Sfcels and racist mentality exposed

nigger answer my question
His avi is a Rhodesian military advertisement.

Rhodesia is the predecessor of modern day Zimbabwe. Rhodesia was a country that had racial apartheid until the late 70’s I’m pretty sure.
And that farm land will never be used, unless the Asians get involved.
Who said so? Countries like the Ivory Coast are a major exporter of cocoa, infact theyre one of the biggest exporters in the world for cocoa. West African nations are major exporters of palm oil. Most food in Africa is farmed by Africans anyway
His avi is a Rhodesian military advertisement.

Rhodesia is the predecessor of modern day Zimbabwe. Rhodesia was a country that had racial apartheid until the late 70’s I’m pretty sure.

Who said so? Countries like the Ivory Coast are a major exporter of cocoa, infact theyre one of the biggest exporters in the world for cocoa. West African nations are major exporters of palm oil. Most food in Africa is farmed by Africans anyway
Really? I need to go read up about that, that's interesting.
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why did were you an sfcel and what did you believe?

if u want you can write the essay id read it. but dont do it if you dont want to.

@AleksVs what is your avi?
Movie is over. Watched First Man in case you were curious.
So basically I started to get into alternative right movements by being introduced to /pol/. I've been on 4chan since 2011, starting out on music board before migrating to a bunch of other boards. I think I started browsing /pol/ out of curiosity around late 2016 or early 2017. It was shortly after the Trump election. For a year or two before that I was always seeing /pol/ referred to as some kind of boogey-man board, idk if you've ever browsed 4chan but the term used by them was "containment board", basically a place where people with retarded and cancerous views were allowed to express themselves freely so other boards wouldn't get poisoned by them. /b/ and /mlp/ were also viewed as containment boards. The reputation it had made me curious.
Once I started browsing I quickly got exposed to the redpill (politically) and grappled with it, ultimately more or less accepting it in many areas. Looking back I was already primed for it because I was never a liberal - I converted to Christianity from atheism in high school and as such I was a social/moral conservative. I was more or less a religious righter, although I didn't care too much about politics and I had a lot of "leftist" positions as well, mostly compassion-based positions. I thought most conservatives were retarded (rightfully so) but morally agreed with them nonetheless.
That was what initially got me to accept the redpill - the anti-degeneracy aspect of it, because tbqh I have always had a deeply judgmental personality and I naturally despise degeneracy. I've wondered sometimes if that was a Persian trait, when I later learned that the Persians invented the concept of Final Judgment, and I also see similar traits in my dad, a fixation on what is "proper" behavior and condemnation towards what it isn't, being very scrupulous in other words. My dad also isn't a huge fan of Jews, being Iranian, (not that he legit hates them, he's not an anti-semite, he just doesn't like Israel and occasionally cracks a Jewish joke). So finding a position that was truly anti-degenerate as well as being anti-Israel was kind of a relief and felt like validation in a bunch of ways.
With that bridge extended, I was able to explore the redpill more and came across the racial beliefs that form most of the alt-right iceberg. Of course this was interesting to me being half white and half Persian and I had a very complicated experience with it. On one hand, I definitely wasn't white, I had never considered myself white and wasn't about to start. On the other hand, I was kinda white, in the sense that I was completely Westernized, had been raised in white society, was white-passing to some degree, had white best friends, and of course a white mother and a white little brother (he looks white and identifies as white) who's futures I was invested in. So I did have a stake in the "white race" despite not being white myself. I was also aware that more than likely, I would ultimately marry a white person and my kids would look completely white.
Also, despite the fact that I was half-Persian, many white nationalists welcomed me. Some hated me and called me shitskin of course, but some claimed to have deep respect for the Persian race and encouraged me to take up white nationalist positions and marry into the white race. They showed me a lot of shit about Hitler's respect for Persians to sway me and ironically ended up educating me a lot on Iran's Aryan history and connections. At the most extreme, they claimed Persians were a brother Aryan race and were more or less Indo-European nationalists as opposed to white nationalists. But then at the other extreme of course, anyone who wasn't North-West European specifically was an outcast. And as you know, the center of gravity in the white nationalist movement is much closer to the latter extreme than the former.
All this helped open me up to the nationalist position. Like I said before I was never an SFcel - kind of hard to be if you're not fully white - but at my most extreme I would say I was sympathetic to the SFcel's plight. I am not now nor was I ever a racist, by that I mean I have never hated someone on the basis of race alone, and I never will - it just isn't in my heart to do so tbh - however I became a race realist. I accepted genetic IQ differences between the races. I accepted behavioral differences between races as well as the concept of "racial character".
I also accepted that immigration and the mixing of the races led to unhappiness and social breakdown. I admitted - yeah, I liked living in a white society. No, I wouldn't want that to change. Yes, I liked to think that my kids would be able to live in a white society as well. etc. etc.
My ultimate take on nationalism was this - if every race was nationalistic, it would ultimately be best for everyone. Not just for the "white race", but for every race and every person. This essentially made my goals the same as a white nationalists while my actual beliefs were different. I also came to admire Hitler tbh.
However all of this ultimately came to an end. Its actually a very similar story to my interaction with PSL so far - at first I see the logic in an extreme belief system, especially where that system criticizes obvious logical flaws in the mainstream story. Then I get involved in the system and initially, I tow the party line and am a true believer. However, that phase is always very short, pretty soon I am qualifying all the logical positions of said belief system and carving out my own niche within it, spending my time debating others in it. This happened with PSL. This happened with Christianity - I eventually became something of a gnostic with mystic leanings. It also happened with /pol/ - I became focused on the idea of compassion towards all races and on reinterpreting the alt-right position to be ironically universalist in the simple belief that a world that was divided into various ethnic nation-states was as close to ideal as possible. I also opposed a lot of the self-serving stroke-my-own-dick beliefs that white nationalists had, like the "we wuz kangz" beliefs.
