Sexmaxing : SWALLOW THE SEXPILL: How to become a SEX GOD and get girls addicted to you

S, when I say didn't step a foot outside I mean it litteraly, it was like I was jailed in my room. Before that in high school I was a medium popular chadlite, used to
This is a guide for sex written by someone who has never had sex. Imagine if you were using mirrors, drugs, real domination techniques and whatnot.
This is a guide for sex written by someone who has never had sex. Imagine if you were using mirrors, drugs, real domination techniques and whatnot.
please explain further.
yeah, one has to last at least 2 hours if one wants to keep the woman.
Lol at this thread
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Multi dimensionnal god iq
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I promised that I'll do a sex guide as there were none. Here is the Bible of becoming a sex god written by a guy that went from giving average sex to being worshipped for his dick game.

In this guide, I'll be detailing all the techniques that can make your dick game tremendously ascend.

This is not a bullshit guide like the ones you see on reddit or shitty sex advice websites written by cucks that don't know shit "muuuhh love the girl and give her pleasure" "listen to her needs and be emotional" "kiss her on the neck", fuck that crap, listening to that bullshit, then no wonder why 90% of females don't have any vaginal orgasm during sex.

First of all, if you're a low T basementrotting flaccid cell, then go check the test maxing and sex drive maxing threads, this guide is for high T ascended looksmaxers who have access to pussy and can keep a rock hard on and go round two just after finishing.

In today's world , due to the global feminization, men have became low T cucks and female became high e sex goddess due to all chemicals and hormones in food, contraception pills ... Studies show that men's testosterone levels have been declining for decades , Dr. Marcia Herman-Giddens found that in 1860, the average age of the onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. In 1920, it was 14.6; in 1950, 13.1; 1980, 12.5; and in 2010, it had dropped to 10.5. Consequently, most of females get ultra feminine features at an early age now ( increased chest and butt development, hour glass body, plump lips, increased sexual desire due to higher e...) however men get the side effects (low T, gyno, wide hips...) and not being able to destroy a female during sex, this is actually good for us, because it reduces competition and increases the number of high quality females available.

Why is being good at sex important?

If you're in a relationship or have sexfriends , the only thing that will determine how long your very good looking partner is gonna stay with you (doesn't apply to landwhales or deformed girls even though they will still have access to 100 times more sex than any average looking men as men have become litteral low self esteem social roaches ready to do anything for some fat pre owned stinky smelling pussy), so I was saying the only thing that will determine how long your very good looking chick is gonna stay with you is the amount of money you have or how good your dick game is, that's the ULTIMATE m/f relationship blackpill.

So I'll first start by talking about my personal experience so you can see how far I've come.
When I finished highschool, I didn't go to uni or work, I was rotting 24/7 in my room eating shitfood and playing videogames, it was so bad that I didn't step a foot outside my house in litteraly 5 MONTHS, when I say didn't step a foot outside I mean it litteraly, it was like I was jailed in my room. Before that in high school I was a medium popular chadlite, used to go the gym 6 times a week, had a social circle, girls showed a lot of interest, I wasn't a kisslesscell, just had a bad period and had depression as I didn't know what to do with my life after finishing high school. So you can figure that during that period of rottmaxing I was obviously pornmaxing, I was such a coomer I'll jerk off to porn 5 to 10 times a day, I slowly started to slip into the dark side looking for degenerate content as my dopamine reward system was asking for more hardcore stuff to get activated (it happens when you're at a certain level of addiction).

This was four years ago, after I started looksmaxxing and taking back my life, I stopped porn 3 years ago, never watched a single video or explicit image and I stopped jerking off 3 years ago also, never jerked off a single time, BEST FUCKING DECISONS I HAVE EVER MADE. Combining this to the other looksmaxxings allowed me to insanely ascend. So fast forward 2.5, 3 years after that, I get approached by foids (BTW amnesia is 100% right, women do approach even if you're a stranger) and then my looksmaing journey and my experience with these new girls gave me insane dick game even though I have 7.5 inches average girth dick.

Why having a good dick game is important?

90% of men have a shitty dick game (and those are 90% of the 20% who regularly have access to new pussy) , why is that you ask?
It's simply because it's biologically designed by evolution.
Women's orgasm is useless in nature compared to male's orgasm, we were designed to cum quick and get out to fuck the next female we find to maximize the chances of conception.
So fucking for an hour is not natural, but females can do it for way longer and have multiple orgasms, that's where you're gonna stand out from the horde. You need to fuck your girl until she taps out and you don't cum at the end, it will psychologically trick her into thinking that she's not good enough for you, that she can't make you finish ( that's a crazy mind fucking technique to use, when I first fuck a girl I won't ejaculate during the first 4 or 5 sessions, I'll enjoy sex and have non ejaculotary orgasms, the girl will start feeling insecure and asking questions, I'll be cold and won't text back for days, by doing that, she'll litteraly be on a leash and come begging me to fuck her and in addition she'll try her best to make me cum). When you make your girl tap out, the bitch will know that if she loses you, she'll never taste your superior dick game ever again and other girls will. She wouldn't even dare to cheat on you and get fucked by a chad who mogs you, why risk losing a sex god for a chad that will use her like a sock and cum in her in 5 minutes, see how important good dick is, swallow THE SEXPILL MFS. To make things even better, 95% of men are utter shit at sex, don't have rock hard erections and cum in 5 min, with her whoring experience, the girl knows perfectly that you're a gem compared to all the flaccid 5 min cuming dick she had and that she'll need to be whoring for another 2 years to find a guy that has a god-tier dick game. It's very rare, but we've all seen a really hot girl go out or marry an average or deformed guy that isn't rich or famous, the only explanation is that he successfully kept her thanks to his dick game.
In addition to that, girls gossip a lot and talk about their sexlife to their friends ( I fucked a bitch that had a list rating the performance of every guy she fucked), by being a sex master, every single girl in your social circle (work, school) will know about it consequently boosting your psl and giving you more opportunities with foids.

Sex is mechanical, it is a physical reaction created by the friction (and the impact when you hit the cervix if you are 6 inches +) between a dick and the vagina walls, it is as simple as that, what really matters is how hard your erections are and your endurance. In this guide we're only talking about penetration induced orgasms, because external clitoris stimulation induced orgasm is easy. The only way to give a women a vaginal orgasm is by applying enough pressure on the G spot (top wall of the vagina) , don't get it wrong the vaginal orgasm (G spot orgasm) is a clitoridial induced orgasm, the only part of the clitoris that is visible is the glans, the body of the clitoris is inside and its extends up the vagina along the top of the vaginal wall and behind the labia. So the source of the orgasm actually comes from the same spot (the clitoris) when it's stimulated from the inside. Some women might have faster penetration induced orgasms than other due to their anatomy, how close the clitoris is to the vaginal wall and how deep it goes into the body affects the sensation felt by the girl from her hidden clitoris nerves.
So having rock solid erections is key, you need to have a low erection angle ( the harder the erection, the more your dick angle decrease ) so when you penetrate your partner there is vertical force applied to the top of the vaginal wall causing inner clitoris stimulation .
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You'll be forcing your penis into the vagina and applying constant vertical force targeting the inner nerves of the clitoris, it's like mewing, constant vertical force needs to be applied.
I remember from my dark days watching an old blond white dude making pornstars tap out by the number , his dick was average size, only the tip of his dick was upturned and curved like a frikin hook, it was a meme and there were compilation of him making bitches quit, degeneratecels know who I'm talking about.

The second type of penetration induced orgasms is cervical orgasm. The cervix is a small canal that sits at the top of the vagina. There is a tiny opening that runs through the center and connects the vagina to the uterus. That's what stops your dick from penetrating the uterus if you are 7+ inches. Cervical stimulation does require very deep penetration, can cause an incredibly intense full body orgasm. The only way to increase your penetration capabilities is to have a rock solid penis, the harder the penis, the deeper it will go and hit the cervix which responds best to pressure ( best position to give cervical orgasm is doggy).

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You have now understood how important erection quality is. You have to be working on that by test maxing and sex drive maxing, you need to wake up with a morning wood every day.
When you take your erect dick and slam it against a desk, it needs to sound like a fuckin hammer, your dick needs to be metal solid and have 0 flexibility. With rock hard erection, even 5 inches dicklets can seriously destroy a pussy, most girl would rather get perforated by a 5 inch nail-like dick for 30 min than fuck an 8 inches half hard dick for 10 min (however it's over for you is if you have a pencil thick penis or if you're under 5 inches). In addition to that, most of the 8 inches + guys have shitty dick game, they can't get rock hard (because the bigger the dick, the more blood needs to be drawn into it), they rely on their size and cum quick. A lot of girls complain about big dick guys being shit at sex. If your dick is soft or half hard, it will adapt to the girls vagina and won't exert any force on the vagina walls (consequently friction when you're stoking) reducing the girl's pleasure and not causing any clitoris stimulation. With a rock hard dick, it will be the girls vagina that will need to adapt to your dick tearing the walls. At the beginning of sex, if your dick is half hard it will easily get in, but if you have rock hard erection it will be a nightmare to get a few inches in (even after foreplay) , you won't be able to feel anything and it might hurt on both sides but as the arousal raises the vagina will start loosening up and elongating.

