Sfcels and racist mentality exposed


Don't say that bro. Muh facepuller will ascend me.
Don't forget to mew bro, you will become Giga Chad. And when you start bonesmashing, you will become Tera Chad.
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Movie is over. Watched First Man in case you were curious.
So basically I started to get into alternative right movements by being introduced to /pol/. I've been on 4chan since 2011, starting out on music board before migrating to a bunch of other boards. I think I started browsing /pol/ out of curiosity around late 2016 or early 2017. It was shortly after the Trump election. For a year or two before that I was always seeing /pol/ referred to as some kind of boogey-man board, idk if you've ever browsed 4chan but the term used by them was "containment board", basically a place where people with retarded and cancerous views were allowed to express themselves freely so other boards wouldn't get poisoned by them. /b/ and /mlp/ were also viewed as containment boards. The reputation it had made me curious.
Once I started browsing I quickly got exposed to the redpill (politically) and grappled with it, ultimately more or less accepting it in many areas. Looking back I was already primed for it because I was never a liberal - I converted to Christianity from atheism in high school and as such I was a social/moral conservative. I was more or less a religious righter, although I didn't care too much about politics and I had a lot of "leftist" positions as well, mostly compassion-based positions. I thought most conservatives were retarded (rightfully so) but morally agreed with them nonetheless.
That was what initially got me to accept the redpill - the anti-degeneracy aspect of it, because tbqh I have always had a deeply judgmental personality and I naturally despise degeneracy. I've wondered sometimes if that was a Persian trait, when I later learned that the Persians invented the concept of Final Judgment, and I also see similar traits in my dad, a fixation on what is "proper" behavior and condemnation towards what it isn't, being very scrupulous in other words. My dad also isn't a huge fan of Jews, being Iranian, (not that he legit hates them, he's not an anti-semite, he just doesn't like Israel and occasionally cracks a Jewish joke). So finding a position that was truly anti-degenerate as well as being anti-Israel was kind of a relief and felt like validation in a bunch of ways.
With that bridge extended, I was able to explore the redpill more and came across the racial beliefs that form most of the alt-right iceberg. Of course this was interesting to me being half white and half Persian and I had a very complicated experience with it. On one hand, I definitely wasn't white, I had never considered myself white and wasn't about to start. On the other hand, I was kinda white, in the sense that I was completely Westernized, had been raised in white society, was white-passing to some degree, had white best friends, and of course a white mother and a white little brother (he looks white and identifies as white) who's futures I was invested in. So I did have a stake in the "white race" despite not being white myself. I was also aware that more than likely, I would ultimately marry a white person and my kids would look completely white.
Also, despite the fact that I was half-Persian, many white nationalists welcomed me. Some hated me and called me shitskin of course, but some claimed to have deep respect for the Persian race and encouraged me to take up white nationalist positions and marry into the white race. They showed me a lot of shit about Hitler's respect for Persians to sway me and ironically ended up educating me a lot on Iran's Aryan history and connections. At the most extreme, they claimed Persians were a brother Aryan race and were more or less Indo-European nationalists as opposed to white nationalists. But then at the other extreme of course, anyone who wasn't North-West European specifically was an outcast. And as you know, the center of gravity in the white nationalist movement is much closer to the latter extreme than the former.
All this helped open me up to the nationalist position. Like I said before I was never an SFcel - kind of hard to be if you're not fully white - but at my most extreme I would say I was sympathetic to the SFcel's plight. I am not now nor was I ever a racist, by that I mean I have never hated someone on the basis of race alone, and I never will - it just isn't in my heart to do so tbh - however I became a race realist. I accepted genetic IQ differences between the races. I accepted behavioral differences between races as well as the concept of "racial character".
I also accepted that immigration and the mixing of the races led to unhappiness and social breakdown. I admitted - yeah, I liked living in a white society. No, I wouldn't want that to change. Yes, I liked to think that my kids would be able to live in a white society as well. etc. etc.
My ultimate take on nationalism was this - if every race was nationalistic, it would ultimately be best for everyone. Not just for the "white race", but for every race and every person. This essentially made my goals the same as a white nationalists while my actual beliefs were different. I also came to admire Hitler tbh.
However all of this ultimately came to an end. Its actually a very similar story to my interaction with PSL so far - at first I see the logic in an extreme belief system, especially where that system criticizes obvious logical flaws in the mainstream story. Then I get involved in the system and initially, I tow the party line and am a true believer. However, that phase is always very short, pretty soon I am qualifying all the logical positions of said belief system and carving out my own niche within it, spending my time debating others in it. This happened with PSL. This happened with Christianity - I eventually became something of a gnostic with mystic leanings. It also happened with /pol/ - I became focused on the idea of compassion towards all races and on reinterpreting the alt-right position to be ironically universalist in the simple belief that a world that was divided into various ethnic nation-states was as close to ideal as possible. I also opposed a lot of the self-serving stroke-my-own-dick beliefs that white nationalists had, like the "we wuz kangz" beliefs.
I also fucking hated liberals and still do. That helped align me with the mentality real quick. Like I said, the anti-degeneracy aspects are what appealed to me first. Tbqh fam I legit think that those who are trying to socially and morally corrupt society should be executed in the street. Sounds edgy af but ngl, parasites and degenerates should catch a bullet and quick before they ruin society for everyone else. One thing that aligns me with PSL is my deep hatred for feminism. I do love women tho even though I sometimes joke that I'm a misogynist.
No easy way to say it - eventually it basically clicked that white nationalists were largely pathetic and stupid. These people literally just sit on internet forums all day acting like some kind of SS tough guy when they're not ever gonna go do shit about anything. It became obvious that they were mostly just losers with nothing going for them in their actual lives so they had to cling to their race as some kind of positive thing about them to feel good about. They see putting up posters and sharing memes as some kind of "rebellion", its such a joke, and honestly its embarrassing. Eventually I just straight up felt embarrassed that I was ever associated with it at all and completely withdrew from it, stopped posting on /pol/, stopped browsing it, stopped following any of it. Not to mention the insane amounts of logical flaws with the movement that once I pointed out no one had an answer for.
So now I've basically decided that politics is retarded and I have no control of anything so there's no point following it more closely than what directly impacts my actual life. I don't identify with the success of any "race", I just focus on my immediate family and best friends and think about how I can live my life in such a way that brings success and happiness to us. Most of my best friends are white tbh, but I also have a North Indian friend and a partial Japanese friend in my inner circle. I am also very involved in my church and they are more or less my "tribe" as opposed to a race.
I still have some holdover positions. I'm still a race realist. I still think democracy is retarded. I decided that I wanted to marry a white person as a conscious decision because I acknowledge that whites are the most privileged race and I want to extend that privilege to my children, who will certainly look completely white if their mother is white given that my little brother already does and I'm somewhat white-passing. I still think the left is stupid, I'm somewhat opposed to immigration especially large scale immigration, and I think America will collapse socially sooner rather than later. However I'm not a racist (never was tbh) and I think there's something to admire about every race. If you've ever seen me post a favorite user list, both whites and ethnics are on it, its the same in my life in general I admire people from any racial background.
That's my autistic essay @BigBoy hopefully your opinion of me hasn't changed for the worse, I tried to not pull any punches. If you have any questions I'll answer them if you're still curious.
I read every word