I also fucking hated liberals and still do. That helped align me with the mentality real quick. Like I said, the anti-degeneracy aspects are what appealed to me first. Tbqh fam I legit think that those who are trying to socially and morally corrupt society should be executed in the street. Sounds edgy af but ngl, parasites and degenerates should catch a bullet and quick before they ruin society for everyone else. One thing that aligns me with PSL is my deep hatred for feminism. I do love women tho even though I sometimes joke that I'm a misogynist.
No easy way to say it - eventually it basically clicked that white nationalists were largely pathetic and stupid. These people literally just sit on internet forums all day acting like some kind of SS tough guy when they're not ever gonna go do shit about anything. It became obvious that they were mostly just losers with nothing going for them in their actual lives so they had to cling to their race as some kind of positive thing about them to feel good about. They see putting up posters and sharing memes as some kind of "rebellion", its such a joke, and honestly its embarrassing. Eventually I just straight up felt embarrassed that I was ever associated with it at all and completely withdrew from it, stopped posting on /pol/, stopped browsing it, stopped following any of it. Not to mention the insane amounts of logical flaws with the movement that once I pointed out no one had an answer for.
So now I've basically decided that politics is retarded and I have no control of anything so there's no point following it more closely than what directly impacts my actual life. I don't identify with the success of any "race", I just focus on my immediate family and best friends and think about how I can live my life in such a way that brings success and happiness to us. Most of my best friends are white tbh, but I also have a North Indian friend and a partial Japanese friend in my inner circle. I am also very involved in my church and they are more or less my "tribe" as opposed to a race.
I still have some holdover positions. I'm still a race realist. I still think democracy is retarded. I decided that I wanted to marry a white person as a conscious decision because I acknowledge that whites are the most privileged race and I want to extend that privilege to my children, who will certainly look completely white if their mother is white given that my little brother already does and I'm somewhat white-passing. I still think the left is stupid, I'm somewhat opposed to immigration especially large scale immigration, and I think America will collapse socially sooner rather than later. However I'm not a racist (never was tbh) and I think there's something to admire about every race. If you've ever seen me post a favorite user list, both whites and ethnics are on it, its the same in my life in general I admire people from any racial background.
That's my autistic essay @BigBoy hopefully your opinion of me hasn't changed for the worse, I tried to not pull any punches. If you have any questions I'll answer them if you're still curious.
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Movie is over. Watched First Man in case you were curious.
So basically I started to get into alternative right movements by being introduced to /pol/. I've been on 4chan since 2011, starting out on music board before migrating to a bunch of other boards. I think I started browsing /pol/ out of curiosity around late 2016 or early 2017. It was shortly after the Trump election. For a year or two before that I was always seeing /pol/ referred to as some kind of boogey-man board, idk if you've ever browsed 4chan but the term used by them was "containment board", basically a place where people with retarded and cancerous views were allowed to express themselves freely so other boards wouldn't get poisoned by them. /b/ and /mlp/ were also viewed as containment boards. The reputation it had made me curious.
Once I started browsing I quickly got exposed to the redpill (politically) and grappled with it, ultimately more or less accepting it in many areas. Looking back I was already primed for it because I was never a liberal - I converted to Christianity from atheism in high school and as such I was a social/moral conservative. I was more or less a religious righter, although I didn't care too much about politics and I had a lot of "leftist" positions as well, mostly compassion-based positions. I thought most conservatives were retarded (rightfully so) but morally agreed with them nonetheless.
That was what initially got me to accept the redpill - the anti-degeneracy aspect of it, because tbqh I have always had a deeply judgmental personality and I naturally despise degeneracy. I've wondered sometimes if that was a Persian trait, when I later learned that the Persians invented the concept of Final Judgment, and I also see similar traits in my dad, a fixation on what is "proper" behavior and condemnation towards what it isn't, being very scrupulous in other words. My dad also isn't a huge fan of Jews, being Iranian, (not that he legit hates them, he's not an anti-semite, he just doesn't like Israel and occasionally cracks a Jewish joke). So finding a position that was truly anti-degenerate as well as being anti-Israel was kind of a relief and felt like validation in a bunch of ways.
With that bridge extended, I was able to explore the redpill more and came across the racial beliefs that form most of the alt-right iceberg. Of course this was interesting to me being half white and half Persian and I had a very complicated experience with it. On one hand, I definitely wasn't white, I had never considered myself white and wasn't about to start. On the other hand, I was kinda white, in the sense that I was completely Westernized, had been raised in white society, was white-passing to some degree, had white best friends, and of course a white mother and a white little brother (he looks white and identifies as white) who's futures I was invested in. So I did have a stake in the "white race" despite not being white myself. I was also aware that more than likely, I would ultimately marry a white person and my kids would look completely white.
Also, despite the fact that I was half-Persian, many white nationalists welcomed me. Some hated me and called me shitskin of course, but some claimed to have deep respect for the Persian race and encouraged me to take up white nationalist positions and marry into the white race. They showed me a lot of shit about Hitler's respect for Persians to sway me and ironically ended up educating me a lot on Iran's Aryan history and connections. At the most extreme, they claimed Persians were a brother Aryan race and were more or less Indo-European nationalists as opposed to white nationalists. But then at the other extreme of course, anyone who wasn't North-West European specifically was an outcast. And as you know, the center of gravity in the white nationalist movement is much closer to the latter extreme than the former.