I insisted on the erection part because it's the most important part. If you are a softcell, you need to test max, libido max...

So now let's start with the guide:

First of all:


If you're watching this shit then WTF are you even doing here looksmaxing, get your life back together you pathetic primate, do you realize how cuck it is to watch another guy fuck a girl on a screen?
You're fucking up your neurotransmitters, your dopamine reward system, desensetizing your dick, high inhib maxing by putting worthless whores on a pedestal, watching porn is the most subhuman trait ever.
Stop this shit there are countless of teens on this forum who got permanent erectile dysfunction from porn.


What's the point in fapping if you don't do it to porn?
Masturbating will increase your temptation to watch porn and if you're doing no porn you'll easily relapse.
Just imagine looking at yourself from an outside perspective while you're jerking off in the corner of your cum senting basement, isn't that pathetic? what's the point of it? When that post nut clarity hits you you'll feel like utter shit.

After stopping porn and fapping, you'll rewire your brain and regain rock hard erections.
I truly believe that being on NOPORN AND NOFAP and looksmaxing for 3 years gave me titan erection. Not watching any suggestive content and not jerking off for 3 years rebooted everything. By being already high T and doing nofap and no porn wou'll reset your dick game, but you need to stick to it and wait months to see solid results.


That's the most important step for premature cumers. When you're fucking you have to take deep breaths in and out slowly through your nose as always. Breathing heavily, taking short breaths or holding your breath will make you cum fast. You need to concentrate on your breathing all the time, one min of slipping and you'll find yourself panting like a dog and spitting out the sauce. When you're stroking faster and you need more oxygen adapt your breathing pattern by taking deeper breaths.


Keep your core relaxed at all time and slightly arched backward (abs relaxed) use a grinding motion when you're stroking don't contract you abs and core like a plank (use glutes instead but be careful to keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed) , if you contract your abs and crunch by leaning and rolling your spine forward you'll cum instantly


The perineum is the space between your anus and your scrotum. You contract the PC when you stop peeing, when you want to tighten your anus and when u ejaculate.
The perineum and the anus need to be relaxed at all time also, the perineum is the muscle that triggers ejaculation, so you naturally understand that we need to keep it relaxed otherwise if you contract these muscles you'll ejaculate.
Doing reverse kegel exercises can also help control the pc muscles and keep them relaxed but I have never tried them.


Rule number 1 is to avoid doggy in the beginning of sex and keep it at last or for the 2nd round, it is the best feeling position if the girl has a good back arch and with the ass hole staring at you right in the face it's too visually stimulant, if you're fucking a big booty Stacy you'll cum in a minute and half doing that position.
Your first position needs to be a position where you are in control and where you can keep you torso up and abs relaxed like the eagle position :

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When doing this position, lean slightly backward resting on your hand so you can further relax your abs and pc muscles ITS VERY IMPORTANT AND I INSIST ON THAT, don't do it like in the pic above where you see the guy's spine rolled forward activating the abs, instead, lean backwards while arching your back and breathing slowly through your nose and you'll last infinitely longer.

After that you can use a similar position like putting the girl in a spoon position but you don't lay down with her keep your torso up like in the eagle position.
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Or that position

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These are the positions where you can last the longest because you're in control of the stroking pace, your breathing, don't have any visual pressure, you can keep your back arched backward, abs and pc muscles relaxed.

After that you can continue with prone bone, cow girl, missionary, doggy...

You also need to mentalmaax to lower your arousal, if you struggle not ejaculating, stop thrusting, slow down the pace, do a small pause while playing with your partner, think of something else, concentrate on your breathing, do math operations like 4 8 16 32 64 and keep it going, think of your dead grandma or ultimately use a condom ( if you can't control yourself with a condom on then Jfl your brain is fried) ...
When you cum fast, if you're high T, you will have no problem getting immediately hard again and going round two.

With experience you'll learn ejaculotary control and you'll be able to have orgasms without cuming when you'll master pelvic floor muscles control and breathing .


You need to keep a constant stroke game and vary the speed and depth whenever you feel it's necessary (if the girl is about to climax, or if you're about to cum).
Having a strong anterior and posterior muscle chain is very important ( glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs) so you can give proper strokes that will brake your oneitis back (that's why foids like big booty men, it's an indicator of powerful thrustings) , that's what separates you from the 100 lbs vegan lesbian with a strap-on.
The way that you do your stroking is very important, some girls will go crazy when you go with long and deep stokes with a proper hip moving, like if you're twerking but with your dick not your ass, in a grinding motion, doing that to a girl in a prone bone position or doggy will make her go crazy I guarantee you.

The jackhammer thrusting in the doggy position is the most efficient way to give your girl a vaginal or cervical orgasm but for that you need to have endurance and control your ejaculation, don't try that if you have trouble controlling it.

Cardio is also really important, you'll find yourself doing almost all the work, you'll be covered in sweat so if you are a fat fuck or have shitty cardio you won't be able to keep up so you better start doing HIIT ( high intensity interval training), sprinting, or any other endurance sport like swimming, boxing, cycling, it is a highly energy demanding activity, you'll be exhausted at the end and in the begging the skin of your penis will be sore and hurting all the time after 1h + intense sex but it will adapt.

Not bragging but I litteraly destroy my girlfriend every fuck session, she's shaking, crying, screaming like I'm raping her and she'll be asking for more until she taps out and can't take it no more and again I have a 7. 5 inch normal thickness penis.
During my first fuck sessions, I was average, 10 15 min that was it but after 3 years of NO PORN, NOFAP, LOOKSMAXING, ANTIAGINGMAXING (I'M 20 BTW), TEST MAXING, GYM and HIIT MAXING, and with experience and applying the methods above I became a sex god.

Here are the signs that show a god tier fuck session:
(Keep in mind that you didn't destroy your girl if she didn't tap out, she needs to be the one saying stop, I can't take it no more my pussy is on fire)

- 40 min of total penetration sex minimum ( all rounds included if you didn't take more than 5 min to go next round and kept your girl stimulated). More than an hour is ideal though if the girl can keep up, with experience you'll be able to last that long if you follow the guide.

-Girl having multiple orgasms: girl panting, shaking, crying, screaming, escaping and pushing you away to stop, squirting...

- Her vagina becoming extremely wet and loosening up and becoming elastic in the middle and end of sex, you'll be able to fit a fist inside and you'll hear pussy farts when you're deep thrusting, that's the sign that the pussy is giving up, lost the tightness and air is being pushed into it and out of it when you're stroking.

-Sore dick, red marks on dick and nut sack caused by friction , dick hurting while peeing ( if this happened to your dick after fuckin imagine what's the state of her pussy), it happens in the beginning but the symptoms deminish as the skin gets more resistant.

-Girl not being able to walk after sex or walking with her feets far apart like a penguin so her sore pussy walls don't rub and hurt her.


-Condoms breaking multiple times ( that means you have rock hard erection and the friction while penetrating is optimal)

-Neighbors coming to knock or people calling the police because the bitch screams like she's getting butchered.

To summarize the most important things:

MENTAL MAX (for premature cumers)

That's it for the most complete ultimate sex guide don't thank me

Lefort 3 jaw implants eye ostetamies the 3 secrets to life
A couple of thoughts. If the girl isn’t too small, skinny, when you’re on top. drop your hips and the head of your penis rises. This stimulates her anterior. She’ll have a massive orgasm.
If you’ve already finished & she wants more, if you’re on top. grind your anterior pelvis into her. it should stimulate her clitoris. She’ll love it.
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  • +1
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In this guide, I'll be detailing all the techniques that can make your dick game tremendously ascend.
Bookmarked. Will be useful from 1 or 2 years from now when i finally fix big flaws.
  • JFL
  • +1
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U forgot about oral sex
  • JFL
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JFL I wish I will have it one day
So vaginal farts indicate good dick game?
what is meant by stroking?
also, are there any vids on this?
I promised that I'll do a sex guide as there were none. Here is the Bible of becoming a sex god written by a guy that went from giving average sex to being worshipped for his dick game.

In this guide, I'll be detailing all the techniques that can make your dick game tremendously ascend.

This is not a bullshit guide like the ones you see on reddit or shitty sex advice websites written by cucks that don't know shit "muuuhh love the girl and give her pleasure" "listen to her needs and be emotional" "kiss her on the neck", fuck that crap, listening to that bullshit, then no wonder why 90% of females don't have any vaginal orgasm during sex.

