Salah prayer feels better than drugs

Imam Ali (AS) said at the time of the attack that if Rasulullah ﷺ had not ordered me to be patient (in order to not cause a civil war as soon as the Prophet ﷺ died) I would have killed you.

The attack on the house of Fatima Zahra (SA) has been admitted by leading Sunni leaders including Abu Bakr himself who said when he was about to die that I wish that I did not attack the house of Fatima even if it was a centre of war against me.

This is narrated by Sunni scholars like:
1. Al-Tabarani in al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer ,
2. al-Dhahabi in Meesan al-E'tidaal,
3. Ibn Qutaiba and quoted by Ibn A'bd Rabbih in his book al-E'qd al-Fareed.
4. al-Mas'oodi in amorous al-Dhahab.
5. Ibn Asaakir in Tareekh Dimishq.
6. al-Haithami in Majma' al-Zawaa'id.
7. al-Soyouti in Musnad Fatimah
8. al-Muttaqi al-Hindi in Kanz al-Ummaal.

Beside this, we have hundreds of Sunni books who narrated about the attack and fire to burn the house or door of Fatima (SA):

1. Tareekh al-Tabari , V.2, P. 443.
2. Mussannaf Abi Shaibah, V. 8, P. 572.
3. al-E'qd al-Fareed , V.2, P. 73.
4. Ibn Abd al-Barr in al-Estee'aab, V. 1, P. 298.
5. al-Waafi bil Wafayaat by al-Safari, V.2, P.227.
6. Kanzul Ummah , V.5, P.651.
7. Abul-Fidaa' in al-Mukhtasar Fi aakhbaar al- Bashar, V.1, P.107.
8. Ibn Taymiyyah (the staunch enemy of Ahlul Bayt) in his book Minhajul Sunnah, V.8, P. 291.
9.Ibn Hajar al-A'sqalani in Lisaan al-Mizan, V.1, P.111.
10. al-Dhahbi in Milan al-E'tidaal, V.1, P. 139 and in Siyar A'laam al-Nubalaa', V. 15, P. 578.
11. Al-Tabarani in al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer , V.1, P. 17.
12, Al-Haithami on Mo'jam al-Zawaa'id, V.2, P. 353.
Firstly akhi I am pragmatic I don't take hadeeths too seriously I follow imam Malik,the people of medinah and am a sufi first before a sunni and even shaykh albani said even bukhari has mistakes

Difference is we accept this but shias have very bad corrupted hadiths but think they came from ahlu bayt when they came from someone sayyidna Jafar al Sadiq radiallahu taala anhu said was a zindiq

Sayyidna Muhammed salamallah alihi had ghayrah more than any other creation and would never tell Ali to be patient when it's the duty of a Muslim let alone a fearless masoom to fight til the death to protect his women's folk honor
Sayyidna Muhammed salamallah alihi had ghayrah more than any other creation and would never tell Ali to be patient when it's the duty of a Muslim let alone a fearless masoom to fight til the death to protect his women's folk honor
if Imam Ali (AS) came out to avenge the blood of Lady Zahra (SA) it would've caused the religion of Islam to be destroyed before it even began

indeed my master Muhammad ﷺ and Ali (AS) had greater ghayrah than all other humans that have ever existed

but the religion of islam comes first

this is exactly why Imam Hussain (AS) refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid (may Allah curse him and his followers) even if it meant that his whole family was martyred and the veils of his women being stolen and them being brought to Damascus unveiled
sufi first before a sunni
well i respect sufis because they're usually more inclined towards the love of Ahlulbayt, much more than these "salafis"
if Imam Ali (AS) came out to avenge the blood of Lady Zahra (SA) it would've caused the religion of Islam to be destroyed before it even began

indeed my master Muhammad ﷺ and Ali (AS) had greater ghayrah than all other humans that have ever existed

but the religion of islam comes first

this is exactly why Imam Hussain (AS) refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid (may Allah curse him and his followers) even if it meant that his whole family was martyred and the veils of his women being stolen and them being brought to Damascus unveiled

well i respect sufis because they're usually more inclined towards the love of Ahlulbayt, much more than these "salafis"
It was his fardh ayn duty to kill these companions because ghayrah over women let alone your wife is the deen akhi

Just accept he made a mistake

Allah would have sent thousands angels to fight with him like they fought with rasulallah at badr he was a spiritual master and supreme sufi

He just got scared
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It was his fardh ayn duty to kill these companions because ghayrah over women let alone your wife is the deen akhi
but his most important fardh was to obey the Messenger ﷺ and conceal his pain and anger in order to save islam

Allah (SWT) will avenge the murder of Sayyada Fatima (SA) through her grandson Imam Mahdi (AJTF) and again on the day of judgement
but his most important fardh was to obey the Messenger ﷺ and conceal his pain and anger in order to save islam