All this helped open me up to the nationalist position. Like I said before I was never an SFcel - kind of hard to be if you're not fully white - but at my most extreme I would say I was sympathetic to the SFcel's plight. I am not now nor was I ever a racist, by that I mean I have never hated someone on the basis of race alone, and I never will - it just isn't in my heart to do so tbh - however I became a race realist. I accepted genetic IQ differences between the races. I accepted behavioral differences between races as well as the concept of "racial character".
I also accepted that immigration and the mixing of the races led to unhappiness and social breakdown. I admitted - yeah, I liked living in a white society. No, I wouldn't want that to change. Yes, I liked to think that my kids would be able to live in a white society as well. etc. etc.
My ultimate take on nationalism was this - if every race was nationalistic, it would ultimately be best for everyone. Not just for the "white race", but for every race and every person. This essentially made my goals the same as a white nationalists while my actual beliefs were different. I also came to admire Hitler tbh.
However all of this ultimately came to an end. Its actually a very similar story to my interaction with PSL so far - at first I see the logic in an extreme belief system, especially where that system criticizes obvious logical flaws in the mainstream story. Then I get involved in the system and initially, I tow the party line and am a true believer. However, that phase is always very short, pretty soon I am qualifying all the logical positions of said belief system and carving out my own niche within it, spending my time debating others in it. This happened with PSL. This happened with Christianity - I eventually became something of a gnostic with mystic leanings. It also happened with /pol/ - I became focused on the idea of compassion towards all races and on reinterpreting the alt-right position to be ironically universalist in the simple belief that a world that was divided into various ethnic nation-states was as close to ideal as possible. I also opposed a lot of the self-serving stroke-my-own-dick beliefs that white nationalists had, like the "we wuz kangz" beliefs.
I also fucking hated liberals and still do. That helped align me with the mentality real quick. Like I said, the anti-degeneracy aspects are what appealed to me first. Tbqh fam I legit think that those who are trying to socially and morally corrupt society should be executed in the street. Sounds edgy af but ngl, parasites and degenerates should catch a bullet and quick before they ruin society for everyone else. One thing that aligns me with PSL is my deep hatred for feminism. I do love women tho even though I sometimes joke that I'm a misogynist.
No easy way to say it - eventually it basically clicked that white nationalists were largely pathetic and stupid. These people literally just sit on internet forums all day acting like some kind of SS tough guy when they're not ever gonna go do shit about anything. It became obvious that they were mostly just losers with nothing going for them in their actual lives so they had to cling to their race as some kind of positive thing about them to feel good about. They see putting up posters and sharing memes as some kind of "rebellion", its such a joke, and honestly its embarrassing. Eventually I just straight up felt embarrassed that I was ever associated with it at all and completely withdrew from it, stopped posting on /pol/, stopped browsing it, stopped following any of it. Not to mention the insane amounts of logical flaws with the movement that once I pointed out no one had an answer for.
So now I've basically decided that politics is retarded and I have no control of anything so there's no point following it more closely than what directly impacts my actual life. I don't identify with the success of any "race", I just focus on my immediate family and best friends and think about how I can live my life in such a way that brings success and happiness to us. Most of my best friends are white tbh, but I also have a North Indian friend and a partial Japanese friend in my inner circle. I am also very involved in my church and they are more or less my "tribe" as opposed to a race.
I still have some holdover positions. I'm still a race realist. I still think democracy is retarded. I decided that I wanted to marry a white person as a conscious decision because I acknowledge that whites are the most privileged race and I want to extend that privilege to my children, who will certainly look completely white if their mother is white given that my little brother already does and I'm somewhat white-passing. I still think the left is stupid, I'm somewhat opposed to immigration especially large scale immigration, and I think America will collapse socially sooner rather than later. However I'm not a racist (never was tbh) and I think there's something to admire about every race. If you've ever seen me post a favorite user list, both whites and ethnics are on it, its the same in my life in general I admire people from any racial background.
That's my autistic essay @BigBoy hopefully your opinion of me hasn't changed for the worse, I tried to not pull any punches. If you have any questions I'll answer them if you're still curious.
ill read this tmr. its 3 AM here rn lol i gotta sleep.
  • +1
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ill read this tmr. its 3 AM here rn lol i gotta sleep.
fair tbh it ended up being one of the longest posts I've ever made on here JFL
  • JFL
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Reactions: BigBoy and Deleted member 3202
Speak up then
Problem is people don't want places they live turning to shitholes. Uncontrolled immigration is a path for destruction, history has countless of examples. You're too much of a child to realise it yet, though.
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"I'm genetically inferior and incel and girls arent attracted to me, but at least I'm high IQ" ok
Except that almost every race of women, including white women, prefers white men. White, light features are attractive and characterize a genetically more intelligent race. How do nigshit retards cope? They post about how muh dark poo-colored features are beautiful, using examples of the lightest nigshits they can find. South Eastern Europeans are the ugliest of Europe because they are the least white. More white, more light = more attractive. Cry for Aryans and Nordid phenotype.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Arkantos, Petsmart, Gengar and 5 others
Except that almost every race of women, including white women, prefers white men. White, light features are attractive and characterize a genetically more intelligent race. How do nigshit retards cope? They post about how muh dark poo-colored features are beautiful, using examples of the lightest nigshits they can find. South Eastern Europeans are the ugliest of Europe because they are the least white. More white, more light = more attractive. Cry for Aryans and Nordid phenotype.
The cuck phenotype you mean? How many times do people have to tell you that dark features are more masculine? Keep coping and keep self hating you weak bitch. Keep doing it!

