Deleted member 71360

Primal diet cured my autism
Apr 28, 2024
Salt also know as Sodium Chloride is a major looksmin (decreases your attractiveness) and also a HEALTHMIN (Ruins your health), In this thread I will explain why you 🫵 should never consume salt again.

Quick note before we jump in when I say you should never consume salt again I am talking about table salt/sea salt, the salt that you add to your food as spice, salt/sodium naturally found in your food is okay and is needed for your body to survive, its only when salt is not bound to anything that it creates damage inside the human body.

🧂First how did salt become a big part of our diet:

Well it first started when people ate cooked meat, cooked meat is very bland, awful, cardboard-tasting, so they used salt and other spices to make it taste good, and now in the modern age its being used for basically the same purpose, most processed food/fast food places use it to make the food taste a lot better/ cause eating disorders (more on this later) to make you want to keep consuming it.


Salt is widely know to increase your blood pressure which puts you at a higher risk for a stroke/heart attack. Here's a explanation as to why "Sodium attracts water, and a high-sodium diet draws water into the bloodstream, which can increase the volume of blood and subsequently your blood pressure" This increase in blood pressure is know as hypertension.

As stated above hypertension increases the risk for a stroke/heart attacks but it also makes the heart work too hard which increase blood flow which can harm your arteries and organs, which can lead to even more problems such as blindness.

"Salt—sodium chloride—is one of the deadliest ingredients in the U.S. food supply. While a small amount is safe and necessary for health, the amount of salt in the typical American diet—about a teaspoon and a half a day—is a major cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension. Currently, upwards of 70 million—more than one in four— Americans suffer from that condition, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Together coronary heart disease and stroke kill about 500,000 people annually in the United States." Some more facts for you guys

SO now you 100 % that a high salt diet is very deadly, but you may ask what about Hyponatremia (Very low sodium levels)

Hyponatremia causes many problems like your muscles not being able to contract, nutrients not being able to be moved around the body, and even your brain expands (less sodium so water moves into the tissue through osmosis, causing swelling which can cause seizers and put you into a coma), so to fix Hyponatremia this your body tries to fix it by excreting more water which can make you dehydrated and cause vomiting.

So now you think oh just don't consume too much salt or too little salt right? Well your partially correct. You see sodium is important for your health, and you can get enough sodium through your foods naturally (will list best foods later) that are unsalted and you don't need to add salt, But you are wondering what's wrong with salt bro why can't I just eat it well here is were I dig a little deeper into why salt by itself is bad for you.

No matter what your opinion is on the primal diet I want you to forget that right now and just focus on salt, I am going to be referencing a article written by Aajonus Vonderplantitz.

"Dangers Of Salt" article by Aajonus Vonderplanitz​


"I just want to make sure you understand that salt is dangerous. Salt is an explosive. It is more volatile then nitroglycerin. If you have a pure cake of sodium as big as a football, it would take out all of New York city. Just like a 200T hydrogen bomb, could take out the New York city, and all of its buildings, one crystal this big, would take out all of new York City. So the war department, the industrial military complex, president Eisenhower called it disparagingly, he said that we would never have peace as long they run the government, they run the military. Because they want to make a profit on war.

"Anyway the government, the military gave General Electric 2 billion dollars to make a weapon out of salt. My father worked at the project for 6 years. It was so untenable they could not make it in to a bomb, thank god. Because one and a half degree temperature change on completely isolated sodium could set it off. So they could never temperate, never break it down and utilize it."

So as Aajonus said salt is highly explosive and even the military tried to make a weapon out of it, in this next part of the article Aajonus talks about how the explosiveness of salt is very damaging to your cells.

"So salt is a very bad thing, the problem that happens in the blood is that if you have salt in there, of course your body will take the sodium chloride or the sodium potassium, however you are getting the sodium and separate it, isolate it because it is in rock form. We don't eat rocks, plants eat rocks. So what happens is the sodium chloride starts exploding in the blood. So you have all of these nutrients, a smorgasbord of nutrients, anywhere from 93 to 170 nutrients that feeds the cell every time it opens to eat, if you have salt in the blood, it breaks those up and fractionates it, so a cell maybe getting 23 nutrients in stead of 93 to 170, maybe it will get 15. You are never getting a balanced diet if you are eating salt. Because it will be separated and it will cause explosions and fractionations through out your body."

So as you can see salt damages your cells and the nutrients they can receive.

The damage and malnourishment of your cells can also causes eating disorders (you are starting to see why they add salt to processed food, makes you want more of it)


Something else to note is that tribal humans get all of their salt/sodium from animals they eat. (Ex: Blood is very high in sodium), If you look it up on google it says the same thing that Carnivores get most of their salt/sodium from the animals they eat. Funny how in nature humans don't have to eat rocks to survive but in modern living they have too :ROFLMAO:.