First of all, if you're a low T basementrotting flaccid cell, then go check the test maxing and sex drive maxing threads, this guide is for high T ascended looksmaxers who have access to pussy and can keep a rock hard on and go round two just after finishing.

In today's world , due to the global feminization, men have became low T cucks and female became high e sex goddess due to all chemicals and hormones in food, contraception pills ... Studies show that men's testosterone levels have been declining for decades , Dr. Marcia Herman-Giddens found that in 1860, the average age of the onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. In 1920, it was 14.6; in 1950, 13.1; 1980, 12.5; and in 2010, it had dropped to 10.5. Consequently, most of females get ultra feminine features at an early age now ( increased chest and butt development, hour glass body, plump lips, increased sexual desire due to higher e...) however men get the side effects (low T, gyno, wide hips...) and not being able to destroy a female during sex, this is actually good for us, because it reduces competition and increases the number of high quality females available.

Why is being good at sex important?

If you're in a relationship or have sexfriends , the only thing that will determine how long your very good looking partner is gonna stay with you (doesn't apply to landwhales or deformed girls even though they will still have access to 100 times more sex than any average looking men as men have become litteral low self esteem social roaches ready to do anything for some fat pre owned stinky smelling pussy), so I was saying the only thing that will determine how long your very good looking chick is gonna stay with you is the amount of money you have or how good your dick game is, that's the ULTIMATE m/f relationship blackpill.

So I'll first start by talking about my personal experience so you can see how far I've come.
When I finished highschool, I didn't go to uni or work, I was rotting 24/7 in my room eating shitfood and playing videogames, it was so bad that I didn't step a foot outside my house in litteraly 5 MONTHS, when I say didn't step a foot outside I mean it litteraly, it was like I was jailed in my room. Before that in high school I was a medium popular chadlite, used to go the gym 6 times a week, had a social circle, girls showed a lot of interest, I wasn't a kisslesscell, just had a bad period and had depression as I didn't know what to do with my life after finishing high school. So you can figure that during that period of rottmaxing I was obviously pornmaxing, I was such a coomer I'll jerk off to porn 5 to 10 times a day, I slowly started to slip into the dark side looking for degenerate content as my dopamine reward system was asking for more hardcore stuff to get activated (it happens when you're at a certain level of addiction).

This was four years ago, after I started looksmaxxing and taking back my life, I stopped porn 3 years ago, never watched a single video or explicit image and I stopped jerking off 3 years ago also, never jerked off a single time, BEST FUCKING DECISONS I HAVE EVER MADE. Combining this to the other looksmaxxings allowed me to insanely ascend. So fast forward 2.5, 3 years after that, I get approached by foids (BTW amnesia is 100% right, women do approach even if you're a stranger) and then my looksmaing journey and my experience with these new girls gave me insane dick game even though I have 7.5 inches average girth dick.

Why having a good dick game is important?

90% of men have a shitty dick game (and those are 90% of the 20% who regularly have access to new pussy) , why is that you ask?
It's simply because it's biologically designed by evolution.
Women's orgasm is useless in nature compared to male's orgasm, we were designed to cum quick and get out to fuck the next female we find to maximize the chances of conception.
So fucking for an hour is not natural, but females can do it for way longer and have multiple orgasms, that's where you're gonna stand out from the horde. You need to fuck your girl until she taps out and you don't cum at the end, it will psychologically trick her into thinking that she's not good enough for you, that she can't make you finish ( that's a crazy mind fucking technique to use, when I first fuck a girl I won't ejaculate during the first 4 or 5 sessions, I'll enjoy sex and have non ejaculotary orgasms, the girl will start feeling insecure and asking questions, I'll be cold and won't text back for days, by doing that, she'll litteraly be on a leash and come begging me to fuck her and in addition she'll try her best to make me cum). When you make your girl tap out, the bitch will know that if she loses you, she'll never taste your superior dick game ever again and other girls will. She wouldn't even dare to cheat on you and get fucked by a chad who mogs you, why risk losing a sex god for a chad that will use her like a sock and cum in her in 5 minutes, see how important good dick is, swallow THE SEXPILL MFS. To make things even better, 95% of men are utter shit at sex, don't have rock hard erections and cum in 5 min, with her whoring experience, the girl knows perfectly that you're a gem compared to all the flaccid 5 min cuming dick she had and that she'll need to be whoring for another 2 years to find a guy that has a god-tier dick game. It's very rare, but we've all seen a really hot girl go out or marry an average or deformed guy that isn't rich or famous, the only explanation is that he successfully kept her thanks to his dick game.
In addition to that, girls gossip a lot and talk about their sexlife to their friends ( I fucked a bitch that had a list rating the performance of every guy she fucked), by being a sex master, every single girl in your social circle (work, school) will know about it consequently boosting your psl and giving you more opportunities with foids.

Sex is mechanical, it is a physical reaction created by the friction (and the impact when you hit the cervix if you are 6 inches +) between a dick and the vagina walls, it is as simple as that, what really matters is how hard your erections are and your endurance. In this guide we're only talking about penetration induced orgasms, because external clitoris stimulation induced orgasm is easy. The only way to give a women a vaginal orgasm is by applying enough pressure on the G spot (top wall of the vagina) , don't get it wrong the vaginal orgasm (G spot orgasm) is a clitoridial induced orgasm, the only part of the clitoris that is visible is the glans, the body of the clitoris is inside and its extends up the vagina along the top of the vaginal wall and behind the labia. So the source of the orgasm actually comes from the same spot (the clitoris) when it's stimulated from the inside. Some women might have faster penetration induced orgasms than other due to their anatomy, how close the clitoris is to the vaginal wall and how deep it goes into the body affects the sensation felt by the girl from her hidden clitoris nerves.
So having rock solid erections is key, you need to have a low erection angle ( the harder the erection, the more your dick angle decrease ) so when you penetrate your partner there is vertical force applied to the top of the vaginal wall causing inner clitoris stimulation .
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You'll be forcing your penis into the vagina and applying constant vertical force targeting the inner nerves of the clitoris, it's like mewing, constant vertical force needs to be applied.
I remember from my dark days watching an old blond white dude making pornstars tap out by the number , his dick was average size, only the tip of his dick was upturned and curved like a frikin hook, it was a meme and there were compilation of him making bitches quit, degeneratecels know who I'm talking about.

The second type of penetration induced orgasms is cervical orgasm. The cervix is a small canal that sits at the top of the vagina. There is a tiny opening that runs through the center and connects the vagina to the uterus. That's what stops your dick from penetrating the uterus if you are 7+ inches. Cervical stimulation does require very deep penetration, can cause an incredibly intense full body orgasm. The only way to increase your penetration capabilities is to have a rock solid penis, the harder the penis, the deeper it will go and hit the cervix which responds best to pressure ( best position to give cervical orgasm is doggy).

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You have now understood how important erection quality is. You have to be working on that by test maxing and sex drive maxing, you need to wake up with a morning wood every day.
When you take your erect dick and slam it against a desk, it needs to sound like a fuckin hammer, your dick needs to be metal solid and have 0 flexibility. With rock hard erection, even 5 inches dicklets can seriously destroy a pussy, most girl would rather get perforated by a 5 inch nail-like dick for 30 min than fuck an 8 inches half hard dick for 10 min (however it's over for you is if you have a pencil thick penis or if you're under 5 inches). In addition to that, most of the 8 inches + guys have shitty dick game, they can't get rock hard (because the bigger the dick, the more blood needs to be drawn into it), they rely on their size and cum quick. A lot of girls complain about big dick guys being shit at sex. If your dick is soft or half hard, it will adapt to the girls vagina and won't exert any force on the vagina walls (consequently friction when you're stoking) reducing the girl's pleasure and not causing any clitoris stimulation. With a rock hard dick, it will be the girls vagina that will need to adapt to your dick tearing the walls. At the beginning of sex, if your dick is half hard it will easily get in, but if you have rock hard erection it will be a nightmare to get a few inches in (even after foreplay) , you won't be able to feel anything and it might hurt on both sides but as the arousal raises the vagina will start loosening up and elongating.

I insisted on the erection part because it's the most important part. If you are a softcell, you need to test max, libido max...

So now let's start with the guide:

First of all:


If you're watching this shit then WTF are you even doing here looksmaxing, get your life back together you pathetic primate, do you realize how cuck it is to watch another guy fuck a girl on a screen?
You're fucking up your neurotransmitters, your dopamine reward system, desensetizing your dick, high inhib maxing by putting worthless whores on a pedestal, watching porn is the most subhuman trait ever.
Stop this shit there are countless of teens on this forum who got permanent erectile dysfunction from porn.