Dont stop!
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: Arkantos, Deleted member 3526, Deleted member 3202 and 1 other person
Except that almost every race of women, including white women, prefers white men. White, light features are attractive and characterize a genetically more intelligent race. How do nigshit retards cope? They post about how muh dark poo-colored features are beautiful, using examples of the lightest nigshits they can find. South Eastern Europeans are the ugliest of Europe because they are the least white. More white, more light = more attractive. Cry for Aryans and Nordid phenotype.
If these folks really want to “take over the world” they should probably start reading books and raising their IQ yesterday.
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Reactions: Averagecel, Deleted member 3202 and Deleted member 1553
If these folks really want to “take over the world” they should probably start reading books and raising their IQ yesterday.
Just read books, bro!
The cuck phenotype you mean? How many times do people have to tell you that dark features are more masculine? Keep coping and keep self hating you weak bitch. Keep doing it!

Dont stop!
Brown-eyed "white" men are subhuman ethnics compared to Aryan ones. This was hammered into my head by women since before I even started jerking off. Cope if you deny this.
Nobody wants that, apart from one small tribe that just happens to have disproportionate amounts of financial and political power.

I’m sorry brother. Africans can’t lose. 4.4 billion Africans will swarm Europe by 2100. Asian countries are already suffering from low birth rates, which theyll use a pretence for mass migration. Blasians will soon become the norm.
Africa superpower 2100
  • JFL
Reactions: Petsmart and Blackout.xl
Except that almost every race of women, including white women, prefers white men. White, light features are attractive and characterize a genetically more intelligent race. How do nigshit retards cope? They post about how muh dark poo-colored features are beautiful, using examples of the lightest nigshits they can find. South Eastern Europeans are the ugliest of Europe because they are the least white. More white, more light = more attractive. Cry for Aryans and Nordid phenotype.
I'm half Eastern European, lol.
Movie is over. Watched First Man in case you were curious.
So basically I started to get into alternative right movements by being introduced to /pol/. I've been on 4chan since 2011, starting out on music board before migrating to a bunch of other boards. I think I started browsing /pol/ out of curiosity around late 2016 or early 2017. It was shortly after the Trump election. For a year or two before that I was always seeing /pol/ referred to as some kind of boogey-man board, idk if you've ever browsed 4chan but the term used by them was "containment board", basically a place where people with retarded and cancerous views were allowed to express themselves freely so other boards wouldn't get poisoned by them. /b/ and /mlp/ were also viewed as containment boards. The reputation it had made me curious.
Once I started browsing I quickly got exposed to the redpill (politically) and grappled with it, ultimately more or less accepting it in many areas. Looking back I was already primed for it because I was never a liberal - I converted to Christianity from atheism in high school and as such I was a social/moral conservative. I was more or less a religious righter, although I didn't care too much about politics and I had a lot of "leftist" positions as well, mostly compassion-based positions. I thought most conservatives were retarded (rightfully so) but morally agreed with them nonetheless.
That was what initially got me to accept the redpill - the anti-degeneracy aspect of it, because tbqh I have always had a deeply judgmental personality and I naturally despise degeneracy. I've wondered sometimes if that was a Persian trait, when I later learned that the Persians invented the concept of Final Judgment, and I also see similar traits in my dad, a fixation on what is "proper" behavior and condemnation towards what it isn't, being very scrupulous in other words. My dad also isn't a huge fan of Jews, being Iranian, (not that he legit hates them, he's not an anti-semite, he just doesn't like Israel and occasionally cracks a Jewish joke). So finding a position that was truly anti-degenerate as well as being anti-Israel was kind of a relief and felt like validation in a bunch of ways.
With that bridge extended, I was able to explore the redpill more and came across the racial beliefs that form most of the alt-right iceberg. Of course this was interesting to me being half white and half Persian and I had a very complicated experience with it. On one hand, I definitely wasn't white, I had never considered myself white and wasn't about to start. On the other hand, I was kinda white, in the sense that I was completely Westernized, had been raised in white society, was white-passing to some degree, had white best friends, and of course a white mother and a white little brother (he looks white and identifies as white) who's futures I was invested in. So I did have a stake in the "white race" despite not being white myself. I was also aware that more than likely, I would ultimately marry a white person and my kids would look completely white.
Also, despite the fact that I was half-Persian, many white nationalists welcomed me. Some hated me and called me shitskin of course, but some claimed to have deep respect for the Persian race and encouraged me to take up white nationalist positions and marry into the white race. They showed me a lot of shit about Hitler's respect for Persians to sway me and ironically ended up educating me a lot on Iran's Aryan history and connections. At the most extreme, they claimed Persians were a brother Aryan race and were more or less Indo-European nationalists as opposed to white nationalists. But then at the other extreme of course, anyone who wasn't North-West European specifically was an outcast. And as you know, the center of gravity in the white nationalist movement is much closer to the latter extreme than the former.
All this helped open me up to the nationalist position. Like I said before I was never an SFcel - kind of hard to be if you're not fully white - but at my most extreme I would say I was sympathetic to the SFcel's plight. I am not now nor was I ever a racist, by that I mean I have never hated someone on the basis of race alone, and I never will - it just isn't in my heart to do so tbh - however I became a race realist. I accepted genetic IQ differences between the races. I accepted behavioral differences between races as well as the concept of "racial character".
I also accepted that immigration and the mixing of the races led to unhappiness and social breakdown. I admitted - yeah, I liked living in a white society. No, I wouldn't want that to change. Yes, I liked to think that my kids would be able to live in a white society as well. etc. etc.
My ultimate take on nationalism was this - if every race was nationalistic, it would ultimately be best for everyone. Not just for the "white race", but for every race and every person. This essentially made my goals the same as a white nationalists while my actual beliefs were different. I also came to admire Hitler tbh.
However all of this ultimately came to an end. Its actually a very similar story to my interaction with PSL so far - at first I see the logic in an extreme belief system, especially where that system criticizes obvious logical flaws in the mainstream story. Then I get involved in the system and initially, I tow the party line and am a true believer. However, that phase is always very short, pretty soon I am qualifying all the logical positions of said belief system and carving out my own niche within it, spending my time debating others in it. This happened with PSL. This happened with Christianity - I eventually became something of a gnostic with mystic leanings. It also happened with /pol/ - I became focused on the idea of compassion towards all races and on reinterpreting the alt-right position to be ironically universalist in the simple belief that a world that was divided into various ethnic nation-states was as close to ideal as possible. I also opposed a lot of the self-serving stroke-my-own-dick beliefs that white nationalists had, like the "we wuz kangz" beliefs.
I also fucking hated liberals and still do. That helped align me with the mentality real quick. Like I said, the anti-degeneracy aspects are what appealed to me first. Tbqh fam I legit think that those who are trying to socially and morally corrupt society should be executed in the street. Sounds edgy af but ngl, parasites and degenerates should catch a bullet and quick before they ruin society for everyone else. One thing that aligns me with PSL is my deep hatred for feminism. I do love women tho even though I sometimes joke that I'm a misogynist.
No easy way to say it - eventually it basically clicked that white nationalists were largely pathetic and stupid. These people literally just sit on internet forums all day acting like some kind of SS tough guy when they're not ever gonna go do shit about anything. It became obvious that they were mostly just losers with nothing going for them in their actual lives so they had to cling to their race as some kind of positive thing about them to feel good about. They see putting up posters and sharing memes as some kind of "rebellion", its such a joke, and honestly its embarrassing. Eventually I just straight up felt embarrassed that I was ever associated with it at all and completely withdrew from it, stopped posting on /pol/, stopped browsing it, stopped following any of it. Not to mention the insane amounts of logical flaws with the movement that once I pointed out no one had an answer for.
So now I've basically decided that politics is retarded and I have no control of anything so there's no point following it more closely than what directly impacts my actual life. I don't identify with the success of any "race", I just focus on my immediate family and best friends and think about how I can live my life in such a way that brings success and happiness to us. Most of my best friends are white tbh, but I also have a North Indian friend and a partial Japanese friend in my inner circle. I am also very involved in my church and they are more or less my "tribe" as opposed to a race.
I still have some holdover positions. I'm still a race realist. I still think democracy is retarded. I decided that I wanted to marry a white person as a conscious decision because I acknowledge that whites are the most privileged race and I want to extend that privilege to my children, who will certainly look completely white if their mother is white given that my little brother already does and I'm somewhat white-passing. I still think the left is stupid, I'm somewhat opposed to immigration especially large scale immigration, and I think America will collapse socially sooner rather than later. However I'm not a racist (never was tbh) and I think there's something to admire about every race. If you've ever seen me post a favorite user list, both whites and ethnics are on it, its the same in my life in general I admire people from any racial background.
That's my autistic essay @BigBoy hopefully your opinion of me hasn't changed for the worse, I tried to not pull any punches. If you have any questions I'll answer them if you're still curious.
Amazing! almost all of what you've said I believe in, fuck!
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No fighting
It’s too late. Heated arguments are inevitable every time race is involved. People always either get offended or offensive.
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Except that almost every race of women, including white women, prefers white men. White, light features are attractive and characterize a genetically more intelligent race. How do nigshit retards cope? They post about how muh dark poo-colored features are beautiful, using examples of the lightest nigshits they can find. South Eastern Europeans are the ugliest of Europe because they are the least white. More white, more light = more attractive. Cry for Aryans and Nordid phenotype.
I hope you aren’t a curry as indicated in your bio. Because if you are, you’re beyond disgraceful. You’re spouting white supremacist rhetoric as if they like you, lmfao they don’t even see you as human. They spit on you and see people like you as useful idiots.