I also want to note again that salt that is naturally in the meat of a animal you eat/in the blood isn't bad for you its only bad when its by itself (table salt/sea salt), and it is also a free radical when its not bound to something

Note again, in the presence of high salt bacteria can't thrive, which is horrible for your body as it needs bacteria.

In the study above researchers found a diet high in salt for mice increases stress hormones by up to 75% I know that mice and humans aren't the same but I would be willing to bet it also has a stressful effect on your body in high amounts.

Something else to note is that Himalayan Pink salt is even worse for you as it is salt that has rusted. "Its natural pink hue comes as a result of the trace amounts of iron oxide (rust) in the salt." Table salt is extremely bad as well as it contains many microplastics and hormones.

Okay now its time to list foods that you need to eat so you get your sodium/salt in.

1. Meats- Meats naturally contain sodium/salt in them, this is a great way to get it
2. Coconut water is great for Hydration, as it contains all essential electrolytes
3. Blood is very rich in sodium, great source
4. Raw milk is another great source
5. Shell fish
6. Celery Juice

I also wanted to list majors sources of harmful salt in the modern diet
  • Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies. (These meats are heavily salted)
  • Frozen breaded meats and dinners, such as burritos and pizza.
  • Canned entrees, such as ravioli, spam and chili.
  • Salted nuts.
  • Beans canned with salt added.
  • Any processed foods


What I am about to talk about is water / widely know on this forum, but I am going to repeat it again for the sake of this thread.

So you might be asking how does salt affect your facial aesthetics well, its no secret it retains water in your face and bloats your body.

So salt does infact cause water retention and bloating, if u want more evidence on this I am linking all my resources at the end of the thread.

Carbs also make you hold on to water so lower that too if your trying to get a lean face.

Before vs After of cutting salt out of his diet for two weeks



@IAMNOTANINCEL @NorwoodAscender @i_love_roosters @Michael Myers

Just think about this only herbivories in nature lick rocks for salts as their stomachs are built completely different, carnivores don't lick rocks.


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@Master gimmie that vip already nigga
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Salt also know as Sodium Chloride is a major looksmin (decreases your attractiveness) and also a HEALTHMIN (Ruins your health), In this thread I will explain why you 🫵 should never consume salt again.

Quick note before we jump in when I say you should never consume salt again I am talking about table salt/sea salt, the salt that you add to your food as spice, salt/sodium naturally found in your food is okay and is needed for your body to survive, its only when salt is not bound to anything that it creates damage inside the human body.

First how did salt become a big part of our diet:

Well it first started when people ate cooked meat, cooked meat is very bland, awful, cardboard-tasting, so they used salt and other spices to make it taste good, and now in the modern age its being used for basically the same purpose, most processed food/fast food places use it to make the food taste a lot better/ cause eating disorders (more on this later) to make you want to keep consuming it.


Salt is widely know to increase your blood pressure which puts you at a higher risk for a stroke/heart attack. Here's a explanation as to why "Sodium attracts water, and a high-sodium diet draws water into the bloodstream, which can increase the volume of blood and subsequently your blood pressure" This increase in blood pressure is know as hypertension.

As stated above hypertension increases the risk for a stroke/heart attacks but it also makes the heart work too hard which increase blood flow which can harm your arteries and organs, which can lead to even more problems such as blindness.

"Salt—sodium chloride—is one of the deadliest ingredients in the U.S. food supply. While a small amount is safe and necessary for health, the amount of salt in the typical American diet—about a teaspoon and a half a day—is a major cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension. Currently, upwards of 70 million—more than one in four— Americans suffer from that condition, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Together coronary heart disease and stroke kill about 500,000 people annually in the United States." Some more facts for you guys

SO now you 100 % that a high salt diet is very deadly, but you may ask what about Hyponatremia (Very low sodium levels)

Hyponatremia causes many problems like your muscles not being able to contract, nutrients not being able to be moved around the body, and even your brain expands (less sodium so water moves into the tissue through osmosis, causing swelling which can cause seizers and put you into a coma), so to fix Hyponatremia this your body tries to fix it by excreting more water which can make you dehydrated and cause vomiting.

So now you think oh just don't consume too much salt or too little salt right? Well your partially correct. You see sodium is important for your health, and you can get enough sodium through your foods naturally (will list best foods later) that are unsalted and you don't need to add salt, But you are wondering what's wrong with salt bro why can't I just eat it well here is were I dig a little deeper into why salt by itself is bad for you.

No matter what your opinion is on the primal diet I want you to forget that right now and just focus on salt, I am going to be referencing a article written by Aajonus Vonderplantitz.

"Dangers Of Salt" article by Aajonus Vonderplanitz​

"I just want to make sure you understand that salt is dangerous. Salt is an explosive. It is more volatile then nitroglycerin. If you have a pure cake of sodium as big as a football, it would take out all of New York city. Just like a 200T hydrogen bomb, could take out the New York city, and all of its buildings, one crystal this big, would take out all of new York City. So the war department, the industrial military complex, president Eisenhower called it disparagingly, he said that we would never have peace as long they run the government, they run the military. Because they want to make a profit on war.