I used to browse r9k on 4chan, the OG incel board lmao. But they accept that personality confidence matters, unlike PSL.

The concept of IQ differentaition among racss has haunted me ever since I found out about it. And its made me insecure about my own IQ.

You can even see IQ among races playing out in the U.S. But Indians despite having a lower IQ make the most in the U.S. but then people rebut this by saying these are the rich higher IQ Indians being imported in.

Personally I cant appreciate a race if their avg IQ, if it really is, 65. They are inferior to the other races. But I really dont want that to be the case.

Imo a country with its inhabitants being the same race but a steady stream of regulated immigration will produce the best outcome.

But then I wouldnt be here bc Im here since they were more leniant when my family immigrated.

Its a mixed bag for me.

I was gonna continue my reply from earlier but it didnt even send lol. So Ill continue from where I left earlier.

I went through conservative/libertarian phase myself. It was an interesting experience bc it launched me into PSL.

I listened to conservatives and believed race didnt matter. There was no "white privelige", and WHITE MALES were actually the most oppressed bc the sjws were after them.

what a load of horseshit. I had to use mental gymnastics to support my worldview. If there were comedians or skits online comenting on white privelige Id always get heated and say "white privilige isnt real, if everyone works hard they can get to where they want." Even when some white ppl would admit to it.

But one day I encountered sever racism from a group of Koreans online and it radically shifted my worldview. I still was in denial but it gave me the nudge in the right direction.

I then went on to slowly accept the notions I had before and heard outside opinions and went back to my original position of accepting the concept of white privilige. Which in of itself is an unfair concept.

Regardless of looks, race shouldnt affect another persons perception of you.

Despite me being hygenic and non-fobby, I automatically get lumped in with Indian stereotypes, along with the rest of Westernized currys.

Its funny I didnt accept white privilige when accepting IQ differences among races.

Although Im quite liberal now, I dont support liberal agendas.