More white and more light doesn’t automatically equal attractive. There needs to be a balance. This is why white men and white women both get tans, because pale skin isn’t seen as attractive at all. Med chads with dark colouring are some of the biggest slayers out there.

Meanwhile white men are desired, I won’t reject that, black men can compete and in many cases, surpass white men in terms of slaying. If your logic was true, most black men would be incel. Yet the ugliest black men can slay through just being low inhib.

@TRUE_CEL deal with this fool bro. I think we have a self hating ethnic on our hands
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Meanwhile, in their home countries, when not supported by White Man's institutions such as welfare and grants:



Vast. Majority of welfare recipients are whites are they all immigrants know
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Reactions: BigBoy
spencer is an enormous faggot
over for pigskin cumskins mayo rats
Movie is over. Watched First Man in case you were curious.
So basically I started to get into alternative right movements by being introduced to /pol/. I've been on 4chan since 2011, starting out on music board before migrating to a bunch of other boards. I think I started browsing /pol/ out of curiosity around late 2016 or early 2017. It was shortly after the Trump election. For a year or two before that I was always seeing /pol/ referred to as some kind of boogey-man board, idk if you've ever browsed 4chan but the term used by them was "containment board", basically a place where people with retarded and cancerous views were allowed to express themselves freely so other boards wouldn't get poisoned by them. /b/ and /mlp/ were also viewed as containment boards. The reputation it had made me curious.
Once I started browsing I quickly got exposed to the redpill (politically) and grappled with it, ultimately more or less accepting it in many areas. Looking back I was already primed for it because I was never a liberal - I converted to Christianity from atheism in high school and as such I was a social/moral conservative. I was more or less a religious righter, although I didn't care too much about politics and I had a lot of "leftist" positions as well, mostly compassion-based positions. I thought most conservatives were retarded (rightfully so) but morally agreed with them nonetheless.
That was what initially got me to accept the redpill - the anti-degeneracy aspect of it, because tbqh I have always had a deeply judgmental personality and I naturally despise degeneracy. I've wondered sometimes if that was a Persian trait, when I later learned that the Persians invented the concept of Final Judgment, and I also see similar traits in my dad, a fixation on what is "proper" behavior and condemnation towards what it isn't, being very scrupulous in other words. My dad also isn't a huge fan of Jews, being Iranian, (not that he legit hates them, he's not an anti-semite, he just doesn't like Israel and occasionally cracks a Jewish joke). So finding a position that was truly anti-degenerate as well as being anti-Israel was kind of a relief and felt like validation in a bunch of ways.
With that bridge extended, I was able to explore the redpill more and came across the racial beliefs that form most of the alt-right iceberg. Of course this was interesting to me being half white and half Persian and I had a very complicated experience with it. On one hand, I definitely wasn't white, I had never considered myself white and wasn't about to start. On the other hand, I was kinda white, in the sense that I was completely Westernized, had been raised in white society, was white-passing to some degree, had white best friends, and of course a white mother and a white little brother (he looks white and identifies as white) who's futures I was invested in. So I did have a stake in the "white race" despite not being white myself. I was also aware that more than likely, I would ultimately marry a white person and my kids would look completely white.
Also, despite the fact that I was half-Persian, many white nationalists welcomed me. Some hated me and called me shitskin of course, but some claimed to have deep respect for the Persian race and encouraged me to take up white nationalist positions and marry into the white race. They showed me a lot of shit about Hitler's respect for Persians to sway me and ironically ended up educating me a lot on Iran's Aryan history and connections. At the most extreme, they claimed Persians were a brother Aryan race and were more or less Indo-European nationalists as opposed to white nationalists. But then at the other extreme of course, anyone who wasn't North-West European specifically was an outcast. And as you know, the center of gravity in the white nationalist movement is much closer to the latter extreme than the former.
All this helped open me up to the nationalist position. Like I said before I was never an SFcel - kind of hard to be if you're not fully white - but at my most extreme I would say I was sympathetic to the SFcel's plight. I am not now nor was I ever a racist, by that I mean I have never hated someone on the basis of race alone, and I never will - it just isn't in my heart to do so tbh - however I became a race realist. I accepted genetic IQ differences between the races. I accepted behavioral differences between races as well as the concept of "racial character".
I also accepted that immigration and the mixing of the races led to unhappiness and social breakdown. I admitted - yeah, I liked living in a white society. No, I wouldn't want that to change. Yes, I liked to think that my kids would be able to live in a white society as well. etc. etc.
My ultimate take on nationalism was this - if every race was nationalistic, it would ultimately be best for everyone. Not just for the "white race", but for every race and every person. This essentially made my goals the same as a white nationalists while my actual beliefs were different. I also came to admire Hitler tbh.
However all of this ultimately came to an end. Its actually a very similar story to my interaction with PSL so far - at first I see the logic in an extreme belief system, especially where that system criticizes obvious logical flaws in the mainstream story. Then I get involved in the system and initially, I tow the party line and am a true believer. However, that phase is always very short, pretty soon I am qualifying all the logical positions of said belief system and carving out my own niche within it, spending my time debating others in it. This happened with PSL. This happened with Christianity - I eventually became something of a gnostic with mystic leanings. It also happened with /pol/ - I became focused on the idea of compassion towards all races and on reinterpreting the alt-right position to be ironically universalist in the simple belief that a world that was divided into various ethnic nation-states was as close to ideal as possible. I also opposed a lot of the self-serving stroke-my-own-dick beliefs that white nationalists had, like the "we wuz kangz" beliefs.
I also fucking hated liberals and still do. That helped align me with the mentality real quick. Like I said, the anti-degeneracy aspects are what appealed to me first. Tbqh fam I legit think that those who are trying to socially and morally corrupt society should be executed in the street. Sounds edgy af but ngl, parasites and degenerates should catch a bullet and quick before they ruin society for everyone else. One thing that aligns me with PSL is my deep hatred for feminism. I do love women tho even though I sometimes joke that I'm a misogynist.
No easy way to say it - eventually it basically clicked that white nationalists were largely pathetic and stupid. These people literally just sit on internet forums all day acting like some kind of SS tough guy when they're not ever gonna go do shit about anything. It became obvious that they were mostly just losers with nothing going for them in their actual lives so they had to cling to their race as some kind of positive thing about them to feel good about. They see putting up posters and sharing memes as some kind of "rebellion", its such a joke, and honestly its embarrassing. Eventually I just straight up felt embarrassed that I was ever associated with it at all and completely withdrew from it, stopped posting on /pol/, stopped browsing it, stopped following any of it. Not to mention the insane amounts of logical flaws with the movement that once I pointed out no one had an answer for.
So now I've basically decided that politics is retarded and I have no control of anything so there's no point following it more closely than what directly impacts my actual life. I don't identify with the success of any "race", I just focus on my immediate family and best friends and think about how I can live my life in such a way that brings success and happiness to us. Most of my best friends are white tbh, but I also have a North Indian friend and a partial Japanese friend in my inner circle. I am also very involved in my church and they are more or less my "tribe" as opposed to a race.
I still have some holdover positions. I'm still a race realist. I still think democracy is retarded. I decided that I wanted to marry a white person as a conscious decision because I acknowledge that whites are the most privileged race and I want to extend that privilege to my children, who will certainly look completely white if their mother is white given that my little brother already does and I'm somewhat white-passing. I still think the left is stupid, I'm somewhat opposed to immigration especially large scale immigration, and I think America will collapse socially sooner rather than later. However I'm not a racist (never was tbh) and I think there's something to admire about every race. If you've ever seen me post a favorite user list, both whites and ethnics are on it, its the same in my life in general I admire people from any racial background.
That's my autistic essay @BigBoy hopefully your opinion of me hasn't changed for the worse, I tried to not pull any punches. If you have any questions I'll answer them if you're still curious.
I really enjoyed the read and agree with you a 100%
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
Let's be honest though, blonde hair, blue eyed women are GOAT and we will miss them when they go extinct.
Cope if. You think race doesnt matter. Mullatos are the least racist mostbased peoples but you dont know the history between some of the ethnic groups in the world amd how really serious it is
I hope you aren’t a curry as indicated in your bio. Because if you are, you’re beyond disgraceful. You’re spouting white supremacist rhetoric as if they like you, lmfao they don’t even see you as human. They spit on you and see people like you as useful idiots.