What's the point in fapping if you don't do it to porn?
Masturbating will increase your temptation to watch porn and if you're doing no porn you'll easily relapse.
Just imagine looking at yourself from an outside perspective while you're jerking off in the corner of your cum senting basement, isn't that pathetic? what's the point of it? When that post nut clarity hits you you'll feel like utter shit.

After stopping porn and fapping, you'll rewire your brain and regain rock hard erections.
I truly believe that being on NOPORN AND NOFAP and looksmaxing for 3 years gave me titan erection. Not watching any suggestive content and not jerking off for 3 years rebooted everything. By being already high T and doing nofap and no porn wou'll reset your dick game, but you need to stick to it and wait months to see solid results.


That's the most important step for premature cumers. When you're fucking you have to take deep breaths in and out slowly through your nose as always. Breathing heavily, taking short breaths or holding your breath will make you cum fast. You need to concentrate on your breathing all the time, one min of slipping and you'll find yourself panting like a dog and spitting out the sauce. When you're stroking faster and you need more oxygen adapt your breathing pattern by taking deeper breaths.


Keep your core relaxed at all time and slightly arched backward (abs relaxed) use a grinding motion when you're stroking don't contract you abs and core like a plank (use glutes instead but be careful to keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed) , if you contract your abs and crunch by leaning and rolling your spine forward you'll cum instantly


The perineum is the space between your anus and your scrotum. You contract the PC when you stop peeing, when you want to tighten your anus and when u ejaculate.
The perineum and the anus need to be relaxed at all time also, the perineum is the muscle that triggers ejaculation, so you naturally understand that we need to keep it relaxed otherwise if you contract these muscles you'll ejaculate.
Doing reverse kegel exercises can also help control the pc muscles and keep them relaxed but I have never tried them.


Rule number 1 is to avoid doggy in the beginning of sex and keep it at last or for the 2nd round, it is the best feeling position if the girl has a good back arch and with the ass hole staring at you right in the face it's too visually stimulant, if you're fucking a big booty Stacy you'll cum in a minute and half doing that position.
Your first position needs to be a position where you are in control and where you can keep you torso up and abs relaxed like the eagle position :

View attachment 513070

When doing this position, lean slightly backward resting on your hand so you can further relax your abs and pc muscles ITS VERY IMPORTANT AND I INSIST ON THAT, don't do it like in the pic above where you see the guy's spine rolled forward activating the abs, instead, lean backwards while arching your back and breathing slowly through your nose and you'll last infinitely longer.

After that you can use a similar position like putting the girl in a spoon position but you don't lay down with her keep your torso up like in the eagle position.
View attachment 513072

Or that position

View attachment 513077

View attachment 513085

These are the positions where you can last the longest because you're in control of the stroking pace, your breathing, don't have any visual pressure, you can keep your back arched backward, abs and pc muscles relaxed.

After that you can continue with prone bone, cow girl, missionary, doggy...

You also need to mentalmaax to lower your arousal, if you struggle not ejaculating, stop thrusting, slow down the pace, do a small pause while playing with your partner, think of something else, concentrate on your breathing, do math operations like 4 8 16 32 64 and keep it going, think of your dead grandma or ultimately use a condom ( if you can't control yourself with a condom on then Jfl your brain is fried) ...
When you cum fast, if you're high T, you will have no problem getting immediately hard again and going round two.

With experience you'll learn ejaculotary control and you'll be able to have orgasms without cuming when you'll master pelvic floor muscles control and breathing .


You need to keep a constant stroke game and vary the speed and depth whenever you feel it's necessary (if the girl is about to climax, or if you're about to cum).
Having a strong anterior and posterior muscle chain is very important ( glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs) so you can give proper strokes that will brake your oneitis back (that's why foids like big booty men, it's an indicator of powerful thrustings) , that's what separates you from the 100 lbs vegan lesbian with a strap-on.
The way that you do your stroking is very important, some girls will go crazy when you go with long and deep stokes with a proper hip moving, like if you're twerking but with your dick not your ass, in a grinding motion, doing that to a girl in a prone bone position or doggy will make her go crazy I guarantee you.

The jackhammer thrusting in the doggy position is the most efficient way to give your girl a vaginal or cervical orgasm but for that you need to have endurance and control your ejaculation, don't try that if you have trouble controlling it.

Cardio is also really important, you'll find yourself doing almost all the work, you'll be covered in sweat so if you are a fat fuck or have shitty cardio you won't be able to keep up so you better start doing HIIT ( high intensity interval training), sprinting, or any other endurance sport like swimming, boxing, cycling, it is a highly energy demanding activity, you'll be exhausted at the end and in the begging the skin of your penis will be sore and hurting all the time after 1h + intense sex but it will adapt.

Not bragging but I litteraly destroy my girlfriend every fuck session, she's shaking, crying, screaming like I'm raping her and she'll be asking for more until she taps out and can't take it no more and again I have a 7. 5 inch normal thickness penis.
During my first fuck sessions, I was average, 10 15 min that was it but after 3 years of NO PORN, NOFAP, LOOKSMAXING, ANTIAGINGMAXING (I'M 20 BTW), TEST MAXING, GYM and HIIT MAXING, and with experience and applying the methods above I became a sex god.

Here are the signs that show a god tier fuck session:
(Keep in mind that you didn't destroy your girl if she didn't tap out, she needs to be the one saying stop, I can't take it no more my pussy is on fire)

- 40 min of total penetration sex minimum ( all rounds included if you didn't take more than 5 min to go next round and kept your girl stimulated). More than an hour is ideal though if the girl can keep up, with experience you'll be able to last that long if you follow the guide.

-Girl having multiple orgasms: girl panting, shaking, crying, screaming, escaping and pushing you away to stop, squirting...

- Her vagina becoming extremely wet and loosening up and becoming elastic in the middle and end of sex, you'll be able to fit a fist inside and you'll hear pussy farts when you're deep thrusting, that's the sign that the pussy is giving up, lost the tightness and air is being pushed into it and out of it when you're stroking.

-Sore dick, red marks on dick and nut sack caused by friction , dick hurting while peeing ( if this happened to your dick after fuckin imagine what's the state of her pussy), it happens in the beginning but the symptoms deminish as the skin gets more resistant.

-Girl not being able to walk after sex or walking with her feets far apart like a penguin so her sore pussy walls don't rub and hurt her.


-Condoms breaking multiple times ( that means you have rock hard erection and the friction while penetrating is optimal)

-Neighbors coming to knock or people calling the police because the bitch screams like she's getting butchered.

To summarize the most important things:

MENTAL MAX (for premature cumers)

That's it for the most complete ultimate sex guide don't thank me
My cardio is so fucked. 6 pack abs, developed muscles all over (she stares at my back constantly) but get tired after a couple minutes. She still begs for more though bc I last forever and make her scream.
  • WTF
Reactions: infini
My cardio is so fucked. 6 pack abs, developed muscles all over (she stares at my back constantly) but get tired after a couple minutes. She still begs for more though bc I last forever and make her scream.
bro, what is stroking in sex?
Op summarized in a simple sentence: HAVE A BIG DICK
jfl at this stupid thread, anything else is cope
  • +1
Reactions: wollet2, humanoidsub7, Deleted member 32250 and 1 other person
Op summarized in a simple sentence: HAVE A BIG DICK
jfl at this stupid thread, anything else is cope

And don't be a 2 pump chump, of course.

But yes, basically. Other than that the variance between men is negligible in terms of 'technique' as if we can make our hips do crazy shit and make our dicks do somersaults inside of her lol
worst Thread evier I still don’t have sex
People still have real sex in 2023?
  • Woah
Reactions: wristcel
If she always asks me to stop bcs it hurts (she is wet and estimulated btw) is that good or bad?
If she always asks me to stop bcs it hurts (she is wet and estimulated btw) is that good or bad?
It's good if u can keep going without coming fast it's just early so you have be slow so she can adapt
lol, just have a big dick then fuck her like a animal but also have variety sometimes you have to be more soft/romantic, lick, touch, grab everything, spank, spit if she likes, be horny as fuck, stay hard and fuck her for multiple hours in all positions thats it
Last edited:
I promised that I'll do a sex guide as there were none. Here is the Bible of becoming a sex god written by a guy that went from giving average sex to being worshipped for his dick game.

In this guide, I'll be detailing all the techniques that can make your dick game tremendously ascend.

This is not a bullshit guide like the ones you see on reddit or shitty sex advice websites written by cucks that don't know shit "muuuhh love the girl and give her pleasure" "listen to her needs and be emotional" "kiss her on the neck", fuck that crap, listening to that bullshit, then no wonder why 90% of females don't have any vaginal orgasm during sex.

First of all, if you're a low T basementrotting flaccid cell, then go check the test maxing and sex drive maxing threads, this guide is for high T ascended looksmaxers who have access to pussy and can keep a rock hard on and go round two just after finishing.