I think abortion is morally incorrect, but it is a needed evil. Overpopulation is a looming threat and needs to be countered. Contraceptives and abortion do a good job of hindering it. And most ppl arent equipped to handle supporting a baby bc most ppl are mentally retarded. Especially the ones heading to Planned Parenthood.

Like I could give two shits whose body it is idgaf if its the womans body. Thats not why im giving you abortion rights. It still hurts letting these thots get an abortion whenever they want.

I dont support LGBT(i fuck with fags and dikes, but not the rest. Maybe trannys tho i feel bad for them but theyre mentally retarded)

I dont support most fringe leftist views


What do you mean you are a race realist?

And what do you define conservatism as? And which parts of it do you identify with?

Which aspect of liberalism do not like?
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I read every word

I used to browse r9k on 4chan, the OG incel board lmao. But they accept that personality confidence matters, unlike PSL.

The concept of IQ differentaition among racss has haunted me ever since I found out about it. And its made me insecure about my own IQ.

You can even see IQ among races playing out in the U.S. But Indians despite having a lower IQ make the most in the U.S. but then people rebut this by saying these are the rich higher IQ Indians being imported in.

Personally I cant appreciate a race if their avg IQ, if it really is, 65. They are inferior to the other races. But I really dont want that to be the case.

Imo a country with its inhabitants being the same race but a steady stream of regulated immigration will produce the best outcome.

But then I wouldnt be here bc Im here since they were more leniant when my family immigrated.

Its a mixed bag for me.

I was gonna continue my reply from earlier but it didnt even send lol. So Ill continue from where I left earlier.

I went through conservative/libertarian phase myself. It was an interesting experience bc it launched me into PSL.

I listened to conservatives and believed race didnt matter. There was no "white privelige", and WHITE MALES were actually the most oppressed bc the sjws were after them.

what a load of horseshit. I had to use mental gymnastics to support my worldview. If there were comedians or skits online comenting on white privelige Id always get heated and say "white privilige isnt real, if everyone works hard they can get to where they want." Even when some white ppl would admit to it.

But one day I encountered sever racism from a group of Koreans online and it radically shifted my worldview. I still was in denial but it gave me the nudge in the right direction.

I then went on to slowly accept the notions I had before and heard outside opinions and went back to my original position of accepting the concept of white privilige. Which in of itself is an unfair concept.

Regardless of looks, race shouldnt affect another persons perception of you.

Despite me being hygenic and non-fobby, I automatically get lumped in with Indian stereotypes, along with the rest of Westernized currys.

Its funny I didnt accept white privilige when accepting IQ differences among races.

Although Im quite liberal now, I dont support liberal agendas.


I think abortion is morally incorrect, but it is a needed evil. Overpopulation is a looming threat and needs to be countered. Contraceptives and abortion do a good job of hindering it. And most ppl arent equipped to handle supporting a baby bc most ppl are mentally retarded. Especially the ones heading to Planned Parenthood.

Like I could give two shits whose body it is idgaf if its the womans body. Thats not why im giving you abortion rights. It still hurts letting these thots get an abortion whenever they want.

I dont support LGBT(i fuck with fags and dikes, but not the rest. Maybe trannys tho i feel bad for them but theyre mentally retarded)

I dont support most fringe leftist views


What do you mean you are a race realist?

And what do you define conservatism as? And which parts of it do you identify with?