More white and more light doesn’t automatically equal attractive. There needs to be a balance. This is why white men and white women both get tans, because pale skin isn’t seen as attractive at all. Med chads with dark colouring are some of the biggest slayers out there.

Meanwhile white men are desired, I won’t reject that, black men can compete and in many cases, surpass white men in terms of slaying. If your logic was true, most black men would be incel. Yet the ugliest black men can slay through just being low inhib.

@TRUE_CEL deal with this fool bro. I think we have a self hating ethnic on our hands
Except that almost every race of women, including white women, prefers white men. White, light features are attractive and characterize a genetically more intelligent race. How do nigshit retards cope? They post about how muh dark poo-colored features are beautiful, using examples of the lightest nigshits they can find. South Eastern Europeans are the ugliest of Europe because they are the least white. More white, more light = more attractive. Cry for Aryans and Nordid phenotype.

If I recall correctly, he isn't curry at all but white. I am pretty sure I actually saw a picture of him somewhere and he was just your average white guy with an emo-ish haircut, or something. So basically he is just LARPing and spewing sfcel rhetoric. If he was curry I would've gone full hindu dindu extermination mode so just take whatever he says with a grain of salt. Jfl.
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackout.xl and Deleted member 1553
Here's my collection of studies on why niggers are stupid:

Brain size






Genetic drift over time





Gene differences



How IQ is not a cultural phenomenon and differences are largely consistent around the world





How niggers "high test scores" drop dramatically once the racial bias is removed:


http://www.spainvia.com/leftwingdisaster.htm (and civilizations)

How billions of $ can't even change how stupid niggers are



And I find more and more every day, keep coping that you will never have the extreme intelligence and intellectual capacity as I do. Yes I am a virgin but it does not effect me because I am so intelligent.


This is gish galloping actually cite the graphs being used has it been under peer review etc
This is gish galloping actually cite the graphs being used has it been under peer review etc
Yes they are all legit studies and all that
Yes they are all legit studies and all that

What are all the citations and site 1 at a fucking time no one is gonna read 64 studies this is the gish galloping part
What are all the citations and site 1 at a fucking time no one is gonna read 64 studies this is the gish galloping part
Unfortunately I can’t understand what the fuck you’re talking about 😕
Unfortunately I can’t understand what the fuck you’re talking about 😕

Cite 1 at a time cause not all of them are advocating for the same thing
Cite 1 at a time cause not all of them are advocating for the same thing
He is too low IQ to understand what you're saying bro 🤣🤣
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3526
This thread reeks of extreme insecurity.

I'm just there to fuck white females
Why are you so self-hating that you want to whitewash your own race?

The fact that you're obsessed with white women just confirms what is already known: white women have higher SMV, are prettier, smarter, and less dominating than negresses.

Negresses also smell bad and are more aggressive/less feminine.

This is the average negress

D44203A1 B0A8 47E1 B2E9 756254A72137

She gets femininity and aesthetic fogged hard by the average white woman

3CA5D9A2 3D68 442F 9630 ED9BC8EBEE0A

Jealous of what? Getting cucked and rejected by my own women
The statistics don't agree with you, buddy. Cherry picked images ≠ reality

DAEDF6B4 6E60 46D8 8BBB 3BB13C910DE6

White men are the most desired of all races.

The fact that you can run JBW (Just Be White) game in any majority non-white country shows that we are universally desired. We have universal appeal.