"Anyway the government, the military gave General Electric 2 billion dollars to make a weapon out of salt. My father worked at the project for 6 years. It was so untenable they could not make it in to a bomb, thank god. Because one and a half degree temperature change on completely isolated sodium could set it off. So they could never temperate, never break it down and utilize it."

So as Aajonus said salt is highly explosive and even the military tried to make a weapon out of it, in this next part of the article Aajonus talks about how the explosiveness of salt is very damaging to your cells.

"So salt is a very bad thing, the problem that happens in the blood is that if you have salt in there, of course your body will take the sodium chloride or the sodium potassium, however you are getting the sodium and separate it, isolate it because it is in rock form. We don't eat rocks, plants eat rocks. So what happens is the sodium chloride starts exploding in the blood. So you have all of these nutrients, a smorgasbord of nutrients, anywhere from 93 to 170 nutrients that feeds the cell every time it opens to eat, if you have salt in the blood, it breaks those up and fractionates it, so a cell maybe getting 23 nutrients in stead of 93 to 170, maybe it will get 15. You are never getting a balanced diet if you are eating salt. Because it will be separated and it will cause explosions and fractionations through out your body."

So as you can see salt damages your cells and the nutrients they can receive.

The damage and malnourishment of your cells can also causes eating disorders (you are starting to see why they add salt to processed food, makes you want more of it)


Something else to note is that tribal humans get all of their salt/sodium from animals they eat. (Ex: Blood is very high in sodium), If you look it up on google it says the same thing that Carnivores get most of their salt/sodium from the animals they eat. Funny how in nature humans don't have to eat rocks to survive but in modern living they have too :ROFLMAO:.

I also want to note again that salt that is naturally in the meat of a animal you eat/in the blood isn't bad for you its only bad when its by itself (table salt/sea salt), and it is also a free radical when its not bound to something

Note again, in the presence of high salt bacteria can't thrive, which is horrible for your body as it needs bacteria.

In the study above researchers found a diet high in salt for mice increases stress hormones by up to 75% I know that mice and humans aren't the same but I would be willing to bet it also has a stressful effect on your body in high amounts.

Something else to note is that Himalayan Pink salt is even worse for you as it is salt that has rusted. "Its natural pink hue comes as a result of the trace amounts of iron oxide (rust) in the salt." Table salt is extremely bad as well as it contains many microplastics and hormones.

Okay now its time to list foods that you need to eat so you get your sodium/salt in.

1. Meats- Meats naturally contain sodium/salt in them, this is a great way to get it
2. Coconut water is great for Hydration, as it contains all essential electrolytes
3. Blood is very rich in sodium, great source
4. Raw milk is another great source
5. Shell fish
6. Celery Juice

I also wanted to list majors sources of harmful salt in the modern diet
  • Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies. (These meats are heavily salted)
  • Frozen breaded meats and dinners, such as burritos and pizza.
  • Canned entrees, such as ravioli, spam and chili.
  • Salted nuts.
  • Beans canned with salt added.
  • Any processed foods


What I am about to talk about is water / widely know on this forum, but I am going to repeat it again for the sake of this thread.

So you might be asking how does salt affect your facial aesthetics well, its no secret it retains water in your face and bloats your body.

So salt does infact cause water retention and bloating, if u want more evidence on this I am linking all my resources at the end of the thread.

Carbs also make you hold on to water so lower that too if your trying to get a lean face.

Before vs After of cutting salt out of his diet for two weeks

View attachment 2933693


@IAMNOTANINCEL @NorwoodAscender @i_love_roosters @Michael Myers

Just think about this only herbivories in nature lick rocks for salts as their stomachs are built completely different, carnivores don't lick rocks.
I love aajonus vonderplanitz. I didn't read shit but nice thread man, keep naturepilling these niggas
  • +1
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Reactions: Jova, Chintuck22, IAMNOTANINCEL and 6 others
Salt also know as Sodium Chloride is a major looksmin (decreases your attractiveness) and also a HEALTHMIN (Ruins your health), In this thread I will explain why you 🫵 should never consume salt again.

Quick note before we jump in when I say you should never consume salt again I am talking about table salt/sea salt, the salt that you add to your food as spice, salt/sodium naturally found in your food is okay and is needed for your body to survive, its only when salt is not bound to anything that it creates damage inside the human body.

First how did salt become a big part of our diet:

Well it first started when people ate cooked meat, cooked meat is very bland, awful, cardboard-tasting, so they used salt and other spices to make it taste good, and now in the modern age its being used for basically the same purpose, most processed food/fast food places use it to make the food taste a lot better/ cause eating disorders (more on this later) to make you want to keep consuming it.


Salt is widely know to increase your blood pressure which puts you at a higher risk for a stroke/heart attack. Here's a explanation as to why "Sodium attracts water, and a high-sodium diet draws water into the bloodstream, which can increase the volume of blood and subsequently your blood pressure" This increase in blood pressure is know as hypertension.