Allah (SWT) will avenge the murder of Sayyada Fatima (SA) through her grandson Imam Mahdi (AJTF) and again on the day of judgement
This is a cop out bro I'm sorry Islam can never be destroyed let alone by people's actions
This is a cop out bro I'm sorry Islam can never be destroyed let alone by people's actions
the reason it can't be destroyed is because Allah (SWT) has appointed 12 guardians from the direct bloodline of the Messenger ﷺ who have given their blood and their families for His deen

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ٩
the reason it can't be destroyed is because Allah (SWT) has appointed 12 guardians from the direct bloodline of the Messenger ﷺ who have given their blood and their families for His deen

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ٩
Lol no this is blasphemy
Lol no this is blasphemy
how the fuck is this blasphemy bro what are you even saying

so i guess saying that Allah (SWT) has sent prophets to deliver His message is blasphemy too?
how the fuck is this blasphemy bro what are you even saying

so i guess saying that Allah (SWT) has sent prophets to deliver His message is blasphemy too?
Because shias attribute things that only Allah has to ahlulbayt

And even from a shia pov the dawudi bohra and najrani Ismailis are more true in that context

Twelver Shiism is just based on fabricated hadiths and your scholars all say the Quran is corrupted which takes you out of islam
Lolling @ this thread. Nigga was talking about meditation through prayer and it somehow turned into a 2 page argument
  • JFL
Reactions: shia.jihadist
Because shias attribute things that only Allah has to ahlulbayt
like what lol
your scholars all say the Quran is corrupted which takes you out of islam
this is a complete lie
you can disagree with us all you want but you know slandering is haram

sunnis on the other hand believe that the Prophet ﷺ accidentally said some verses that Shaitan gave to him ﷺ which is an insult to his ﷺ honour
the ahlulbayt do not have omniscience they only know what Allah wills them to know

how the hell is believing that people can misinterpret the Quran the same as believing that the Quran is (Astagfirullah) corrupted
I'm shocked you don't know your schools view on this but yeah your scholars lie to you with taqiyah

I've posted the links
I'm shocked you don't know your schools view on this but yeah your scholars lie to you with taqiyah
just fucking lol classic sunni has no idea what taqiyah is

taqiyah is the permission to not express your true belief under the threat of death

which has literally nothing to do with scholars and their own community

you're just posting bullshit random videos by salafis which probably use some out of context clip or a guy LARPing as shia

this is so stupid lol its clear you're too stubborn to accept anything and just want to slander the followers of the Ahlulbayt
im done with this argument
just fucking lol classic sunni has no idea what taqiyah is

taqiyah is the permission to not express your true belief under the threat of death

which has literally nothing to do with scholars and their own community

you're just posting bullshit random videos by salafis which probably use some out of context clip or a guy LARPing as shia

this is so stupid lol its clear you're too stubborn to accept anything and just want to slander the followers of the Ahlulbayt
im done with this argument
Shiism is a apostate cult

We sufiyah are the real shiatul ahlulbayt
  • JFL
Reactions: shia.jihadist
just fucking lol classic sunni has no idea what taqiyah is

taqiyah is the permission to not express your true belief under the threat of death

which has literally nothing to do with scholars and their own community

you're just posting bullshit random videos by salafis which probably use some out of context clip or a guy LARPing as shia

this is so stupid lol its clear you're too stubborn to accept anything and just want to slander the followers of the Ahlulbayt
im done with this argument
Shias lie so much and obfuscate it makes me sick

Truly a cult lmao

You also avoided the fact Ali should have not arbitrated and that was a clear sin
You may be right but the loneliness is still there and only a foid can fulfill my urges :forcedsmile:
> Prophet Muhammad was born 600 years after christ
> Muslims were Christians before the appearance of Muhammad
> Muhammad didn’t know how to read or write
> Muhammad married a girl who was 6 and had sex with her at 9
The first three aren’t even points against it. Have you ever studied islam? :lul: Your third point is literally a registered miracle in Islam, he was illiterate yet wrote the Quran. Lmao stick to looksmaxxing.

>Christians were Jews before Jesus appeared
I tried all types of drugs and also do my best to not miss a prayer and I can say the feeling in Salah when you're focused and not rushing it is way more peaceful and intimate than drugs and alcohol

If you're a western zoomer muslimcel on bp forums don't engage in degeneracy because I'm telling you I've been there and it's overrated to the sky and ibadah and dhikr are much more pleasurable and fulfilling activities