Good luck running JBB (Just Be Black) game in India or a country in the SEA.

Not only are blacks not desired in those regions, but they're also bullied and discriminated against.

This is how niggers are treated in India.

While white men are treated like Gods. An incel in the west is a Chad in the SEA.
AE7ECE26 63ED 49B5 800D D9CBD1BF3394
220AB726 B45B 464D 905C D15AEEC0A081

My boy @Britcel is slaying left and right like there's no tomorrow in China.

Nuddle whores want to get fucked by superior white men.

Even your negresses want BWC.

E94077D1 CA9A 4F0E 9EC4 B833A55EBCA8
D0DB0BC0 50D3 4B39 808C 6B9539F17B4B

White men have higher SMV and are the most desired men in the world. Women of all races across the entire globe want my BWC.

730DE4CF EEA5 4505 A0AC FF731543A2E2
C8660DAA 8A1E 411C A640 854DE9D2B154
8B135FBC A735 438E B5B0 90EDEF6DB43D

CD190343 1D56 49D8 B3FF D973D23B1255
E6098CEB 80FC 4F76 999B 7CF03F164F5F
3E981F22 6CF7 407B 9837 E0E9DA67B2B7
984C0F75 983B 4200 B2D4 FF72BD4E3027
E4FCDA78 8CD2 4430 80C2 6BBE339C6226

149679FA 36B6 4321 BD2F 2D0CDAC0EE88


  • C8397FFB-CE73-408B-A7B9-60C0F2EEBD7D.jpeg
    40.5 KB · Views: 3
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1553
This thread reeks of extreme insecurity.

Why are you so self-hating that you want to whitewash your own race?

The fact that you're obsessed with white women just confirms what is already known: white women have higher SMV, are prettier, smarter, and less dominating than negresses.

Negresses also smell bad and are more aggressive/less feminine.

This is the average negress

View attachment 206762

She gets femininity and aesthetic fogged hard by the average white woman

View attachment 206763

The statistics don't agree with you, buddy. Cherry picked images ≠ reality

View attachment 206731

White men are the most desired of all races.

The fact that you can run JBW (Just Be White) game in any majority non-white country shows that we are universally desired. He have universal appeal.

Good luck running JBB (Just Be Black) game in India or a country in the SEA.

Not only are blacks not desired in those regions, but they're also bullied and discriminated against.

This is how niggers are treated in India.

While white men are treated like Gods. An incel in the west is a Chad in the SEA.
View attachment 206799View attachment 206800

My boy @Britcel is slaying left and right like there's no tomorrow in China.

Nuddle whores want to get fucked by superior white men.

Even your negresses want BWC.

View attachment 206797View attachment 206801

White men have higher SMV and are the most desired men in the world. Women of all races across the entire globe want my BWC.

View attachment 206802View attachment 206803View attachment 206804

View attachment 206812View attachment 206813View attachment 206814View attachment 206815View attachment 206816

View attachment 206817

You literally just beated around the bush and contradicted your own claim

Once again you cuck, you've used the same coping mechanism to tell yourself when you know what is being presented is true

"But, but, whites have the highest smv value according to these statistics, asian women love us, Indian women love us, low class black women love us."


That is true when they are looking for a beta Male provider which financial stability and comfort so they can fit into society comfortably.

Now, let's take a look at actual interests and sexual preferences women have... it is a known fact that in 2020, blacks and especially mulattos smv mog the white man into oblivion

White females, Moroccan females, Latina females, are all obsessed with mulatto cock. In school settings, this is a undeniable fact


Keep coping and deluding yourself until your unenviable roping.

Us mulattos are taking over the world fertilizing
If I recall correctly, he isn't curry at all but white. I am pretty sure I actually saw a picture of him somewhere and he was just your average white guy with an emo-ish haircut, or something. So basically he is just LARPing and spewing sfcel rhetoric. If he was curry I would've gone full hindu dindu extermination mode so just take whatever he says with a grain of salt. Jfl.
My dad is curry (albeit one who happens to have more West Asian Iranian blood than a typical South Asian) even if I don't look like one. I'm serious about the dark features thing though.

Dating statistics are skewed by the fact that white people with darker phenotype are included in the same race as those with lighter ones. If you were to divide the sub races into separate groups, you would see that darker white people are significantly less attractive than those with lighter hair and eye color; they have less attractiveness to the niche of ethnic women. Check the poll statistics on hair and eye color; despite ~60% of this forum claiming to be white, only 20% has light hair or light eyes. 20% of 60% is ~33.3%. Compare this to the statistics of ethnic Germans. Only 35% of Germans have brown eyes. That would make the percentage of Germans with light hair or eyes at least 65%. I'm mostly trolling about the intelligence thing, but I'm certain that if my eye color was different I wouldn't waste my life rotting on here.

  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
You literally just beated around the bush and contradicted your own claim
I didn't beat around the bush, you autistic cuck. You claimed that white men are getting cucked and rejected by white women, but the facts say otherwise. They actually cuck most races. We are not the ones who are getting cucked, we are cucking others.

Only a minority of them exclude white men. 90.5 percent exclude niggers.

BC1BFC79 708E 4BBE B9EE 0CBAFEA09304
C79B3125 19F4 4144 97DB ED77F56C48E1

Also, where did I contradict my own claim, you autistic donkey? If by claim you mean "Cherry picked images ≠ reality" then no, those pics are a depiction of reality and don't contradict the statistics which are 100% true.

Your cherry picked images are worthless because they're not backed up by facts.

"But, but, whites have the highest smv value according to these statistics, asian women love us, Indian women love us, low class black women love us."

That is true when they are looking for a beta Male provider which financial stability and comfort so they can fit into society comfortably.
It doesn't matter if they are looking for beta provider or not. What matters is that they want white dick.

That's completely false btw, the majority of non-white women don't see white men as beta providers, they just find them attracive because we have high
SMV. The white men in the SEA only pump and dump them, they don't become beta providers.

How can you say that these women see white men as beta providers when they only want to get fucked by them, and not marry them? The noodle whores that @Britcel slays are already married to beta providers.

Now, let's take a look at actual interests and sexual preferences women have... it is a known fact that in 2020, blacks and especially mulattos smv mog the white man into oblivion

5B8FE18E ABA6 467B AC83 E959C8115C14
DF053201 AB16 41D6 ADBF 452B7833EB60

Everything you just wrote is worthless and isn't backed up by facts. Show me the statistics, you low IQ autistic nigger whore.