As stated above hypertension increases the risk for a stroke/heart attacks but it also makes the heart work too hard which increase blood flow which can harm your arteries and organs, which can lead to even more problems such as blindness.

"Salt—sodium chloride—is one of the deadliest ingredients in the U.S. food supply. While a small amount is safe and necessary for health, the amount of salt in the typical American diet—about a teaspoon and a half a day—is a major cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension. Currently, upwards of 70 million—more than one in four— Americans suffer from that condition, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Together coronary heart disease and stroke kill about 500,000 people annually in the United States." Some more facts for you guys

SO now you 100 % that a high salt diet is very deadly, but you may ask what about Hyponatremia (Very low sodium levels)

Hyponatremia causes many problems like your muscles not being able to contract, nutrients not being able to be moved around the body, and even your brain expands (less sodium so water moves into the tissue through osmosis, causing swelling which can cause seizers and put you into a coma), so to fix Hyponatremia this your body tries to fix it by excreting more water which can make you dehydrated and cause vomiting.

So now you think oh just don't consume too much salt or too little salt right? Well your partially correct. You see sodium is important for your health, and you can get enough sodium through your foods naturally (will list best foods later) that are unsalted and you don't need to add salt, But you are wondering what's wrong with salt bro why can't I just eat it well here is were I dig a little deeper into why salt by itself is bad for you.

No matter what your opinion is on the primal diet I want you to forget that right now and just focus on salt, I am going to be referencing a article written by Aajonus Vonderplantitz.

"Dangers Of Salt" article by Aajonus Vonderplanitz​

"I just want to make sure you understand that salt is dangerous. Salt is an explosive. It is more volatile then nitroglycerin. If you have a pure cake of sodium as big as a football, it would take out all of New York city. Just like a 200T hydrogen bomb, could take out the New York city, and all of its buildings, one crystal this big, would take out all of new York City. So the war department, the industrial military complex, president Eisenhower called it disparagingly, he said that we would never have peace as long they run the government, they run the military. Because they want to make a profit on war.

"Anyway the government, the military gave General Electric 2 billion dollars to make a weapon out of salt. My father worked at the project for 6 years. It was so untenable they could not make it in to a bomb, thank god. Because one and a half degree temperature change on completely isolated sodium could set it off. So they could never temperate, never break it down and utilize it."

So as Aajonus said salt is highly explosive and even the military tried to make a weapon out of it, in this next part of the article Aajonus talks about how the explosiveness of salt is very damaging to your cells.

"So salt is a very bad thing, the problem that happens in the blood is that if you have salt in there, of course your body will take the sodium chloride or the sodium potassium, however you are getting the sodium and separate it, isolate it because it is in rock form. We don't eat rocks, plants eat rocks. So what happens is the sodium chloride starts exploding in the blood. So you have all of these nutrients, a smorgasbord of nutrients, anywhere from 93 to 170 nutrients that feeds the cell every time it opens to eat, if you have salt in the blood, it breaks those up and fractionates it, so a cell maybe getting 23 nutrients in stead of 93 to 170, maybe it will get 15. You are never getting a balanced diet if you are eating salt. Because it will be separated and it will cause explosions and fractionations through out your body."

So as you can see salt damages your cells and the nutrients they can receive.

The damage and malnourishment of your cells can also causes eating disorders (you are starting to see why they add salt to processed food, makes you want more of it)


Something else to note is that tribal humans get all of their salt/sodium from animals they eat. (Ex: Blood is very high in sodium), If you look it up on google it says the same thing that Carnivores get most of their salt/sodium from the animals they eat. Funny how in nature humans don't have to eat rocks to survive but in modern living they have too :ROFLMAO:.

I also want to note again that salt that is naturally in the meat of a animal you eat/in the blood isn't bad for you its only bad when its by itself (table salt/sea salt), and it is also a free radical when its not bound to something

Note again, in the presence of high salt bacteria can't thrive, which is horrible for your body as it needs bacteria.

In the study above researchers found a diet high in salt for mice increases stress hormones by up to 75% I know that mice and humans aren't the same but I would be willing to bet it also has a stressful effect on your body in high amounts.

Something else to note is that Himalayan Pink salt is even worse for you as it is salt that has rusted. "Its natural pink hue comes as a result of the trace amounts of iron oxide (rust) in the salt." Table salt is extremely bad as well as it contains many microplastics and hormones.

Okay now its time to list foods that you need to eat so you get your sodium/salt in.

1. Meats- Meats naturally contain sodium/salt in them, this is a great way to get it
2. Coconut water is great for Hydration, as it contains all essential electrolytes
3. Blood is very rich in sodium, great source
4. Raw milk is another great source
5. Shell fish
6. Celery Juice

I also wanted to list majors sources of harmful salt in the modern diet
  • Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies. (These meats are heavily salted)
  • Frozen breaded meats and dinners, such as burritos and pizza.
  • Canned entrees, such as ravioli, spam and chili.
  • Salted nuts.
  • Beans canned with salt added.
  • Any processed foods


What I am about to talk about is water / widely know on this forum, but I am going to repeat it again for the sake of this thread.