In today's world , due to the global feminization, men have became low T cucks and female became high e sex goddess due to all chemicals and hormones in food, contraception pills ... Studies show that men's testosterone levels have been declining for decades , Dr. Marcia Herman-Giddens found that in 1860, the average age of the onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. In 1920, it was 14.6; in 1950, 13.1; 1980, 12.5; and in 2010, it had dropped to 10.5. Consequently, most of females get ultra feminine features at an early age now ( increased chest and butt development, hour glass body, plump lips, increased sexual desire due to higher e...) however men get the side effects (low T, gyno, wide hips...) and not being able to destroy a female during sex, this is actually good for us, because it reduces competition and increases the number of high quality females available.

Why is being good at sex important?

If you're in a relationship or have sexfriends , the only thing that will determine how long your very good looking partner is gonna stay with you (doesn't apply to landwhales or deformed girls even though they will still have access to 100 times more sex than any average looking men as men have become litteral low self esteem social roaches ready to do anything for some fat pre owned stinky smelling pussy), so I was saying the only thing that will determine how long your very good looking chick is gonna stay with you is the amount of money you have or how good your dick game is, that's the ULTIMATE m/f relationship blackpill.

So I'll first start by talking about my personal experience so you can see how far I've come.
When I finished highschool, I didn't go to uni or work, I was rotting 24/7 in my room eating shitfood and playing videogames, it was so bad that I didn't step a foot outside my house in litteraly 5 MONTHS, when I say didn't step a foot outside I mean it litteraly, it was like I was jailed in my room. Before that in high school I was a medium popular chadlite, used to go the gym 6 times a week, had a social circle, girls showed a lot of interest, I wasn't a kisslesscell, just had a bad period and had depression as I didn't know what to do with my life after finishing high school. So you can figure that during that period of rottmaxing I was obviously pornmaxing, I was such a coomer I'll jerk off to porn 5 to 10 times a day, I slowly started to slip into the dark side looking for degenerate content as my dopamine reward system was asking for more hardcore stuff to get activated (it happens when you're at a certain level of addiction).

This was four years ago, after I started looksmaxxing and taking back my life, I stopped porn 3 years ago, never watched a single video or explicit image and I stopped jerking off 3 years ago also, never jerked off a single time, BEST FUCKING DECISONS I HAVE EVER MADE. Combining this to the other looksmaxxings allowed me to insanely ascend. So fast forward 2.5, 3 years after that, I get approached by foids (BTW amnesia is 100% right, women do approach even if you're a stranger) and then my looksmaing journey and my experience with these new girls gave me insane dick game even though I have 7.5 inches average girth dick.

Why having a good dick game is important?

90% of men have a shitty dick game (and those are 90% of the 20% who regularly have access to new pussy) , why is that you ask?
It's simply because it's biologically designed by evolution.
Women's orgasm is useless in nature compared to male's orgasm, we were designed to cum quick and get out to fuck the next female we find to maximize the chances of conception.
So fucking for an hour is not natural, but females can do it for way longer and have multiple orgasms, that's where you're gonna stand out from the horde. You need to fuck your girl until she taps out and you don't cum at the end, it will psychologically trick her into thinking that she's not good enough for you, that she can't make you finish ( that's a crazy mind fucking technique to use, when I first fuck a girl I won't ejaculate during the first 4 or 5 sessions, I'll enjoy sex and have non ejaculotary orgasms, the girl will start feeling insecure and asking questions, I'll be cold and won't text back for days, by doing that, she'll litteraly be on a leash and come begging me to fuck her and in addition she'll try her best to make me cum). When you make your girl tap out, the bitch will know that if she loses you, she'll never taste your superior dick game ever again and other girls will. She wouldn't even dare to cheat on you and get fucked by a chad who mogs you, why risk losing a sex god for a chad that will use her like a sock and cum in her in 5 minutes, see how important good dick is, swallow THE SEXPILL MFS. To make things even better, 95% of men are utter shit at sex, don't have rock hard erections and cum in 5 min, with her whoring experience, the girl knows perfectly that you're a gem compared to all the flaccid 5 min cuming dick she had and that she'll need to be whoring for another 2 years to find a guy that has a god-tier dick game. It's very rare, but we've all seen a really hot girl go out or marry an average or deformed guy that isn't rich or famous, the only explanation is that he successfully kept her thanks to his dick game.
In addition to that, girls gossip a lot and talk about their sexlife to their friends ( I fucked a bitch that had a list rating the performance of every guy she fucked), by being a sex master, every single girl in your social circle (work, school) will know about it consequently boosting your psl and giving you more opportunities with foids.

Sex is mechanical, it is a physical reaction created by the friction (and the impact when you hit the cervix if you are 6 inches +) between a dick and the vagina walls, it is as simple as that, what really matters is how hard your erections are and your endurance. In this guide we're only talking about penetration induced orgasms, because external clitoris stimulation induced orgasm is easy. The only way to give a women a vaginal orgasm is by applying enough pressure on the G spot (top wall of the vagina) , don't get it wrong the vaginal orgasm (G spot orgasm) is a clitoridial induced orgasm, the only part of the clitoris that is visible is the glans, the body of the clitoris is inside and its extends up the vagina along the top of the vaginal wall and behind the labia. So the source of the orgasm actually comes from the same spot (the clitoris) when it's stimulated from the inside. Some women might have faster penetration induced orgasms than other due to their anatomy, how close the clitoris is to the vaginal wall and how deep it goes into the body affects the sensation felt by the girl from her hidden clitoris nerves.
So having rock solid erections is key, you need to have a low erection angle ( the harder the erection, the more your dick angle decrease ) so when you penetrate your partner there is vertical force applied to the top of the vaginal wall causing inner clitoris stimulation .
View attachment 513069
View attachment 513173
You'll be forcing your penis into the vagina and applying constant vertical force targeting the inner nerves of the clitoris, it's like mewing, constant vertical force needs to be applied.
I remember from my dark days watching an old blond white dude making pornstars tap out by the number , his dick was average size, only the tip of his dick was upturned and curved like a frikin hook, it was a meme and there were compilation of him making bitches quit, degeneratecels know who I'm talking about.

The second type of penetration induced orgasms is cervical orgasm. The cervix is a small canal that sits at the top of the vagina. There is a tiny opening that runs through the center and connects the vagina to the uterus. That's what stops your dick from penetrating the uterus if you are 7+ inches. Cervical stimulation does require very deep penetration, can cause an incredibly intense full body orgasm. The only way to increase your penetration capabilities is to have a rock solid penis, the harder the penis, the deeper it will go and hit the cervix which responds best to pressure ( best position to give cervical orgasm is doggy).

View attachment 513188

You have now understood how important erection quality is. You have to be working on that by test maxing and sex drive maxing, you need to wake up with a morning wood every day.
When you take your erect dick and slam it against a desk, it needs to sound like a fuckin hammer, your dick needs to be metal solid and have 0 flexibility. With rock hard erection, even 5 inches dicklets can seriously destroy a pussy, most girl would rather get perforated by a 5 inch nail-like dick for 30 min than fuck an 8 inches half hard dick for 10 min (however it's over for you is if you have a pencil thick penis or if you're under 5 inches). In addition to that, most of the 8 inches + guys have shitty dick game, they can't get rock hard (because the bigger the dick, the more blood needs to be drawn into it), they rely on their size and cum quick. A lot of girls complain about big dick guys being shit at sex. If your dick is soft or half hard, it will adapt to the girls vagina and won't exert any force on the vagina walls (consequently friction when you're stoking) reducing the girl's pleasure and not causing any clitoris stimulation. With a rock hard dick, it will be the girls vagina that will need to adapt to your dick tearing the walls. At the beginning of sex, if your dick is half hard it will easily get in, but if you have rock hard erection it will be a nightmare to get a few inches in (even after foreplay) , you won't be able to feel anything and it might hurt on both sides but as the arousal raises the vagina will start loosening up and elongating.

I insisted on the erection part because it's the most important part. If you are a softcell, you need to test max, libido max...

So now let's start with the guide:

First of all:


If you're watching this shit then WTF are you even doing here looksmaxing, get your life back together you pathetic primate, do you realize how cuck it is to watch another guy fuck a girl on a screen?
You're fucking up your neurotransmitters, your dopamine reward system, desensetizing your dick, high inhib maxing by putting worthless whores on a pedestal, watching porn is the most subhuman trait ever.
Stop this shit there are countless of teens on this forum who got permanent erectile dysfunction from porn.


What's the point in fapping if you don't do it to porn?
Masturbating will increase your temptation to watch porn and if you're doing no porn you'll easily relapse.
Just imagine looking at yourself from an outside perspective while you're jerking off in the corner of your cum senting basement, isn't that pathetic? what's the point of it? When that post nut clarity hits you you'll feel like utter shit.

