: 175mg per week
  • Masteron: 350mg per week
  • MK-677: 25mg daily
  • AI: 0.25mg every other day
Week 5-6:
  • Test E: 200mg per week
  • Masteron: 400mg per week
  • MK-677: 25mg daily
  • AI: 0.25mg every other day
Week 7-8:
  • Test E: 200mg per week
  • Masteron: 400mg per week
  • MK-677: 25mg daily
  • AI: 0.25mg every other day
Week 9-10:
  • Test E: 175mg per week
  • Masteron: 350mg per week
  • MK-677: 25mg daily
  • AI: 0.25mg every other day
Week 11-12:
  • Test E: 150mg per week
  • Masteron: 300mg per week
  • MK-677: 25mg daily
  • AI: 0.25mg every other day
Week 13-16:
  • MK-677: 25mg daily
  • Clomid: (week 13 50mg) (week 14-16 25mg daily)

Low dose test(150mg-200mg) - because i am 14 years old and i dont want to pin for the rest of my life so I am avoiding that with lower dose.
MK-677 - mk677 for the hunger and sleep and fast recovery not even for height gains i dont think its really effective but it helps me eat more
Masteron - I keep it at a 1:2 test:mast dose.
AI - so that the high dose test that converts into estrogen doesnt fuse my growth plates since estrogen is what fuses growth plates.
Clomid & Nolvadex for PCT (i added mk677 in the pct too cus why not)

Where im buying from
TEST E - $65
MAST E - - $230
MK-677 - - $85
AI - - $45
CLOMID - - $80

Total - $500 (approximately)
Ive been mowing lawn past months (i already saved up $470, only another $30 to go) I have the money to afford it only if there was cheaper ways other than QSC. unless QSC has fast shipping because I need to run this cycle in like 2-3 weeks.

this will be my first experimentational cycle. in the summer i might run this again or test e 150mg with primo 800mg. please give me advice.

Supplement Stack (for liver, cardiovascular, etc):​

  • Milk Thistle: 300 mg daily
  • NAC: 800 mg daily
  • Tudca: 300 mg daily
  • Fish Oil: 2,000 mg daily
  • CoQ10: 125 mg daily
  • Zinc: 30 mg daily
  • Vitamin D3: 2,000 IU daily
  • Creatine Monohydrate: 5g daily
  • Glucosamine and Chondroitin
  • BCAAs

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