So you might be asking how does salt affect your facial aesthetics well, its no secret it retains water in your face and bloats your body.

So salt does infact cause water retention and bloating, if u want more evidence on this I am linking all my resources at the end of the thread.

Carbs also make you hold on to water so lower that too if your trying to get a lean face.

Before vs After of cutting salt out of his diet for two weeks

View attachment 2933693


@IAMNOTANINCEL @NorwoodAscender @i_love_roosters @Michael Myers

Just think about this only herbivories in nature lick rocks for salts as their stomachs are built completely different, carnivores don't lick rocks.
I don’t think you realize how bland food is without salt

pretty sure literally no one enjoyed eating before salt
  • +1
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I don’t think you realize how bland food is without salt

pretty sure literally no one enjoyed eating before salt
i mentioned that in the thread, that cooked meat tastes horrible without salt
NaCl dissociates in water into Na+ and Cl- ions. Making it functionally no different from the "natural electrolytes/sodium" found in coconut water or blood or whatever else. It stops being a rock/crystal/mineral when it dissociates.
  • +1
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aajonus wants me to eat raw meat, no thanks.
  • +1
  • WTF
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nah i like salt too much sry
  • +1
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Salt also know as Sodium Chloride is a major looksmin (decreases your attractiveness) and also a HEALTHMIN (Ruins your health), In this thread I will explain why you 🫵 should never consume salt again.
View attachment 2933736

Quick note before we jump in when I say you should never consume salt again I am talking about table salt/sea salt, the salt that you add to your food as spice, salt/sodium naturally found in your food is okay and is needed for your body to survive, its only when salt is not bound to anything that it creates damage inside the human body.

🧂First how did salt become a big part of our diet:

Well it first started when people ate cooked meat, cooked meat is very bland, awful, cardboard-tasting, so they used salt and other spices to make it taste good, and now in the modern age its being used for basically the same purpose, most processed food/fast food places use it to make the food taste a lot better/ cause eating disorders (more on this later) to make you want to keep consuming it.


Salt is widely know to increase your blood pressure which puts you at a higher risk for a stroke/heart attack. Here's a explanation as to why "Sodium attracts water, and a high-sodium diet draws water into the bloodstream, which can increase the volume of blood and subsequently your blood pressure" This increase in blood pressure is know as hypertension.

As stated above hypertension increases the risk for a stroke/heart attacks but it also makes the heart work too hard which increase blood flow which can harm your arteries and organs, which can lead to even more problems such as blindness.

"Salt—sodium chloride—is one of the deadliest ingredients in the U.S. food supply. While a small amount is safe and necessary for health, the amount of salt in the typical American diet—about a teaspoon and a half a day—is a major cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension. Currently, upwards of 70 million—more than one in four— Americans suffer from that condition, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Together coronary heart disease and stroke kill about 500,000 people annually in the United States." Some more facts for you guys

SO now you 100 % that a high salt diet is very deadly, but you may ask what about Hyponatremia (Very low sodium levels)

Hyponatremia causes many problems like your muscles not being able to contract, nutrients not being able to be moved around the body, and even your brain expands (less sodium so water moves into the tissue through osmosis, causing swelling which can cause seizers and put you into a coma), so to fix Hyponatremia this your body tries to fix it by excreting more water which can make you dehydrated and cause vomiting.

So now you think oh just don't consume too much salt or too little salt right? Well your partially correct. You see sodium is important for your health, and you can get enough sodium through your foods naturally (will list best foods later) that are unsalted and you don't need to add salt, But you are wondering what's wrong with salt bro why can't I just eat it well here is were I dig a little deeper into why salt by itself is bad for you.

No matter what your opinion is on the primal diet I want you to forget that right now and just focus on salt, I am going to be referencing a article written by Aajonus Vonderplantitz.

"Dangers Of Salt" article by Aajonus Vonderplanitz​

View attachment 2933737

"I just want to make sure you understand that salt is dangerous. Salt is an explosive. It is more volatile then nitroglycerin. If you have a pure cake of sodium as big as a football, it would take out all of New York city. Just like a 200T hydrogen bomb, could take out the New York city, and all of its buildings, one crystal this big, would take out all of new York City. So the war department, the industrial military complex, president Eisenhower called it disparagingly, he said that we would never have peace as long they run the government, they run the military. Because they want to make a profit on war.

"Anyway the government, the military gave General Electric 2 billion dollars to make a weapon out of salt. My father worked at the project for 6 years. It was so untenable they could not make it in to a bomb, thank god. Because one and a half degree temperature change on completely isolated sodium could set it off. So they could never temperate, never break it down and utilize it."

