Sharp Canine Teeth are a Halo

@Fuk and I are making guides and posts about different types of halos, why they are a halo, and how you can achieve them. This is our first post.


Teeth are an underrated part of looks. Not just the smile, but also the size and shape of certain teeth. Especially the canine teeth.

Scientists think that canine teeth may have originated for sex. Sharp canines are associated with meat eating animals such as loins, tigers, bears, etc. All these animals have sharp canines. Having sharp canines is a very animalistic and masculine feature to have.

Sharp teeth—> deadlier bite—> more effective killer—> keeps her (and the offspring) safe

If a woman notices you have sharp canines, she will automatically see you as more masculine and animalistic. Once she notices it is, it will change her sexual perspective of you for the better.

How to get sharp canines: veneers.

This is a very easy and quick way to shoot up your sexual value. It will not affect your PSL, but it is something that is very minor, but noticed, will change her perception of you for the better.

You can pick and chose what veneers you want. Here is a good website for visuals.

There is a small town in Mexico called Los Algodones which has over 350 dentistry practices. All the places are VERY cheap and you very reliable. You can get veneers for very cheap. The town is a cosmetic mecca because it’s very close to the California-Mexico border. There are clinics in the town that serve more than 10,000 clinics (80% Americans) a YEAR, just to give you an idea that this town isn’t so “oh it’s in Mexico and it’s cheap so it must be shitty.”

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I have sharp canines and teeth, because I ate lots of meat and hard foods, over for vegancels.

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