Take it from someone that was a ultra degenerate
Shut up you haven’t tried fentanyl
you are so right don't let anyone on this forum ridicule you for you peacefulness
like what lol

this is a complete lie
you can disagree with us all you want but you know slandering is haram

sunnis on the other hand believe that the Prophet ﷺ accidentally said some verses that Shaitan gave to him ﷺ which is an insult to his ﷺ honour
where do sunnis believe that? I never heard in any arguement or source ever that they say he said it by accident
just fucking lol classic sunni has no idea what taqiyah is

taqiyah is the permission to not express your true belief under the threat of death

which has literally nothing to do with scholars and their own community

you're just posting bullshit random videos by salafis which probably use some out of context clip or a guy LARPing as shia

this is so stupid lol its clear you're too stubborn to accept anything and just want to slander the followers of the Ahlulbayt
im done with this argument
genuin question do you think the acts people are doing in Iraq is a great representation of Shias?
I‘m on the toilet right now at this moment, shitting
youve lost your path again yakhi

we are christians, revert back to your old faith brother
  • JFL
Reactions: shia.jihadist
genuin question do you think the acts people are doing in Iraq is a great representation of Shias?
wdym acts people are doing in iraq
like what
wdym acts people are doing in iraq
like what
all them chest hitting, drawing pictures of Ali ra , gathering together to do weird dances to praise Ali ,wearing black to symbolize shiasim, making up Hadiths and lots of distorted ones. generally not a good picture on islam at all,
The first three aren’t even points against it. Have you ever studied islam? :lul: Your third point is literally a registered miracle in Islam, he was illiterate yet wrote the Quran. Lmao stick to looksmaxxing.

>Christians were Jews before Jesus appeared
How can an illiterate write a book?

Muslims worship a stone that is made of brick inside
all them chest hitting, drawing pictures of Ali ra , gathering together to do weird dances to praise Ali ,wearing black to symbolize shiasim, making up Hadiths and lots of distorted ones. generally not a good picture on islam at all,
- hitting oneself is a natural response to mourning which aisha also did

Aisha said, “The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) passed away leaning against my chest. I did not wrong anyone regarding him. It was from my weakness and the youth of my age that the Messenger of Allah was taken whilst in my lap, then I placed his head on a pillow and stood hitting myself along with the women and hitting my face.” [Ahmad]

- drawing pictures of the Imams (AS) is not haram but it is discouraged (makruh)
- what weird dances lol thats sufis
- wearing black is to symbolise mourning for Imam Hussain (AS) during the month of Muharram, it is discouraged (makruh) in other months
- what hadiths
- hitting oneself is a natural response to mourning which aisha also did

Aisha said, “The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) passed away leaning against my chest. I did not wrong anyone regarding him. It was from my weakness and the youth of my age that the Messenger of Allah was taken whilst in my lap, then I placed his head on a pillow and stood hitting myself along with the women and hitting my face.” [Ahmad]

- drawing pictures of the Imams (AS) is not haram but it is discouraged (makruh)
- what weird dances lol thats sufis
- wearing black is to symbolise mourning for Imam Hussain (AS) during the month of Muharram, it is discouraged (makruh) in other months
- what hadiths
please give me a clearer source that isn't just Ahmad,
and the Hadiths of sheikhs you see who say if you say ya Ali you will be excused of praying for a 100 times or something like that
If Allah really existed, he would not have created the incels

we are all under the jurisdiction of the Demiurge, a lower deity whose realm is the physical planet Earth.
The Demiurge had created a bestial imitation of humanity in the form of proto-human "robots" such as Neanderthals, and has intentionally consigned his creatures to an endless cycle of involuntary reincarnations on the earthly plane with no higher purpose.
please give me a clearer source that isn't just Ahmad,
and the Hadiths of sheikhs you see who say if you say ya Ali you will be excused of praying for a 100 times or something like that
its musnad ahmed ibn hanbal the founder of the hanbali school

tell me the hadith
we are all under the jurisdiction of the Demiurge, a lower deity whose realm is the physical planet Earth.
The Demiurge had created a bestial imitation of humanity in the form of proto-human "robots" such as Neanderthals, and has intentionally consigned his creatures to an endless cycle of involuntary reincarnations on the earthly plane with no higher purpose.
what the fuck is this new religion nigga
new shirk method dropped
  • JFL
Reactions: Ghoulish
I tried all types of drugs and also do my best to not miss a prayer and I can say the feeling in Salah when you're focused and not rushing it is way more peaceful and intimate than drugs and alcohol

If you're a western zoomer muslimcel on bp forums don't engage in degeneracy because I'm telling you I've been there and it's overrated to the sky and ibadah and dhikr are much more pleasurable and fulfilling activities

Take it from someone that was a ultra degenerate
what the fuck is this new religion nigga
new shirk method dropped
is not a religion or coping like believing in allah it is simply the truth we are trapped in a cycle of reincarnations
is not a religion or coping like believing in allah it is simply the truth we are trapped in a cycle of reincarnations
dnr hindu
لا إله إلا الله
  • +1
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How can an illiterate write a book?

Muslims worship a stone that is made of brick inside
Next level retard. “Christians worship a Roman torture device” type shit.
You can balance ur imaan and ur looksmaxxing akhi fi dīn, I understand this post and get where ur coming from but I need to max out the potential allah subhana wa’ta ala has given to me, I can’t stay as MTN for the rest of my life
yeah im tryna balance
Deen over dunya ofc we were made to go to jannah
prayer and deen is priority then comes health gym looksmaxinh and other stuff
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