So as Aajonus said salt is highly explosive and even the military tried to make a weapon out of it, in this next part of the article Aajonus talks about how the explosiveness of salt is very damaging to your cells.

"So salt is a very bad thing, the problem that happens in the blood is that if you have salt in there, of course your body will take the sodium chloride or the sodium potassium, however you are getting the sodium and separate it, isolate it because it is in rock form. We don't eat rocks, plants eat rocks. So what happens is the sodium chloride starts exploding in the blood. So you have all of these nutrients, a smorgasbord of nutrients, anywhere from 93 to 170 nutrients that feeds the cell every time it opens to eat, if you have salt in the blood, it breaks those up and fractionates it, so a cell maybe getting 23 nutrients in stead of 93 to 170, maybe it will get 15. You are never getting a balanced diet if you are eating salt. Because it will be separated and it will cause explosions and fractionations through out your body."

So as you can see salt damages your cells and the nutrients they can receive.

The damage and malnourishment of your cells can also causes eating disorders (you are starting to see why they add salt to processed food, makes you want more of it)


Something else to note is that tribal humans get all of their salt/sodium from animals they eat. (Ex: Blood is very high in sodium), If you look it up on google it says the same thing that Carnivores get most of their salt/sodium from the animals they eat. Funny how in nature humans don't have to eat rocks to survive but in modern living they have too :ROFLMAO:.

I also want to note again that salt that is naturally in the meat of a animal you eat/in the blood isn't bad for you its only bad when its by itself (table salt/sea salt), and it is also a free radical when its not bound to something

Note again, in the presence of high salt bacteria can't thrive, which is horrible for your body as it needs bacteria.

In the study above researchers found a diet high in salt for mice increases stress hormones by up to 75% I know that mice and humans aren't the same but I would be willing to bet it also has a stressful effect on your body in high amounts.

Something else to note is that Himalayan Pink salt is even worse for you as it is salt that has rusted. "Its natural pink hue comes as a result of the trace amounts of iron oxide (rust) in the salt." Table salt is extremely bad as well as it contains many microplastics and hormones.

Okay now its time to list foods that you need to eat so you get your sodium/salt in.

1. Meats- Meats naturally contain sodium/salt in them, this is a great way to get it
2. Coconut water is great for Hydration, as it contains all essential electrolytes
3. Blood is very rich in sodium, great source
4. Raw milk is another great source
5. Shell fish
6. Celery Juice

I also wanted to list majors sources of harmful salt in the modern diet
  • Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies. (These meats are heavily salted)
  • Frozen breaded meats and dinners, such as burritos and pizza.
  • Canned entrees, such as ravioli, spam and chili.
  • Salted nuts.
  • Beans canned with salt added.
  • Any processed foods


What I am about to talk about is water / widely know on this forum, but I am going to repeat it again for the sake of this thread.

So you might be asking how does salt affect your facial aesthetics well, its no secret it retains water in your face and bloats your body.

So salt does infact cause water retention and bloating, if u want more evidence on this I am linking all my resources at the end of the thread.

Carbs also make you hold on to water so lower that too if your trying to get a lean face.

Before vs After of cutting salt out of his diet for two weeks

View attachment 2933693


@IAMNOTANINCEL @NorwoodAscender @i_love_roosters @Michael Myers

Just think about this only herbivories in nature lick rocks for salts as their stomachs are built completely different, carnivores don't lick rocks.
DNRD i like salt
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Cope, table salt is trash but sea salt mogs
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Feels so bad that you are cursed with being 2024cel if it was 2021 Or something this one would get 50+ reacts with 100's of replies
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NaCl dissociates in water into Na+ and Cl- ions. Making it functionally no different from the "natural electrolytes/sodium" found in coconut water or blood or whatever else. It stops being a rock/crystal/mineral when it dissociates.
no one puts in water and drinks it dumbass they lather it over there food :ROFLMAO:
Feels so bad that you are cursed with being 2024cel if it was 2021 Or something this one would get 50+ reacts with 100's of replies
yeah i guess i am a retard for picking this topic as no one will care about good info anymore they just want mental masturbation shit, prob wont even win vip
Salt also know as Sodium Chloride is a major looksmin (decreases your attractiveness) and also a HEALTHMIN (Ruins your health), In this thread I will explain why you 🫵 should never consume salt again.
View attachment 2933736

Quick note before we jump in when I say you should never consume salt again I am talking about table salt/sea salt, the salt that you add to your food as spice, salt/sodium naturally found in your food is okay and is needed for your body to survive, its only when salt is not bound to anything that it creates damage inside the human body.

🧂First how did salt become a big part of our diet:

Well it first started when people ate cooked meat, cooked meat is very bland, awful, cardboard-tasting, so they used salt and other spices to make it taste good, and now in the modern age its being used for basically the same purpose, most processed food/fast food places use it to make the food taste a lot better/ cause eating disorders (more on this later) to make you want to keep consuming it.