It is a known fact? How? Where are the facts, you stupid nigger?

I provided you with the evidence, now where's your evidence?

White females, Moroccan females, Latina females, are all obsessed with mulatto cock. In school settings, this is a undeniable fact

Again, cherry picked images ≠ reality

How ironic that you used that mulatto male model (Brian Whittaker) to prove that Mulattos slay in school settings when in reality he didn't slay shit. He was discriminated against in high school based on his nigger features.

Watch this video, you low IQ disabled paralyzed goblin:

50261935 A216 4711 B4DC 80DEE680155B

Keep in mind, Brian Whittaker mogs 99.9% of mulatto males and he still can't slay more than white jocks in high school. Imagine an average mulatto competing against white jocks in a high school setting, he doesn't stand a chance lol.

Btw, I wrote this reply an hour ago but I couldn't post it because looksmax.me wasn't working for some reason.

10563EC0 0E11 4A2E B91D 9712B31D4981
Last edited:
I didn't beat around the bush, you autistic cuck. You claimed that white men are getting cucked and rejected by white women, but the facts say otherwise. They actually cuck most races. We are not the ones who are getting cucked, we are cucking others.

Only a minority of them exclude white men. 90.5 percent exclude niggers.

View attachment 206940View attachment 206942

Also, where did I contradict my own claim, you autistic donkey? If by claim you mean "Cherry picked images ≠ reality" then no, those pics are a depiction of reality and don't contradict the statistics which are 100% true.

Your cherry picked images are worthless because they're not backed up by facts.

It doesn't matter if they are looking for beta provider or not. What matters is that they want white dick.

That's completely false btw, the majority of non-white women don't see white men as beta providers, they just find them attracive because we have high
SMV. The white men in the SEA only pump and dump them, they don't become beta providers.

How can you say that these women see white men as beta providers when they only want to get fucked by them, and not marry them? The noodle whores that @Britcel slays are already married to beta providers.

View attachment 206943View attachment 206944

Everything you just wrote is worthless and isn't backed up by facts. Show me the statistics, you low IQ autistic nigger whore.

It is a known fact? How? Where are the facts, you stupid nigger?

I provided you with the evidence, now where's your evidence?

Again, cherry picked images ≠ reality

How ironic that you used that mulatto male model (Brian Whittaker) to prove that Mulattos slay in school settings when in reality he didn't slay shit. He was discriminated against in high school based on his nigger features.

Watch this video, you low IQ disabled paralyzed goblin:

View attachment 206904

Keep in mind, Brian Whittaker mogs 99.9% of mulatto males and he still can't slay more than white jocks in high school. Imagine an average mulatto competing against white jocks in a high school setting, he doesn't stand a chance lol.

Btw, I wrote this reply an hour ago but I couldn't post it because looksmax.me wasn't working for some reason.

View attachment 206945
Keep coping you autistic white boy







[Image: 1536873775985.jpg]




[Image: 2f535690a0b28098116274bace7e3ce0.jpg]

[Image: main-qimg-7aa49effe8db6af02a1a3bd4ed0773aa]





[Image: man-and-thai-woman2.jpg]



  • +1
Reactions: EthnicelAscension
  • +1
Reactions: KlutchPurpp
Keep calling your boyfriends for help, you filthy smelly bullied shitskin rat.

I've dug your grave and mercilessly murdered you with my irrefutable facts, now I'm just waiting to dump your larva-infested rotten corpse in it whenever I please.

View attachment 207037View attachment 207038




  • +1
Reactions: KlutchPurpp
Keep calling your boyfriends for help, you filthy smelly bullied shitskin rat.

I've dug your grave and mercilessly murdered you with my irrefutable facts, now I'm just waiting to dump your larva-infested rotten corpse in it whenever I please.

View attachment 207048View attachment 207050

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3789
My dad is curry (albeit one who happens to have more West Asian Iranian blood than a typical South Asian) even if I don't look like one. I'm serious about the dark features thing though.

Dating statistics are skewed by the fact that white people with darker phenotype are included in the same race as those with lighter ones. If you were to divide the sub races into separate groups, you would see that darker white people are significantly less attractive than those with lighter hair and eye color; they have less attractiveness to the niche of ethnic women. Check the poll statistics on hair and eye color; despite ~60% of this forum claiming to be white, only 20% has light hair or light eyes. 20% of 60% is ~33.3%. Compare this to the statistics of ethnic Germans. Only 35% of Germans have brown eyes. That would make the percentage of Germans with light hair or eyes at least 65%. I'm mostly trolling about the intelligence thing, but I'm certain that if my eye color was different I wouldn't waste my life rotting on here.
Dude, white girls don't give a fuck what color your fucking eyes are. You would still be rotting here even if you had the blue eyes you dream of having. I use white girls as an example because everyone else barring myself is obsessed with these girls. With your desired blue eyes, you'd still be rotting here because your face still wouldn't be good enough for the Stacy-tier white girls you're hoping to be with. Truth of the matter is that you can get a Becky, you are not bad looking from what I remember, but indeed, much like everyone else here, you are far from being an actual Chad. And the most brutal pill of all to swallow is that neither you nor anyone else could become an actual Chad. Let's face it (no pun intended) you simply aren't good looking enough for Adriana Lima-tier women. Try aiming for lower and you will not be rotting here. Those of us that rot are simply rotting because our standards are too high, albeit I myself do not have any standards aside from desiring a non-fatty. inb4 "You're not entitled to skinny girls, sweaty!" I have a Tyrone-lite friend (at this point, I'm not sure if I should call him Chaddam-lite, as he is an Islamic revert; after all, I call Islamic curries Chaddam-lites, and Hindu/Sikh curries Chaddu-lites) whose eyes are green and he has told me that the only girls that compliment him on his eyes were always ethnic girls, whether they were North African, Middle Eastern or black. White girls only care about your face, self-hating deathnik holes care about white features such as colored eyes, though... so maybe you are better off chasing ethnic holes instead, albeit these will be of a lesser attractive stock as the attractive ones stay loyal to their own race. Which is based.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 1553
And the most brutal pill of all to swallow is that neither you nor anyone else could become an actual Chad. Let's face it (no pun intended) you simply aren't good looking enough for Adriana Lima-tier women.

Don't say that bro. Muh facepuller will ascend me.

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