see what kind of laws are being passed, you do truly begin to realize the saying "you'll own nothing and be happy, and eat dem bugs" is coming...



East Asian Male Turned Sissy & White Supremacist
Dec 4, 2022
It's scary if you think about that with your rose glasses taken off. The people are about to become brain dead without ability to think for themselves licking the narrative of government. It is only time question until similar models become the new standart for looking up information (which is already being manipulated in ways most couldn't even comprehend), the pandemic and current economic situation showed just that, the narrative is being manipulated and with AI going mainstream in all sectors future is not looking too bright in terms of your personal privacy and rights to freedom.

It's all about control, the globalists plan to enslave the humanity while enriching themselves is going full speed. If you look around what is happening in the world right now (I am not talking being aware about what is happening though your evening box which is called TV news), but actually digging around and seeing what kind of laws are being passed, you do truly begin to realize the saying "you'll own nothing and be happy, and eat dem bugs" is coming true in accelerated timeline.

We can clearly see how they were able to manipulate and force people into taking untested vaccine for a virus which is not that deadly as they made it out to be, manipulate statistics, crash the economy and blame it all on the Putin.

Take a look at China, this is where most world is going. There is a reason why CBDC's plans are being introduced worldwide in every single country, the cash will be obsolete, they are trying hard to get rid of it so they could tie you to a single government controlled bank account which goes hand in hand with your social credit score (if you behave well, you can spend your money on specific things, if not, well you should be punished so next time you behave well, they can restrict you from entering the buildings or spending your money where you want or what is needed.) Will be easily accomplished and programmed, since every single piece of money will have it's origin and id, will be exactly known where it comes from, just the same like blockchain but in a chain where everything is public for government. So the the possibilities for them to have control over you are endless for them, and only they will be the judges to decide what is good and what is bad. Imagine the world where there is no private banks and what power it would have over you.

This is happening right now as we speak:
"Nigeria bans ATM cash withdrawals over $225 a week to force use of CBDC"

The next narrative we are about to see even more is climate change, this will be used as an excuse to pass the laws and enslave the humanity even more
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • So Sad
Reactions: Dr. Bludy, Deleted member 22354, Patient A and 6 others
Climate lockdowns are coming :feelswhy:
This is happening right now as we speak:
"Nigeria bans ATM cash withdrawals over $225 a week to force use of CBDC"
Interestinglly I've read Italy wanted to do the opposite
Imagine being a boomer and getting to live a life of blissful ignorance where you genuinely think everything about the world is great and you get to die before the mask finally comes off and they can no longer hide their plans to enslave us all since it will be so blatant to anyone with an above rodent level of sentience
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: horizontallytall, Artemis, Moneymaxerr and 1 other person
That would be insane to hear, why do you think that's possible man? I'm curious.
It is already being pushed as the next big thing. I've already heard the WEF talk in such a manner, and it would be too easy to implement. "travelling is causing too much CO2, we must have a short, sharp lockdown to prevent an immediate climate crisis. For the next month everybody must stay at home, with no travelling" -
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis and 6ft4
That would be insane to hear, why do you think that's possible man? I'm curious.
They got us accustomed to "lockdowns to save people's lives"
The next thing is "lockdowns to save the planet"
Just so they can control your every movement and keep you locked into a tight grid
  • +1
Reactions: sergeant blackpill
It is already being pushed as the next big thing. I've already heard the WEF talk in such a manner, and it would be too easy to implement. "travelling is causing too much CO2, we must have a short, sharp lockdown to prevent an immediate climate crisis. For the next month everybody must stay at home, with no travelling" -
The reasoning makes sense. Will they actually do it? No fucking clue.
@6ft4, my boy here provided better reasoning than you did.

The people who propose these kinds of solutions must be extremely out of touch with reality.

face palm imacelebau GIF by I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! Australia
we will have CO2 passports in europe they are already working on it.

if you are a regular citizen you will be allowed to do xx worth of CO2. If you are part of the rich elite you this doesnt apply to you.

It will be common to hear shit like: 'Oh I already travelled to Spain during summer this year, I can't eat any meat the last 4 months of the year as my CO2 passport is already maxxed out'.

jfl at life.
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis and Patient A
we will have CO2 passports in europe they are already working on it.

if you are a regular citizen you will be allowed to do xx worth of CO2. If you are part of the rich elite you this doesnt apply to you.

It will be common to hear shit like: 'Oh I already travelled to Spain during summer this year, I can't eat any meat the last 4 months of the year as my CO2 passport is already maxxed out'.

jfl at life.

It sometimes feels like we are living in a movie plot
How fucked is it that life and living circumstances seems pretty alright when you're growing up but as time passes more and more proof of impending doom is revealed to you. I question if this whole thing is a simulation

The reasoning makes sense. Will they actually do it? No fucking clue.
@6ft4, my boy here provided better reasoning than you did.

The people who propose these kinds of solutions must be extremely out of touch with reality.
Even during the early stages of convid lockdowns I seen a number of vids from people predicting it was the first step towards permanent climate lockdowns and sure enough it looks like they could be on the cards (given sky news Aus is taking about it in a fake opposition manner) after they've given us a brief break to make us thing lockdowns was just a random once in a lifetime event.
I suspect the climate lockdowns will be a gradual transition just by putting ever increasing limits of our energy use in place then when they say we have not met the targets of energy use decrease a "two week" lockdown to not deplete energy resources too much is brought into play
The people are about to become brain dead without ability to think for themselves licking the narrative of government
Already are.

If only you knew how bad things really are.
We need to bomb them niggers

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