After stopping porn and fapping, you'll rewire your brain and regain rock hard erections.
I truly believe that being on NOPORN AND NOFAP and looksmaxing for 3 years gave me titan erection. Not watching any suggestive content and not jerking off for 3 years rebooted everything. By being already high T and doing nofap and no porn wou'll reset your dick game, but you need to stick to it and wait months to see solid results.


That's the most important step for premature cumers. When you're fucking you have to take deep breaths in and out slowly through your nose as always. Breathing heavily, taking short breaths or holding your breath will make you cum fast. You need to concentrate on your breathing all the time, one min of slipping and you'll find yourself panting like a dog and spitting out the sauce. When you're stroking faster and you need more oxygen adapt your breathing pattern by taking deeper breaths.


Keep your core relaxed at all time and slightly arched backward (abs relaxed) use a grinding motion when you're stroking don't contract you abs and core like a plank (use glutes instead but be careful to keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed) , if you contract your abs and crunch by leaning and rolling your spine forward you'll cum instantly


The perineum is the space between your anus and your scrotum. You contract the PC when you stop peeing, when you want to tighten your anus and when u ejaculate.
The perineum and the anus need to be relaxed at all time also, the perineum is the muscle that triggers ejaculation, so you naturally understand that we need to keep it relaxed otherwise if you contract these muscles you'll ejaculate.
Doing reverse kegel exercises can also help control the pc muscles and keep them relaxed but I have never tried them.


Rule number 1 is to avoid doggy in the beginning of sex and keep it at last or for the 2nd round, it is the best feeling position if the girl has a good back arch and with the ass hole staring at you right in the face it's too visually stimulant, if you're fucking a big booty Stacy you'll cum in a minute and half doing that position.
Your first position needs to be a position where you are in control and where you can keep you torso up and abs relaxed like the eagle position :

View attachment 513070

When doing this position, lean slightly backward resting on your hand so you can further relax your abs and pc muscles ITS VERY IMPORTANT AND I INSIST ON THAT, don't do it like in the pic above where you see the guy's spine rolled forward activating the abs, instead, lean backwards while arching your back and breathing slowly through your nose and you'll last infinitely longer.

After that you can use a similar position like putting the girl in a spoon position but you don't lay down with her keep your torso up like in the eagle position.
View attachment 513072

Or that position

View attachment 513077

View attachment 513085

These are the positions where you can last the longest because you're in control of the stroking pace, your breathing, don't have any visual pressure, you can keep your back arched backward, abs and pc muscles relaxed.

After that you can continue with prone bone, cow girl, missionary, doggy...

You also need to mentalmaax to lower your arousal, if you struggle not ejaculating, stop thrusting, slow down the pace, do a small pause while playing with your partner, think of something else, concentrate on your breathing, do math operations like 4 8 16 32 64 and keep it going, think of your dead grandma or ultimately use a condom ( if you can't control yourself with a condom on then Jfl your brain is fried) ...
When you cum fast, if you're high T, you will have no problem getting immediately hard again and going round two.

With experience you'll learn ejaculotary control and you'll be able to have orgasms without cuming when you'll master pelvic floor muscles control and breathing .


You need to keep a constant stroke game and vary the speed and depth whenever you feel it's necessary (if the girl is about to climax, or if you're about to cum).
Having a strong anterior and posterior muscle chain is very important ( glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs) so you can give proper strokes that will brake your oneitis back (that's why foids like big booty men, it's an indicator of powerful thrustings) , that's what separates you from the 100 lbs vegan lesbian with a strap-on.
The way that you do your stroking is very important, some girls will go crazy when you go with long and deep stokes with a proper hip moving, like if you're twerking but with your dick not your ass, in a grinding motion, doing that to a girl in a prone bone position or doggy will make her go crazy I guarantee you.

The jackhammer thrusting in the doggy position is the most efficient way to give your girl a vaginal or cervical orgasm but for that you need to have endurance and control your ejaculation, don't try that if you have trouble controlling it.

Cardio is also really important, you'll find yourself doing almost all the work, you'll be covered in sweat so if you are a fat fuck or have shitty cardio you won't be able to keep up so you better start doing HIIT ( high intensity interval training), sprinting, or any other endurance sport like swimming, boxing, cycling, it is a highly energy demanding activity, you'll be exhausted at the end and in the begging the skin of your penis will be sore and hurting all the time after 1h + intense sex but it will adapt.

Not bragging but I litteraly destroy my girlfriend every fuck session, she's shaking, crying, screaming like I'm raping her and she'll be asking for more until she taps out and can't take it no more and again I have a 7. 5 inch normal thickness penis.
During my first fuck sessions, I was average, 10 15 min that was it but after 3 years of NO PORN, NOFAP, LOOKSMAXING, ANTIAGINGMAXING (I'M 20 BTW), TEST MAXING, GYM and HIIT MAXING, and with experience and applying the methods above I became a sex god.

Here are the signs that show a god tier fuck session:
(Keep in mind that you didn't destroy your girl if she didn't tap out, she needs to be the one saying stop, I can't take it no more my pussy is on fire)

- 40 min of total penetration sex minimum ( all rounds included if you didn't take more than 5 min to go next round and kept your girl stimulated). More than an hour is ideal though if the girl can keep up, with experience you'll be able to last that long if you follow the guide.

-Girl having multiple orgasms: girl panting, shaking, crying, screaming, escaping and pushing you away to stop, squirting...

- Her vagina becoming extremely wet and loosening up and becoming elastic in the middle and end of sex, you'll be able to fit a fist inside and you'll hear pussy farts when you're deep thrusting, that's the sign that the pussy is giving up, lost the tightness and air is being pushed into it and out of it when you're stroking.

-Sore dick, red marks on dick and nut sack caused by friction , dick hurting while peeing ( if this happened to your dick after fuckin imagine what's the state of her pussy), it happens in the beginning but the symptoms deminish as the skin gets more resistant.

-Girl not being able to walk after sex or walking with her feets far apart like a penguin so her sore pussy walls don't rub and hurt her.


-Condoms breaking multiple times ( that means you have rock hard erection and the friction while penetrating is optimal)

-Neighbors coming to knock or people calling the police because the bitch screams like she's getting butchered.

To summarize the most important things:

MENTAL MAX (for premature cumers)

That's it for the most complete ultimate sex guide don't thank me
Did read, will completely ignore the entire threads contents because iam a low T cuck who will be forced to gooncavemaxx because I'll never be able to have sex with a woman
So what I've got from this is that people are saying you need a big dick but I think the most important thing is literally the angle people obsessed with penis size is gay asf it's like some self esteem thing where you dont think you're a man like keep that gay shit away from the comments its gay asf hearing basically have a big dick it's just cringe
Lol at this thread
I know right, what a fucking loser who wrote this thread.

not a single fucking pixel or molecule read @Ass-ender

edit: what a low-postcount loser
HIGH IQ tread.

Looks gets woman, good asf sex keeps it.

My gym trained literally said that shit
does it work with men
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Interested
First of all, if you're a low T basementrotting flaccid cell, then go check the test maxing and sex drive maxing threads, this guide is for high T ascended looksmaxers who have access to pussy and can keep a rock hard on and go round two just after finishing.
Where are the Testmaxx and Sex-drive threads you were referring to?