Salt is widely know to increase your blood pressure which puts you at a higher risk for a stroke/heart attack. Here's a explanation as to why "Sodium attracts water, and a high-sodium diet draws water into the bloodstream, which can increase the volume of blood and subsequently your blood pressure" This increase in blood pressure is know as hypertension.

As stated above hypertension increases the risk for a stroke/heart attacks but it also makes the heart work too hard which increase blood flow which can harm your arteries and organs, which can lead to even more problems such as blindness.

"Salt—sodium chloride—is one of the deadliest ingredients in the U.S. food supply. While a small amount is safe and necessary for health, the amount of salt in the typical American diet—about a teaspoon and a half a day—is a major cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension. Currently, upwards of 70 million—more than one in four— Americans suffer from that condition, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Together coronary heart disease and stroke kill about 500,000 people annually in the United States." Some more facts for you guys

SO now you 100 % that a high salt diet is very deadly, but you may ask what about Hyponatremia (Very low sodium levels)

Hyponatremia causes many problems like your muscles not being able to contract, nutrients not being able to be moved around the body, and even your brain expands (less sodium so water moves into the tissue through osmosis, causing swelling which can cause seizers and put you into a coma), so to fix Hyponatremia this your body tries to fix it by excreting more water which can make you dehydrated and cause vomiting.

So now you think oh just don't consume too much salt or too little salt right? Well your partially correct. You see sodium is important for your health, and you can get enough sodium through your foods naturally (will list best foods later) that are unsalted and you don't need to add salt, But you are wondering what's wrong with salt bro why can't I just eat it well here is were I dig a little deeper into why salt by itself is bad for you.

No matter what your opinion is on the primal diet I want you to forget that right now and just focus on salt, I am going to be referencing a article written by Aajonus Vonderplantitz.

"Dangers Of Salt" article by Aajonus Vonderplanitz​

View attachment 2933737

"I just want to make sure you understand that salt is dangerous. Salt is an explosive. It is more volatile then nitroglycerin. If you have a pure cake of sodium as big as a football, it would take out all of New York city. Just like a 200T hydrogen bomb, could take out the New York city, and all of its buildings, one crystal this big, would take out all of new York City. So the war department, the industrial military complex, president Eisenhower called it disparagingly, he said that we would never have peace as long they run the government, they run the military. Because they want to make a profit on war.

"Anyway the government, the military gave General Electric 2 billion dollars to make a weapon out of salt. My father worked at the project for 6 years. It was so untenable they could not make it in to a bomb, thank god. Because one and a half degree temperature change on completely isolated sodium could set it off. So they could never temperate, never break it down and utilize it."

So as Aajonus said salt is highly explosive and even the military tried to make a weapon out of it, in this next part of the article Aajonus talks about how the explosiveness of salt is very damaging to your cells.

"So salt is a very bad thing, the problem that happens in the blood is that if you have salt in there, of course your body will take the sodium chloride or the sodium potassium, however you are getting the sodium and separate it, isolate it because it is in rock form. We don't eat rocks, plants eat rocks. So what happens is the sodium chloride starts exploding in the blood. So you have all of these nutrients, a smorgasbord of nutrients, anywhere from 93 to 170 nutrients that feeds the cell every time it opens to eat, if you have salt in the blood, it breaks those up and fractionates it, so a cell maybe getting 23 nutrients in stead of 93 to 170, maybe it will get 15. You are never getting a balanced diet if you are eating salt. Because it will be separated and it will cause explosions and fractionations through out your body."

So as you can see salt damages your cells and the nutrients they can receive.

The damage and malnourishment of your cells can also causes eating disorders (you are starting to see why they add salt to processed food, makes you want more of it)


Something else to note is that tribal humans get all of their salt/sodium from animals they eat. (Ex: Blood is very high in sodium), If you look it up on google it says the same thing that Carnivores get most of their salt/sodium from the animals they eat. Funny how in nature humans don't have to eat rocks to survive but in modern living they have too :ROFLMAO:.

I also want to note again that salt that is naturally in the meat of a animal you eat/in the blood isn't bad for you its only bad when its by itself (table salt/sea salt), and it is also a free radical when its not bound to something

Note again, in the presence of high salt bacteria can't thrive, which is horrible for your body as it needs bacteria.

In the study above researchers found a diet high in salt for mice increases stress hormones by up to 75% I know that mice and humans aren't the same but I would be willing to bet it also has a stressful effect on your body in high amounts.

Something else to note is that Himalayan Pink salt is even worse for you as it is salt that has rusted. "Its natural pink hue comes as a result of the trace amounts of iron oxide (rust) in the salt." Table salt is extremely bad as well as it contains many microplastics and hormones.

Okay now its time to list foods that you need to eat so you get your sodium/salt in.