Which aspect of liberalism do not like?
Read every word of your post as well and enjoyed learning more about you. I also went through an incredibly similar rollercoaster experience with white privilege. Mine was like:
It is real (simple observing reality position) -> it isn't real (mental gymnastics conservative) -> it is real and we should change it somehow (liberal) -> it is real, can't really change it, just gotta get my kids in on it (realist)
Answers to your questions:
What do you mean you are a race realist?
What I mean by being a "race realist" is that I believe I have a realistic perception of race that is unbiased by an emotionally charged worldview or by prior assumptions (for example, the assumption of equality). I believe in genetic IQ differences between races, behavioral proclivities between races, etc. However I don't consider myself a racist because I don't extend a value judgment to an individual on the basis of race alone, so I use the term "race realist" instead.
And what do you define conservatism as? And which parts of it do you identify with?
I think of conservatism as a particular mindset that results in a cultural/political force when expressed. That mindset is defined by a few touchstones including belief in traditional morality, belief in hierarchy as opposed to equality, belief in the prioritization of the tribe over the other (people outside the tribe), belief in the importance of religion, honoring of the ancestors, belief in traditional structures and paradigms. Most conservatives today are not noble enough to adhere to all of these, but I consider myself to adhere to all of these in my inner belief system. Most conservatives today simply follow the traditions set in the last few decades without understanding why.
Which aspect of liberalism do not like?
By liberalism I suppose you mean leftism and I'll proceed with that assumption (I don't like the other kind either tbh lol). I disagree with their starting assumptions - the assumptions of equality among people, of progress over tradition, and the individual over the collective. I think those assumptions are demonstrably wrong and are delusional, and belief in them results in tremendous damage to human beings and human civilization, even ultimately causing complete collapse. I also hate their character, the pilpul and the sniveling hypocrisy. And I hate that they are degenerates and advocate for degeneracy. I also hate that they try to teach us to hate our own ancestors and to devalue our traditions.
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Read every word of your post as well and enjoyed learning more about you. I also went through an incredibly similar rollercoaster experience with white privilege. Mine was like:
It is real (simple observing reality position) -> it isn't real (mental gymnastics conservative) -> it is real and we should change it somehow (liberal) -> it is real, can't really change it, just gotta get my kids in on it (realist)
Answers to your questions:
What do you mean you are a race realist?
What I mean by being a "race realist" is that I believe I have a realistic perception of race that is unbiased by an emotionally charged worldview or by prior assumptions (for example, the assumption of equality). I believe in genetic IQ differences between races, behavioral proclivities between races, etc. However I don't consider myself a racist because I don't extend a value judgment to an individual on the basis of race alone, so I use the term "race realist" instead.
And what do you define conservatism as? And which parts of it do you identify with?
I think of conservatism as a particular mindset that results in a cultural/political force when expressed. That mindset is defined by a few touchstones including belief in traditional morality, belief in hierarchy as opposed to equality, belief in the prioritization of the tribe over the other (people outside the tribe), belief in the importance of religion, honoring of the ancestors, belief in traditional structures and paradigms. Most conservatives today are not noble enough to adhere to all of these, but I consider myself to adhere to all of these in my inner belief system. Most conservatives today simply follow the traditions set in the last few decades without understanding why.
Which aspect of liberalism do not like?
By liberalism I suppose you mean leftism and I'll proceed with that assumption (I don't like the other kind either tbh lol). I disagree with their starting assumptions - the assumptions of equality among people, of progress over tradition, and the individual over the collective. I think those assumptions are demonstrably wrong and are delusional, and belief in them results in tremendous damage to human beings and human civilization, even ultimately causing complete collapse. I also hate their character, the pilpul and the sniveling hypocrisy. And I hate that they are degenerates and advocate for degeneracy. I also hate that they try to teach us to hate our own ancestors and to devalue our traditions.
Id be a conservative under your definition of conservatism. We have similar minsets, but youre more of a boomer follow tradition version of me lol.

Ive never really cared for traditions from a young age, they seemed like a waste of time. But as Ive grown up I see how valuable they are in bringing people together.

Although this is in reference to holidays. If theres a tradition, such as a tradition of treating people with down syndrome as second class citizens, that doesnt make sense and is backwards, and if I were a leader I wouldnt hesitate to change things. Progress is always preffered over tradition for me. But now that I have more perspective in life, traditions are important to societys frabric. The less people follow them, the more distant people become.

And true, liberals teach kids to hate their ancestors. But its kind of hard not to hate your predecessors when they looked at you as a mutt ngl.

I agree, liberals tend to extremely smug. But it makes me laugh sometimes, like Bill Mahr(hes not funny, just interesting to watch sometimes) so I let it pass. But it doesnt allow for open dialogue and make conservatives feel "oppressed".

Even myself, when I try to explain my positions to another liberal, I get swatted down automatically.

My positions dont fit with either liberals or conservatives tbh. But Im not gonna be a retard and call myself an ascended 500 IQ centrist.

Thanks for answering my questions. I have two more: What degeneracy are talking about in particular? Why do they piss you off?
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Id be a conservative under your definition of conservatism. We have similar minsets, but youre more of a boomer follow tradition version of me lol.

Ive never really cared for traditions from a young age, they seemed like a waste of time. But as Ive grown up I see how valuable they are in bringing people together.

Although this is in reference to holidays. If theres a tradition, such as a tradition of treating people with down syndrome as second class citizens, that doesnt make sense and is backwards, and if I were a leader I wouldnt hesitate to change things. Progress is always preffered over tradition for me. But now that I have more perspective in life, traditions are important to societys frabric. The less people follow them, the more distant people become.

And true, liberals teach kids to hate their ancestors. But its kind of hard not to hate your predecessors when they looked at you as a mutt ngl.