Also your username sounds like a Yu-Gi-Oh monster.
Women's orgasm is useless in nature compared to male's orgasm, we were designed to cum quick and get out to fuck the next female we find to maximize the chances of conception.
So fucking for an hour is not natural, but females can do it for way longer and have multiple orgasms, that's where you're gonna stand out from the horde. You need to fuck your girl until she taps out and you don't cum at the end, it will psychologically trick her into thinking that she's not good enough for you, that she can't make you finish ( that's a crazy mind fucking technique to use, when I first fuck a girl I won't ejaculate during the first 4 or 5 sessions, I'll enjoy sex and have non ejaculotary orgasms, the girl will start feeling insecure and asking questions, I'll be cold and won't text back for days, by doing that, she'll litteraly be on a leash and come begging me to fuck her and in addition she'll try her best to make me cum).
They also equally taunt and beg for you to fuck and even cum at that heat of moment, like it's their psychological trick. Then again that could be cope over the bigger demand it being their desire.
When you make your girl tap out, the bitch will know that if she loses you, she'll never taste your superior dick game ever again and other girls will. She wouldn't even dare to cheat on you and get fucked by a chad who mogs you, why risk losing a sex god for a chad that will use her like a sock and cum in her in 5 minutes, see how important good dick is, swallow THE SEXPILL MFS. To make things even better, 95% of men are utter shit at sex, don't have rock hard erections and cum in 5 min, with her whoring experience, the girl knows perfectly that you're a gem compared to all the flaccid 5 min cuming dick she had and that she'll need to be whoring for another 2 years to find a guy that has a god-tier dick game. It's very rare, but we've all seen a really hot girl go out or marry an average or deformed guy that isn't rich or famous, the only explanation is that he successfully kept her thanks to his dick game.
Doesn't this contradict because logically it seems that good game = being physically fit?
In addition to that, girls gossip a lot and talk about their sexlife to their friends ( I fucked a bitch that had a list rating the performance of every guy she fucked), by being a sex master, every single girl in your social circle (work, school) will know about it consequently boosting your psl and giving you more opportunities with foids.
Had other girls talk about their boyfriends dicks and my girl at the time compare mine and show superiority to the point the former girl shown has commented to me to clarify that my girl said I have a big dick.
I remember from my dark days watching an old blond white dude making pornstars tap out by the number , his dick was average size, only the tip of his dick was upturned and curved like a frikin hook, it was a meme and there were compilation of him making bitches quit, degeneratecels know who I'm talking about.
At the beginning of sex, if your dick is half hard it will easily get in, but if you have rock hard erection it will be a nightmare to get a few inches in (even after foreplay) , you won't be able to feel anything and it might hurt on both sides but as the arousal raises the vagina will start loosening up and elongating.
Cope because a hard rock is embarrassing and a bigger issue. Otherwise, you were never stimulated by her anyway. This is where there needs to be mental understanding. Fully (or I like to call it over)-erect is so anti-gravitationally pumped that when you enter it gives the best-sounding reaction from you and her that takes literal minutes to adapt because it's that good from all senses. It's unbeatable to want to miss out it's that good.
What's the point in fapping if you don't do it to porn?
Masturbating will increase your temptation to watch porn and if you're doing no porn you'll easily relapse.
Just imagine looking at yourself from an outside perspective while you're jerking off in the corner of your cum senting basement, isn't that pathetic? what's the point of it? When that post nut clarity hits you you'll feel like utter shit.
What would you call it if you coom from watching porn without fapping alone?
After stopping porn and fapping, you'll rewire your brain and regain rock hard erections.
I truly believe that being on NOPORN AND NOFAP and looksmaxing for 3 years gave me titan erection. Not watching any suggestive content and not jerking off for 3 years rebooted everything. By being already high T and doing nofap and no porn wou'll reset your dick game, but you need to stick to it and wait months to see solid results.
Is fapping not ok in order to practice duration/ endurance?

Currently trying to reset through the idea of losing it and having heightened senses seems inevitable.
That's the most important step for premature cumers. When you're fucking you have to take deep breaths in and out slowly through your nose as always. Breathing heavily, taking short breaths or holding your breath will make you cum fast. You need to concentrate on your breathing all the time, one min of slipping and you'll find yourself panting like a dog and spitting out the sauce. When you're stroking faster and you need more oxygen adapt your breathing pattern by taking deeper breaths.
So no mouth exhaling? Nose inhale and exhale keeping the tongue mewing?
After that you can use a similar position like putting the girl in a spoon position but you don't lay down with her keep your torso up like in the eagle position.
View attachment 513072
Or that position
View attachment 513077
View attachment 513085
lol son, what's the difference? Is it on what wall and angle you hit?
These are the positions where you can last the longest because you're in control of the stroking pace, your breathing, don't have any visual pressure, you can keep your back arched backward, abs and pc muscles relaxed.

After that you can continue with prone bone, cow girl, missionary, doggy...

You also need to mentalmaax to lower your arousal, if you struggle not ejaculating, stop thrusting, slow down the pace, do a small pause while playing with your partner, think of something else, concentrate on your breathing, do math operations like 4 8 16 32 64 and keep it going, think of your dead grandma or ultimately use a condom ( if you can't control yourself with a condom on then Jfl your brain is fried) ...
When you cum fast, if you're high T, you will have no problem getting immediately hard again and going round two.
I want to believe and doubt this, unless your including time to recover and go again
Here are the signs that show a god tier fuck session:
(Keep in mind that you didn't destroy your girl if she didn't tap out, she needs to be the one saying stop, I can't take it no more my pussy is on fire)

- 40 min of total penetration sex minimum ( all rounds included if you didn't take more than 5 min to go next round and kept your girl stimulated). More than an hour is ideal though if the girl can keep up, with experience you'll be able to last that long if you follow the guide.

-Girl having multiple orgasms: girl panting, shaking, crying, screaming, escaping and pushing you away to stop, squirting...
Does this include breaks or still going after against her will because say, you're not done etc?? Just asking incase you didn't mean by changing position/pace/situation or merely resetting the whole thing.
-Neighbors coming to knock or people calling the police because the bitch screams like she's getting butchered.
I've been loud at hotels but @JOJOcel pilled me on this into another dimension. So much so that sharing this concept on another platform I was on couldn't take it at their weakness and literally banned me for it, JFL

good thread, so when you mean long and deep strokes is this correct?

like raising up your ass and feel the spine start to curve when you are pulling outwards? And for the inwards part is it just as far as you can go forwards and your abs reach a position like when you are doing a crunch?
Cool idea. Might cum tho. Definitely gonna hurt at first.

There's no exaggeration, all the idea I mentioned are backed with arguments and proofs, I don't know what you are referring to.

For the smashing 4 5 times in a row without cuming that's just a technique I personally use, the girls I fuck are model tier and they are always shocked when I fuck them for one hour plus and don't finish, it's just a trick I use which allows me to have more control and leverage on the girl in the beginning of the relationship. Also I don't mind not cuming as I said that I can have non ejaculotary orgasms ( can do a whole guide on that).
Did this guide ever come to light?
I said that we're only talking about vaginal penetration induced orgasms, clitoris stimulation orgasm is trivial and for low T mem that can make their girl orgasm. It's only good for foreplay. A girl will never ask you to eat her out if your dick game is on point.

No having the girl tap out is not dumb that's the whole objective, sexually satisfy your girl to the point that she can't take it no more, that's considered being a sex god, girl tapping out and you still hard waiting for her to finish you off.
So it's fine if she hand/blowjobs you on the casual and can freely bust out without holding back?. Though that is a funny resistance game to have with her, I get your point. It's about having control and being able to. Been wondering this during the read if this ever comes up literally when are you 'allowed' to?

I've absolutely seen a day and night difference to how long I lasted and how much she came when I was physically fit and lost it all when I burnt out by the amount of training I did. Not saying I made the right decisions then but other stuff came up and it's about maintaining everything in this world.
The perineum is the space between your anus and your scrotum. You contract the PC when you stop peeing, when you want to tighten your anus and when u ejaculate.
The perineum and the anus need to be relaxed at all time also, the perineum is the muscle that triggers ejaculation, so you naturally understand that we need to keep it relaxed otherwise if you contract these muscles you'll ejaculate.
Doing reverse kegel exercises can also help control the pc muscles and keep them relaxed but I have never tried them.
3. KEGELS. Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles a lot and learn to control your PC muscle very well, your erections will get way better and they will last forever. I also recommend edging during masturbation a couple times a week to train yourself to not come too fast, it actually makes your orgasms that much better. Try it by getting right before the point of orgasm and then squeeze the shit out of your PC muscle to not let yourself cum, do it a few times. And then when you wanna cum for real shoot that load HARD by contracting the muscle.
This is a pretty good threat but on actually improving you missed out on the most important part which is training your PC muscles through kegels and reversed kegals these will make a huge difference on how long you last and ur erection strength. Beside the importance of a girl actually being turned on and "warmed up" through making out and foreplay can't be understated this is litterly essential for you to give a girl insanse orgasms. Good thread tho
I tried a technique that worked well for me : try to hold your PC muscle half contracted, half relax as if you wanted to piss as quickly as possible. And from min 1 to min 60 hold your muscle this way.
When I used to practice squeezing, the stimulus would out of nowhere cause me to make a rocket and cum so I don't know what to do about kegels? Anything you know to do about that? With nofap it seems like a trigger for what was delayed inevitable. That was a long time ago as long as this message so I can try again and see what happens.

Same bro. I adored my ex. Always made sure she came, usually at least twice. We'd fuck for two hours at a time. She told me no one made her cum during sex before (usually she had to finish herself or just not finish). She still left me. I wish she wanted to husband me up like all these other girls did with their guys who could make them cum.
Great thread young cel. I'm doing most of this but there was great info in there I wasn't. Grateful you took the time to share this with all of us.

Sex is a gigantic part but not the whole thing. Just got out of a 4 year relationship. Girl would cum 1-4x every session. Sometimes more. 3/4 of the time she would tap out. And yet what got between us was deep rooted beef with the family and mental illness inherited from a mother.
How's life treating you now? Best wishes.