1. Meats- Meats naturally contain sodium/salt in them, this is a great way to get it
2. Coconut water is great for Hydration, as it contains all essential electrolytes
3. Blood is very rich in sodium, great source
4. Raw milk is another great source
5. Shell fish
6. Celery Juice

I also wanted to list majors sources of harmful salt in the modern diet
  • Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies. (These meats are heavily salted)
  • Frozen breaded meats and dinners, such as burritos and pizza.
  • Canned entrees, such as ravioli, spam and chili.
  • Salted nuts.
  • Beans canned with salt added.
  • Any processed foods


What I am about to talk about is water / widely know on this forum, but I am going to repeat it again for the sake of this thread.

So you might be asking how does salt affect your facial aesthetics well, its no secret it retains water in your face and bloats your body.

So salt does infact cause water retention and bloating, if u want more evidence on this I am linking all my resources at the end of the thread.

Carbs also make you hold on to water so lower that too if your trying to get a lean face.

Before vs After of cutting salt out of his diet for two weeks

View attachment 2933693


@IAMNOTANINCEL @NorwoodAscender @i_love_roosters @Michael Myers

Just think about this only herbivories in nature lick rocks for salts as their stomachs are built completely different, carnivores don't lick rocks.
You need a decent amount to avoid aldosterone secretion. And at the same time not too much
  • Hmm...
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You need a decent amount to avoid aldosterone secretion. And at the same time not too much
thats what i said in the thread, but the amount you need u can get in your food that naturally has it in it
thats what i said in the thread, but the amount you need u can get in your food that naturally has it in it
If u sweat a lot and you do physical activity at least 4 times/week most certainly you need extra salt
If u sweat a lot and you do physical activity at least 4 times/week most certainly you need extra salt
well if your trying to be healthy, you are already going to be avoiding intense exercises which makes you sweat and the sauans. If you still sweat a lot just drink coconut water as your main source of hydration
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Just rot at home theory. Low T fag
ur a retard nigga, I still play sports for social interaction and to be NT, but retards will go the gym and spam heavy weights to just kill themselves faster
  • +1
Reactions: RonnieMcNuttMaxxing and 8trunks
ur a retard nigga, I still play sports for social interaction and to be NT, but retards will go the gym and spam heavy weights to just kill themselves faster
Because they don’t know how to it lmao. I keep my free test levels high af, always dry looking and extremely low bf and muscular thanks to lifting. Overtraining causes problems, not the training itself
Because they don’t know how to it lmao. I keep my free test levels high af, always dry looking and extremely low bf and muscular thanks to lifting. Overtraining causes problems, not the training itself
keep coping i have insanely high natural free T levels and I dont ever lift, haha, yes training itself does age and destroy your body

literally at the top for the safe limit
Salt is important if you work out.
Saying all of the US is unhealthy because of salt is like saying everything is bad because of oxygen.

Just cut out junkfood and work out. Salt will be healthy then.
The word salary comes from the word salt. It was and is really necessary.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 71360
Salt is important if you work out.
Saying all of the US is unhealthy because of salt is like saying everything is bad because of oxygen.

Just cut out junkfood and work out. Salt will be healthy then.
The word salary comes from the word salt. It was and is really necessary.
working out is unhealthy and so is salt
  • Hmm...
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I don’t care all this free T is insignificant if ur physique is ass
woman don't care about your physique, they care about your bones, because your bones make up your face, height and frame.
I have a good frame good bones and insane genetics that cannot be wasted. It makes sense what you said if ur genetics is ass
woman don't care about your physique, they care about your bones, because your bones make up your face, height and frame.
woman don't care about your physique, they care about your bones, because your bones make up your face, height and frame.
Seems like people have lost their sense of the word.
Even fucking water is damaging if you drink 10 liters a day.
Eat moderate amounts and you will be fine. People always try to make every possible thing a "looksmin"
  • +1
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I have a good frame good bones and insane genetics that cannot be wasted. It makes sense what you said if ur genetics is ass
my genes are not ass lmao, insane genes for what building muscle, haha wouldnt call that good genes unless you want to impress other men, if you really do have a good frame, why are you even building muscle, have you been programmed that much through social media to think that you wont be a man if you dont go to the gym lmao
Seems like people have lost their sense of the word.
Even fucking water is damaging if you drink 10 liters a day.
Eat moderate amounts and you will be fine. People always try to make every possible thing a "looksmin"
no eating any salt by itself is horrible for you, you need to get it in your food that naturally has it in it, did you even read?
my genes are not ass lmao, insane genes for what building muscle, haha wouldnt call that good genes unless you want to impress other men, if you really do have a good frame, why are you even building muscle, have you been programmed that much through social media to think that you wont be a man if you dont go to the gym lmao
frame + muscles + vascularity + low bf + above average face> face and frame
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no eating any salt by itself is horrible for you, you need to get it in your food that naturally has it in it, did you even read?

Look at this nigger, mtn face and good physique and has lots of appeal u dumb kid

Look at this nigger, mtn face and good physique and has lots of appeal u dumb kid

girls like him because of his face and lean not his muscles lmao

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