I agree, liberals tend to extremely smug. But it makes me laugh sometimes, like Bill Mahr(hes not funny, just interesting to watch sometimes) so I let it pass. But it doesnt allow for open dialogue and make conservatives feel "oppressed".

Even myself, when I try to explain my positions to another liberal, I get swatted down automatically.

My positions dont fit with either liberals or conservatives tbh. But Im not gonna be a retard and call myself an ascended 500 IQ centrist.

Thanks for answering my questions. I have two more: What degeneracy are talking about in particular? Why do they piss you off?
Yeah I don't disagree with what you said about tradition to be honest, when I say the word I more refer to the most central beliefs and practices of mankind as opposed to specific arbitrary customs. Like for example we are taught to hate that our ancestors didn't follow some arbitrary morality we just invented in the last few hundred years and disregard all their great accomplishments because of that, its completely bogus. Like for example I am proud that my Persian ancestors were successful imperials, no liberal is going to take that away from me. (I am proud of my white ancestors too, but I can't say it too loud or SFcels will swarm down on me).
What degeneracy are talking about in particular?
I could type out a bunch of examples but the form of it is anyone who flagrantly breaks traditional morality and is proud of it. I don't like sluts for example, disliked them even at a young age almost instinctively. I don't like adulterers, people that fail to raise their children well, people who don't observe proper decorum in public settings, I hate low class behavior,people who oppress others, etc. etc. all this stuff I hate pretty much instinctively, I never had to learn it, it just came naturally to be judgmental. Oddly enough I rarely express this in my outermost behavior though, my external behavior is usually very relaxed and compassionate. Most people describe me as "chill" IRL, its the most common word I hear applied to me. But my closest friends know about my inner judgmental tendencies and we have discussed them at length, both the pros and cons of them. I also have a very strong punishment/justice drive. If someone does something wrong or especially mistreats another person my first instinct is to become indignant and want to see justice done.
Weirdly enough I've never really hated gays, but I do hate their agenda and them actively trying to spread their shit pisses me off. Most gay people I've met though I haven't had a problem with.
Why do they piss you off?
I'm not sure exactly, like I said above its very instinctual and deep-set in my persona, like I literally remember feeling these feelings as a very young kid. I honestly suspect at least in part its hereditary and possibly even a part of my racial character passed down through my dad. From a rational point of view they piss me off because their actions degrade and weaken society, but the rational explanation came after I got pissed off, not before, if that makes sense.
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Yeah I don't disagree with what you said about tradition to be honest, when I say the word I more refer to the most central beliefs and practices of mankind as opposed to specific arbitrary customs. Like for example we are taught to hate that our ancestors didn't follow some arbitrary morality we just invented in the last few hundred years and disregard all their great accomplishments because of that, its completely bogus. Like for example I am proud that my Persian ancestors were successful imperials, no liberal is going to take that away from me. (I am proud of my white ancestors too, but I can't say it too loud or SFcels will swarm down on me).
What degeneracy are talking about in particular?
I could type out a bunch of examples but the form of it is anyone who flagrantly breaks traditional morality and is proud of it. I don't like sluts for example, disliked them even at a young age almost instinctively. I don't like adulterers, people that fail to raise their children well, people who don't observe proper decorum in public settings, I hate low class behavior,people who oppress others, etc. etc. all this stuff I hate pretty much instinctively, I never had to learn it, it just came naturally to be judgmental. Oddly enough I rarely express this in my outermost behavior though, my external behavior is usually very relaxed and compassionate. Most people describe me as "chill" IRL, its the most common word I hear applied to me. But my closest friends know about my inner judgmental tendencies and we have discussed them at length, both the pros and cons of them. I also have a very strong punishment/justice drive. If someone does something wrong or especially mistreats another person my first instinct is to become indignant and want to see justice done.
Weirdly enough I've never really hated gays, but I do hate their agenda and them actively trying to spread their shit pisses me off. Most gay people I've met though I haven't had a problem with.
Why do they piss you off?
I'm not sure exactly, like I said above its very instinctual and deep-set in my persona, like I literally remember feeling these feelings as a very young kid. I honestly suspect at least in part its hereditary and possibly even a part of my racial character passed down through my dad. From a rational point of view they piss me off because their actions degrade and weaken society, but the rational explanation came after I got pissed off, not before, if that makes sense.
Ah ok gotchu

I see what youre saying. I am very judgemental too, but I have a more live and let be mentality. You cant change them, only they can change themselves. Its futile.

I still very much want other people to follow my morals and what I say tho tbh. I get bothered when theyre doing the wrong thing, but Im too lazy to get up and do something tbqh ngl jfl

It is what it is.

Id be a dictator if I could, I would run things quite smoothly.
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