Rule #1 stop the fucking porn. Block it completely

Rule #2 have very good cardio (like 6 minute mile or less)

Rule #3 Make sure your blood pressure is LOW, I don't mean normal 120/80 I mean consistently under 110/70. This is the most important thing for erection quality and endurance.

Rule #4 Kegels and reverse kegels to learn to control your pelvic floor muscles

Rule #5 Manage your anxiety. If you're tense or anxious you've gotta get that under control and relax, sex SUCKS if you're anxious and you'll probably cum in 3 minutes or you'll lose your boner. Get over performance anxiety (this is where I suffer most).

I also think doing breathing exercises while you do moderate exercise is a good idea.

Take it from a frequent sex-haver: Sex depends on three things: Endurance, Erection Quality, and Anxiety Management

Arguably better than this whole damn guide.
not a single mention of cialis, depoxetine, or vibrators.

what kind of marathon is this, this shows that you care about her and are willing to sacrifice 1 hour for her pleasure.

if u cant get rock hard - take cialis
if u cum early - take depoxetine
if ur whore cant cum - use vibrators
Slippery slope. :smonk:
do positions that exert dominance. women do not feel ur cock anyways after the first few thrusts.
Yes and in certain positions she feels nothing. That can be her being impatient which is something I've learned with her and me being so horny that the spike for dopamine and instant sexual gratification is too much to refuse. In some cases this beats being anxious and in the moment.

Also getting good at fingering is pretty easy, from what I've been told by girls basically every man is shit at it and just hurt them with it. Watch some videos or read some blog articles, depending on the girl you'll need some good forearm strength to keep going for minutes, but once you figure out the technique you can give girls g-spot orgasms and they'll go nuts on you. Even for you its a pretty big turn-on the feel her pussy pulsating around your fingers for a minute after she came. I'm pretty sure there is a tutorial video on pornhub that I watched a few years ago, best cooming related time I ever spent. Watch that, but essentially don't just jam your fingers back and forth, rub her clit, and if you put your fingers inside do kind of a wave motion with your fingers where as you are pulling your finger out you are kind of sliding it on the top of the inside of their pussy. Also go slowly until she is turned on enough. Another good one is to pinch their clit kind of and move your fingers up and down, same logic as jerking a dick off lmao. You'll know by the reactions you get that they are massively into it. You can also combine the techniques or alternate between them, after a few minutes they'll be dripping wet and practically begging you to fuck them or they'll just climb on top of you. It's also less gay than licking pussy which I've never yet done, maybe if I marry someone. Often girls will not be horny, but if you fool around down there for a few minutes and know what you're doing you are good to go.
Was it this geezer?

This guy obviously talking out of his ass.

This thread is shit anyway, you are not guaranteed to get perfect erections throught NoFap.
How come?

Probably tommy gun, the guys who's balls disappeared from trt.

Btw nice thread. I think I've read this before from the react but it hit home harder after quitting pprn.

Of course I've done 1hr 45 min afternoon sessions (continuous) without cumming and 4-5 hour all nighters non continuous sessions with 1-2 cumshots. And yeah relate with the pussy dilating so much and so wet to the point them screaming stooop you're gonna break it. In the eagle variation i get girls legs up in missionary and push towards their body basically curl her up and go in hard and deep. This works. And so does the side lying stuff. Some great postions. As well as doggy dog. And lying down side by side fucking from behind.

Absolutely right about women calling you texting you non stop and asking about why you didn't cum jfl.
Wonder how much they moan in shock or resistance urging for you to stop at that point then you just say no, keep going and hear them be in an ecstasy trance. Looking like some melted, broken laid down corpse.

Based AF. Blood pressure and stress management correlate so keep those under control
This. Thread gave me reason to look into my pressure rate. Nice to see a PokΓ©mon fan here. The recent Poliwhirl card is gorj.


Is it normal to constantly have to hold a reverse kegel to have a full erection?
I find I can't breath very well when fucking while doing a reverse kegel so get tired as fuck really quickly

I need to cardiomax and eq max

How can we improve eq?

My cardio is so fucked. 6 pack abs, developed muscles all over (she stares at my back constantly) but get tired after a couple minutes. She still begs for more though bc I last forever and make her scream.
>Cardio is so fucked
>I last forever and make her scream

Nicholas Cage Film GIF
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How come?
Bad erection can be caused through other factors other then porn abuse, 4 example low testosterone or side effects of pills
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@infini police came to my house trying to get me arrested because neighbours thought I was beating the shit out of my girl. When everything was settled they left my house praising the sexual beast I am.
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@infini police came to my house trying to get me arrested because neighbours thought I was beating the shit out of my girl. When everything was settled they left my house praising the sexual beast I am.
Can't have a single better police experience then that my friend. Unless you attract one of the women.

Absolute mogger. The fact that above site couldn't take it, it makes me JFL eternally
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Can't have a single better police experience then that my friend. Unless you attract one of the women.

Absolute mogger. The fact that above site couldn't take it, it makes me JFL eternally
They had to take my girl outside my apartment because they thought I was coercing her. And she told the female police officer that we were having sex and she was enjoying it. Afterwards my girl told me she would never forget that day in a good day. Sex skills and dick size is essential, incels here underrate so much.
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They had to take my girl outside my apartment because they thought I was coercing her. And she told the female police officer that we were having sex and she was enjoying it. Afterwards my girl told me she would never forget that day in a good day. Sex skills and dick size is essential, incels here underrate so much.
I was always led by endurance being key too.

Hope that incident made the police officer stare at the wall in silence when she got home to bed.

Be on her wokeish mind tampering forever. Like this:

Last edited:
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'sex skills 'lol

Have a big cock. Shove it in her fast and hard and don't bust super fast
Where are the Testmaxx and Sex-drive threads you were referring to?

Also your username sounds like a Yu-Gi-Oh monster.

They also equally taunt and beg for you to fuck and even cum at that heat of moment, like it's their psychological trick. Then again that could be cope over the bigger demand it being their desire.

Doesn't this contradict because logically it seems that good game = being physically fit?

Had other girls talk about their boyfriends dicks and my girl at the time compare mine and show superiority to the point the former girl shown has commented to me to clarify that my girl said I have a big dick.


Cope because a hard rock is embarrassing and a bigger issue. Otherwise, you were never stimulated by her anyway. This is where there needs to be mental understanding. Fully (or I like to call it over)-erect is so anti-gravitationally pumped that when you enter it gives the best-sounding reaction from you and her that takes literal minutes to adapt because it's that good from all senses. It's unbeatable to want to miss out it's that good.

What would you call it if you coom from watching porn without fapping alone?

Is fapping not ok in order to practice duration/ endurance?

Currently trying to reset through the idea of losing it and having heightened senses seems inevitable.

So no mouth exhaling? Nose inhale and exhale keeping the tongue mewing?

lol son, what's the difference? Is it on what wall and angle you hit?

I want to believe and doubt this, unless your including time to recover and go again

Does this include breaks or still going after against her will because say, you're not done etc?? Just asking incase you didn't mean by changing position/pace/situation or merely resetting the whole thing.

I've been loud at hotels but @JOJOcel pilled me on this into another dimension. So much so that sharing this concept on another platform I was on couldn't take it at their weakness and literally banned me for it, JFL

Cool idea. Might cum tho. Definitely gonna hurt at first.

Did this guide ever come to light?

So it's fine if she hand/blowjobs you on the casual and can freely bust out without holding back?. Though that is a funny resistance game to have with her, I get your point. It's about having control and being able to. Been wondering this during the read if this ever comes up literally when are you 'allowed' to?

I've absolutely seen a day and night difference to how long I lasted and how much she came when I was physically fit and lost it all when I burnt out by the amount of training I did. Not saying I made the right decisions then but other stuff came up and it's about maintaining everything in this world.

When I used to practice squeezing, the stimulus would out of nowhere cause me to make a rocket and cum so I don't know what to do about kegels? Anything you know to do about that? With nofap it seems like a trigger for what was delayed inevitable. That was a long time ago as long as this message so I can try again and see what happens.

How's life treating you now? Best wishes.

Arguably better than this whole damn guide.


Slippery slope. :smonk:

Yes and in certain positions she feels nothing. That can be her being impatient which is something I've learned with her and me being so horny that the spike for dopamine and instant sexual gratification is too much to refuse. In some cases this beats being anxious and in the moment.

Was it this geezer?

How come?

Wonder how much they moan in shock or resistance urging for you to stop at that point then you just say no, keep going and hear them be in an ecstasy trance. Looking like some melted, broken laid down corpse.

This. Thread gave me reason to look into my pressure rate. Nice to see a PokΓ©mon fan here. The recent Poliwhirl card is gorj.

View attachment 2454538


>Cardio is so fucked
>I last forever and make her scream

Nicholas Cage Film GIF

You are aware OP got banned right
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